The Heavy Wrecker Is Destroying Itself!

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good morning it is another day of working in the shop and today we are working on the heavy wrecker and the reason that is is because it's got to be ready for the off-road game so the off-road games we are having a record poll Thursday and Friday during the event we're going to be on the beach putting these things with our Paces now I know I got some Heavy Hitters coming we've got Murphy diesel coming I think Heavy D's got something coming we might see a sneak attack from Rory who knows I just know that I need to be ready and this needs to be ready and it's not ready so today we're going to get it ready what what are we doing that with this wrench so here's the deal we've been having a little bit of trouble with the transfer case and so we talked to our buddy Steve at off-road designs and we said we need a super tough transfer case for a super tough Ricker he built this transfer case right here for us so we're going to pull that one out and we're going to put this one in we're going to see how it goes so earlier this week the United States Army came down and visited they were down here doing some training Maneuvers and they invited us to come hang out with them for a little bit so we went out there it was cold it was windy um they had some really big awesome stuff and we just kind of hung out with them so check that out and then come right back here all right we got a real treat for you today we are with the 1 191 today we're going to be showing you some of the equipment that they use for their off-road recovery program and we are going to be contrasting with our off-road recovery program by the way that is the world's largest off-road record right there it looks like an ant right now so I don't know a lot about the military vehicles like this but I do know one thing they're big and they're heavy and so the recovery vehicles that they use are bigger and heavier to do that so while they're self- recovering we're going to go over some of the stats on this rig and we'll compare them to this rig so what we're looking right here is an M1 98184 I was so close so close 9818 984 what we're looking at is 984 A4 I I did that in one take axles on this we got two front two rear the front axles are 16,000 lb axles on the rear they're 32,500 lb axles vehicle weight itself is roughly 54,000 lb on kit mine's 12,000 lb we'll do the stats on this truck it's got two nin ton axles on it they're ax Tech 4000s both of them are steer axles it's got an 8.1 L Chevy big block it gets two mil to the gallon last time we checked it it might get better in more favorable circumstances Matt we're stuck we got a call this thing weighs as much as the wrecker looks a lot smaller [Music] though yeah you're supposed to make that look difficult that's too easy [Music] all right I'm going for a ride in this so in order to ride in one of these you have to wear this and you have to wear this we're here with Sergeant Tony he's going to take us up this hill in one try one try that's the go [Music] it oh yeah you can go right up it piece of cake piece of cake a big thanks to the Army Reserve for coming down and doing Maneuvers in our neck of the woods it was really neat to see those big heavy heavy heavy trucks and what they're capable of and it was kind of fun to show them what our vehicles are capable of so yeah back to this thing okay Tom I'm going up I'm it's crazy how easy this cab comes off we've had a little trouble with this transfer case popping out of gear and and now it won't even go into gear I could bore you with all the things it does and doesn't do but it all boils down to one thing it doesn't work and we're going to change it out okay just put it in neutral and then sit tight okay this is the front of the transfer case you want to put the transfer case in neutral no I want to put the transmission in neutral it's in neutral all right we got the cab all the way up we went to lunch a lot of stuff's happened and now the work's finally happening what's going on here I'm chopping holes in the bottom so we can get our shift linkages to come up into the cab so we're ditching the cables we're going to a manual linkage we didn't do this originally because uh we thought it would be really complicated to get the linkages disconnected when we lifted the cab and cables were the answer but it turns out we've got new ideas we had a different answer oh if only you had something to pry with and hack I really like this shaping round end on the back how hot is that can I grab it with my fingers well you shouldn't all right but you did anyway too late and I got the one I wanted not the one I [Applause] [Music] needed perfect so I know a lot of you guys hate the aluminum foil on the headers but it does work and someday we will put different headers on take them out and show them the headers oh should we go look at the headers let's go look at those those are ready to go in the oven yeah not only is it good for cooking it's good for exhaust what do you think of these bad boys why aren't those on there we need some gaskets how sweet that would be Dad when are we going to put these on soon well for now this is going to go sit in the conx Box I got to go suit up and weld now let's see here that goes just like that there [Music] go little bit more little bit more okay that's good let's let this thing down and see what it hits I'm liking the looks of this is it going to hit the transmission I'm I'm enough to the side we're okay up here in the back all right we've got to the point where we can separate the two parts of the wrecker we're going to be pushing this outside and we're going to work on this part tomorrow and the rest of today we're going to be working on that hey