"Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties"# 2 - Pastor Paula White-Cain

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okay ready here we go number one confession number one I pray against anything that wants to my life the life of my church finances marriage help my children's education confession to I pray against the spirit of rejection grief bankruptcy and deafness shame reproach nakedness failure setback financial famine and draw three I pray against all forms of provocation and setups confession for I revoke all spells curses divinations enchantments incantations demonic predictions satanic projections and satanic pronouncements confession number five I overturn all demonic implications from the regions of the sea the second heaven the fourth Kingdom the animal kingdom the water Kingdom and the underworld Kingdom come on let's get authoritative number six I pray against any spirit of harassment hostility hatred and jealousy against my life in my office and in my home number seven I overturn every sentence of death pronouncement of death and of any death wish made against me and my family I overturn it by the blood of Jesus confession number six by the power of Jesus name I hate any weapon of untimely death devised or deployed against myself my family the leadership of my church and the leadership of my nation confession number nine I pray against anything that wants to put me in the last position for it is written that I am the head and not the tail confession number 10 I terminate every weapon of Lies false accusation misrepresentation and slander rumor mongering and all satanic roadblocks placed in my way number 11 i decree divine vindication for myself my family and the leadership of my church number 12 I ask God to avenge me my family and the leadership in my church number 13 I deal with unhealthy family rivalry confusion and disharmony in my family and within the leadership of the church number 14 I pray that harmony will prevail in my life in the lives of my family and the leadership of the church number 15 I secure the harvest for the church we're going to say that one again come on I secure the harvest for the church calling those lost souls I secure the harvest for the church and those resources I secure the harvest for the church number 16 I revoke and overturn every Kherson cycle the disadvantages myself my family and the leadership of the church i decree new beginnings number 17 i decree new beginnings release divine providence 'as for the leadership of the church and myself number 18 i pray for long life according to Psalm 91 verse 16 for myself for my family and for the leadership of my church number 19 I pray against impending dangers and complications against my church and against myself in Jesus name put your hands together like the weapon of war that they are and say I believe it I receive it come on remain standing go with me to Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 let's look at verse 10 very familiar portion of scripture Luke chapter 13 and is talking about Jesus is teaching let me hear you starting with verse 10 are you there say yes if not you can look up on the screen let me hear you and he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could no wise lift up herself so here Jesus enters and he's teaching this woman's been in church 18 years but she and no wise could lift up herself now this message is not gender specific even though actuality she's a representation of a bigger picture called the Bride of Christ and that this is really because when you get into it he says what can I compare the kingdom to what will I resemble or give an assimilation of it and so he was saying the kingdom of God there's going to be a force compliance and you'll get it by the end that everything that doesn't line up with God's royalty rule and realm coming into being in the earth there's going to be a dismissal of it a force compliance of it so this is not just a gender I'm going to bring it down to personal Reformation for you tonight I'm going to bring it down into your business but it's a bigger picture than just this individual amen somebody say bring it on pastor verse 12 and when Jesus did what saw her he called her to him and said to her woman let me hear you thou art loosed from nine infirmity and he laid his hands on her and when and when guys say it real loud and when immediately not ten years down the road not two months not even next Sunday but immediately I believe there's an anointing tonight that is going to do something with immediate results in your life I believe that I but look at somebody say immediately she was made straight and glorified God you're going to leave here with a bigger praise then you came in with there's something that's going to be dismissed from your life tonight in the name of Jesus and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation now watch what happens when she gets straight and God told me here's the prophetic word that I'm raising up a people who are not yet a people when they come into their position it's gonna mess religion up because the rulers of the synagogue answered with indignation rage because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day and said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day verse 15 let me hear you the Lord then answered him and said you hypocrite that not each one of you on the Sabbath loose your ox errs asked from the stall and lead him away to watering and ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham who Satan had bound lo these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day now watch she's in church she's got relationship with God but she's bound by Satan you can be here this is not a heaven hell issue you gonna go to heaven if you die you're going to spend eternity with the Lord Jesus cry you're not possessed the devil cannot control you but he can oppress you to a place that binds you that you're not living in the abundant life it's got to be dealt with aren't you ready no more repeat years no more Groundhog days we live in the most strategic because 10 is the number of order 12 is the number of government we are in the season of ushering between divine order and governmental structure 2012 