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sugar sugar [Music] did you want to do it yes this video is sponsored by ag1 from athletic greens I'm super excited good morning guys we did you want to check out the new shed over here Anna's gonna come with they brought in a bunch of Phil here yesterday they're building us a little road around the shed before we get started on that in a couple of weeks this is a bunch of random fill this is obviously not gravel but this is going to go underneath just to Swale it off nicely because we did have to raise this shed up quite a bit huh cool I better get to work we had a good heavy dust settler at about 3 A.M so I'm not sure if the soil yeah it's gonna be dry enough now that the tractor is warming up I'm gonna get my breakfast ready to go on the go here just one scoop of ag-1 into my shaker cup and top it off with some water it's a busy time of the year and we're on the go all the time so I still I try to focus on getting some decent food in me even even though I'm not home in the kitchen to make anything this stuff is way more than a greens powder it's actually loaded full of vitamins and minerals and stuff that I need to recover from my workouts and and work long hours in the fall here we got our first 40 acres of corn out last night we're going to be going back to that later today as soon as I get this fertilizer rig empty ag-1 also supports my immune system my nervous system gives me more energy more mental Clarity it's got some anti-aging stuff in it too so I assume some of these gray hairs that you guys can't see might go away because you haven't noticed those right if you guys are interested in some for yourself all you've got to do is go to Millennial farmer and right now they are offering my community our community here in the millennial farmer Community a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D3 and K2 and five free travel plaques with your first purchase well I've got the fan warming up here I'm going to walk back and flip the Triggers on the electric motors and just make sure product is still flowing through everything and the meters are all charged and this should be the last time I'm working with this machine this year look at that I love this contraption apparently the product didn't settle in and packed tight into the meter rolls and the lids all got on correctly and we're good to rip here chilling fertilizer and it's so easy this right here is the reason why this field was chosen to be strip tilled because you can see how light the soil is here compared to the stuff we normally Farm you can see the hills here which end up with actually a fair amount of erosion between them so we're trying to cut down on the erosion by reducing tillage and just be more uh place our nutrients below the soil where they're going to stay there hopefully this field also has a lot of those the big buried rocks that I should come and dig out this fall if the ground is not frozen solid by the time we're done harvesting that would be a good option for some after harvest work to do a big thing to turn around it takes a lot of intro there's my final Acres done I guess unfortunately but in a planned way I have a little uh fertilizer left there's not a ton left there it goes quick at the bottom but I'm gonna have to go get rid of it somewhere so we'll pick some Acres nearby that's on soil that we own that with soybeans this year will be corn next year again I like the looks of the Rose you know it's a little a little Wiggly because I was uh manually steering here on the ends but I like the job it's doing in the dry dirt I like I I like it now we will see if uh if we can come back this spring hopefully and plant directly into these lines and right over the top of the fertilizer bands of the theory as long as I'm driving right by the yard I was having a little bit of trouble with Row three yesterday telling me it was applying light I'm pretty sure it's the sensor but just to make sure I'm gonna flop rows three and four and then when I go out and finish this off I'm guessing it's going to show that Row 4 is applying a little light that air system is really quiet really quiet sure [Music] and it's just like a more tolerant like you can tolerate the tone of it more it's not so high pitched so these are the sensors right here this is Row three and it's actually it's like a stethoscope it actually picks up the sound of the material flowing through there and this one just it says it's light so I'm gonna put this one here and put this one here and uh we're gonna find out what the deal is if it doesn't change anything then there's actually some sort of a blockage or uh kink or something in the meter roll and Row three is actually applying about ten percent light it should be simple other than I'm gonna get dirty and that's a pretty yucky thing for a millennial like me all right I flopped the sensors and then I rewired them to where they should be so they'll read correctly but now I'm guessing Row 4 is going to show that it's applying light and I'm gonna go get this disgusting fertilizer dust off my hands oh you Millennials have never liked to get dirty it's not a lot of physical labor sitting in a tractor cab it is the visual part that everybody sees and they think we work you know one month in the spring and one month in the fall but I'm telling you the rest of the stuff the management stuff well you guys seen my videos you know the boring videos are the ones where I'm stuck in the tractor later dogs as soon as I'm done with this we'll be taking out the grain carton combine there and knocking out some corn Acres I don't know if I'll be in the combine or in a truck or what we'll see oh we are gonna have a legit traffic jam here or maybe he's stopped he stopped before the intersection right where I'm turning into the field so that worked