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hey everybody it's bunny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week the day the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today we have I almost forgot what this is called they were just staring something and you're like what is this thing this is called the octo curl you guys I don't know why I have been so crazy about testing out different kinds of hair styling tools but I think like the last I don't know four or five does this thing early well you know what we did the tie-dyed thing and we did the SodaStream but you guys know over the past couple of years I have been doing a lot of hair products and you guys the Amazon algorithm has my brain all figured out because every now and again I will be on like you know just a random page of an item I'm looking at it Amazon and you scroll all the way down you know how they have that section where it's like recommended for you and nine times out of ten there will always be some wacky hair curling device that I just I'm like okay you've sold me I've already took this thing out of the packaging and I washed it so that's why it is just they didn't Amazon didn't just ship this to me in this state but what is the phrase everyone likes to use these days in an abundance of caution I'm just like keeping all kinds of packaging and stuff like just I don't know just away from our general living space it came in a pretty cool little like zipper case that I'm assuming you could use to store this item in so it doesn't get jacked up and I will type in the price because I think it was like twenty one dollars but I might be wrong they advertise it two different ways they say that it could be a no heat way to curl your hair and then also of course if you don't want to sleep with this thing in or wait for several hours you can put the hairdryer on it I am actually pleasantly surprised because I thought that there was only gonna be eight strips of fabric which I was a little bit concerned about because we all know I've got a lot of hair even though it is called the okto curl I'm sure you guys can see that it actually has 16 little strips so we're gonna go ahead and just put it on its like a headband kind of stretchy thing right here in the front and you just slap it on your head on your head like this I always said you slap it on your headband double hair headband inception so you just go like this you know like you're a hippie ready to go to Woodstock well I'm even wearing tie-dye you know what I am like suddenly sad why was the Rolling Stones not invited to play at Woodstock that's a different discussion for a different day like if you caught up a bath towel and then sewed little bits of elastic on the end so I'm gonna curl my hair using the method today that I think I would like the curls like the end result better which is of course like the tighter way to get curls like they I feel like they always tell you like oh you can get like loose beachy waves and I'm like why do I want to spend all my time doing that but hey some people like that so you do you so how you doing if you want like looser beachy waves is you do combine the two strips together take a section of hair and then you wrap the section of hair around the two pieces like this I'm just doing a demonstration for the way that I don't want to do it so I can at least like show you guys like the different ways that you can use this product you could stop here and then you take like this end little elastic bit and somehow wrap it around this I think like that yeah and then you would just like stop there and you could leave them dangling like this if you want I'm like trying to figure this out now like look I saw your like professionally trying to just go about like as if I actually knew what I was doing cuz I date it like read the instructions since I took it out of the package but the way that I'm gonna do it is we're gonna divide it into 16 strips you still wrap it in the same way that I just showed you guys but supposedly how you get tighter girls is you would then do this method which is like corkscrew and you're supposed to do it really tight which honestly hurts just a little bit and then you wrap it in a circle like this oh my god wait which one am I am i Capricorn or Aries which one has the little I think it's Capricorn although what's the difference between Capricorn and Aries that's always confused me they both look the same to me sheep they're not sheep Rams what is a Capricorn you do this you don't stab yourself in the eye like I just did but you take the elastic thing and you wrap it around like so so that you've got a bunch of glorious cinnamon buns they do say that technically you can use this on freshly washed hair or think they said like second day hair but either way your hair has to be damp so I was like why not just wash my hair and then of course they say you can put in like an assortment of styling products if you need like anti frizz or mousse or gel or something to help your hair take a curl you guys sometimes my brain when I try and like do something and say something at the same time it's always like that challenge where they're like pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time you guys know what I mean my hair generally does take curl pretty well so I figured why dirts if I my clean hair with a bunch of like sticky gel I've got dance recital flashbacks where they used to make us put so much hair gel and mousses and sprays that I literally and pretty much opposed to any kind of hair stuff like that except for dry shampoo so I was being stupid I don't know if you guys saw what I was just doing down there but i was like using this end piece of elastic and i was securing it too tightly I think around my hair but I forgot I need to be able to still wrap this around the cinnamon bun that we're about to make so I'm just gonna I guess wrap it once right now and hopefully I will remember to do multi-directional kernels okay we've got that twisted oh my gosh I think I have some hair stragglers sticking out okay is this gonna work Hey oh my gosh okay now I will admit the only thing I'm kind of nervous concerned about how easy is it going to be to wrap the back of my hair I actually watched the founder do a product demo and I don't think she showed even herself wrapping her hair around the back but so far so good I mean the front is pretty easy I can see what I'm doing you guys I don't think I'm grabbing like enough hair for each piece it's always the challenging thing is like too much hair not enough okto legs and now I'm gonna struggle with the second one what am i doing oh my god ah oh no that one looks like it's coming undone