Is This Makeup REAL or FAKE?

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[Music] hey everybody its Bunny and I have one question for you today today we are playing a very scary very fascinating game called can you spot the difference between real makeup and fake makeup because you guys I am super interested in this topic lately think any of you guys who know me and know my channel I am very protective of the swamp family I don't want to see you guys get hurt I don't want to see you guys get scammed or taken advantage of don't know why lately I just feel the need to like try and expose the fake makeup industry I'm not the only one because hashtag not sponsored but if you guys are as interested in kind of like the fake makeup scene as I am then you will probably want to watch this documentary on Netflix it's called broken it's like a whole series of all kinds of food topics but they just did like a latest episode all on this fake makeup industry they talk about how dangerous and risky it is they talk about some of the ingredients found in fake makeup I'm literally not exaggerating there's carcinogens LED urine and feces like this stuff should never be put on your skin it does not come from like a safe laboratory environment at all interestingly and unfortunately enough since last week when I made the fake mystery box video I had a lot of swamped family members tweeting me and sending me emails showing me pictures and stuff of when you accidentally used fake makeup and some of you guys landed in the hospital or you showed me all kinds of pictures of like nasty eye infections that you got so if you've never listened to another PSA I've ever done on this channel please take my advice don't wear fake makeup what I'm about to do is put a real product next to a fake product and it's gonna be up to you guys to determine which one is the real one and which one is the fake one and you guys are about to be shocked with how absolutely picture-perfect spot-on these fake makeup products are without further ado let's get into this guessing game first is our very own swamp queen palette here are the two palettes side by side one of these is the real swamp Queen palette and the other one is the vicious fake as you guys can see both at the boxes are extremely similar they both have the foiled lettering on the front the boxes both have the woodgrain texture and I can tell you guys since y'all can't feel them at home both of them actually do have the feeling of the woodgrain texture so did you guess which was which were you right with the real one versus the fake one you guys how shocking are these two literally print by print this is a real one this is the fake one that is the biggest difference for me I can tell by the pictures if you can see on the fake box the color of my picture is not as bright and on the real tart box it's actually almost like a little picture has been laid on top of the wood grain like if you can see the fake picture like there's wood grain throughout and over the entire picture oh my god look I that's how confusing they are you guys like I almost got them mixed up the fonts are a little bit different on the top all the same information even my bio the really odd thing is the fake box in fact has this extra tagline that the real one does not about formulated without parabens mineral oil blah blah blah that's a lie my friend we don't know what the fake one is formulated with could be anything even has our special hashtag we used it's got my YouTube tart calm it says its cruelty free the fake one is absolutely not cruelty free obviously even looked at this bottom UPC eerily enough the barcode is a exactly the same now this one is the fake one the barcode is a little bit smaller this one is the real one oh and then of course the real one came with my little tutorial card the fake one does not in terms of palette the exterior looks so similar the real one is darker and heavier the fake one kind of looks a little bit washed out a foiling of the letters is horrifyingly similar like look at that they're both really reflective a shocking amount of coffee cat detail I mean they even went to the trouble of taking my quote believe in yourself love yourself embrace your individuality I mean even the detail of the brush like there is actually tarte imprinting on the brush for rule i'm gonna swatch this don't do it at home you guys because i'm just i'm just gonna be swatching it on my hand here is the fake sippy sippy see when you actually like swatch these products they're like really not pigmented at all and also the real sippy sippy has beautiful glittery reflex in it so that's the fake one that's the real sippy sippy huge difference in the product that you're actually getting let's watch the super super beloved gator wings so that's the highlighter in the fake one and let's just do a swatch right there that's the fake highlight it comes off a little bit shiny but definitely more like a shimmery eyeshadow see there's the difference on the finger this is the real gator wings and there you go that's what the real highlight one last color because my curiosity won't let me be so this is the fake dog man right there that one seems to be the most pigmented in the fake palate and then here is a bizarre thumb swatch that's the real dog man tada alright one and done did you guys guess the real Swan queen versus the fake swamp Queen and up next we're going to be examining possibly the world's most well known Beauty tool ever to exist in the entire industry we are looking at a Beauty Blender so one of these is a real brand new Beauty Blender and the other one is a fake I'm sure you guys can notice some subtle differences in the different color as one sponge is lighter one sponge is darker you guys have to let me know if this one is an easier one if you think you can spot the dupe or if this one is a little bit more tricky so I'm going to give you guys three more seconds for y'all to pick which one you think