Breaking The Patterns That Block Your Vision Part I

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whoa all right grab the person's hand next to you squeeze that miracle right now because you're holding a person of vision you're a vision carrier your vision keeper the person's hand that you're holding truly is a world changer and a history maker if you could see what is locked up only inside of them in this earthen vessel there is great treasure don't judge them by what you think you know about them by the shoes they're wearing the car they drove in the money they have don't have in their bank account the title that they possess or the position they sit in because where God has taken them is great there's greatness on the inside of that person now squeeze that hand because you'll never know the journey you don't know the mountains they've had to climb the valleys they've had to go through the tiers they've cried the pain they've had to push through just to be here and I'm not talking about physically I'm talking about in their journey to spiritually be who they are they've had to fight through some hell they've had to come against and conquer some demons and some Devils the devil is a liar every covenant with death hell and the grave is broken over you and I decree and I declare right now that there is greatness locked up on the inside of you that you will arise and shine you will come into your being for you are the head and not to tell and anything that is blocking and stopping you from being all that God has called you to be I call forth the divine closure tonight resolution to every unresolved issue in your life you will let go of every leech every lock everything that is holding you back and hindering you confining you by the blood of Jesus I call forth the severance in this service that everything that would block you from being who God has called you to be to see what God wants to show you it is being overturned in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare and open heaven let preaching not just be purposeful let it be pleasurable this morning let everybody that had the near here with the Spirit of God is saying let angels show up let signs wonders and miracles follow us today I thank you in advance for a supernatural manifestation in Jesus name and everybody said amen slap somebody a high five say your vision is about to be unlocked you can remain standing go with me to Genesis chapter 13 Genesis chapter 13 I want to give you brief history let's look at Genesis chapter 11 verse 27 because I want to speak to you this morning about stop blocking my vision look at somebody say stop blocking my vision say oh I think I'm talking to the road behind me right now Genesis chapter 11 really starts the genealogy and and begins to tell you the history of Abraham and I think it's important enough to take two or three minutes I'll let you out on time today but just to give you a brief history because a lot of times it's difficult to understand a person's destiny and their struggle to get there if you don't understand where they've been now patterns continue to persist in our life you can love God how many of you just you love God with all your being but how many of us will be honest and say even though we love God we're filled with the Holy Ghost we have a few issues in our life thank goodness for ninety percent honest church amen and we're not the only ones everyone that you read up in the Bible had some struggles and I'm glad about it I'm glad that God shows us all aspects so here's the thing now these are the generations of tie rod that's Abraham's daddy Taron begat Abram Nahor and Haran and her own begat let let's go on to verse 28 and it says that what happened there in verse 28 is that in verse 28 in verse 28 the dad dies okay when the dad dies and they go on then you find out that what Abram does is he takes here we go Haran died before his father's Terah in the land of his Nativity that's the older brother and your child Deus keep going to verse 29 because the the dad's gonna die to keep going keep going keep going well I'll give you the story in a nutshell and Abram and Nahor took them wives the name of Abraham's wife was Sarah II and the name of nailers wife was Milkha the dart of her on the father milk of the Father ESCA keep going to verse 30 so we did and but Sarah I was barren she had no child verse 31 and it says in terror took Abram his son and lot the son of Haran his son son of Sarah his daughter-in-law his son Abraham's wife and they went forth with him from the Euro of Chao Dee's to go into the land of Canaan and they came into Haran and dwelt there I'm gonna give you a brief synopsis her on the the older brother ends up dying he's already dead right and they go into a pool by his same name now to rob the father is going to die there and you're gonna find out that Abram is going to go and I'm going to take you on this journey how Locke goes with them lot is his nephew or so you following this family plot and plan now the interesting thing is the middle brother that is left marries the brothers that's died daughter okay so you got this this is much better than days of our life you thought your family was jacked up and this is the father of our faith so the father of our faith has this clan that older brother has died dad is gonna now die because dad was originally given the instruction and never obeyed the instruction so he has a disobedient father the other brother is now going to marry the daughter of the middle brother who there's a lot of stuff going down and so the nephew which is the youngest brother the lot of the older brother okay so it's his nephew is gonna follow him you got the whole plot down you got it okay now you thought you had some family issues just because your cousins went and kissing the back tree cuz they were from nothing anyway alright so you with me don't you feel relieved already that you came to church and found out the father your faith had a whole bunch of issues going on and so let's go to Genesis chapter 13 verse 14 through 18 and I'll fill in chapter 12 for you during this storyline Genesis chapter 13 let me hear you and the Lord who said it guys the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward southward and eastward and westward say it real loud with conviction verse 15 for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth even shall thy seed also be numbered arise which means coming to your being walk through the land in the length of it and the breadth of it for I will give it unto thee then Abram removed his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre which is Hebron and built there an altar unto the Lord slap somebody a high five say whatever stopping your vision whatever is blocking your vision say today in the name of Jesus it is going to be removed if you believe that look at somebody