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hey everybody its Bunny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week the tail week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today is a very special episode you guys because we are retesting something well you know what it's kind of like a retest and it's kind of like a totally different product because this is a completely different make and model from the one that we tested six years ago you guys today we are retesting the SodaStream what is that over the past six years which I cannot even believe it has been six years ago but over the past six years a lot of you guys have been commenting and asking me to retest the SodaStream and I don't know why but about three months ago I just started having like vivid SodaStream stream of consciousness or what am I trying to say like when you dream it's like a vivid real dream lucid dream yes I started lucid dreaming about SodaStream we'll just leave it at that I don't know why I just got a bug in my brain that I really wanted to retest this item if you guys saw the video from six years ago then you probably saw me test the product out very badly I was being a hella silly with it and I was adding way too much carbonation and I always kind of thought maybe that's why it didn't taste that good because I know people swear by these machines icw boom oh I see people using them and buying them all the time so like they just cannot be a complete decoded piece of crap I must be missing something so here we are today testing out the SodaStream again machine I tested out all those years ago was called the SodaStream Genesis this one is called the SodaStream OneTouch and the old machine I mean it did leave it up for like I guess a little bit of confusion if you're a complete goofball like me but this one it pretty much takes the guesswork out of everything because it's fully electrical you plug it in there's three buttons on the top of the machine so you can control like the exact amount of carbonation that you like also find it really fascinating that it almost seems like they've shifted like the entire I guess I would say marketing around this product because I feel like when we tested it out six years ago they were very much about attempting to come up with dupes and like replace exact sodas that were on the market so we sell flavors like a fountain mist or diet dr. Pete you know to replicate Mountain Dew or Dr Pepper but they really seemingly have done away with all of that I looked on their official website Amazon bath and Bodyworks a bunch of that one know Bed Bath and Beyond I looked on the soap web sites and I could not find any of those old classic flavors that's the only thing that I did think was a little bit disappointing about this machine is it was more expensive than the older one but the old machine came with like an entire sampler pack of I don't know 12 or 20 different soda flavors and the only thing that you get with this one besides one bottle and the co2 tank is this tiny little bottle of raspberry drops so that is kind of what I was trying to say is I feel like back in the day they were marketing this as a soda replacement like don't buy Pepsi in the store create your own Pepsi at home seemingly have switched things to more like a sparkling water like flavored sparkling water angle or like healthier beverages even like cocktails and stop they didn't really I only was able to get one of the kind of classic soda flavors which is just basic Cola and I'm thinking that that is meant to replicate like Coca Cola uh so they had this and like diet but that's it six different bottles so we are gonna test way more flavors this time and let's just go through all of the flavors that we're gonna be testing really quickly we are gonna test the raspberry drop then they have these two like super fancy flavors they're not that fancy but I'm sure you guys can see in the packaging these are called soda press Co and one is called Blonde Cola I have no idea what blonde Cola I thought it was perfect creamy and this one is an original ginger ale then like I said we have the one like classic Coca Cola flavor and then they had a ton of these sorts of things so besides like the flavored water like they had a lot of like the little raspberry syrups and stuff they also seemed to be leaning towards a lot of cocktails you could make with this thing or mocktails I guess like a cocktail flavor but maybe without alcohol I have never heard of carbonated liquor before is that a thing I don't know but they had Bahamas pina colada and pink mojito which I'm also like what is a pink foam heat oh I don't know what any of this stuff is and then the last flavor I guess is once again like a more traditional soda flavor and one of my favorite types of sodas which is cream soda I think that I'm probably gonna like the cream soda best and I'm probably not gonna care for the raspberry flavoring too much just because I have to be honest I am not big on carbonated water I wish I was one of those like classy Perrier drinking kind of people but I'm just not I don't know so I think that that is honestly where SodaStream has really risen in popularity is the people that do like to make their own carbonated water because if you get this machine I would imagine that it's like instantly less expensive than buying a bunch of bottles of like Perrier and