Something Greater | Pastor Paula White

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[Music] literally the rest of the world but I think I'm at one of my favorite churches in the entire world with some of the greatest people ever can I say that because well first off turn around hug somebody squeeze them so tight until they can barely breathe and just say I love you and there's nothing you can do about it thank you so much Courtney it is such a blessing to be with you I love the Franklin family I really had the deepest respect you know I've known pastor Johnson I think since I was about 19 years old and Charisse and um I know none of y'all saw that facial mask that he got and but I'm so grateful for their friendship but for their stance for their family for their life for their integrity and though they're on vacation coming back will you give honor to whom honor soon will you let pass certain sensory snow we love them seriously I mean he is such a statesman for the body of Christ well I'm excited I've got a word free I think we'll encourage you this was the most difficult thing I've ever done to write something greater it was also the most rewarding thing I've ever done it took me nine years to write and literally two years of writing but nine years because I had DeLand and I don't know if you've ever been there in life that you've gone through things and you thought this is how God's gonna do it and maybe your life took a detour or you went through some situations that you just an anticipate or expect you love God with all your heart and you don't see things when you're in the midst of them like the we quote Romans 8:28 all the time that what the enemy meant for bad God's gonna turn it around for the good right to those who love God who are the called according to his purpose his plan but in the middle of the mess in the middle of it it's hard sometimes to see that God has something greater now something greater is not necessarily a bigger house or bigger car or promotion it could be inclusive of that but something greater is your portion is peace your portion is joy that you're a sent person your portion is the love of God your portion is legacy your portion is to leave something that outlives your life that you have a purpose and purpose as God's intention it's his decision it's his decree and he's made an everlasting covenant with you and this word is true and flawless and no matter how crazy culture gets or what's going on on the outside the word will in forever the word is true the word is flawless that's why David said I hid it in my heart that I might not sin against see it became a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path heaven and earth shall pass away but the words shall remain isaiah 55:11 the word will not return void it will prosper that which it is sent unto so we thank God that he gave us his word in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he's a covenant-keeping god and so my life is kind of like this and I'll give you a quick synopsis and take you over to Psalm 89 but I was born I was born a fighter I was born breech tumbling almost killed my mom umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and listen this is kind of funny aren't we're all from the south so I was born in Mississippi Tupelo Mississippi and yeah Mississippi all right so good things come out of the poor state in the nation so I was born in Tupelo Mississippi and my father came from a pretty well-to-do family and he was on a business trip and my mom back then they used to put you under when you'd have kids and then my mom pushed me out and Here I am come out breech and she named me Luanne now can you imagine watch Luanne ministries that would not have taken me around the world and my father comes back my mom's knocked out and he says where's my baby where's my baby and and they point over and he looks at it says Luanne he says oh no my dad's name was Paul he said her name is Paula thank goodness dad I said because Lully and ministries would not have gone further than Mississippi Georgia and Alabama all right and so from the very beginning I didn't know that God had this big plan and this purpose for my life I grew up in what I thought was a heathen home it was a well-to-do my father came from a well-to-do family my mom's two masters and a doctorate but it also had a lot of dysfunction the first five years of my life my dad was my superhero he was Superman I mean all I knew is loving arms that draw smiling faces on my pancakes and he was larger than life he never knew how to say no we own toy stores and I'd go in after going to what I thought it was his office it was the country club and I would go in and after that he'd go make the cash deposits for my mom and and I'd see a new toy shining in my heart say no way my dad say give it to her that's my baby she wants it and so I I just knew that this love and this this life of didn't understand the dysfunction but this life full of love and full of just greatness until my mom one day after a lot of different things had happened we'd move a lot I just thought it was fun but my dad I didn't realize would go up to Vegas and Gamble our house off or something my mom decided to kind of put the brakes on it and say Peggy you've got to grow up it was my dad Sam you've got you've got to get it together so she took my brother and I to Memphis and we'd moved to Memphis I just thought another place we were going and dad comes in that night and it's a stormy thunder lightning night they're separated I guess my mom has given him an ultimatum and I remember a knock on the door more like a bang and suddenly he comes in I open the door and I'm like it's daddy my daddy is here and he grabs one arm and this loving arm this loving man that I'd known grabs an