is going to be one of the most important years for the body of Christ you're not going into 2012 in the name of Jesus I'm not going to allow it to happen with the same junk that you've carried in the last decade the last year I don't care if it's disease I don't care if it's a bad relationship ungodly soul tie it's going to be dismissed from your life a bad mindset an addiction a habit it's over look at somebody say I'm getting free in the name of Jesus okay so so verse 17 and he says and when he had said these things all his adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him then said he unto him what's the kingdom of God like him where two shall I resemble it and that's where he goes on to show the bigger picture look at somebody slap him a high five and say there's a dismissal getting ready to take place in your life say some things are going to leave look at somebody just call their name out real loud call their name out because I'm only going to teach about 30 minutes called their name out real loud say excuse me call and I'll say Jamie say you're about to get divorced from some things tonight that's what that means you're loosed you're divorced call them out say Celeste you're going to be divorced from them some things be you're going to be divorced from some things whatever the enemy has tried to bind you entangle you bound you I want to know if there's a people author are you ready to be free are you really ready to be free as their people because God's Word or work are you ready go ahead and let heaven know that you're ready go ahead put your hands together put a demand on the Spirit of God not a little pattycake nada I mean I'm in it this for business I promise you I will preach you into deliverance under the authority and the anointing that God has given me there will be nothing left to be able to tie itself to you you're going to be free things can try to harass you mess with you engage you but you're going to be free in the name of Jesus are you ready for your freedom and be seated so I can teach you now I'm giving you a forewarning this is kind of like a label this is a label we're dealing with depths of truth here that are engaging spiritual warfare which means you need to cover yourself amen how many of you just had all things in the last people been saying man what's going on welcome to warfare welcome to dealing with things in the spirit and while there's a myriad of deep truths that we could mine in this text concerning the complexities of God it is my intent in its will to bring forth the practicalities of personal Reformation to free you from what has bound you I'm going to take you line upon line so that there will be freedom in your life and liberation on Sunday we looked at confronting our Jacob that is tearing down any idols and breaking ungodly soul ties and we found out that life is relational the currency of the kingdom and I'm going to review it for just a moment so those of you that weren't here and even those of you that were here your spirit can catch it because life is relational everything about God and covenant is connection community it's all about connectedness and so with that understanding I say it often but when God wants to bless you all you need is one right person one person sent into your life you get the right phone call meet the right person everything in your life shifts the same way when the devil wants to mess you up he just sends one wrong person into your life it only took one Jessica Hahn to bring down a Jim Baker come on let's talk it doesn't take a myriad of people to mess you up it just takes one wrong person the devil is a liar I said the devil is a liar so we looked at that that life is relational we're created for connection a soul tie literally means to cleave together it's a relationship where two souls are joined and I'm going to go more in depth of what the soul is tonight is where two souls are joined are there knitted together in the sense that they become one now this is not relegated to just marriage because we know that the soul of Jonathan was knitted to David that was not an immoral that was not an improper it was not a homosexual relationship it was not something that people try to make something of it was a God covenant it wasn't a sexual relationship somebody better help me out in the house so you can have covenant relationships that your soul is knit to a person that God's intention is that it's pure it's holy it's righteous - or better than one because if one fall come on - or better than one and a 3-quart strain cannot easily be broken God created us not to be alone he created us for partnership he did everything by twos so this is not just relegated I don't want you to think this is just about marriage this is in conjunction to all aspect of relationship from pasture to sheep it's in everything and all authority and all relationships can be done in a godly way or ungodly Authority can be used in a properly way or it can be abused there can be misuse of it so let's find out what does the word say in Scripture cleave means to knit together to bound up to cling to adherent to stick together so in essence it means to be linked to another person by means of a soul tie to cling to or be closely attached to that person to be stuck or glued to them perhaps lovingly devoted to them how many of you you've ever been so close to someone you already know they can be a thousand miles away Brad used to get so upset with me because I would come in and I would I would just read his mail I'd say you did this this this and this why because God as his mother and also as as an overseer of because he's a gift that God trusted me with that's what your children are that you were to properly train them so that they can fulfill their destiny and I would know in my soul when he was doing something and he would get so angry likewise your God tellin everything but I was so tightly closed to him and it wasn't just a natural thing it's because I would spend words and prayer for him you can't pray for somebody and not get connected to them you can't pray and not pick up what's in their spirit if you ever really want to get right in and want to get rid of that start praying over somebody that's why I believe the Bible says