Never pay for seltzer again! (Sodamod Sodastream tutorial)

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so in this video I'm gonna talk a little bit about seltzer water I've become just slightly obsessed with it I used to drink I don't know about two or three bottles of topo Chico a day and that's a brand that's really familiar where I live but the problem with topo Chico is that it is kind of expensive it's a nicer seltzer water and I realized that I couldn't spend the amount of money I was spending weekly on top of Chico so I moved on to a generic brand seltzer water and then a really wise lady told me hey why don't you try out a SodaStream I kind of put that off and then a friend said I have a SodaStream I don't really use it anymore do you want to check it out and I said sure so for those of you that are not familiar with the SodaStream this is a SodaStream it allows you to put in SodaStream branded bottles which are reusable fill it with water put it in here and carbonize them I'll show you how it works right now so you take the top off put it into the SodaStream and then and when you hear that little burp that means it's done and now you have seltzer water and it tastes wonderful the only problem with SodaStream is that it runs off of these proprietary canisters that cost $30 a piece which can seem like a little chunk of change but it's actually a big chunk of change once you start using the system regularly this says that it can fill about 60 litres or 60 of these per 30 dollars which in comparison is a lot less expensive than top of chico but in reality this only fills about 50 liters and at 30 bucks a pop I thought there has to be a cheaper way so I'm not using this what am i using so there's a couple of different companies that have made these but basically what I'm using is a paintball co2 tank tippmann brand here for me and an adapter and what this adapter does is adapts the threads of the co2 tank to the threads of the SodaStream so now instead of $30 for about 50 liters this is about 70 liters that it can do and it's about five dollars to fill up at your local sporting goods store the problem is with the current times we're in it can be hard to get to that sporting goods store and co2 is becoming less and less popular for paintball guns moving over to compressed air and unfortunately I can't use compressed air to make seltzer water so what do you do well that's where the home brewing supplies come in so you take this adapter off this is just a normal paintball co2 tank set our SodaStream aside we can grab the home brewing five-pound co2 tank this guy here you can exchange them at home brewing shops the tank itself is about 55 dollars and this apparatus here to fill this fill valve is about $40 so now we're up to about 20 dollars here and twelve dollars so that's 30 plus 50s or at 80 and then this brings us up to a hundred and twenty but when we think about it that's only for refills of this how much does it cost to refill this big tank about twenty bucks and it can fill this guy five times so then if we break that down that's only about four bottles for the same capacity as this guy sorry four dollars for the same capacity of this guy instead of $30 so will pay for itself pretty quick you might be wondering what is this this is a paintball refill system and it comes with a little thing on the end here and that's a valve that depresses the pin on the top of the paintball and then two valves here this is a release valve and this is the valve on the tank side so how do I ever fill this if you get all these things I will put links to the adapter the paintball tank this tank and this guy as well as the Soda Stream in the description so the first step here is to make sure your valve is open then we screw on our paintball tank make sure that both of these valves are in the closed position which are this way and now we're going to depress that pin we heard a little hiss there so now this is being fed up into here but we're stopped on both sides so the next thing we want to do is we want to make sure this valve is closed which it is and we're going to open this valve so now this pressure can get all the way to here but this is still closed now to fill this we're going to slowly open this valve here and we can hear that liquid co2 moving from this tank into this tank now one thing I didn't do today that will make these refills last a lot longer and it actually just allows you to fill this up a lot more just put this in the freezer for about an hour and that will get it cold which allows us to fill much more co2 into the tank itself so we'll give it about 10 seconds and then we'll close this guy off here we're now going to close this valve so now the only thing that's open is this guy right here and it's stopped out to the open air the next thing we want to do is close the valve out of this tank you're going to go like that so now there is still pressurized co2 here but there isn't any pressure from our tank that can get out or from the big tank that can get out now this can be kind of loud we need to release this valve and that's going to release that pressure here before we unscrew this we unscrew this now this pressure will shoot out onto our hand we don't really want that so I'm gonna do is slowly open this and we can hear that that pressure has now escaped close it up and we can unscrew this here we can feel that there's actually a bit more weight to it there's more liquid co2 in here and we just screw on our adapter get this out of the way and finally we screw our adapter and tank into the Soda Stream and this size tank is a 20 ounce co2 tank and it should fit almost all SodaStream models it's a very old one there's there's newer ones available now now that's all fit in there put that back cover on and we have our Soda Stream so I will grab a flat bottle one that hasn't been filled so this one is flat there's no physical it in here and and that co2 can is a lot more filled because we just topped it off so that's why it burped a lot sooner it's higher pressure so we can push this and we have seltzer water they do sell quite a bit of flavorings if you like soda over seltzer water they have all the different popular sodas and some kind of fun knockoff names but you can add that syrup into here a few more of a sort of person so that is kind of the whole system so that I don't have to run on these anymore which are pretty darn expensive this should last about a week and a half to two weeks before I need to top it off again and I drink three to four of these a day so that works out to quite a bit of seltzer water and it's a lot cheaper than this but it's much much cheaper than this and there's no waste so you can feel good about how we're kind of impacting the environment I hope you enjoyed that again the links to all of this are going to be the be in the description down below and comment if you have any questions thanks
Channel: Alexander Courville
Views: 850,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sodastream, soda, stream, Co2, c02, hack, modification, water, seltzer, paintball, adapter, tank, hose, cheap, money, save
Id: 35Rlf_SyGi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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