Faith Thought, Faith Talk, Faith Walk

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I want to talk to you about developing your faith and really go and continue on this line and pastor Brad gave you several points but I want to take it to another level and I probably will flip around a few things here but how you take your negatives and turn them into a positive those mountains are gonna come down in the name of Jesus now I believe that there's good ground to work with so it's not just the word going forth the word has to fall on good ground so let anything let any bitterness or unforgiveness or anything in your soul that would just clog up those pipelines or interfere with your heart let it be over turn right now in the name of Jesus say Lord open my spirit say open my ears open my eyes to hearing to receive your word to produce a bountiful harvest come on to produce a bountiful harvest in Jesus mighty name so a lot of times we think well and I thought what should I go with first your faith thoughts or your faith talk and really I should do your faith thought and then go into your faith talk which leads to your faith walk but I might do it reverse today so put your faith thoughts lead to your faith talk because we know according to Philippians chapter 4 there are certain things were to think on right and and we know that we're the constant battle is where in your mind that's where the battle is going to be and most Christians have a difficult time when we talk about walking out faith we learned in Hebrews chapter 11 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen so faith comes down to boiling down to a root word of total trust so faith is total trust and it's the foundation with the ability to bring forth those things that God has promised removing all doubt and so that's what faith is faith envisions the impossible it accepts the incredible it's able to that the just shall do what live by faith so how many of you would say you're just you're the just oh come on I hope so are you saved here and you've been justified alright you're the just so your lifestyle becomes one of faith let's look at mark chapter 11 verse 23 two through 24 and it says in verse 22 and Jesus answered saying unto them have faith in God I'm gonna stop there for just a minute because I would always say well that's pretty easy have faith in God but when you get to the literal translation it says have the faith of God now that's a whole nother story because he's saying to us human beings not just have faith in God total trust in God but have the total trust of God so as a child of God made in the image of God I'm not just to have faith in God minister maybe I'm to have the faith of God now that's a whole nother level because we're mandated here to have the faith of God so remember like I started that faith took nothing stepped out on nothing now there was something important here and it flung nothing into nothing and it created everything and we always talking God spoke and said let there be and there was right so he said let there be light and there was light let there be and whatever he's called it it became correct but before any of that the earth was void which was empty it was there was a darkness it was void and it says this and the Spirit of God moved so before you begin to speak you have to have a move of God in your heart yeah I've to have a move of God in your life so the problem is on they go hand in him because your words have so much power words never ever die I mean science has proven that that's why you can't even get saved without confession which means making a covenant without with your mouth Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 so we know that the faith of God does stuff like open the womb of a barren 90 year old woman think about that talk to me Sarah well you can go down the whole list in Hebrews chapter 11 and we can see how prophets subdued kingdoms and how Noah was a righteous man and how he survived when the earth was destroyed and how Abraham left this country and it just keeps on going and fate took a bunch of musicians to win a war you don't put musicians on the front line if you're going to war but if you're living by faith you do and have my faith the children of Israel walked around this wall six times and on the seventh time they brought they shouted and they praised that sounds absolutely ridiculous but when you're living a life of faith come on of the faith of God the God's substance on the inside of you it will make you look ridiculous anybody ever looked ridiculous in their Christian walk I mean where your whole family's like what in the world are you doing your friends everyone else is like what is going on well that's that should be your norm everybody should be scratching their head over you and saying what is going on because if you look like the rest of the world then you're not had that fake of God because God looks nothing like this world in fact if it makes sense to your mind it's probably not God and so you could just keep on going home He healed a dying woman remember a woman that had an issue of blood or how he raised Lazarus from the dead or or there's a funeral procession going on and this young boy gets raised from the dead or how he opens up blinded eyes and deaf ears and how he cast out legions of demons and I mean just keeps going on and on and should I go through all the miracles how he turns water into wine or Hills a nobleman son or which one do we want to talk about to do our stretch forth thine hand I love that one because he gives power back and he stands forth this guy that just has his withered hand doesn't seem like much but Hann always literally and figuratively means power and it's very specific to say his right hand he has to get forth in front of everyone what an awesome God because we're in a miracle-working season right now worried how he turns the five fish into loaves and so feast for thousands or I mean just go on so when he says have the faith of God he's saying had the faith to raise the dead had the faith to take nothing and turn it into something had the faith the same substance as in God is only inside of you that's the type of freight that I won't mounting move and faith come on faith that makes the lane walk rate that makes a blind see faith that destroys every demonic stronghold faith that causes people to stand back and say look what the Lord has done faith that causes your enemies to bless you and say who is the God that you serve faith that causes I mean mountains the mountains mean things that are rear against you and come against you so how do I have the faith of God well let's keep looking at it up a little bit further verse 23 her verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain and there are all different kinds of mountains because again a mountain something that arears against you there's mountains of sickness