bless your enemies start praying over some people and and because when you really pray you get the heart of God somebody better say a hearty amen to that so it's it's so closely connected that you become glued to them now God intends it for good but a soul ties a means by whereby a person is brought into a relationship and they become one it can be one in mind it can be one embody it can be one in spirit it can be one in flesh one in your soul it's with another human being the word tie is defined as to attach to bind to fasten it's a bond or kinship of affection it can also mean the Uniting marriage but it also carries another connotation so those are that those are the right type of soul ties that's the godly thing we're bound together it means we all fall out just because we have personality differences we're tied for a greater cause and that common cause is that what Christ has mandated on our life for destiny so we might have personality differences get on each other's nerves but we're tied for something that's greater than just you know your personality are you with me some ice am with you pastor Paulo but it also carries another connotation it means to restrain from independence or freedom of action or choice it means to constrained by our as if by Authority influence agreement or obligation so an ungodly soul tie becomes very manipulative and very controlling because a healthy relationship is I'm free to be me you're free to be you and together we're us it's independent interdependent so when it becomes ungodly when an ungodly it means there's controlling there where you lose your freedom where a person begins to to interject within you and get so entangled up in your soul which we'll talk about what that is tonight that it controls you moves you so if they're up you're up if they're down go down the devil is a liar come on you can people around you can be like this all the time but you should still have this in your life you you should have this now you can fill in p'tee you can feel compassion you can be moved for them and you can desire the best but there should not be so much control in your life that they have so much power and influence that it can move you either away from your destiny it can move you away from your place of peace some things need to be dismissed out of our life somebody say Amen say bring it on pastor Paulo so soul ties exist because God bonds us together they were to be godly bonds between people they were intended for man's best interests as part of the design of God to provide healthy and nurturing love to flow to ways and growth in a place of safety in it and it was God's design but everything that God does the enemy comes to counterfeit and to pervert so all good things that God does the devil comes to mess up right so God and let me bring it down half the things that are together and I'm not just talking about a marriage God didn't join it together some people learn places that they don't belong and that's why they are so frustrated because it's not there it's not their address by God it's not their positioning if it's a destiny you can't severed that's why when Naomi who called herself miss mark turns around to Ruth and says go back to your own kind leave me go back and she says I'm not going wherever you go I'm going whoever your people are they're my people whatever you do I'm doing because I know my destiny is locked up only inside of you Elijah could not shake Elijah you he couldn't shake him he's sitting there and he's piling in the field with his oxen and he says can I just go home he says nope not if you're going to follow me burn it in other words burn everything that's gonna take you back to your past anything that's gonna put you back in a place and leave you with an open door to go back to your past you better get rid of it so he said it's connected you want what I have you want to be where you want to be where God wants to take you then you've gotta follow me to the point that he said you got to see what I can see when I go you've got to be able to catch this mantle so their godly soul ties and when you're tied to something like that in a God way in a good way it doesn't mean that it's always going to be easy to follow see we tell everybody that their leader everybody's not a leader they're not Christ did not say to people be a leader he said what follow me we need to teach followship and then paul said follow me as I follow Christ so we've got to learn how to be followers before we can ever be a leader and the problem with most people that can't lead because they've never really followed they don't really know what it is to follow somebody better help me preach in the house so however the enemy comes - pervert - - to mess up what God designed is good and all human soul ties this was critical we talk or must be counterbalanced by love for Jesus Matthew chapter 10 37 this is how we don't get into idolatry now we know the balance of the word that he wasn't saying literally because it's against the sense of what he was teaching - hate your father but what he was saying is if you put anybody before me if you love anybody above me he said you you can't you've got to get this thing in the right order he said he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me the way to counterbalance all human relationships is you have to make sure that your love for God is first and foremost what's the greatest commandment to us in the New Testament love the Lord your God with all of your heart with all of your soul and with all of your mind then love your neighbor likewise as you love yourself so if I don't love God first and foremost and I can't love me how can I give you a love that I don't even have for myself I can never be a wife or a mother or a pastor or a friend or anything and give you what I don't possess for myself so I've got to fall in love with the Lord Jesus Christ we need a love encounter I mean a real move of God that we really fall in love with God that we don't play Church then we're so hungry we're so desperate aren't you tired of things that don't leave you filled and just going through this same old same old routine see religion will never satisfy you relationship with God will always bring you to the place of