To Open Up, You Have To Shut Up - Pastor Paula White-Cain

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right these are compressions for this week ready here we go number one I perfect every spiritual connection into my life that strategically aligns me to the will of God for my church my career business and my destiny confession to I pray for heightened discernment particularly with those I designate as friends and associates my divine purpose simplify my life you ready this is important I refuse and reject the embrace of magnetizes of destruction in Jesus name you don't say that one again I refuse and reject the embrace of magnetizes of destruction in Jesus name anything sent into your life for Destruction is broken in the name of Jesus anything any person any weapon confession number three I declared this to be a time of divine favor and uninhibited access to ordained places in every area of my life I am blessed in the city and the field am i going out and coming in number four i prophetically declare the next few weeks to be the most favorable weeks of 2011 for me and my church by the leading of the Holy Spirit we've said again I prophetically declare that the next few weeks to be the most favorable weeks of 2008 longer for my church for me by the leading of the Holy Spirit number five according to Colossians 3:1 and two I set my affections on the things above where Christ dwells I live according to the economy of the kingdom of God and all my needs are supplied according to his riches in glory and number six you ready to bind you ready to stop that strongman i bind every spirit working against answers to my prayers and the promises for my church and my life in Jesus name so my presence again the Bible teaches us of this power of lights and depth in our words and that our prayers you know words never die so as they going to the atmosphere the prayer of agreement we just took billions to flight guys because want to put a thousand - we'll put 10,000 when we all come and agreement we start doing some serious warfare which is one of the things at the beginning of the year go with me to first Kings chapter 19 several things I need to share with you quickly the beginning of the year we are going to it make sure that you are well equipped to understand how to pray how to spiritually advanced you need to know how to sit in heavenly places to engage the enemy from a seat of authority for who you are in Christ Jesus and will lay everything out strategically now tonight you do not want to miss tonight we have a special service a Holy Ghost service where we're gonna be laying hands on everything and everybody that moves we're gonna be praying over people I want you to bring the sick I want you to bring the rebellious I want you to bring the confused I want you to go rent a van I want you to get an ambulance one way bring them to the house of God pastor Michael's gonna be praying staffs gonna be praying everybody but pastor Randy White's gonna come and minister tonight and he's gonna be praying and here's why the Lord really spoke to me to people Bishop Jake's is my spiritual father I'm in covenant with him and he oversees me but pastor Randy really has been used in my life to develop the gift of faith and I felt that that God said it's a season of restoration and I know in the natural sometimes it looks crazy but you got a trust to faster sometimes and just say you know what some things are bigger than personal things it's about the kingdom and so I just I'm a kingdom person and I believe them he was actually in prayer and fasting all day yesterday so I believe that sometimes if you put a demand on a person's life it just you know so let's let's believe God and be here too because we wouldn't be here had pastor Randy not said yes and so we're gonna honor that position and thank God for him and pastor Michael is an amazing man of God as our executive pastor we thank God for him pastor Frank Scott everyone everyone Doug just everyone you ready we're gonna continue with our kingdom connection with today will be our last day but this has been such an imperative is that we've been doing relationship realities the next week we really move into more of the first fruits and beginning to prepare it's totally different this year we're going to do making sure that God is first in all things so I'm going to probably hid things from a little different angle putting God first is the principal first fruits wouldn't goddess but first all these things come into our life and sometimes we wonder why aren't things working when God says don't take any thought for them yet there's necessities for us well we're gonna look at first things first the rule of governing and the establishment of it but probably in a very different way the Lord's put some deep things in my spirit to release to you above and beyond of where we've been for the last ten years so I'm excited about it and what God's going to do because 2012 is a year of government so it's a year of structure okay so I don't always come up with the title in fact seldom do I come up with the title but we're in relationship reality and we've studied the shunammite woman with Elijah we've studied Jonathan and David we've studied mayor Elizabeth and today we're gonna do Elijah and Elijah but the Lord really gave me a title for this one and if I had to give it a title it would be called to open up you have to shut up so look at somebody look at somebody say I think pastors talking to you say to open up you have to shut up now you're going to understand the significance of that before we get through call somebody's name out and say just call them out say Tilian whoever you're talking to say Scott say to open up you have to shut up turn to somebody and get authoritative cuz are acting like you're saying a really tiptoe ins because you need to get bold because there are some things that are going to be shut down in their life by the end of the day say to open up you have to shut up you ready for the word say bring it on bring it on first Kings chapter 19 verse 18 through 21 let me give you the backdrop real quick Elijah a man of many emotions he's a prophet that is very high highs low lows this a man that has just called down the fire of God the prophets of bel have been destroyed 63 word prayer and the fire of heaven falls it doesn't rain for three and a half years at the sound of his word at the at just by him speaking it forth as a prophet he's the one that would say to his servant go out and look I can hear the sound of abundance of rain he will outrun a chariot you've got to understand that it is time of such idolatry in the lamb that even those that supposedly were serving God had this real mixed kind of religion they had had been into from if you go back to Greek mythology and some of the Roman practices of early paganism they would often greet each other by kissing the hand which was really an idolatry practice of worship and so it's very it's a very conflicted time within the church world I would bring it to the New Testament as they had the power they serve God but they denied the power thereof so they had this form of godliness you know they played Church let's just bring it down they played Church they didn't really have the real power of God and then God raises up a prophet whenever God wants to break something