there's mountains of finances there's mountains the marital conflict there's all different kinds of mountains he says whoever says to this thing that's looming over you that is a rearing against you be thou removed and be thou cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart now let's dissect all these words because you just think heart physical beating organ but harden is much deeper here and this is where I'm going to get into things in the Hebrew it means love it's the way you think or feel about something but what heart here it shall not down this heart is a combination of your soul in your spirit so your spirit is you know should be if you're born again your spirits in pretty good condition all right because it's not like it's not like how do I explain it where is the problem is not in your spirit because you're either there's three there's three things there's a natural man a carnal man and a spiritual man so natural man the Bible says is not born again they have no relationship with God whatsoever so they they can't because they're dead if they died right now unfortunately they would go to hell there's other reasons you go to hell Exedra but there's just there's no God connection whatsoever there's a carnal person that can be born again they can have a relationship with God but they're led by their sensory mechanism what they see what they taste what they touch what they feel and in our culture and society that's the biggest challenge because we're being bombarded with messages daily they contradict the Word of God and then there is a spiritual man and a spiritual man is one whose mind and their will and their that's your soul your mind your will and your emotions is connected and controlled by the Holy Spirit so when your spiritual you're led by the Spirit of God so when you're being led by the Spirit of God you're not walking according to the flesh are you still with me say come on pastor Paulo bring it on I'm working with your faith here said but but his heart he shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe which means to act and to step out so to believe Greg doesn't just mean like oh man yeah yeah great I believe no it means I act on this and I stepped out now that's one thing to say right we're building the city of destiny and I have $100,000,000 in the back it's a whole nother thing to say we're stepping out into this new venture city of Destiny and story life and Paulo white ministry and I'm getting ready to go back home on all on many times many television stations I can get on I'm getting ready to go back on we're preparing Paula White in every single way believe God listen I just randomly said it on Sunday I said I need 366,000 to build out the studio this whole thing's gonna be a studio stage and somebody was here visiting from somewhere and they said so the first thousand dollars I now I only need three hundred and sixty-five people all right and God will do it and and that's nothing trust me that's absolutely nothing because it's gonna cost millions of millions to get the airtime but the same God that did it for me remember the same God that did it for me when with the black curtain drop and a single camera and rent to rent to own furniture is the same today yesterday and forevermore so I believe that according to the word that my ladder shall be better than my former so whatever I do this time it's gonna be greater than anything I'd ever accomplished before because that's what the Word of God tells me so when you believe it means you step out now that gets funny that gets them yeah that makes your flesh feel awkward because everything comes against you it's easy to be a boat sitter it's hard to be a Waterwalker because it's hard to get out of that boat and all of a sudden you're like okay what do I do left foot three inches or three feet I don't know I've never been here you're pioneering something you're going someplace that has never been paved before it's easy to walk down a path that's been paved it's easy to follow something that's already been done but when you're living by faith you're the first in your family to graduate college come on when you're living by faith you break that generational curse sure the first one to get married and not get pregnant out of wedlock y'all looking at me funny you're the first one that's not an addict and you break the habit see when you live in by faith things begin to change and transform I don't know who I'm here for but somebody's getting ready to inherit their promises they're gonna act and they're gonna step out did those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith listen I read JC penney story I just feel like I'm supposed to tell someone this and I read he was a hot dog vendor and I read his story I was young I'm just as brand-new Christian and you know I struggled when I first got born again to pay my tithe because it didn't match up to my budget and one day I just was like take the plunge and I just made a decision and from that day forward I never I tied every single time never to missed it but then I psych okay this is cool God you supply my need but why do I hear all these testimonies of people like like really having stratospheric type of crazy miracles in their life and he goes cuz they do crazy things for me I'm like alright let's go I'm like what do I have to lose am I gonna just play it safe the rest of my life am I gonna step out am I gonna trust man's system I'm not talking like be totally stupid or something but you'll know because you have the peace of God and the Spirit of God will leads you but am I gonna trust the the ways of the world that say you better do this get this degree you better and there's nothing wrong with your education praise God get your education you paid off that one don't get all those credit cards alright so that get your education invest here do that you know more people have more trust in the stock market than they do in God market I can't one thing we know what the world tells us how we're supposed to live life and I'll never forget so here I am a young person I read JC penney story and I go alright god he was a hot dog vendor and then he owns all these department stores well you're no respecter persons according to the word you're the same today yesterday and forevermore so let's go for it so I just start believing God now I start stepping out on faith that the first time the Lord asked me to ever so $1000 seat it was like asking me to sew a million dollars and I remember it so clearly because I actually was praying I'd gone on a fast because I wanted to break the cycle of abuse in my life and I'd gone on a fast thinking some spirits come out out but by prayer and by fasting thinking they'd abuse and so here I go on this 21-day fast and pass return I'm thinking God's gonna break the cycle of abuse and God gives me an instruction to so $1,000 see that's not what I wanted