complete satisfaction and the difficulty is you can serve God and lose some of it because he says to the church he says listen you've got everything going right but this one thing I have against you he says you forgot your first love you forgot your first works fall in love with me all over again because I don't want you lukewarm I wish you were either hot or cold but because you're lukewarm you're just existing going through the motions he says it literally nauseates I mean God wants you to fall in love with him again I dare you to spend time with them to push away a plate to come out to these prayer meetings to really say God whatever I'm gonna have to do I'm willing to do it I'm going to take this flesh nail it to the cross I've tried everything else so I'm gonna try going all the way with you I want to fall in love with you like I've never been in love I'm telling you it will enhance every other relationship in your life so we had to ask ourselves and this is what we went through on Sunday how did we get there how we didn't intend to build idols we didn't we didn't mean to get into ungodly soul ties and we found out and discover and you've got to get the tape that we create six cycles because we're left open by vulnerabilities where there's wounding or injury in our soul there's a vulnerability and an invulnerability creates an entrance for the enemy to create an ungodly soul tie so we attach ourselves to things to try to feel and to fix a need in our life we went through those messages please get the tape so let's quickly look at the soul in its function so quick review right now let's get into all the new stuff so let's look at the soul and its function because I have to clearly understand where do I get messed up because my spirits intact if I'm born again my spirits intact but there's two different types of people the Bible talks about a natural man has no relationship with God they're not going to go to heaven but you can be spiritual you can be saved and be a carnal man you can be saved and be more led by your senses what you see taste feel touch so you can you can love God and be spiritual but yet have walk out and corn ality somebody say men so man is made in the likeness in the image of God right that's the first thing that we know so that means we look like God talk like God act like God why he's cultivating the character of Christ in us it means we have the ability to function like God God's a creator God's a life Giver that same spirit now dwells on the inside of you know you not that you're the temple of God that the Spirit of God lives on the inside of you so God that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead now dwells only inside of you we all get that right so we're in the image of God well God is a triune being God is a Trinity he is three and one so God has a soul well God is a spirit he has a soul and it's housed within a body he came in the flesh in the tabernacle of Jesus so just like us we have a spirit we have a soul and it's housed in this flesh this body can I keep breaking it down for you so spirit is the divine God nature of man designed to be in regular communication with God that's why in John chapter four those that worship me must worship me in what in spirit and in truth so it's our spirit now we can have emotional encounters I like getting I get emotional with God in fact one of the few places I ever get emotional I'm pretty much like this but when I get up under the anointing it just unlocks emotions in me I cry and I'm not much of a crier but when I get under the anointing I cry I can get emotional but it's out of a spiritual experience I'm not having an emotional encounter my spiritual encounter is affecting me emotionally Oh somebody better help me out in the house because there's a difference there is a difference because some people just have emotional encounters so you're a spirit it's you communicate to God by spirit that's why when we deal with things I'm not dealing with flesh I'm not even dealing with your soul I can teach you through your intellect which will talk but you've got to lay an axe to the root which is you got to go to the deep place which is spirit to spirit when prophecy comes when apostolic anointing comes you're dealing spirit to spirit somebody say deal with my spirit Lord deal with me so here that's the spirit then there's the soul the soul is the mind is the intellect it's the will as the emotions is the choice or decision making part of man basically it is his personality is the part of man which enables him to live practically in this world through language through math through social skills so really and I've taught you the power of right thinking the hinge that swings the door the most important part for you to work on we know and we talk about how to build our spirit man but your spirit man is not the real place of conflict your soul is the place of conflict the passo Paul said the things that I don't want to do I end up doing arnelle he said the things I want to do I don't do he said because there's this war that is raging in my soul I've got this battle that's taking place in my soul so let me tell you what what can derail your destiny the devil can't derail your destiny okay no man can disqualify your destiny the only person that can do it is you and that's by your decisions that's why you got to get this soul healed somebody say bring it on pastor Paulo then the body is the house in which the other to live and provides means where other the two can express itself so my body is place of expression for my spirit my body is place of expression for my soul so that's the place of expression ultimately from the day you're born you start dying the body will return to dust it will go back to dust but my spirit of my soul will live forever I don't lose knowledge when I die I gain knowledge I see impart now but one day I'll see with total totality I'll see in full so the soul of man is the part which is uniquely him now get this here's where your distinction comes in here's where and this is why you know so many people have a messed up spiritual identity because they try to be a cookie cutter mold of what they think they should be what religion tells them to be like typically as a leading pastor