Dr. Paula White-Cain | Ministering #1 | Vision19 Conference

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come would you come welcome dr. Paul away as she comes [Music] [Applause] Amen god is so good he let pastor Rodney know how much we love him come on really put your hands talk about a man that has been raised up and to pray sorry I have on my boots today I'm being comfortable you can be seated as as sake Rodney and professor we're talking I'm literally sitting there on my phone because we have a 5 p.m. deadline hard deadlines that we've called the body of Christ to pray through prophetic insight how many of you know that God reveals to redeem do you believe in the prophetic come on you believe that God gives words of knowledge and wisdom and and there was an urgency about 20 pastors came together and said we we must pray for our president right away and as I said yesterday Franklin called me and said I really believe that we need to call Sunday and we knew we couldn't do it by this Sunday this was two days ago next Sunday to call for our present I am Telling You professor Rodney I I will get 3,000 signatures for prison reform I mean we all will have to go up and fight things on the hill to help better lives and stuff when we called the church just to pray to pray I have not had so much warfare in the last 24 hours I've not had the least response the least response of people so we've got we've got New York that we've got the billboard at New York Times Square and we're saying we're praying because we're not ashamed of prayer we are taking out ads in New York Times Washington Post everything and we're signing a letter saying that on June 2nd we are calling for prayer and you talk about if the body can't stand up and not just teach truth the body soundings standing up and praying so the problem I'm gonna start I'm gonna Minister but I do whatever no notice wrong number just go for it okay the problem is not a world problem professor the world is doing exactly what it's supposed to do its deceived it's in darkness it's blinded it's wicked the enemy comes to steal destroy the only way the wicked prospers by stolen goods of the righteous so there had to be spiritual transactions that the light that you are the darkness prospers by taking light don't make me go too deep on you so the world's acting exactly as it's supposed to operating in deception and the the Satan is a the the father of all Liars and and but the problem is not a world problem the problem is a church problem oh yeah I just stay with me for a minute don't get too upset right now all right so I'm gonna read to you in the message version and then I'm gonna talk to you about some good news because I know that you are world changers and I know that right now your cultural bearers and that you were societal influencers and God doesn't need everyone God needs a remnant and I believe that I'm talking to a remnant people that have been raised up that the power of God the fire of God are raising up the brightest minds you know professor I've always said I said like I deeply respect people like like I respect that as Steve Jobs created Apple but in all sincerity he was a Buddhist so his mind was not connected and controlled by the Holy Spirit the most innovative ideas should not be coming from people just practicing meditation or people that are practicing come on worshiping like what the greatest ideas are from born-again believers who are created in the image of an Almighty God who according to Philippians 2:5 I have the mind of Christ and do hold the thoughts of the Messiah you want me to tell you what my thoughts are the thoughts of the King of Kings the thoughts of the Lord of lords I'm downloading heaven I'm not downloading what this world has to say I'm not downloading the negativity of what everything else says every day I get inside information directly because I have access into the throne room by the blood of Jesus and so do you because of the price that Jesus Christ has paid my husband's gonna come minister and song in just a moment and I'll preach but let me just start you off with the scripture real quick that that is pastor Rodney was up here because I'm sitting there on the phone because I've got a 5 o'clock deadline and I'm like I've never had to work this hard just to get people to sign up to sign a letter under something I mean we're talking like Franklin Graham you don't get more integrity come on guys no scandal dr. Billy Graham Association everything and I'm just talking about a call to prayer and if I was saying let's do this or let's do that I'm talking a call to prayer and so the Apostle says in Ephesians chapter 1 I'm going to read you the message version so you can keep it really simple and understand it real clear you ready he says this in verse 15 that's why when I heard of the solid trust you have in the master Jesus in your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus I couldn't stop thanking God for you every time I prayed I think of you and give things but I do more than thing I ask I ask god of our master Jesus Christ the god of glory to make you intelligent and discerning and knowing him personally that your eyes focus and clear so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do let every veil be removed let every blind or be removed let's just see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit and grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his his followers oh the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him in the synergy banlist strength ready say bring it on pastor Paulo all this energy issues from Christ he says endless energy boundless strength but at all issues from Christ God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven ready here it goes in charge of running the universe now it's going to get deeper everything from galaxies to governments no name and no power exempt from his rule so I want you to take everything you just heard from dr. Rodney and professor Paul and who's in charge of running this universe okay you either believe this the inerrant infallible Word of God or you don't so it's very clear that God has said that Christ is in charge of running the universe everything from galaxies to governments no name no power exempt from his rule and not just for the time being but forever he's in charge of it all ready and has the final word on everything so he's in charge of running from the galaxies to the government there's no name exempt from him and he has the final word and say on everything now that's good news right so do you believe the Word of God so then the natural question you're gonna say well then what's the problem if he's in charge of running everything from the galaxies to the government if he has a final word on everything then you better keep reading because the next scripture really brings it all home at the center of all this Christ rules the church pastor Ronnie I only got a few handclaps right now you know because it's saying they did the proper retreat ready alright they're saying that the Bible says that he rules all governments all galaxies but at the center of this he rules the church and put it up on the screen so they know I'm not making it up alright [Applause] it's already it says the church you see is not peripheral to the world the world is peripheral to the church the church is not peripheral to the world the world is peripheral to the church the church is not peripheral to the world the world is peripheral to the church the church is not revealed to the world the world is peripheral to the church the church is Christ's body in which he speaks and acts and by which he fills everything including the White House including government halls including universities including education centers including the best medical labs including the biggest businesses he doesn't just fill our church business there are churches he fills everything with his presence how does he do that he does that through you he does that through me wherever I go god rules when I walk on White House grounds God walks on White House grounds when I walked in the river God walked in the river when I go into the dry cleaner that dry cleaning place becomes holy I had every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy the problem is not a world problem they're doing a segment what they're supposed to do professor they're lying they're manipulating they're deceived they're blinded they're walking in wickedness but they don't have greater power because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world the problem is not the world the world is doing exactly what it's supposed to do the CIA is doing exactly what it's supposed to do the banks are doing exactly what they're supposed to do the Rockefeller and every other what they would call conspiracy theory which is not a conspiracy theory is doing exactly what they're supposed to do because the enemy comes to destroy he comes to kill steal and destroy mints utterly abolished purpose and purpose is the original intention of God and God said I have called you and you are sitting on a pew playing Church and acting like church full of religion not knowing who you are and if you don't know your identity you will never fulfill your destiny [Applause] so good to be with you guys praise God so I I want to share with you just before I get into the word today and share the message I really want you to understand the power of who you are and the responsibility of what you have and the greatest thing we have is this - between two dates and and I pray over pastor Rodney every day because the boldness on him I'm telling you you talk about God protecting us and the voices I mean you should be jumping and shouting because the reality is either you