from the fast under Harold I wanted the abuse to stop but God knew how hard that was for me too so that thousand dollars I was working at Bayshore United Methodist Church I was teaching seventh and ninth grade boys math and Bible I made seven thousand seven dollars a year and I'm being asked by God to say a thousand dollars come on I know I'm like there there's no sugar mama or sugar daddy I'm turning to alright there's nothing I'm turned and I remember going down and I took that check down nobody knew how much and it was so sacrificial to me and I laid it down at the altar nothing supernatural happened that night it's not like I felt like a whew gonna cost a jerk that come over me I mean nothing like really wow it happened that night but next thing I know minister lose it's just like I woke up one day looking in the mirror and I didn't feel like that five-year old abandoned girl and I can't tell you the day it happened I can't tell you exactly how it happened but I never went back into that fetal position I never went back into that traumatised State I never felt like that like I'm not gonna be okay in life it just was gone it was just like I woke up and and I don't know if it was two weeks later or two months later I just one day notice you know I feel more confident I feel better like something's changed to me and I would think that the fast broke the psychic that cycle and I'm sure in essence it did have something to do with it but the fast gave me an instruction that God knew in the natural I would probably have a hard time stepping out all right you aren't hearing what I'm saying because at that time it was easier for me because I couldn't afford much food to push away a plate for 21 days than it was to give it the house in dollars but in obedience to a crazy illogical instruction I'm not taking an old friend don't worry you can keep your thousand dollars alright but I'm just telling you my story God broke that and then I can keep going and and I won't ever forget so the first knowing you guys know I've you've heard me say this so many times I was called to preach when I'm 18 years old God takes me place me on continents says I called you to preach the nation's got my pastor working janitor nursery children don't wanna know now years past and I'm not ministry material had a child got pregnant out of wedlock you know no I'm my second marriage I'm very young I I'm doing you know I'm preaching on the streets because street kids don't care about your resume so I'm just out with the bullhorn because they're not all religious dressing up like a clown with my rollerskates going jesus loves you at eight o'clock in the morning I mean I'm just like I didn't know I was G loves you next thing I know there's ten kids and 20 kids and 30 kids I'm just laying hands on them and I just created my own pulpit because everybody told me I'd never have a pulpit so I just create my own pulpit and so next thing I know because the outreach grew so large and I'm not supposed to technically be ministering according to some denominations because I'm a woman or because I'm divorced y'all are looking at me funny as if you never know all this stuff alright or because God forbid I mean I I sinned pretty bad not as bad as Mary Magdalene but alright it's not there so I apparently I wasn't ministering material according to man's standard but not according to God and so of all places my first preaching official preaching engagement was a Greek Orthodox Church and why in the world is somebody having me in and I go in and I do training on evangelism remember I only had one message for three years standing between the dead and the living I can quote it verbatim right now and God said there was a plague in the land and Moses ran down to the altar and got the censor and he took it and he stood between the dead and the living and outside of these four walls I know that message so well there's a difference between the dead and the living and you are the agent of change well I could I've got it because I had one message cherry for three years and I just preached the same message and it kept working so Amen people kept believing God for the fire gun I'm like it's cool people are getting a heart for Souls and salvation and they gave me two hundred dollars man when you haven't had money for a long time two hundred dollars is like no I got a vision guys I saw some cheese for my macaroni I saw some hamburger for my helper I mean I got a real vision I could see and then we went to church on Sheldon Road and it was get the pastor's name but he was on Sheldon Road and it was Faith Tabernacle I think and it was Mike Murdock was down there anyways and he was doing this thing and he was playing on the piano like John and he was you know kind of teaching the word I've never seen him or anything and he's and all of a sudden he searched through in this offer man it goes like an hour and a half on it and I'm like dude can you finish like this is just like come on pastors being too real tonight all right Mike come on and he keeps playing like John and he says God speaking to someone and I'm like whoever that is will you please just get this over so I can get out of here I got $200 burning in my pocket right now I was excited about it Nicolette and so I'm putting my head down praying like well they just be obedient and I hear the Holy Spirit like hello and in any didn't ask for 200 he was saying God speaking to somebody to give their all something and well you know that means somebody with $10,000 I mean somebody with a God speaking to somebody to give their all and he just kept getting a little louder I'm like well somebody give their all I'm like alright the Lord speaking to me when I take it down there I'm gonna tell you it was a struggle and I take it down and I lay it at that altar and I feel pretty good like faith is built in me Keith I cuz I've heard all these testimonies you know like massive Wow testimonies and so faiths pretty up in me like man this is awesome and I get out in the parking lot and I plummeted into depression I did guys like they got me man I can't believe I fell for this I wish that I was like oh yes he is Jehovah Jireh Lord please speak to the Greek Orthodox Church again to have me back so the next day our church was smaller than the stage we were a little storefront called South Tampa Christian Center we were in an industrial area the next day this woman comes and heard the story somebody she knocks on the door and and she comes in I mean I don't know why she's knocking on the door it's just like come in and see right through a glass door there's nothing here she was here she's 5 foot 2 she's got red hair she's feisty her name's Susan McDonald she comes in she throws down a check she said here God kept me up all night she want him happy about it the Bible says be a cheerful Giver she was not a cheerful Giver pastor Doug and she throws