Kenpachi Zaraki: THE STRONGEST | BLEACH: Character Analysis

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this video is sponsored by final fate kimpachi zaraki is the instinctive monster who appears to want nothing more than to rip apart his opponents as he enjoys the thrill of battle over anything else it is not an exaggeration to suggest that kimpachi lives to battle strong opponents he takes pleasure in being wounded by a worthy adversary and finds it incredibly enjoyable to inflict pain onto others some would say that he isn't the deepest character to feature within bleach and he doesn't really have much growth throughout the series i believe some of these criticisms are true but in this video i want to convey what makes kim party so appealing as a character as this fan base of loyal supporters have continuously pestered me to analyze this character well here is my in-depth look into kim pachi zaraki so be sure to watch until the very end in order to understand what makes him one of the strongest characters in bleach before getting into the analysis we have a quick message from the sponsor of this video final fate is a brand new original take on tower defense games this game is set in an original anime world which is full of waifus for you to collect and recruit to battle alongside with you start to explore the world of final fate by downloading the game using my link in the description down below final fate is set in an immersive world filled with lots of fantasy and adventures the unique world that the game tells its story through is called luna it is your duty to protect the world as the savior and to unlock the many mysteries hidden within the game you explore a world filled with different species like humans deities fiends and demons you are tasked with defending the world against the demonic forces threatening it final fate is a totally new style of game which features elements of tower defense and card mechanics that are presented with a very appealing anime style this game is the perfect blend of tower defense mixed with hack and slash gameplay you can 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even lava-filled environments through combining different skills and character classes you can strategize your style of gameplay as you unlock different combat effects that will have you replaying final fate until you have created your ultimate team of heroes now let me show you my experience playing the game you begin with a tutorial which basically teaches you all of the basic elements of the game including how to battle enemies use skills in battle recruit heroes to help you in battle and lastly how to defeat a boss which is incredibly fun we then learn how to recruit more heroes and i've unlocked tara as my first hero we can now deploy her so that she can join me in battle you can see there are also rewards you can claim for unlocking certain tasks the tutorial continues by showing us through the various different game modes as next we are doing a quest using tara for the first time you can see the tower defense gameplay which has a lot of fun hack and slash gameplay within it as you use various different skills to eliminate the enemies the card based system within the game allows you to enhance your favorite heroes and weigh up who has the best stance to join you in battle the tutorial then wraps up by taking us through the ancient realm game mode where we can challenge a hero to earn experience points to upgrade our heroes after you defeat the hero you have completed the main tutorial and you are ready to play the game with incredibly engaging gameplay and stylish anime designs final fate has plenty of reasons for you to come back daily including the daily rewards that you receive for logging in every day so support my channel by joining me on final fate through the link in the description down below kimpachi first appears in chapter 65 of the manga and in episode 20 of the anime it is difficult to miss kimpachi as he has a very unique character design which i feel makes him very memorable and a little bit more distinctive than the other captains yes mayuri may have makeup all over his face but he doesn't have wild spiky hair that has bells attached to the ends of each spike the tall and muscular captain of the 11th division has a scar which runs down the left side of his face and he dons a black eye patch over his right eye which serves to seal his true power kimpachi loves fighting to the extent that he purposefully wears accessories which help him to experience a satisfactory battle what fun would it be if kimpathi were to battle an opponent and the fight would end within mere seconds to avoid this his eye patch seals the bulk of his power and the bells on the tips of his spikes are purposefully there to give his opponents the advantage we learn in chapter 109 when he battles ichigo the sound of the bells can only be heard by opponents who are concentrating their reaction while battling him kimbachi describes the self-imposed handicaps as elements which make a fight more interesting he can quickly gauge if an opponent is worthy or not by examining how well they exploit the bell and the eyepatch against him his desire to enjoy a good fight leads to him disregarding any injuries that he receives he even feels enjoyment out of getting hurt his masochistic nature terrifies his opponents who realize that their attacks are only exciting kimpachi and motivating him to counter-attack he is chaotic and frightening appearing unmerciful but he has no interest in killing an opponent who is too weak