are you are actively being an active participant and a partner with God advancing his kingdom for the kingdom of God has come Jesus came and said repent change your mind change your way change your direction because the kingdom that was his main his main message was the kingdom had come and so his mission he died so the he would redeem us but he brought a kingdom here it's our responsibility it's our responsibility you're in this world but not of this world doesn't mean you're peculiar and weird it means it's our responsibility to do - to extend the kingdom of God and to take back what belongs to God in the first place so just before I get into the word and minister to you directly and share with you and I'm all fired up so I probably need some ministry from my husband many of you know I'm dr. Ronnie thank you so much we were up late last night man he was so I mean just thank you for just laying hands on him and unlocking more gifting on the inside of him I mean it's just been amazing to watch and see you know how many single ladies do we have in the house how many single ladies do we have fly Southwest so a long story short I was doing a real estate deal in Texas and I was pastoring here in Tampa and I said it's like three weeks I said hey get me on this flight there was a nine a noon and a five o'clock flight and I said put me on that noon flight and they said it's close I said it's Southwest somebody's drop off come on I got millions of miles on everything it's Southwest and I said get me on that flight and they said it's shut down so everyday I kept being persistent now I'm a person of flow I believe that my footsteps are ordered by the Lord but there's some times that you know it doesn't make sense in your head but you just follow what's in your heart you follow the Holy Spirit and like I just knew I needed to be on that Noons flight which is so odd and so out of character for me but I was gonna be on that noon flight and once I set my my like wants something's only inside of me my mother used to say she'd say unless Jesus comes down himself it's not gonna change so I just kept saying get me on that noon flight they're like Paula it's sold out so you know we're up to the day of and and I have a doctor's appointment that morning just a normal routine and I go and all of a sudden a girl that I'd raised since she's 12 Rachel calls me up she said hey I called again she said one seat opened up and she said we got your bags packed to meet us at the airport we'll take your car I get on I walk up and I'm looking and I'm like Ronnie I think I was in the Steve Johnson I was in the B section but I'm like in the cattle section I'm like cattle section here I said come on I've got like a million miles who's in my seat and there's all I walk up and I can tell there's all these famous people but I mean I really I mean I know their music but I wouldn't know their faces and I sit down and I just want to get into my book and read and study and do what I'm getting ready to do and I had on my high heels and you know I always I was single I'd rescue and I was on the plane you never know know listen some people they dress terribly on a plane well you can't be ugly and expecting to get something cute I mean can't be looking like rollers in your hair and you know stuff falling out and your weave not working come on you got to go on the plane looking kind of cute if you want to attract something [Applause] I don't know it's it's the anointing here just it's an anointing of transparency so I get on the plane and it's truth serum it's cheap it is truth serum I love ministering here I love pastor Rodney and AD Annika so I get on and I'm putting my bags up and this is just really nice looking hot sexy guy but I didn't think like that of course cuz I'm saved and sanctified it's really nice-looking guy sent over there and I put my bag up and you know I'm like chivalry still exists he helps me put my bag up cuz most the time they watch you know you're struggling in my bags are like a hundred pounds and these men are just sitting there watching you put it up as you break your back and three discs go out and I'm putting my bag up and he gets to help me and I drop this book and this book they kept telling me you need to teach a relationship again I'm like I'm not teaching a relationship they're like come on pastor Paul they said he's got I said I don't want eternal relationship anymore they said but everybody looks to you to teach our relationship I said I'm not teaching on it and so I brought this book out and I started dusting off I said okay I'll read about it at least and it was this book called calling in the one and it's talking about the person that God has for you and how you come into alignment with God's plan so I was like huh I don't want to read it but whatever so I dropped this book in my six-inch Fendi boots now why are you looking at me funny and this guy sitting across the aisle from me and he picks up the book and he goes nice shoes and he said what do you do and all of a sudden I would normally I'll be honest I normally because I know this is gonna be a three-hour conversation I know I'm really gonna say I'm a public speaker I'm an author I'm a motivational speaker cuz the moment I say I'm a pastor I already know here we go it's either gonna be a debate there's gonna be a three-hour counseling session and all I want to do is not read a book on relationships and I looked at him in his eyes I said I'm a pastor and all the sudden he starts opening up his whole life he said I was in a fire when I said I wanted to be a priest growing up John grew up Catholic and his father was a very strong praying man and a prophet his dad was a very strong prophet and he said I want to be a priest he said but I was in a school fire tragic fire when I was 8 years old they killed 92 children he said in Three Nuns and he said I'm looking at my little Mickey Mouse watch I'm going Jesus where are you and of course John didn't understand it as a Catholic and this is not any bash against that but he didn't have a Bible he knew how to pray to Mary but he didn't know about the enemy he didn't know warfare he didn't know purpose and God's plan and a lot of Scripture and foundational things a lot of churches people don't know so he he's in there and he said I just want to know and awesome the Lord gave me three prophetic words for him three very strong prophetic words and I'm so glad I was obedient on this because if I want to get another three prophetic words I might not be married to him anyway so the Holy Ghost comes on me I have three words for him and I just start prophesying and at the end of this he said do you think that I could have the love for Jesus that I had when I was a seven year old boy I said sir God's been chasing you down a long time and God wants you and so one thing led to another and we'd stay in touch I'd send him a scripture occasionally and he would send me a picture of nature and then I get this call one day this call says Paula he said uh he goes are you seeing anybody now I'm kind of a little bit of a smart aleck I said like having dinner with someone I mean like how does the pastor date right how's Paul like on a date he goes no no are you seeing someone and I said why he said I want an exclusive relationship meet me in Pebble Beach I'm like well you sure do have your mind made up now I and you gonna understand on the plane I didn't know and I'll tell you most of you know what I did he I mean he was just a good-looking normal guy he wasn't all tattooed out in ripped jeans and there was a foreigner and journey and everybody on the plane and all management and they were not supposed to be on that plane so he said I said yeah I said but he told me this was funny he told me he'd never get married and he'd never go to Africa Rodney he's gone to Africa eight times and he married me three times so yeah he said he'd never go to and I'm like how do you have an exclusive relationship and you don't get married so this is I mean this is I mean this is God's grace and story I said and I'd always talk about Archbishop Duncan Williams papa and how I go to Ghana and I'd go pray and people I go there long I just pray and people think oh are you going to do mission work I go no I am the mission it's like me coming to the river are you going to preach I'm going no I'm going to I'm going to if Patti Romney asked me preach sure but I'm going to get in the river I'm going I'm not coming for my session I'm coming because I want God I'm hungry for what is flowing in this house [Music] and so I said yeah I'd like you to meet someone he goes I know arts risk but I'm not going to Africa well he was gonna be in London so I took John to London and he gets on the plane he goes I'm getting x-rayed aren't I I said I don't know you're just meeting my in a spiritual mentor and somebody very important he meets Papa and I'll let him tell you the rest of the story his life was totally transformed not only complete red rededication baptism baptism and the Holy Spirit I mean totally committed to God I mean absolute transformation that I sat there and watched for a while and then he asked me when we were in Ghana if I would marry him we got married in Ghana and then got married in America two times and I am so honored to show you because I figured God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit silat so welcome my husband Jonathan Cain of journey whose ring songs like don't stop believin faithfully open arms 200 others but he's got three Christian albums out now and his latest one more like Jesus just came out baby finished the story and greet the people greetings so honored to be here in the house of the Lord this is truly a remarkable place a place of anointing I would say very very supernatural