We Searched for "Lag" on the Workshop to Punish our Computers! - Scrap Mechanic Workshop Hunters

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to workshop hunters with khan and me that's right i said that right still every single time you don't even know we've been through this like three times now i'm saying it in my head okay so it's with me workshop hunters with me workshop i work sometimes with khan and i see you know what that's just i don't i don't even care anymore i don't even care let's start doing all these episodes in french bonjour uh that sounds real legit yeah i almost like what was this guy from right from france france from you were about to say from french i was gonna say from french all right what's the theme today sir uh obviously it's lag can't you tell by how many frames we're getting right now look at this look at this lag i'm doing like 300 right now it's wonderful all right i'll start us off uh 100 i think i think a good way to start off with the lag test this is by hyperwolf 13 and i think it's actually kind of genius so i gotta weld this what none of the bearings are attached to anything uh there's probably just invisible blocks or something wow that looks so cool yeah where do you see what it does and it actually works well it's good it's gonna spin wait did you just click the button and watch okay oh i get it so at a certain point the collisions are going to build up and build up until it starts to lag more and more and more and i guess the third if we have the further you can make it up the tower the better your computer is i tested on my computer and i got like it starts to lag it's already starting to drop my frames now actually but yeah no i'm down i'm down to 80. yeah i got about two-thirds of the way through and then 22 20. so i got about like almost two-thirds of the way through and then the creation broke it started it tipped over like completely we're like one-third yeah baby close to half i'm still at a good 10 fps dude i don't know about you but uh i was until you said that now i'm at eight oh oh uh oh do you see what's happened do you see what i'm seeing no i got 12 fps do you see what i'm seeing though are you looking at the creation yeah it looks fine to me it does oh it's leaning okay i'm like that looks fine to you i'm definitely not seeing it it is it just started leaning as you said that wow it is um yeah so this is what happened to me too this is going to be interesting gravity they're just going to die when they all touch oh here it goes hey so actually we still have 12 fps yeah dude this is not well apparently we win we win the lag contest yeah the lag test is our computers can run at 10 fps i have had worse than survival yeah all right well uh so i think we patched so we can officially do the episode wow that's amazing this is called huge lags by xjx328xjx it has 128 suspension pieces oh boy so yeah this is here's the thing yeah this is gonna this is gonna like literally just kill us to zero guaranteed so i got a world cleaner down but here's the thing i want you to check real quick take a look at the suspension notice that they're all at lowest possible settings right every every column just take a look i mean you can i'm assuming that all the ones in the middle are lowest as well but like they're all lowest settings now watch what happens when you remove it from the lift okay it kills your frame rate oh wait whoa three fps wait just wait oh what i'm seeing like half of them stop compressing like from on my screen at least like half of them are fully compressed and half of them are not compressed at all right and on my screen it's like fully compressed in the bottom then only slightly and then less and then less and then less and then by the time you get to the top the top is fully uncompressed but they're all super weak yeah that's weird yeah my mine's like one and then the other oh they just shifted on me oh it just moved yeah moving now it's shimmying a little bit well good old scrap mechanic always being predictable and such yeah it's such a mystery all right so speaking of things that you can't figure out uh i got a creation here called lag gun by xxx benjamin wrecked you xxx that's a fantastic name so he claims it shoots a burst of lag at the selected target um i don't understand i don't understand it either but maybe you can help me understand this thing so i got three buttons here and apparently uh if you look at the lights they've all got different levels of lagginess so if i never press them a bunch of times you can see the lights just what's all the and i'm just going to press all the buttons any lag did you get any lag no no no all right try maybe get into creation yeah this is all of them you turn all the lights off oh yeah i was doing all of them at the same time yeah okay like my frame rate goes from like okay so with none of them on it's like 200 and something and then 270 and then with all of them on it's like 150. oh well it does something so i wonder if it changes if you're in a creation getting like a car or something all right ready there we go you see the leg getting a leg happening oh yeah i'm down to like 110. well i mean i guess if you had a worse computer it would be more it'd be more like that yeah it cut the frames in like a third i i just feel like uh this is like the instant skin cancer machine like i just i'm