Paula White-Cain | A Praise That Will Bring It to Pass: Hosanna

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so in John chapter 12 verse 12 and 13 it says on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard everybody say when they heard that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem they took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet them now you already know they begin to wade them as something they cried what so say Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord so the people heard that he was coming and they went forth to meet him now you would just think okay they heard and they went for it to meet but the word meet literally means to have an encounter today I believe someone is going to encounter God it's different than just okay I came to meet you you're going to have a divine encounter it literally means the point that is entered in place and in time and in result in other words when they heard which we'll get to they had a result somebody's gonna see the results of God's evidence in their life today there's gonna be a divine encounter and when you encounter Jesus everything in your life changes you might have come in depressed you might have come in despondent but when you encounter Jesus you're gonna walk out with joy you might have come in oppressed but you're gonna walk out free you might have come in sick but you're gonna walk out healed you might have come in lost but you will walk out saved you might have come and confused but you will walk out with clarity you might have come in complacent but you will walk out with a deeper conviction that God has a purpose and that you have a job to do for Jesus in the earth today so you are entering results I'm prophetically speaking to you because I didn't just come to preach today in fact bribe preach one the best messages I've ever heard literally I'm not just saying that but I came to prophesy today and when you prophesy you're not just for telling you you are literally shifting things is to tell forth something's about to shift there gonna be results in your life you don't have to wait ten years you don't have to wait ten months even ten days God has a tomorrow by this time for you God can do it just like that with a blink of his eye and a snap his finger so watch this it could translate like this if you read John chapter 12 verse 12 and 13 it could translate literally the people understood somebody say the people understood God let there be understanding because we'll get to that the people understood you see my people perish because of lack of knowledge the people understood and knew that they were in an hour to enter the place of time and results that's important because when you understand it's like the sons of Issachar they understood the times and they could direct Israel what to do may understanding come to you today the people understood somebody say they understood and they knew that they were about to enter into the place of time it's your time and the place of results this wasn't coincidental come on there's so much to say here because God is very strategic the heart is very calculated there there's nothing coincidental there's nothing happen stance or accidental doesn't exist so palms are a sign somebody waved that palm right now it's a sign of victory it's a sign of success so as you wave it come on you're declaring victory you already have victory through Christ but it's about to manifest whatever it is it has been defeated in your life I declare victory today I declare success to it today and so today I believe it's not about our agenda but about God's agenda I feel victory in this house I feel victory for your children I feel victory for your family come on I feel victory for your purpose and your desk I feel victory for this ministry I feel victory for our community the devil is not winning God has a plan come on we're not in a crisis God is doing something God always the church will always prevail the gates of Hell will not be able to come against him if your life is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ you win slap somebody say I win so I believe somebody's getting a breakthrough today breaking through the realms of the ordinary come on breaking through the realms of just mediocracy breaking through that veil of fresh breaking through everything that is holding you back breaking through every restriction breaking through every demonic force it's over I just came to declare I feel it you know this morning I keep going back to Pastor Brad's message it's like I felt like we stepped into a new arena today like I believe like it's all coming together something's cool you know when you're pregnant and you guys oh they're the birth pangs somebody's water is getting ready to break I'm telling you you're getting ready to you've been pregnant a long time so there are a few things I want to leg down because God does have a divine appointment he sets a calendar we have our calendar but God has a calendar and they're round the feast seasons and and so we are entering into one of the most supernatural life-changing miracle-working seasons and as we enter that it's coming into April the 19th through the 27th we enter into Passover we enter into Good Friday will enter into Resurrection Sunday and so it's important you would say what does past ever have to do with us as New Testament believers so much because God the feasts are divine appointments the Hebrew word is mou ed and it doesn't mean that we we celebrate as in the Old Testament James says that we are not tied to the rituals of the Old Testament because of the finished work of Jesus Christ but we are tied to the principles of that and there's something important that that this is an opportunity for you to recognize and for you to understand the importance of these holy days of God stays that he is set on his own calendar and for you to to foster what what they really mean and to take time God's really saying halt stop your ordinary everyday life and really understand what this is all about Exodus chapter 12 verse 14 God had established that the Passover would be kept forever he said it is the