what happened last night was my first time and I loved I loved the activation of the spirit here I saw young people on the floor that haven't spent a minute with the Holy Spirit but yet they were called here right here and truly beautiful and I love you Ravi it's amazing I've been through it I've been through religion I've been through disappointment I've been through a success you know the promise the heartache you know the rejection I was told I couldn't write songs that I should get a day job but my father was prophetic and he said John there is some greatness waiting there's a blessing beyond the battle don't stop believing that's what he said uh-huh so I wrote that down as a prayer in my lyric book I wrote that three words don't stop believin dad said don't stop believin and when Steve Perry asked me if I had any title songs left I looked in my lyric book and I saw my father's words the rest is history it's one of the most downloaded classic rock songs of all time amen so I guess I'm the evidence I'm the evidence that perseverance and belief in faith and you know I my father taught me how to pray when I was a little boy and he would kneel on the Pew and the tears would come down his face and I knew he was somewhere I wanted to be with him where was he he said those are tears for Jesus I'm I'm I'm with Jesus right now I said how do I get what Jesus you know and he said you got to call him and you got to tell him that he's your Savior and he's your salvation what salvation I don't know I'm seven he died for your sins John do I sin he said no the world sins and he died for them and you know growing up a Catholic boy I had to go through the Stations of the Cross through all through Lent it was a daily thing Monday through Friday and I couldn't tell you there was a one time I didn't weep who are these men what is this cruelty why would they do this to Jesus you know and and saw evil firsthand look at right in the eye and then in this Catholic school that I was going to I felt uneasy I was like I didn't feel right and and the enemy visited us on December 1st 1958 and started a fire using a child the enemy needs somebody to use to amen pyromaniac set our school on fire killed 93 children in three months and I just stood there helpless watching as Paula said where are you Jesus and I guess all of us that day suffer from what a lot of soldiers suffer from post-traumatic syndrome and we weren't treated for it and I think I froze up I froze up I went through the motions I got confirmed I you know I I went to church but I I don't know don't know what happened I felt like I was offline how do I get back online with God how do I get back online I had three children I called it but they called them to God I said you need to get into church you're going with me some of them didn't necessarily want to be there but I took him there anyway and it wasn't until I met Paula on that airplane ride and I asked her the question is it possible to ignite that to activate that spirit you know and I realized that the Lord had blessed me tremendously I've been supernaturally favored I go from this little band the babies in 1979 who were selling a couple hundred thousand records to journey that's divine intervention people you know in one year I went to a millionaire in one year if that isn't as suddenly I don't know what is Jurnee went from two million to ten million in one year and everybody said the difference was the sky Jonathan Jonathan came in a band and he gave them a different voice a different sound and and I owe it all to my father and to the Holy Spirit and I realized that God had his hand on me and that been for the last 35 years and to prove it he made sure that we got an excellent a word probably the highest award in music called the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as I stood on stage amen I thank my father and I thank my Heavenly Father I was the only one that night that that said thank you lord thank you lord and so when I go on stage I bring my Jesus with me amen and before every performance Paula and I pray we pray that we will bring some people some joy that we will put out some fires so we will help some brokenness you know I know the songs don't stop believin faithfully open arms have changed people's lives these are songs that the Holy Spirit gave to me he was a co-writer of those songs I didn't write them by myself and when my father passed away in 1987 and I was beside myself I said how am I gonna carry on I've done this for my father all these years I realized I was without a life raft I what happened I had no place to anchor where was my anchor and a voice came over me and said John it's always been me I am your father through him you made it for me it's always been me John you've harvested his beliefs through me and I just wept again and just thanked the Lord for for giving me the eyes to see in the ears the ears to hear him and meaning Paula has been a true blessing this is the love of my life we have so much in common I just like to ask you to worship with me I have a song and this anointed atmosphere right I like I know you don't know this song is a song that not a journey song but it's a song that Holy Spirit gave to me I want everybody to surrender with me if you will it's called have your way I used to play and standing up but here we go I have three albums out if you're interested they won't play me on the radio but that's okay I have my believers spirit of god fall in this place declaring our to fortune and open heaven man your love sustains [Music] it's change at the heart for worship it's real that we took [Music] we take this chair [Music] we come [Music] the true war [Music] psilocybin have your way led to a pair a lamp to our feet young white is our salvation to surrender is complete great come [Music] see your glory the all the evidence on scene [Music] Christian [Music] we can impress the truth please but you are mighty stone stairs up in our souls we come to celebrate believe in your promise the name above all names [Music] to surrender [Music] you're rich [Music] we are the clay [Music] down memories we call me on wrestles [Music] [Music] my song [Music] don't have your way Conan if you really believe that if you want a sewer just set your hands right now just that's the Holy Spirit to have his way come on and see John father we just thank you we surrender right now knowing that you have equipped us and furnished us you've anointed us to do great things and while we try to figure it all out really all we have to do is worship should be right now can I just press the true every way [Music] holy spirit' do have your way let us be so sensitive to you that whatever mindset we're here with even now deconstruct everything that is not of you and reconstruct everything that is of you whatever needs to be done let there be a radical disorientation so that you can bring forth your creative transformation reminded how you say that you're standing in the gap and you're looking for someone to make up the hedge right now and you're looking to and fro in the earth but I believe that you'll find that person that people right here right now but there is a hungry heart crying out to you saying lord have your way with me so right now we dis transition with surrender one of the things that I learned being under pastor Rodney's ministry was just the power released the power surrendered really was so easy for me to jump in the river because it was just a matter of me getting out of the way God just wants us out of the way because SunTrust on the arm of flesh some call on chariots and horses but we will call upon the name at the Lord God's really just looking for a yielded vessel right now not to figure everything out guys I still make up words in the pulpit my grammar is wrong I can't do calculus right I don't have the brain of professor but I know the voice of the Holy Spirit but the voice of the Holy Spirit I I know that all things are possible through Christ Jesus so right now the Bible says even in Psalm 55:22 to cast the burden upon the Lord and it means curl that lock and it literally means by Providence whatever you're carrying hurled upon him for he will not suffer the righteous to be moved and that word means to miss your purpose for to get off course God has a purpose he has a plan for you he has a calling and he's equipped you to do it and whatever it is that has weighed you down whatever it is that you're you're thinking about right now and said the Holy Spirit just throw that over on the Holy Spirit just roll it over to him and right now true surrender is just us getting out of the way you know I would say this is a Jonathan when that when their first one deeper than deep came out I kept playing it over and over and over again and I said to my wife I said that knowing is on him and God's gonna use him as a psalmist and then so you mind first I want to play something you'll be surprised the wolf of course you might note just put it up quickly this was on in the Rose Garden just put it up quickly because I wanted to see what God does you might not like something but you can't stop what God does you know people get the mindset put it up quickly [Music] raises your breath Rosco what help [Music] you give you [Music] restore we [Music] it's your breath [Music] okay so how can only God can do that and the Lord not touch you and touch him look there right from actually the prison to the palace it's a miracle it's all a miracle and you know pastor Rodney that's what people saw on National Day of Prayer what they don't see is when John's sitting on that beautiful Steinway piano worshiping in the White House but they don't see is all the times of worship and prayer with the family that the president loves it I mean the president