is the fake one so three two one yes that is the fake one the one that is kind of a darker more rose tone let's say the original Beauty Blender of course is very it feels very very soft the fake one is very very dense now I have been sold like cheapy Beauty sponges like this before so this is definitely like a feeling of a beauty sponge that does exist in the world it's just kind of like you know personal preference that was another test I wanted to do was to see how much the fake sponge inflated let's say in comparison to the real one I was actually surprised with how much water it did absorb but I wish I could have shown you guys like when I was you know squeezing this under the sink to get it to fill with water there was tons of strange soapy material that I was like squeezing out of the sponge and also some of the dye did squeeze out a couple of interesting things that set the canisters apart the biggest one in my mind is the actual font this is the real beauty blender container this one is the fake the fake one is just a little bit taller than the real wine of interestingly enough the real canister is sealed with this clear sticker label type thing and the fake one you guys they went to great lengths to even make a fake allure beauty Award winner sticker these fake counterfeit companies are going to great lengths to add all of these little details but it's to try and convince more people that this is the real product lastly I do think it's kind of funny that the instructions are just a little bit different these are the fake instructions where step one says remove from the canister Beautyblender I think they trust their customers a little bit more so their step one is wet up next I thought it would be fun for us to look at another makeup tool s product and these are Hooda Beauty lashes if you guys are familiar with this product you might be able to spot the dupe immediately just in terms of packaging I feel like the packaging here between the real product and the fake product is quite different but if you're not as familiar with this brand it might be easier for you to be duped it's time for y'all to guess which product is the real one and which product is the fake one this one is the real one so the packaging the fake lashes is pretty cheap when you look at the exterior box the photo does look pretty similar I feel like obviously the print quality of the real lashes superior it's less grainy the real packaging it does have a little bit of a metallic foil effect to it whereas this is literally probably just a photocopy there is social media branding on the real lashes on top on the other side of the packaging it does specify that they are synthetic false lashes double staff both of them do have like an inner slide packaging component the fake one is just kind of this cheapy window box the real one is definitely sturdier and it allows you to reuse your lashes the other thing different about the real ones is they do have a nice step-by-step pictorial guide that teaches you how to apply lashes and obviously last but not least the style of the lashes there's obviously a drastic difference between the two pairs I didn't know exactly which hooded Beauty style - the fake ones we're trying to imitate so I just grabbed my favorite style which are the Samantha sevens I know a lot of you guys might be thinking well like how could fake lashes like buying fake lashes be bad the biggest problem here I could think is we don't really know if these are cruelty free these lashes the fibers are very soft they might be mink I would still just advise you guys to not buy any counterfeit products whatsoever up next for your Scruton this eye is my all-time favorite shade of Jeffrey star velour liquid lipstick in posh spice now I totally feel like unfortunately these two products almost look identical very similar to the swamp Queen palette we just saw like the dupe is absolutely incredible the components look really identical the boxes look almost identical I do feel like it's an item that you would have to own the real one and then get a fake and compare both of them guys have three seconds left is the fake on the left or is the fake on the right alright you guys so that is the fake one and oh my god look at these two products together were you just duped I feel like if you were a jeffree star cosmetics aficionado you might have caught the back packaging that might have just tipped you off the real packaging of course tells you to shake well before use and it also lists all of the ingredients on the back label whereas the fake box is just blank there now they do attempt to list some ingredients on this side of the box both of them do have the wraparound sticker seal on the top this is the real one this is the fake one I also like thought it was kind of hilarious what it says on the box of the fake one exfoliate with lip scrub before use avoid food with oil and know making out kisses are okay the front is nearly identical you guys might be able to tell there is a little bit of a size difference the real box is just a little bit bigger the big giveaway between the real and the fake posh spice the actual lipstick itself is the label on the bottom real jeffree star velour liquid lips have this pink seal and the fake one over here has this sealed it's almost masquerading itself as the same shade of posh spice the real one looks just a little bit darker the fake one looks very washed out so now once again let's do a swatch just because I want to be able to actually like talk about the smell and the look and the feel of the product for you guys know what quality control on fake makeup and if like it just feels nasty it smells nasty you totally get what you pay for it's not very pigmented at all and it definitely does not have the texture of a product that's going to map down it feels almost like a lip gloss very tacky let's do a swatch of this gorgeous color so that is the real posh spice fake posh spice real posh spice