arm so intently my mother grabs the other and for the first time in my life I'm going to begin to understand a tear in my heart that I never knew existed and as he begins to pull on one side my mother begins to pull on the other side that long loving arm that had drawn those smiley faces on the pancakes helped me rock me begin to bash my mother's face in begin to beat her violently and he said give her to me or I'll kill myself and I felt a tug in my heart is a sin they're being pulled from my mother to my father my mother yells to my brother call the police more my brother who's I wouldn't find out too much later as my half-brother would call the police and they take my father to the to the police station into the drunk tank and he would sober up and they'd let him go and my father would take his life that night my mother would become an alcoholic a very functioning one and I was raised in a very liberal household meaning to be morally right and morally responsible but I'd never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ I knew the name but it was like the tooth fairy I hope this is okay for you guys for me to be real and authentic and wrong it's like the tooth fairy I didn't really know that Jesus Christ was the son of God and so at five years old and my chaos and confusion you start to come to these false conclusions they're called ABCs a is when there's an activation in your life and that's maybe yet the death of your father abuse abandonment displacement being moved all around it could be a teacher embarrassing you but there's an event in your life that takes place that creates a belief and if Satan gets his way he wants to make sure that that belief is faulty because Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly but Satan came to still kill and destroy and to destroy means to utterly abolish her purpose and so I began to buy into the faulty belief what does a five-year-old know and so I bought into the lies and the labels and I began to wear those as my identity I believed I must not be lovable I believe that fundamentally something must be flawed with me and so ultimately whatever kind of belief you have all behavior comes out of belief so out of belief creates consequences so I began to create a lot of consequences in my life because all I really wanted was what we all want to be loved I didn't know that there was a God that loved me with an everlasting love that loved me so much that he would give his only begotten Son I didn't know what true love was so I would become what I thought that you loved is it a straight-a student is it some be really skinny I'll end up getting an eating disorder is that somebody who is I was very competitive I competed up to the Junior Olympics is that somebody who can do a backflip is that the center of attention mr. Sheridan let me sing up in the air mr. Birdman over the air anyway that's the seventh grade it's all in the book so what is that you la this is someone who'll jump in bed with you I know that's way too much oh we're saved all your life alright okay is it someone what what do you love because I'm so hungry for love and so desperate for love they would I find myself doing things that I didn't even know was sin I didn't know was wrong I just wanted what we all wanted love value respect validation when I'm 18 years old I'm chasing a guy so for everybody that's saved all your life be patient with me and you definitely have to forgive me or you go to hell alright so so my story always tends to have a guy but it lands up with the right guy his name is Jesus so I'm chasing this guy and I just decide he's really hot I know for everybody that sanctified you never thought that but he looked like Tom Cruise and sang like Huey Lewis so I just think funs fun summer fling this is way too much pesto Jensen's not gonna have me back alright so I I'm having a summer fling with him and I'm thinking just chasing him and I'm gonna go off to California go to Berkeley and have my plans and live my life and be that woman and suddenly he takes me to his grandmother's house and while I'm at his grandmother's house his uncle's there and he looks me in my eyes and he said I've got the answers to your questions and the solution to your painting problems and as he begins to do that I look at him very defensively like what do you know after all I kind of keep a good facade of perfection don't I and so as he looks at me and he opens up this book in this book is the Bible and he begins to read to me at first I'm challenged because he's telling me that I'm a sinner and I don't like that he's telling me that I've missed the mark and I don't like what I'm hearing but what he's saying to me though this doesn't like it something in here is so hungry and pulling towards these words of life that nobody ever told me a preacher preached my father sooner but never told me about Jesus people were all around me churches on every corner but never told me about Jesus I never knew that he was the son of God and as he begin to lay the gospel to me and begin to reveal truth to me my heart that was so hungry for a penis of love my life that was a train wreck in many ways successful in some and an absolute disaster and others began to pull towards this message of love which was the only message of hope and truth and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son you know what happened I got saved but I didn't just get saved I went through complete deliverance I mean he I'm surprised he didn't have an exorcism I mean I I'm literally like I'm shot my head wasn't spinning around but so anyway you have to be old understand that so anyway I go through deliverance and I walk outside and he said go find a church I'm 18 years old I'm in college and and I go to some churches and most people