She's Dead!

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[Music] today is one of those days that i really look forward to being over every year it's cleanup day my buddy brock he's going to send a couple of his guys over here with the mobile pressure washer system they're going to wash a bunch of our bunch of our tractors including the case quad track because we can't send that back the way it is it's uh it's a mess the hope would also be to get the dryer empty and wash the outside and sweep out the inside of that get everything clean basically just get as much stuff washed as we possibly can so i think i'll probably work on the dryer and probably run the leaf blower and keep feeding these guys equipment where are you going you finding any mice down here you're out of here found a ratchet socket combo wrench this is gonna be a good day [Music] this should work that's not good that's a bad thing we're gonna need the gas man to come and replace that valve or yeah probably replace it we had it fixed here a year ago but it's obviously still not working but i don't want to shut the gas off until we're done with the grain dryer and the grain dryer has wet corn in the top of it so i'm going to start the burner and dry that corn and then i'll close the valve clear as mud did i explain that at all i don't know and two and one heat the final 1200 bushels of the year right there look at this absolute disgustingness we put this thing through the ringer it's okay we'll get you shiny again we don't have to watch this part though it's dead there's no way i can't imagine somebody would hit the like the master switch on it i don't think anybody else knows where it's at i'll kill it anyway she's dead why am i not that surprised everything that gets near this farm since i gotta run and to drop off a pickup truck for dad i guess we'll back this out of here and have them wash this first this is also very disgusting i hope it's not dead again gotta run drop off a truck for dad i need some coffee anyway it's been two days and i don't see any rye growing over that hill yet so slow guess what the quad track is completely dead the quadrant stone dead there's nothing hooked to it or anything it's only been sitting there a few days with nothing on it must be our yard it definitely is the magnetic field in our yard yes i think so that's dry enough beat off well now she's not hissing okay i fixed it i should have been a propane guy before i empty out the dryer i'm going to climb the bin i want to go into and just make dang sure we got plenty of room in there maybe my last bin climb of the fall so sad there's room not plenty of it but there's room big hound and we are unloading [Music] aliens hey jackson just called and they've got a tender open if we want them to bring fertilizer for that rig so we can run it tomorrow hey jackson let's do it if you guys got a tender truck right now i can meet you down there in a little while [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you guys might be awfully itchy after this video [Music] [Music] there's a very large amount of shields on this thing to remove [Music] how on earth did i get there there we go [Music] time to go see if this quad track is charged up because those guys are going to need something new to wash here while i go fill a fertilizer card oh we'll let her charge more i think they got more to go anyway sounds like she's empty to me [Music] dang near empty [Music] beautiful now i gotta rush to the field because i got a fertilizer truck coming dang is that an 8rx410 pulling a john deere 25 10s strip till bar yep right on i think if you go down in the head just a little it'll fit in there well that's done now i got plenty in the cart to run for quite a while tomorrow and hopefully finish this field off let's hope this thing starts so we can get it washed up it must be like 60 degrees out here [Applause] there's life things are clicking pieces moving just don't understand the battery phenomenon on this property oh i'm gonna need a spade man this stuff is in there if it's wet it's heavy if it's dried out it's just like concrete it's in everywhere packed way up in here where i can hardly reach everything was so clean until that snow that is going to take a while i won't have that ready for those guys watching for quite a while so i'm going to finish this one up for him oh man but i got to get the header off on that now they're gonna have to watch the semi trucks first i've fallen behind [Music] there's nowhere inside here to put a camera to get a good shot of what i'm doing here but basically just a little bit at a time chopping and pushing there's got to be 300 pounds of mud in each track wait a second ah great now my snap doesn't even work well got some of it out some of this stuff in here is still frozen you can't hardly pull on it i think i'll back the machine up and maybe get a better glimpse of what i got left in here that's half of it anyway what a mess if we ever get one of these remind me never to drive it in any mud oh i've spent two hours on my hands and knees so far i think i'm gonna call that good i got it to the point where the pressure washer should eat away at it pretty good now looks like those boys back there are just about done with the second truck so i'll bring them the third one and they're done with the grain curtain tractor so i'll take that out and run the auger dump the shoots make sure she's good and before the snow we parked that case speed tiller right here full of dirt some of that dirt dried and fell off and made a mess on our gravel so i'm gonna get rid of that mess might have got a little too aggressive take me home tonight i don't wanna let you go to see the light there was more in there than i thought now i want to back the grain cart out and get the auger open and run that to make sure it's completely empty open the traps on the bottom make sure there's no water or old grain in there just to clean it out because i don't think we're going to use it for a while which is a little sad i mean look at how beautiful it is mostly mostly clean honestly that was hardly worth it it already pretty well cleaned itself out okay i'm gonna leave that clean out chute open on the bottom and i'm gonna flip this so that the auger lays down lower during storage save some shed room way down there i suppose this means i really i'm gonna have to finish blowing off that combine this stuff gets really caked in there once you start pulling snow in with stuff come on yes they got the third truck done time to watch the quadtrack and i think i should probably set up a time lapse for you guys all right i got the combine pretty well blown off i'm gonna hop in there and fire everything up try to run it as clean as i can same as i did with the grain cart and then i'm gonna get underneath all the snouts and into the corn header and try to clean up the header and drop that on a trailer go go gadget clean out go go gadget uh hopper clean out all clean what we really want to do here is just clean out all the crud that builds up underneath here in the gathering chains and sits here and creates wonderful little warm homes for mice during the winter we like to get those out of there that way the mice go down south or up to canada or wherever they want to go other than in our sheds all right this baby is clean enough for a wash now it's time to unhook the header and get it on a trailer and finish blowing that off the headers most of the time we just blow them off good and leave them there is some risk to washing everything this time of year because it's going to be freezing here in a few days and water can get in the bearings and cause problems but most of the time for the bigger equipment we try to park it in a shed or at least give it a couple of days to dry or run it to try to spin the bearings over at some point i mean you got to wash your stuff you got to take some pride in it oh that's too far [Music] it's gonna be getting dark here soon [Music] get ahead of it there we go and it gets dark so early now that's frustrating depressing all kinds of emotions you know you get a corn cob you get a corn cob you get a corn cob you get a corn cob i think that's gonna about do it for me for the night we didn't get as much done as i wanted but you know the good thing about that is we'll get a little more content out of it for you and for me we still got to wash the combine still got to wash the dryer and clean up all the disgustingness underneath the dryer and around the bin site also got to clean the shop probably should give thunder a wash because thunder deserves it uh and we got two tractors on tillage yet that'll need watch 9560 and the 8360. so we got plenty of plenty to do yet in the meantime tomorrow's deer opener around here and onyx needs a blind so we're gonna go grab one from the neighbor's house cause ours got wrecked oh and check out my buddy brock on-site wash down below in the description we'll throw up his number there if you're in the area central minnesota west central minnesota eastern dakotas he'll come by and watch stuff for you and it works out pretty handy thanks for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 413,062
Rating: 4.9746757 out of 5
Keywords: millennial farmer 2020, mn farmer, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, millennium farmer, farmer, mn millennial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, mn millennial farmer harvest, mn millennial farmer corn harvest, mn millennial farmer funny, farming, off the husk, farm, john deere, harvest, quadtrac, farm equipment, Farm videos, welker farms, She's Dead!, wash day, shes dead, mn millennial farmer 2020, mn farmer podcast
Id: 8AYHjEsinFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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