asked for it they don't see is all the time it's not just publicly cuz it's not a public children it's a timer we're just worshiping there in the halls of the White House we also question how do this how do how did the people here and this thousands watching on the internet how they get ahold of his albums how do they do this because the radio stations are blocking him so let's just push these albums business problems come on that's awesome so two ways go to iTunes is a new outlet more like Jesus you're gonna love and there's deeper than deep and what God wants to hear but his new album more like Jesus is phenomenal you've got a lot of pop a lot of the ballad sounds just fun great songs deep songs theological songs you love it so go on iTunes because that helps don't just do Spotify guys go on iTunes all right and then of course you can go to Jonathan Cain music or Paula White ministry org but it really helps go on iTunes write those reviews let them know and it makes a difference listen to it you're gonna want to download it and I'll tell you more in pastor Rodney my books get ready to come out in October 15th and the same thing it's called something greater and it's and it's triumphing over your trials and it's how what people would call this former messed up Mississippi girl that I thought you know my my pain would be in my childhood but I really go through everything that ten year cycle or everything that could be shaken would be shaken and it's the book that I thought I'd never write you know I I didn't want to write it but everybody said we won't your memoir we won't your memoir and they wanted to know how I became spiritual advisor to President Trump and it's really a mad love story with God and it's talking about how he puts eternity in our heart there's eternity in your heart it's a divine sense of purpose and through every trial and there were some difficult difficult trials but through everyone the Holy Spirit was like this is not there's something Grindr remember that eighteen year old girl I said just shake nations and I don't care how long it's been it might have been twenty years thirty years but whatever God has promised you Philippians 1:6 says you can be confident in this one thing that the same God who started the good work is the same dot that will finish it further and execute it the only way that it won't happen is if you quit and you're not gonna quit in the name of Jesus so if you go to something greater book.com the same thing we need 10,000 pre-orders you know and it's the same thing will she make it and publish it or she'd do this so she'd be back well I just we believe the Holy Spirit's gonna breathe on this and people are gonna get behind it and guys if you'd help me out and get fit get pastor Rodney's we're gonna order hundreds of them let them go and go on and just get hundreds and and just go on order one or two for your friend because pastor Rodney's write our books still get into the airports and Walmart and into the places and into the what they call the real estate of that unless you go on and we show those pre-orders so I believe we can make a difference plus I know it's going to minister to you and it's got a lot of juicy details too so anyway you're gonna even I'm telling you it's a lot of stuff and something greater right because God is something greater for you slap somebody say something greater is coming away and so Prime Minister perimeter that's are you sure okay we'll just miss I want to share something sup somebody a high five say you don't have a clue who you're sitting next to say so next your world changer you can be seated John's gonna probably play good John's gonna probably play while I'm minister cuz people are gonna be healed just as pastor Rodney prophesy and they're gonna be delivered and you're gonna be changed so the suggest accept the Holy Spirit to move and I'm gonna share with you really about I just some feeling in my heart that you were anointed with a purpose and a plan and you already know that but I want to probably go a little bit deeper I'll cover a little more intensive of last night but you know Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them so the works that God called you to he ordained them beforehand amen so God has a plan and a purpose and you're already anointed and equipped I'm gonna read you a few scriptures and I'm gonna start over with you Nehemiah Acts chapter 10 verse 38 said how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with what power slaps somebody say power I mean knock some power into him right because that's what the church has to have what separates us is it's that you have to be full of the word and the power of God that's what made the early church so significant is the power of God and then he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him you already know the Greek word anointed means to furnish what is needed so God will furnish and supply and equip you with all that you need so that you will succeed in your calling so let's talk about their calling for a minute I want to read it you out of Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 through 5 says the words of Nehemiah the son of Hackl I why would they name their kid stuff like this hey hack and you're just hack Alya it came to pass in the month of chisel ooh in the 20th years I was in xuxa and the palace that Hannah and I are one of my brethren came in certain men of Judah and I asked them the concern of the Jews that had escaped which were left of the captivity concerning Jerusalem and this is where I want to focus verse 3 and they said unto me the remnants look as somebody say you're looking at remnant I'm here remnant the remnant that's very important because whenever there's a great Reformation God always does it out of a remnant see the remnant is so important because God doesn't need masses of people he just need someone who really understands who he is who they are and what they're called to do the remnant that are left in captivity that are in the Providence or in great affliction and reproach the wall of Jerusalem was broken down the gates are over burned with fire and it came to pass and I heard these words you know that he sat down he wept mourned certain days and fasted prayed before God you know the story of Nehemiah it starts in chapter one with a remnant that's in captivity with a remnant that is in shame and reproach with walls that are broken down and and gates that are broken down and everything that's been burned but it ends up over in chapter 13 that theologians refer to as the chapter of reform so you go from ruins to Reformation I want to speak to you prophetically right now when I say that I don't mean when you say prophecy is not just a foretell it means to tell forth so it means someone's about to shift not only personally but I believe that you are shifter to change things at this world and we are not peripheral to this world but the world is peripheral to us and that Christ who rules over the governments and the galaxies and has the final word over everything at the center of this he rules over the church in which he speaks and he moves and he acts I believe India's about to be shaken I believe Australia's gonna be shaken I believe Africa said it was shaken I believe America is gonna be shaken so while we're waiting on the Great Awakening you are the catalyst of the awakening you're not here just to fit in you're here to take over come on you're here to bring the change you're not just waiting for change you are the agent of change simp my god and that's why you're a rim that people and so when we look at what Reformation is you really have to understand that the conclusion was Reformation I believe that in your personal life whatever the enemy came and it looked like it was ruined the devil is a liar is there's gonna be a Reformation which is greater than just a revival which is greater than just restoration back to the original position but Reformation I want you to really understand what you've been sent for because you are an agent of change you better slap somebody I have five again and say you still don't have a clue who you're sitting next to because the outcome of your testimony the outcome to your story I don't know what chapter you're in but I can tell you something graters coming I don't know what paragraph but I can tell you something greater is coming I don't know what sentence is being written right now but I know the outcome is something greater that what God said will come to pass and that it shows you the end from the beginning it doesn't tell you all the mess in the middle but God says this is what I'm doing so yes while there is all this stuff going on in the world we're not subject to the world in the sense that we're victims to it it is a victim to the God on the inside of us and God is just waiting for you to raise up into the trueness of your being in your calling so the outcome of your testimony the outcome of our story the body of Christ is that it might look like rulings it might look rough but I'm telling you God says the outcome the end of this is called Reformation so what do you mean well first off I won't get into timelines but every 2,000 years God raises up a deliverer and so pastor Ronnie has taught so much and get on all of his books because when you look at Moses was our original freedom fighter and he was raised up to call the children of Israel which was a type and shadow of the church out of captivity and into the ability to truly worship God and freedom 2,000 years later we see where Jesus and every time a deliverer is raised up there is also a very calculated enemy raised up so of course Moses would have his Pharoah when Jesus was born there would be a Herod that would try to kill every child under