INH MEGA WAVE! - Does This Thing Really WORK?

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hey everybody it's funny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week the day of the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today you guys we are back at the hair stuff again because i can't quit so in today's video we're going to be testing out a brand new hair waiver now first of all i really like the lettering on this packaging this brand new waiver is from a company that you guys might remember me talking about a long time ago it's called insert name here they make a lot of hair styling products wigs clip in extensions clip in ponytail extensions a bunch of cool hair stuff like i do believe this is their first like hot tool like first heat styling tool let's go ahead and unbox it is that instructions i mean i i think it's going to be pretty self-explanatory oh there's a little glove in here so i don't burn my little handsies today's video is sponsored they did send this over for me to test out with you guys today but uh i don't see how i'm not gonna love this thing you guys i'm already just so impressed with the look of it we're about to plug it in it has like a nice little lcd readout panel here and it goes up to 450 degrees fahrenheit it's supposed to heat up really fast and i do believe it cost 63 dollars so for 63 dollars you get the waiver and the little glove if you guys know anything about me you know that i'm always looking for ways to either wave or crimp my hair i almost never leave my hair just absolutely straight that's just usually not my style i love to have like big voluminous hair and normally using like waivers and crimpers and curlers is like how i just really achieve that true texan i wish my hair would like stick out to here i almost said jean austin i was like really combining jane austen and jean simmons in my hair can you imagine but the exciting thing about this is this literally just entered my life at like just the perfect appropriate time because i don't remember what video i think it was like my last hair transformation i did i told you guys my waiver like this old thing that i have was totally going on the fritz and like the whole handle is sticky so i had to wrap it with paper and tape i'm pretty sure this is like a severe fire hazard so i definitely needed a new waiver but just for size comparison most of the waivers i've ever had in my life are this really small size so in all honesty it's usually very time consuming to wave my hair and that's why i'm like oh my god this thing is just like i bet it's gonna be like really quick to do even my hair which is saying a lot because oh my gosh we already know it's super long so this is my hair in its like natural naked state i just washed it and uh i am ready to rock and roll guys know what's coming first i am pulling my hair up because i always like to do what i call the layered cake method of styling my hair and i usually do it in three layers just so it's like easier and more manageable and then that way i can just do it like section by section and usually it works out well for me that way section one is ready to be waived so i just plugged it in and now you guys can see this little thing says off so let's turn it on wow it's like heating up right away and you guys can see it's already at 90 degrees so you can see it like heating up really fast it also does have this metal stand so you can like you know rest it on your counter or whatever satisfying now i'm the penguin why are gloves so difficult do you use heat protectant gloves or not because i know a lot of people don't oh my god you know the ones that drive me crazy are the ones they give you that only have like the first two fingers have you guys seen those things that's just not helpful i'm always going to burn my pinky finger just a personal problem and i feel like that did heat up really fast so normally like all hair styling tools heat tools curlers and all of that jazz they tell you to use just like one inch sections of hair at a time but i'm thinking since this thing is like so wide you could probably get your hair done a lot quicker if you just stuck like i don't know two inch sections of hair in there at a time i'm going to start off with just like the basic one inch section we'll see how this does and then if i feel like this is just like literally not enough hair to have in there all at once we might get adventurous we might put two inches of hair in there oh my god i'm like my little baby hands so let's go ahead oh i think i'm really gonna love that the barrels are so big because i feel like that's gonna give me some really nice like deep waves which is what really gives you like that nice like kind of crimped look do you guys know what i mean hopefully that makes sense this entire year i've just been battling with myself the whole time like am i gonna cut my hair at home and i literally keep flip-flopping like every other month i'm like no i'm gonna be responsible i'm gonna wait and let a professional cut it but oh my god this whole month you guys i've been like i'm gonna cut it i know i'm gonna regret it when i do but i don't know i just might cut like i could literally i could cut that much do you know what i mean what is that like eight inches i'm sure that could never possibly go wrong in any way that i would regret like five minutes after i do it i should