and say today everything blocking your vision has to go put your hands together and give God praise if you believe that you can be seated our focus is really going to be on verse 14 and 15 it says after that lot was separated from him there are some things with it will not be revealed to you until you get rid of your lot and I'll show you what lot is both naturally and spiritually and he says lift up thine eyes now and look and look from the place where you are and he said for all the land which thou seest I will give it to thee now we know according to Galatians that if you were in Christ you are the seed of Abraham and the blessing of Abraham belongs to you correct so we understand that how many of you are in Christ then you're the seed of Abraham and the blessing of Abraham which means that God is saying lift up your eyes and all that you can see I'll give it to you there's things that God wants to reveal to you for you to possess this year but your spirit doesn't even know what your mind can't see it your eyes can comprehend it because of some things in your life I want to deal with every obstruction every obstacle and every hindrance that is blocking your vision today because there are things that God wants you to take possession of but until you let go of lot you'll never even be able to see it your life is larger than what you're living right now vision we know is a mental picture of a future state that is forceful enough to mold our present some things will not be seen in your life until some things are released until some people leave until some things go and I serve notice to everything that is blocking your vision I serve notice to every person that is holding you back I serve notice to every spirit that is operating through every person I serve notice to every situation that is holding you back from your promised land corporately and individually it has to leave today that God is going to reveal some things and when you get revelation you get exaltation you're gonna be lifted up there is a principle that God has it's called leave and leave the law first mention is imperatively important than whenever you have a principal is from the root word prince which means Dominion are a ruling principle it means it has rulership or it's a fundamental law and truth which all other laws and truth are based on and so there is a fundamental law it's called leave and cleave and the first time you see it is in Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 it's it's a time that God uses for separation Donn implemented the principle himself so if God is implementing a principle not implemented even by the Apostle Paul not by church counsel but God himself is implementing a ruling law a ruling truth in our life then we have to grasp it so you go back to what is called the law first mentioned which is always found in Genesis and find out what does to leave and cleave mean well when he talks about to leave in Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 it means to loosen to relinquish let me serve notice that some things are going to be loosened in your life and it might hurt for a moment but you're gonna be glad about it in the long run don't cry over what left your life if it's part of your destiny it came it can't leave you if it's not it can't stay with you but when something leaves there's the second part that you have to cleave that means that when something is relinquished when something is loosed and there has to be a clinging and hearing a follow close a heart after to weld to be joined to it means an impinge to have an effect on so leave this to loosen and clean or to loosen and to relinquish to cleave is to cling to adhere to follow clothes to follow heart after - well to be joined together so God speaks to our father Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 and the very first thing he tells them to do the first thing you ready because this is the same thing God speaking to us he says get up out of your country and get up out of your kinfolk now it's not that God has a problem with family because he instituted the divine sacred institution of marriage and he's the one that created family but family can often be the most toxic culture for us sometimes everybody will see the greatness in your life but those who are closest to you sometimes it's your own family members Jesus could do no miracles in Nazareth because he was sieved as Joseph's carpenters as the carpenter's son he wasn't perceived as the messiah or the savior and when something stops hold it starts holding you back and stops you from becoming all that god has called you to be you've got to label it toxic no matter how close and God was saying I want you out of there because that culture is not good for you and culture is not an ethnicity culture is an environment culture is a climate culture is an attitude it's a perception it's a way of thinking it's a way that we filter things it's a paradigm and so when you begin to get in a culture that holds you back it's time to leave it's time to relinquish it's time to be loosened there are some people in your life right now that you're not moving to the place that God has for you because every time your faith begins to soar their fear begins to infiltrate you in other words they tell you all the reasons you can't do it all the reasons you can't be it they remind you of who you are in their eyes and where you've come from the devil is a liar so God says get away from your country get away from your kinfolk and this is where we often get stuck and we struggle we're not receiving the fullness of what God has for us because it's hard to separate ourselves it's hard to let go of things that we feel responsible for things that we have an affinity for people that we love people that we like people that were custom to people that were comfortable but separation always brings you to another realm of Revelation you'll see it every time in the Word of God and whenever there's revelation that's where you begin to worship and when you worship you start getting exalted so separation brings revelation which brings exaltation anytime God's getting ready to lift you up to a higher place he calls you to a separateness I'm gonna deal with the principle of separating because some people are afraid to let go of things because all change feels like loss but when you let go of something that is no longer supposed to be in your life and you put your hand to what is your future your vision come on the promises of God I promise you God will bring in all the right people all the right resources all the right things can I show you real quick because I'm gonna deal with lot today because most of us understand what lot is but there are seven separations that Abraham will have to go through there seven critical decisions that Abraham and you and I will have to make in our life if