Something Kinda Neat!

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it snowed [Music] some of the nicest harvest weather we've ever had suddenly changed pretty much overnight to this situation it's not really early to have snow but it is early to have this amount of snow and it's cold enough where you know we kind of assumed we'd get a couple inches and it would melt away and be fine but we got way more snow than we thought we were gonna get and on top of that they're forecasting another three to five inches tomorrow look at that boy go frozen and i don't want to do it but i'm kind of thinking maybe i need to put on the snow blower and the snow pusher [Applause] kind of bright out here everything is covered in snow man that baby's got some weight to her [Applause] the three point is stuck it does nothing no matter what i do of course it doesn't this is farming anytime you unhook something something won't work next time as silly as it is i even called the john deere tech at my dealer and he can't figure it out i think about the only option i have right now is to stick the skid steer on it stick it in float and see if i can push it down maybe it's just stuck up for some reason or another i don't understand i've never had one like this movement movement wow she seemed a little crispy let's see if that freed anything up i guess i hadn't used the three points since i took the snowplow off it now she's functioning i'm afraid to go all the way up for fear of not going down well maybe it's not an all bad thing that i had that hang up because i'm a little worried it's almost too warm and sunny now and now dad's here and some other people and we got a one hour not a meeting in the shop but we're looking at purchasing something and some people are going to try and sell one to us so that'll probably take an hour well we didn't buy anything yet very sad it's happy as luck would have it now i'm running into this issue this tractor didn't come with a quick hitch so i bought this put it on this tractor pretty universal deal except the hook is too fat to fit on the blower looks like it bolts on and off pretty easy but i can't have the blower on when i do it and it doesn't help me out now because it won't sit down in there so i can't lock the lowers in and the ptos being a real pain that's pretty stiff so i'm gonna go grab a bungee cord and hang that up out of the way so i can at least move it to the shop and work on it where it's warm brand new stuff universal stuff should be that doesn't work together by the looks of the yard here i think if i try to move any snow anyway i'm just gonna take all the gravel off my driveway kind of what i'm afraid of that'll at least get us to the shop now it'll at least be warm when i do come to hooking the thing up and once it works it's going to be a sweet snow removal system srs compared to what i was using before not that what we were using was bad but this is going to be quite an upgrade now i got to move a few things here and make room for something something kind of neato i got room made but now i'm going to go eat lunch quick keep you guys in suspense just a little bit longer yeah this stuff's pretty sloppy and the gravel's not frozen at all so i'd have done more harm than good trying to move this even though it's a what a mess are you doing homework yeah can i see your new purple cast it got recovered so she now has a purple cast and pink and pink what'd we spill what was it play-doh rihanna are you getting your homework done uh-huh good i'm ready now good and onyx is playing with play-doh well girls is this place clean enough for you know what we have coming yep i'll just open the old door here and let whoever's coming with whatever it is roll on in is that tillage man sam the tillage man himself pulling in with a an 8rx and a strip kill machine yeah i'm pretty sure that's what that is sam you could have at least washed it it hour was clean you got it dirty ah i'll get dust on it later yeah tillage man sam is back i'm standing in front of him because he's taller than me and i'm not used to that and it's weird we got a john deere 25 10 s strip till machine and we're going to pull it with the 84 10 what not an 84 10 rx but an 8 rx 410 sure that's right that's the correct one this is the correct nomenclature it is actually the exact tracker that we had here this spring so when the weather gets a little bit nicer we're going to take this machine out into the field the idea here for me is to reduce a little bit of tillage but still do tillage where we're going to plant so that it dries out in the spring and also get our nutrients down with it so that's that's the idea behind this thing i'm excited to test it it's the same width as our chisel plow um the deep bander that we've got is 30 feet wide and sam's going to come out and and help us set this thing up this is a high residue or we call residue master so uh we have the dedicated coulters up front that are on 15 inch spacing so you got one per each row unit and then one in between chopping up the residue and then you get some space in between which is good when you get higher speeds and a lot of residue especially like corn on corn type situations it's good to have some room to to flow that residue then you got your row cleaners it is a shank style like a knife uh style strip toe unit so there are some they're differing styles of strip tail rigs uh this one will actually because there is snow outside this one will work really well in tough hard frozen ground being that we're not trying to push discs into the ground we're holding a shank in the ground and this is like a pretty similar shank to what's on your chisel pile right now so a 1300 pound trip shank so it's a heavy duty rig and then we're putting dry fertilizer on so that's the fertilizer that we're doing uh which is the same as what you're doing with your 2410 and then it's closing this behind that create a little bit of a burn so that berm which you want to be about two inches tall will settle out over the winter mellow out and then you can plant right into it in the spring if you choose to do so and i could run this on soybean stubble or corn residue correct right so this this unit's designed to work in the high