I shouldn't be dressed like a biker chick but I came straight off the plane and then halftime to changing everything so religion would tell me I should be in a certain way and not wear a leather jacket but I kind of like my leather jacket so it's my personality and gods okay and it's not taken away from the anointing at all see that's the uniqueness of who you are you don't have to be what you weren't created to be don't be ashamed that you're as smart as you are God gave you that brain come on don't don't try to play down you're smart you're brilliant just God gave you a brain that operates like holy macaroni I mean it's just you are who you are your personality outgoing your inverted everything about you there is something about you that is so necessary for the bigger plan of God to fulfill the kingdom of God you possess something that no one else possesses you have something about you that is very unique that is very distinct and it plays a part and you might look at it and say it's just a big toe Baloo's your big toe and find out how imbalanced you get everything is necessary everything is necessary every part every role has a function so your soul is what makes up your unique personality and this is where things get messed up because parents try to make us into stuff that we weren't supposed to ever be they try to navigate us to be things sometimes out of because they were messed up come on I told you that you still you've got four degrees now because your dad told you you are stupid how many are you going to have to get until you finally believe that you're not stupid you don't have to prove anything to anybody so the soul is is the expression we're we're men that is uniquely him it's what we think of as a personality of man your persona we learned the nature and character of man by observing the expression of soul through both his words and by his actions you learn what's in a person's soul some of you don't even know yourself you don't even know I tell you get a tape recorder and listen to yourself for 24 hours because your mom you're what you speak will reveal to you what is in your heart it'll show you out of the abundance of the mouth what speaks the heart the Hebrew word is led the way you feel about things the way you perceive things and it's easy to just get so caught in cycles that we lie to ourselves gonna break those cycles tonight some things about to be dismissed from your life so so we learned the nature and the character of who we really are it's housed in the soul the soul consists of four components can I break it down for you you get anything out of the word talk to me because I need an interactive Church tonight you get anything out of the word right the soul is made up number one of the mind the mind is the intellect the capacity to know Psalm chapter 139 verse 14 I will praise thee for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous of thy works and that my soul knoweth right well I'm just giving you one or two scriptures reach so it's made up of your mind your intellect your capacity to know that that's a critical point because what you put in your mind is very important very important because it's going to have it's going to contain and drive so much it's made up of your will God loves you so much that he doesn't force you for anything you have a you our freewill agent you can choose in life you can choose to serve Him you can choose to reject him you can choose abundant life you can choose you can choose whichever way you want you have a will as the capacity to exercise choice to make decisions to push once towards self preservations and self control Acts chapter 3 verse 23 and it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people so God says listen you got a choice in this particular scripture that I chose out he said it shall come to pass for every person that doesn't hear that prophet they will be destroyed so God says I'm gonna set things before you and gods always setting things before you he's always every time you hear a word you're responsible for the words you hear every day you have a setup before you how you respond being responsible responsibility your ability to respond is your decision God does not force you to do anything it is completely your decision you can delay that the children of Israel should have gone into the into the promised land in 11 days but because of their decisions because of their wills that most of them died off in that generation and it took them over 40 years to possess promise some of the things that aren't in our life right now are not the devil it's because of our own will is because of our own decision I why is everybody looking at me like you just don't have any problem come on I know that none of y'all are stubborn right no not one person in here ever has to contend with that rebel nature not stubbornness that other side not one single person thank God for the angels that I get to pastor pastor Michael what what do we do to get such a blessed people ok so Luke chapter 22 verse 42 Jesus says Jesus now Jesus is struggling with it do you not think we're gonna struggle with it Jesus says saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane the place of consecration and he's struggling with this will he knows that before the foundation of the earth he says the joy that is set before me I endured this cross because of the joy that is set before me but he's struggling and he's saying hey God get me out of this take me out he said my will wants an escape hatchet right now I don't want to be crucified I'm tired of them talking about me I don't want to be nailed to a cross I don't want to be spit on I don't want to be beat I don't want to go through what I'm going to have to go through he said I don't that's not what I and I have a will knees crying out in agony the Bible says in deep desperation because he's having to take his will and bring it under subjection and say nevertheless not my will but you will be done Paul says it like this he says I beat my body black and blue literally he says he kills his flesh every day and Arnelle he's saying I crucify my flesh he said that I bring my spirit under subjection to the Holy Spirit that I have to do it the Bible says you lay aside every weight