forth he raises up a prophet he brings forth a revit Ori a word that's about to open some things up prophets open things up and they start bringing a release with the Apostolic anointing to establish some things okay that's why when the prophet and the priest said their mouth opened the people prospered that's why you don't want to ever shut them out the Prophet they're kooky they're eccentric the difference real men and women of God are kind of strange people I mean let's really get in the word they they're they're they're just different and so he's in this time and he's just called the fire of God down and it's destroyed the prophets of Bel and Jezebel and this is important because Jezebel and let him that happened near here Jezebel is not gender Jezebel the spirit now it happens to function through a woman and in this particular context but Jezebel is a spirit of control and manipulation and it's so manipulating and controlling that this man who has just seen the mighty power of God a God in presence fall under his prophetic mount mantel is now going to run and sit under a juniper tree because she says kill she wants she's after him she wants to destroy him now it's so manipulative and you've got to know that that when you really start moving in realms of warfare the enemy always knows your Achilles he'll he knows the one area that he can get to you to speak that starts controlling you that operates the door fear 20 people can say something to you and it just roll off your back but one person says it to you and it gets to you and all of a sudden you feel fear or you feel you know down or depressed it's a spirit that's operating and the enemy's not fair he doesn't operate through people on the far side he knows exactly who to get into to destroy you he knows how to get close to you he knows so Jezebel wants to control you wants to control the purpose the gift of God in you but that spirits broken it's a deceptive spirit whoa don't make me start preaching this early so now he sits under a juniper tree cuz I've got to put the backdrop for you he's sitting on our juniper tree and he's saying to God now watch how he's really being very cowardly here for a man who's so courageous cuz he's too afraid to kill himself but he doesn't want to live and he says to God he says I request of you God take my life so basically he's saying I'm too afraid to kill myself and pull the trigger but I'm requesting you take my life and he says it two times sitting there I'm requesting you take my life because he's so despondent in this situation now I'm gonna bring it where we are because I don't care how powerful you are in God you go through seasons and times you'll go through down Dazed and Confused days and conflicted times and and that's the problem with the church people try to disqualify your destiny because you're having a down season or down day but you're gonna find out today what God has established man can't do anything about and so he's he's really he's so despondent at this point he's saying I want you to take my life and the Lord sends an angel to minister to him and the angel says eat and rest now there's preaching right there because sometimes we think we have to have a word of God like we have to have this major move of God and sometimes you just need to get a good night's sleep they torture prisoners of war by sleep deprivation sometimes you just need to because it's hard to hear spiritually if you get physically drained so you're rebuking the devil and the problem is you've just got more on your plate you've got to eliminate the things that are not priority and not part of your call there drainers they're distractions pastors preaching good right now and so now now everybody say now so when he's sitting under the juniper tree and he's saying okay god he's requesting the bible says of his life to be taken then this is what the Lord speaks and pick up with me in verse 18 because he says I'm the only one left because when you get to that place you're disillusioned and if you make permanent decisions and disillusion times it's very detrimental it's very and I made some decisions in disillusionment and it's cost me I mean there's retribution to it it's it'll cost you something so he says ready pick up yet I have left me 7,000 this is the Lord in Israel all the knees which have not bowed unto bel and every mouth which has not kissed him now let me explain that to you there's more than seven thousand but sevens the number of completion so God saying I have a complete company that is not practicing idolatry and they will not bow down but Elijah is so mentally distressed he's saying it's only me it's only me verse 19 so he departed thence and found elisha the son of shaphat who was piling with twelve yoke of oxen before him and he with the twelve and elijah passed by him and did what casas mantle upon him now watch what he does because we tried to take the man and woman of god and plant them in what we want them but notice something about a man a woman of God they're continually passing there's always movement in their life because if there's not movement in motion then there's not progress so he's constantly passing which means I've got to connect with that I'm not going to miss my moment I'm not gonna let this pass me by God is not a God that just you've got to understand he's a God of movements he blows though there's wind the way he describes himself that's why he wants you pursuing him there's a chase to this thing you can't just sit here on your bum come on on the on your seat and think okay God come down there's a chase to it there's a pressing into it there's some letting go of some things and some pressing into it you've got to kill your flesh and you got to press into the things of the Spirit so Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle Parnham which the mantle was hairy it was thick it was the mantle of the office of a prophet as studied through the word and he left the oxen say it with me loud he left the oxen and did what ran after Elijah and said let me I pray thee kiss my father and my mother and then I'll follow thee and he said unto him go back again say what I've done to thee and he repent turn back for him and took a yoke of oxen and sue them and built their flesh with the instruments of the oxen and gave unto the people and they did eat then he arose and went after Elisha and ministered unto Him and we're gonna really focus on this because there's so much power in it but I want you to turn around and tell somebody with boldness like you have never had before and so excuse me call now say Doug I've got a word for you so to open up you have to shut up now look at somebody you refuse to talk to because I'm only gonna speak 20 minutes so to open up you have to shut up now give them a high five say I'm ready I'm ready you can be seated we already know that relationships are the currency of the kingdom that is imperative to be spiritually connected to the right people a spiritual connection is covenant covenant is enforced by the spirit it's different than legal and binding a contract of just an agreement because it means that it's enforced by the Spirit of God we've covered so all of that you really need to get the tapes there our covenant connections that God has ordained in order for you to fulfill the purpose of God David