not as easy as they make it look you know what I wonder if I can like join somehow the first one in the second one so it's a little tighter hey I just need a towel not on my head anyway like I said I'm gonna go through and lickety split try and do these front sections and then when we get to the back we'll struggle together beware if you're wearing like dangly earrings or if you have like an industrial bar like you know top ear piercings cuz I do keep kind of like snagging it I don't know how big of a problem that is for everybody but that has definitely been like one of the things I am most greatly struggling with now this is probably obvious to you guys but it's better if you twist your hair first on the top little strip of fabric and then you twist another section on the bottom strip but I don't know why I keep gravitating towards the bottom strip and then of course my only like last complaint is at this point nothing is usually like long enough for my hair it would obviously be a little bit better for me if the actual links of the device was a little bit longer but I'm just kind of like working my hair back up at the end here to try and you know not just have the curls stop like three inches before that's way more than three inches what am I talking about but see like this is where the device stops and way down here it's like where the hair stops so we're doing our best today I mean I just don't think most devices are meant for like I don't even know how long I have 50 inch length hair that's uh I'm grossly overestimating the length of my hair I think I'm like 50 inches tall all right like 53 inches tall from 5 foot 3 you're right here at the back and it's actually not that hard I am just bringing it to the side but I'm doing the same thing so hey less of a struggle then I thought it would be hey you guys we are finally all wrapped up and I'm gonna go ahead and just spin around really quickly so that you guys can see probably the inevitable mess that I have made on my head here as usual I don't think it's pretty I don't think it's perfect but I kind of do think that it is going to work like I said they do say that you can sleep with this in this it is so soft I could see maybe if you just did that first style where I showed you guys and you kind of just roped the hair around the double section and secured it on the end you maybe could sleep on that if you're somebody that is like comfortable with like sleeping with things on you guys I have a person if I could literally peel my skin off at night and and sleep just like that I would like I cannot stand to sleep with like any kind of stuff on me like makeup or eyelash extensions or hair extensions if I can't take it off then I can't have it on when I'm sleeping I wouldn't want to sleep with it on it but I think that I'm gonna have great success just putting the hairdryer on it not even for that long because I just a little bit concerned if my hair was still damp enough to wrap up these back sections because honestly when I got to like this last little bun back here my hair pretty much felt almost dry I'm gonna go over there and put the blow dryer on it because you guys don't want to hear the sounds of a hair dryer right now do you think I wrapped my hair up too tight what I was trying to demonstrate is they said if you want to like wrap your hair up and then go ahead and put your makeup on that you could lift this headband like off of your forehead and slide the whole thing back which I can do but that feels like it's pulling up a lot so I'm gonna not do that I will see you guys probably in like 30 to 40 minutes I do want to you know put the dryer on it for quite a while so we can really see how well this product works or doesn't work I don't know I might be in for an unpleasant surprise all right you guys I just spent about 45 minutes or so drying this hair I mean everywhere where I touch the actual strips of hair it feels dry so we're gonna go with it because it's like a 2:00 in the morning perfect time to be filling videos you guys so let's start the tape taking apart process what would we call this so this is the only thing that I am a little bit nervous about because like I probably told you guys already I did wrap these things together a little bit messily let's say that is the only thing that I think I could use quite a bit of practice on is the actual mechanics of wrapping it in a bun and you know securing the ends here I'm hoping I didn't Oh see that looks a little bit crispy and fried and tangly on the end there what did I do although I have to admit sometimes I will like put my hair in a couple of braids and blow-dry it to get a heat list like if I want to crimp my hair without severely damaging my hair that's usually what I try and do and sometimes they get a little bit crimped on the ends like that as well so that's not that big of a deal because I find if I just take a hair straightener I can just like straighten out the ends that look like a little bits I don't know messy let's just say it feels just a little bit damp in certain sections and since I really do hope that this thing works what I'm gonna do is just release these buns like this and then just quickly dry the hair again just to make sure that it's as dry as we can get it so some parts you know I definitely like did have it a little bit tangled so when I'm undoing it right now it is like pulling just a little bit maybe not the most like comfortable experience I've ever had happened to my head this whole process has taken me probably about the same time collectively when you add in the hair drying process as it would to curl my hair with like a you know clipless curling wand but you know I mean the good thing about this is literally if you could put it on and do your makeup or something then I could see where it would be like a you know like a two-for-one special where you can have your hair curling up while you do your makeup or you know if you just want to put this in your hair and then you're gonna like have a lazy day at home are you gonna watch movies or whatever then I feel like that if it works it would be theoretically less labor-intensive than sitting there like actually curling your hair oh I feel like definitely some things are gonna be hello crispy how many do we have left you guys you tell me how many is it two or is it four I kind of can't feel so so far this process has taken me about five minutes and now what we're all good to go oh my gosh now it kind of does have the look of curlformers which you guys and I keep getting these up flashbacks on Instagram and I saw that like seven or eight years ago it was just the anniversary of the curlformers video you guys remember the haier