two well two thousand years after the birth of Jesus was the turn of century where we saw nine eleven except for all those different things and but let me tell you and I won't even get into what our enemy is because just get all Rodney's books and you'll understand it all right seriously just get the books and you'll understand it but what was the deliverer that's been raised up in 2000 the corporate son came forth which is the church the Bride of Christ [Music] and you either recognize that you are God listen we're all talking about Jesus coming back that's really up to us we will usher in because we will have prepared because the bride is not going to be this dirty tattered shattered bride but this strong powerful some doing nation some doing kingdoms I'm not looking for an escape mechanism to get out of here I'm looking to take the nation's back that belong to us until we subdue them under the foot come on of Jesus Christ because they are his footstool and so the end of this is Reformation and you say what is that it means to straighten thoroughly it's a rectification pass irani was telling you even stuff like our circuit courts and the courts how corrupt they are and God did not lay us out to have to go through an American legal system we're to have our own court system it's just what were to have our own court the sort of rectification is it means to make a structural adjustment to make straighten that which has been misaligned so we have been living in such misalignment that we have accepted but culture has placed on us as the norm it's not norm did in your Bible and find out what God's word has to say because I'm not a victim to this world to the systems they are victim to the God on the inside of me let me tell you you don't think you can change common core curriculum absolutely you can you can change everything do you think there is anything greater than the God that you serve you are sent here with a purpose I don't care what you've been through it doesn't matter what people say about you say to you it matters what you say to yourself about yourself that you've downloaded from the Word of God and through heaven a Reformation means to put back into correct order or form it points to skeletal adjustment and God is bringing Reformation right now so that's the problem is that we never we have a difficulty recognizing the methodology of God because we think it should be this nice cute little way and it reminds me of like when Elijah was taken up remember the school of prophets were standing over here and they said you know you're your master your father's gonna be taken today and and so the problem was that they knew that he was leaving but they couldn't understand how ego the Bible study which is taken up in this whirlwind which literally means a violence from these tumultuous emotions that set things and spinning and so it was when everything was spinning he was taken up and the problem is you had prophets who are seers but they couldn't see because they didn't understand the methodology because we think we can box God in and say how God's gonna do it if God wants to raise up a doctor rodney howard-browne if god wants to raise up apollo white and put her a spiritual advisor to the president if god wants to raise up a president Trump if God wants to raise up a Kirsten or if God wants to raise you up soon if God will she raise you up to him whoever God wants to raise up God can do whatever he wants however he wants whenever he wants with whoever he wants let every mind set let every religious mould be broken off you right now let every veil be removed right now in the name of Jesus let everything that has falsely formed your mind in any way let one move of the Holy Spirit sweep over and take down let it crumble down let every stronghold a stronghold it's not like this devil just in there a stronghold of every thought every mindset that is resistant to change to the Word of God let it come down right now everything that resists the truth of God's Word let it be broken in the name of Jesus Reformation is a correction of the inner mechanism which gives shape or form to the outer image he didn't hear what I just said it's an inner mechanism which gives shape to the form of an outer image so what you're looking at on the outside is because the inside wasn't right because the inner mechanism is the church was always to rule and to reign [Applause] period and the church is not a denomination the church is not city of destiny or the river the church is the body of Christ the Bride of Christ so as a cultural barrier bearer and a societal influencer you're called and you go what time are we in we're in times of transition you have to be a transitional leader there's a lot that I can speak on that because a lot of people listen here's the problem transitional leaders have compasses in their hand and most people are looking at a map right now but a map means that somebody's already gone there and they traverse that path they've already been there and all you're doing is following but a person with a compass is led by the Spirit of God and the Bible says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh and that's talking about peace being synchronization because the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and you'll tell you what to do and the compass means when the compass says go north or go south it means I'm going places that have never been gone because you can't take the new wine and pour it into old wineskins you'll lose both and so right now you have to be a person that has a compass that you're being led by the Holy Spirit that you're not just going into places that have already been traversed if you're looking back to the 90s or 2000s of how to build a church in in 2019 it's not gonna work don't even make me get into statistics and all the different things that I'm telling you as God is winning and you have to be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so everything that has clogged your ears everything that has caused you not to be able to hear let it be broken right now in the name of Jesus let any root of bitterness let any hurt let any offense let any unforgiveness be released off of you right now in the name of Jesus let all confusion let all fear be gone right now let all intimidation let everything that you think you know be broken down right now and let the Holy Spirit die lose you with his power and his presence in Jesus name somebody say Reformation in the church it points to a complete overhaul of mentality and understanding attitude and perception so when people are called to be reformers the remnant people remnants like that part of the fabric that's left at the end of the bolt remnant is that what you survived remnant is that which is leftover remnant people have gone through some things remnant people have been through some things I don't know who I'm here for but God is about to use some remnant people that are here today and what they tried to do in 90 years come on some remnant people did in 52 days and God's getting ready to put an acceleration on this last two days come on there's going to be an acceleration and you're going back to your nation you're going back to the place and God's about to accelerate some things in your country and in your ministry Reformation does not have to do with building another forum it has to do with reestablishing the original God is reestablishing the original intention it's a realignment and adjustment to God's original intent in your life and the church now that's important because those two things are really ins inseparable you see you don't have two lives you don't have a church life in a personal life you have one life and it's all-encompassing and it's important that you begin to understand this because you must understand the interconnectedness to your life and his church they're not separate in fact they're so intertwined that your reason for existence is what what does God do we're not peripheral to this world the world is peripheral to us he rules over the governments and the galaxies has the final word the final say on everything but at the center of this he is the head of the church in which he acts in which he moves which he speaks so without my position and part in the church look there might be people say well she can't do this because she's a woman God knew to put hips and lips on me and called me anyway take it up with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me tell you how important this is because you're you're not gonna start separating who you are from who you are in the church you see the Bible says that there are many members Patsy Ronnie I had a really unexpected thing happened to me on October the 16th I went in for what was to be and the reason I'm wearing these right now is because I had my final surgery I went in for what was to be a simple bunion surgery simple so I had a little Taylor bunion and honestly I couldn't fit in about 60% of my shoes and I love my high heels and I wasn't gonna give them up so it was just to be where they kind of take and they take this little end off and you know they saw that bone down and they said well let's get this phone - so they go in and when they're in they recognize there's some problems so they cut into this bone here and make this major chunk in this bone and they lengthen the tendon they said but everything's good six weeks you'll be walking you'll be fine we'll take the pins out in four weeks and I'm like okay and everything seemed good I didn't feel anything well four weeks they take the pins out my entire foot falls apart I mean everything it's called a non-union and the entire foot so they have to do complete reconstructive surgery I'm in a wheelchair for almost two months completely