let's look at another liquid lipstick next you guys this might be the most controversial of all the controversial products that we look at today because it is a fake of a Lime Crime Velveteen now this is my all-time favorite shade cashmere when this product first came out maybe in like 2012 2013 it was really the first of its kind it's commonly referred to as greys which is sort of a gray beige shade and once again are you guy is getting tricked or can you spot the real one versus the fake one let's give y'all a countdown three two one that is the fake product can you believe it so side by side I mean the boxes are nearly identical they even open in the same way the same direction the real box has more of a pink inside whereas the fake box is more coral the logos are pretty much identical if you look at the fake box you can see Velveteen is like slightly off-center and the fake box also came to me a little bit bent the fonts are slightly different on the bottom of the packaging this is the real box this is the fake box this is what the labels look like on top this is the real cashmere and this is the fake cashmere over here with this font once again both of the boxes have a wrap around seal the logos and information on the back looks disturbingly similar these oddly enough both do say vegan and cruelty-free I can a hundred percent guarantee you that there is nothing vegan or cruelty free about fake makeup here you can see that the barcodes are actually different for once it's uncanny how many times the barcodes will even be exactly the same also it seems we have a batch number down here on the bottom for the real box the fake box does not have a batch number down to the product I mean it literally nearly looks identical I think you can see a little bit of a difference in the font on one versus the other this is the real Lime Crime and the slightly enlarged one is the fake Lime Crime and once again what is the biggest telltale sign the logo on the bottom the real one once again has a pink logo and the fake wine up once again has a logo sticker that is trying to mimic the color of the actual product the coloration does look very different it also looks like there might be some slight size difference between the two components it looks like you're getting more product in the real product so that's good let me go ahead and sacrifice my hand this product smells absolutely vile the fake product is trying to mimic I think the smell of the real product I know some of you guys might think I'm being dramatic but it actually does kind of have a poopy smell or like an expired food smell once again this product does feel very tacky the doe foot applicator felt very rough against my skin I just don't think it's gonna map down it has more of a lip gloss texture let me go ahead and show you guys what the actual cashmere looks like there is that color it smells very nice I picked this one up the other day at Ulta so I know it's good and real there is the drastic difference all right the next product that we're going to be looking at are the Anastasia Beverly Hills moonchild glow kit highlighter pallets I do believe this product has been on the market for a couple of years now as well but I feel like it is still a top selling item sold at both Sephora and Ulta I remember the first time I got this highlighter pallets I just I fell in love with it it had a lot of really unique highlighter shades at the time greens Purple's blues and it is very gorgeous and I also do believe that this was the first out of three glow kits that they offer correct me if I'm wrong so do you think you can tell the difference between which one is real and which one is fake three-two-one bat is the real one this might be one of the only times that you hear this statement coming out of my mouth today but I honestly prefer the look and the packaging of the fake one just a little bit more than the real one one big difference between both packaging's is that the fake one actually came completely safety seal wrapped up I wish the real ones were also packaged that way because this was another item I just picked up from Ulta the other day and I don't know why people are like this but if items are not completely plaster wrapped and safety sealed customers sometimes will swatch not the tester but the actual for sale products why are people this way I don't know so I did have to open a couple of these moon childs to find an unswept one for sale the other things I like about the packaging better on the fake one is this one is a little bit more rainbow reflective and iridescent as I'm sure you guys can see these are basically identical photocopies other weird thing is when you look at the real one and you lift the product up it says Anastasia facing the right way when you look at the fake one and you lift it up Anastasia will actually be backwards I know a lot of you guys might think I am nitpicking right now but I mean look at how identical these items are like knowing those extremely subtle differences can save you from being duped and buying a fake one one notable difference is that the real product does say that it's vegan the fake product does not the real one also has some more instructions kind of on it it tells you that you can use it on the eyes or as a highlighter the fake one does not the real one of course has you know full chunks of text that tell you the ingredients in each product and the formulation and the fake one does not the insides look so incredibly similar a lot of times the fake makeup will look more pigmented in pan I think they're just desperately trying to convince you by mere looking at the product that it is superior quality but do not be fooled because let's do some swatches so I'm going to swatch this purple color called a purple horseshoe so let's dip in now this product does feel surprisingly soft for a fake is what the swatch looks like on my finger watch it right there so I think they'd even see a little bit of shimmer on