stuff this normally that water is pretty expensive so let's hook up the co2 tank I am no less afraid of this now than I was six years ago it has more hangs on it and number two I don't know what that means but it scares me I feel like I could not have been the only person to mess this up because last time we had six steps of instructions and this time they have streamlined it to four steps I wonder if I'm not meant to have it plugged in they don't show plugging it in until after you put the carbonator thing in later so since I do seem to have such an aversion to co2 I will go ahead and unplug that so hopefully you guys can see I tried to zoom us up real close here so you take this off the back oh my gosh yeah I cannot mess up four steps okay well there we go okay more or less like just pulls off for some reason in the instructional picture they show it like pulling up that's not the way that it is also they say that you can exchange these gas tanks once they run out at more than 11,000 locations and you just pay to refill the gas you don't even have to like pay for the tank we're meant to be unwrapping this we're meant to turn it I'm apt to go get assistance I'll be right back whoa okay put it down in the base here first and then up in there I think it's in there now this is supposed to click click public acting like this has been so difficult I think it was easier when it was plugged in before honestly but I don't know I still think co2 is like explosive even though that was frightening now I remember in the last video it said to chill up the water in the bottles before you carbonated it so that is what I did I have seven prepared filled bottles that I chilled look at this one this bottle is so flippin cute the bottles of course each have a fill line so you're not meant to fill the water beyond that point and then we screw the water oh oh my gosh okay you don't have to screw the bottle in place anymore when you push this mechanism back there's like a little claw thing in there and so when you push it back it's like gripping on to the bottle I'm gonna go ahead and just push button number two because I want to use this super happy smiley face with a cream soda because I think that's gonna be my favorite flavor and this is my favorite bottle let's just push a button number two wow that is so sophisticated compared to last time it honestly sounded like it was putting a lot of carbonation in there I cannot wait to see what our nation level 3 is gonna be like see now with this like whole robotic thing it almost seems like it was as much carbonation as I put in last time when I was just goofing off and being silly yeah okay so shake before you that there's a little guide on the side of this bottle where they tell you the different levels of sweetness depending on kind of like what flavor and probably if you're being like more health-conscious like the amount of sugar they are putting into your beverage 1l so I'm just gonna do exactly what they recommend I'm gonna just put the one L mark in there oh my god I forgot how like a key this concentrated stuff is it has a weird smell to it I'm gonna say this even though this analogy makes no sense it reminds me of if you just like melted a lollipop and then just poured melted lollipop into your drink it's so what thick and syrupy I don't see any markings in here there is no distinctive markings in here whatsoever I would think you would fill it to different amounts based on the size of bottle that you're using because I have some of these small bottles to test but this is the size bottle it came with today so probably about double that size and then I have some of these bottles which look still even bigger than this one I'm gonna let it go oh wow it doesn't even have any of the why do I smell it as if every single time water is gonna have a scent to it that's not how water work although I swear Perrier sort of like does have some kind of scent okay here we go oh I spilt syrup and it does say that you're supposed to shake it but I sort of almost think they mean like just give it a gentle swish and not like just shake the hell out of it we're gonna let this flavor sit over to the side we're gonna let it marinate for a minute just for quick comparison I'm going to carbonate the next bottle at a level three why not just up the ante so I'm gonna use the same size this one has like a bunch of little emoji characters on a level three carbonation you'll okay that has to be about this same as when I was just like repeatedly pressing the button let's make the regular Cola in this red bottle all right I'm gonna try yeah this can be a little bit messy wow this one actually smells really good and it does smell exactly like Coca Cola whoa okay that did make a pop when I released level 3 okay here we go sir oh my okay level 3 very messy oh my god now I just like spilt it on my face I have another bottle of the same size I thought that this one was really cute as well let's do a level one and then that way we have three bottles of the same size so I'll really be able to tell you guys the difference between Venus's for this one I'm gonna use the last traditional Cola flavor which is original ginger ale now this one they actually just suggest that you use a shot glass to measure the syrup but I do not have a shot glass so we're just gonna pour some in now what I'm gonna do really quick is show you guys