look there's Caitlyn okay let's go watch some cables call okay let's see problem solved we don't see it anymore so we are we're kind of doing the same thing we've been doing this whole time we are simplifying the record okay I need probably an 11 1116 maybe or three 3/4 or 11 16 just get that out of the way for a second get me two 3/4 three uh 3/4 inch wrenches I've never had this apart Chad from Chad Fab did all this look how amazing I want you to look at that look how you can just lift that panel off and you can see everything so this is the brain for all of our switches so look at that it's a switch Pro so there is a lot of circuits on this recer and there's a lot of them that aren't finished yet but the ones that are finished that's what runs them and the lights are smart I can make them flash or make them solid I don't like flashing lights I've got a thing in my brain that when I see flashing lights I don't even want to say what happens I run from the police all right if you look right here you're going to see a gambler 500 sticker and the reason you see that is because I got my wheels turning up here I've been talking to Tate and I'm thinking that we need to do some sort of something with the Gambler 500 and yeah so every time you see this sticker in the record just remember it's in the back of my mind I keep it right here in the back of my mind so we're going to keep the shifter here we're going to hard Mount the rear steer here and then this is going to be these are going to be good right here so these Mount from the bottom so in the future we'll be loosening these and dropping down you'll see I'll show you when we put it together good morning it's another day of working in the shop and we are working on the heavy recer and today we are going to split up the teams and half the team's going to work on one thing and the other half of the team's going to work on the other thing so here's half the team right here we're one team and here's the other team right here so I'm going to be pulling the drive train out of that I'm sure I'll get some help from from Jake or somebody but what these guys are doing is they're going to finally finally we're going to weld up all these holes there's like a dozen holes in here or more so they're going to go get what they need to get this welded up they're going to pull the seats do all that stuff they'll be working in here I'm going to be working out here I'll show you so I'm going to be getting this all stripped down and ready to pull out and then I'm going to pull it out and then we're going to put the new one right here so we're going to be putting this new transmission in which is actually the old transmission there was an incident where this got put in park when it was going like 30 mph and it ruined the park Paul not going to say who did it so I like that transmission better than this one this one it may just be the torque converter who knows I don't care I'm pulling it out did you fix that Park on it yeah okay so so it's a good transm it's ready to go it's ready it's the it's the right transmission for this so yeah so the problem we're having right there this won't shift forward into high range this won't stay in low range or high range this one works perfectly this this shaft runs the front drive shaft um so low range neutral high range it's in neutral right now anyway doesn't matter it's boring so you're getting better parts for this as we speak yeah I'm going to pull this out I'm going to start working on this you guys will start on this is it going to rain today looks like [Applause] it two one yo let's use the lnch this is what I love about the freedom winch line I need to go around this and look it's designed to do it boom I don't need anything I just it's just ready to go there okay team Bravo has their list of things that they're supposed to do today so we're just going to cut them loose and let them have at it so we're picking up zip ties and a copper welding block a copper welding block is so you can set it on the back side of a weld and it keeps the weld flat so we don't have to do as much grinding and it'll be perfect for when we do the cab so I think I said we're going to Schon first but yeah that's where we're going look I found you know where we're here right Jon didn't have any popcorn so we had to come here for J they also didn't have any of our stuff that we needed so that's another big problem it's another reason why we're here found of T so they only have have zip ties we don't have the copper brick that we need but that's okay we can do without it Dad we're back where's everybody Jonah we're [Applause] here you try to do good and nobody's here okay well let's go do what we know what to do hi [Music] lady dude this thing's got to wrestle this thing you need assistance yeah got to take the bolts out of the roof and then we can weld it I just cut them that's what I'm going to do cut them I have just the [Applause] [Music] tool we are also working on Dory the explor and we are in the new shop and look it's finished it's completely done phito if you will actually it's not but we are using it cuz that's how we do that's how the Matts off-road recovery do so here's the deal we've already established this engine is junk it's got a cracked head or a blown head gasket we don't want to mess with it plus this is supposed to be a clone to the banana so what did we do we called up our good friends at Golden engines and they sent us this beauty this is a 4.6 L stroker this is the exact same engine that's in the banana except for this one is 11% better 11% is unverified so the stock 4.0 of this year is around 180 horsepower somebody's going to correct me in the comments and say it's 183 horsepower or some number I don't know it's around 180 these Golan engines