Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez: THE REBEL - BLEACH: Character Analysis

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I've heard a lot of talk about bleach not having characters with depth or it features too many characters in general this is just a few of the many criticisms directed towards the series in response to this and because it's not really been done before I am determined to properly analyze the different characters of bleach one by one hoping to reveal what makes the characters behave the way that they do I will aim to do this by understanding their motivations and appreciating the relationships between the characters written by takubo a lot of these aspects in relation to bleach seem to pass over people's heads bleach has no shortage of unique and interesting characters whose character arcs sync up with the plot structures of the different story arcs that they are featured in the first character that I am beginning with is of course the Espada grimmjow jaga jack let's find out the true meaning behind his destructive nature before the video begins remember to subscribe and turn on notifications to not miss any of my future uploads grimmjow makes his first appearance in chapter 198 of the manga and in episode 116 of the beach anime his first remark in the series he makes is directed towards Akira as he calls him too soft for not killing ichigo and his friends who cures reasoning is that he did not consider them to be obstacles to him grimmjow and his introduction demonstrates his violent nature by stating that if he were in Akira's position and given permission to kill then he would certainly have killed ichigo and the others from his first appearance we understand his personality to be very cocky laid-back and short-tempered his laid-back nature is shown in his unkempt messy hair as well as his attire which is seen through the roughed up nature of his rolled up sleeves on collars which stick out making him stand out amongst the other Espada similarly to kampachi Zaraki grimmjow also has a sadistic smile which exudes an aura of aggression and violence he has a rebellious nature as he shows no respect for authority not caring for others ranking for supposed strength this results in him often speaking his mind which leads to him coming into conflict with characters with a strong moral compass like Towson or Akira he also develops a rivalry with Ichigo which leads to some of the most iconic battles with him bleach this rivalry develops after Ichigo attacks Grimmjow with a black getsuga tensho which leaves a giant scar across chest grimmjow chooses not to heal de scarring so that it serves as a reminder of his feud with Ichigo and his desire to repay ichigo for hurting him grimmjow is the sixth ranked Espada the remnants of his hollow mask is from a jawbone which always reminded me of the ferocious and violent jaw of a wildcat this thoughtfully links back to him jaws backstory why he spent his past life as a panther like at hooo-chows prior to becoming one of aizen's Espada as most of them were at who just in their prior lives which is the second class of menos hollows to understand grim Jones character further Kubo gives us a glimpse of his past life as I do chess I Holloway's thought to have become a gillian after consuming hundreds of human souls because of their hunger which is caused by a void of emptiness they feel within themselves however under rare circumstances some hollows become cannibals and their ravenous appetite leads to them craving hollows as a food source these hollows through their desire to consume one another eventually merge to form a Gillian which loses a sense of individuality and what remains is a mindless giant which holds an enormous amount of spiritual energy while in the Gillian forms sometimes a personality of one hollow supersedes all the others which makes up its form this Gillian develops individuality as this hollow strong personality takes over the creature it then begins to consume other Killians in the same ravenous fashion as before until it becomes a gnat hooches in Chapter 284 we see grim Joe in his at huccha swamp which resembles a panther when he is about to be attacked by a group of tall at hooches and threatened to be eaten his fear of regressing back into a gillian causes him to attack the leader of the group if another who just doesn't continue to consume hollows it will eventually revert back into a gillian which will result in the loss of their individuality and personality and they will never be able to become inert hooches again grimmjow forms an alliance with this group of odd who chase and leads them as their king so that they can together achieve the third and final holo transformation into a vast Earl order much later on grim Joe's group grew tired of that goal upon eating their 3,000 hollow despite continuing to eat hollows after consuming their 1,000 hollow they felt no change in their power they feel they were not chosen to progress with their goal of becoming a bastard order even stating that hollows who can become vast although they are chosen from the moment they be mahalo Grimmjow calls them