Lord's Passover verse 14 and this day shall he be unto you for in this day shall be unto you a memorial and you shall keep a feast which means a divine appointment to the Lord throughout your generations you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance and we understand the importance of ordinances here forever so Passover we know only literally took place one time and Passover remembers the Israelites exodus out of Egypt it was God's deliverance and so this is important because this is a time for God's deliverance for you how many of you need something in your life delivered come on a rebellious child or maybe it's something that that you've been wrestling away for ten years and you say enough I love you God but I'm tired of this generational curse in this cycle that I keep carrying I believe that God is going to bring deliverance whom the son sets free is free indeed and so the whole Santa has a lot to do with this and so what we find here is that of course I came out and what God was bringing was a newborn nation of people that would be him a people belonging to the Lord and that's what God still longs for Exodus chapter 25 verse 8 he says make me a sanctuary and he wasn't talking to us about a building he was saying make me a dwelling place because God's desire is not a visitation with you it's habitation with you God desires and habit your life Marv was saying it as she was singing today he inhabits the praises of his people because God doesn't just want to see you on Sunday God wants to be with you on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday come on in January in February and March in April he wants to live with you not just in the church house he wants to live with you where you work and where you live and in your family and your relationships and every aspect it all encompasses the purpose the will the the intention of God for your life so it's important because what brought them out the same thing that still brings you out it was the blood now they didn't have Jesus the Messiah what they had to do was take a perfect lamb without blemish and take that blood and God gave them very specific instructions and we know that there were ten plagues but that last one was the death angel and everyone who would apply the blood to the doorpost the death angel would pass over is the same was applying the blood to your heart the Death Angel will pass over you will get that MC Hammer anointing come on can't touch this it doesn't mean that you won't go through some bad things because the Bible clearly says that it rains on the just and the unjust your faith doesn't prevent life it carries you through life I thank God that nothing can touch me that doesn't go through the sovereign hands of God which means anything I go through is either gonna be a lesson or a blessing which ends up being a blessing come on because Romans 8:28 this doesn't apply to everyone but it says that God takes what the enemy meant for bad for those who love God anyone love God who are the called which means you're the called which means you're in covenant with God who are called according to his purpose in harmony with his will if you're doing your own thing then you've got to do it on your own and Jeremiah says that cursed is the man who relies on the strength of the arm of flesh so some trust in chariots and some in horses but I will trust and call on the name of the Lord come on God is my strength and my refuge and my rock so I don't know who I'm here for but but I just came to let you know God is for you come on God God has you so it's the same just is there was a type and shadow but it wasn't it was an actual and so there was a deliverance and just one deliverance and it was about 1400 something years prior to Christ's coming on and God still has a deliverance for you today boy I've got a lot to do they didn't give me much time so I will we'll get through this so it's the blood of Jesus that covers us it's the blood of Jesus that keeps us it's the blood of Jesus that protects us that's what the Hebrew word Passover really means it means to extend the arms or the wings over protecting Passover is not so much passing by as much as is pass and a shield over it is to protect if you really could see spiritually all the things that were said to destroy you all the things that were sent to absolutely abolish your purpose for the enemy comes to steal to kill and to destroy which means to abolish your purpose in the earth so all those things if you only knew what God has protected you from see the blessings that you know about you give Him praise but when you begin to think about the millions of things you don't know about listen nobody would have to save lift her hands or clap their hands or open your mouth and give goner a God honor he's kept you he's an awesome God he's a he's a wondrous guy he's so faithful come on his mercy endureth forever so these divine appointments that we celebrate they they are all about the blood covenant that God made with mankind to reveal the truth of our covenant and so because of the blood their great benefits you've got a benefit package because of the blood somebody should be thankful for that today we reference us Palm Sunday there will be a Hosanna in the house by the end you're gonna be shouting Hosanna all right there's a Hosanna in the house so let's read the full context of it John chapter 12 I'm gonna go 12 through probably 33 and skip around a little bit we read 12 and 13 that they heard Jesus was coming they took palm branches they said Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord blessed is the king of Israel and Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it and as it is written do not be afraid or daughter of Zion see your king is coming seating seated on a donkey's colt at first his disciples did not understand all this only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that they had done these things to him now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word many people because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign went out to meet him so the Pharisees said to one another here we go guys see