are the in the 275 horsepower range is that right on 89 octave um what is different about the 4.0 of of a factory one this has an aftermarket head I don't know how much tricks are going into it but it is an aftermarket head and it's a lot stronger it's got a aftermarket Cam that gives a little bit of a l new Pistons new rods new bearing seals gaskets it's all been machined it's ready to go to work we've been using this engine for a couple years in the banana it has plenty of power it's giv us no trouble I would definitely use this product again in fact I am using this product again and so are you Robbie so what we've got to do is we've got to pull this engine out and we're going to put this one in Jake yeah can you pull this engine out and put this one in oh yeah all right we're going to leave you to it well well I'm really good at pulling stuff out I don't know about putting it back in but we'll try our best just save everything don't break anything you heard it so we're going to be plugging these holes on the record we got them all cleaned up ready to go we're going to be using washes to fill them up low heat eat and then after we're going to have to do some painting Caitlyn you ready to paint I'm ready to paint all right let's do it oh it's wiggling it's [Music] wiggling out with the old in with the new Robbie got a stroker and his Jeep's blue Caitlyn and Colin had to run off and do a job I'm still working here not by my lonesome anymore though cuz I've got Ed and Rhett's going to be here in a minute let me that red [Music] okay slowly go up no just go up just very slowly so this transmission has been nothing but hard AE we got it all new rebuilt with the best stuff and then it went out and then we got it rebuilt again and I think they did something with there's some holes drilled in something or something I don't know and that torque converter just rattles it rattles look how much metal is on this magnet it's it is cover that's just covered with metal there's something wrong with this transmission and I feel like it's been modified and they weren't able to catch it when when they rebuilt it they said it's loaded with really nice go fast super strong Parts but it is there's something wrong with it it is a it has been a real bummer of a transmission this is a very expensive Billet torque converter I'm going to show you where it goes I want to go get some look at all the metal yeah something coming apart in there how' that look really bad it's ooey gooey lots of metal in it looks like we've got a broken tooth right there so this is what a bearing looks like that's been over worked so I've just come to realize that the weight of this drive shaft is just hanging on the end of this and this bearing is supposed to support it but it's not supposed to have a whole bunch of side load and I think that drive shaft that drive shaft weighs like 65 70 lbs it's huge I can't let it up into the record by myself see this bearing is supposed to be this wide or about that wide and on the on the downhill side it smashed out like that doesn't seem to have hurt the race and with the new one getting that stroker I'm a little jealous now before I was like that's a really cool Jeep and then this stroker showed up it's a really cool Jeep coming back okay okay come on down okay coming down I spent the last hour on the phone with Steve Watson from o off-road designs the guy's a wizard with np2 205 stuff and just Chevy trucks in general and he told me that we are either at or more than likely past the limit of what an NP 205 can be upgraded to handle so he's going to build me an SCS box with a magnum in front of it and we're going to go a little lower gear ratio we're going to go to bigger U joints on the drive shaft but that is the future right now we're going to do the insane thing we're going to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result we're going to drop this bad boy in there as a placeholder till we get the SCS box in there so SCS boxes are cool that's monster truck stuff that's big mud truck stuff so that should take me to the next level um without having to get a big obsolete military unit there's been some frustrations today but I do have a path to go I'm really excited about the solutions that Steve's got for me and it's going to be good to get the recer back together for light to medium duty work but we won't be doing any burnouts with it we will be right back like we're back I told you it would be a snap so we got Colin and Rhett is Caitlyn coming in today uh later I think all right so we got Colin and Rhett finishing the prep work on this this cab they're in the blow Tack and static stage right yes we need a I think we're not robbing they've been sanding on this for one whole month we cut it out we don't show you a whole month of sanding on this channel we're not we're not like Robbie we don't milk things out wow Colin just called Robbie out Robbie how do you feel about that Colin that'll be enough out of you I got a her of cows out here I got to go milk love you Robbie all right so I have my special task so I think I I think I talked about this yesterday but I don't remember for sure so we've already established that the NP 205 is not big enough for the off-road wrecker so we're going to have to go to monster truck stuff the SCS box is going to be the solution to all our problems but we do need the recer running because we do have jobs come in so I'm going to put this in as a placeholder until we get that box from ordd these U-joints are feeling good this double Cardon here is in good shape so I think we're going to be okay we just got to get it in all I asked for was a little overhead sanding and look at this prep that's going on I am not getting yellow all over my hair okay this goes up behind your head I