we're ever gonna see God as Jehovah Jireh now Jehovah Jireh means complete unlimited provision without any further requirements we know that it means to see and to provide to but it means complete unlimited provision without any further requirements how many of you are ready to walk in a place that you get to a level that you have complete unlimited provision Pro for the vision that whatever is only inside of you corporately and individually that God is for that vision for the mental picture of a future state that is forceful enough to mold your present and he has all the money you need all the people you need all the power of the authority or the word everything that you need for the vision God already has it it is complete come on somebody help me out unlimited provision without any further requirements the biggest frustration of most people is they can they can see in part but they don't have the provision the for the vision and so it creates a frustration but I declare you will not live frustrated you will not settle for anything less than your destiny so there are seven different critical decisions he'll have to make seven separations the first one is this country which represents his culture Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 did anything in your culture that is holding you back just because no one ever got a college degree doesn't mean you can't break that barrier just because everybody got pregnant out of wedlock doesn't mean that you have to just because they all see things one way doesn't mean that has to be the filters of the paradigm of how you see it the second thing is the kindred the people that he grew up with the family that he was around Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 the third thing is Egypt Genesis chapter 13 verse 1 the fourth is lot and for time's sake I'm not going to go through each one of these but lot Genesis chapter 13 verse 1 the fifth separation in his life is a desire to get wealth Genesis chapter 14 verse 21 through 24 the sixth thing is Ishmael anything that you birth that is not a promise from God you've got to eventually separate from it Genesis chapter 17 verse 18 Genesis chapter 21 verse 9 through 14 and seven thing which is probably the most difficult is Isaac Genesis chapter 22 verse 1 through 4 that's the ultimate test because it's worship in the purest sense the hardest thing you'll ever have to separate is when God gives you the promise you've been waiting for any ask for it back that's the highest level of sacrifice it's not letting go of just your past not letting go of the baggage not letting go of desires but it's letting go of once a promise has been given to you can you give it back to God because that's the ultimate test of worship to recognize that all things belong to God so you ask yourself why is this so difficult can I paint a picture for you real quick it takes abraham 25 years from the time God makes the promise before he will start anything now here's the thing we all talk about our father Abraham don't we that he was 99 years old when he fulfills the promise but the reality and we talk about how he was patient and how he endured and everything else but the reality is he didn't have to wait till he was 99 years old why are you waiting longer than you're supposed to to take possession of what God wants to release to you I'm going to show you through the word that the reason the weight took place was because of disobedience in this life most of us wait longer not because we have to develop patience it's because there's some form of disobedience where God gave us an instruction and partial obedience is disobedience just because you do something in part doesn't mean you have it down right because God doesn't promote you until you get it right oh this is good teaching this morning and so for 25 years he's gonna wonder before he even gets anything started God says okay I've chosen you you're the father faith but nothing's even going to start activating for 25 years that's how strong culture is that's how strong family is that's how strong it is to sever and separate because God something means showing that he's the father many nations until he gets to this place that he can separate from some things specifically from long so when Abraham starts the journey and sets off from Canaan he gets sidetracked how many of you know that the enemy is a master at sidetracking you see some of you were living in a place right now and you're thinking how did I get here this is not what you planned this is not where you thought you would be at this point in life you thought you would be further but the devil is very good at sidetracking us but I just decreed this will be a year of supernatural acceleration and whatever has sidetracked you there's gonna be a closure and there's gonna be an acceleration too in Jesus name Quran is the name of his dead brother Abraham is gonna get sidetracked and he's gonna waste six years of his life he's settled on a place of his past that has died and many of us are settling in a place of our past you're still hurt over what somebody did to you you're still thinking about the divorce you went through or the disappointment or you're leery to trust the next pastor or the how the job or the people did you wrong or certain ethnicity or a certain second society and and you're stuck in a place because you're stuck in a place that's no longer a part of your life but the lingering memory of what happened is controlling you it is a dead place where you are stuck between your past and your promise the devil is a liar and so he wasted six years of his life in her on a dead place and I just want to ask you a quick question what are you wasting right now because you were stuck in a place that is dead what would have you wasted how much energy how much time how much resource have you wasted because you are stuck in something that is no longer a part of your future his dad has died there and it takes a crisis for him to continue to move that's why you don't often you shouldn't curse your crisis because sometimes it's not until God shakes us through crisis which is a strategic inflection point crisis is literally a turning for the better or turning for the worse that's why you can take what the enemy meant for bad and turn it around for good because opposition will work for you the pits are part of your journey if you let it get you to the palace and so the Bible says in verse 4 Abraham departed and I don't care how long it's been that you've been stuck I declare today decree today that it's time for you to depart from everything that is wasting your life everything that is blocking your vision now here's where it's going to get interesting he departed as the Lord has spoken to him and the Bible and lot what does it say and lot read it with me Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken who spoke to him guys the Lord spoke and Locke did what went with him here this joker is just goes with him God never told lot to leave with Abraham and God never told Abraham to take lot and it says the Lord said unto Abraham God did not speak to lot he said get out of your country away from your kindred away from your father's house until land that I will show thee and I will make thee a great nation and this is always why it's leaving cleave and here's the hard part about cleaving God specifically says get out of your father's country he tells you very specifically what to let go of but faith has to kick in because he says go to a land but you don't know what the land is gonna look like you don't know who's gonna be in the land you don't know what the land is gonna feel like but that's where faith kicks in that I've got to trust you for every step is this a step in the right direction do I go to the north do I go to the south do I go to the east do I go to the west you see when I came to New Destiny Christian Center God did show me the whole plan but he told me go to Apopka go to new dancing Christensen her just like he told you because God doesn't reveal everything you couldn't handle all the details of your destiny God tells you each step as you take it as you're obedient to the first step he'll guide you with the second step that's what faith total trust is all about and he says get out of the country and get away from your kindred get away from everything that is toxic to you and holding you back from being what I have called you to be and from your father's house unto a land there's a place that I have for you and I'll show you what it looks like and I will make thee a great nation and I will bless thee and thy name will be great and thou shalt bring forth a blessing and be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed so verse 4 what happens abraham is obedient right and it says abraham departed as the Lord who spoke to him guys as the Lord spoke to him and watch what happens and lot went with him so Abraham departed as the Lord spoke and with him i decree right now that everything that is attaching itself to you that does not belong will be severed in the name of Jesus there's some leeches in your life now here's the problem this isn't the first time because this is a pattern if you go to Genesis chapter 13 verse 1 and Abraham went up out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and here we go again who goes with him guys and lot with with him which tells me anytime you get closer to your faith walk closer to your destiny closer to your promise there are some things that do not belong in your future that are gonna follow you there's some things that have to be severed that you're gonna have to make a conscious decision to sever and to settle some things let's keep on going verse 5 Genesis chapter 13 verse 5 now lot who was moving about with Abram also had flocks and herds and tents there's that leech again there's that joke again he's just moving along with Abram cuz he sees something on Abraham's life then he knows he can have in his own life and there are people I'm speaking to you spiritually right now the see Abram had not walked into the fullness of his promise but spiritually he was great naturally when he started this journey out it's not like he had everything going for him he came out of dysfunction he came out of a mess but spiritually spirits know what you carry spirits can discern better and good people can be used by some bad spirits and there are there are life draining spirits that want to literally hijack your destiny and suck the life out of you you've got to watch what follows you when you start your journey into your promised land because lot's name means to wrap it means to cover to conceal it's literally from sorcery it means to veil its from black magic his name it literally means he is a veiled one he has a hidden agenda there are some people in your life that have a hidden agenda everyone with you is not for you everyone with you is not for you and you better know that right now that everyone around you is not for you there are some people that will just want to ride your coattails they want to give in when your blessing it doesn't mean you hate them because he will love him forever but it certainly means you don't enable them so Abraham didn't even even invite lot he just went locked tagged along the real issue here is Lotte is a leech you've got to get that in your spirit everything that is toxic to you everything that is draining you everything that is depleting you from going into the vision and the place that God has for you everything that is blocking your vision it is a leech leeches suck the blood suck the life out of you when Lotte saw Abraham was going somewhere he attached himself when you discovered that you were going somewhere you have to watch the stuff that wants to go with you there's some stuff that wants to go with you into the Promised Land but it can't go there's some attitudes in some people there's some language that you can't take into the Promised Land there's some stuff come on some trash talk that you used to do around the kitchen table that's not a part of your future come on there's some people that have a wrong mentality they're always negative they're always critical they're always toxic they're always seeing what's wrong with you they're always telling you the reasons you can't do it they're always pulling you down they're always showing you what's wrong they can't go with you I don't care how close they are but some things and some people have to be separated and here's the hard part for you to digest in the next 10 minutes it's not really a lot issue it's an Abraham issue because lot has always been a leech he'll always be a leech it's an Abraham issue because Abraham had no boundaries no lines to tell him what his life consists of what he's responsible for he's anointed he's appointed he's chosen but he still struggles with an issue I wish I had a church to help me out here he's a lot as Abraham's nephew I gave you the background and this is why Abraham had such an affinity such a hard time because her own son her Ana's Abraham's brother is who Locke is and Lana's Abraham's nephew and Jewish tradition says that Iran was cast in two Nimrods furnace for wavering during Abraham's fiery trial so in other words Abraham I felt a sense of responsibility that when he went through what he went through his older brother didn't have the strength or the fortitude or the inner tenacity to go through it as well and tradition tells us that he was cast in two Nimrods fiery furnace during Abraham's trial the importance of that is sometimes we take on responsibility for people that God never assigned us to and they will prevent you from going into your promised land and you've got to understand there's a purpose