just gonna just just two seconds in this and uh your cells are gonna be demanding to aim them all in the middle here there we go look at that all right 70 frames let's spawn in another one all right i'm gonna walk in and see what happens okay um it's like 70s yeah it's like it's like okay if we go out it's like 80 and then we go in and it's like 70. i mean it's not false advertising i do have to say khan you're looking very radiant today oh yeah yeah well look at this i'm i'm um i don't know good joke good joke i was trying to think of something clever but i i got distracted by all the pretty lights because they sparkle you're more radiant it's called lag cube but it doesn't lag well then what's the point it just look shut up shut up shut up okay this is my josephi krakowski with flex tape so anyway this yeah is do yeah but it was on it was on wait who who made it red josephi kakowski tape oh yours is different than mine oh do it again do it again i missed it isn't that cool and that cool one that's awesome wow like every single block is individual i don't know how you do this how do you do this yeah there's nothing how do you make a blueprint where every block is it's only 64 blocks which is exactly how many you'd need to make this cube yeah there's no bearings in it or anything huh no they're just not attached how do you make that how do you make a blueprint that does that that's cool it like lags when they spawn and then it just stops right i have to i really have to see what happens if i do this oh look at this this is awesome wait hold on hold on let me let me make a bigger field for a second okay okay spawn you're clearly using the wrong gun for this am i all right ready that's what i was using were you i thought you used the regular one no oh this is great we're just literally in the world i love how some of them don't go far at all that some of them just get launched like no sense this is satisfying this is actually this is wonderful this is actually cleaning up the lag it is yeah they're separating them i think this will do a better job no because they're still all the ones out in the wilderness if you can't see them they don't exist all right so i have lag here by jonte dbs now you might think it's exactly what you just spawned in but it's not oh that one just pops up yeah it's just bearing yeah so this reminds me of jello like it looks like a guy it looks like a jello cube yeah but if you hit it just the right way it'll freak out so keep trying here i'll help out with the hammer oh there it goes this is his final form oh my god that is terrifying yeah but it's not really that laggy for me at least i mean it it cut the frame rate in half yeah down to like 120 now but yeah it's it's uh that's amazing yeah but it starts in jello and then it evolves into tornadoes so i thought that was pretty cool that actually looks terrible yeah it was going straight at me and it was really scary oh no i'm just thinking of i'm just thinking of all the cyberpunk memes about about game glitches and weird stuff that happens with like vehicles getting launched across the map and stuff and then i'm like oh is it your first time first time imagine seeing something like that in real life see that's the point where you don't even run because you just know you're dead yeah regardless you just thank you thank you this one is called lag af by alvin 016. now i know af it's as as friends as yes as foes family maybe family friendly it could mean any of those words really any of those words it's uh lagging f by albin and uh i mean you can probably already figure out what it's gonna i don't understand why this exists on the workshop but wait what it does oh it's all done okay it's just dancing it's definitely laggy i mean i feel like he could have done this with just a few a few fewer pistons and it would have been a little bit yeah this one's actually like a brain killer it is down to 5 fps i just thought it was interesting because there's like no pattern in these pistons whatsoever well yeah they're sensor based so it depends on the tilt and there's like timers on top too so i don't understand what that's all about that is weird the time yeah you don't need that you could just hook the sensor directly up to the piston couldn't yeah yeah but they're just they're just also for some reason there's like four here but there's eight yeah everything's wrong about this there's nothing yeah i know nothing makes sense anyway this is this is it that's all it does it dances look at the dance wow we're done okay i got something here that says lag and it doesn't lag for me at all this is by eddie 227 but this is just unexpected do you have a frame rate indicator i do but i have it capped at 60. so if it doesn't go below 60 it doesn't matter it went from 300 to 175. oh okay so it's just spot guns with timers yep it's just uh it's just oh my god you know what it is what is it you're shooting a button oh oh that is actually kind of i didn't even notice that i was looking at it to him like oh my god he's shooting a button yeah the button triggers the spun gun and then there's a the other ones hooked into like the not gate i think of is the knock gate no this is like it oh yeah and then that button triggers the logic gate which triggers the other spot gun which triggers the button which triggers the split gun which then triggers the logic