that's so easily beset you and every sin that so easily beset you and every weight that would weigh you down you have to do it Pasteur's not gonna pull the weight off you even the Holy Spirit's not gonna come say I'm gonna pull this off you you have to do it and bring it under subjection God gave you a will stop sitting back complaining about what you don't like in your life and do something about it with what God has given you I'm preaching to myself 2012 gonna look really good for past Apollo whites look at somebody say say she's preaching to you right now ready number three part of the part of the soul is your emotions emotions and the problem that I had with some aspect of the faith movement is it had a what I believe a false teaching of saying deny your emotions emotions are not the engine they're the signals okay it's like you your car has a light comes on if something's wrong it's the signals it's the lights that show you what's happening in the engine their primary emotions emotions were given to you by God it comes from a root word literally a Latin word to mean to move emotions or to move you have the Bible says be angry and send up what that saying is anger is a good emotion but it's saying don't do anything stupid when you're angry like don't get a gun out and get next to somebody that you're having a real trouble with so emotions means the capacity to feel the capacity to experience the problem sometimes is we we use Church and spirituality and this is why people's faiths get so messed up to almost desensitize and to numb out in life and you've got to embrace some things to get through pain you have to embrace pain it's part of the human experience you've got to process it through you'll have to go through places of grief in your life you're going to lose things that you love its hue it's human to grieve when Moses died the children of Israel were crying and God says cry deal with it but deal with it for 30 days he says don't cry the next 30 years but deal with it get it all through your system you need to experience I want you to feel how how bland would life be if we didn't have experiences it feels good to fall in love come on it feels good love is a feeling and it's a good feeling all right good why am I gonna have to break this down when you're in a marriage bed I have to make it all right here tonight and your passion Leigh in love thank you miss Peterson Oh huh see she it feels good to experience sexuality sensuality why is everybody everybody just look at thank you Rachel and Brad newlyweds for putting your hands up and being honest everybody's going like no sex is not a bad thing God created it and it wasn't just to have babies all my married couples should say yes feelings are good they're good they're not wrong to experience it's good to get up under the anointing and to experience the feeling of God's presence I'm teaching them I'm not going to get where I need to go because I only have four minutes so you don't have to come back next week so the fourth thing since all of y'all are acting like you don't have any feelings tonight and making me plow through this Psalm chapter 42 verse six oh my god my soul is cast down within me so David saying look I'm feeling depressed in fact if you go through that whole thing you see the myriad of feelings but in song chapter Song of Solomon chapter one verse seven tell me o thou whom my soul loveth it's a whole nother feeling so it's a all of this is housed in the soul all of it in the soul which we're going to pull the soul ties number four the part of the soul is desires Revelation chapter 18 verse 14 and the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from me so desires can include lust desires can include us the things that you long for it's the things that you want it's the things that that you have intent for that you want to attain in your life Psalm chapter 37 for again not all things that you desire are bad lusting after things lust is not always a bad you can longed for something the right things the Bible says delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give the you what the desires of your heart okay desires and it says when you pray what soever you desire believe so part of the thing of prayer is if you don't have a desire for it then you're not going to really have a belief for it and you're not going to really pray for it you're just going through the words going through the motions desire is the root of releasing effectual prayer so God intended the spirit man to have dominion and rule over the carnal of the nature man the dysfunctional soul is carnal right so when our soul gets messed up when our will when our mind when our feelings right our emotions or when our desires get jacked up and I talked about that on son then it becomes dysfunctional it's not functioning right that's the vulnerability that's where the enemy comes in and he can bring an ungodly soul tie so the revert word refers to carnality is everything in man that is not under the control or Dominion of the Holy Spirit via our own yielded spirit the proper soul is submitted will intellect an emotional being so the proper soul and Paul says you're going to wrestle with this Paul Paul who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament says guys you go wrestle with this this isn't just like some little magic prayer you pray you're going to have to take this word and use this word and work this word for the rest of our life we're going to have to be God dependent and let his word we're going to have to meditate on the word day and night we're going to have to chew it until we make our own way prosperous and we make our way successful we have to observe to do all that is in the word according to Joshua 1:8 right so we've got to take this word and work this word and Paul says this is going to be a lifetime thing that you're going to go through so when he goes into this he says he says watch he says the proper soul is one that is submitted will intellect and emotional being so every day I have to submit my will my intellect and my emotions to God wrong relationships tie people's lives together through a spiritual hold which can cause emotional and even physical damage some people are dying too early because