down this cheque and I don't even open it at first because I'm thinking like alright god I'm still in depression honestly my $200 coming in his 50 bucks or something she walks out storms out actually and I opened it up finally and it's a check for $10,000 see yeah that's what I did Nelson I like yeah now my faith is all built up I'm like oh I'm so I thought I was the most spiritual person on the planet thank you god I've heard from you well she comes back a few hours later she goes I wasn't obedient here God said give it all and it's another check for 5,000 well the crazy thing about that is we've been in and I've never told all this part we've been in that little storefront rent-free lease free for six months and they were starting to charge us to rent and so there was no way we had no way out no way to do it no way to get out and you had a handful of people it's been a few months and that $15,000 started a ministry called South Tampa that started with that walls that sort of Paul white ministry that I wouldn't be standing here today if I didn't take that $200 and be obedient so I I can tell you all kind of stories of when God says says step out so I don't know who I'm here for but when he says believe he's saying step out and those things would she say shall come to pass and he'll have whatever he said so the promise thing goes therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them so three things that we discover here to have faith of God number one who show ever shall say that's the faith talk right and whosoever shall not doubt that's faith thoughts shall have establishes your faith walk so in the next 15 minutes can I just talk to you about those things real quick say bring it on I say 15 minutes I won't get through this y'all know it so weird is sect it whosoever shall say unto this mountain so faith has a language no so ever shall say when I help you because sometimes we get in bad habits I get in bad habits and I'm sure you do too that we just get in a rut with our language but language is very important to God he clearly demonstrates in numbers chapter 13 12 spies are sent out to give a report and to come back and tell what they saw they're sent in and God had already said go possess the land that I've given you he's not asking them go give me an opinion go give me in consensus he's telling them go possessive and so Moses gets the bright idea to pull together 12 the chief of all the tribes and sends them out now remember God's already promised them the land 10 spies come back we don't know their names really I mean you could find them if you really wanted I'm sure but we don't know can you tell me the 10 spies you might know him come on Bible students we got this down why cuz they're losers alright so you don't want to be remembered as a loser but to come back whose names are Joshua and Caleb and they said we're more than able to possess the land why because faith has a language we are able we're more than able God can do it with God on our side I am the healed I am the righteousness of God you see faith has the language so does doubt and unbelief because the tend to come back and say what do they say they said we saw and we're not able because we are not strong like they are and we are in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight so your doubt tells the devil what to send to you so your faith has a language but so does your doubt and when you speak that you're just a grasshopper man I won't ever make it I can't it's impossible you're telling the enemy your doubt tells the devil what to bring to you because as we were in our own sight so we were in the enemy's sight so every day listen stand up and just say I am the righteous of God I'm the beloved of God I know the mind of God and he's thinking about me right now and according to Ephesians he's speaking over me right now and if you ever heard what God is saying about me I am clothed in salvation and I'm wrapped in the robes of righteousness I am the head and not to tell I am blessed coming in and blessed going out he has given me everything I need pertaining to life into godliness he's made a way he's gone before me in darkness according to Isaiah chapter 45 and he's made it made away and he's given me treasures hidden treasures in places of darkness he's making the crooked way straight he's enlarging my territory according to Isaiah chapter 54 I thank you that according to Luke chapter 2 verse 52 I am growing in stature and I'm increasing in stature which means maturity and in wisdom and in favor with both God and man so faith has a language and soon as doubt so what language are you talking what language are you using the language is down on belief which looks through the eyes of a carnal man or natural man or the language of faith which sees by faith knowing how big God is knowing that God who is a sovereign God that you will never go through anything remember as a child of God who is not living a lifestyle of justing sin okay it doesn't mean that you're not gonna miss the mark but you're not practicing you're not rebelling against God directly when God says don't do this and you're basically saying I'm gonna do it anyway but you're living a lifestyle this says god I love you I want you I desire you I'm doing my best if I fall down in my weakness a good man fall seven times that keeps getting back up so lord I thank you for your goodness I thank you for your mercy I thank you for your grace come on think about that so now you're not suffered lying but you're saying how big is your God because sometimes we make the devil this big and God like this teeny little God well God is God you can't even begin to explain there's no way I can articulate who God is how great God is there's not an adjective there's not a verb there's not a noun there's not enough words and the entire vocabulary on this planet every language combined to begin to describe who had known the mind of the Lord according to Roman's or who had first been his counselor or who had given to him and it shall not be recompense n't to him again he's an awesome God he's a mighty God he's a strong God he's a powerful God he's El Shaddai as I told you who does he is I am that I am what is that I am whatever you need me to be I am your healer I am your deliverer I am your restorer I am your peace I am your joy I am your provider I am your banner I am your protector I am your Vindicator come on I am that I am I am your will now in the will I'm a captain of salvation I'm your your your your Rose of Sharon and your Lilia in the valley think about it I am your manna I am your Living bread I am your life I am the rebuilders of the walls of your life whatever you need God to be I am your song come on I am your fortress I am your strong and mighty tower I am the son of God in the Son of man name your righteousness what an awesome God I am your justifier I am that I am I am here