are like 50 60 70 now that's pretty young now right but they were very old all right and I was like man I need that book I need that book so I hold the Bible up and I said God show me who you are show me what life is about and show me who I am and I would dedicate the rest of my life I said God can I spend the rest of my life helping people I'm gonna get you into Psalm 89 in just a second but I wanted to share with you up to that point because if you don't understand somebody's story you'll never really be able to appreciate what people perceive is the glory of God through their life and so here I am I get radically saved transition my life it's all in the book about what happens it tells so many different things I'd gotten pregnant when I was 18 years old out of wedlock I laid at an altar all night at a Pentecostal church told God that I was not ministering material I felt a call a God on my life said I have nothing to offer you I don't sing I don't play the piano I don't preach I've had a child out of wedlock my parents are rejected me they won't let me save Jesus they cut me out of their life if I mention the name of Jesus I'm living in a trailer but God's in the recycling business he takes what other caught people call trash and pulls out treasure so this process begins to take shape and take place and God does a deep work in my life in this an important part I'm laying in my bed actually on my couch and and the Lord literally takes me in a trance a vision and I'm laying there and he puts me on every country said I called you to preach the gospel I knew my purpose let me tell you something every one of you were sent into this earth with a purpose with an intention and a plan from God you are unique and God has something great for you to do and I don't care what your past looks like it does not define your future whether you're eight or whether you're 80 today it doesn't matter where you've been or what you've come out of God loves to take what looks like a mess he takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise the weak things to confound the strength and so God loves to use our life as evidence of his grace and his Redemption and his mercy and his goodness and so I would go on and begin as you know ministry in the inner city preaching children seeing people get saved would Pastor build one of the largest churches in the nation start Paula White media ministry see over 10 million people come to Lourdes people go well how did you become the spiritual advisor the president we'll get to that later it's all in there Michael Jackson Kid Rock the president it's all in there all right and I thought like me and that was the worst part of my life and I'm giving you the prelude like just that in 2002 I write man can life get any better I mean everything so wonderful I'm married to this man Randy who has a great gift of faith and we're seeing God do incredible things and then 2003 a prophet comes and he says you you he says God's gonna use your beauty and Courtney I can be a little bit harsh I'm looking him like you better give me something more than that I kind of know I'm a little bit cute all right he says God's gonna use your beauty and I'm still looking at him he said he's giving you the world it's like the harlem globetrotter nations are yours for the asking now the Lord said when I was 18 years old and there's a whole says that happen he said you're gonna preach the gospel and he said I've given you nations for the asking I'm still looking anything but he begins to give me this vision that I'd never spoken publicly to anyone else and he's got my attention he says everything around you it's about 2001-2002 everything around you will be shaken and everything around you will fall but you will remain standing and you will emerge with strength you know the whole church stands up in their platting I sit down I'm saying technicality send it back I don't want it can he be a false prophet come on Lord anything I'll take it anything like this is not the word that I want you know I want the I want the word that you're you've arrived but the truth of it is is we never arrived God is constantly doing an a work in our life to grow and mature us and so 2003 all hell begins to break loose the FBI comes knocking on my door with a criminal IRS and we go through a criminal investigation oh I don't know all this right so we go through a criminal investigation because we'd come against pornography so hard and I begin to learn this is how I didn't know it at the time I was at the time I mean fear grips your heart but on the other side on something greater which I'm gonna get to you begin to find out how everything is preparing you in processing you and I've learned that God was preparing me for something greater so the common goose has hardened six months were exonerated were cleared but it really takes a toll on us my husband feels like the community has turned against him and a seed of bitterness gets in his heart he has a complete breakdown he tells a story in his testimony now he opened the door gets addicted to drugs and then it begins to become women multiple women and I believe God because I'm thinking God this season is horrible but I believe it's gonna be a blip on the radar screen that my marriage is gonna make it my life is gonna make it then I find out my 17 year old as an atheist I walk outside one day his hands are black and Randy and I see him and I don't understand I've never done a drug in my life I find out he's a crack at it I find out he had been abused by a member in the church and he's full of anger that same son who's saved now I'm preaching the Word of God in the password but we'll get to that in a minute I raised Randy's three children from the time they were two five and seven we find out our oldest