for all things and we have compassion so now suddenly we feel responsible because Iran died and maybe I was part of his death maybe it was partly my fault because here I am and if I would have stepped out on faith and followed God and gone through this fiery child then he would have been put in the position that he was put in and because he was put in that position he didn't have the inner fortitude and so now I better take on her son but God never told him to this is important I'm trying to help somebody out right now because we've got some jacked up families some jacked up mess some jacked up dysfunction you're taking on responsibility for things you're paying for your your you're paying for your sisters sister's babies come on you're paying for all kind of stuff that is not your responsibility and taking care of things that are not so Abraham probably feels his false sense of guilt and shame he's a rescuer a typical codependent maybe his drive for approval and let me fix this as what went wrong in his life and he's living in imbalance life and when we are out of balance anything can become an external solution to calm the internal chaos so most often we try to take care of the symptoms when we need to get to the root of the problem and the root of the problem is lot is a leech and Abraham you're allowing it see you might not be able to change lot but you can change you and if you're gonna move into vision you've got to deal with everything that is blocking your vision I'm going after you a lot right now so where does all this start it starts in his disobedience Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 now the Lord said to Abram get thee out of the country and from thy kindred get away from them and from your father's house unto a and that I will show thee kindred means lineage get away from everything in your line because God said it's not good for you and I'm not saying that right now I'll preach it at the 11 o'clock that everyone in your family is toxic but if someone in your family is toxic or if someone in your environment is toxic or if somebody that you used to go to church with and now they no longer attend church but you still talk to them and they're toxic to your faith come on I don't care what the situation every toxic person God's saying there's things I want to show you but you're not gonna be able to possess it until you deal with your lot Genesis chapter 12 verse 4 through 5 so Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken to him here we go and Locke did what guys went with him and Abraham was 75 years old and he departed out of Haran he's gonna waste years that he never needed to waste stop wasting your life because some things don't belong with you you can't even see the full picture and playing God has for you because you're wasting your life in the wrong situations with the wrong people with things that are gonna ultimately drain you and take from you the devil is a liar and Abraham took Sarah his wife and lot his brother's son and all their substance that they had gathered in the souls that they've gone in Iran and he went forth to going to the land of Canaan and to the land of Canaan they come there is something very personal about the call of God work out your own salvation with much fear and trembling watch what Isaiah chapter 51 verse 2 says look unto Abraham your father and unto Sarah that bare you for I called him alone and blessed him and increased what did God do he called him what said I called him alone if he called him alone what the heck is he doing taking locked what the heck is he doing taking lot with him you see when God gives a word to you when God speaks to you God is speaking just to you he's speaking directly to you you have to deal with every lot issue in your life I won't keep working this until you you deal with it he alone was called not the Joker lot there is a call that you must answer so God speaks to you and wakes you up and says give $1,000 to rising and build campaign and you want to know if lots okay with it you've got a deal with your lot come on you you you've got to stop justifying or making excuses of why you cannot follow God for yourself and why lot this leech is always a part of it there's a mission that you have to fulfill a purpose that you have to serve a problem that you must solve and God called Abraham alone now here's the result of his disobedience she ready for what happens when you take things with you that don't belong number one he compromises Genesis chapter 12 verse 10 through 14 Abraham while in Egypt begins to lie about his wife the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 15:33 do not be deceived because bad company corrupts good character lot will rub off on you lot will Rob because lot is lot is not a man of good character and if you continue to put yourself in situations this is interesting because the word of the Lord was correction today the word of the Lord was correction he said I'm not just gonna open things up to you but I'm gonna correct some things if you keep putting yourself st. so if you keep putting yourself in the same situation you're gonna keep getting the same result thank God is speaking with clarity there's some things you've got to correct there's some things you've got to cut off because it causes compromise in your life the second thing it caused was quarreling Genesis 13 7 and there was strife between the herdsmen of Abraham's cattle and the herdsmen of Lots cattle and the Canaanite and the pesarattu oiled in the land strife means a contest or competition proverbs chapter 17 verse 19 he who loves a quarrel loves sin he who builds a high gate invites destruction so there was alternately strife and the Bible says if you love strife then you love sin because God is not a god of division God is not a God of affection or pulling away and some people just love to fight and they always drain your energy drain you emotionally because they are always crawling everything's a fight go to the left do we have to I'm gonna try some do you have to put on put on orange pant why did you wear orange pants today everything's just a fight that you're like dear Jesus help me but here's the greatest thing he had loss of spiritual authority Genesis 30 seven the canaanite in the Perez I dwelled in the land I'm not gonna teach it because I've got too much to go over but the Canaanite is a merchant or peddler spirit the parasite is an open country or rustic or an unwalled village and so he lost spiritual authority because what he should have been able to conquer he had to now dwell with him all because of his disobedience why did God tell Abram to separate and this is the big question what is God telling you to let go over your life number one because they were distinctly different and the thing you have to ask yourself is are we going in the same direction what not not what