could not do what he was called to do without Jonathan Ruth could never get to bow ass without Naomi Elijah would never perform 32 miracles without Elijah we understand Mary would never bring for Jesus without Elizabeth so there are covenant connections and you will not enter into the provision of his promise of greatness if you are disconnected from those that God has called you to so ultimately ultimately my prayers are important it's vital that I know this word is crucial but my ultimate development of the gift and the fullness of me becoming who God has called me to the maturing and the edifying of the body of Christ comes through the fivefold ministry gifting it comes through you connecting with the relationship with the gifts that God has sent to you and then one to another so relationship is vital without the fastening and the joining together by the Spirit of God I'll never enter into the purpose that God has for me so look at somebody and tell them just slap him a high-five say you probably need me more than you know so you need me and what's so important is that that why I keep emphasizing a spiritual connection because this is in realms of all things you know you can it's in terms of your pastor and in a congregation it's in terms of a husband and wife the most important thing you do is not put on Victoria's Secret come on and make him happy at night although that is good and importance but the most important part of intimacy is that y'all fall on your face together and you pray that at the end of the day you have a spiritual connection there's nothing more intimate that so therefore if I am NOT going to enter into my purpose without covenant connection then the onus of responsibility falls on me that I must have the ability to recognize everybody say recognize I have to recognize and identify who it is that God connects me to because the wrong people will mess me up the right people will bless me the Bible says hang with the wise and you become wise hang with fools and your life falls to pieces so who I'm around who I associate who I connect myself in covenant with is what ultimately is going to is going to happen in my life so life we know is governed by laws the Word of God and laws are working for you or against you at all times therefore hear this very clearly there is something that you are not seeing in your life today that is costing you something dearly if you look at it at a situation if you look and you go okay why do I keep getting this same repeat pattern in my life there's something in your life that you're not seeing that's costing you dearly let me take you to the word Matthew chapter 13 verse 13 through 17 Jesus is explaining one of the most powerful parables he says I have to talk to you in parables because you're not mature enough to receive the real meat of the words yet so I've got to talk to you in ways that you can understand and he says though seeing they do not see though hearing they do not hear nor understand so know what he's saying your look but you're not seeing now pastor Randy was used in my life to help develop the gift of faith to help develop things it used to frustrate me so bad because he would say pop you're looking with these you're seeing with the natural eye because I'd be looking at our bills and I'd look at our bank account and I'd see there's no money I'd be looking at what people were doing and saying and I would see there's no way this could come together and and I was looking in the natural but he'd say you've got to see with this you got to hear with this now today 28 years later it's easier for me to see out a vision and illumination than it is in the natural it's easier to see in the spirit but that's a lifelong process so you've got to shut your eyes in order to see with your eyes all pastors preaching today so though they see Jesus is saying 'die they don't see and though you hear you don't understand well what did the Bible tell us in Proverbs and all you're getting get what thank you and all you're getting get yourself a mate right get yourself money right no no in all you're getting get yourself understanding so if in all my getting and all the obtaining in life I'm to get understanding it says you see but you don't understand you hear but you don't understand so my understanding comes from my ability to see and hear keep breaking it down for me Jesus so he says in verse 14 and then has fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah you will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seeing but never perceiving now watch why in verse 15 for this people's heart has become calloused they hardly hear with their ears and they close their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts and turn and then I would heal them now I know that all y'all and you have pretty feet right I'm the only one with corns and calluses on my toes but I know the truth if you've lived long enough and worn some shoes then a tight you got some calluses on your feet you've got some court if you making those things look cute you got because it rubs on them right it rubs on it and because it's rubbing on it that skin gets thick because it's rubbing and then you go get your pedicure and you tell them to shave it off and then they put that stuff on there and then about a week later they all rub back and those calluses come back bigger lord have mercy and you won't you you end up with some ugly dog why am I the only one that's acting like I've got the only funky feet in the whole house and the reason you get calluses is because it's being rubbed against something that's why people who always wear flip-flops have cuter feet but you like these shoes like I do you won't get some ugly dogs just learn how to dress them up so so that's what he's saying he's saying life has rubbed you and don't act like life doesn't rub you and because life rubs you you start getting calloused in your heart and before you know it you're going through the routine you're going through the motions that's the problem with some of your relationships it's calloused come on it's calloused because you let the Sun go down on your ass then get some things right and before you know it you wake up and go who's the stranger I'm living with I don't even much less men love them I don't even like them come on let's get real in the house that's life and so he's saying you you've got to deal with the things that rub up against you you've got to deal with the things that have pressed you wrong and the layers of life because everybody's gone through something and so you've got to do this progressive work in this continual work in your life that says I'm not going to come in here that the problem in the American church truly is we just come and go through their motions because we we really don't have it tough I mean you get in a really bad position you're gonna get government assistance you don't have to pray like in Samoa and Africa and some of the places just to believe God for low for bed I mean if you're gonna accept so we just get we we get comfortable we get catalyst and before we know it we're dull and our hearing we're dull and our sing and because we don't have eyes to see and ears to hear then there's no understanding so in all our getting we didn't get where we needed to get preach pastor preach sober verse 15 watch what