side by side once again on three identical bottles just sort of like splice the footage together so that you guys can see the levels of carbonation but this time I'm actually gonna do it in a numerical order that makes sense so we're about to do level one two and three and you guys are seeing that footage now of each of these bottles being carbonated I am going to go ahead and just make the other four remaining flavors and then we will get to the taste test portion of this video and I'm pretty excited I hope that I'm gonna like something this time I'm sure you'll just solve the spillage everywhere I feel like I'm at some sort of sea world splash zone situation there is soda on my butt there is soda on the floor I'm lucky I didn't get electrocuted by the soda dripping off of the tray and literally directly onto the electrical outlet so that was an exciting adventure I recommend each and every one of you guys make this product while you're standing in the shower and then that way when you just become a sticky mess you can just you know make a soda with one hand hose yourself off with the other you're good to go don't yeah I don't know kind of like what I'm doing wrong I'm adding the flavor into quickly after I'm carbonating it but each time I let it sit for like thirty seconds or something I feel like at least before I put the flavoring in there's no instructions for this they don't tell you like wait one minute before you put the flavoring in so I don't know I don't know why I don't know why it's not that big of a deal when you put on my official tasting spectacles and I'm excited to test the smorgasbord of flavor that we have before us there has to be one out of seven flavors that I can continue to use this machine for oh so I'm going to taste them in order that I made them up first is the cream soda it looks really fizzy which is good do you like a lot of carbonation in my soda Wow is a different kind of cream soda flavor than what I'm used to but already this is world's better than either of the flavors that we tested in the last video I would almost just tweak it a little bit and put slightly less of the flavoring in it a little bit of the flavoring goes a long way is what I'm trying to say anyway I must really like this because I keep going back for more okay moving on just soda number two which is the classic coca-cola oh my god and this really does smell like a true coke replica see you swap them let me know in the comments down below like what is your favorite type of soda I would probably say Dr Pepper for sure oh my god this literally you could probably blindfold me and give me a can of coke and give me a swig of this stuff and I probably would not be able to differentiate the flavours are that close and last time I felt like one of my biggest complaints was the syrup even if it was not a diet version it had that super artificial diet e soda taste where if you're somebody like me like I cannot stand diet sodas of any kind I don't like that super sweet aftertaste I felt like that's really really what turned me off but this tastes just like coca-cola classic it is honestly really delicious whoa I didn't even notice that 50 cent 50 cent up 50% less sugar than regular soda and this one bottle makes up to nine liters up next is the one all the way back here which is the classic ginger ale flavor doesn't have a traditional ginger ale scent to it at all it smells more citrusy Oh God no no no that is that is profane that literally tastes like plants oh that flavor is frickin repulsive we use real ginger root extract and lemon juice to deliver a refreshing spice of the earth ginger ale that is not a spice of the earth my friend that tastes like dirt of the earth and not just any dirt it tastes like earthworm infused dirt I feel like I just drink worms sucked up worms in a straw I don't need that in my life the next flavor that I made is one of the liquor flavors and it specifically says on it party time it's party time time to enjoy special moments with your family and friends with all the flavors of a real cocktail without any alcohol isn't that exciting I'm kind of on the fence about this this is the single pump of carbonation and I don't think I like that I think definitely I like probably third amount of carbonation best but the middle-of-the-road carbonation was good as well but I almost think if this was slightly more carbonated I would like it a lot better it's almost like there's like something missing there and I don't drink either so it's not like I'm like implying it's missing like a liquor flavor it's just almost like not sweet enough or something or maybe I would like it more if there was like more coconut it just almost seems like a recipe that if there was like half of the amount of each ingredient that was meant to be in there it's like not really citrusy enough it's not coconutty enough it's just I don't come weird it's kind of weird the next one is pink mojito which I bought just because it kind of sounded like one of the more interesting flavors I don't know if I'm gonna like this cuz I think that mojito has mint in it doesn't it I'm not really crazy about minty drinks what is the pink portion of this strawberry oh yeah oh very very minty if you don't like minty minty stuff you're not gonna like this those of you guys who drink mojitos on the regular are probably rolling your eyes at me right now cuz