Something Greater | Paula White-Cain

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be seated Luke chapter 1 verse 26 through 38 says go ahead and go with me that'll be our cortex tonight it says that in the six month God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a town in Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph a descendant of David you know read it with me come on the Virgin's name was what y'all know this Mary the angel went to her and said greetings you who are highly favored the Lord is what the Lord is with you Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be but the angel said to her do not be afraid Mary you have found favor with God right now in the name of Jesus let everyone that is elite in your life be let go in the name of Jesus everyone who is draining what God has destined for you let them be removed every agenda that is operating against the purpose and the plan that God has for your life let it be exposed right now let all wickedness expose itself by the superior blood of Jesus for the Lord has favoured you and let not anything come against the purpose or the plan that you were to carry out in Jesus mighty name right now it's being overturned I guess I'm moving by the Holy Spirit tonight because there are some people that right now God is overturning plots and plans and wickedness schemes demonic networks words that have been spoken over your demonic altars that have been erected and built they're coming down in the name of Jesus everything that pertains to your destiny everything that pertains to your purpose anyone who's an hindrance to the purpose of God in your life let them be removed now in Jesus name let them be removed right now father send an angel sending people to minister sending people to strengthen sending people who are skilled to war people who have the wisdom of God people who carry forth with the heart of God right now in Jesus mighty name verse 31 you will be with child and give birth to a son and you were to give him the name of Jesus she had a purpose to carry forth the Messiah she was favored by God and God would allow that what she was to carry to come forth whatever transition you're in whatever trouble is coming against that transition let it be stopped right now in the name of Jesus and I pray that God will give you wisdom and give you divine knowledge and revelation supernatural outpouring of His Spirit in the name which is above every name the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever his kingdom will never end verse 34 she says how would this be and she wasn't asking like in doubt how will this be she was saying listen I'm not gonna violate and I'm not gonna go sin I'm not gonna go shack up here and and have this thing going with Joseph so just show me God download heaven to me give me a strategy God's about to release strategy to someone how will this be Mary ass angels since I'm a virgin and the angel said the Holy Spirit will come upon you and some of you don't know how God's about to do a quick thing because in the natural it seems so impossible in the natural it looks so far away but God says just allow the Holy Spirit to come upon you right now every struggle and every place of strife is not of God because when it's God you don't have to strive when it's God you don't have to make something happen you don't own anything it belongs to the Lord you just have to flow in what God has for you and that means you got to be still come on you've got to have an ability to hear what thus sayeth the Lord let all strife cease let all struggle cease in your life let everything that you're having to labor hard for come to an end right now in the name of Jesus because what God does he does easily and he does quickly he says my burden is easy my yoke is light there's not a difficulty to it in God right now let every spirit of deception come on every veil be lifted off you let any struggle over your heart let every struggle over your destiny be broken right now let it come to an end right now in the name of Jesus let all fear that is motivating you in any way be released from you in the name which is above every name in the name of Jesus I'm prophesying to someone right now let it be broken off you right now in the name of Jesus I declare that God has something greater for you God has a better purpose for you do not forfeit your destiny do not forfeit it because any seed fear anything that's attached itself to you anything that you're looking at in the natural I know you've got to add up on your calculator but God says your calculator will never add up because my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts or my thoughts are much higher than your thoughts says the Spirit of God and God says I will elevate your mind to a higher place where I have something greater for you and I renew your mind even tonight and I'll wash it with my word if you'll allow it to I'll let the word come upon you and do what you have not allowed to be done in your mind in your heart and your soul and your family for God is even now separating even in this house the wheat from the tares he's separating the goat from the Sheep God is separating the wolf's from the sheep from the goats God says I am the one in my hand is moving mightily and I will move those things out of place that need to be moved and I will plant that which needs to plant for am I not the Lord will I not do what I have intended to do says the Spirit of God for my purpose shall prevail says God and that which I have planned will come to pass do not fret do not worry do not be anxious for this is of the Holy Spirit in verse 35 the angel answered said the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age I will do the impossible says God I will do which cannot be done I will bring forth life and barrenness I don't know who I'm prophesied to but God says life is coming in your Berenice God says I'm removing all the restrictions I'm removing the limitations and I will do the impossible and what looks like just a barren thing