this is getting us nowhere look how the whole world has gone after him now there were some Greeks among those who winema up to worship at the feast and they came to Philip who was from basilia in Galilee with the request sure they said we would like to see Jesus Philip went to tell Andrew and Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus and Jesus replied the hours come for the Son of man to be glorified I tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed but if it dies it produces many seeds the man who loves his life will lose it you should hear this sound the man who loves his life will lose it while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life whoever serves me must follow me to hear it whoever serves me must follow me and where I am my servant also will be my father will honor the one who serves me now my heart is troubled and what shall I say father saved me from this hour no it was for this very reason that I came to this hour father glorify your name boy I could stop right there and just teach so much on serving purpose and serving God in this father glorify your name then a voice came from heaven I have glorified it and will glorify it again and the crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered others said an angel had spoken to him jesus said this voice was for your benefit not mine now is the time for judgment on the world now the Prince of this world will be driven out but I when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself and he said this to show the kind of death that he was going to die Revelation chapter 7 verse 9 through 10 after this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and Kindred's and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation somebody shout salvation now this is important because it's where I'm going to ultimately end up taking you today and and bad did such a better job than I did but there are messages me each other salvation are complete delivered somebody shout complete deliverance because you can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and live a life of bondage on earth and it would be the greatest waste because the the most important thing is not the date you're born in the date you die it's the - in between because it really is and and Brad took it to a whole nother level when he talked about when he went over and talked about the servants and and many of them had to depart because there is a judgement seat and we talked about that this morning so somebody shall complete deliverance now our sing at weeks a complete deliverance to our God which sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb so from the very very beginning God had this plan revelation 13 verse 8 says the lamb was slain before the very foundations of the earth so before there was ever a flower or star or a human being or an animal before there was anything there was a plan that was already in place everything that God does is according to design I want you to understand that because it actually puts context to your own life there's just I know you have a free will I understand that but as a Christian that is submitted and surrendered in your mind and your will is controlled by the Holy Spirit I'm talking some people who are really surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ everything God does is by design that's why you can be in a situation right now and know that something greater is for tomorrow that the latter is going to be greater than the form so when you think about this it took Moses nine months to complete the tabernacle according to Exodus chapter 19 and it took the Holy Spirit nine months to form the body of Jesus the true tabernacle in the womb of Mary according to Luke chapter 1 verse 26 everything about God he's strategic it's a it's a calculated strategic design of God it is all and this is important for you to understand the context of my message it is all the working out of his eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord according to Ephesians chapter 3 verse 11 which ultimately is this in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 and 10 so you go what is the eternal working out of what he purposed in Christ Jesus because basically everything in heaven and earth will be summed up in Christ so you say make sense out of this to my everyday practicality so ultimately that is this verse 9 and 10 for God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ he died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live together with him so now some people are gonna think salvation means just getting to heaven and you're gonna miss the whole thing because salvation is so much more than just getting to heaven it's a complete package it's complete delivering somebody say holes hanging up for God did not appoint us to suffer wrath the word rat by implication means punishment God did not appoint you to suffer punishment you have to get this because God is not out to punish you God God is not mad at you in fact if God was after you he would have already got you so for everybody that carries a guilt trip whom the Sun sets free is free indeed in Romans 8:1 there's therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus there's no guilty punishment but you've got to understand why there's no guilty punishment it's not because of our righteousness it's not because of my goodness it's not because of anything that I could do or anything I deserved or anything I earned so I can't get into the deeper things and really live a crucified life and live to the complete surrendered will of God unless I really can understand the price that was paid and receive and fullness the complete work of Jesus Christ he came to give you abundant life I want you to get that because if you're living short of anything that a superior quality and quantity they were living short of what he came to give us according to John 10:10 I want you to get in your mind I want you to see yourself abundant in every area in your family and your children come on in through finances and your purpose and everything that you go to serve the Lord with that God came to give you