of too much stress in your life because of an ungodly soul tie it's going to be dismissed it's an unseen control on a person's life that can powerfully pull them away from the place of peace that God desires for your children if you have someone in your life and I was going to teach it for a long time but I'm just going to go to write to woman our loosens as 8:30 if you have someone in your life that continually I'm not talking on occasion but continually pulls you away from your place of peace because peace cannot be counterfeited continually moves you away from your destiny continually causes your calm waters to be disturbed you need to dismiss that person out of your life now if you're married to them it's not that easy it's not that easy you don't have to work through some things and you better you better pray to God do they have a relationship with God - because you're going to have to fight that thing out in the spirit that God can deal with them and make some adjustments in their heart because there's some things you can't just walk out of easily but there are some situations you can dismiss and divorce and then the things that you can do in the natural you're going to have to go to war in the spirit and you're going to have to believe God and equip yourself in the spirit that you possess a two-edged sword in your hand this word that is bigger than anything else and the Bible says listen that if you bring yourself under subjection the Holy Spirit even if your house holds out of order and your husband's not saved that God will cover you and you will win him over not by your griping at him not by you nagging not by you being at church every single service but by you loving him you can win him over through the Word of God you can win him over by being a reflection of who Christ is you can win the most evil people over by being a demonstration of the love of God love real love is hard to resist but that means I've got to get some things out of my life in order to love like that so here's this woman and I'm going to break it down in three minutes and I'll teach it to you mourn death and she's in church for 18 years and the Bible says Jesus is teaching and when he saw her it's a verb that is a primary that really didn't out a past tense and it's not the first time he sees her when you break it down into its proper etymology which I'll teach you all about later it says when he saw himself in her he wasn't looking at her he wasn't looking at the house he wasn't looking at the soul he was dealing spirit to spirit when he saw himself in her so now he sees himself in her now we can get to some place because the only way to get real deliverance is spirit to spirit the only way or you're going to deal with emotional garbage and junk half the stuff they do in church it's a bunch of nonsense I'm just gonna tell you it's nonsense it's control it's manipulation because the only way to get true deliverance is you got to go spirit to spirit which means we've got to see beyond flesh beyond mine the on will beyond intellect and you've got to get spirit to spirit when he saw himself in her he was bringing eternity into an earthly position he was about to bring a Kairos moment Kairos is where God's sovereignty meets up with man's destiny it's a collision where you have an eternity invasion the manifests and the earth that's why there's an ability for there to be a shift and a change that everything that would have you bound is going to be loosed from you when he saw her the Bible says that this woman couldn't no wise lift herself up the word could means had no ability or power and couldn't no wise lift herself up it literally means that she was not denying it she wasn't it's not a denial of it it means she had no ability or no power to lift herself up which means to reverse it or to unbind it so this woman for 18 years had no ability sitting in church sitting under teaching sitting under the Word of God and she had no ability to reverse this thing or to um by knit this thing it says that this woman was bowled over and it literally is a preposition that denotes a union with and in and what that means is that there was an event somewhere in her life that caused her to be one with it I don't know if it was through it had to be through a person because all of them eventually come through a person but she had union with it that she couldn't separate herself from it and it couldn't separate her or it couldn't be separated from her and she couldn't separate from it so now for 18 years she's been over it's a posture problem it means that there is a posture problem and when you have a posture problem you're out of position and when you're out of position you're never going to function in purpose because position is what causes you to function and purpose and the enemy wants your destiny so bad that he will sin someone I don't know if it was when you were two years old 20 years old or 10 days ago but he sends someone into your life to keep you bowed and it literally needs to be overwhelmed Brad it means to stoop low it keeps you in a place that you have been you are sitting in church but you are overwhelmed with what has happened to you and now you are bound with this thing it has become such a part of you and you become such a part of it that if I play a certain song it will trigger emotions in you if I say if you get around certain scents or certain people you smell certain things you see some it will trigger something in you because it's still functioning in you and the devil is a liar and you can't get deliverance through that by counseling someone I believe in counseling I believe in therapy but you can counsel this out you can't fear you can't give therapy this thing has got to go in the name of Jesus because you've got to deal with it in the realm of the Spirit and he the Bible says that she had a spirit it's a spirit she loves God she's in church she's safe but she's got a spirit that has her not functioning it literally means that she wasn't set right she couldn't stand up she couldn't walk out her destiny she had no ability no power to reverse this thing to untie herself from it but I came to tell you for everything that jacked you up in life for everything to bench you over for everything