soon coming King I'm a captain of salvation think about what he is I'm a deliverer so God says who shall I send until I am I am I'll get there the language of faith I am and here's the catch the land was already theirs God had already promised but it took faith to possess it there are so much that is already yours healing deliverance miracles salvation generational blessing but it's going to take faith in order for you to possess it so what promise has God given you healing your marriage what is a peace wisdom your children revival in our city so their keys somebody say bring the keys pull the keys to unlock the door to your promises and possess him always is gonna lie in faith and ready come on and patience oh dear God did we have to go here yes Hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises you inherit your promises not just by faith total trust but also by patience people tell you not to pray for patience that is really stupid because no matter what there's nowhere in the Bible that you're not gonna go through tribulation if you want a strong look if you want to look like mr. Greg stand up for a minute minister flex go ahead Smith go ahead and stand up that's a girl sitting on flex come on flex all right come on all right there you go all right if I want that kind of muscle I know you did that by only benching 20 pounds right come on she said every day how many times are you working out five days a week how many hours a day two to three hours a bench-pressing 454 how much - fifty I just gave you 200 more pounds all right so bitching 250 that's that's more anyway I'm benching 250 right you aren't hearing what I'm saying do you think that natural muscle just comes cuz she took a weight like high - like it's 5 pounds well muscles like that know she's got a lot of resistance the same with you spiritually stop cursing your crisis the resistance is working for you so most of my problem believing God for promises it's the patient's part god I prayed for my husband to change last week he didn't so I'm I divorce him great for a man of God he didn't come so I'm gonna go out to the bar and find me one it's the patient's part isn't it Oh y'all know that I'm telling the truth and nobody's helping you pastor Doug I won't put you up in a minute so promises are inherited through your faith and patience and patience ready you ready so how are promises how many of you got promises I'm gonna get to some good stuff here in a minute but I'm working with you slowly but surely how many of you have promises inherited by our faith in our weight how many you have faith we're pretty good they're here to help me of you're struggling with fiction no how many do you have patience okay we just whoo you want to know why this is the Bible okay James chapter 1 verse 2 through 4 my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations and not if when what is divers temptations different trials and attacks count it all joy when I fall into different trials and attacks yay sign me up now this is the difference because remember faith is a spiritual thing it's not a natural thing so your flesh is saying no make everything perfect in my life if I go to church pay my tithe serve God then I don't have any of these problems your faith does not stop and prevent life it does not stop problems your feint carries you through and causes you to conquer over those things my brethren count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations different trials and attacks knowing this the word knowing is like it's Jeannot schoo in the Greek which is the same as yada in the Hebrew and Adam knew Eve and conceived sin it's an intimate knowledge it's not a head knowledge it's knowledge based on an intimate experience knowing the reason that I can count it a joy the reason that I can say there is joy in me no matter what happens to me because no matter what it looks like in the natural I know somehow someway the God that I serve I am my healer is gonna take what was meant for bad with this situation and turn it around for the good because I know I am the called and I know I love him and I know I'm walking in harmony with his purpose I don't know when I don't know where but I've got enough experience behind me to show me cuz I'm gonna get to that in a minute then I remember what God did I remember when God delivered me out of that I remember come on David when God God help me kill the lion and help me kill the bear I remember when God helped me take down the lion so Saul I don't know why you wasting your energy chasing me because sooner or later it's gonna take 17 years but I will be king because there was an anointing that came upon me and pronounced me not by my will but by the will of God then I would stand in a position for God's purposes so the promises of God are narrative by your faith in your patience knowing this at the trying of your faith worketh patience so the problem is we don't want our faith to be tried just let me be comfortable please let me go to a secret friendly Church just tell me what I want to hear pastor Paulo not here baby there's a lot of a mine Cindi to know there feel good you gonna feel real good and they won't call sense in and they'll tell you what you want to hear straight out the way while you slide to hell no I'm just kidding so they'll tell you what you want to hear you want but other people will all right because it would be easing at the trying of your fate your fate has to be tried because it's a triangle of your faith that worketh patience but let patience have a perfect work which means mature let patients become mature that you're not saying God you better put a deadline on it by this I'm only gonna give when the Prophet says 24 hours but when pastor Paul or pastor Doug gets up and they're here for the long haul or Pastor Brad it's here for the long haul man I'm not gonna move like that I'll come out when there's a when there's a big like give me the possess whoa Mike but for the long haul but I'm talking about people who want to conquer and subdue kingdoms who want to walk by faith who want to not just be here to just fit in but take over and really be an agent of change and really be a history maker in the world changer not much is titled but by actuality knowing this at the trying of your faith working patience but let patience have a perfect or mature work then you may be perfect mature not perfect like you're a perfect person but mature an entire warning nothing your patience hasn't been made mature until you stop complaining about it so it's when you go okay I trust you God no matter how this turns out what it is your God your sovereign and I think so your promises are inherited by faith and patience so throughout the building your patience you have to have the language of faith because every day you're gonna wake up and if not it's what we call what I told you earlier are self placed embargo so