out well thank you thank you sir well Row three is not telling me anything but what I am learning is that everything's all messed up now so this totally inconsistent flow from one side to the other like it's all screwed up so that's cool once again and I'll be honest the screens on the tractor are like they're not right when I'm trying to change my fan pressure here so I'm shutting everything down and totally rebooting the system because it's just everything's out of whack this machine if you've watched the last couple years you know why this machine is on such a short fuse with me so any little thing just sets me off with this thing I I just deep breath okay we've unplugged it plug it back in something's going on back there what is the deal if I just turn the fan on click the fan in there are rows out there that start flowing they should not do that because the Implement switch is up so it should be telling it not to do that so more than likely my monitors were correct something has happened why would that be you can see the product laying over there from Rose what's at 11 and 12. so that's going to be this Bank of hoses over here is it one product or both it is both so we're flowing both products seems like that should be an easy thing to diagnose so let me think about it here well how would it get both products without the meter rolls turning it's sending both products it worked when I pulled out of the last field I've changed nothing I'm going to turn the fan on and watch it see what I can see what I can see CeCe there's product flowing out and the meters are not turning what on Earth [Music] without the meters even turning I'm gonna call ready let's try it here I'm out here so I'll just flip the switch to give flow to the fan thank you they're both sitting there running I would say it looks to me like it's the rate that I should be applying and it's yeah it's definitely both products oh yeah that's a that's a pretty good rate coming out of there so switch the switch the disconnects I suppose so that flows to the door pull the bottom gates open then turn the fan on and see what's happening but why the weirdest thing is the fact that it's both products everything is Flowing to every road normally but those those end oh no then how they turned off I'll turn to back later now they're not leaking everything's coming out of every roll and looks normal and everything is fine that is that is really strange why if something was hung up in there um that that well I've had potash hang up on me but it's always been I've always been able to spin it over or pull the plate or pull a clean out or something to get it to put the rates up and the mass flow number is actually like it hasn't changed my Left Bank on Those sensors is always applying low and right now they're all green but it shows that it's 14 percent low and the middle one's 11 High so I'm about the same distance across the field as I was last time when this started happening so now the middle middle is going up and up and up and the wings are going down the middle is at 22 percent heavy and the wings are low and they're now yep now the One Wing is 22 low and the middle is 25 so it's gonna do I bet if I stop there we go now I'm getting alarms all over the screen so if I stop so every other row is off and rows 11 and 12 are sitting and turning they're they're putting product on the ground and they're not like they're not stopping and there's nothing piled up under any of the other rows so this is exactly what happened before I was hoping you'd have an easy answer but since you don't and I've only got about eight Acres of fertilizer left I'm gonna trick the Implement switch and I'm just gonna drive around and spread it on top and get it out of the tank because we got a combine corn no it well it will allow me to apply in the ground but it's so inconsistent I guess I'd feel better I don't know maybe it would do it I suppose I don't know if it would do the same thing if I raised it up I just don't trust the you know I don't want to apply half the machine 30 percent low in half of it yeah and half of it 30 percent High well I know I know what you mean about looking at the sensors but but something's obviously going on when rows 11 and 12 don't quit and then we got him to quit and then they did it again and I you know I've been I check every two or three rounds because I've never trusted this machine so for the last two three days I've checked every couple of rounds to I get out and spin over the electric motors to make sure everything's flowing and they always flow and stop up until right now so I don't I don't I don't believe the sensors are lying to me I think something weird is going on in the bottom of the tank in the bottom of the cart that that might be take take my rate back down to where it was and see if it does it again all right you're not going to believe this but I can't get anything done now because I'm having problem after problem and even ready doesn't know what's going on now so I've slowed way down and cut my rate to see if I can get it to flow because how it's just bouncing out like some rows are super heavy some are super light when I stop there's two rows that keep going even though the meters aren't turning like it's all out of whack now yeah all I did was switch that sensor so that cannot there's no way that could possibly affect what's happening now so I increased right when I got here but now I knocked the rate down again and I'm gonna drive really slow and see if that'll work but now I've made one round and the fertilizer super inconsistent since I left there Jesse doesn't know I'm gonna take the combine now since I'm obviously running late to take that and go get started and I'm gonna sit out here and limp along until this fertilizer is empty so I definitely mean it this time this cart will not be