through His Son Jesus Christ and abundant life both here in earth and in eternity so he came to also reconcile us--who yourself to art to himself by Jesus Christ according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 he wants to redeem us he wants to restore us and restore means back again he wants to restore us to everything that messed you up in life everything that messed this world up he wants to restore it's our job to advance the kingdom of God it's our job not just to fit in but to literally take over that kingdom come Thy will be done God does nothing in the earth unless he partners with a man that's why he's looking to and fro in the earth and he's seeing who's gonna stand in the gap and make up the hedge God has a job for you to do you're not just here by accident there was a purpose there was something intentionally that God has mantled you for that God has marked you for listen people won't know the name mama Annie some people here know it because I've told the story but mama Annie is a hero in heaven mama annie was my great-grandmother and when I got saved I thought I was from five generations of heathen and and the more I got in the word the more I begin to understand pastor Brad legacy and lineage and the things how God works in succession and and pastor Todd I said where did I come from one day and the Lord took me in the spirit and showed me and when I start preaching you guys know I start rocking and I have a rhythm to the way and there's a cadence to the way that I start going because when I was young I was put in the hands of this woman there was 97 pounds and she was arthritic and bent over and she smelled like bengay and they put her in this small tiny room and they put this girl with little chipmunk eyes squinty little eyes and teeth that were all rotted out come on and in little stringy brown hair all right I confess I diet whatever all right so y'all got some weeds on - Amen all right so anyway she put this this girl in the hands and she would hold me and they would tell me she was crazy later when I was in life but it slipped up one day when I was about 12 years old they said oh she was religious and it slipped up I said Lord where'd I come from because I always thought she was crazy because that's what I was told because I thought she babbled but that babbling sounded like this caught on a mush under the house unpack she was praying over me in the spirit and so while I was left in her care for 12 and 14 hours you don't know mama Annie you ain't know what she looked like she she would have been anything significant she would have got to the White House or got a Pulitzer Award or written a book or anything but there's no way two million people would have been saved through Paula white ministry had she not held me in those arthritic hands and prophesied over me and prayed over me and sometimes we think assignments and success are measured just by you know the ways of the standards of this world but you've got to die to this world and live to Christ and understand what successes in him and what is what God specifically calls you to do and whether that is starts story life or whether that is pray over this little baby girl called Paula or whether that is to move to New Destiny Christian Center and pass her it whatever it is that God has called you to do that you have a specific designed by God come on in that you must be successful you must live that abundant life you've got victory in your purpose come on you've got victory in your assignment and so God came to restore you he came to reconcile you and reconcile means to bring together again those who were alienated to reunite those who are variants to restore to amnesty and and Concord by removing that which hinders the agreement in the fellowship so let me bring it down why why did we lose it just to make it real basic in case somebody doesn't understand the simple message of salvation in case we don't know it because I never take for granted because man had lost relationship you say when I lose relationship I grew up in church you lost it when Adam messed up oh I don't want to hear that Adam and Eve messed it up they did you can get mad at them all you want you can say it's not fair but they messed it up and if your name was Adam or Eve you would have probably messed it up too all right so Satan came in he got in he talked real slick he used the word he twisted it he perverted it and we lost fellowship and when the first Adam fell we all then had the propensity to fall and all of us are sinners because none of us have the perfection of being the Son of God come on and so we have all sinned and anybody who says he is not a sinner the Bible says he is a liar and so when the first Adam fell because we were made in his likeness after that then we all fell when he died we all died according to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 22 in Adam all died watch however it goes on to say even so in Christ all shall be made alive I came to tell you aren't you ready for life I mean real life you don't find life and a defiled bed you don't find life come on even in a good relationship you don't find life in a crack pipe you don't find life in a big bank account you don't find life come on with a whole bunch of trophies or academic awards who find the life in Christ that's why in Acts chapter 17 it says in him I live and in him I move and in him I have my being real life is only found in Christ Jesus and everything else comes out of that life and out of that life then you find great relationship and you marry the right one come on and you find peace and you find joy and you find goodness and you find supply and you you anointed and you're furnished and equipped to do every good work and you partake of the divine nature of Jesus Christ you find life in him somebody came here looking for life come on you come into church but you don't have life because you don't find life in church you find life in Christ [Music] and so those redeemed by Christ were not only recovered from the fall I said something important those redeemed by Christ this has been bought back by Christ or not only recovered from