it's okay if other it's not great when people speak against you cuz you need to break those things off of yourself every day but their words do not nearly have the power of your words it's when you speak against yourself remember the woman with the issue of blood the bible says she said within herself you know what that means come up here Nicolette or Cassandra come here jump up here real quick jump up here jump girl jump come on so you gonna be Jesus for me alright you Jesus alright so she says she's like I like that I can't use a man cuz what I'm about to do alright so Jesus did not look like a woman don't get any weird ideas alright but she said within herself you know what that meant she has an issue blood which is an atomic issue which means a man-made issue doesn't tell us what it is which made her continually flow which means she could not contain like she'd give us let me bring it down you get money but you can't keep money get a man and can't keep a man she was constantly losing life in her get a job can't keep a job get a house can't keep a house get a position in church can keep position in church why am i continually losing cuz blood is life I'm continually losing abundant life and she said within herself she said within herself means she competes she couldn't it's a verb which means she continuously continually repeatedly kept telling herself so she kept saying if I can but touch if I can by touch if I can but touch if I can but touch if I can but touch it looks so far away but if I can by touch and she's got a press through a crowd give me a crown up here does I need a crowd alright come on I need a crowd up here good y'all know it's on I'm on press with them with a foot that's not in functioning great too but if I can just touch if I can just touch but if I just touch they're all following Jesus they're all thronging into jesus but if can but just touch but if I can just find his touch find just touch find just touch you all know those rude people the airport if I'm just touch I'm just touch but if I just touch if I just touch touch touch if I can just touch if I can just attach myself to Jesus and that's what that means if I can get attached to him and she kept saying within herself if I can just attach myself and that's what you need to do you don't need to just touch him like hey you mean you need to attach yourself to Jesus until your issue is done with and immediately see faith presses through face us get out of my way face us sickness get out of my way doctor's report get out of my way doubt get out of my way fear get out of my way poverty get out of my way low self-esteem get out of my way haters get out of my way witchcraft get out of my way devil get out of my way down get out of my way ded get out of my way I'm trying to work with somebody's pain right now Terry you've got a press you've got a press through some things and when you press then do you want she touched she got attached and it was when she did Jesus oh-ho something just left me virtue flowed see you're waiting for deliverance to be in someone else's hand when your deliverance is in your own hands Jesus has already conquered death hell and the grave he raised up from the dead there's so much more I teach you but let me let me get to remember all right so let me just go there for a minute so remember we remember we're gonna talk about remember all right so when Pastor Brad was talking about in Matthew chapter 16 was he over there Matthew 16 because we're gonna do faith thought there's so much more so and faith thought let's see yeah where was he right Matthew chapter 16 maybe the first see Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking show them a sign from heaven he replied when evening comes you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red in the morning today it will be stormy for the sky is red and overcast you know how to interpret an appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the time a wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah Jesus didn't left them and went away when they went across the lake the disciples forgot to take bread they just forgot remember what we taught on Sunday they just forgot how many of us have ever forgot something just forgotten and they're afraid it's like being afraid of coming before your boss oh gosh I forgot to turn in my report being afraid to go to school man I forgot today was the day of testing your human they forgot they forgot the bread it's kind of mistake it's like the children of Israel going out in the desert in the middle and they forget the water whoops bring us a prophet dig a ditch so they forget it and Jesus said to them be on your guard and when they come across the typos forget to take the bread but jesus said to them be on your guard against the yeast which means sin right where it says Lebanon some of the Pharisees and Sadducees and then they discussed us among themselves they said hey guys let's get together cuz he's talking these riddle things again and I'm not getting it and they discussed it among themselves and said it's because we didn't bring any bread is he ticked off at us is he mad are we in the disciple unemployment line is he getting ready to go on some look for some other like shipping tax collector and another motley crew like this like they're discussing among themselves like what would we do wrong here and Jesus who perceived aware of their discussion as if God doesn't know what you're thinking are saying our feeling aware of their discussion like you think God only hears you in church aware of their discussion he comes back and Jesus asked them you have little faith and we've always criticized people and I think this is where people get so confused because we read the ski of little faith like it's just rebuked all the time but the real lesson here was in like he of little faith you don't have any faith what he was saying was the real rebuke is here it is it goes you have little faith why are you talking among yourself about having no bread do you still not understand don't you remember what the five loaves for the five thousand and how many baskets full you gather are the seven loaves for this four thousand and how many baskets full you gathered how is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread but be on your guard against the yeast of the Sadducees and Pharisees that you don't take on their doctrine he's saying don't you remember and I just kept drilling that in don't you remember when God brought you out of the trailer Paula don't you remember when God paid the mortgage don't you remember when God gave you a building to start a ministry don't you remember when people came in and they dropped down that ten thousand or twenty thousand dollars when you designed that million and a half dollar contract don't you remember when Mayo Clinic's you were laying there and they said that you're gonna die