to continue fighting we see this in chapter 312 when he battles neutral who is severely wounded and unfit to battle kimpachi is uninterested in continuing their fight and bids him farewell but neutral insists that they continue kimpatchi loses interest because he is not under any obligation to kill him their battle ended after his last devastating attack when the enjoyment derived from battle is lost this is the cue for kimpachi to leave even during his battle with tozen in chapter 148 he leaves tozen severely wounded but tozin still desires to fight to his dying breath kimpatchi does not entertain his sacrificial attitude because he has no desire to battle a weakling who is already half dead his reasoning is that there is no fun in dying he cannot be cut by a dead opponent from these interactions it's like kimpachi prefers to spare his opponents in the hopes that they train and grow stronger hoping for them to challenge him once more he must want them to be fueled by the resentment that they feel towards him after they are embarrassingly schooled by him kimpachi desires to fight incredibly strong opponents and in order to enjoy the thrill of battle he prolongs these fights by concealing his full power his battle with ichigo was a perfect display of his character traits as well as highlighting some of the areas for growth that we see kimpachi go through till the end of the series his character was heavily focused upon during the thousand-year blood war arc where we learn about his past and his connection to captain una hana she is the first person to hold the title of kimpachi this title is given to the strongest shinigami of that generation it is reserved for the one who has killed the most enemies and won the most battles let's now look at the past of kimpachi so that we can understand his nameless origin as a young boy wandering rukongai how does he end up becoming a captain and hoarding the title of the strongest shinigami kimpachi's past begins to be told to us in chapter 525 during his training with unohana when she first meets kim pachi as a young boy in the outskirts of rukangai she notices him standing on top of a pile of corpses in chapter 529 we learned that kimpachi acquired a blank zompak doll from a dad shinigami he came across he shaped the sambocto into his own he was not given a name so he took upon the surname zaraki which was the name of the district that he was raised in saraki is known as the most lawless region within rukongai and it is populated by criminals when unohana remembers the first time she met kampachi she recalls that they were both bored with fighting which led to them both wandering in search for a worthy adversary while she was the captain of the 11th division she was led to the young kimpachi their blades crossing was the first time in a long while she had felt the thrill of battle this too was a defining moment for kimbach's character it led to him imposing restrictions onto his own power during that battle they both felt excitement unohana was the first opponent in kampachi's life who rivaled his own strength this was the first time that he was battling someone he did not look down upon she was able to truly test his skills but at that time when she battled the young kim pachi she was weaker than him we learned that he felt hesitation during his encounter with unohana she was the only person worthy of being his enemy but he came to think if he killed her then he would never be able to enjoy a battle like this ever again at this early point in his life he began to unconsciously suppress and seal away his powers he initially did this to match his powers to unohana during their first battle she ended up feeling responsible as it was her weakness which led to kimpachi seething away his powers this battle was the first time that kimpachi felt fear in his life as well as true enjoyment to prolong this feeling he sealed his powers away which led to his defeat after their fight he began to admire unohana and wanted to fight like her i will come back to their relationship and look further into their rematch while discussing kim pachi's growth during the thousand-year blood war arc later on in this video continuing on with another fundamental moment from kimpatchi's past we learn how he met his lieutenant yachuru and the origin of his name in chapter 114 he meets her while he is under the shade of a tree covered in blood surrounded by the corpses of his enemies her lack of fear towards kim pachi's weapon as well as neither of them having a name results in him taking her under his wing when he reflects upon his battle with ichigo he is reminded of the pain that he felt when he wandered aimlessly without a name he had no identity of his own he gave yachuru her name when he decided to name her after yacharu unohana the only person that he ever admired this is an aspect of his character revealed to us in chapter 114 but this is explained in chapter 525 this is a subtle detail about him that foreshadows the unique bond that he shares with unohana at the same time he also decides to name himself kimpachi which as we know is the title that is given to the strongest shinigami of that generation in chapter 206 we see another moment for kimpachi's past but from the perspective of his subordinate ikaku madarame after he is beaten by kimpachi he demands that he stops walking away and returns to finish him off like i mentioned earlier kimpachi quickly loses interest in his opponents who lose their strength he is under no obligation to end his enemy suffering ikaku persists that he must be killed