the fall but they're brought back to life in Christ and they are made to reign in life now there are few things that drive people fear drives people power drives people greed drives people you reign in life you don't have demonic spirits that rule over you you rule over them you tread it with scorpions you're in hearing me right now because when Jesus conquered he didn't just conquer death he conquered death hell and the grave he took the keys the devil doesn't even have the house to his own keys I mean the keys his own house so think about what I'm saying God who's the greatest architect of the universe drew up the plans before somebody say before anyone who was ever brought into the existence any creation so everything concerning Christ and His Church was firmly settled beyond the possibility of alteration before I just said something powerful because everything was firmly settled before the possibility of alteration which means this even this week pastor I had to deal with stuff and you know I mean I wish I could tell you that it was superhuman Sheila and that things didn't hurt my feelings I could tell you like like oh I've gotten beyond it and and it doesn't ever bother me there are times that things just bother me do they ever bother you so this week it was like one of those weeks it was like I got a 1 2 3 I mean like I'm going god I know my heart's pure I know then I didn't choose this assignment you chose the assignment yeah I didn't ask for this mantle you mantled me with this it was on those dates I had just a small little pity party just a small one I got over it don't act like you have never had one all right and so I was just saying God because I was like back to back to back phone call because they said Paula they're having theirs this group of women that are meeting and they're having these meetings against you and saying that you shouldn't be in this position because you've been divorced and your prosperity preacher I'm like okay they've never even heard my messages I'm preach about Jesus Christ more than anything and suffering in any way and they said then it was I got in another groom they said this person is trying to get to that person cuz they're trying to ask you out because dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah and I just it was like time after time I have time and I was like and I finally decide okay if they like really go ahead and go take it do it do it do it if you're called to do it then you would be doing it if your man told to do it you would be doing it but it was really just hurt I've gotta confess I was just like it's just like wow you know just that my pity party for just a second and then I begin to recognize something that was so powerful and profound in this because and I said something that everything concerning Christ and His Church his church church is not building his church was firmly settled beyond the possibility of alteration before and it just hit me like like a ton of bricks I was like you know what pollen will you just stop it and lift up your head right now because it doesn't matter if they all conspire it doesn't matter what somebody says it doesn't matter if the whole world rejects you or doesn't understand it doesn't matter if it's a good day or a bad day doesn't matter who celebrates you I'm talking to you or who doesn't celebrate you it doesn't matter who believes in you or who doesn't believe in you because the Covenant of God was established and it was made and it cannot be altered because Jesus Christ is the mediator over and it's not just a broad covenant that is corporate it is also an individual covenant that is personal and what God has for you no man can take from you that what God has declared come on he speaks over you right now he speaks a Rhema word you are revelation out of the logos out of Christ to fool discourse you're a revelation of God and the only person that can take you out of purpose as yourself the only person they can mess it up is you the only person that can do it is you so either look I was thinking about how would I want to subtitle my memoir my something greater and I thought about quitting our win big because the only way and it's how to overcome kind of tragedy into triumph because the only thing that can stop you is you nothing can stop you from the will of God the purpose of God the plan of God you better slap somebody say you don't have a clue who you're sitting next to and so all the concerns the well-being of his people was done according to God's covenant enactment Hebrews chapter 10 verse 14 it tells us in referencing to Jesus by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified now what's that mean the Hebrews has perfected means which means literally only once was a sacrifice to be offered never to be repeated it was a perfect sacrifice they would completely perfect our mature being bring a completion to all who put their faith in it what Jesus has done and its effects in us are perfect it means it's complete forever nothing can be taken from it and nothing can be added to it that's why his covenant stands forever heaven and earth shall pass away but the word of the Lord shall remain forever Psalm 111 verse 5 states he will ever be mindful of his covenant so before any human being ever set foot on the planet a covenant was cut which we had nothing to do with we were separately destined to reap benefits where we did not even so through the sacrifice of Jesus our Passover lamb and the work of the Cross a divine exchange took place that we talked about often that unlocks all the treasures of God he became poor that we might become rich he was rejected that we could be accepted he bore stripes so that we could be healed you think of all the things the divine exchange that took place the work of the cross not only is what it can do for us but it is also what it can do in us so it's not just what it could do for you it's ultimately what it does in you because what it does int you is what brings hope forth so much transformation so when Jesus cried it is finished it literally means it is completely complete and it is perfectly perfect and when he cried that he