cowards and continues on his path without them before he leaves their request that he eats a portion of each of them so that they may forever remain as at hootch as groom gel was destined for greatness the king was destined to tear down the cowards before him to be the strongest so that nobody can look down upon him in CHEM Weiland's book praising character arcs she states that character arcs influence the structure and the theme even stating that character arcs equal the theme of the story it is no secret that the underlying theme of bleach is death to be consistent with this theme each of the Espada have their own aspect of death now why grim Joe is concerned Kubo Roy is aspect of death to be destruction it is obvious from how I described him earlier that this perfectly matches his characteristics personality and even reason for existing his character desires to prove his strength by destroying anyone who stands in his way or dares to undermine him km Weiland continues to state that our character arc is shaped by the lie that they believe what they want what they need and the ghost which usually is the reason for their belief in the light that they repeat themselves when it comes to Grimmjow it is pretty obvious that the lie that he believes is rooted in a superiority complex he has a constant need to display his dominance we see this early on when he invades Caracara town for the first time and he heads to Ichigo due to his reiatsu being the strongest the only person we see Grimmjow respect or use honorifics wit is Aizen due to him being the only one that Grimmjow believes he cannot defeat just take yourself back to when Aizen states that ichigo and his friends of infiltrated wacom window and Grimmjow tries to leave Aizen puts the rebellious Espada in his place by using his reiatsu to pin Grimmjow onto the ground ordering him to wait for the intruders grimmjow is disrespectful to tolls and an Okie aura because he thinks he is stronger than them this is shown when he attempts to attack toes and right after toes and cuts his arm off as a punishment for going to Carriker town without permission it is Aizen who stopped Scrimgeour from following through with the attack otherwise who would have striked toes him without any fear the lie that Grimmjow believes is that he is stronger and better than everyone it may stem from his sixth Espada ranking and his need to overcome his inferiority or that he really is delusional and thinks he is the strongest this lie that a character tends to believe is a direct result of something that is lacking in the characters life usually this is caused by a past event which causes the character to be the way that they are in other words a ghost from the past which results in the belief of the ghost is usually explained in the form of a backstory however this isn't always required to create a memorable character as is the case with the other Espada but luckily with Grimmjow we do get to see his backstory we see how he was constantly under the pressure of regression to a prior hollow form or even being consumed if he didn't maintain his strength his small panther-like appearance caused him to be underestimated by the other at hooches through defending himself he proved his destructive strength and earned the respect of the odd who chose when the group he was leading decided to give up on becoming a bastard or death we see Grimmjow referred to them as cowards due to their defeatist attitude the group believes that Grimmjow was destined for greatness he was destined to evolve and surpass what they think is possible rim jazz past reveals to us a gifted character who earned his way to the top of the holo evolutionary chain while others failed grim Jeff continued for the perseverance he accepted the title of king during his backstory because he believes himself to be the king and you know who challenges this notion or gives up on pursuing greatness is a coward in his eyes we see him even declare that he is a king in his final battle with Ichigo right before he is humbly defeated by him after establishing the bye and knowing the reasoning behind it by the ghost we can then see what it is that Grimmjow wants what exactly is it that is progressing his story forward throughout the events of the Arrancar hueco mundo up his story is interwined with his want to defeat ichigo his very first words are as discussed he directed towards kukura for being too soft and not killing ichigo this causes him to go to karriker town of his own accord - right Akira's wronged by to beating Ichigo himself thus beginning their rivalry and emphasizing grim jaws by of wanting to be the strongest this is done through ichigo's refusal to accept the difference in their power and having the courage to attack the king and scouring his body grimmjow Sneed is the opposite of his want once are usually fulfilled through an external physical objective but I need that character has is usually fulfilled for an internal realization ichigo's tells him that he may be a king eating everything he consumes and destroying whatever is that is in his way but what satisfaction would he get if he was alone as a result of