and be buried Six Feet Under within six months that you could not continue to preach the gospel you have an incurable disease don't you remember don't you remember when he looked at you and said you're gonna lose absolutely everything if you do this and if you don't do that don't you remember see I don't know who I'm here for but somebody has adult you remember come on I'll put my windscreen down so you won't hear everything and where are you don't you remember look at somebody say don't you remember you've got to remember he's saying I've left milestones all through your walk of faith things for you to remember and this wasn't the only time can I keep on going because I'm trying to help somebody with their faith now in Luke chapter 24 now upon the first day of the week very early in the morning they came into the sepulchre bringing the spices which they had prepared and certain others with them and they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre and they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus and it came to pass as they were much perplexed thereabout behold two men stood by them in shining garments and as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead he's not here but he is He is risen remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee saying the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified in the third day He will rise again and they remembered his word you see times that you were sitting in church and you didn't even think it had a difference times that you played that tape for your children and I played the Word of God over Brad until he was nine years old and figured out how to turn it out himself and start start with the rebellion but it didn't matter cuz I've gone nine years of the word already in him I had already gotten the word from the time he was in my wound I'd already started anointing him when he's in my womb and prophesying over and I played the Word of God continually back then his Annika sent for him don't you remember you see I already knew that even though he was only two months old his spirit could receive what his mind could not yet perceive I already knew that his spirit don't you remember don't you remember the words I spoke over you how are you so quick to forget the prophecy that you're supposed to be contending for don't you remember when the word became revelation and life to you don't you remember when they caught you out and anointed you at all it didn't matter who it was that was just a vessel in a vehicle shoes my god God saying I want you to remember I don't care what took place between then and now don't you forget what I said about you don't you forget what I brought revelation to you don't you forget what I've delivered you don't you forget what I saved you don't you forget when I brought that wife to you that husband to you don't you forget when I opened your womb and I caused it to be fruitful don't you forget remember my words well I'm not done I'm almost done remember my words more tears through every veil right now here's to all hurt right now pierced through all confusion right now pierced through everything that is holding people back from remembering and they remembered his words and then they return from the sepulchre and told all these things into the eleven and to all the rest it was Mary Magdalene man I wish I had time with y'all and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and other women that were with them which told these things to the apostles and their words seemed to them as idle tells and they believed them not well first off I don't have time to work it but who are they they're women Mary Magdalene Joanna Mary the mother of James other women that were with them they told these things that are possible they're sanctified servers they told them remember remember what God did for you to honor remember what God did for you kid remember how Keisha went to one church and you went to another Church and how you got saved remember how God brought you out of that addiction remember how God sobered you up remember how God restored and kept your marriage together for how many years remember I want you to remember remember mom what doctor remember Xavier your grandmother anointing you and dedicating you to the Lord remember done when your mother was dying of cancer when you were five years old and your father stood before God and said she cannot die I make a covenant with you God I cannot raise these children by myself remember remember the God they brought you out remember Felipe you just thought you happen to be walking down the street and meet some cool-looking chicken whatever and you would hook up but God had a divine appointment and set up and you think you're sitting here by yourself remember God orchestrated your steps from the very beginning don't you remember remember I want you to remember remember the same God that brought you at one time is the same God that'll bring you out again and Luke chapter 8 it came to pass it was Mary Magdalene and these sanctified services came to pass afterwards they went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve are with them and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits infer me Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils and Joanna the wife of chuza Herod's steward and Susanna many others which ministered to him their substance why am I even gonna tell you who these people are this is important to who you are Mary Magdalene is the first one named in every list of women in the New Testament with the exception of the scene of the cross she's delivered from Seven Devils the mere mention of the number is the fact that she had more than usual of evil going on in her life she may remained at the cross till it was over we can't prove it but it's very possible she was the sinner that foul fell at the feet of Christ in Luke chapter 7 and washed his feet their hair she came in with such a heart of gratitude Joanna was the wife of chuza but the manager or the steward of Herod why is that important because Herod was the murderer that killed all the children the end or two years old when Jesus was born in the earth her name means Yahweh's gift she's very wealthy she supported Jesus ministry the very man that tried to kill him as an infant is now in essence paying for him to preach the gospel why is that important you know that this you know people call her a prostitute we don't know that she was a prostitute we just know that she lived in a city of prostitution we just know she was devil possessed this demonic possessed woman and this rich woman is with Mary the mother of James her son will eventually become the pastor of the first Church in Jerusalem many believe she's the sister of Jesus mother this could very well be the same Mary that served the Apostle Paul in Rome Rome Romans chapter 16 verse 6 greet Mary who bestowed much