daughter Kristen has cancer and one of the most difficult days of my life was burying her when she died of cancer while I'm laying hands on people and seeing them getting healed Here I am going through so much and that sounds really sad and horrible and it was and I cried and I lost 30 pounds and I'm in a deep depression you're like really Paula it's gonna get better I promise you I'm in a deep depression I am I had that going Prozac what's going present I'm preaching to millions of people because I Justin so numbed out I don't know how do I get to something better and God starts a process process that I didn't even know was taking place he says Paul had given me three things you're grateful for when I'm laying there and I said God I don't have anything to be grateful for Scott and I have that kind of cool relationship I was was mad as angry can you imagine that when the world's leading pastors they say it's okay to be real with God by the way it's okay there be world with God he already knows how you feel he knows what you're going through and I knew the work but I said I don't have anything and I heard my kids laughing and I said okay fine and it was actually almost cynical I said fine and I'm happy because I'm grateful that I can hear my kids laughing and the Holy Spirit said that's right you can hear faith cometh by hearing suddenly he said give me something else I said okay I'm sitting there in my office I'm looking out and the sun's rising over the bay I said okay I can see the Sun he goes that's right you still have eyes to see he said and it is proverbs chapter 20 that the Lord says I make your ear to hear and I make your eye to see and I said okay God the Sun is rising he said that's right I'm giving you another day to fight for it and another chance to live he said Paula the enemy doesn't get the final say on your life I do I am the author and the finisher of your faith I am the beginning and the end Philippians 1:6 says you can be confident in this one thing that the same God that started the good work is the same God that will finish it further and execute it I don't know what you've gone through but I came to tell you my story would not end in depression my story would not end half complete my story would not end in the valley my story would not end with my son as an addict my story would not end and brokenness my story would not in and shattered my story would not in questioning would I love again would I laugh again when I live again my story would in with the glory of God because I decided I'm not gonna quit on God and I found out that God will never quit on you and something Raider is not a bigger house something greater is God getting you in alignment with their purpose and ecclesiastics chapter 3 says this and this is why many of you could not quit through those difficulties people would say you're so strong and I think I'm not strong it's only God in me the hope of glory and when you're going through whatever you're going through I came to tell you I am evidence that God says you'll make it you'll make it to the other side so people keep seeing me o Micah 7 8 says don't rejoice just yet my enemy don't throw the party just yet don't have the big the who but just shed because when I fall not if I fall but when I fall I shall arise again when I sit in darkness the light of the Lord will come to me and I want you to know God is not finished whatever has caused you to stumble come on whatever has caused your heart maybe you relate to the broken girl maybe you relate to losing your father maybe you relate to the frail fractured relationship that ended up being fatal maybe you relate to the end justices that we're done maybe you relate to having to go through something or a child that you don't understand but I'm telling you God is not finished with your story do not quit do not back up do not back down because God has more God has something greater for you God is not finished because your story this is not about my story this is about God's story and God's story in my life God's story in your life is not gonna end with a defeated God with a half-baked God with a lying God it's gonna end up with a God who is a covenant-keeping god who sent you into this earth with the divine sense of purpose I'm trying to preach it so in the next nine minutes you ready ecclesiastics 311 says he has made everything beautiful in its time he's also planning eternity in men's hearts and minds a divinely implanted sense of purpose working through the ages which nothing under the Sun but God alone can satisfy and so God says I put purpose in you I put intention in you and that's that pool I always had a pool in me a pool that there's got to be something greater when I was a little girl standing out on the hill talking to what I didn't even know was the heavens to what I didn't even know was a God that existed with the little jewelry box that my daddy had given me with the ballerina spinning because I felt a pull in my heart this same pool that picked me up out of this depression the same pool that would cause me to speak to the King and my son and not the fool that he was acting like the same pool that calls me to look when there was nothing but ashes and see God's beauty come on you've got to know that God has purpose in your heart and it feels still out all the noise and all the situation and all the circumstance God is the faithful God he's a covenant-keeping god you better slap somebody say he keeps covenant and so Psalm chapter 89 says this I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered you see God says that he is not gonna violate it he's not gonna alter and you have to understand the Psalms were a song right there were different types of Psalms and ascending one one that took you higher this is a