he says but bless somebody sound blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear so I tell you the truths many prophets and righteous men along to see what you didn't see we long to see what you see but did not see it and to hear what you hear but did not hear now I'm speaking to you prophetically you're going to be blessed but you better open your ears and open your eyes because we're in the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God and we're blessed because we can see it how can I embrace a Kairos moment if I cannot discern them Kairos has God's sovereignty meeting up with man's destiny if I can see it then I can receive it I can move in my moment it's called the law of recognition how can everyone be looking at the same thing but see it in different ways everybody in this room comes in and sees the same thing but they don't see the same thing and that's why some people leave different than other people because of your ability to have an awareness and a perception the law of recognition teaches you that everything you have need of already exists it's just a matter of you recognizing it to recognize means this to identify from knowledge it means to know that something has been perceived beforehand in other words it had already existed so everything you need has existed now you just have to perceive it you have to have an awareness of it the prosperity you need your bill has everything that you're believing God for every every everything that you need for the furnishing of your calling it's already in existence it's a matter of you seeing it it's a matter of discerning it so the problem is not is not the gift the problem is not do I have what I need the problem is package let me preach for minutes because we don't often receive it because it becomes an a package that we don't think it's gonna come in let me get in your stuff for a minute more chapter 10 verse 28 it says that you're going to receive a hundred everybody who has left anything in this life for the kingdom sake who has given finances of relationship houses land it says shall receive how much we love this scripture a hundredfold win in this lifetime right and we all why aren't you jumping right now that's your favorite scripture right a hundred fold in this lifetime but how does it come guys with persecutions so the reason that we don't often get our harvest is because it's packaged with persecution so when the persecution comes we start thinking well that couldn't be gone in fact people start telling you what's the sin in your life no sin in your life this harvest in your life it's coming in a way that we didn't expect it to sometimes your greatest gift is standing right in front of you but you're looking at Saul when God has chosen David just because Saul looks right doesn't mean he is right so we have to have an ability to see so when you don't recognize something you won't celebrate it what you don't celebrate is eventually going to exit your life so we have already studied to connect to the destiny Ruth had to connect to Naomi Jonathan had to connect to David David had to connect to Jonathan the Israelites had to connect to Moses we know it all but people who do not connect who don't recognize there's detrimental consequences David's brothers you hear very little off after the Spirit of God was on David think about this the Pharisees did not discern Jesus to be the Messiah it costs them eternal salvation it will cost you something it is I'm preaching better than your shouting right now it will cost you something when you don't have the ability to recognize and be aware of what is right before you you'll never succeed alone relationship is a privilege in the golden link to every uncommon miracle and experience of joy in your life so God's releasing you to another level now I just sucide I said God is releasing you to another level I just prophesied I said God is releasing you to another level you better get ready because the Lord always spoke to me and said promotion has hit this house but for God to release you to another level D it means that he's brought another person into your life or he's brought a fresh anointing of that person into your life but but you you better he if you came discern what God's doing in that person they could not receive the Messiah because they perceived him as Joseph's son they didn't see him as Jesus Christ so people will miss their moment because they cannot see the gifting that God is bringing to them so when I tell you you're going to another level what I'm telling you is God has just divinely orchestrated a connection in your life God has just hooked you up you might have known the person 10 years but there's a new hookup there's a new there's a new dimension of depth of the relationship because when God gets ready to take you to the next level he sends a person in your life when God gets ready to bless you all you need is one person all you need is to be at the right bus stop on the right day to meet the right person all you need is that person you've been living with that veil to come off the veil over come off you and the two of you will move into a level of authority and Dominion that you've never been in before God's releasing you to another level so so we understand that he will cause his goodness to pass by you the key is can I discern it because life is very strategic God is a strategist he acts out of sovereignty he's a planner he's not a reactor so the times is I've already I've already said that God raises up special people for special times the times will dictate the amount of God's hand on a person you better hear the word of the Lord because we're going into a very crucial season not just for without walls but for the whole America is at a place that it's never been I've never seen even pre-election things happening like what's going on now we've never been here before what we do is going to stay but it's not just the next decade it's going to establish the whole turning of our nation America better fall back on their face we have to have a revival we need this land to be healed so God is prefigured God has prefigured who he's don't put his hand upon for a particular season God is the one that's why you're gonna see people raising up and going just what's God doing God's hand is upon them and everyone who is gifted was gifted before they were ever born that's why man cannot take the destiny that God has decided for you the Bible says in Romans chapter 11 verse 29 the NIV says for God's gift and his call are irrevocable King James says that they are without repentance so if you have a gift on your life what you do it's irrevocable it means it can never be taken away from you oh I'm gonna teach for a minute here because the only person that can can forfeit the call or the gift of God is you and there's a difference between a miscarriage and an abortion many times we miscarry things because we don't discern moments miscarriages are not conscious abortions are conscious you consciously make a decision to terminate what you are carrying so when you are carrying something and you abort it because you're making a conscious decision oh I'm preaching right now but sometimes we miscarry well i prophesy over you you're not gonna miscarry or abort another god woman in your life now the reason you miscarry is because