probably just like cut it to like there or something so i could still have just a little bit of my super faded black it's now just like really dark brown we're almost done with the first piece which i feel like would have gone by really a lot quicker if i was not just like getting distracted by my own conversations look at that you guys i like the wave don't you i feel like it's very very beautiful but that's just like literally one little piece so i feel like we're not getting the full effect yet and i have to keep going so let's go ahead and do another piece and what do you guys think is that about the same thickness sometimes i do i still like to just go with the one inch sections because i feel like if i curl or wave a bunch of like smaller pieces you know i'm not like placing the waiver in the exact same place every single time so i feel like sometimes by just doing the one inch sections it actually makes my hair look more like multi-dimensional my phone's ringing now i have to be careful here because i'm always scared i'm gonna like oh get my own earrings you guys i have had more mishaps with styling tools and an industrial bar than like any other feature on my body that's a risky piercing any of you guys out there with an industrial bar do you feel like that's a risky piercing guys i cannot tell you guys the number of times that i have almost ripped that earring out just for my own hair getting it tangled around the bar while i'm sleeping i wake up it's like all the way massively pulled either one direction or another and it doesn't feel good don't recommend i do kind of recommend the piercing overall i like the way it looks even though i feel like it's like not really something [Music] that people easily see very often like literally if i was not pointing this out right now would you guys even know that i have this piercing probably not but i do still remember like the first day i got that oh i thought i was so cool because that was like my first non-claire's piercing and it's like still like a year or so before i had any tattoos so i was like oh my god watch out guys i'm into body modification and like just literally one one lily ring that's it anybody else feel like that like the first time they got their like non stereotypical piercing oh i'm a goofball what can i say there we go i really really love the look of this of course i do you guys already know like i've said a thousand times before i love the waves oh i can even like make a slogan i crave the wave that sounds like i'm a surfer or something really cool i wish i could be a surfer just so i could like surf with sharks is that something that people even do you like specifically request like i'd like to surf with sharks please feel like that's something that more happens like by accident like you don't really try and surf with sharks or are there people that like that oh a little too close to the scalp extra crispy i'm gonna just keep going on and then i will check back in with you guys when we're working on the middle layer of uh my hair cake first layer done even though can you even see anything my hair blends in with the chair and that's a problem i'll see you guys i feel like i went real skimpy with layer one today i feel like layer one is usually a little bit thicker but right now there's so much not hair here i look like the keeper like i just have two little scraggly bits of hair down here it's time to please let my hair go you guys gentle gentle scrunchy the world's most gentlest scrunchy that is what this oh my god i'm actually in the process of testing this out for another video and geez scrunchie i almost said scrunchy taste test this is why i stopped filming videos late at night just the chaotic energy how did my hair tangled this fast i just combed it right before this video and here we are and i miss my little glove already it keeps my hand warm know what i feel like if i had a pair of these like these are kind of stylish enough you know if it was cold and if i had two i guess at this point i could just have like one hand out and about and just keep one hand in my pocket although it's never cold in texas so i don't need mittens what's the difference between mittens and gloves is mittens just for children and kittens that story traumatized me wasn't there like kittens with mittens and then they lost the mittens wasn't that a whole thing i feel like kids books were like weird back in the day what are you supposed to do like 10 seconds per section if even that i feel like hair stylists just go like bam bam bam bam like do the hairs so quick that's probably because they're experts it looks so cute i feel like this would be like so cute to do my hair like this and then like style it i don't know why i keep wanting to just do like sailor moon pigtails even though sailor moon sailor moon has straight hair not like wavy hair unless i come from a parallel universe guys that berenstein berenstain bears that's one that really makes me angry i do not care it is the berenstein bears anybody who says it's barren stained bears but it's looking great see i've got like these short little hairs up in here with these longer hairs i think that's because i've just like broken some of my hairs off all the way up here oh or maybe it was from the split ender maybe like my hair was a split end up to here so the split ender just like like just you know chewed my hair and ate it