camera but in person it just looks lavender but very chalky that is the real one and that's the fake one side by side real fake there is a swatch of the real one so you guys can see side by side how pigmented the real one is in comparison the other one that I want to swatch in here is the greenish shade called Lucky Clover so that is a swatch of the fake one let's put that right there here is a swatch of the real one there it is on my finger and side by side up next is probably the most forged faked and duped brand out of every brand and every cosmetic product we're going to be looking at today it is a fake Kylie lip kit in one of my all-time favorite shades Kandy K now to those of you guys who are like loyal supporters of Kylie cosmetics you might be able to spot the difference very early on based on the packaging because the real and fake products this time the outside packaging does differentiate the two pretty well once you get to the products inside I feel like you'd have to have a really good eye to spot which one is real and which one is fake so are you ready to make your guess three-two-one that wine is the fake one I feel like the outer packaging of these the fake one is based on what the product looked like when it first came out this is another product that I just snagged the real one I repurchased this the other day and I do think all of the Kylie lip kits at one time came in the white boxes but I feel like they've done a little bit of repackaging and rebranding over the years and so now it arrives in this black box other than that really really similar the logos are similar there is a little bit of reflection going on in the teeth now there is a little bit of differences with the packaging the real one obviously specifies how many ounces of the product you will be receiving the coloring of the real box is more like the actual color of the product whereas the fake box it's a little bit more Orange II the sides are pretty similar just a difference of color the backs of course are different but you know the packaging styles are different as well now moving on to the actual products themselves something funny about this is the pencil that belongs to the fake lip kit actually looks a little bit longer you might get a little bit more product there product you don't want but you might get a little bit more product there other than that you know the two are pretty indistinguishable you do have that silver foil stamping on the actual pencil itself the only other difference is of course the actual coloration of the products literally the first time I touched the tip of this pencil to my skin the entire tip just flecked off and rolled away disgustingly unlike any of her lip liner pencil I've ever used it's very waxy here's the tip that still just fell off so I can at least like press that against my skin it feels so sticky like I really can't get over it this might be the most disgusting product i swatched today surprisingly it doesn't have a chemical scent to it but unfortunately the fake Kylie lip kits are some of the items that I've heard the worst about I'm going to go ahead and do a swatch of the fake one and you guys will be able to see it momentarily it looks nothing like the real candy kay the bottom label I mean I've always thought that the Kylie lip kits on the bottom are labeled pretty bad like the label is nearly illegible and they do say the exact same thing like they even specify that they're made in Woodland Hills I believe California but I definitely received the fake one from China the other weird thing that I noticed about the fake one is there's actually like quite a bit of odd like pinkish reddish pigment at the top another thing I've noticed literally with every single one of these fake liquid lippies today is you really cannot a hundred percent close them I'm gonna be quiet for a second so that you guys can hopefully hear it like spinning around in there it almost sounds like when you're trying to like put pepper on your salad or something like the component just spins and spins and spins and they're obviously with all of the real products like you can seal them really well this is the real one not much to say about this except for it has a very nice feel to it I think the color is beautiful here is a swatch of the lip pencil I mean it's very smooth it complements the shade of the liquid Lippe perfectly the shocking thing about this fake Kylie lip kit is it is the first fake lipstick least watched today that map down at all there is still a little bit of tackiness to it and it's very grabby at the skin I'll go ahead and try and remove it and just show you guys like what that process looks like you really have to aggressively rub and shockingly enough I have heard that these fake makeup products sometimes contain superglue in the lip ease the next product is gonna kind of be a lightening round because neither of these MAC lipsticks came in boxed packaging these are both masquerading as Ruby whoo I feel like these fake MAC lipsticks and honestly several Mac products are some of the most oftenly faked in the entire industry with not much googling at all you can find these fake MAC lipsticks everywhere so can you guys spot which one is the real Ruby and which one is the fake alright that is the real whiner of course let me know did you guess the right one or did you get duped Ruby woo is my absolute all-time favorite Mac shade and once again the label might have given this one away to some of you guys who are real MAC lipstick aficionados because the real Ruby woo is a retro matte the fake just says matte on it so that is one of the biggest differences also if you could feel it the real product has a nice weight to it it feels like a quality bullet of lipstick the fake is very cheap and plasticky the real logo is in silver and it's in smaller letters the fake one over here is in white lettering and larger letters I'm sure you guys can see some color differences here the real Ruby