usually your womb is not strong enough to carry forth what you've got in it which means you've got to get strength and clear the clutter get rid of the junk get rid of all the distractors every unhealthy thing that is fatal to your faith I decree in the name of Jesus it's gonna be removed from your life everything that is pulling you down everything that is pulling you back I break the voice of it I break the power of it I break the stronghold of it I break the ungodly soul tie in the name of Jesus you will not enter into 2012 with that oddly connection by the blood of Jesus it's broken so God prepared you before you were ever released to time your birthday is when you simply clocked into purpose so God has a plan you're part of that plan and golfed inaud often breeds greatness out of the worst situations everything about your journey was planned by God everything I'm not saying God sent but God used all of your days according to Psalm 139 were numbered before one of them ever came into being so that means that the very trouble you went through many of you I know I know who I'm talking to this morning I know who I'm talking to around the world trouble is an incubator for God's greatness I had the great privilege on Friday I flew out and I was able to help Jillian Bryan and Jillian had their baby and I was there to help deliver so as me and them and the doctor and she got to that place she had to push and we're you know and I'm just gonna focus baby because it's her first payment I might push and she's got a bear down and bring this thing forth and I mean you were bringing a baby out of a very small opening and it's coming forth because anytime you were getting ready to birth something it's not gonna be easy that's why greatness comes from trouble trouble means to be tight and to be narrow big things come from tight places come on God things come from tight places from narrow it's the most of Arrakis it's a natural illustration of how God does things in the spirit because when you get ready to push out of you the greatness of God it goes through a process of being in a very tight restricted narrow place the problem is you're trying to pray the trouble away but God says rejoice in trouble it means brag about it you should be bragging that those people left you you should be bragging that you don't have any money right now you should be bragging that you just got fired also job it's a setup out of sovereignty that God is getting ready to maneuver you into the place that he's tired and destin'd you fer to be I get afraid of people who never had trouble something's wrong with you because that means you in my opinion it either means you are hypocrites or something are you playing a game because because if the enemy is not coming after you in some way it means that there's nothing there's no threat to your life so when I see God getting ready to shift I see things getting narrowing you but it's a sign in a signal that God's getting ready to both a new season he's birthing a new beginning he's birthing a greater glory in you we're not ignorant of the wiles of the enemy and we already know in psalm 46:1 that god is a very present help in the time of trouble so that the challenge is handing to you are pushing you into the power of God stop stop praying it away it's pushing you into the place God has for you and destiny is a process that has to be worked out because God places in you everything you need to become what you've been ordained to be it's already in you everything you need whatever you didn't get you don't need so you keep thinking I if I just had this or if I was you say if I was married or if I had money or if I had this degree or if I knew this person or finally there if I was born into that whatever you didn't get if I was tall if I was short if I was skinny if I was white if I was black if I was a female if I said everything you need you are everything that you have is perfect for the plan of God on your life if you don't have it then you didn't need it that's why you've got to understand locked up on the inside of you as God's greatness I'm prophesying the world changes right now it takes time to understand purpose though and often we are stuck in the now struggling with the past and we have a problem in a difficulty seeing the future but Isaiah chapter 46 tells us that God shows you the end from the beginning and his counsel will stand if God declared it and he showed you the end I don't care what you have to do you hold on to your promise that's why I knew from the time that my children were born that they would do greater things than God had ever allowed me to do and even though it looked like all hell breaking loose during times I just kept standing I kept holding it's not saying I didn't ever falter I didn't ever fall down I didn't cry because I did I got despondent got depressed over some situations but I never let go of what God had promised I didn't care what people said I didn't care what they wrote about me I didn't care what people say about me I don't care what they thought about me if God said Paula White you will see nations shaken and your children are your blessing and your inheritance then I knew that it would come to pass because my God is a faithful God you better look at somebody say I've got something coming to me so all time is is an usher to execute what God has said will come to pass you're called to be an image-bearer a glory carrier in the earth so you've got to make the decision I'm gonna not going to miss a moment I'm not gonna sit here and have a repeat year and I'm feeling this like never before because sometimes the gift comes in packages that we don't expect and because we aren't perceptive enough we don't have the law of recognition we miss our moment you can't afford to miss another moment you go on too far you've missed too many exits it's been through your life is like a vapor it's here and it's gone Elijah was a powerful powerful prophet used by God but can I break this down to where we are right now can I give you five points that are gonna take me exactly seven minutes and you'll be out of here he was powerful this man was strong praying down the fire of God in 63 words but he's manic guys and he has no Prozac he doesn't live like we live he is high highs and he is low lows he was a he was a strange kind of man he would hide out in caves he wouldn't do family gatherings he wasn't social he was everything opposite of Elijah cuz usually who God hooks you up with is exactly opposite of who you would choose for yourself I mean it is you go on what in the world looks like God to me and and the Bible says in James 5 verse 17 and 18 Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain it rain not on the earth by the space of three years and six months you know what that says Elijah had the same struggles you have and this is where we've got to break it down because we've lifted people up on pedestals the only perfect person is Jesus Christ now we're being changed from glory to glory to glory to glory and I pray I'm more christ-like today than I was two years ago and I pray in two years I'll act more like God look more like God talk more like God walk more like God but we are we are subject to like passions it means this that Elijah the one praying down the fire Elijah the powerful prophet is a man that is