gave you complete victory so somebody might walk in and you might feel defeated your your life might even look defeated your bank account might look defeated your family might look defeated but you already have victory through Christ Jesus 1st Corinthians 15:57 but thanks be unto God who had already given us the victory so the greatest truth is that a whosoever whosoever thank goodness he said whosoever because I'm in that category whosoever was given access to God through Christ Jesus revelation chapter 22 verse 17 now that's profound because on the cross and I want you to get this in order for you to get your Hosanna because we're living a half-baked Christian life listen the churches in a mess right now the world is doing exactly what it's supposed to do but the mess is not in the world the mess is in the church because the church is what has been watered down the church is what is confused the church is what is oh I'll come place and and compromised the church is what is not sure of where they stand in Christ but the Word of God is not confusing come on the Word of God is an arrant it is flawless it is infallible and so on the cross the Bible says that the old man was put to death and now the new man might come to life instead that's important because that's why as a disciple you pick up your cross daily and you are crucified with Christ in Matthew 3:10 the verse really introduces the gospel and it says John the Baptist the forerunner sent before Jesus declares this even now the ax is laid to the root of the tree what was he saying because all of us had a root problem we find it in Isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 all we like sheep have gone astray we've all turned everyone to his own way and the Lord laid on him speaking of Jesus the iniquity of us all now I did that that's so incredible because all of us have a rebel in us that's the root problem whether your rebellion listen I was pretty much a good girl I didn't ever get high I never got drunk I've never smoked a cigarette I was a good girl until I was about 40 something all right anyway I was pretty much a good girl most of my life anyway but with the root reason of me being a good girl was rebellion Brad because I was so angry at my mother growing up then I said I'll be everything that she is not and so it was still in rebellion that I did what I did it was gonna be the perfect girl because she drank herself to death I would never have a drink because she had so many men I wasn't gonna have one because she she was so smart I'll drop out of school because it was still a root of rebellion so I don't care what it looks like on the outside all cleaned up and cute at the end of the day we all have the same root problem whether it landed you up on a crack pipe or whether it landed you up in Harvard I don't really care because you still have the same root problem and that is that we have all gone astray we have all gone our own way and I don't care how many degrees you have or if you don't even have a house or shelter over your head you have the same root problem that we think we're better than God we've all gone astray and we've tried to live our life do our thing do it our way and God said you've missed the whole point because it's not about your will it's not about your way it's about my will and my way because my plan for your life is much greater than your plan for your life and my way is much greater than your way and my thoughts are much higher than your thoughts [Music] now here's the crazy part and I'm not gonna get too much in the difference between mercy and grace right now because I only have a few minutes you just got to get Brad's message from this morning but our real problem was rebellion against God and the rebel who resides in every one of us and God only has one remedy for rebellion God's remedy for rebellion he doesn't send him to Sunday school to get it fixed or cleaned up he doesn't teach him the golden rule or make a memorise description you want to know what God did with rebellion what God had to do because this is where it gets just I can't even begin to preach it because it's so inside Noble I try to wrap my mind around it but all I can end up doing is wrapping my heart around it because my mind cannot fully conceive it because God executes the rebel because God is a God of justice and that's why God is also a God of mercy now we'll talk about the difference between mercy and grace at some point he executes him execution is is God's solution and it says here watch we've all turned everyone his own way and the Lord had laid upon him Jesus the iniquity of us all that's not that's not even right now that did there there's where some mercy comes in that I can't even begin to explain because I'm the one that should be punished you're the one that should be punished you're the one that should be executed but ibid he said he laid upon Jesus the iniquity not just the sin not just missing the mark the iniquity the transgression the habitual characterization of sin in our nature listen you still gonna have some sins that you're so being sanctified and you're changing from glory and glory but he dealt with the root problem behold the lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world he took away the root problem because a message of mercy is that execution took place on Jesus on the cross and God is not out to get you God has a great plan for you Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future God loves you with an everlasting love company longs for a real relationship with you and according to Romans chapter 6 verse 6 and 7 for we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin because anyone who has died has been freed from sin a boy you've got to get this right now because Paul is not speaking of your past sins he's dealing with the rebel inside of you now because of the death of Jesus on the cross our old man was crucified with him and the crucifixion of your old man with Christ cannot work until you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I need to say it again come on the crucifixion of your old man with Christ you've been crucified with him