what looks like an empty thing God says I am bringing forth life and I am bringing forth my power I'm bringing forth my provision says God and she who said to be barren she who was said to be barren she who was said she wasn't ever barren they just called her barren she wasn't what they called her she always carried John from the very foundations of the earth your days were ordained before one of them ever came into being according to Psalm 139 verse 16 God says whatever they had called you is not what I say about you so common alignment right now come in agreement because when you decree my what I have declared over you it shall be established I am The Lord's servant Mary answered may it be unto me as you have said then the angel left her the King James says be it unto me according to thy word in other words according in harmony with your word let it be so father I sealed the word of the Lord that has been spoken over my life over my destiny not just tonight but all the days of my life I see what has been spoken over your people everyone who is here that is tuned into your spirit God and tuned into you I seal what you had prophetically declared about them before they were even in their mother's womb what you have ordained to be over their household over their family over this ministry over their calling everything pertaining to their purpose I seal it right now by the superior blood of Jesus let them recognize that no matter what season they're in you have something greater God and that glimpse of what you've showed them because you give a foretaste you you give a trailer to the movie God you tell us the beginning from the end you foretold the things of ancient come on you told those things which work to come from ancient times and your purpose shall stand all the days because it pleases you O God so let us be in harmony with what you have intended let us be in harmony with what you have decided what your choice is God so be it unto me according to thy word be it unto me come on according to thy word God has something greater for you God has something greater for you city of destiny God has something greater for you story life God has something greater for you Paulo White ministries greater has been declared over you and greater is being delivered to you telling you the Spirit of God is here Mary had to do a few things number one God said I need you to line up with my plan because Mary I'm sure had her own plans Mary I'm sure and dreamed like all of us dreamed to be this wonderful bride and she just a young teenage girl really just a middle-class comes from a hard-working family how do you know that because of our offerings it reveals to us so much and and she had to change her plans to be in alignment with God's plan because I'm sure that she thought maybe if she was espoused to Joseph she probably thought well I'll get married whatever you know 40 BC went down a jerusalem temple she had a plan she had a dream she had a way she thought things needed to be done I don't want to live in this condition all my life god I want something better I'm going to carry something greater I just come from an ordinary a place it's an ordinary family but I know you have more for me anybody feel the more on the inside of them come on anybody feel like manna I have more than just this that there's more that I have to bring to the kingdom of God there's more that I have to do for the purpose of God you see God is not finished don't be weary and your well doing I break every spirit of weariness off of you let every spirit of confusion be lifted off of you right now in the name of Jesus for God has not given you a spirit of a confusion or fear that's what that means but he's giving you it of power and he's giving you of love and of a sound mind so God's going to give you a sound mind tonight supernaturally let all confusion let all confusion disorder that's what confusion means confusion is disorder and there's disorder right now let everything that is out of order in your life be brought into divine alignment let everything that is out of order in your house be brought into divine alignment that everything that is out of order be revealed right now by the Spirit of God so that there can be course correction correction in the name which is above every name let everything that is out of order right now by the Spirit of God be revealed because there's some things that are out of order right now but God is bringing a divine alignment and there's nothing listen I'm telling you God's strong hand has already been deployed so when his hand has been deployed I'm telling you what you have to do is cooperate with the maneuvers of God cooperate with the way they got is maneuvering things because without the cooperation of the movers of God then you get in the way God says I have to remove it it has nothing to do with the love of God for us God loves you with an everlasting love God accepts you because of His Son Jesus Christ that has already been established but God has a plan and a purpose and no matter who it is I don't care what you call yourself bishop pastor layman altar work or whatever it is God has no problem or moving bash die God has no problem removing you Saul God has no problem removing whoever he has to remove because he says listen I've got a plan I've got a purpose and someone's going to carry out my plan Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you a hope in a future and we often take this individually but that's a corporate word for Israel that he's speaking to her and no we taken individually Pastor Chris and we usually use it for our own life it is a corporate word that what God was given so God's a planner he's strategic he's sovereign Psalm 33 verse 11 he says but the plans of the Lord stand forever the purposes of his heart throughout all generations the way God brings forth the future is not by impulse it's been there all along so what it is is us clearing up the clutter so that we can be in divine alignment with what God has so the second thing that had to happen