his actions wouldn't he get more enjoyment at a bustling Ichigo over and over again rather than desiring to utterly defeat and kill him in this one instance Grimm Jo needs to realize his own limitations and overcome his superiority complex to accept that his rival is stronger than him this is very similar to the Rye we between Vegeta and Goku the proud same prints and the Pantera King the only difference is that Vegeta eventually grows to accept that Goku is stronger than him but Grimmjow is not really given an opportunity to come to this realization in this arc initially he is stronger than Ichigo but through ichigo's training and inherent talent he defeats Grimmjow this is why ichigo states that it would be far more rewarding for Grimmjow to battle with him not just once but repeatedly as this will truly lead to him gaining strength deed lied that he believes causes him to think that he is the strongest which is ironically limiting his own potential now if he was to accept his limitations and realize that through battling his rival and growing alongside with him this is what will cause him to become stronger what exactly is stopping Grimmjow from coming to realize he is not the strongest like I just said it is his refusal to accept his limitations as well as his tendency to be at the mercy of his own emotions as he is very reactive and impulsive often times causing him to be caught off guard this is the entire reason that he did not obey denied rise attack at the conclusion of the final battle with Ichigo he was so caught with his desire to not give up and let Ichigo win he was distracted his frustrations got the better of him which causes him to get caught off guard by Nara it is his own pride in his own ability which blinds him and stops him from realizing the truth to complete his character arc throughout this entire portion of the story grimmjow is a very reactive character he reacts to kukura not giving ichigo he reacts to ichigo scarring him just wanting to kill him himself he eventually has to face his life that he isn't the strongest now spoiler alert when Grimmjow returns in the thousand-year flood wall arc he is more proactive as he chooses to help aura Hara and the others by killing the quincy in welcome window he even joins forces with urahara and helps him in chapter 625 grimmjow finally meets ichigo once more but despite helping urahara he proves he hasn't totally reformed as he raises his sword once more for payback against Ichigo that is until nel stops the encounter from escalating further in Chapter 626 each of your questions why Grimmjow is helping them to achieve replies that if you watch destroys hueco mundo then where else will he kill him Ichigo agrees with his response and even smiles which shows that he respects their rivalry what exactly is it that causes Grimmjow to conflict with Ichigo what is it about that differing ideologies that causes their rivalry to flourish grimmjow holds a grudge against Ichigo for daring to challenge a London attack on him despite their vast difference in power his first encounter with Ichigo proves this as Grimmjow taunts ichigo to unleash his bankai warning him that if he doesn't he will be full of holes just like Rukia hoo-wee swiftly had taken out moments ago despite activating his bankai Ichigo is no match for Grimmjow who is not holding back at all you really have to experience that first encounter as even the anime extends this battle through Grimmjow repeatedly punching ichigo's face you get to appreciate just how badly outmatched Ichigo was here it is only while Grimmjow is stating his disappointment in ichigo's bankai and while behaving superior that he is caught off guard and takes a block getsuga tensho head-on look up both of them smiling at each other in Chapter 211 they both are thrilled by the challenge even Grimmjow is surprised by ichigo's attack Ichigo knows that Grimmjow wit standard his getsuga tensho as it didn't cut him anywhere near as deep as he would have liked seeing ichigo's latent abilities that through makes Scrimgeour believe him to be worthy to kill as Grimmjow is leaving the difference in that power is emphasized as Grimmjow silences ichigo who is yelling for him to come back as that fight isn't finished yet grimmjow stones ichigo by stating that he noticed the blackcats cadential puts a strain upon his body and even crackly assumed Ichigo would be lucky to be able to use it another three times before wearing himself out he continues to tell Ichigo even a hundred buckets potential would be ineffective against him in his released form his superiority complex shows once more as he leaves after grinning sadistically whilst having Ichigo his name and taunting him by saying the next time he hears his name he will be dead grimmjow defeated Ichigo in their first encounter thoroughly but it wasn't without a cost the scar that each girl leaves on his chest is a constant reminder time of Ichigo under estimating him and daring to challenge him grimmjow hates this feeling of being looked down upon when he returns to hueco mundo after that conflict he is demoted from the Espada and even as his arm severed but is unable