on our Fields next year I have no problem with the 2510 with the tiller itself what you can see in the camera there but the cart that holds the meters the fertilizer I would like to sell or trade I don't know if there's another cart that would hook to this strip dealer that I could trade it for or if I could get tanks to put on this tiller or sell and trade the entire thing for something different I'm not sure but I'm done fighting with the cart somebody else can fight with it it's got good stuff on it I've never had an issue with it so anybody that's interested just know it's solid it's good to go you see that see that I'm running out of product that's a good thing there goes Jim heading out to get some real tillage done so I should be done here probably by the time I get to the other end of the field because both products are right down right down in there I'm out of here luckily cutting the rate back and slowing down made the product feed out and uh we got those last few acres in I'm gonna go home pull the meter rolls out of this just so that they don't bind up with anything make sure everything's dumped out because that fertilizer is super corrosive [Music] right now I'm gonna go check see what kind of job Jim's Ripper is doing because they don't have any corn yet for me to have to take care of that I do hear something he must have a dryer running drip tiller probably see you next year air cart [Music] I have nothing to say to you yeah he's got the dryer in the air system running you can hear it definitely make some noise not any more than the dryer itself it's considerably quieter than what we had on there before check the screen here just so I've got a feel for where he's at so we're not running heat on the on the bottom that should be on the bottom we're hitting with the top as the corn Falls they would start cooling with the bottom cycling recap during that and everything looks good back in the grain bin that we're going into but it looks like a decent enough job I think we might actually take now that we're done with the strip tiller put the chisel plow on the other tractor so we can have two tillage things running looks fantastic I think it's doing a great job it's amazing what a guy can get done when you're not fighting with fertilizer tanks did I sure wish you had thumbs so you could do this for me oh I guess I I asked for it every year this is not a fun job oh oh yuck [Music] I really should have factored wind direction into my decision here stings nostrils I got the meters pulled out and the gates open then I went into the deep sink and washed my arms and face and got that dust off the dryer has shut itself down it was an overheating fault on the upper plenum that we had burning um I know how to adjust it there's Alan back with another truck meanwhile I'm going to climb up the ladder here and adjust that burner it's happening because it's so warm out here today I mean it's got to be 65 70 degrees out here which is very unusual for running our dryer this time of year so I just gotta pull it out so it can cool that plenum down a little our corn is pretty dry and our temperature's warm so I'm trying to run this plenum at only 160 degrees which is pretty cool and the way it's set right now it can't get down to that cool so I have to adjust it I just dropped my wrench all the way down to the bottom of the dryer I'll be back got it and now we re-fire mode and one and two uh heat two green is really handy with this screen now I just turned the air system on too so I can see the PSI and the amps going up I can't actually hear it because it's quiet the old one I could hear but this one I turn the unload on air system kicks right in see my PSIs there so I'm going to increase my meter rolls and here they're going back and forth with the old box on the dryer and now I can see exactly how much pressure is on that air system these are my numbers I'm watching here I know a little bit about it but probably not enough I know there's a certain amperage I don't want to go over I know if I get too high I got to start watching the pipes I've actually got the local sukup dealer coming out also to connect my phone so I can control it from my phone I'm gonna just walk back here and make sure all the pipes look okay what do you guys think we should put here for a bin next year we're gonna have to replace this area with some storage where we lost this in the storm get these these diesel tanks out of here we're talking about doing a big one with a side draw this pipe here is what's taking it now everything looks pretty smooth that's a play on word shirt huh yeah I like that yeah everybody thinks it says something different Dita from DHS grain is up on top of our dryer right now he's going to get it to flow a little bit faster we've been messing around for almost an hour here but the issue we're running into is we're pushing corn through it so fast that we're not keeping it loaded enough and it's running out of corn it's drying it faster than it can take it so we're kind of testing everything right now to see how fast we can push it meanwhile dad's about out of fuel in the combine and he he's called me twice now he's getting real nervous which means I'm gonna hook up to Old Thunder here and go top him off Thunder or you just pull up when you get to the end here wherever you want to and I'll pull the trailer up next to the ladder thank you Thunder you're a lifesaver and as long as we're sitting here and we got the capabilities we're gonna fill up the death as well scratch that uh dad's running into the yard because something something is wrong with thunder it's not pumping any fuel so the the um the basic mechanism that is supposed to mechanize is not mechanization and I'll get a hold of Vanessa or thunder Creek on that but apparently the pump is not pumping all fueled up and ready to go