dependent talk about learning a whole new level of love from your husband couldn't do anything I'd never had pain I just couldn't fit in some shoes but I never had pain and my whole foot so they rushed me back in on November the 19th for a second surgery and they start to reconstruct cuz they have to reconstruct the entire foot they act abut silicones in here they've got to do things with tendons they've got to remove because there's all the scar tissue they've got a new joint they've got to do more bone work they've got to cut into they've got to reconnect there's 122 bones I think I could become a foot doctor now a surgeon I mean they're they're doing the whole thing so we go and they say okay so I'm in this wheelchair you know I'm working from home it happened to be during the time of furlough too so it worked out and a good timing and I'm working from home and I'm doing what I'm doing and out of the pulpit for a while and I'm thinking all right then I go to get my pens out on December the 18th John's doing a gig up in California and so I said well we'll get it done because my doctor was in California so I go and they play for a journey and I go and they pull the pins out and just as they're pulling the pins out I get a phone call and the phone calls that my mother has died and she has a brain aneurysm and not on my calendar I have a back-to-back surgery and I had my mother's death and I'm trying to get to my mom and it's just you know so one thing after another so then I'm thinking well this'll he'll they say six weeks seven months later my foot was like this my toe was up like this the little toe down over it turned to the side it caused my hips to go out which then caused my entire back to go out which then created circulation problems the circulation problems caused oxygen not to get into the tissues right which then begins to cause problems within my organs within my skin then begin to cause him what they call an immune disorder and problems so then it was one doctor after another doctor and I'm talking about this was all that was was a little tiny toe and because that went wrong and it got out of position it was wrong it affected everything effect my hips it affected my back affected my circulation affected organs to the place that I was seeing I don't even know how many doctors with a good news so I'll give you the testimony as they found out my body's extremely allergic because it was pushing out the pins and everything else so they took the pins out and as of Monday the first time I've lived without pain for eight months I mean excruciating pain pain that would make me just lay and cry all night long where I'd sleep maybe an hour max my point to that is this I never had pain before that surgery it's just that I couldn't fit in my shoe and so I went to fix it so I could fit you see you being out of position of what God's called you to do is affecting the entire body you aren't hearing what I'm saying my circulation my skeletal my organs my immune system everything got affected because of one little toe that could not touch the ground anymore you might think you're not important you might think well you know I'm not gonna be like pastor Rodney and going around and I'm not gonna see 20 million people come the Lord Jesus Christ I can't write songs like John or preach like Paul or write a book like professor you had something that you've specifically been called to do for Jesus whether it is praying through someone there is something that is connected to the church the Bride of Christ that without you being in position affects the entire body because it says that all the members of the body supply that says that that each joint supplies one another which means nurture which means that if my ministry is malnourished it's because someone's out of position if what I'm assigned to do to be the pastor to the president to whether people like that or not it's not I didn't choose it God chose it what I'm assigned to do to build the city of destiny to be a soul winner to preach the gospel to raise up and plant 3,000 churches but pastor Rodney how many souls are gonna be saved pastor Rodney but how many are you believing did you make a covenant for a hundred million souls will be safe they will be saying the only reason that that would not happen is because your sin they're feeling sorry for yourself with your little bunion crying in your position because you want a microphone when you're supposed to have a broom you want to pulpit when you're supposed to have a business because a hundred million people will be born again and the only reason it would not happen is because the people that are called to bring nurtured and nourishment and to supply the vision that God mantled you for are not in position [Music] if you don't run the cameras it doesn't go to the world if it doesn't go to the world of somebody's not watching that's gonna be touched by the flower God every single part in position is important to bring forth Reformation you better look at somebody say I matter baby so you better start liking me say I matter look at somebody say I really matter so when you begin to understand your interconnectedness can I go just a little bit longer yeah as a born-again believer you understand you're the Bride of Christ those image bearers you directly influence your portion of the earth and aspire to not only respect the prayer that Jesus told us and taught us in Luke chapter 11 but to actively work to see it fulfilled so it's one thing to pray it but it's another thing to actively work to see it fulfilled so as you speak the words of your this prayer out loud I want you to really listen you begin to truly what you say our Father which first off you understand covenant our Father I understand covenant I understand my rightful inheritance I have know quite honestly I mean pastor Ronnie I don't have a problem like casting down that thought cuz I just know God's a good God and I'm his child and he's got me period so anyone that's working against me I feel sorry for him I pray for him because I already know God's got me I've read too much of the book too many times our Father when the enemy came in mess with me literally I got a prophetic word I looked at my doctor he's a Jewish man wonderful man I looked at him because the Lord said I was laying on the table and it was actually I got the surgery the second one November 19th but I actually was in on November the 16th and the Lord spoke to me that morning and I'd had three dreams and in those three dreams we flew out on a Monday morning at that six o'clock flight I land at 8:30 and was going into surgery at 9:30 and I didn't tell anyone this but in 3 dreams I saw my leg getting amputated and I said Lord and I know there was an it wasn't a fear it wasn't anything else I said something's not right today and I'm sitting there and they go in they put the IV in me etc and all of a sudden I said to the doctor I said sir I said how long meaning how long will the surgery be and he said oh we're just waiting they changed the anesthesiologist and the moment he said that I turned to John I said grab my phone right now John goes back in the office grabs my phone and almost sudden a prophet that's a very dear friend calls me from Ghana and said mom you're on a table right now get the IV out of your arm there's a demonic time line to try to take your life I looked at the doctor I said get me off of this table right now did you say I'm going in surgery is this not true baby John's looking at me like I'm crazy but he knows when I hear the Holy Spirit there's than you can do I looked at my said sir you're not going to understand this but I'm about to save your practice and I'm about to save my life I said because they have intercepted and there's a demonic time line to take my life today and God had confirmed it to me through three dreams and I had not said a word to anybody the Prophet calls up and he says mom you're laying on this and there's a demonic he said you can have surgery but not on this day and I knew and I said get this IV out of me and they said Oh we'll get your regular anesthesiologist he'll come in two o'clock I said get the IV out of my arm or I'm ripping it out of my arm you can't do surgery on me today oh come on you aren't hearing what I'm saying because you would have been intimidated because you paid your money or you're thinking about insurance but you've got to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit and know what God has for you every single day because there are demonic networks that are lined against the purpose that you carry but they will be scattered God will give you inside information because you see just like God has to access someone so does the enemy but I'm telling you when you walked in the power of the Holy Ghost and I said get it off of me now so they did they think I'm crazy I don't care cuz I'm alive and God told me something he said make a new covenant with me I understand covenant our Father he said make a new covenant for the extension of your life because I already know what they do you look at me crazy you don't think that they're listen the number one growing religion right now is Wiccan you don't think that they're out there right now not only sacrificing blood and making demonic altars erecting them against the names that they know like dr. Rodney Howard brown and Apollo white and a president Trump and in the church I'm struggling to get a hundred major ministries to stand up and just pray over our president they're aggressively what do you think the devil is like like this little like let me come after you with a pitchfork oh you didn't get your favorite parking spot are you kidding me that's why that's what we have into all-night prayer meetings I've all told me this