mass kill song I can't say it right I'm from Mississippi well it's a national however you said it may SCH IL all right that kind of Psalm it is and what it means it's a psalm of instruction it's a psalm of wisdom it is written by this man by the name of Ethan how many of you know biblical names are important thank goodness that my dad came in and it was not LuAnn all right it's Paula which means the little one of mighty strengths come on biblical names are important especially in the Old Testament and so Ethan's name means one of permanence it means one who in to endure means to stand firm under pressure and I believe God's gonna give you a spirit to let you know that he is a covenant-keeping god and what he said shall come to pass when the prophet micah spoke he said there will be a messiah that comes forth seven hundred and fifteen years later at the exact time that God had decided because purposes parenthetic go to release his son into the earth Jesus came forth in a manger you see your promise will come forth in God's timing his ways are not your ways come on his thoughts are not your thoughts according to the word are you ready say bring it on pastor Paul we've got six more minutes here so Ethan writes to Psalm and when he's writing this you've got to know something about Ethan he's seasoned he's experienced there's many different writers of the song this is the only song that Ethan writes but Ethan the Bible says over in 1st Kings there I believe it's in Chapter let's see it's around chapter three or so it's in the first Kings it declares that Ethan is the only man that is wiser than Ethan is Solomon and so Ethan is a seasoned man he's a man that has history he's a man that is experienced and now God is telling him to write this song he's singing it but they wanted it to be written right and what he says in verse one he says I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever with my mouth will I make known your faithfulness to all generations come on not not I think I will you've got to wake up every morning with an I will you've got to wake up no matter what kind of day you've had before and say I will you've got to wake up with the determined mind that says I will I will bless the Lord at all times I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever in other words what he's saying is what I'm about to say will last forever and he goes on in verse four and five he said I made a covenant with my chosen servant David now God had made all kinds of covenant covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob he reinforced said with Moses and and he goes somebody said David I'm making a special covenant with you because out of your flesh will come the Christ and Mary would come from the lineage of the house of David are you with me right now because it might look like a mess right now but God's gonna bring something greater come on God has something greater and when God promises you something it will come to pass because God is a covenant-keeping god and so Ethan is from two lineages number one is from the Levitical and number two is from the Judah tribe and that's important because in the New Testament we know that we are all priests because of our high priest Jesus Christ we know that we are all Prazeres because God said that he would raise up a church that would praise Him and if we did it even the rocks would cry out so I don't know what you're going through but I know how to get you through it worship your way through it praise your way through it come on pray your way through it that's what the priest do that's what Prazeres do so he's a Nazarite and don't have time to get into all of it but he was going through a difficult time during this song because he's saying how I will declare the faithfulness of God the Covenant he's made and he goes all the way up to verse 34 and he says that this covenant God will not alter somebody shot he's a covenant-keeping god somebody just needs to know he will not alter it and so he says he'll he will not alter what he's uh turd out of his lips and so then you get to verse 38 and it seems like a contradiction because he's having a contradiction in his soul because he's looking at David's life and he knows the promise of God that God says I will be faithful to my servant David who've I've chosen unto all generations so he knows the Covenant anybody here if you go to free chapel you know the Covenant all right you know what the word has to say anybody ever promised from God come on anybody have something goddess said to you he knows the Covenant but now watch what he says and then we're gonna be through with this watch what he says in verse 38 but you have rejected you have spurned you have been very angry with your anointed you have renounced the covenant with your servant you've defiled his crown in the dust you've broken through his walls and reduced the strongholds to ruins he's saying this even is saying you're covenant-keeping god then he turns around he says but gods you broke through his walls you reduce his strongholds to ruins all who pass by and plunder him he's become the scorn of his neighbors you've exalted the right hand of his foes you've made all his enemies to rejoice boy I know what that feels like when they're writing about you 52 weeks in a row you're the headline of every major newspaper and they're calling you every name that you can ever imagine and you're just sitting there saying I'm a girl that loves Jesus and they're accusing you of having your hand in a cookie jar and they're getting punished forts with and they think you've got cookies all down your face over here and I'm thinking to myself my hands not in that cookie jar it's been in a cookie jar I write about it in something greater but it wasn't in that cookie jar it was