also gonna be depressed he's a man that's gonna be despondent he's a man that's gonna be disillusioned he's a man that's gonna be a detrimental to his own self now everybody is quiet because we want people to be perfect and there is no such thing he was a man that tells me listen the pastor Paul is not the only one they can be used powerful by God it tells me that Jojo you sitting in the back row that God can use you to raise the dead just like he can use me to raise the dead it tells me that God can use you to prophesy just like you can use me to prophesy and just because you're a man of like passions you are going to have to deal with your humanity even though you are divinity somebody slap your neighbors say she's talking to you right now so watch he's depressed he's depleted he's despondent he's requesting his own life but let me tell you why Elijah could not die Elisha could not die because Elisha was waiting on him you will not die until you are fully dispensed well I'm preaching good right now the Bible says the Bible says this and I wish I had time to take you prophetically because there are two people that didn't die Elijah and Enoch which means that spirit is still alive which means he was he was mantled as a patriarch and he understood what it was for sons to covenant connect with him because he had to pour himself into them that they could do twice as much as he would do that spirit is still very much alive in the earth today because you should be doing twice as much you should be going to higher and then the next generation should be greater I should do twice as much as pastor Randy you should do twice as much as me you should do twice as much as him they should do twice as much as you that's the way God works oh good teaching here and so watch what happens he couldn't die that Paul says I am now ready to be offered up and the greek word there means like a drink offering a drink offering was poured out once it was fully poured out it was ready so he says i'm ready to go because everything in me has been dispensed out of me until everything in your destiny is dispensed out of you you can't leave you can't leave the devil is a liar that's why you listen stop delaying the cycle develop what is only inside of you and you've got a dispense it's not for you to strut around like a proud it's not so you're gonna have some ostrich leather briefcase come on or some alligator shoes that's not what it's about it's about you raising up sons and daughters it's about you building purpose and people it's about you making a difference in changing the world it's about you being and advancing the kingdom of God and the cause of Christ the rest of everything is fringe benefits guys it's about you dispensing yourself better be seated cuz I won't preach this thing so there are several things that reveals to us Elijah could not die because Elijah was waiting for him and like was faithful over the few things and while he's down there plowing in that field God's going to speak to Elijah and said get down there to shake fast you've got to go down there because there's someone in this field that is plowing and when you stay in the field that God has planted you in and plowed God will send into your life what is needed God will sing you keep going out looking for it but the blessings of the Lord overtake you i prophesy God's sending things into you God's don't send the right people God so and send the resources God's gonna soon favor to you God's on send Boaz to you God's gonna send blessing to you so so here's the things that we have to go over quickly number one the first thing you see is mediocrity is the enemy to greatness mediocre means moderate to inferior in quality it means ordinary or average when Elijah discerned and saw his the opportunity to move into greatness he didn't sit in ordinariness when you see a moment hitting when things start shifting up there's a shifting taking place that without walls if you sit and think that it's business as usual then you are gonna live an average life and miss out on the greatness of God and what God has for you and you better stop blaming everybody else and take responsibility that you won't get up off your behind and see a moment when God has it we've never been here before we haven't been in 90 days of consecration in prayer with Archbishop Duncan telling us what to pray [Music] we're in a difference it's a shift season and I'm telling you without walls I'm trying to help you with your future the reason the enemy is messing with you so bad is because you're on the brink of your greatest breakthrough you are right there you are right there just like I was in that labor and delivery room I will say to you push you better be seated cuz I've got to get this teaching to you so when Elijah had the opportunity he moved he moved from a dead beat plow with animals leading him into his purpose you better watch out when something is dumber than you that's leading you because ox are dumb there's stupid animals and so I don't have time to teach her but the problem is he was being led by something that was dumber than him and I you better hear me you don't spend the rest of your life behind an ox when you are exposed to a greater glory when something greater passes you by you don't spend the rest of your life sitting with an ox the problem is there is a great glory in this house right now it is passing us right now I want it I want it and if you keep trying to go back to the ox but you are being led by something that is dumb God please help me preach this Elijah didn't like what he was constantly looking at he identified it as an enemy you've gotta identify everything that keeps you in average as an enemy you got to identify everything that keeps you in a comfort zone as an enemy he identified let me tell you how deep he takes this first off I don't have time to work it buttocks have a system and it has a company I'll preach that one later there were 11 other people that were taking a lap around the beach they were doing the same thing they were repeating the same cycle it's got system and it's got a company and the minute you start moving out of it it's gonna upset the system and it's gonna upset the company and so the second thing that happens and now you're gonna give the title is in order to move into the future opening the door to your future requires shutting the door to your past you better look at somebody say if you're gonna open up you better shut up tell them say if you're gonna open up you better shut up because here he is and this greater glory passes him and he recognizes it and then he says okay I'm not gonna miss this moment but he had to give up something if you think and if we think that we're gonna move to a great place of the call of God and there's not gonna be a price that's paid it's correct you just crazy in the first place we'd be crazy it costs you something to move into a greater anointing now I'm gonna show you something about Elisha because verse 19 says he was plowing twelve yoke of oxen that means that Elisha had a considerable estate I don't have time to teach us all break it down his daddy was a wealthy yeoman and it means that he was the superintendent over all of that it would be like the Rockefellers of our time he was wealthy now you have to leave something for the call of what God has