to do anything to oppose these two humiliating acts during their second encounter at Grimmjow returns but he is no longer the sixth Espada he battles ichigo who has trained with the visoreds and thinks he can defeat a Grimmjow now that he can control his hollow mask for 11 seconds their exchanges are full of witty banter sarcasm and everything that makes up a memorable rivalry this second battle occurs a month after their last encounter as Ichigo leaves Grimmjow severely injured to a getsuga tensho that he fires a point-blank range while his hollow mask is equipped after ichigo's mask breaks chrome job begins to beat down Ichigo for the second time in the manga we see Grimmjow zanpakuto him ichigo to the ground while he plans to repay the favor by firing a cero a point-blank range Rukia and Shinji eventually come to ichigo's aid while Shinji battles Grimmjow he also taunts him by asking if he has any control over himself because every time machine ji dodges one of his attacks something ends up being destroyed Shinji sarcastically remarks he is thinking twice before dodging them due to the damage that is being inflicted to the surroundings this remark by Shinji is completely in line with affirming Grimmjow aspect of death which is destruction during their final encounter their differing ideologies are pitted against each other as Grimmjow demonstrates how badly he wants to win ichigo realizes that Grimmjow wants to kill him because of how each girl looks at him Ichigo even sympathizes with this feeling of being looked down upon grimmjow wants to crush anyone who dares to look down on him through challenging him and questioning his superiority however Ichigo answers Grimmjow and affirms his reason to not all need to feat Grimmjow but also who purer and Aizen too because he wants to return back with his friends that he has vowed to protect losing to Grimmjow is not an option for Ichigo it is this stubborn persistence which angers Grimmjow which is the source of their conflict and their differing ideologies grimmjow is infuriated by ichigo who seems to believe he can defeat him despite sometimes not understanding how outmatched years this feeling of being underestimated by Ichigo clashes with grim Joss belief of being the strongest the one not to be taken lightly in addition to their personal reasonings their feud is also deep rooted in history as we see from the covers of chapter 279 and 280 they are titled juggle eaters suggesting that their feud is a manifestation of the blood which flows through their veins the long-standing battle between the Shinigami and the hollow which is depicted by their rivalry suggesting that they were destined to battle each other all along despite their feud and rivalry the two do end up respecting one another as Grimmjow brings or he may to Ichiro so that she can heal him before they fight evenly as he wants Ichigo in his best condition before he kills him after grim jaws brief scrap with Akira Ichigo even asks for Grimmjow to be healed so that he doesn't have an excuse after he is defeated like a true rivalry both of these characters seem to have a sort of respect for one while also wanting to dethrone the other for Grimmjow however this is far more important than history each go due to his desire to be superior while ichigo defeats Grimmjow he respectfully loathes him to the ground and even defends him against an attack from Nitra both of them also complement each other throughout their final encounter and it makes for a very satisfying final battle without a doubt Grimmjow is incredibly likeable and will always be remembered as one of the most memorable villains from title Kubo's manga series bleach his appeal stems from his impulsive and downright psychotic actions after Grimmjow was pretty badly wounded due to his encounter with shinji Aizen demonstrates Orihime is power by healing grim gels left arm after his arm is healed he requests per his Espada number to be healed on his back also just before he impales loopy who replaced him as the 6th Espada maniacally he laughs as he reclaims his position and demonstrates his appeal due to how unpredictable his actions and behaviors are Grimmjow for me is one of my favorite anime villains and I hope that this breakdown and analysis does justice to his character I would love to know your thoughts and what other bleach or anime characters you would want me to analyze in my upcoming videos you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 162,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimmjow, ichigo vs grimmjow, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, bleach, grimmjow theme, bleach opening, grimmjow returns, jaegerjaquez, bleach 2020, bleach anime, bleach character analysis, ulquiorra vs grimmjow, Grimmjow analysis, ichigo, grimmjow release, bleach breakdown, bleach analysis, grimmjow vs shinji, grimmjow beats up ichigo, grimmjow first appearance, grimmjow resurrection, history of grimmjow, grimmjow story, grimmjow past, grimmjow jaggerjack, past of grimmjow, arrancar
Id: 2EZT9OuYnbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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