after losing he is in no position to be making demands since he is bloodied and beaten but he is trying to honor the outcome of the battle by forsaking his own life over this encounter kimpachi tells him if he loves fighting so much then he should stop begging to be killed he should only admit defeat after he has died for now he advises ikaku to consider himself lucky to be alive he should devote his life to killing the one who let him live kimpachi earns his respect when he tells him to live and to kill him another day after this battle we learned through the second bleach character data book kimpachi killed the captain of the 11th division taking his position and officially acquiring the title of kimpatchi he is the 11th person to acquire this title in chapter 520 we are told that kim pachi began to train with head captain yamamoto in order to learn proper saw technique since he was able to shortcut his way into the gotai 13. after only one day of training the head captain was forced to stop training him as the central 46 became concerned that he would soon realize his full potential and would become a threat to the soul society if he decided to rebel against them during his battle with neutral kimpatchi does admit that he hates using the kendo techniques that he learnt as his battles would end far too quickly for his liking he only resorts to using his kendo when his life is on the line his refusal to adopt new learning methods and utilizing effective strategies in battle adds to this notion that he was limiting himself and was in this instance intentionally holding himself back despite being called kimpachi he was not living up to his full potential as well as the title of the strongest that he had been assigned he did not truly become the strongest shinigami worthy of that title until his rematch with unohana in the final arc the newly appointed captain of squad 11 eventually becomes the strongest kimpachi in history he does so despite having a nameless zombukdo and overcoming his limitations he was able to command the respect of his subordinates even ikaku who despite having attained bankai refuses to accept a promotion to a captain rank just so that he may serve under and die for the man who earned his respect now that we know the origin of his character let's now see where kim party's bloodlust leads him as we will now analyze his early appearances within the bleach manga paying particular attention to his growth and development after each encounter how every battle that we see leading up to his rematch with unohana served to unlock some of his power enabling him to leave a battle stronger than when he entered it let's now analyze how kimpachi restored his full potential and removed his subconscious limitations returning to how he was when he first battled unohana as a young boy kimpachi battles ichigo after he searches for the strongest amongst the invaders in chapter 103 he makes himself known by releasing his incredible riatsu which also helps him to identify ichigo who appears to be withstanding his spiritual pressure better than ganju and hanataro during this terrifying first impression ichigo comes face to face with the personification of battle his aura of murderous intent results in him experiencing a sensation of being stabbed before kimpachi even draws his sombok dough his desire to battle the strongest invader coupled with his expectations of ichigo to provide a thrilling battle leads to kimpachi becoming incredibly excited from the onset of battle he makes his intentions known he is here to either kill ichigo or die trying to he is confident that each girl does not stand a chance he offers him to attack first but ichigo refuses to attack him pachi while he is unarmed just to remind you this is the first time that we see kimpachi in battle we quickly understand that he selfishly wants to enjoy a long drawn-out battle with a worthy adversary he feels as though ichigo is not taking advantage of his generous offer to attack first he doesn't realize that he is playing by kampachi's rules which are kill or be killed ichigo is unable to cut kimpachi because his spiritual pressure while he is attacking is weaker than kimpachi's unconscious release of spiritual pressure while he is standing around doing nothing the first half of their battle ichigo is running away and frankly overwhelmed by kimpagi's brute force and desire for battle at the end of chapter 108 ichigo finally manages to cut kimpachi after remembering his resolve this affirms kimpachi's suspicions that he would indeed enjoy his battle with the young intruder despite being cut across his chest he is smiling and even giving advice to ichigo reminding him to stay alert and to not relax just yet he reassures ichigo right before he counter attacks for the first time i have always loved how kubo can show us everything that we need to know about a character through the way he depicts them while in battle kimpachi in chapter 109 grabs ichigo's zombucto with his bare hand so that he may pull ichigo towards him in order to pierce him with his own sambucto we quickly learned that he has no fear in battle it is like every injury he receives increases his strength kimpatchi grabbing ichigo's numbukdo without any second thoughts is enough to demonstrate how crazy he is the lengths that he will go to in order to satisfy his thirst for battle is fascinating as he reassures ichigo to continue to defend concentrate and attack the first half of their battle ends with kimpachi revealing that he does not know the name of his son bhakto because of this his