is what what is our likeness and what is our differences Genesis chapter 13 verse 9 is not the whole land before thee separate thyself God's telling them separate I pray thee from me if that will take the left hand and I will go to the right or if thou will depart to the right and I will go to the left why because lot was a leaner there are leaners and there are lifters there are people who take from you and people who give to you and when a separation necessary is there a biblical time for separation I'm building a case for you this morning ecclesiastics chapter 3 verse 1 and 5 to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing referring means to widen to recede or to remove it means a time to loose our time to be loosed it's the principle of leaving so when you separate it means to stretch to the point of being out of joint it means they are no longer a part of you it means to divide to differ or to distinguish to distinguish that this person is not part of my destiny this situation is holding me back the purpose is for distinction abraham realized that he needed separation because of their differences so what were their differences you ready because these are the things you have to identify number one their biggest difference was the alter their biggest difference was the alter because Abraham was a man that built an altar and lot never built an altar Abraham served God out of sacrifice lot served God out of convenience and I'm here if I didn't say anything else to tell you that you are in a season of serving God by building an altar and everything that wants to come leech onto your life and get a part of the blessing because it is convenient to be and to get what you have already had the devil is a liar Genesis chapter 12 verse 7 the Lord appeared to Abram and said to your offspring I will give this land so he built an altar there to the Lord who appeared to him Genesis 12 8 from there he went on toward the hills east of Bethan pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and aĆ­ on the east and there he built an altar to the Lord and he called on the name of the Lord Genesis 13 3 through 4 and he went on his journey from the south even to Bethlehem to the place of his tent unto the beginning between Bethel hey I unto the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and there Abram called on the name of the Lord can I help you Genesis 13 18 so Abram moved his tent and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron where he built an altar to the Lord never do we read that Locke built an altar I'm gonna make a bold statement here you ready if a baby Christian asked you to pray for them absolutely do it absolutely do it but if a mature Christian keeps asking you over and over and over to pray for them the same thing and they haven't been to all-night prayer with you they haven't been to midnight prayer they haven't got through and they haven't fasted with you then say no you need to do this for yourself because there's a point that a person has to grow up and you don't do all the work for them you don't do everything for them there's a person place that everybody's got to step up come on new destiny I'm talking to and a whole lot of language today because this is not going to it might not be equal giving but it will be equal sacrifice and we will possess the promised land because everybody does their part and there won't be anyone that's serving God or possessing the land out of convenience we are not going to kill Tim people and let a hundred people go into the promised land and ten people aren't gonna carry the weight there's gonna be equal distribution because we're gonna build an altar and everybody's gonna protect at the altar oh I wish I could do it old-time way I wish I see I know that you're like well that's just not right that is solutely right because I'm not talking to the world right now I'm talking to the church and in the house of God we have equal responsibility because God knows what kind of Metron you have what kind of measure you have what kind of capacity capacity you have what I have what each person does and God saying come on up this is not a time to serve me out of convenience this is a time to serve me out of sacrifice so all of us have to sacrifice at this time Abraham built the altar so we want the blessing he says I'll bless those that bless you I'll curse those that curse you he said you'll be great you'll be great in the nation and everything that comes out of you will be great everybody wants the greatness everybody wants the blessing but not everybody wants to build the altar and this is a time that you have to build the altar god speaking to you this isn't even about new destiny christian center pastor paul or the city of destiny this is about God planting you in this purpose to fulfill the job that Jesus has given you this is about you rising up and expanding because God has greatness for you and what stops you from doing what God has called you to do the same thing that was stopping Abraham lot will always stop you how do you identify a lot because he's elite she doesn't want to pay the price he doesn't want to pray through he doesn't want to press through he doesn't want to give through he doesn't want to fast through he doesn't want to get in the word through there's a time that you say you aren't gonna ride my coattails that's okay if you're a baby listen that's okay but if you've got whiskers we're not gonna keep putting a bottle in your mouth it's time to stand up I'm not gonna sit there and say oh it's okay I'm gonna say let him go cuz Lots got to go Genesis 13 8 so Abraham moved his tent and went to live near the trees of Mamre and Hebron where he built an altar to the Lord Abraham was sacrificial lot was not the second thing was they had a different motive of the heart you've got to be able to discern I pray the spirit of discernment over you right now for everybody around you and the motive of their heart Abraham was a giver lot was a taker Abraham was a giver lot was a taker watch Genesis chapter 13 verse 9 through 11 is not the whole land before thee separate thyself I pray thee from me if that will take the left hand we'll go to the right if out apart to the right I'll go to the left and Lotte lifted up his eyes and behold the plains of Jordan and it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah even as the Garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as thou comest eyelids or then Locke chose him all the plain of Jordan lot the leech chooses what looks best because people who have hidden agendas who are veiled in your life when they have an opportunity some things you just have to settle Abraham just had to settle it you don't have to win every war some Wars you need to know that you just have to settle it because if you will settle it there's something that God wants to reveal to you