gate and that triggers the other gun but that triggers the button which triggers the gun is the logic gate which then triggers the other others what i got i got trapped i got trapped in the loop what happened all right i have something else with spud guns okay this is really good um this is called lag machine by inferno like this is so small i know what you're going to say these aren't spud guns however um these are small it's a laser that shoots but it's called lag machine and um hold on i'm going to turn on all the switches oh my god what before we before we do this you ready it's already lagging it's already like 60 fps for me okay oh and there it goes oh it's amazing just it's it did you not see it it's still 60 fps so let's do it again because i'm at 50 now all right you ready yeah turn all these on and and there we go it's so cool i feel like we shouldn't oh no okay well we should we're going to talk about like all right put the world cleaner down just in case i'm at zero i'm at one and zero right now right it's not yeah it's not liking that all right here's i'm at like 10 oh fine it's cool how they all fly up it is they ha i was wondering if that was just luck on the first one but they've all done the exact same thing ah there we go i can breathe again so i have something here called lag machine by eatboy21 and this thing has its quirks this thing has a lot of quirks and i'd love to point them out to you because they're quite amazing so it's come up yeah there are a lot of a lot of wheels yeah there's a lot of wheels oh my god the wheels aren't even centered like what is this i told you this thing has a lot of quirks it's not even lined up with that one well it has a lot of quarks okay how do i how do we get in all right we're getting through here yep oh sorry um and then we got we got another level we just got some ramps going up and then we got our seat here okay so first i'd let you notice the steering i'm going to try to steer to the left now okay that's uh that's what that's how it steers this just like this it's it yeah it's i have questions yeah this field is dangling is it oh it is it's just a dangle i didn't even notice that oh all right perfect okay i still haven't seen the lag yet so i'm wondering where that comes in i'll also point out that w and s do nothing there's no actual forward gas yeah um so number one you may notice gas engine you may notice number one uh powers one of the drills and then number three powers the other drill so for some reason they're hooked up independently to the engines you sometimes you'll want left to right drilling on two drills right next to each other sure it makes sense okay if you say so and then number two is how we go that's that powers the thrusters so now we can obviously yes what are the gas engines on all the wheels do um dude i don't know uh wait is there a gas engine on the wheels there is a gas gas engine oh all of these gas engines but they're wait one of them is hooked up to the seat oh we just gotta jack them up they're all at low power but only one of only two of them are hooked up to this seat what all right now i can drive oh my goodness increasing all the gas engine power this is not working very well did it do anything some of the wheels are fighting each other in opposite directions and i'm not even like uh oh they all are oh okay hold on hold on hold on so i think this is the perfect survival vehicle to be honest if i'm just going to be strictly honest right oh yeah yeah no for sure i mean it's really you really got it all and it's only going to cost you like 300 component kits for all those thrusters uh-huh i feel like hey boss and even even big red farm bots would be terrified of this yeah i feel like that's i don't think there's anything i'm very disappointed it doesn't lag i thought it would lag this is the lag episode and you're clearly not fitting the the proper theme this is kind of cool it's called trampoline no lag and it doesn't work does it work oh my god it works oh this is the best thing ever i thought it was really impressive mainly because they used a bunch of invisible pistons and invisible blocks to make it actually all right all right let's try to do a trampoline swap ready all right three two oh okay don't get wait wait with the countdown [Applause] the whole bed is sensors oh is it look at the whole bed is sensors okay you ready you ready for this yeah that that's a good idea yeah all right here we go wow there we go yeah that'll work oh all right this next one is actually really cool and it didn't lag me uh that much this is called john this is or this is called lag by jonathan dr dre white drew white i don't know if that's oh i don't know if that's a last name or two different names all right so check it out uh i'm gonna put the thruster up to max and what you could do the honors of pressing the button oh my god really yep it's actually this is better than i thought it was going to be isn't that amazing that looks so cool isn't it oh this is the eye this is definitely lagging me out a little bit as a client it's teleporting it's actually it's not too bad hold on i don't want to put it on come here oh my god the physics delete calculations oh there you go here i want to try to there we go the thruster's not powerful enough anymore i don't think it's not just add another one this is add another one there