sword is always in a released state his power was never sealed so it does not need to release through shikai or bankai just like himpachi himself his blade is the literal manifestation of raw power eventually ichigo relaxes and forgets to stay focused and keep his spiritual pressure elevated to prevent kim pachy's blade from piercing him there is understandable disappointment from kimpachi as there was a lot of promise to ichigo he was able to cut kimpachi he was focused enough to hear his bells an opponent with this level of promise clearly did not come by often the second half of their battle begins once ichigo learns to understand and call upon his zombucto by its name in chapter 112 the title of battle turns as ichigo truly lives up to kimpachi's expectations he manages to cut kimpachi a further two more times and in doing so overpowers him which excites and pleases the sadistic captain ichigo desires to end the battle quickly so that he may save rukia but kimpachi desires to prolong their encounter his character is written during this battle to really give off their sense that he has been deprived from the thrill of battle for so long you can understand why kimpachi is behaving the way that he is he simply wants to feel enjoyment through battling someone who has the potential to kill him i personally love how kimpachi seems to be fueled by injury it confuses ichigo who must be wondering how he can inflict so much damage to him but he still won't back down he calls him crazy asking if he enjoys battling more than being afraid of getting cut or even killed kimpachi simply tells him that he is crazy as he wonders how ichigo cannot love fighting to the extent that he does despite him being so strong pain and death are the rewards of battle according to kimpachi this explains why he is not afraid of being killed and he enjoys feeling pain through battle both ichigo and kampachi during their battle were evenly matched this leads to kimpachi taking his eye patch off removing the seal to his full power he cannot remember the last time that he felt such joy and understandably wants to finally fight with all of his might a key difference between the two of them reveals to us a limitation to kimpachi's power ichigo is able to hear and understand his own zambak dough he can even hear the cries of kim party's blade this is because he is fighting alongside his own zampato he understands his blade and this is something that kimbachi who only trusts in his own strength is unable to comprehend this battle with ichigo serves to teach kimpachi the importance of understanding his blade kimpatchi up until the end of this battle believes that the zambocto is a weapon and nothing more he judges ichigo for borrowing the strength of zangetsu stating that he is unable to fight on his own that's why he relies upon an external source of power after the two of them clash one last time ichigo collapses apologizing to his comrades but kimpachi declares him the victor as he too collapses to the ground in chapter 114 kimpatchi remembers the pain of not having a name during his younger years he holds his zombucto admitting that he ignored it for the longest time however he wonders if it is too late to hear its name sadly hizambakdo doesn't reply to him the way that kubo draws kim party's outstretched arm holding islam bhakto to the sky or waiting for a response from it is impactful you can almost hear the silence emanating from his blade when you look at this moment in the manga kimpachi at the end of this fight affirms that he wants to be stronger in a moment of frustrating enlightenment he realizes that he has a lot of room to grow in order to truly honor the title of the strongest shinigami that he holds this battle serves to freak him party from one of his several shackles that are limiting his full potential his battle with ichigo is a character defining encounter which serves as a stepping stone to his next major battle in the series which i will now go over so now let's examine his battle with neutral an espada who shares a lot of similarity with kimbachi but differs when it comes to what he gives importance to this is seen firsthand through how he despises neliel a woman who is ranked above him as he believes that she does not deserve her ranking and status within the spada as opposed to kimpachi who admires una hana the woman who at the time defeated him and instilled within him a belief that the only thing that matters is the thrill of battle he was taught this by a woman who was stronger than him and he grew to admire her while neutral grew to despise the woman who was ranked above him kimpachi as we know has incredible raw power but he subconsciously suppresses it especially after his battle with unohana as well as this he intentionally suppresses it via his eyepatch he was born as an anomaly a truly gifted warrior without knowing it he relinquished his power so that he may maintain his connection with unohana who gave him his first true glimpse of enjoyment through battle he felt that she was stronger than him when in actual fact kimpachi was stronger than her he did not envy her instead he admired her for her power this contrasts well with neutral who was born weak which leads to him feeling envious of those with power he desires to be powerful but cannot accept someone who he deems unworthy of power to be stronger than himself nitrile looks down at his opponents and belittles them as he is consumed by his own pride and he has a need to constantly prove himself in comparison to kimpatchi who continues to look up desiring enjoyment