which is really where I want to minister tonight because she not only had to change her plans to land up with God she had to change her way of thinking she had to have a paradigm shift and then ultimately she'd have to change the people she's around change her partnerships in life so when God wants to change a nation or a family or community or an individual or anyone he begins to change that individual he does so by putting a dream and a vision on the inside of him when God wants to bring something greater something greater into America come on something greater it all starts with a person God puts that in their heart and it seemingly has no correlation to what's on the outside it doesn't matter what I look at or see right now what's standing before me with all due respect I love you guys so much but my love for you has nothing to do with what God's plan and purpose being fulfilled and I hope you understand what I'm saying because the correlation of what I see is I see a mass army now you're part of that army but I see and I know that God confirms that there are nations literally there generations and that's 40 years that's why I know that the Lord said to me create the university immediately begin to launch the city or destiny because you don't have another 10 years to do this that's a do it and do it now so I'll open the university it will be accredited it will raise up ministry gifts praise God for all the universities do great things and raise up doctors and lawyers and business people but I have one singular purpose and that is to release ministry gifts into the earth ministry gifts will come by that the scores I mean by the tonnes they're coming right now because it will be launched and it will be released even in the next 365 days because God has something greater and so what he does is he puts a dream a vision of God inspired hope and expectation on the inside that doesn't look like anything on the outside proverbs 29 8 reminds me that where there is no vision the people perish because remember what vision means vision means to gaze it means to see mentally it's a dream or a revelation it's from the root word to mentally perceive to contemplate with pleasure specifically it means to behold to look to prophesy so gives the ability to foresee something in your future that is not right now in your present and the ability you could say it like this is that it's the vision is the mental picture of my future future that is absolutely forceful enough to mold my present so all revelation comes from illumination and every New Testament blessing comes out of illumination it's an internal photograph like a Kodak picture that God puts on the inside if you could see what I see right now I don't know if you can see it can you see it teri can you see it Ralph if you could see it see your language would change because language is a locater the way that you feel about things would change the way you perceive and think about things would also be different because you wouldn't walk so casually you would see literally where you are you would understand what God is doing all revelation comes from illumination which means to put a picture on the inside now why is that so important because my spirit is always gonna fight or I should say my soul my mind is gonna fight against my spirit it's a law that is in our nature it's in our very flesh let me take you through it see the mind is the seed of all spiritual and carnal conditions if you're going to change your way of living you're going to maneuver or move your life in the direction of the Spirit of God you've got to change the way of thinking I'll help work on your mind for the next 20 minutes or so Romans chapter 7 verse 17 through 25 Paul addresses this conflict as he endeavors to define and clarify the opposing forces that are operating against and get in order to gain influence over your mind so in essence what controls your mind controls your life whatever is controlling your mind is controlling your life let every demonic spirit be set free off your mind right now that every stronghold be loosed right now off your mind whatever has your mind in captivity that is not of God let it be uprooted right now in the name of Jesus come on their thoughts on the inside of you that right now you're gonna have to some of you're gonna have to work extra hard because you didn't deal with those thoughts and because you didn't deal with those thoughts in those embryonic stages they have become something of significance in your life and they're gonna become a stumbling block even to your own purpose in your own destiny says the Spirit of God and God says uproot it right now by the superior blood of Jesus Christ and open up your heart let all pride be broken off of you let everything that would be of the flesh let everything that would be sensual right now which means of the five senses let it all come off crucify your flesh right now so that you can hear by the Spirit of God repent turn from your ways and change your mind says the Spirit of God Paul addresses is very clearly in verse 14 he says we know that the law is spiritual but I am unspiritual so as a slave to sin I do not understand what I do for what I want to do I do not do but what I hate to do and if I do what I do not want to do I agree that the law is good as it is it is no longer i myself will do it but it is sin living in me this is Apostle Paul speaking I know that nothing good lives in me that is in my sinful nature for I have the desire to do what is good but I cannot carry it out for what I do is not the good I want to do no the evil I do not want to do this I keep on doing now if I do what I do not want to do it is no longer I who do it but it is sin living in me that does it so I find this law at work it's a law guys when I want to do good evil is right there with me for in my inner being nine delight in God's law but I see another law at work in the members of my body waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members what a wretched man I am who will rescue