over here and I thought I got away with it come on you aren't here man now 30 years later I feel like I'm getting a beating anybody know what I'm talking about for something that I didn't do but maybe it's cuz I did something bad anyway so the rest of you so he goes on he says you have turned back the edge of his sword and have not supported him in battle you have put it into a splinter and casas throne you have cut short the days of his youth you have covered in with the mantle of shame and so Ethan's perspective is looking through the temporal and not the eternal and the only way you can see through the eternal that God has something greater is they do put a divine sense of purpose in your heart you carry eternity in your heart you carry Oh eternal in your heart you aren't hearing what I'm saying and when you start getting heavens perspective you're gonna see your problems different you're gonna see your situation different you're gonna see your pit different you're gonna see your den different aren't you Daniel come on Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you're gonna see your fire different because this is what it feels like in his complaint and I'm almost through it seems like God voided what he had said but God didn't void it and the problem with this is that just because you're in covenant doesn't mean that it stops trouble in fact the exact opposite usually when you're in covenant it finds trouble there's troubles from a root word that means to be vexed to squeeze because remember that God created Jacob but he formed Israel to be formed is from a root word of trouble which means God is squeezing you you're going through some tight places you're going through some narrow places so you've been you've been created amen as Jacob but you start getting formed into one that prevails with God and one that prevails with man don't curse or crisis don't stop the process the inevitable series of events and so we understand you ready somebody say bring it on real quick what happens here it's in verse 49 and I'm through in verse 49 it says this he leaves it over Oh Lord where is your former great love which in your faith will look this you swore to David so it's one thing to observe my conditions another thing to participate Lord where's your former loving-kindness now you don't have to lift her hand but if anyone ever felt like that like God cancelled covenant on you and that's what he's feeling even goes on remember they mock your servant how I bury my heart the taunts of nations you see God had called David to greatness and often high places can be lonely places hurting places places for positioning for something greater because the trouble is an incubator for greatness it means transformation and transition is coming in your life that God has taken you from that caterpillar through that Metamorpho into that butterfly and here's what happens verse 28 I will maintain my love to him forever my covenant with him will never fail verse 34 I will not violate my covenant the Covenant doesn't change time changes situations change people change economies change governments change but God says my covenant I will never change [Music] in conclusion in my last one-minute promise wherever you are in whatever you're going through if you're chosen by God and have said yes and you're saved your servant of the Most High God his covenant I came to tell you stands fast and that's what something greater is about it stays with you in order to foster you which means something intently put in your life for the purpose of growth and development you see the covenant doesn't consult your problems and it doesn't negotiate with your situations it does what it's supposed to do it matures you so Courtney what looked like the worst things in my life everything I needed from my natural father I received my first five years what looks like the hardest things that I've ever gone through has prepared me for every step in every season that God has for me for his ultimate purpose not i but Christ that lives in me so your thing has to go through cycles set time seasons and he goes I will not break which means to dissolve to bore my covenant the word bore means to twist or to turn in other words when it looks like things are twisting and turning it they have to God says to you very clearly I'm taking you into something greater now it's not the time to draw back now is not the time to pull back when twisting and turning is going on he is developing you for something greater and all of us who've ever done photography knows that development takes place in dark rooms now here it is the last point what I want to get you to he says I will not alter somebody shout alter my covenant it literally means I will not fold the paper you see Psalm 139 verse 16 says all of your days were written before one of them ever came into being you God said my covenant was written before you were ever twinkle in your daddy's eye and no matter if you don't have money Bank or your heart is broken or whatever it seems or your mind doesn't have clarity right now and you don't know the direction for your life God says I will not alter my covenant I will not fold the paper you see if any of you've ever been healing for a minute or two and played poker stay with me I didn't know everybody has been saved all their life Courtney in poker you Bluff to get your opponent to fold so the enemy's been bluffing you to say fold fold the enemy's been bluffing just say fold give up God's not gonna come through for you get better right now don't ever trust again don't ever open your heart again don't do like what Courtney said about past fall don't bring people at the table cuz they're just gonna stab you in the back don't ever believe that it's gonna come to pass fold fold just play