Alpharad Levels Gone CRAZY! | Super Mario Maker 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ironboy9 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys and welcome to selfish content edition because at this point I don't think anyone cares whether or not I beat these alpha rad levels but you know what I do I care and if I'm gonna sit on the couch and suffer through them might as well film my trials and tribulations and knock on wood successes so that way we can all celebrate together for the you know ten people who actually care about this I will get back to playing your levels I will move on to alpha rad two because everyone says aw why don't you just skip to those because those levels are easier and more fun don't care I appreciate that but I am a completionist I am a someone who is pride it has pride in my work or at least is very stubborn and so I'm gonna keep playing these really difficult levels until I beat them all and can move on with my life because right now they're just like niggling at me just a lot of niggling happening so anyway that's what I'm gonna do today I'm just gonna sit here and I'm hoping that we get through the rest last of these levels without too much difficulty I predict there's probably one more video in this where we're gonna complete the last set of levels but I don't know I don't know how many more there are what else is there to say not a lot except for the fact that people called out in the comments that it's weird that I'm alone on the couch with no one else in the room and it's true I hadn't thought about it and something felt weird about this and it's the fact that outside of like matpat couch time videos like the mat chats that we film on game theory i unlike a lot of other youtubers like it's either stuff on the couch with me with the live streams and GT lives or it was Chris or Jason Manning like the camera or the TriCaster and things like that and so outside of you know Mir matpat up here and Mir peep at you and original people too as well yeah I'm in a room alone talking to a camera and that's it it's kind of cool it's kind of freeing it's nice like no need to perform except for you guys no need to try and hold the conversation except with myself like a crazy man and yeah maybe maybe that's what's attractive about you too maybe that's what I'm learning is that really all of YouTube is just like a handful of people's descent into madness as they monologue to themselves especially while playing video games so let's do that shall we let's let's descend into the depths and you might not care about it if you have new levels that I II can play after I obviously will beast all of these alpha red levels please leave them in the comments below I'm excited cuz Mario maker just makes me happy it is my selfish game cuz you can play it in bite-sized chunks and feel accomplished and in life especially on YouTube and this is something that Steph and I talk about a lot but on YouTube it's a treadmill right all of life all of adulting it's all treadmills where the idea of like completing things on a list just don't it's not really a bit like the lists never end and you just want to like the lists to end oh it's the Alfred's Castle and so the idea of great good beat it nailed it right off the bat that was super easy oh into Mario Wii thank goodness it's not a 3d level golf like a shot great but yeah it's one of those things that when you're when you're an adult when you're growing up when you have like a family or like when your youtuber right like there's always new there's always new videos that you need there's there's never an end point and a lot of tasks like there's more chores to be done there's more you know like are you can get dinner I need to eat a healthy right is it okay oh hello oh hi okay so there's a gap whew that's bad yeah there's always like bad and so I think that's one of the reasons why Mario maker has something become like my cathartic they're probably just unlike this thing do I need that but anyway like the nice thing about Mario maker right and the reason I like platformers instead of like okay so there is a block that's why is the fact that like sure like sure some of the levels are gonna be really hard they're gonna be really challenging maybe maybe a lot of them aren't but at the end of the day they're a finite challenge and you can say like I beat this thing and now okay I can't go get the key so I need to hop up I beat this thing and I feel accomplished from it and I can like wrap it up and that's something off my to-do list and I think that's one of the reasons why I've been so obsessed with beating these oh oh hi great just looked out on the timing there um I think that's one of the reasons why these levels have really stood out to me is like things that I'm really determined let's not let's not stuck once I got focus nope nope nope nope nope come on good laughing - relax - okay here we're gonna we're gonna reset that there wasn't there wasn't a there wasn't mushroom in that one okay come on laughs dude final boss right here this is it aha the coin I feel like that's his signature at this point I'm learning that they're just like random coin sprinkled throughout and that's just the law the jokes of it all but anyway that's that's my assessment of Mario maker and why I love platforming games because they are cathartic and they make me feel nice and oh my god final boss there you go great blocks anyone good luck I need I need a power up for this intense battle nothing okay um but yeah so I think that's why okay you to at least a checkpoint I feel like this is like a misdirect no but yeah that's why Nintendo games and/or it there's no black that least not guys oh uh that's why I really respond to these sorts of games in my open world even though I'd love to spend more time oh hello okay so I should hop on pink guy and then just hopefully we all jump ahead of everything but yeah so have you everything else okay okay we go whoo I'll take that [Music] hello hello hello oh no don't leave me I probably need you at some point come back come back you are needed I need you in my life swamp you're too important