me from this body of death thanks be to God thanks be to God thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then I'm ice up in my mind in my slave of God to God's law but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin it is the mind that we wrestle with with spiritual and carnal manners and what the Apostle Paul just went on to explain and what he went on to really as I'd say just lay out for you let me bring it to simple terms is that no matter how much you love god this is not has to do with your love it has to do with a law that is working and that wall is that in your nature is sin and that there is a law that that which you want to do which is right and which is good you don't end up doing and that what you don't want to do you end up doing and the reason he says the the outcome is that is because the law of nature against your mind he goes the law in my mind wrestles against the many members in my so he's saying what's happening is this law of sin starts in my mind so the Bible says where does where does a adultery start where does fornication start come on where it where does murder start help me out guys where where do all these evil things start they don't start in a defiled bed they don't start in a bank when you're robbing come on they don't start when your hand is in the cookie jar they start in the law that is working against your mind and he said way before it is ever conceived in the natural it is conceived in my mind so long before it's manifested and seen so it is with faith so it is with them come on so it is with evil so it is with good long before it's ever manifested a that it's tangible it is in someone's spirit whether it's evil or it is good and he said there's this law so when your carnal it means taking on the nature of flesh we know that there are three different types of people in the Bible or 3 different aspects there's natural which means they're not born again there is carnal which means that they are flesh that their nature is of flesh which means that they are sensual and controlled by the senses are an animal appetite there are five different senses the spiritual or spirit the Greek is Numa Hebrew is Rua the winter breath it is spacious it means air and motion are the Holy Spirit the spirit mind is connected to and controlled by the Spirit of Christ because we have the power to choose we find ourself engaged in a daily battle of deciding between what life and death Romans chapter 8 verse 6 for to be carnally minded is what come on guys help me out for me - y'all know some scripts are for to be carnally minded is what so to be connolly mind it means my nature crystal means that I am literally controlled by an animal appetite that I'm led by my five senses what I taste what I see what I hear what I smell what I touch right now in the name of Jesus let every nature that is not of the Spirit of God died on the inside of you let every nature that causes you to have to fight for your position or find your way let every nature that is trying to prove something to yourself prove something to other people let it die right now let me be crucified with Christ so that you can be resurrected with him as well pick up your cross and let that fleshly nature that is gonna consume you in a law that works in your mind to do evil and you will have the testimony the Apostle Paul and all of us have had in this that the things I want to do I don't want to do in the things I don't want to do I end up doing but right now I crucify that law and I declare that that law does not have preeminence and does not have ownership of my mind of anything whatever seed has been planted whatever needs to be uprooted if it's rejection abandonment whatever insecurity whatever issue fits greed if it's fear whatever is driving the motivation of that let it die tonight go take your word and just like Jesus laid the axe to the root deal with the root tonight lay the axe to the root right now in the name which is above every name and let every stronghold come down let every spear to pride let pride of life lust of the eye lust of the flesh be overturned in your life right now overturn it right now overturn it right now overturn it right now but every fleshly struggle but every fleshly desire die let it die let it die I'm calling to you to an altar and altars a place of sacrifice the greatest offering you never give it yourself it's not just your money it's not just your time it's not your talent those will all be accountable for but the greatest offering I can ever give God is myself let everything that is not a god die right now let every thought be taken into captivity right now that is not of God let every vain imagination come down right now in the name of Jesus a spiritual mind the word spirit is Numa Aroo up means wind or breath that is spacious air in motion or of the Holy Spirit the spirit mine is one that is connected and controlled by the Holy Spirit because we have the power to choose look right now the Holy Spirit is speaking to people I'm gonna try it I need it I wanted to get through this whole message I can't even get into the first few sentences of it because God wants to deal with some things God is revealing right now cuz the Holy Spirit is our is a revealer he'll show you truth and truth sets you free so whatever needs to be dealt with come on whatever whatever is becoming a stronghold whatever you've allowed on the inside that needs to be uprooted deal with it right now I feel up leading by the Holy Spirit I feel up leading by the Holy Spirit work with the Holy Spirit cooperate with the Holy Spirit right now cooperate with the Holy Spirit remember for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is what life and peace life is Zoe life Zoe get your life back get your peace back you've lost your life you've lost your peace get it back in the name of Jesus come on get it back Paul goes on to further confirm throughout Romans there's always going to be this struggle even with the matchless grace of God there'll be a constant battle with