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[Music] welcome back to AG with Emma if you're new here my name is Emma I do farm tours and farm hand work all over the place I currently work in North Dakota running air seaters gr carts a bunch of other stuff that you can find in my videos in my Channel today I'm in Austin Texas with John Deere and we're going to show you some new equipment and new technology that was just released and we're going to get into a lot of detail and show you all the specifications and features of this new equipment we are going to start off with the brand new 9rx some things will be discussing is the horsepower options engine differences and cab specifications as well as just the exterior look that has changed we'll also be getting into the easycal system on the air cart and what has changed with that side of of things so I'm super excited to give you guys an overview of this let me know if you have any questions throughout the video so the model we are demoing today is 830 horsepower but they are coming out with a new line of nrxs there is a 710 770 and an 830 option available so if 830 isn't ear your thing but you're still looking for added horsepower they do make 710 and 770s and they are all autonomy ready at base in the US when they are produced okay so big differences it looks a lot different from the hood Point um there's not the wheel wells that we have on the 9 rxs for example look at that nice walk around platform it's a little sunny but there's a nice walk around all the way around this cab um there's not that fuel tank that's sitting back there with huge wheel wells that impact your cab space we're going to show you that in a little bit in the cab these tracks are wider they have another we call those bogey Wheels I think they call that like a mid roller they haven't added one of those and then that top angles wider as well so it has more capacity to pull all of the power out of that engine and really do what it needs to do as far as a weight system you have forklift friendly weights instead of the suitcase weights that are normally attached to the front of those NRS you can also have the option of putting weights right here on your tracks and then there's more added weights in the back also forklift friendly to get up to that 84,000 lb as far as servicing goes there is a reversible fan on these so that means no more blowing out those radiators the servicing door is right here so you're going to check all that inside oil filters all right there this one is a little dinged up because it's off the production line and been used in demos and Engineering purposes and then if you should ever have to remove these shields um they're easy to do that looking at the side of the tractor right here you have everything is ground access your air filter is going to be right here if you have a fast fill um you can hook that up right there so it might not be common on a lot of farms to have that fast fill because it is a system used on the x9s but if you're running a bunch of x9s that is an available option now for the fuel tanks your fuel is ground fill I'm standing on the ground it's not up there anymore so that's right there and then your fuel sight gauge is right here as well your hydraulic sight glass is right up here and then there's a couple more sight glasses for that transmission fluid and then just to show you better from inside the cab there is your engine coolant sight gauge so in an effort to minimize servicing time in the morning and getting ready to go um all of those gauges are pretty accessible you don't have to lift the hood up to check your coolant don't have to blow your radiators out because there's that reversible fan you can also set that fan up to be automatic or just an instant like blow it out so if you have it set on automatic you can set it to an x amount of minutes between blowouts and then if you have a just set instant blowout you can also do that from the cap another big factor that has kind of changed is these stairs it looks more like an eight series tractor instead of the straight up steps these have more of an angle and they're a lot more user friendly you don't have to jump so far to get to the ground got some nice mirrors up there lights very wide as far as width goes it is 88 in track spacing from the center of this track to the center of that track there is also an option for the wide track and that will be 120 in from each track there's 30 or 36 inch track options and while they do not have an automation system to bring that hood up check that out same system but with handles perfect okay that is nice when you come to the back of the tractor there's a little handy dandy camera right there for hooking up your implements so this spring and this fall when I was was making videos of hooking everything up to tractors and I had to get out of the cab I didn't video that but I was getting out of the cab like 10 15 20 times to make sure I was lined up when I was lining stuff up by myself um that camera eliminates that for the most part and there's also improved visuals to the back because that big fuel tank is not sitting right in the middle of that you can see basically directly down to the back of your tractor is also a tractor that has triple hydraulic pumps and it can go up to 168 gallons of hydraulic fluid per minute and that is where those pumps are located another awesome thing about this tractor there is no de fluid on it so when I was running through all of that earlier there's no def no diesel exhaust fluid it has a newer engine that is approved to not have the def system and something we'll talk about a little bit more in inside the cab there is a cab suspension system that is pretty close and resemblant to the cab suspension system on those new a rx's rather than having just the two in the back on the old nrxs up to it we have a n 560f drill so this is a disc drill like so and then we have a c 850t cart so this is a new naming system for John Deere um this is going to indicate the series this is going to indicate the bush capacity and then this is T or l meaning trailing or leading so depending on if you have a toe between or a toe behind cart like this one is so the breakdown of that is it's a c-s series 850 butel trailing cart [Music] this is also a new calibration system with tank scales included this is the screen they have set up on these new air carts this is how you're going to do an easy cow so this just shows how easy it is to start this calibration this is also something that you can walk away from while it's happening um because everything is set and ready to go your weights are going to be accurate no matter the wind because it has scales on that calibration system once you hit start it's going to roll your meters to make sure everything's full and ready to go and then that's what it's doing right now and then your calibration is going to start right now while this is running you can completely walk away from it to continue whatever else you need to do while you're