we go all right whenever you're ready all right all right let's try this again all right oh sucks dude i hate this game i hate this game so much all right scram and this one's called lag machine by hank magruder two three six nine and um on its own i think it's pretty obvious what this is it's just going to spawn a bunch of oh okay oh you just just right you just right so okay okay i don't know what it won't flag the world out yet okay eventually it will okay this is fun i like when things go flying everywhere this is satisfying actually i like this putting out and then eventually the world just stopped working and that's usually how it goes oh oh that scared me ah there's so many balls it's like watching popcorn pop it kind of is yeah oh no now yeah now they're bunching up all in the middle here oh oh boy yeah okay it's happening fast get our world cleaner ready all right all right let's uh let's clear it out now khan can we can we please just can we clear hold on clear yeah yeah hold on save me save my computer okay okay i got you i got you clear the world yeah oh wait oh wait what what how did one survive what it's a world cleaner it's supposed to literally clean everything is it real this is called godzilla lag by joker and i'm gonna give you three chances after i spawn it in huh is it is it godzilla or is it like godzilla as an adjective like oh it's so much lag it's like godzilla or is it like oh it's actually godzilla and he lag yeah i was gonna say i'm gonna give you three chances to figure out why it's called godzilla lag here it goes oh great so it's not godzilla with lag oh wait did it not spawn in or is it oh there we go it's actually godzilla oh my god it's so massive this is uh so this is clearly it's like he's using brent's this must yeah this must be using the modeling import tool but if i keep it on the lift it's not bad if i take it off the lift it's going to get real bad yeah because there's so many pixels that it like yeah like the game i'm pretty sure calculate straight objects easily because like you know this is like a flat page or whatever right but this is like all the little details and stuff even though there's no moving i'm gonna get up on it i'm gonna try to get climb up right here it's awesome oh my god it's actually working i'm climbing it i'm climbing it oh don't fall wait don't fall ugh i am the king of godzilla does it bother you that he's like a light blue rather than a green it does a little bit i wish it was painted but it's not yeah just um what do you do move on to the nose there just just oh you want me to stand right here right there yeah just stand right there all right what's so special about this part what's the special this will crash the world uh it's called box of lag by banana slug tree now i'm gonna i'm gonna give you a guess you can obviously tell hold on um how many suspension pieces do you think are in the box uh 128. no no you're supposed to guess the number that you could count here so everything you see there's four per side there's two here four here you're supposed to guess like 10 or something or something like a reasonable number 10 or there's 10 in the box there's 48 wow you're so stupid and so yeah it just it's like it just when you drop it it doesn't do anything it just flags why is this the last one because you wanted we wanted to crash the world right so oh i see what's happening now nice two of them oh boy three of them no wait i have i have something that will crash the world actually all right i have the i have the lift selected in my inventory but i have my shotgun out in my hand that's good that's good the first first step first step is i'm trying to put a world cleaner down but it doesn't like recognize i got it i got it on my lift hold on yes yes we stay we did it we survived all right you're ready to die again hold on it's gonna crash my game like subscribe give us ideas for workshop hunters oh my god are you just gonna remove the concrete yes i'm gonna remove the concrete it's actually really satisfying it's satisfying for about half a second and then it gets really unsatisfying all right well uh yeah let us know what you guys think of workshop hunters yeah give us more ideas leave uh yeah leave more ideas in the comments below here we go goodbye everybody that's amazing it does not get better it feels like it's going to get better for a second but then it just keeps getting worse yeah see it feels like it's going to get better just then not better for like a split second yeah i went through all these emotions when i was testing this ah it's so good all right well i guess this is how we end it so i'll see you guys in the next episode all right yeah it's actually completely dead bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 375,549
Rating: 4.9148273 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic workshop hunters, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic multiplayer, best creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic workshop, workshop hunters, scrap mechanic kan gaming, scrap mechanic search, scrap mechanic nuke, scrap mechanic something, scrap mechanic we searched, scrap mechanic lag, scrap mechanic lagging, scrap mechanic lag machine, scrap mechanic world breaking
Id: YGifddNI8bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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