that's got you bound over for everything I'm mad at the devil I'm on assignment with this for everything that's got you living lower than God has set you and assign you every time this is not a job for the pastor the prayer partners can make it happen they were activating something in the spirit this is a job for Jesus and Jesus is coming in and he's seeing himself in you and he's about to speak a word and don't even make me go into because it says when he called her it means to summon sure it means that when he summons her and when he brought her for it it literally means when he called her toward and forward he was reversing that which was in her because she had a spirit of infirmity and fro he means disease it means mouth function of structure and function it means malady I mean strength lessness it means feebleness it means impotent it means she could not produce results she couldn't bring forth fruit aren't you tired of not bringing forth which you have been destined to both in this earth aren't you tired of aborted dreams and destiny not working the devil is a liar or know you will pasture there's some things that God's going to do with you and what God has said shall be done timings of the essence to you aren't you tired of not bringing it forth aren't you tired of every time you start to take a step forward the enemy messes with you because there's some things that have to be loose from you and the word loose means to dismiss it means to divorce it means to eradicate somebody's gonna get a divorce tonight you're gonna get dismissal tonight I came to serve papers and to tell you it's time to divorce that it's time to divorce those thoughts to divorce those habits to divorce that person to divorce that the vid he said woman Thou Art Loosed you are divorced you are dismissed you were released you are relieved as what it means of everything then had you been over I came in the name of Jesus by the authority of God to speak a dismissal over everything that's driving you and denying your destiny over every event that you were tied up with over every ungodly soul tie over every word that was spoken over you I don't care if it was my parent I don't care if it was my a partner who it was but I came in the name of Jesus and I speak right now divorce over dismiss over divine reverse over you would leave from it you released from it every word spoken over you every seed planted in you every event that calls you to be strangled in the spirit realm to be shortchanged to be stunted in who you are in your purpose I'll break it by the blood of Jesus I'll break it in the name of Jesus right now I need you to start pressing in and say God do it for me I need you to take a 30 and give notice to that demonic spirit I'm not going to spend another day in my life I'm not going to spend another hour dealing with this devil I'm not gonna let it have vacant sea residents it's not going to have occupancy in my life it's gone in the name of Jesus you better hear me some of you are dealing with sickness because of words that your parents spoke over you and your child I'll break it by the blood of Jesus I'll break it by the blood of Jesus we reverse right now and divorce everything you don't even know what it is you're dealing with but by spirit I speak to you in the name which is above every name and Lord Jesus Christ I call upon you and I call upon that blood covenant that you created and you made with us and right now I speak your liberation I speak your freedom I speak of everything the causes are people to be tied and down and I decree that we will not go into 2002 held not held up but we will be divorced dismiss from every thought every action every deed every cares every provocation every ungodly soul tie every entanglement it's being broken right now every memory I ask that you believe it by the blood of Jesus it is dismissed from your life you're divorced from it in the name which is above the name of every other name the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth if you say possible I'm dealing with something I can't get free from run up to this altar run up to this altar run up to this offer I need every pastor right now I need people praying like come on I need my prayer partners run up to this altar line them up all the way across line them up all the way across quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly you better give me that anointing oil pastor Michael you saw it on one if I'm starting on the other start praying in the spirit if you've gotta go you can go but when I lay hands on you and when pastor Michael lays hands on you everything that has held you back everything that has bound you is going to be divorced from you right now I need y'all playin red Rachel y'all get up here and pray now get up here and pray I need you pray and be y'all pray start worshiping I need up people who know how to do some warfare they know how to deal with some things in the spirit pastor Brad get up here I need some prayer of people some people also a pastor friend also pray it seated or line them up in a straight line if you've got to take them all the way across the building also get them lined up quickly move quickly move quickly move quickly sit down oh my gosh accreta lift your hands and start praying it's not a touch of man but it is a touch of God the moment hands are laid on you I pronounce your freedom you're dismissed Brad come with me sit down honorable come with me how to Rachel stay with me I know your hands a lot of OCO should go to stay with me come on stop praying right now after getting some Usher's stop praying right now terrible it's over it's over it's over it's over frame your face the frame we Oh you're free refresh come on walk free ah speak over your ring
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 176,458
Rating: 4.8237596 out of 5
Keywords: paula, white, breaking, of, ungodly, soul, ties, vision, your, prophetic, future, no, more, masks, the, butterfly, effect, supernatural, miracles, his, habitation, get, bounce, back, transformed, power, thoughts, generational, curses, deliverance, it, is, matter, time, first, fruits, fasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2012
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