several years ago we do the all benign primates because there's no next we have to Preston that's why we closed every Sunday with communion telling you it's a war it's a war but when you're sensitive come on you've already got victory every single time come on victory every single time the enemy didn't get my life giving at my foot come on I was wearing my high heels last night you didn't even get my high heels I'm still wearing those cute hi he'll I'm telling you sensitivity you're part of the body you're important part you might think man I'm just a little tow trust me a tow being out mess up everything see when you begin to understand your interconnectedness you don't just speak these words you truly mean our Father it's covenant which art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done where on earth as it is in heaven so we know that we are go called to go and make disciples of all the members of society of culture that we're living it with they were working with they were playing with the church has to train and equip believers to take their leadership role in every facet of society with a biblical worldview so that they understand through the biblical worldview because this isn't listen pastor rod just get his books just like I just get his books because if people don't understand a biblical worldview they're gonna continue to fall victim to the church or to the world we're not peripheral to this world you accept that as your norm and all of a sudden get ruffled in your feathers when you hear truth but let's not only bless you more importantly we have to build you if you get blessed praise God but that's not my primary purpose my primary purpose is you get built because if you get built you understand you have a job to do for Jesus so the question is in these last few minutes are you carrying purpose and are you carrying it out well are you impacting your fear of influence and in what way says we examine scripture we find that there's those five to six distinct places of society that God's ordained to reflect the kingdom jurisdictions I gave them to you and I gave you how we falsely define government I'll give you scripture real quick number one his personal jurisdiction Galatians 6:7 intend individuals are responsible to govern their own lives in accordance with the laws of God number two is family jurisdiction I gave them to you last night and that as parents are primarily responsible to raise and educate their children Deuteronomy 6 7 Proverbs hole 1 Ephesians 5 1 through 6 for business jurisdiction for voluntary associations people are allowed to be involved in business on private property Exodus 20 17 Isaiah 65 21 through 22 ecclesiastical jurisdiction churches should be free to preach the gospel and worship with religious liberty boy if you only knew I'd take me 20 hours right here Matthew 28:18 through 20 acts for 18 through 20 civic or political jurisdiction the people and/or groups in this jurisdiction should provide order and safety to the other 4 jurisdictions of society so that they can function in peace and safety Romans chapter 13 verse 1 through 7 first Timothy chapter 2 1 through 4 so each of these five jurisdictions as I start wrapping this up we're not were created by God to supplement not to supplant each other important because the church is called to Train and release servant leaders who influence every sect of those societies to be the salt to be the light you are salt and light of this world so we're called by God to establish and to bring forth all the different aspects of civilization as covenant people and we're to subdue which means to have dominion to rule and to reign over all the created order Genesis 1:28 god blessed them you see that's say you're already blessed don't come here for a blessing come here to be built you're already blessed God already spoke blessing over you nobody can take blessing from you you can only forfeit it god bless them and said to them be fruitful and increase the number of multiply fill the earth and subdue it or have dominion over it so when God gave Dominion he legally transferred it over to mankind and then he establishes the boundaries and the orders this and you have dominion over everything except for each other and it's the only thing we tried to rule over as each other so he lays it all out and you say yeah but Satan came and got it yes but Jesus came and reestablished it so you already have Dominion which means it's illegal for God to do anything in the earth unless he partners with someone he couldn't even bring his own son without finding a young virgin girl by the name of Mary who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and then said be it unto me according in harmony with your word God's looking right now for someone to shake Nations someone to stand in the gap and raise up a force of Prayer someone to do Kingdom business you're already anointed for it come on God's put things in your spirit God has put certain things in you and you begin to recognize that you are an image bear of God and the to mimic his creativity and you become the leading thinkers and the leading practitioners to all various aspects of civilization 2nd Peter 1:3 through 4 I've got to conclude this his divine power has everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge let any ignorant be gone today let every Vail be removed God let our mind concede let us have eyes open up that our eyes will be enlightened that we may know what is the hope of the riches of the glory of the inheritance of the Saints according in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 through 20 because it says through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness through these he's given us very great and precious promises so that through them you may participate come on and help me out here's to what participate his divine nature therefore you escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires you're not going to escape just because you know that it's there you're gonna escape because you've become a participator of his divine nature you have his divine nature you had the power of creation on the inside of you you have the power come on you have demanded you have all authority both in heaven and in earth that everywhere you go God has given it to you stop sitting back stop sitting making excuses yes I was sexually abused yes my father committed suicide yes I got traded in when I was 44 to 20s it doesn't matter what you've gone through God is faithful nobody can take what God has put on the inside than all of your days ordained before one of them ever came into being according to Psalm 139 verse 16 you are formed you were squeezed you were fashioned you were packaged you were formed in your mother's womb come on God is the one that formed you he's the one that fashioned you Paul says the same thing in Galatians chapter one verse five and six you are set apart you are specified you are marked by God God chose you before you ever took your first breath he ordains you which means that he ascribes you he designated you and he appointed you you have an appointment an appointment with greatness an appointment to do great things for God an appointment for nations to be shaken appointment to build the greatest business an appointment to step out in faith and do a goddess called you to to let the fire of God fall on you right now but every excuse let every hurt let every plane let it fall off you right now in the name of Jesus if you say Paula I'm tired of delaying I want my purpose run to this altar and let the fire of God fall upon you you're already anointed you're already equipped but fire fall right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus fire fire cut not about that thought about my side but I'm gonna toss a guy y'all better he'll come on in the name of Jesus change Hut not a fire fire fire fire fire fire four nations fire fire fire fire fire fire fire come on in the name of Jesus ha ha ah ha we're also get that ah you got album to you you be delivered right now in the name of Jesus be delivered right now in the name of Jesus come out in the name of Jesus come out let every foul an unclean spirit that has tried to deceive her that has tried in any way to take from her be out now in the name of Jesus I speak to you by the power of God in the name of Jesus you're free from three generations come out from your great-grandmother come out now fine it's a good woman but you fought a bad devil in the name of Jesus my thought about fire come on lay your hands on one another lay your hands on one another lay your hands on yourself and say fire lay your hands on yourself and say fire come on fire let the fireball fall also thought about that second thought about another your delays over your delays over your delays over your waiting's over your weeping zarnow Jesus be at ease Biddy says the Holy Spirit biddies it's easy his burden is light it's easy you've been falsely persecuted don't worry about it God's already vindicated and you're gonna win that thing fire tired [Music] in Jesus name come on lift your hands right now lift your hand let the fire of God fall in this house right now I Commission you into your purpose and into your place right now in the name of Jesus let your eyes be open for the assignment God has like a boldness come on you but all intimidation be broken off of you don't care what people say you read they're gonna decide I'm gonna be popular I'm gonna be purposeful you might be both come on don't care about man's opinion care what God says so let everything then would cause you to back down or play small be broken off of you right now run run with fire run with boldness run with tenacity run with the power of God run with what God has called you to