know I haven't finished putting that back up I'm ready to sand now napkins in your head they're shop uh towels they're more [Music] manly I need to get the heavy recer done for the off-road games we're going to be doing the recer polls it's going to be awesome Jamie how many weeks away is the games we only have four short weeks with every passing day the available ticket list gets shorter and shorter make sure if you want to come to this awesome event that you get your ticket or you're going to miss out we're going to start masking it and I'll let you guys know what that looks like so this is what the masking looks like call is working hard at it we're trying to make a fine line here Robbie I think we're ready to be hired yeah Robbie hire us just like that and just just hit the metal like this you just make it so it's clear yeah just dust it somebody just showed up okay now that Caitlyn showed up I'm going to put Caitlyn on this project with Colin I'm taking red out here with me we're going to put the recer together and so are these guys all right so we're here to A's picking up paint cuz we don't have the right paint for the record what about this yeah gold recer what's the plan here Colin do you see one that you like these are all the colors they have what they want to custom mix you a can no I just grabbed these so I can run to Walmart and get it close so I'm not guessing what one do you think's the closest here this one like halfway these two okay what about that one it's good enough got our samples off to Walmart we go we love Walmart in between those oh boy why do they all look the same all right so while those guys are doing painting and playing with wrecker stuff we're over here working on Robbie's day job blue got the stroker engine in now we're getting everything buttoned up we still got to get the intake manifold and the exhaust all put in it should almost be ready to start up by the end of the day so which one should we use they're the same right Mir Miracle okay so we're testing this one was golden Sunset now we're going to spray on marold oh marold is even worse dang it oh my gosh what happened why did it turn colors why did it turn Peach that's a a totally different color than this one and it's the same can you got three colors out of one can this is the winner we're going to go marold hopefully it works if not we're going to be mixing and matching good thing at the top nobody can see it let that dry for a minute it went on really yellow and then once it dried it toned out so we'll give that a minute just do a do a light coat over the whole thing well the the paint that you sprayed down is still tacky so it won't hurt you need to wait 30 or until it's dry before you paint about his paint he's like I don't care if it takes two days here oh no no stop stop I do this all the time col except right what are you doing I'm going to start a fire in [Music] there oh yeah that's putting a ton of heat up there I mean that's working fill the heat boiling out of this door just [Music] hey so I'm worried about what some of the viewers are going to say about the job that my kids did on the top of the wrecker so I'm just getting a I'm just getting a second opinion from you so what they did is they welded up the holes sanded it smooth hit it with some self-etching primer and then they painted it the same color it looks fantastic so did they do a good job oh they sounds like they're running me out of business they did they did blow they did blow Tack and static you know what works better is blow torch and sta it okay but I mean if they if they followed my example do you know what's so funny about that and my and as my audience as my witness we did use a torch oh good okay you folks heard it here first Robbie said we did a good job I approve thanks man that's all I needed perfect we'll see you all right while these guys are doing the stuff that they're doing let's give you an update on the Gladiator remember we are giving this away at the off-road games everybody who comes is automatically entered in the proceeds go to charity it's going to be awesome so it doesn't matter what your four-wheel drive project is Barnes has something to help you do this you can check them out and use the promo code more and that gets you 10% off at checkout so look at this thing the front and rear bumpers came from Barnes the full uh skid plates we got skid plates underneath this thing Colt from bleep and Jeep came all the way out here and helped us install these it also has an upgraded exhaust Holly supplied that it's a flow FX it's awesome sounds great so after all that American Adventure lab installed these inner Fender Linings they look really great offer lots of protection they did some trimming here man this looks good high clearance high performance and then look at this we probably already pointed out this Apex 12,000lb winch but maybe we didn't mention it has a freedom winch line Freedom winch line is a product that I believe in and I use on all my rigs it's awesome because it just is so versatile and you don't have a bunch of metal that doesn't hook to anything that is my favorite thing about it it's a tree saver soft shackle winch line allinone check this out Freedom winch line Freedom winch line Freedom winch [Music] line all right we got the cab mounted and we've got the shifters where we like them there's high range neutral and low range need to roll it a little bit low range ah you get the idea you kind of got to roll them a little a little bit those are both of neutral we got the doubler right here so low range high range we're going to have to heat this Rod up and we'll bend it over and up right there so it's out of the way of things but it's Friday night supper's on the table we'll be back here tomorrow and we will