sins that have manifested themself in behaviors of your flesh remember that being in doing or two different things who you are sometimes conflicts with what you do so the enemy is always going to try to work in your mind work in your thoughts I can't get off of it because they're seeds you guys need to deal with people watching me they're seeds you need to deal with I feel right now the Holy Spirit just reaching out with a hand and an arm of love and grace and say give me that seed don't be so prideful because if you hold on to it it's gonna be to your own down falling and to your own detriment and God says give it over to me pour out your heart before me run to me and let my fire purge you and let it purify you now let my word wash you and let my word clinch you says the Spirit of God for you cannot stop the plan of God nor the hand of God do not wrestle against the arm of God it's a strong warning by the Holy Spirit tonight as you battle in the flesh trying to take on the divine nature of God the fight is to walk and to live in the promises of God the Word of God the only way to do that is by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Romans chapter 8 verse 1 - the first step to becoming a spiritual person of course Romans chapter 8 be not conformed to this world but well I'm sorry that's Romans chapter 12 be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the perfect good and acceptable will of the Lord Romans chapter 8 is there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit of God so the first step to becoming a spiritual person is to break molds that have been formed by various inputs into your life so you start looking at what kind of mol molds learn behavior things you took on from your upbringing from your family religion things that you take on that you don't even maybe consciously know negative words failure from your path things that have created hurts from your past wounds from your past as have created patterns let every demonic pattern in your life be broken right now let every pattern that does not have God's DNA and gods agenda as part of it let it be uprooted and let it be routed out of your life right now let there be a regeneration that you are literally Regine right now that you hold new DNA that you are an heir with God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ and mold as your mindset and learn thought I learned pattern I learned behavior it is a fixed and rigid thought process that is resistant to change anything that is causing you to be resistant to change come on the Holy Spirit is reaching for you right now let it come down right now any spirit of belle-isle any spirit of behaving anything that is causing you to be stubborn and stiff-necked let it be broken right now by the superior blood of Jesus Christ most don't realize and live within a confined compartment they live within limitations they live within restrictions and they're not able to think outside of paradigms that have been formed in their life and that's why revelation is absolutely necessary because if you don't have revelation right now I'm going to tell you even as a local ministry if you don't have a revelation you will not be able to make the transition because it's only going to be by the Spirit of God and those that the Spirit of God reveals - get ready because we about to have the best rides you've ever had in your life revelation is absolutely necessary because they're people even sitting here they're people watching me on the internet they they have knowledge but they don't have revelation and revelation is deeper the knowledge it's deeper than facts it's deeper than any fact I don't care what facts say I've not cared in a long time what facts say facts are going to cause you to live mediocre facts are going to cause you to miss the mark facts are going to cause you to fall short facts are going to cause you to miss what God has for you in fact if you continue to look at facts facts are gonna take some of you straight to hell because this is not my facts it's my intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit who takes you to Jesus who takes you to God the Father who reveals the blueprints of heaven and brings a joy and a revelation in your heart that illuminates your entire being that causes you to walk with the peace that irritates others you've become an irritant to some people you're causing some people to lose sleep at night you're causing people to stay up and wonder you're causing people to stay awake at night because they can't figure you out keep on abiding under the shadow of the Almighty they aren't gonna figure it out who would know my mind says the Lord or who have first been my counselor or who had given to me and it shall not be given unto him and recompense them to him again Mandar Ibaka Sunday acacia under Abbas and I revelation is a special extraordinary man efficient and unveiling which removes the veil from something it's based on how God wants me to see things on his perspective that's why I must develop a certain type of thinking a certain way of processing it will put God in all my circumstances 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 but we have the mind of Christ the Messiah and do hold the thoughts the feelings and purposes of his heart I have his mind and I hold his feelings oh the Holy Spirit's smiling at me right now he'll romance you you'll feel fire you'll feel conviction you'll fill shifts you'll feel love you'll feel him whoo you you'll feel him called you you'll fill him commands you the Holy Spirit he's gentlemen but he's so powerful he's here right now he's strong right now for those of us who have the mind of Christ we hold the thoughts his feelings and the purposes of his heart God wants to impart his heart to you God wants to impart his heart to you well you have the heart of God you see the nation's different you see situations and people different God let your heart be imparted right now but the wind of God blows strong in this house move mightily right now move mightily