and that's the whole message I'm trying to get to you today is whatever is blocking your vision settle it get rid of it you've got to let it go so he knew basically he had to pay long off he said look take whatever you want and lot because leeches always do this takers always do this they will take the best they will take the best if you say I can meet with someone listen I could be dog-tired and a leech will say I want to meet with you anyway I can be drained to the bone where it doesn't matter if you can almost drop over dead a leech will say I got to have it anyway or I'm gonna do this that's what takers do they take from you and if you don't put up boundaries and barriers they'll take to you to the point that you drop over dead I'm preaching good up in this house because at some point you can't be everybody's enabler at some point you can't be everybody's fixture at some point you've got to help people to grow up themselves your children need to grow up come on what are you doing still paying their rent when they're 25 years old your children need to grow up your spouse needs to grow up some women are working two to three jobs cuz they've got a lazy husband that won't work and then he tells you not to pay tithe are you kidding me well I'm sorry I just thought I'd get and bring down biblical principles to where you're really living you are not gonna miss the Promised Land Abraham there are some things that God wants to reveal to you but you've got to deal with lot and I'm not talking that you have to physically get rid of lot necessarily you might have to but you've got to get rid of lot you've got to stop enabling that attitude stop enabling that Idol come on stop enabling that thing that is draining from you all the time good teaching up in this house the third difference is faith Abraham lived by faith lot lived by sight second Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith not by sight verse 10 lot lifted up his eyes and saw the plain he wanted what he could see Abraham said I trust you God and I could keep going Genesis 3:6 Joshua 721 and it says when Abraham saw it he coveted he lusted he desired it hebrews 11:8 through 10 tells us by faith Abraham when he was called to go out of the place which he should receive an inheritance obeyed and went out Abraham walked by faith lot walk by sight lot represents a certain mentality that would create habits driven from dysfunction I want you to hear this because this is not a relationship he has it's an entanglement it's a snare it's a complication it produces controlling behavior distrust perfectionism intimacy problems and here's what Lott represents ungodly attachments you will not be able to move into vision which has provision for you with ungodly attachments in your life any person mind set habit or attitude that holds you against God's Word is an ungodly attachment oh I'm trying to help somebody up in the house you keep thinking you can change them it's an ungodly attachment label it is so you can minister to them all day long you can minister to everybody all day long as you choose to minister but that doesn't mean you take a lot with you it doesn't mean you put up some healthy boundaries because it is an ungodly attachment lot represents unforgiveness lot represents bitterness I'll teach it all later lot represents disobedience and most of all lot represents a distraction which is an unhealthy attraction because you have an attraction because you feel responsible but it's an unhealthy one like we discovered his name means veiled covering to wrap up to muffle hidden concealed covert black art magic sorcery and secret you want to talk about entering in a place that will disposition you from your promised land just keep lot in your life because as long as Lauda's in your life you're stuck but here's the prophetic declaration and conclusion of the future the vision Jen chapter 13 verse 14 through 18 put it back up the Lord said to Abraham after when did he say it guys after that lot was separated from him lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward southward eastward and westward for all the land which thou seest if you can see it God's saying then I will give it to you but you cannot see it until you separate from lot there's some things I came to let you know that God has for you many times God is trying to show you your purpose and it's not the problem that is blocking your vision it's a person and the receiving of your next instruction the Lord spoke after that lot was separated from him it says lift up now mine eyes and look from the place the word place means us standing not just from where you were standing but how you were standing in right standing it has to do with your condition of mine as well as the location of your feet if you will separate from him the Bible says now lift up your eyes help me from the place the word from means above God says I want you to lift your eyes above above I don't know who I'm here for but I'm getting a word into you I pray above the location of your mentality that is currently I want you to be elevated in your mind and lift up your eyes because I'm trying to take you to a higher way of thinking and lot is keeping you at a lower way of thinking you can now see above your situation if you will lift up your eyes once you deal with your lot and your circumstances once love is long gone as long as he stays in your life your life is gonna be crowded it's gonna be confused it's gonna be out of balance there's gonna be cluttered there's gonna be this order but here's the prophetic possession for all the land that they'll see us I'll give it to you if you can see it you can have it I could not show it to you before because you could not see it vision comes from separation unto God first God said to a land that I will show you and now he says everything that you can see I'll give it to you and then the prophetic posterity is I won't just give it to you but I'll give it to your seed then the prophetic position is he took up his tent and he went to Mamre Mamre causes fatness and fullness and wealth Mamre is a place of wealth so that's where your provision comes in here's what I just preached to you in a nutshell if you will deal with your lot then God says I'm going to cause you to see there's blessing all around you but you can't see it because you are locked into a situation that has you attached to a mindset that is blinding you spiritually so if you can get rid of lot then I'm gonna show you what you don't have an ability to see as long as Lauda's in your life I'm preaching good up in this house that I wish somebody could hear it right now whatever is blocking your vision has to go anything blocking your vision anything tied to something that is dead come on something that came out of a dead place something that came out you're tied to things that came out of a dead