come back to me my love oh here we go let's try this again so that's a spin job ooh jump okay okay okay that's good yeah I've played a good these are always really satisfying levels the ones that have just like it's like QuickTime events in Mario just react fast enough guys they're perfect so I find these these sorts of like run and jump levels really fast like I say before almost okay that's like what if I say go now we're making progress we're getting there this hasn't been too bad yet for for being named after the evil mastermind to the self of alpha rad I'm actually surprised that this one is not more sadistic yet this one has been a fairly fairly straightforward okay there okay hub this was what was make this Oh almost almost we gotta get off of that real fast um yeah so anyway let me know let me know in the comments how do we how do you feel about adulting argue adulting right now are you two young adults and in the event that you are too young to be adulting oh hello okay yeah that was that was poor form enjoy it enjoy the time it's not as bad I think as a lot of people make it out to be but there is a lot of it and like I said it's one of those things where as in school you get used to this idea hello you in school you get used to this idea of being able to just like complete assignments complete courses like completion is a huge part of childhood right you gain new skills you cross me ages you learn new things you study for a test and then it's not you you pass a class or you fail the class but then it's over you complete gravies and a dull ting is just like into infinity well into whatever year come on I had that I had that I guess I jump earlier maybe and I'm just landing I need to land a bit lower but yeah that's that's that's I think the the hardest thing like jobs continue you know kids continue responsibilities continue and it's a lot of times feels kind of thankless you know there's not a whole lot of rewards oh come on one way I did it I did it once it's just it's it's such a tight timing thing I guess see it and of course it's it's famous last words of oh yeah this one has something too bad I did it here we go thank you let me poke poke it this is focus time right here looks time good yeah there it is okay so this was here okay jump oh great I will take that any day of the week fantastic give me power up something Check Point [Laughter] [Music] to the lava okay that wasn't too bad that was fine that was that was great that was a good not too challenging but not too easy level that was good middle middle ground there so yeah obviously all the levels from this point forward will be at that perfect level of difficulty just five minutes one and done except it wasn't one and done it was more like five and done but still I'll take it and that and with that and that's world 3 who got the Rainbow Road I feel like that means it's the ending are we are we the final phase here this is the final countdown world for five levels between me and ultimate victory I feel like it's the most extreme elimination challenge labyrinth beta so the first labyrinth level was that was the that was a fun one right to me this will kill me right you can all agree that this is gonna kill me right yeah good glad we established that wait so it goes over and then it goes off so is it is it the everyone's favorite jump not quite there's no like maybe I need to take it a little bit further here bump it I feel like based on the pattern of deaths that this is I am in good company for trying this as a methodology yes okay uh [Music] what we got great Cory hop on this guy I'm noticing that a alpha red limb usually together good one I can't jump hold up sorry I'm looking ahead oh come on that was barely the spike it was like the last the very last pixel in the spike we should do an episode about spikes actually that won't give me on a watch list that won't give you monetize by YouTube okay oh that's interesting if you're fast enough so if you're really faster that people are can you actually no there's no way because you would hop on the VIU that's a mr. F [Music] okay then you actually have to jump on it that's what it is that we're getting good at that we're getting the hang of that jump now back so we need to throw this as he gets sucked into the wall you hop on the spring and pop up it seems like that is if you hop up the stupid piranha plant Matt geez just like uh how many how many spikes can I die and like the way that we possible I love that this probably is a hard level yeah this is just like the trick but this is one of those things where you can already start to see like I talked about this last set of levels was oh I keep wall jumping instead of huh Mario I appreciate your enthusiasm for hopping onto the wall but that is not what we're going for your buddy but you can already start to see kind of the hell threads that that was like that last time which is like oh there are there puzzles right like who would think like oh yeah let's let's create a Mario level well there we go where you have to throw a string on one of those piranhas planes' they get like such a way let's see that's a scale freshman [Music] [Music] there we go not too bad wasn't quite as tricky as I expected it to be I was like aw man if I miss this I have to do everything all over again um there's a locked door there I'll have to remember that this is gonna kill me I can almost guarantee it don't do it I'm not I'm not testing it out so there's tornadoes over there that'll push you all appreciate that just I'm just blowing through mushroom lepton right one girl you can stay in your arena oh come on what go leaving get out of here hit it back your arena what are you doing Dave your home your home is up there you get out of here go home yes I hear the boss music thank you I hear the music yes thank you no one wants you you are not needed here there we go okay that's good at least I'm concerned I'm like oh no he's back she is very determined they are very excited to let me know that she exists in this level what did she do Matt she's like the female boomer boom and what this is already gonna be I know I remember that