filling seed um that's going to just keep rolling with or without you it's going to show you the revolutions and weight to calculate your new MVD and then there is where the scale is at that little silver piece and then you have your options for different rollers we obviously have the wheat roller selected right now it also has a good roller option for fertilizer as well as any other crop that you put through an air seater once it's done calibrating you don't have to mess with anything you just hit enter it's going to shoot that up to the Tractor so you can have your values all plugged in as soon as you get back in there's no running back and forth trying to remember numbers and redoing things and calibrating and then calibrating again so I really like that new system and it was super handy to use [Music] so we are going to get up in this cab now look at how easy those steps are easy peasy and the cab space I don't think the camera quite can't can't quite the camera can't quite capture like how much bigger it is is and just how different this is from those traditional 9 rxs that we've been running um the screen differences this is a G5 plus and then the secondary option there's also a new display for your fuel and RPMs and everything like that steering wheels set updated air vents you got your pegs those are nice another Peg um the seat is turny better and then your fridge is up in here so this is what those displays look like turned on it's more there's more space it looks more like an iPad to me compared to our screens that we run on the farm in North Dakota um there's quite a few options so from going outside into the display here's what that looks like on the seating page um you have your blower speed active calibration so you don't actually have to get out of of the tractor to calibrate your Cedar so for example like when we're doing flowers we have to calibrate every couple hours with the active calibration we can do that from inside the cab without having to get out empty into the bags put the bags on the top and then make sure it's all right and have it you know get all messed up because now it can Active calibrate you do have to stop to start the active calibration and then it will run a certain amount of acres to get an accurate reading on that calibration and then it can adjust your MDB so that's all your totals active calibration your true set is still here um blockage monitoring and then what your tanks are putting out how much they have left a cool thing about these scales on the tank is that it's going to show you inside your cab how many acres you have left in that tank so instead of playing the guessing game you don't have to have cameras back there it's all going to be accurate and up to par with how much seed you're putting out and how much with your calibrations that it changes and then it's going to give give you like I said that acre rate per tank that you have left on your rates so to start that active calibration you're just going to be in your main page and hit start you're going to go to your main tank and then hit start so that is going to start counting as soon as we start going so that's going to be in progress and it will stop or tell us to stop when it bries the specified acre recommendation to get an accurate calibration so the transmission in this tractor is a new transmission it's not the IBT and it's not a traditional power shift it's got an E21 Transmission in it so that's going to allow you to get up to speed way faster so when you want to start seting you're going to turn on your fans you have a fixed and a rate based and I'll get into that rate based a little later and click out of that so we are putting seed in the ground right now here here is what I was talking about a few seconds ago with that rate base this map goes based off of prescriptions so you're going to see different colors on there it's going to be able to change in your drill how much you're putting out of each Tower based on that prescription so you can see that in the flow of your Towers and then back in your homepage you're going to see that that active calibration is still working we are still seating and then we can click into our seed star and then you can go into Diagnostics and calibration meters and then this is what's showing you how much is Going Down based on this map so here you're going to see there it changes based on the color you're going to see these numbers fluctuate so the right down there it was just at 12 it's at 6 now based on where that's at it's in the red so those numbers are lower it's starting to go into the green you're going to see that up there you're going to see those numbers rise as that is going up so back here we're hitting our Target and that's the RPM of the meters so those meters are going to have to spin a little faster or slower based on what prescription area that we're in and then there is the rate map for the prescription base so that's pretty cool that's not something that we've really seen with drills before normally when we are working with drills um your agronomists are going to make recommendations in 60ft swats because or just however many foot your drill is that's what they're going to make the recommendation in because we haven't had that zone control with the air seaters so now that the tractor is stopped we're only at 2 Acres so that's it's not going to be as accurate but we're just going to hit calculate on that active calibration it's going to give us a new mdv with a change percentage and I was told that if it's under 5% change that's mostly pretty good and it's pretty accurate um so that is how your active calibration works you just have to be stopped when you start and stopped when you finish it [Music] so this is what you use 800 horsepower for it's going 14 mes an hour 1700 RPMs pulling a 40t disc which is built for high speed performance oh got a downshift [Music] the need for the horsepower comes from pulling drills up hills most of the time in Canada Montana when you're going up grades and you're not able to fill your cart all the way so your air cart is not going to be full of seed when you can fill that tank that's going to make the horsepower worth it and you can pull up those Hills at an increased speed as well as the efficiency of having a full tank huge shout out to John Deere for letting us come out here today and look at this new equipment it's been an absolute blast they've treated us very well we've all got to film a lot of cool stuff this is something that not everyone gets to do and I'm super grateful for the opportunity and that I'm able to be here thanks to my subscribers and followers as well so thank you guys so much for supporting me and helping me get to this [Music] oh
Channel: Ag with Emma
Views: 306,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9RX 830, John Deere tractor, 830 Horsepower, C850T Aircart, Ezcal, John Deere, New John Deere tractor
Id: YnPxPlyDwmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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