right now Holy Spirit blow away all debris blow away anything that has caused our heart to be cluttered and our spirit to be clogged up let us be catheterize tonight but the word which washes over our soul cleanse us it died laibach undone and that it all shall die when I think like God or walk in Revelation without changing my situation I see different I feel different I think different because I I see by the Spirit of God that's why one person's storm is calmer and one person is storm can have more joy because they're going through a storm but they have the revelation of its purpose that's why two people can be and what on the outward looks like the same situation but inwardly in Word it's completely different because one has revelation and one all they can do is see the storm the other one understands the purpose the purpose of the storm was God had already said before they ever got in the boat they were going to the other side their destination was already secured the master had spoken the storm is not a challenge for the master the storm has a tool for you I said the storm is a tool for you do you think Satan has any power over you that has not gone through the sovereign hands of an Almighty God Satan has no power over you he's already been defeated the only power he has over you is that what you've given him block it overturn it you're more than a conqueror you don't have to compete for anything nobody can ever be you why would you have to compete for something you're so unique you carry something that nobody else has and in your earth and vessel there's a deposit of wealth that nobody else can give exactly what you are called to give and do be at peace be at peace Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it's impossible to please God you know the word please means to come in alignment to think like God therefore a revelation is necessary to walk in the will of the Spirit Paul understands the struggle and concludes in Romans chapter 8 1 there's therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus the Greek word condemnation is character EEMA which means to speak against your experiences it makes you feel negative about yourself in the midst of what God is doing in the struggle so what condemnation means is to speak against your experiences when you start cursing your crisis you are only hurting yourself because you don't have a crisis you have an experience because God has something greater for you God is not going to leave you there talk to me Apostle Paul they stoned you which means they put one Boulder after another on top of you in order to totally not just weigh you down but destroy you and even when the religious rulers backed off of you and the disciples backed off of you you never backed off of Who I am on the inside of you and the Bible says you lifted yourself up you're waiting on someone to come lift you up and God says you have lifted yourself up come on talk to me because that scone is not gonna take you out that Boulder is not going to bury you that situation circumstance that storm is not gonna be the end of your story God has something greater and you don't have to manipulate and you don't have to try to make it happen in fact the more you put your hand in it the bigger mess you're gonna make of it hmm hey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah wasn't going to share this but the Lord says share this word there was a church that one time existed called without walls and no longer exists it doesn't exist any longer because of one primary reason there was one word of warning given when there were just five people in that church before it had 28,000 members before it had 250 outreach ministries before it had millions of millions of dollars in big buildings before it was the second largest church in the nation which is nothing now all gone there was a word given sekolah mono I had no idea what that word meant and I probably pronounced it wrong sokka la bombe which means take your hands off take your hands off when you have five people but you don't have anything to put your hands to anyway but when destiny starts to arise even before you see the manifestation Satan always wants to use somebody to put his hands on promise saying wants to use somebody talk to me Herod to kill every child under two to grievious leave X say mostly use somebody let every spirit of Herod be broken off of you in the name Jesus you will not put your hands to evil you'll put your hands to good God says take your hands off sin and a whole lot to put your hands on you're not walking in Revelation then because there's a battle for the destiny there's a battle for the purpose that God has already called forth but it's coming forth whether or not get ready ready or not you don't have to do anything I'm telling you you don't have to do anything what I mean by that is you don't have to make anything happen you just have to obey what God is saying if you don't know how God speaks get in his word and find out he speaks eight different ways but if you don't understand how God speaks one of the primary ways God speaks through spiritual authority I am still spiritual authority here God is speaking through me tonight by the Holy Spirit he's moving mightily take your hands off take your hands off take your hands off wasn't a word that was for that moment it was a word that wouldn't manifest for almost what 18 years 18 years later God had said early on get your hands off take your hands off because the condemnation there is therefore no condemnation means to speak against your experiences makes you feel negative about yourself in the midst of what God is doing in your struggle all your pain has a purpose every struggle is only for season
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 20,091
Rating: 4.7916665 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries, something greater, faith, Jesus Christ, believe, prosperity, gospel
Id: Jkp7DntIuaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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