residue conditions specifically corn especially but it works just as well in being stubble do you need a ride back um i can get an uber if you can get those out here you can't get an uber sam's gonna need a ride back because we don't have uber so he can borrow my other snowmobile yep but thank you for the uh for the demo this is innovative and i'm kind of pumped to try this yeah and i think i don't know strip till something that'll be new for you and really i think i mean we did some conventional demos last year conventional tillage demos that's very 2019 i think we're moving on moving up we're moving on yeah silly old wrinkly conventional tillage demos for those who don't remember sam he's my buddy he's been on several videos before he is tillage man sam on instagram make sure you follow him he's going to be out here as soon as this weather shapes up and we're going to run this thing because if you've been watching the videos you've been following along you know we've only got 100 acres to go as far as harvesting corn goes but when it comes to tillage we're a long ways behind and now we got some unique pieces here to run through the machines test them out see what i think see if we think strip till something that's going to work for us i mean it's something that i'd like to look at anyway i've been curious about it so that's what we got it's going to be fun heard a rumor we got a neighbor putting fertilizer down miles south of here and i know his methods and i'm guessing he's tilling it in so i'm gonna go check that out because a farmer's best way of judging the business decisions he should make is by watching his neighbors my gosh he's doing it he's really doing it harry i'm gonna wait till he gets back to the other end of the field and i'm gonna see what he's pulling lauren how's it working out there it looks pretty nice lauren's got both of his rigs going and it looks pretty decent he's getting some slip for sure but he's slipping on the snow more than he has the ground i don't know what do you think i'll i'll bet you're right it'll go a lot better in the morning if the top freeze is over again i did not give permission for that who said you could touch my sled uh i did you just decided you were taking my sled out yep let her warm up for five minutes all right let me try it [Music] yup it works kids we have decided that this stuff is just too sloppy and far too moist to go run any tillage tonight so it's gonna freeze overnight we know that it's gonna get colder and hopefully we can take this thing out in the morning and it'll do a lot better job so i guess for tonight i'll just winterize the camper and take out the garbage thanks for watching guys don't forget we are still raising funds for grain bin safety equipment and training for fire departments and first responder crews that need it those links are down below if you are part of or you know of a department that could use some of the funding for the training or the safety supplies let us know there's also a link down there for an email we are now getting close to 50 000 with everything that everybody has contributed and it's continuing to grow so once we get through harvest here and we finally get this stuff wrapped up we are going to get to disbursing those funds so thank you to everybody who has participated in that sincerely appreciate that it's awesome to have all the support we got some other stuff in the works with that that that i shouldn't mention yet because it's not finalized so thanks for watching [Music] this is not our cat why is your face so dirty and who are you what are you doing here well once again this isn't entirely did anna you almost killed me there you almost ran me over we've gotten probably another three to four inches overnight everything is covered but at least it's at least it's windy look at that i know we've got a neighbor that's out trying tillage right now and i'm gonna be sick sitting in the house or the shop if i don't at least try it in the field we're trying to do is right here i'm gonna try it just to reinforce the idea that i'm not all that smart get her i hope this thing has heat i can't see anything oh that's a lot of slip right there slip is generally not a good thing in fact it's never a good thing but when you're slipping on the snow and you're not actually tearing up the soil it's not nearly as bad now i've raised the ripper a bunch and now that i've got moving we're removing anyway but it doesn't really appear to be doing a great job that is over 20 slip now it goes down it kind of fluctuates back and forth but that's what the the disc blades up and the ripper not very oh we're plugged i'm gonna go home the quad track isn't gonna go yeah i'm out here now just kind of cleaning up the half round i tried but i plugged twice in that half round and i see cullen i don't know how cullen got a two-track deer but i've been talking to him this morning and he's going by on the road right now he said it it's pulling it fine but it won't hold the whole auto steer so i'd assume it's getting snow inside the tracks so i'd be i'd be crazy to uh to go grab the rt and try the mandega wouldn't i i do too no i kind of i think the same i just i don't want to give up but i figured i'd call you and at least have reinforcement that that would be stupid you think when november comes it's going to warm up and we'll get back out here with this much snow no the i don't think the ground probably won't freeze even with single digits at night because it's yeah it probably won't [Music] he's not gonna like when i take my sled back and make him get on his 440.
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 685,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farmer, mn millennial farmer corn harvest, farm, tillage, ripper, john deere, disc ripper, plow, plowing, ploughing, mn millennial farmer funny, harvest, millennial farmer 2020, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn millennial farmer harvest, mn millennial farmer equipment, quadtrac, farm equipment, Farm videos, case ih, welker farms, off the husk, farm machinery, Something Kinda Neat!
Id: oEj0dM6ntGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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