from the swamp level where I'm gonna need to use the block to lift him up I'm assuming so this is here right plate I'm noticing that Alfred is a creator that one that really level creator that really builds on the mechanics that you kind of learn from previous levels which is great actually I love that about games in general like video games in general like the video games that end with like a final stage rush final boss level whatever that requires you to that requires you to basically put to the test all the skills [Music] cuz I missed something I need to yeah [Music] because I don't think that was too far all right that's that's not gonna do me any good over there but yeah the best video games that I tend to me the ones that are always the most mischievous the ones that are always the most memorable are the ones where it's like putting to the test everything you learn what they do for effect everything that you've learned up to that point right like that's awesome um that's why a lot of those like screen of time and stuff where it's like put to use every item that you've gotten it we use as mechanics but in a harder way from all the temples that you've been through like that to me is this stuff [Music] [Music] this is cool so why would I need [Music] what do I need what do I need here I don't need to go off-hook we've got everything that was off which is so it means it has something to do with this right oh oh oh I get it okay I get it this guy oh shoot but they came back why'd you guys come back shoot let me reset this nobody wants you back here and then throw this that should activate that and then record yes very good nice that's smart I like that a lot that's really really cool but yeah like and that's what these levels are kind of doing too is like hey this is this is a standalone Mario maker level but at the same time they're but at the same time you're actually like building off of the skills that you've learned every step along the way of these very difficult levels like you've gotten really good with these piranha plants or and that's awesome I love that it makes it feel like that much more of a you know like a legitimate level rather than just a bunch of standalone things that you know well that a standalone creator just made I guess if I have I don't think there's any way that I can do it without being a product Oh almost almost had it almost at it very good I guess I could damage hey buddy there it is great so now let's reset him no okay okay great no all right that's that's that's fine I'm fine with this good that's it beautiful I love it and a final flourish of finishing me off down the pit thank you very much awesome but yeah so I'm trying to think of games that very only six minutes not too that that very memorably have that much of like that that very memorably have that like final collection of challenges at the end um a lot of old-school Nintendo games had either like Megaman I think you know with the idea of like doing a boss rush before you get to the final boss I think that's really need [Music] nope they need to grab it because you don't want to step on it because you'll either land on the spike or you'll have to hop off of it so then you're stuck on this side of the wall oh I don't know what else I could almost okay I need to pay attention along that green block where I'm actually starting this wall jump office because that one had it I might just double back from fifty quickly nope too high so that was kind of in the middle so it needs to be a little bit lower you got this I believe this is precise in a laneway name precision is disappointing there you go nope too high do I really need to wait this long blow everytime fine yes yeah see you didn't have to speed rampant too long there Amy we got it now just you know make it to the checkpoint now just make it high Oh was I supposed to have done all of that in time know who that is let's do a ball I could do that if I know what I'm doing I think I could do that I feel like it feels it feels like I should be able to make this jump yeah I think I can do this okay I think you can salvage this Oh nope almost no almost no come on man sure we can do this do you believe yes I believe you're us okay so now we gotta get to that guy I see what's up ahead there and that is not pretty all right so [Music] yeah I love I love people perfect stuff don't you oh come on look at this you MA we ever had a concern or a doubt that Nintendo uses Mario as the Jesus figure his ability to walk on air he's he's like uh what is a wily coyote in the cartoons grace is like whoa if he doesn't fall until he looks down oh come on come on boo where's this gonna put me okay okay I'm glad that uh this is where he decide to put the checkpoint I will say this I [Music] boo to you I say again boo a second time and Boo again [Music] what the heck what the heck [Music] up there Jesus Mario again Jesus Mario praise be praise be Jesus Mario it's literally like a pixel or two off of the death frame kill planet is the official term for it whoa this is my boo leg blue leg this is a labyrinth level it's meant to be a maze not a knife this is for for welcome this editor Amy calling I'm calling your powers and again I'm calling your powers and again editor Amy fast-forward through this section last time I did that I was able to do it within like three or four at ten so maybe okay so this is obviously gonna be another one of those make this mom jump off right we can all agree with that here [Music] there we go that's phase one unassuming and then you can have Phase two up here [Music] oh dear help nope nope okay alright okay we're just treating this with just a stack of hay hay fill me up thanks thanks a lot whew lip oh okay great this is delightful thanks everyone for this no no yeah oh Jesus Mario save us forgive us our sins come on I repent [Music] good no okay [Music] sorry this is the this is the mind being shattered I didn't know that you could do that with them there's a new mechanic that I've never been exposed to before there we go there's number one no yes great I will take that well now I'd put you too high apparently we're now way