but you cannot receive the crucifixion of your old man I'm gonna make this really profound to you or really hopefully relevant to you until you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you know it and you believe it and otherwise you you are still a slave to sin you're so bound to sin Romans chapter six verse eight goes on to say now if we be dead with Christ we believe that we also shall live with him that's why 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation and now you've got to get that because we caught these scriptures but this is where I want you to really have the understanding of it because what an amazing God when he says you're a new creation it literally means you or have an erratum ology yesterday Brad you have an original formation it means that it literally means to fabricate from the original so when he says behold all things are passed away and all things are become new you are a new creation if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation it literally means you have an original formation to fabricate or to manufacture the form of the original so in other words when I receive Christ then a work begins to happen not just on the outside it'll get to the outside but remember it's salvation in us what it's doing in us when Christ died on the cross then what begins what happens is he fabricates back to the original intention of God before the fall so now I am NOT in the likeness of the first Adam but I'm in the likeness of the last Adam or I should say the second Adam cuz that's what it says okay the second Adam which means Jesus Christ and so now I do not have the nature a fallen man but I can now be a partaker of divine nature oh you aren't hearing what I'm saying because if you heard that you wouldn't act like the old Adam company if you heard that you wouldn't lived like the old Adam if you heard that you wouldn't think like the old Adam if you heard that you wouldn't live like the old Adam you would live and be a partaker of the divine nature do you understand your divine nature you have the nature of Elohim you have the nature of Elsa died you had the nature of Jehovah Jireh you have the nature of God himself you have in our pork taker of the nature of him of power and authority both in heaven in earth the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead now dwells on the inside of me that's why as pastor said you walk down the street and you and people are healed by the very shadow that's why it doesn't matter what they say what they do as you walk in you change atmospheres because that means that when I am a born-again believer and a partaker of the divine nature that means that where I rule God rules so wherever I walk and have rulership God has rulership that's why wherever I go it changes things oh let me get a church right now a blood-bought Church a church that understands who they are in Christ a church that understands their Authority their nature who they are in Christ Jesus I'm almost through I'm almost through I've got to be through so although this amazing company was established from the beginning it would culminate at the climatic moment in the last few days of Jesus life and death which we are here to celebrate and I've got to finish it alright so we at least what we call Palm Sunday John 12:12 on the next day people that were come to the feast when they heard somebody say heard the Greek word means understand so when they understand not everybody understood so when they understood that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem they took palm trees eyed area and when they went forth to meet him they they went forth to meet him we've already talked to have an encounter with him so understanding produced movement when they went for that means to issue to meet we already said means to have an encounter on incurrence when the people understood their God moment they issued an encounter oh you didn't hear what I just said you see the realities you don't have to wait because Jesus already came on a donkey you don't have to wait to issue an encounter which means that every single day because I'm a partaker of the divine nature did see that there was a praise before which I'll get to the end there was a hallelujah praise and it was praising God for what he's done and the problem is the church says hallelujah more than they say Hosanna but Hosanna was a prophetic praise because Hosanna was a praise that would issue a divine encounter and the church is still stuck in a hallelujah and there's nothing wrong with the hallelujah praise but it's thanking God for what he's done but the pose Anna praise is issuing a divine encounter it is bringing eternity into the now because you are a partaker of the divine nature you already know it come on hold Zanna Hosanna Hosanna in the highest so here is where your understanding of is Anna praise is about to bring forth the results they took the branches they begin to wave them they said Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel a word that they never had been recorded in Matthew 21 9 15 through 16 and the multitudes that went and followed cried Hosanna to the son of David blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest and when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things he did the children crying in the temple saying Hosanna the son of David they were displeased of course they were and said unto Him hearest thou with lycée and jesus saith unto them yeah have you never read out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected praise come on Hosanna is a perfected praise Hosanna is a perfected praise [Music] come on hold Ana's a perfected phrase Hey [Applause] [Music] it's a perfected phrase it's a perfected praise Havana come on in the highest it's a perfect that somebody was kidding it Hosanna
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 8,540
Rating: 4.8312235 out of 5
Keywords: paula white, new destiny christian center, church, paula white ministries, Hosanna, faith, Jesus Christ, Church
Id: 7ohWDOEC4oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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