through battle by fighting the strongest opponents he casts aside his pride focusing solely on his desire to feel alive through experiencing pain and fear while facing an adversary who has the power to take his life neutral skin is as hard as steel he claims that it cannot be cut by a shinigami like kimpachi in chapter 307 myrie describes kimpatchi as a wolf while he is on the battlefield once he smells the scent of his victim's blood it is foolish to try and stop him if you get in kimpatchi's way he will devour you like a beast he says it is best to leave kimbachi to battle neutral on his own when renji suggests to assist him neutral has claimed that his skin cannot be cut does not detect himachi in the slightest their fight is a very memorable one that is really fun to go back and read through both of them smiling and enjoying every clash of their zambocto not allowing either one to fight cautiously from a distance kimpatchi pulls nitride towards him fearlessly he is ready to pierce his steel skin with his blade noitroy gloats and underestimates his opponent he tries to convince him that he has met his match but kimpachi laughs in his face because now he knows that if he is able to cut him then it means that he can indeed die he is aware that this is a glaring vulnerability for nytera all kimpachi really needs to do is increase his spiritual pressure in order to pierce his skin unlike other opponents who could enjoy being cut he knows that neutral would not be able to last as soon as kimpachi draws blood from his steel skin moments after this he does indeed cut neutral's forearm drawing blood from it and it is just as mairi described the wolf has smelt the blood of his prey the beast cannot be reasoned with now until he devours that which is in his sight indeed once kimpachi gets used to the toughness of his skin neutral is no longer a match for him even stopping his sorrow with his bare hands this is all before he even takes off his eye patch no matter how many times noitra attacks him he only appears to be stronger after each injury he is willingly fighting with an open stance to give his opponent the illusion that he is slowing down kimpachi kimpachi despite being incredibly powerful still struggles to sustain his crazy fighting style he even says that he will in fact die if he continues to be cut by notora how was the strongest shinigami struggling with ichigo during the soul society arc and how is he now having difficulty to enjoy the attacks of the fifth strongest spada the answer to this comes from his relationship with unohana we need to analyze his growth and development during the thousand-year blood war arc to truly understand the path that his character was on in order to live up to his name kimpachi makes his debut during the final arc by confronting yuhabak with the bodies of three sten ritters hanging off of his shoulders single-handedly one of the most badass kimpachi moments he shrugs off hashwat who tries to defend his leader but kimpachi cuts to the chase by attacking yuha who blocks his zombucto with his arm in chapter 505 kimpachi is easily beaten off-screen he is saved from being killed by the head captain during the aftermath of the quincy's attack we learned that kimpachi barely escaped death as he is in a comatose state there is doubt if he will ever regain consciousness and be able to fulfill his duties as a captain once more in chapter 523 we see that kimpachi has thankfully recovered and is being escorted to the lowest level of the great underground prison by unohana she has been ordered by the new head captain shuntsui to train kimpachi it is fitting as we learn that she is indeed the first person to have inherited the title of kimpati the first generation strongest shinigami yachiru unohana the entire video has been building up to this moment this highly anticipated rematch explains how juan kippachi passes down her legacy to her successor we are about to learn why unohana feels guilt when she thinks of kimparchi's progress and his current level of ability why she feels responsible for having held him back the two of them enter muken the infinitely large underground prison where they may freely swing their swords without any hesitation kimpachi's excitement cannot be contained as he is overly talkative like a child presented with a long sought after gift that can only be one kimpachi per generation this is not training as much as it is a do or die situation where only one person will emerge with their life intact as their battle commences kimpachi is clearly being bested and finds himself defending unohana's graceful offensive style she notes how he began the battle without his eye patch but is disappointed by the capacity his power reaches even without it unohana scolds kimpachi like a disappointed teacher as she questions if he is even enjoying their battle considering he is holding back by not using both of his arms he too expresses a similar sentiment of disappointment by commenting on her use of cheap tricks which is unlike the person he thought of and had admired for so long ever since the past he grew feelings of admiration for her after their first fight he even wanted to fight like her he saw himself short after imagining unohana as being stronger than him he felt she was a goal he had to strive to reach when in actual fact his raw talent and innate ability blessed him with the power to surpass her even as a young boy unohana realized this and was able to understand quickly that she was battling the heir to the title of kimpachi the purpose behind unohana training kimpachi