called you to for him it was his comfort of living in a mansion and he's about to go well with the man in caves for him it was convenience of inheritance it was convenience of wealth I don't know what it is for you it might be a relocation it might be people it might be a habit it might be your finances it might be a job I don't know but there is something that God says I will cause you to get out of what is comfortable to you the problem is too many people have planned B C D G F G H I J qml come on you got all of your plans and God says there's only one perfect will there's only a plan a and you've got all these things lined up just in case well Elijah wanted it so had pastor Michael that he said I'm not just going to leave it he said but I'm gonna destroy it he kills the ox because he's smart enough d then he gets this about himself I'm vulnerable that if I get in a bad moment cuz this man is crazy if I get in a bad moment and I think man I want to go back because you will always want to go back to what is familiar to you you'll always want to go what's the first thing that Peter did after he cussed out Jesus after he denied him they went and said go get Peter where was he he was fishing he went back to his place of comfort and familiarity and so Elijah arnelle is so smart that he kills the Ox because he said I'm not just gonna shut the door I'm gonna sever the door there are some things you've got to kill before you go into 2012 there are some things you've got to absolutely cut off I'm prophesying to somebody if you don't kill it it's gonna come back and bite you hard you gotta shut that door seal that door sever that door destroy that door so there is nothing left there's no provision to go back to your past like the woman with the waterpots she dropped him cuz she said I'm not going back to a well when I've got a new wellspring of life you gotta drop some things in your life you've got to let go of it you've got to be able to go he burns it ready and then Elijah turns and tries to send Elijah back but Elijah keeps moving forward the Bible says he left the oxen and he ran after Elijah he ran after Elijah you've got to get to the place you say I'm running after you god I don't care what this costs me I don't care what this takes for me I am running after it I am NOT going to be an old lady and have missed out on what you had prophesied and promised in my life I'm running after you and the thing about running after God is you've got to take a step and it's not just one step everybody thinks I take one leap okay I left that so it's over it's done no that's just the beginning baby because it's step after step after step and as you keep taking each step it leads you to ridges which cross you over into new levels of glory that take you to higher plateaus and greater places but Elijah said I've got a severing and let go things of the past but I've got a run after my future I don't know who I'm prophesying to but forgetting those things that are behind you and pressing toward the prize of the mark up by pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus it means you've got to resist that which would resist you you have to run after what God has for you run after your dream this year run after your destiny this year run after your anointing this year run after your call this year run after God this year I pray a hunger to hit you I'm praying dangerous prayers that's why some people gonna leave pastor Michael because they're not gonna be able to handle what's about to hit but God's about to send a whole harvest in because what God has for us is so great the glory there is a greater greater greater greater greater greater greater glory coming but it's come too close to something and this pastor is willing to pay the price I'm looking for people who says God we're so hungry for you we're running after you we're running into you we want a god encounter we want a greater glory we want more of your anointing we don't want Church like use your we want something different we want to see our families really saved we want to see this city turned around we want to see God be real Lord wake us up at three o'clock in the morning let us push away the play let us fast let us pray let us praise our way through let us press our way through let us break the system that we've become accustomed to let us stop making excuses let us break the spirit of another victim and entitlement over us we press into the high places we go we crucify our flesh we say yes to God we say yes your way yes to your will yes to your plan yes god yes and in conclusion with everybody standing here it is if you can submit number four to your teacher then you will go farther then that mentor teacher if you can submit you will go further because promotion doesn't come from the teacher or mentor promotion comes from God if my children and only did what I do then both of us have failed because that's not the way God set it up there to stand on my back and launched a higher place because God sets up to go from glory to glory to glory they should stand on the bridge that I built and they should launch from it Jesus had greater works will you do greater works you will do we look back and we said we want the miracles of old I don't want the miracles of old because they're limited from the greater works I want the greater works that he prophesied I want the greater works that he prophesied and I'm through with this because I've got to work both sides teachers mentors because you've got upline you got down line you've got side-to-side remember watch who you pour yourself into because character and capacity brought Elijah into promotion he not only had the character for it but he had the capacity for it and capacity means open space it means open space if I feel something to capacity it means I am feeling what was open there that it is now full to the to the place where it is brimming to the place that it is complete you see the problem is as teachers as mentors as fathers and mothers of faith we go to pour in and there's no room to receive and it's frustrating and aggravating and it begins and Jesus said I could do no miracles in NASA I couldn't do it because they weren't open to receive so if I go to pour into someone that's not empty that's why here's that here's the double-edged sword of that an empty person has been a broken person because when you were broken that's why the woman with the alabaster box couldn't control how it came out because she broke in the box and she couldn't control how it came out when you were broken you're no longer in control he is now when someone's broken it means they're usually gonna have some baggage with them so now I'm pouring into someone who's empty but they also have dysfunction but I handle dysfunction real well because it takes one to know one [Music] anyone that is too perfect hasn't been broken enough because a broken and a contrite spirit God will not reject her does not despise so it's out of complete brokenness that I'm empty and Mabel to use by the Holy Spirit years ago I'll never forget about 20 years ago pastor Benny said we're sending her service he said you want the NIT he was so strong he said the anointing is the easiest thing to get said being filled by God is easy he said the most difficult thing you'll ever do is to empty yourself and so if