hooker oh my gosh okay so yeah it definitely is very dry here on the tops but very very damp here on the bottoms so I'm gonna go ahead and dry it and it's definitely much much more comfortable to have it curled up in this state than all like twisted I'm trying to imagine if I was asleep could I sleep with this probably not because I don't like things like pressing I don't like the feeling of my own hair on the side of my face is anybody else like that also oh my god you know what if I curled it in the front could I be a British judge does it look like I have and my does this up is this a powdered wig look I blasted it for probably another 10 to 15 minutes just to really get everything nice and dry and I will just say the more that I was like squeezing on it the more that the towel does just feel damp but I don't think the actual hair pieces I don't know you guys some of it does and some of it doesn't we'll just see how it works maybe I'm not drying it long enough I don't know ah but my my face is definitely like probably as red as a tomato because I just keep blasting that heat directly in my face although I will say I was alternating between a blasting it with hot air and cool air here's a little tingly at the base but gently unwrapped you guys so far so good look oh my gosh okay let's just go through and I'll probably speed this part of the video up for you guys as well cuz I don't think anybody wants to see me do this five hundred times over yeah see I feel like the hair oh it is still just a little bit damp but you guys oh my gosh I can't wait til I get all of them unwrapped so that we can see the final result so far it's not that difficult to unwrap it I feel like some little strands at the very end got kind of tangled around the end of the towel but pretty much it's a it's pretty easy in-and-out process I'm not sure why I just phrased that like that oh my gosh you guys I am so impressed grand in my hair right now is similar to the shape of some sort of pasta kind of noodle name that pasta um is it called spiral like what are the noodles that look like this you guys know what I mean but oh my gosh is this my favorite hair crazy item we have ever tested out I kind of think so I don't think I've ever gotten a curl that I love this much with one of these like does this thing really work gadgets it's such an interesting shape and I feel like this is exactly what I always try and tell you guys where I love kind of the disheveled imperfect curl it still looks really pretty and styled in my opinion but it's not too perfect now granted maybe that's just because my technique kind of sucked and some of the curls like some of the sections I wrapped smaller sections some of the sections I wrapped wider sections and then some of the sections I wrapped hopefully the next thing I'm gonna say makes sense but some of it I wrapped the curls more vertically and then some of the curls I wrapped more like diagonally so basically I'm saying some of the curls I wrapped tighter around these little sections and some of it I think I wrapped a little bit looser so all of the hair came out with this really cool corkscrew pattern that's the noodle I'm thinking of so everything came out with a really cool corkscrew pattern but none of it is too perfect it's not like one curl came out identical to the other one so I think if I were to just like brush up on my technique just a little bit that I would use this thing regularly I think first of all what I would like to attempt to do would be almost to like start wrapping the sections of hair if I could somehow start wrapping them closer to the base so that I have less of this like flat portion on the top here and I could start especially these curls in the front more just like absolutely at the base of my scalp I think that I would like that a little bit better and definitely now that I have taken all of the hair out I can still feel that some sections in particular especially where maybe the hair was wrapped a little bit tighter like I was just trying to tell you guys it is still quite damp in the middle so I'm hoping that as soon as I'm done filming this video I'll be able to just use the cool setting on the dryer and hopefully I will be able to extend these curls and hopefully they won't you know fall out because I released them to damply so you guys I am so impressed I'm gonna see over the next couple of days and I'm gonna be filming videos for you guys so y'all will probably see how long these curls last how many days I'm able to go and have this style kind of in and not have to wash my hair oh yeah I'm so so happy with this because literally I thought as soon as I was done filming this video that I was not gonna like it and I was gonna want to like wash my hair and just go back and crimp it again but I love this I think tomorrow when um you know I'm doing my makeup and stuff I will actually like pull up my hair and do some kind of style I don't know what I'm gonna do yet and then I feel like that will take away the only little bit of awkwardness I feel like there is which is how it does look kind of more flat on the scalp and more curly throughout although I will say in the actual like demonstration video that is kind of how the lady's hair looked is it was like a little bit flat on top and you know more styled and curly throughout but you guys this is a really impressive product to me so yeah if you want to check it out for yourself and like with everything these days of probably if you had considerably shorter hair than me you would probably like the results even better than the ones that I got here today cuz my hair it is just like pulling down with the weight of it but oh my god I love it and I'm glad that even though I'm like touching it way too much it does seem to be staying look at this you guys hello oh my gosh high-five I feel like we had really really good results today so I am so excited to hear what you guys think about it in the comments down below so be sure and let me know what you think if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon oh very very soon I'm a mess of my own hair okay bye guys
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 397,156
Rating: 4.9426365 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, wish, wish shopping, wish limited time offer, wish 50 cents, wish free item, wish haul, trying on from wish, follow me around, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, look, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, palette, mystery box, makeup mystery box, fake makeup, 2020, wish makeup, reality tv, TLC
Id: 7fjURkBE6_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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