do I declare that you're gonna have 72 hour miracles that they're gonna be testimonies God says in 72 hours there's gonna be testimonies things that have been things that I've had you tied up and locked up are being broken off you right now in Jesus mighty name ha ha oh so cool Mohandas a SATA 3 ka mandola poco so Papa Grande akan de que se que la mamma Mandar Ibaka say men Arabic and a la Papa goes oh yeah mama no jnana no sekai Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta no yoga tava Cynthia power well I I want you listen to something and I'm not sure if if this is in your new book summon grader but you shared with me with myself an Adamic a story that when I heard it that just a wind and it was from the probably one of the lowest moments when you were with everything you had in the ramada and you were lying there and I know this is personal what you told us but I just wept because I saw the hand of God on his daughter when everything failed and you were alone I think it's one of the most remarkable stories you want to take a minute and just tell them assist it's a remarkable story when Paula told Donna can I this I just went I thought Lori do you think of every little tiny thing and I and and that was so key for me because I saw the hand of God on you in your lowest of the low of the love got my FedEx package yeah so I do I share I do share so much and something greater it's the story that I had to land some things I had to get to a place where the Lord allowed me to share but I never obviously wanted to go through a divorce because I believe so much in the sacredness of marriage I get a phone call from my staff and they said Randy's announced that you guys have been divorced there was a lot going on and it's not that I was shocked or surprised by it I just kept praying and believing I'd be the exception I kept praying and believing for the marriage like this would be a bad chapter of my life but the outcome would be different but how many of you know God's ways are not our ways and there's a lot that people would never understand and it would take a long time because Paula White ministries was under without walls which technically meant I'd never even became president over my own ministry until three years ago which meant I've always served others without any exercise to even control what God had called me to a month after the divorce Grassley comes out people didn't understand Grassley it was a PR nightmare is what it was and I'll tell you what happened there was a there was an aide to a person that worked for Grassley I'll actually tell you because I know it's a group out of Dallas that hate the Pentecostals and the hate tongues and Prosperity and they got to his ear and that's where it started from this is a group this is a Christian group they started that whole nonsense and what was even worse about that and pastor Ron you're exactly right that there was a girl that thought and this never been said publicly she she was just crazy and she wanted to take down creflo dollar and they knew they couldn't go after creflo alone so they went after the six that had the most influence and brought in the most money it moved the needle the most and we're seeing the had the highest ratings etc yeah they wanted to destroy the boys or the Pentecostals because the evangelicals do not have a voice on television they have radio but really it did when you watch the TVs that blah blah it's a fact it's they can't control the mansion when you see thousands of people packed in and really they wish they had that they don't happen they don't have that anointing so so truth so what had happened was it was an inquiry now to the mass public that doesn't matter an inquiry is much different than an investigation investigation is what we see going on inquiry is we want to know so we're going under this and so not only do does a divorce happen in two thousand seven then one month later Grassley comes out and the Tampa Tribune sends us a response and says they have a 24 hour moratorium that says what is your response to this we said what are you talking about so it was a public nightmare so that people would not believe in you you'd be discredited he'd be not believed in etc that's why you have to be spiritual now so my attorneys tell me they said you need to go I had churches all over to my biggest churches or New York which I have a place up in New York and it was in Texas and my attorneys and Randy not because were divorced they said you need separate attorneys so here we are going through everything though it's one organization and my attorney said go to Texas it's not go to Texas and I'm living in a hotel room running paula white ministry it's bringing him 50 stuff a million dollars right here a year and I'm living in a hotel room with nothing not a couch not a bed not my handbags not my shoes on anything I mean I have nothing very few clothes habit just handful clothes that my personal assistant had shipped to me in a suitcase and that's all I had a good of that I'm gonna stay with this story but when John met me I said baby everything you see in my life is under seven years old because God is a God of restoration God's a good guy there wasn't a thing not a book [Applause] I had my Bible with me it's the only reason I still had that Bible we're looking for pictures from ministry right now so I've had nothing absolutely nothing beside a suitcase full of clothes is what I had I'm like anything and so one day I just was having one of those really tough days and I said god I I've spent most of my life in your presence I'm the girl that spent 12 14 15 hours a day in your presence and I say this not because of our works or anything but I'm just I'm gonna be honest I mean just totally transparent with you at that point in my life I've still never done a drug in my life I've never smoked a cigarette it's not by our works I'd never watched in our movie at that point I'd never cussed no I have since passed around me but at all i repented I never had a glass of wine in my life at that point and I've had a glass but I don't get drunk or anything but I'd rather have a peace talk but I'm just being honest I'd not slept around you could take my phone that's why I went after the National Enquirer so hard won that lawsuit because I knew there wasn't anything I knew there wasn't something on me like there wasn't a conversation there wasn't text there wasn't anything and I'm sitting there and quite honestly I I feeling sorry for myself I was just overwhelmed as her eyes broken the daughter that I'd raised who was my stepdaughter she's been diagnosed with cancer she would die in our arms my son was addicted to crack at the time he was an atheist and found out he had been molesting abused by a church member the whole ministry's falling apart Randy who I will just share because he shared his testimonies doors in his life got addicted to drugs started with valium then went to oxy ends up with heroin opens up many other doors has a complete breakdown so I'm sitting here and I'm not saying I'm this super holy self-righteous but I'm going god I don't get it I spent 14 12 hours a day and and I honestly people would send me work to do it was work so they you know it was always a lawsuit I was dealing with or this is doing with or grassley or this was happening and I just got tired of seeing those FedEx packages come in and I'm sitting there and I'm crying that day pastor Ronnie because I said Lord I said you know what I've served you faithfully and I said don't don't get offended but I'm gonna tell you what happened I said I don't even have clean underwear I mean I didn't even have a pair of underwear I said I don't even have underwear here and I've served you faithfully God and there's this knock at the door and as FedEx package comes in the FedEx package there and I first throw it on the desk because I'm like another lawsuit another another PR I'm gonna have to deal with I feel the Holy Spirit said go open it up and I opened it up and there's three pair of Victoria's Secret underwear and a note that this woman was walking by the mall and the Holy Spirit told her go in and buy three underwear and overnight them to Paula and I sat there and I just started weeping I went god I know you number the hair on my head because you knew I needed clean underwear don't tell me God doesn't have you come on if he's got a FedEx you some underwear [Music] is a faithful time and everything you need for turning to your purpose he'll get it to you and what you don't need they said you don't need you already have everything you need start walking it out in Jesus name Amen come on there's a powerful God has something greater for you you might be sitting in a hotel room with nothing but he'll FedEx some underwear that are clean to you yeah the Lord the Lord does even in the little things the little tiny things you're so easy and well listen the usual grandeur we're gonna break fret now tonight we'd only hands on everybody but tonight we're gonna start praise worship at 6:30 dr. Lee fill me up at seven at eight o'clock we're gonna move into another dimension here is tonight's full-blown maximum no no no if you listen if you don't want the fire do not come tonight I'm just gonna tell you stay away [Music] praise gone you got so awesome yeah you're really amazing how awesome thank you pass the ball to John thank you so awesome give them a Greg your pleasure [Applause] you
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 90,066
Rating: 4.4358325 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, vision, Paula White-Cain
Id: wTRB98-iPAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 46sec (5866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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