too high do I need this it was this a complete waste of my time it was wasn't it I I did all that I knew a ship with the head Oh stupid but look I can do that now so I've learned I feel better about my life [Music] [Music] is it possible to help me with that no nope okay hi hi hi what what is what is the deal here I I am I'm displeased in you in many ways our lord and savior of mario is what what are you doing with your life okay so very clearly very very clearly No oh my gosh get get get up on out of here okay Mario manage your hammer a little bit better oh this one is okay keep walking [Music] okay okay what if I did nothing back where I started [Music] okay I think I got this I need to watch him as he goes backwards I need to hop up here and then knock him down from that side right please now please please go am i controlling right now no go that way go complete a full patrol of your upper go this way continue okay come on great I do this can I do this nope [Music] No oh we step on all of them now only now he's deceased that oh come on I mean I don't need that do I at all that's just me making up the need to do that there's really right there's nothing he's not doing anything there I just manufactured all that based on [Music] okay I'll keep walking well thank you thank you for this okay okay you know so that okay one two three four five great thank you now we reset so now I need you to run the other sorry this is this is super fun come on great so close nope [Music] [Music] Oh I know what I have to do it's just depending on oh this is garbage oh and my time is ticking down I'm gonna have to do this Martin okay he's gonna go the other way go the way completing your cooking complete your patrol you idiot go stop looking at me no no one wants you right now oh I'm gonna lose all the time [Music] please leave this place all right all right all right all right this is disappointing I am very disappointed okay hey hey walk back the way you came you know keep walking keep walking okay one Mario stop being an idiot I hate the stupid hammer of bouncing off things this is so dumb please [Music] good I happen he didn't even closer [Music] never [Music] please please no no no where's the next thing I got what what what oh I'll get it I need to go geez [Music] I just it you like here Oh get out of here okay okay so we got this right here love builder Mario with nope great okay so now we're here okay nope oh okay oh good more builder Mario because he's the best powerup in the galaxy he's the best okay oh that's that's not it's not pretty it'll do that'll do Pig that'll do that'll do builder Mario that'll do okay what do we got going on here that's gonna kill me I guarantee it so I don't trust that okay this will probably also kill me there's the engine so I need to be if I need to be builder Mario there and then I dropped out okay so and I just I'm missing something I feel like this is literally yes and I walljump or maybe I ate like one [Music] whoo yeah I will take that I will take that any day of the week I beat it not particularly happy 20 minutes later it's fine yeah what if all the levels are like five minutes yeah do I like it no not that much how long has this been going on let me double-check 53 minutes that feels like a solid breaking point I've got three levels left three left so like I said Wow 144 people want about to be there speedrun level all right choices three left let's get up a sneak preview what this next one is labyrinth Delta Delta it's a shooter and a link level okay sure [Music] okay yeah hmm visible block much yeah okay here we're gonna do this one and done one and done one of these shouldn't kill me okay not that one not that one [Music] [Music] okay so this is ride the side of alright this is ride the side of guam like okay like that obviously ride the side of clomp just like that um here's my question I was wondering like the deep was it just like the most likely places that people are gonna jump or did he actually map out everything and I'm assuming it well oh no Bob wasn't ready for that definitely wasn't ready for you move one more time one more time and I'm calling it and then this is all a separate upload maybe edit orignal there's ones down there too of course nope oh my gosh come on Matt one last time that was that was terrible I want to see what's in this I want to see how far I have to take this thing if I follow if I follow the coins as they're kind of guiding me is that gonna do that it [Music] okay so there's the slot do I wait for it to come back that is a very long time that's shockingly long here one less than [Music] No so close it was so close I was so close so close whew you're like I've made a lot of progress like I feel like I might found it okay oh hey hey oh it's another any cheese okay okay oh no nope nope nope okay Kay okay sound high high low mid mid okay oh no no no no no no no it's this okay I need this no go okay come on let's go do we keep going and we think we got to keep going at this point right right [Music] is that the third aha okay I'm gonna I'm gonna stop it here we're gonna do the last two Alfred level next time and maybe even start an alpha red - oh that's just one of those like beginner's luck like just figure it out as you go okay next time next time next time now that not a live stream thanks for sitting on couch with me this is we had a lot of fun pause this so I don't lose progress oh I'm so stoked [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 180,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario maker 2, mario maker, mario, switch, mario maker 2 update, world maker, mario maker 2 world maker, mario maker 2 world maker update, rubberross mario maker, rubber ross mario maker, ross mario maker 2, mario maker 2 levels, mario maker 2 speedrun, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, matpat mario maker, gtlive mario maker, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, super mario maker 2 level, super mario maker 2 course world, alpharad, mario maker alpharad
Id: -9iajuDTqv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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