is revealed when she affirms that it is not him who will die after this battle is over he will survive the fight and grow stronger from it as we have come to realize each encounter that kimpachi survives he reappears stronger than before like every injury he sustains removes a seal that is holding his untapped potential at bay unohana describes the subconscious seal that kimpatchi placed on his own power as a flaw that he put upon himself she also takes responsibility for it by referring to it as the sin that she committed he is being one-sided by unohana continuing to lose consciousness however he is healed repeatedly by unohana he loses count of how many times he was healed but it does not stop him from rushing back to clash blades with her again he is unaware that every time he is being healed he is reborn as a stronger version of himself as each time a seal on his power is being released he is able to respond to her attacks through his reflexes as opposed to reacting to them finally he is returning to his former self in chapter 525 it is explained how kimpachi had been restraining his powers during battle it explains why he just barely lost to ichigo why he had barely defeated nitra it wasn't necessarily because these opponents were strong but rather because he was restraining his powers to their very limit when he first fought unohana he had experienced the pleasure of fighting on the edge and experienced far removed from his daily encounters with weaklings she was the first person that he encountered who was at a caliber that could rival his own he didn't want to kill her because that would mean he would never be able to feel this level of joy ever again he sealed his own power deep within himself just so that he could match her level this disappointed unohana but after each battle that he experiences throughout the series she began to realize that kimpachi was consciously removing these limits to his power we see this at the end of his battle with ichigo when he decided to learn the name of his zombocto how he utilized his kendo training with neutral and now after being defeated by the quinces he is willingly training with unohana in the pursuit for more power unohana is indeed the ruthless first kimpachi the first one to be titled the strongest shinigami but she admits that she is not stronger than kimpachi of zaraki the 11th kimpachi who stands before her today she desires to kill him and heal him as many times as it will take so that he may return to who he truly is despite activating her bankai kimpachi is unable to restrain himself after removing the limits to his power he finally defeats unahana taking her life and acquiring the title of the strongest he proved himself worthy to be the kimpachi of this era he may have lost the one person he had ever felt the most enjoyment battling with but he had to let her go in order to surpass his limits for now there are plenty of distractions to keep him occupied he has powerful opponents the quincy who he needs to fight and he has powerful allies who are as strong as he is to aid him in battle kimpachi can now let go of his attachment to unohana and grow as a character who the soul society can rely upon to protect them at this moment his sword is finally able to speak to him we can hear his zombucto telling him that it has always been beside him in battle watching him and remaining loyal to him it introduces itself as nozarashi the zambakdo he thought had no name finally answers him after all of this time utilizing his newly acquired powers he battles against the sten ritter grammy during the quincy second attack once again he battles an opponent who claims that they cannot be cut by a zombucto grammy has the ability to bring into reality anything that he can imagine he is the self-proclaimed strongest generator it is natural that he would end up fighting the strongest shinigami grammy arrogantly says that he will not need to use any of his fingers to defeat kimpachi he will simply defeat him by using his mind however his tactics have little effect on the new and improved kimpachi grammy had always felt like the strongest so he never had any desire to defeat anyone because he felt that he had nothing to prove but kimpachi is bringing his bloodlust out of him he now desires to crush kimpachi wanting to prove his claim that he is indeed the strongest zone writter despite using his imagination kimpatchi cuts him in chapter 576 proving that there is indeed nothing that he cannot cut grammy delays in realizing that he was cut which leads to him being slower to react to kim party's next move he takes advantage of the stern ritter being preoccupied with thinking about healing himself to land another attack on him kimpatchi repeatedly attacks him and even funnily asks if he has started to imagine himself losing but his words cause grammy to regain his focus grammy creates a doppelganger of himself and reveals that now the power of his imagination has been doubled kimpachi during this battle literally uses his zambocto nozorashi to release his shikai so that he can destroy a meteorite that grammy summons to destroy the serete this singular moment brings into perspective just how powerful he has become after his training with unohana we see his zombucto during its shikai form and it is a sight far removed from the weathered and beaten blade he had been carrying throughout the series nozorashi's appearance complements kim party's power and attitude his blade is more than just a tool he is fighting alongside it now and he has been rewarded for realizing this grammy does