relationship out of a dead situation yes it was a purpose for Terron yes there was a purpose for her ah yes there was a purpose for Milka but that was back there I've got you in a new place and if you're tied to something in an old place then I can't move you into a promised land so you've got to deal with every mentality of your past that is tying you this got you stuck in the name of Jesus because once you get rid of it once you deal with it once you deal with your lot lift up your eyes there's blessing to the north the South the East the West but you couldn't see it because it was being blocked everything blocking you by the blood of Jesus I command it to be removed right now you don't even know what is ahead of you because there's no possibility to sieve it because the lot has you blinded but once lot is gone that's why I'm dealing with your lot because anything blocking your vision anybody blocking your vision I serve notice they have to go in the name of Jesus by the blood of Jesus anything holding you back all you know is there has to be more I know there's more this is not the end of it there has to be a bigger plan because if this was it then why did God tell me from the beginning he would make me a father of many nations there's something greater than what I'm experiencing and God I can't see it all so whatever is blocking my vision it's got to go because vision has blockers vision has things that the enemy sets up so you are obstructed but the devil is a liar because if you can see the impossible and see the invisible you can do the impossible because God wants to give you a vision a mental picture of a future state that is powerful enough to mold to present get up and so he gets something he sees to the north the South the East the West he said everything you can see you can receive and that's why he takes us tint down and he goes to memory because memory is a place of wealth memory is a place of fatness because God has provision for anybody who has a vision the problem is not me convincing you to get money the problem is can you see the city of destiny can you see can you see that God has chosen you to change the life of masses of millions can you see that we are tactical headquarters that impact the nation's can you see the monastery can't you see the new sanctuary can you see the labs and the languages can you see the Education Center can you see the university can you see the Sports Complex can you see Olympic kids being raised up here can you see the next president being raised up here can you see the greatest pastors apostles teachers evangelist can you see the Performing Arts Center can you see the impact to Hollywood can you see the impact to Wall Street can you see the impact can you see that Apopka is ours can you see it because if you can't see it the problem is not Mamre the problem is not wealth and the problem is not fatness because God will take your tent and plant it in the right place God has provision but you can't get vision if you can't see it everything blocking you from seeing in the name of Jesus by the blood of Jesus let it go anything that has hijacked your destiny anything any spirit that has come as a spiritual assassin I find it by the blood of Jesus I break it in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare any ungodly attachment any attitude any thought any soul tie any person any situation that is hinder you settle it in the name of Jesus sever it settle it wrecking it release it leave it loosen it relinquish it let it go be dismissed be divorced let it come out of your joy let it come out of your joy joy sir what supplies she nourishment you've not sobral things in your joints everybody that has a lot right now in the name of Jesus I give you peerage by the Spirit of God strength by the Spirit of God to loose that light to let that go in the name of Jesus it's over bring closure to it shut that door let it go walk away from it have a funeral flowers burial grave goodbye get something on the inside I came to let you know there's more for you ahead of you than anything that's ever behind you and let me tell you something you can tell by Lot's wife who turns to a pillar of salt because she looked back it's not just to look back it means to long for your past she longed for her past and so he allowed that which meant that he didn't have a problem with things behind them anything that's holding you back there I came in the name of Jesus to tell you he said how many of you received something out of the world how many you received something I wish I had time for a serious altar call right now if you'd say pastor Paul I'm struggling I'm struggling I've got some lots in my life and I need to let it go lift your hands and pray over you lift your hand look and grab the person's hand lay hands on somebody around you lay hands on somebody around you spirit of the Living God I'm asking for your grace in your mercy to give us the strength to sever those things I'm sure that Abram wrestled emotionally he wrestled psychologically I know that it wasn't an easy maneuver for him I know that it had to be difficult and you never said that it would be easy to let go of things that have been a part of our life but anything that is hijacking our destiny and holding us back failing us that has a hidden agenda expose it and give us the strength give us the strength to leave it to relinquish to loosen it to not attach ourselves to it because we can't even get to step one that there's blessing all around us but we can't see it because what is blocking our vision so when we can see Lord then it's easy to receive because you said then go walk it go walk it we'll walk in the places we'll walk them out so everyone that's struggling with a lot right now Holy Spirit knew what only you can do not by mind and not by power but by your spirit I call the severance this day shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door shut the door some of you are in abusive relationships you need to shut that door in relationships that people are very toxic and you're not married you're not in a situation but it's a toxic relationship it's a detriment to your destiny have the courage to walk away from it this day in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare and everybody said amen amen come on I just believe that God's gonna remove every law in your life
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 188,237
Rating: 4.6127958 out of 5
Keywords: Paula White, Paula White Ministries, Pastor Paula, Pastor Paula White, New Destiny Christian Center, NDCC, Apopka Florida, walk in fullness, Psalm chapter 11 verse 3,, increase, harvest, elevated, double portion, divine order, casting vision, February 2014, proverbs 29:18, breaking the patterns, vision
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 20 2014
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