it comfortable just play it safe did you just don't don't don't really give all that what are you doing giving and thinking you're building a Kingdom business fold fold fold walkout what do you need to do you know you can be a cute Christian you don't have to be that committed what are you doing standing for pro-life fold fold compromise come on be popular right now after all you don't want to lose your 5 Twitter followers fold and God saying I will not fold what was written over you I had something greater for you and that's what I came to preach Apple but to tell you that God will not fold on you God will not fold what has been written in his word listen the enemy can only loss but you don't have to fold you might be going through a difficult time a difficult situation but I promise you I stand now my son has senior pastor of one the greatest churches down in Florida he's a Bible believing one of the most powerful I have two beautiful grandchildren I have a wonderful husband I've been married but I said I never had a husband I have a husband who loves me praise know Ramiz and coming and I get to do some real cool things like pray over the president almost every day and speak into the life of days and stand up and say no right is right and wrong is wrong and we believe in the fact of the Americas we believe in life we believe to hold that this generations about to have the greatest awakening we believe if the return of the Lord as we believed in the Church of the only legal entity religious liberty and freedom we believe in taking care we believe come on you're near pigeon and giving people second chances we believe in Redemption [Music] we believe in making people have an ability to have a voice to prank and invoke the name of Jesus I know exactly what I was doing on that operation we had five people invoke the name of Jesus over this nation God is not done with your life done he has something greater if you're here and you'd say pastor Paulo the enemy's been telling me to fold he's been wearing me down give up give up on my marriage give up on my calling give up give up on my purpose give up my business give up my dream give up that's you just lift your hand right now man let's pray over one another it's good to 40 percent of people that are lifting their hand come on find somebody just lay your hands on them right now because I'm gonna rebuke every spirit of weariness just getting groups right now well let's pray you don't mind if I take one minute to pray is that okay let's just pray let's just lift up the name of Jesus right now come on and begin to pray and then we're gonna worship but right now as you lay your hand on that person I ask that the Holy Spirit lay his hand on them right now first and foremost we come to you and we enter in boldly in the Jesus at the very throne room of heaven and we thank you Holy Spirit you are a Parakletos you're the one that clings to us in time of need and you bring us aid so right now we break every spirit of weariness right now we break every spirit of weariness any light that the enemy has sent any and vain imagination any fiery dart that has come to our mind we break it we we command that stronghold to come down we come against every principality of Jezebel Belial Abbadon come on we come against every wickedness and power and darkness they were wrestling against right now that wants us just to give up or quit we uproot the plantings of the enemy in our lives in the church we will uproot them right now we arrest every spirit of heaviness in the life of the righteous right now pray come on we command every giant and every beast of all ancient Devils to be restricted to their place of divine appointment we arrest and break every generational curse right now everything that is working in opposition of God's Word we arrest every lie that placed on you we addressed the spirit of fear we arrest every spirit of doubt we arrest every seed of doubt we arrest every seed of unbelief but right now we declare faith to you we declare victory to you we declare love to you we declare peace to you we declare divine turnaround to you we declare something greater to you [Music] and just like the Word of God the Word of God declares it right here it says its words I put it down in first chronicles eleven nine David became greater and greater for the Lord of hosts was with them so I want you to put your name in that ready Paulo became greater and greater [Applause] what's with her put your name in it right now [Music] she loved again greater and greater because the Lord of Hosts was with the come on say it [Music] you guys [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't forget that she's gonna be signing books and her team just let me know that for some reason and we're gonna be in prayer about this Amazon is canceling orders from her books so people are going in and purchasing her book on Amazon they're sending back saying that they don't have any inventory when her team's showing that they do so if you can pick up a book here tonight get it signed she's gonna be in the back and be sure to be here on Sunday my dad's back in town and I know he's been getting some rest with my mom and him together but anytime we go on vacation towards the end he starts to get really antsy because it gets real excited about getting back here to you guys so I know that it will be powerful we can't wait to see you this weekend in the house 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. have a blessed rest of your week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 30,882
Rating: 4.3477087 out of 5
Keywords: Encouragement, Miracles, Paula White, Free Chapel, Sermons
Id: 1Xm6V2qNpb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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