and the grain dryer is running correctly that means I can finally maybe go start on cleaning up this strip chill cart Allen's back with his first truck since refueling now that the dryer is running really well I'm going to take a couple samples just to see where this horn is coming out of the field at 17 and a half unbelievable but this is early corn and it's on dry ground so chances are this is going to be our driest corn all fall but 17 and a half dang near unheard of for us around here that probably didn't seem too difficult to you guys but that's a hour and a half two hour long crappy job I'm glad it's over we'll test this next truck that came in and see where we're at it's still dry and we're still pushing it out the dryer quickly you want a ride on edge all right I'll give you a quick one she loves this thing as much as Anna now Anna must be taking a nap in the garage I'm gonna find somewhere handy to unhook that strip tiller so that I can put this chisel plow on that tractor oh look there's a spot oh you heard us leave huh you missed your chance [Music] poor dog snooze you lose on it I'm sorry according to the weatherman this might be the last little bit of sun and beautiful weather we've got for the fall it's all downhill from here even the next two weeks though we're supposed to be like highs in the mid 50s or low 50s so well 40s tomorrow but that's not bad for middle of October it's to be expected it still looks like other than a little colder it's not going to be too bad look at that okay now I'm gonna pull it up and pull some of these extra monitors out and clean the cab a little bit put some diesel in it maybe I'll pull it up to diesel Barrel first these RTS when you go up a little Hill they sure feel like a big hill that probably only made sense to people who have driven the RTS before or to track anything this way I can get fuel going to get the monitors out keep an eye on the dryer I can do everything at once multitasking fueling up a tractor has never been cheap but I believe this tractor holds about 400 gallons a math on that oh boy oh what do we do with this Rat's Nest one thing at a time if we can oh yeah there we go oh boy oh geez we'll start through this later there we go I sorted through it and separated them it wasn't that bad it was pretty bad but I got it a couple of these might have to turn the lights on out here pretty soon foreign here's my chance for the the daily guess on the music so I'm gonna I'm gonna mouth the words of this song you guess what you think it is oh let me know what you guys think again it's unfortunate but you know copyright laws don't let me include the music let's go see how I did oh dang I'm good sure has been hanging out with me a lot today and honest just I don't know where she's at kids are obviously home now so she's probably hanging around up at the house simple tillage without any thing over complicated just turn in the dirt five to four go ahead I've got the chisel plow running everything should be good here it's all fueled up and ready to go and I just talked to Luke down at Nessa about the thunder Creek trailer and he he told me to fill it up a little more full get it above the pump and then there's a like a a vent or bleeder cap on top of the pump he said open that and see if for some reason it might have lost its prime if that doesn't do it they'll get a pump sent up here right away well that sounds good I don't know if you want to work on this and Andrew in the morning either one's mine how much do you guys have left out there before you finish what you're trying to finish tonight think about three and a half rounds yeah if you wanted to switch with allergies you sure could and then we could work on that in the morning we need to change fuel filters in the 8320 in the morning too yeah I think so we may as well that's what it sounds like then we'll put points on it in the morning but this one probably needs them right away tomorrow the points on the chisel plow are getting plenty wore out so we're gonna put new points or sweeps or whatever you want to call them on in the morning and it's supposed to be below 30 degrees in the morning talking up for 20. so I'm gonna back it in right now that way it'll be a lot nicer to work on yeah I don't think so either we're gonna have to well I can't even get all the way in with the Moline there we'll move that first a little work but we got it yeah I guess so did if you had thumbs I'd just have you do this overnight time for me to take over the truck for an hour go see how they're doing out there there's a lot of lightning happening out there to eat foreign off he goes off I go man it has become crazy windy out in the last hour the corn leaves are blowing everywhere a little bit wetter but that is still fantastic between that and good weather makes all the difference for our Harvest check the level and the wet pin here there's a good amount of corn in there we've been moving it out fast with the dryer they've been bringing it in quick with the combine too well I think I'm going to continue with these guys until we're done with those rounds probably about another 30 minutes or so only so I'm gonna call it a night here on the YouTube channel I want to thank you guys for watching uh what else only uh only like 60 of you actually subscribe to the channel so that's disappointing it means four out of 10 of you could hit the Subscribe button but you haven't I don't send you any emails it doesn't cost you anything you just hit the little red subscribe thing but if you don't want to I get it whatever hey thanks for watching either way keep it between the rows [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 767,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fkJNUS3_gDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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