labor on us Salome a mentioned in mark chapter 16 verse 1 means Shalom or peace and safety and others why is all that important because it is such a motley crew the God saying whether you were worth a billion dollars and you are over all of Herod's estate or whether you've had Seven Devils and they say they too are a or whether you were Shalom no matter who you where God saying I want you to remember then I reach you from the lowest and i reach up into the highest and i use because they represent a mountain of testimony of what God can do and what are they there for they're there because he's died you know the whole thing they come they took go to embalm his body they bring the spices the aroma they seek down to worship Him and then they the angel says why seek the living among the dead in other words living which means to live why do you seek to live among dead things come on I'm trying to help you get the right job in other words you can't have abundant life when your mind thinks abundant death you aren't hearing what I'm saying because fear and doubt is death is dead and you cannot have abundant life when you are living among dead things if you think you're gonna have abundant life when all your friends and nothing like that the people that you hang around with every time you you don't even want to tell them you go to church oh that white girl down there that one that's that that one that's would trump all the time you down there oh my gosh what's wrong with you what are you doing with death and doubt coming towards her assignment is now I'm with God all the time that's ripe with and wherever God opens the door that's where I'm going to be and who God uses us and I'm gonna be with why are you around people that are like oh but don't you know what the doctor said I got the doctor's report I did so that I can show it as evidence because I got doctor Jesus report too so I can let you know that my God who is my healer I know who my God is come on and talk to me I'm just trying to help somebody out right now why seek ye the living among the dead I'm through it's more than an answer with a question it was a rebuke if you want life why are you looking for it among what you know is dead and if you're looking for the one who gave you significance why do you look for it in insignificant places so why would you go back to what he brought you out of why would you be with people with what he brought you out of why would you open the door to your paths for you're not even fit for the kingdom if you look back according to Luke chapter or verse 62 why would you go back if you want to get from the wrong place to the right place so we're 6 he's not here but he is risen remember how he spake to you so this is in conclusion those that remember it says verse 8 and they remembered his words remember means to be mindful it means to fix in the mind to recall so instead of fixing in your mind how you two aren't getting along right now fixing your mind that honeymoon in Turks and Caicos fix in your mind how you fell in love fits in your mind how he first kissed you you aren't hearing what I'm saying right now cuz all you've got fixed in your mind is how you should leave him how you should leave her fixing your mind how it felts come on because your body will start feeling what your mind is thinking oh y'all aren't with me right now cuz you'd rather live in hate you'd rather leave this content you've got your mind on somebody that doesn't even belong to you you got your mind in a bed that is defiled maybe then you should have cut that thing off a long time ago I'm in your stuff right now fix your mind on this you've got your mind over the person who fired you instead of your mind on the person who's gonna hire you you've got your mind on somebody who did you wrong you got your mind on him I was done wrong we were all done wrong everybody's been gone wrong in life get your mind on the one who does you right and his name is Jesus Oh y'all making me work way too hard for a big week service fix your pie I'm working with your faith fix every call and fix your mind on this doesn't mean think about it means when I get up in the morning John and I have a covenant with each other she knows where I am by my language because language is locator and I know where he is everybody standing up when he starts hearing it he looks at me he goes baby don't go there when he gets here I go baby don't go there and we made a covenant with each other to talk about it I said keep me you're my gatekeeper I am your gatekeeper let's hold each other accountable to believe that with God all things are possible John let's go out John always says I'm going out in a blaze let's go out in a place watching God just do all crazy kind of stuff because I want you to remember oh I'll preach the rest of it later maybe pastor Brad or pastor Doug oh let me preach on Sunday but I want you to recall I want you to fix your mind I want you to remember that there's a healing anointing on your life because God allowed you to see it when you were 5 years old I want you to fix your mind when the enemy says it's not gonna happen but I'm almost 50 years old and I'm getting too old and what's happening and my kids are grown and and remember that faith and patience brings forth the promises I want you to fix your mind when you serve to other people faithfully when you said but God don't you to remember fix your mind on it I only got a few people here I'll talk to you about what you're gonna remember cuz you're gonna remember that's gonna bring resurrection power it's gonna bring enough life to your spirit that you're able to rise above anything that you're gonna see resurrection because see Hope deferred makes the heart sick and so God is saying I want you to fix your mind and I want you to get it so said I don't care how you have to do it if you got to put a vision board if you got to read the word for me I like reading the word I don't care how oh you have to you want to put pictures all over your house you want to plaster something whatever you got to do to make your mind see it every single day I want you to fix your mind on the things that God said whatever it takes your mind off it turn the news off just shut it off if it's taking you in the wrong place shut it off whatever you got to do to fix sure mind there God says remember because i'ma say today a shame Paul if I could provide $7 for you I provide seven billion dollars if I can heal you from a cold and heal you from cancer if I can raise you about a betrayal I can raise you from the dead if I can if I can if I can trust you here I'm cashed you there remember I am that I am
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 6,733
Rating: 4.5596333 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries
Id: 0D-KSN1QdT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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