up spit it out this is going great um there we go oh this one little section of hair wants to keep tangling could you please not see this is not this is not normal what i'm doing here ow cheese we touch the ear but see that's not that's not a nice even one inch section of hair see i feel like i start off like doing exactly what i'm supposed to be doing and playing by the rules and then by the time i get to layer two i'm like there are no rules the rules are my rules um which is not even rules it's just a freaking helter skelter hair curling over here i will see you guys when level two is done and then we'll move on to the final level number three layer two is done and oh my gosh i feel like now that i have this much of my hair done you can really see like the wavy do we call this a wavy pattern or a wavy texture i think i'm done a little cooperation come on okay what was that impromptu ghost sound effect oh my god ah that is truly fascinating i don't really feel like there's that much left to do overall this has been a much quicker process than it normally takes to like crimp or wave my hair so i definitely think you know what they should have called this the mega waver because i do feel like it is bigger than any other waiver i have ever seen before and i just feel like because it is so big it does just like really do the job quicker last random thought i really have been wanting to do the video where have you guys seen these like hair reveal videos where people like do the is it called the curly girl method let me know if you guys have seen videos like this before where they're like i didn't know my hair was curly and it's people with like you know kind of like straight looking hair but they follow the curly girl method and then their hair looks like much wavier or curly than ever before and i want to try it right now while my hair is still super duper long only when i do get out of the shower and my hair is wet i feel like that's kind of like the guide is if when your hair is wet you see that you have a little bit of natural wave or natural curl you're supposed to be able to like use all these specific products in a specific order and i think even like dry your hair in a specific kind of way and then your hair will look like much like wavier or curlier than it usually does like i said i want to try it now when my hair is really long because like right now it doesn't look as wavy as it normally naturally does when it's much shorter than this my dad does have like pretty curly hair so i think and like i like i keep trying to say when my hair is shorter it does look a lot more naturally wavy than it does right now and so i think it would be kind of fun to test that method out now while my hair is really long but then to like test it again when i cut my hair like much shorter than it is now and we'll be able to like go back and like compare the results i kind of want to know if it's gonna work at all i don't know you guys i'm gonna keep going and then i'll check in with you guys and do the final reveal it's time for the big reveal and i'm sure i'm inserting a clip right now of a before next to and after before i got started using the waiver and then after with my finished style and i wanted to go ahead and film that before i did this to my hair i feel like this is like the weirdest like half up bun half down this isn't a bun this is just the remainder of my hair that didn't fit into the bun i feel like it looks kind of weird i just spent all that time waiting and styling my hair just to put at least part of it in a sassy bun again logic not available but uh you guys i have to have like a little bit of sass overall i had a really good experience with this thing i feel like it went really fast and as i was going through and doing my hair i feel like i was able to take thicker chunks of hair like thicker than one inch i feel like i was taking like two and a half inch sections of hair maybe at the thickest but overall you guys it was really quick easy and painless to do i love the little glove it does have an automatic shut off i learned that kind of the hard way because i did go downstairs and i took a little tea break and when i came back up i started i thought waving my hair again uh but i didn't notice that the little thing had clicked off so i just had to turn it back on but you guys already know it heats up so fast so that wasn't really that big of a deal so uh if you guys want to check them out be sure and click on the first link in the info box down below i feel like two thumbs up for the insert name here waiver i did just double check on their website and it does say that it's selling out fast so you might want to check it out sooner than later if you plan on getting one but anyway thank you guys so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be at the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator twangs i love you guys so so much and i will see y'all again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 200,803
Rating: 4.9329538 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, curl, curly, hair tool, hairdryer, easy, fast, curls, curly hair, straight hair, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, curlformer, do curlformers work, becca, zero pigment, clear foundation
Id: J021cnDZLlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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