you were going to receive then you have to be empty when he was empty then his hands around and he was able to receive the mantle of the Father you can't receive the mantle of what God wants to release until there is room in your life and I don't know what's occupying the space that God says I want it I want it I don't know if it's a habit I don't know if it's a person I don't know if it's a stronghold of mindset that's resistant to change I don't know what it is but God says remove it today because if you don't shut up you're not gonna open up if you don't shut some things and get them out remove them remove the bitterness it happened get over it get over it that's why I'm telling you tonight's gonna be strategic I know it sounds crazy but you just gotta allow me to be led by the Holy Spirit okay I know in the natural things don't always make sense I know they don't but don't look in the natural because we aren't followers of the natural God's up to something he's doing something and so as he's doing something we're gonna I'm not here to play Church I'm here for full restoration of what God wants to do come on there's some things that you need to let go of there's some things that to be released in your life there's some areas you need to just just let it be uprooted I feel the Holy Spirit deliverance needs to happen right now if you'd say pastor Paulo this is my word this is my word I need to move some things out of my life lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands almost everybody turn around and find you somebody right now we're gonna go 2 minutes overtime find somebody pair off in twos or threes I'm gonna teach you how to minister right now instead of just bringing you to the altar pair off in twos or threes look them in the eye don't look down look them in the eye right now look them in the eye and ask them what is it that you need God to do now if they want to be specific that's great but if not just come and agreement because you will only receive when it doesn't matter anymore by the time it came to give him Elijah mattered more to him than his stuff that's how God is when you want him more than his stuff that's where you become eligible you only receive it when it doesn't matter and more so whatever needs to be released I just feel in my heart there's forgiveness and needs to be released right now you need to let go of some people who did you wrong and it might have been from 10 years ago or 20 years ago not by might and not by power but by the Spirit of the Living God I ask that you go to the very root of things that are callous in our heart God that we don't have eyes to see and ears to hear to receive understanding and I pray right now that with the precision of a surgeon that you would extract that which has been planted in our cvd in our heart even as as seeds even the root of bitterness is being broken right now by the blood covenant of Jesus Christ I break a victim mentality and self-pity and right now I ask that you would just flood with your spirit and with your love and that you were just overshadow just like you did with Mary by the Holy Spirit that you would heal and that you would do a deport deep call a deep there are things and are conscious and in our subconscious that need to be removed right now and I thank you that there is a mantle coming that you can make connection that that you have room that there's open space god removed them the debris and the clutter that would cause us to miss another moment supernaturally I speak over you that there will be a peace that sweeps your soul right now I break and bind every spirit of worry and fear we come against every generational curse and the blood that is required as part of that curse we exchange it divinely by the blood of Jesus and we do an interruption right now we renounce every wrong spirit we take authority over at every plot and plan of the enemy we intercepted by the blood covenant of Jesus Christ and we decree that it is arrested it has no authority or Dominion in your life I'm asking for an open window right now and unveiling by the Spirit of God that you will see with eyes of understanding and hear with ears of clarity that you can open up your heart then there would be repentance right now God with repentance take place repent repent repent which means clear the path remove every impediment cut down everything that would grow with you every weed every every root in you that would not be planted by the Spirit of God they would harvest anything that is not gonna be fruitful productive everything that was birthed out of your flesh every Ishmael is broken in the name of Jesus and right now I decree that there will be a boldness over you that you would take authority you could be of every tongue you couldn't have every tongue that raises against you break every word that you've spoken against yourself look at that person in the eye come and agreement with them if two of you agree is touching anything on heaven earth that shall be done so we set ourself in agreement with your word that according to Isaiah chapter 55 they cannot return void but it will produce and it will prosper that which is - I send your word to every spiritual room right now to bring forth the complete healing to bring forth deliverance to bring forth freedom and liberty to bring forth the power and provision that you have given us you said that you supply all of our needs according to your riches and glory I thank you for spiritual needs being supplied and emotional needs and needs in our soul right now and in our mind and in our life material needs I thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh and the God who is our supplier you are deliverer you are our family life I thank you that you raise up a mighty weapon a sword against the enemy and then it is cut off the end of the shoulders and the head at the government we decree and we declare your greatness to sweep over this congregation move mindedly by your spirit there's a river of God flowing there's a river of God flowing there's a Mighty River God flowing taste and see that the Lord is good it's the goodness of the Lord that leads one to repentance God has better things ahead of you than he ever did behind you God is a good God he's a faithful God then we covered a line that we come an agreement we sever every ungodly soul tie we break and we bind every strong man over your life over you find a real family over your money over your purpose by the blood covenant of Jesus Christ whom the son is set free is free indeed I speak freedom to you I speak Liberty to you I speak life to you I speak it over you and your family Jesus name and everybody said amen come on and put your hands together
Channel: Paula White Ministries
Views: 62,600
Rating: 4.684588 out of 5
Keywords: just paula, paula white tv, wwic, relationship, pastor paula white, paula white, covenant connection, without walls, divine, connection, inspiration, sermon, woman of god, online, online church, online church service, good preaching, paula white today, live online church, international church, christian teaching, dynamic preaching, great preaching, online ministry
Id: aS_Q2EcbNak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 1sec (3841 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2011
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