finish this up and get it started up and get it tested and drive it around a little bit and make sure it's ready to go and just like that it is Saturday morning I've got a few more things to button up on this and then we're going to go out and test it all right I got my side all done and and the reason I say my side is Tom has always done this side in here he's not here today so I called him he said it's easy so I'm going to see if it's really that way right now I'm not really a computer electronics guy but I think I can plug plugs in like that I did very very satisfying now I've just got a group right here this group right here I think all these just plug in to the computer so all right we got it so now I've just got to do some zip tieing wires out of place and then we can do a test start all right we got all the fluids topped off everything checked everything loomed up it was super boring so I didn't show you so we got some stuff here to do in the interior we got to put the seats in we got to put the knobs on the shifter oh I've got to mount this somewhere or my rear steer doesn't work so that's a thing I've got to do I'm going to get some help putting the hood on spilled a little oil on that header and it's smoking a little bit right set back down thank you y there that looks better all right I'm alone out here in the shop pretty much I don't have a cameraman so I keep skipping into the future and I do apologize but we got the seats in got the knobs on the shifters look at that it is right there but it's not touching so I think that'll work for a good Shakedown run like I said we've already checked all the fluids transmission's good I did change the engine oil check transmission fluid all the power steering all that it's all good we've got a very robust ordd transfer case in there but it is the wrong application we already know that I'm just I just keep telling you cuz I don't want anybody to think that I just haven't learned my lesson after gutting four NP 205s I know that it's the wrong one just waiting for that monster truck box to come what do we got oh man I bet you jamy is bringing me lunch we got to get those Barnes bumpers on the rental Jeep Jamie when are we putting the Barnes bumpers on the rental Jeep soon do it you heard that she said soon what did you bring us today some Sloppy Joe's we're going to eat Sloppy Joe's all right we had our lunch and during that time Tom called and said he's going out to hit a trail called Wayne's World I've never officially been on it so I thought we should test the wrecker out there and Jamie said that she'll come along and so did peanut maybe lady all right so lady decided not to go but peanut is all about it who's a good girl you're a good girl too I'm a good girl so Tom's going to meet us at the Green Gate and uh I guess we'll just take it to that point little [Music] test not have having to listen to that torque converter [Music] rattle has changed my life in one instant my life is better as promised digdug makes the [Music] scene all right we are on our way to hit Wayne's World we looked at it on onyx and I do know where Wayne's World is and I have definitely rescued Vehicles off of it I've just never done the Trail so we're going to learn together yes we [Music] are she loves her water I don't know if we know where Wayne's World begins we're going to have to look at the map so the thing that's tricky about this Trail we're using the onx mapping system to follow it is this Trail doesn't isn't a well-defined trail it's just a jumble of rocks so there's lots of different ways to go so you just got to kind of watch the dot to see if you're going in the general direction all right we might need a guide for Wayne's World because it just meanders through a honeycomb of trails and it's hard like the the resolution of the map is while it's good it's not enough to make like a decision do we go left on this road or the 11 15 ft away from it or the one 15 ft away from that so I think we just gave up we're driving to the Chute I think Tom's going to drive digdug through the Chute and uh then we'll Meander on back [Music] home all right while we were out here we ran into Cody you might remember him from the motor home on the beach out at Lake Powell so he's been Wheeling with us he's in a some sort of farm impl right there so so and we're going to put Jamie in with Cody for a second and we're going to take Savannah and Italy and we are going for a little wrecker ride Savannah knows a secret about this truck that maybe you don't know do you know the secret about this truck no I don't think so your dad used to own this truck did you know that no oh well Savannah found out the secret too so I bought this truck from Cody a long time ago and uh then one day we made a recorder out of it all right what do you ladies think of this it's pretty sweet yeah not as scary as you thought huh all right that was awesome the wrecker is back on track big thanks to Tom for inviting me to come out and see what in the world Wayne's World was all about we still need a guide still don't even know what yeah we kind of loosely followed that trail but we had a good time yeah we sure did so the recer is a success we're just going to keep going easy on it till we can get that SCS box and then we can do monster truck stuff oh I'm excited flips and things mhm double back flips well once again thanks for sticking around and thanks for watching I think I'm going to do something I think I'm going to name this winch Rory and the other one I'm going to name Irish put a little plaque right there because I stole this idea from Rory Irish on the nose
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 938,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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