obviously like I don't mint is a big part of the mojito I wish that you got more of the strawberry flavor I think that that is what attracted me to this beverage is I normally like like pink and red drinks if it has like cherry or strawberry or something in it that I'm like crazy about it but I wish that you got more of the pink and you know not as much of the mint but it is kind of heavier on the lime and the mint flavors that's what I'm tasting the most and not so much the strawberry at all crazy okay um up next into the last two flavors which I do think are probably going to be the nastiest flavors because the next one we're gonna taste is the blonde Cola which honestly I think that this one smelled pretty good to me and I like some other kinds of I don't know I refer to them as like weird colas like I like like birch I think it's called birch beer I think that I have tried at we have like a Charles Dickens themed festival that's called Dickens on the Strand and there is this really cool soda dispensary that has like a bunch of different flavored sodas that are more uncommon you don't see them as often and it's called Wild Bill's soda stand or something they kind of have I don't know if it's really cold Blonde Cola but it is like it's not a cream soda and it's not like birch beer I just do you get I was saying I like something like this I think at a time before so bottoms up oh my god no oh that is literally vomit inducing it's like the worst carbonated water taste I have ever tasted in my entire life I don't taste any kind of Cola there and I felt like I poured a little bit more of this flavoring in because I just thought would like the organic nature of it that maybe it would be a little bit weaker in flavor I don't know why I think organic is weaker in flavor it's not at all typically but it didn't appear to be as heavy of a syrup as these first couple of flavors so I thought maybe I should add more to really like get the true flavor of it but that is just nasty I can't even describe to you what it tastes like it says blonde because we've left the dark stuff out putting the good back in Cola nuts ginger citrus spices rosemary and lavender flavors blend to create a cola of sophistication well that just tells you why I don't like it I have chili cheese dog taste I don't have the palate of sophistication last and probably least but probably the most healthy is just the tiny little bottle that it came with this is raspberry drops so they say add a drop to sparkling water or you can add a splash so this kind of reminds me of except for it's in a glass bottle but this kind of reminds me of you know the little like drop things there's a bunch of different brands that come out with like a million different flavors like your the whole wall of them at Walmart but like you guys know what I mean like kool-aid starburst crystal lights they all make those water flavor drops where you can customize how flavorful you want your water to be just basically a way to like incentivize people to drink more water because who likes the taste of water probably everyone but me oh yeah I don't know for those of you guys who like carbonated water you would probably like those last couple options you'd probably find them very refreshing I don't like them at all but I do really like these first two flavors these are far in a way the best in my opinion and if you really are looking for a real store-bought soda flavor than this one or the diet version of this one is going to be the most like buying an actual Cola Coca Cola to be specific now that I have this system that's more exact with the carbonation I am kind of sad that I cannot find like more traditional soda flavors anywhere if you guys know I don't know like maybe they're just on backorder like a lot of stuff obviously is not in stock right now that is normally in stock like production on a lot of stuff is backorder it's really slow so I don't know maybe it's just like not in stock right now so you guys let me know do you guys usually see this in stores somewhere anyway you guys today's video has been super duper long I'm sure but I really like we did the SodaStream justice this time I feel like we fully tested it out to the maximum and we tested a lot of different flavors and a lot of different types of products today so I feel like I finally scratched the itch in my brain and answered the ultimate question of does this thing really work so yes it really works and depending on what kind of flavors you like depends on probably what types of syrups and flavorings you would gravitate towards or you might just want to get it to carbonate water if you like fizzy water but either way I do think it works I just think some syrups are nasty and some syrups are good but hey beauty is in the eye of the tongue thank you guys so so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 448,742
Rating: 4.9237423 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, wish, wish shopping, wish limited time offer, wish 50 cents, wish free item, wish haul, trying on from wish, follow me around, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, look, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, palette, mystery box, makeup mystery box, fake makeup, 2020, wish makeup, reality tv, TLC
Id: p3PIt7P1UBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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