eventually cause damage to kimpachi by imagining him being in a void of space which causes his bodily fluids to evaporate out of his eyes but despite this he takes advantage of grammy forgetting to harden himself and cuts his doppelganger in half despite him imagining to be stronger than kimpachi he is unable to transform into such a form his muscles and tendons tear apart as they grow far too quickly for his body to adjust alongside and contain imagining a form required to defeat the monstrous kim party is what ultimately ended grammy's life kimpachi even says that his downfall was to imagine him as a monster he tried becoming a monster like kimpachi which ironically was too much for him to handle after the conclusion of this battle his lieutenant yachiru has disappeared we can assume it is because she has merged with kimbachi zambakdo she was always an aspect of his power that was waiting to be awakened the next significant encounter which serves to reveal more information about kim pachi is his final battle in the series with the stan ritter gerard he arrives to assist hitsugaya and biyakia and wastes little time by cutting off gerard's forearm however the stern ritter has an ability called miracle which allows him to turn people's wishes into reality despite this kimpatchi is relentless and battles trying to close the gap between their power in chapter 668 he is overwhelmed and swatted to the ground but he is awoken by yachuru she reappears to encourage him to get up and continue fighting saying that if he uses it properly then there is nobody that he cannot cut this moment does indeed suggest that yacharu has indeed been a zampakto spirit all along affirming the notion that she fused with his zombucto she suggests that kimpati uses his bankai which is incredibly unexpected after kimpachi finally activates his bankai his skin turns into a red colour and the shape of his zombucto changes he appears to have transformed into a monster and he has lost all of his sense of reason he looks like a demon in this form especially with the two horns on his head kimpachi then begins to attack gerard completely cutting off his arm what yachuru said to him earlier appears to be true in his bankai form there is nothing that he cannot cut this is a theme which is constantly brought up throughout most of his battles his opponents arrogantly gloat about having steel skin that cannot be cut only for kimpachi to prove them wrong after cutting gerard in half he activates his quincy hodi form kimpachi attempts to resume the battle but his right arm suddenly tears apart as we learned that yachuru released too much of his power resulting in his body not being able to handle it this highlights how untapped kimpachi's power is he is caught off guard and attacked by gerard and this reverts him back to his normal form after hitsugaya weakens gerard we seek him party persistently assist him by sweeping gerard off of his feet after the war with the quincy ends we see kim parchu return to his life as the captain of the 11th division the only difference is that his lieutenant yachuru is no longer beside him after having read through every moment that kimpachi appears within the manga it is difficult to dispute that he is a really well-written character he had several elements to his character which were introduced early on which foreshadowed his end goal of him defeating unohana as well as acquiring the true power of izambakdo his power knows no limits as we learn from his battle with grammy it is thanks to kimpachi's body that he is able to store so much power within it however against gerrard he learns that he is prone to overloading on his own power which has painful consequences on his body causing his body to tear apart in a similar way to how grammy's body was torn apart trying to contain such raw limitless power through kimpachi the soul society has a powerful protector who by the end of the series earns the right to be called the strongest shinigami the nameless wanderer ended up calling himself the kimpachi of zaraki he was bored until he fought against the woman who taught him how to enjoy fighting she was the only person he ever admired but he had to kill her in order to realize the true extent of his power his lieutenant who stayed beside him while he carried a nameless zombucto ended up being the spirit to his zambocto she later assisted him to awaken the bloodthirsty demon that lay dormant within through activating his bankai kimpachi is indeed a monster to be feared a character that you either love or hate but one thing is for certain you won't ever forget the way that he sadistically smiles while excitedly feasting upon his prey what do you think about kimpachi zaraki has this video helped you to understand his character better i would love to hear your thoughts on his progression throughout the series and if he left a memorable impression on you too if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 490,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenpachi zaraki, kenpachi, zaraki, kenpachi vs nnoitra, kenpachi vs ichigo, kenpachi vs gremmy, kenpachi vs unohana, kenpachi vs tousen, kenpachi vs gerard, kenpachi bankai, kenpachi character analysis, bleach, bleach 2020, bleach character analysis, kenpachi zaraki analysis, kenpachi explained, kenpachi past, history of kenpachi, kenpachi backstory, kenpachi analysis, how strong is kenpachi, all kenpachi in bleach, ichigo, kenpachi's bankai, nozarashi
Id: gQxr7cBH3BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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