woo is of course a gorgeous blue red shade a true classic Hollywood red shade and the fake one over here is a bit more of an orange e red now also something that I noticed when I got this product that I thought was a little bit odd I don't have my microscope on hand presently so I'm not sure if you guys are gonna be able to tell or not this one does have I don't know a black bit of fuzz or mold let's be brave and do a swatch I feel like I've already sacrificed this side of my hand enough there is the fake one swatched this one is honestly probably one of the most dangerous dupes of all keep red makeup has some of the highest percent chance to contain lead I don't know why but that's a fact jack also despite the fact that it does say that it is a matte product just like the real Ruby woo I'm sure you guys can see this product is much more fear here we are gonna swatch the real Ruby woo very pigmented very opaque very very matte retro matte not for everybody it is definitely an extremely mattifying lipstick I love it because I like my lips to be super dry thank you very much real Mac versus fake Mac terrifying all right the last product that we are looking at is Louboutin lipstick and I feel like this is the most luxurious most expensive knockoff product we are looking at today I remember when Louboutin first launched makeup a couple of years ago it was so highly coveted because the packaging is just gorgeous and I really feel like at the time it was unlike any other makeup product that we had really seen before it could not show you guys how the exterior boxes looked for this part because honestly that will just be a dead giveaway and you guys are about to see why just based on the interior tubes can you guys tell which one is the real and which one is the faith that is the fake one and let me know were you easily duped by this this is the fake one it comes on a chain which I hate to admit I really do wish LaBute on like offered that as an option I kind of do like the chain a little bit better than the ribbon which comes on the real one I'll go ahead and show you guys the differences in boxes because you will probably laugh so this is of course the real Christian Louboutin box it is very nice and luxurious something that you could use to store the product in over and over again you open it up it has a nice velvety red lining and it actually has this little card that is holding the ribbon and the product in place this is the fake box for some reason when I opened this fake one I actually got a set of pre 3 of the exact same color I have no idea why I think that maybe they were going for a limit on style logo with the text here obviously it is a very bad I'd knock off now the actual product itself if you didn't have the real one next to it I feel like you could be fooled by the fake but when I was just showing you guys this product I had to be kind of sneaky because the fake one hopefully you guys can see this like nasty sticky residue unfortunately they put like the fade like this number one they put this on the actual product and it's that type of sticker that never quite wants to peel off cleanly once you actually look at the top component here it's very easy to see which one is real and which one is fake the real one of course does say live Bhutan on it and it also has I think the batch number and the shade number 705 M format it actually has that engraved on the bullet packaging here and then the fake one has this weird logo it says carotene lipstick which I'm wondering if they start to add stuff like that so when these fake product sellers get busted like are those tiny details enough to keep them from getting into major trouble I have no idea also the insides of the caps are very different the authenticly baton has Libet on red on the inside of the cap and the fake one is just plastic when I bought the fake I had no control over what shade or oh let's just say I didn't know what shade I was getting like I had no idea what shade oh one meant and so it looks kind of like it's gonna be a pink color the product is very sheer so kind of more like a lip gloss than an actual lipstick and this shade I got is called just nothing and as soon as I watch it you guys will be able to tell why I picked this color because it's very similar to a lot of shades I've already shown you guys today I feel like this sort of like 90s nude shade is a color of lipstick that I'm just drawn to over and oh over and over again by tons of different brands the weights of the products are extremely different the real one of course has a very nice heavy luxurious feel whereas the fake one is just made of cheap lightweight plastic so the real one is metal and the fake one is plastic hopefully y'all enjoyed our little game today I would love to hear in the comments down below how many times were you tricked how many times were you able to spot the real one from the fake one inquiring minds want to know also leave a like on this video or maybe an encouraging comment if y'all would like for me to maybe turn this into a miniseries would y'all like for me to play this game with y'all again real products versus fake products I had more fun with this stuff that I'd like to admit it turned me into a little bit of an investigator anyway I am really looking forward to use guys comments and feedback down below thank y'all so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 488,220
Rating: 4.937407 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, follow me around, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, store, look, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, palette, paranormal, ghosts, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, mystery box, makeup mystery box, 2019, halloween mystery box, supreme box, supreme, shane dawson, shane dawson palette, vlogmas, Christmas, fake makeup
Id: rwSaMF4_4VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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