our Skyblock island made almost no money.. until i created the LARGEST spawner farm in Skyblock!

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what does this say it's written in some ancient text I guess I'll never know that you should like and subscribe when this video whoa I'm gonna joking right don't don't worry about it it's fine all right we'll let it slide this time but I won't let it aside next time guys welcome back today to another episode of Skyblock over here on pvp dr cohn dot net we're playing genesis rom I'm gonna show you guys how you get to it you go to the hub you log in obviously you connect to the Archon and then you go to Skyblock over here and then you click Genesis and that's it there you go you've done it guys see if we get smash 471 and point 5 likes on this video if we can that would be insane because well once again back with Raven stupid ideas episode number 6 today we are going to be trying to create the biggest minion you grinding farm on the server now this is going to be three chunks by three chunks as if you guys have a how big this is this is a chunk this is a chunk this is a chunk this is junk marble by you you kind of get the point after this it's you're gonna be an extra three on the end of this and that's gonna be the plan that's what we're gonna try to do we're gonna try to create a best one we can and we're gonna use minions to do it who's gonna take a little bit to set up but before we go any further what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to spawn and open up a crate key its brickies are the best right there lovely we're gonna open up ourselves a legendary key and we're gonna see what we get from it hopefully we get something good we got ourselves two zombie Pigman spawn is the only thing I ever get oh I'm going to just accept it at this point it's literally all we ever get from these I must have be severely unlucky so for this farm to work where you're gonna need multiple things alright we're gonna need many many things at once so let's find where our IDs are cuz I want majority of this to be I geez cuz right now these mushrooms are making us the most money so I don't want to move those there you can stay where they are it's these guys that I don't want to end up moving so obviously this might take me a long time but we're gonna need to silk touch every single one now is there a better silk touch on a hedge because I did she only have efficiency for four 700k fishing g34 600 k I think we'll just sit with our normal silk touch to be completely honest we're gonna need some blocks actually just to place underneath let's go two blocks it's by some stone brick I know it's not even even but that's fine the only issue I have is I don't want them flying off into the lava go away go away go away you're on my platform go away there we go so we might just have to like strafe around okay well it's the good news is if they fall they're gonna fall into the floor which is probably better then they're falling into that like the lava I guess if you're looking at in the grand scheme of things right so there's a eight vajjis now picked up how many is in this one eight in there eight in there sixty-four in there lovely right let's just grab these there we go just try not to let them fall into the lava otherwise I'm gonna be very very upset but if you guys do enjoy Skyblock make sure you guys who like and subscribe if you guys aren't new I plug every video but we're getting very very close to 50,000 scribers I think we're close to being like maybe like a thousand off or something so thank you guys so much for all this continued support it's absolutely nuts you know it's the best life to live but there we go another eight basically mind where are all these we need to pick all these up we should have twenty four twenty three we've lost one I'm sorry I GE I didn't mean to now or probably gonna be here for like a year to be completely honest because we're gonna have to sit here just individually mine every single one and we've already done ten so we're not like that far away gonna be easy enough right hey we're down to 40 that means we should have like a good amount there we go we picked up 17 so we're getting most of them logically I probably should have just cleared the lava would have been probably the best idea I could have had but almost halfway through this lovely stack now we've almost made it okay there we go all these I cheese in mind we have a stack in 22 which i think is like we've only lost two out of all of them which isn't actually that bad now where did I come out from I'm lost there we go looking at this this is gonna be the middle chunk and this should be where the eye Gees were which means that we can actually place a chunk copper and be perfectly fine so we're gonna have to get working on this the idea I have is I just want to do like a straight outline so I'm thinking we're gonna drink the outline made out of iron blocks this is gonna take a long time seeing as I am at you by myself maybe have it like that height that height feels good now I don't know whether to do it quartz or iron looking at this logically it's not really gonna make a difference but I think we'll do it with quartz mainly just because it's gonna be a lot easier and I guess what we'll do is we'll just quickly sell our iron blocks because you know it's basically just money okay so for the outline of this we know kind of roughly where we have to go and I do have chunk borders downloaded just for this situation okay so that's basically two chunks now we're gonna have to go back this way until we get to the end of here I wanna see if this doesn't make us a lot of money I'm gonna be very very upset because this is gonna take me a long time to make and we're gonna use the minion man if you guys don't know what that is you guys will see soon enough so it sternal notch chunk borders there we go at least now we know where the outline for this is so we know how big it out she's gonna be and then we just have to go down from here I think also good like that lap is just that just a tiny little bit okay now this should be all the way back here and then we should have a lovely now outline bore there we go look at it it's gonna be massive I don't know what's making me want to do this but I just have a really big feeling that I want to do it right so let's quickly just mined this lapis just a little little bit and now we're gonna have to do the very very like long process of filling in the hole of this floor right now this is gonna take us probably the longest out of everything because we're gonna have to do it just like two at a time and we're not even like oh this is gonna take me a very very long time honestly I can see this taking fully the longest project I've ever done and hopefully what this would do is increase our I'm like Gollum like how much they actually make for us because right now they're not making that much money because they're being outshined completely buy mushrooms I think we're almost at two stacks of mushrooms like offs faunas which obviously means that is a lot of money being made right now just by lit completely just completely buy mushrooms because if I go down right now and I go down to the bottom here this is some emerald chest this is will drops by mushrooms and I sold it quite recently it's already all the way up here so if we sell this did you guys who see this sells for like a hundred K or which animal has fur okay I got it so we made like almost a million from this just on its own so it this obviously when we get like four or five stacks of these mushrooms bonus here we are gonna be raking in money so fast because right now they spawn up quite frequently a lot of them do spawn because it's almost two stack but I'm getting distracted alright we can't we can't sit here and get distracted we have nine years of projects worth to do okay eight more stacks of quartz let's bring in the process so how you guys doing everyone okay everyone's having a good time bit bit communication to get yourself flowing we've made it a little bit of progress I think like we're making good at progress it's not like we're not doing anything honestly I miss twin-twin come back to me please okay so it's looking pretty good right now obviously my tactic for this is just to like like do three like this and then like fill it in slightly like time by time obviously we still have light-years to go to infinity and beyond I might do is cut for you guys right now and when I come back hopefully all this floor is near enough done once this floor is done we can kind of just get it rolling and it's gonna be pretty easy after that just obviously this is going to be the long process out of everything so what I'm gonna do is take a cut right now we're gonna do a cook transition and I will see you guys once the transition is over and the floor is there for we're almost there we're on the homestretch I've almost made it it's just taking me way longer than I'd like to admit we're never doing this again but we're almost there five four three two last block there we go our platform is now near enough finish that we're going to able to get rid of some more of these lapis blocks get these out of the way but I think what we're gonna have to do before I go anything else is just do one little outline e here just so obviously when we place water and stuff that it's add she's not gonna like flow off and like flood the entire island and everybody drowns which probably won't be a good thing we're good probably have to buy like maybe like another two three stacks of blocks I've spent probably most of my money recently on court just continuously buying eight stacks and another eight stack and another and another and I think you guys kind of from there get the idea all right so on our last little line that's just hurry and finish this before I end up like completely just giving up on this project altogether like how over here it's nice and neat and then you get round here and you can just definitely tell where it just started to go downhill dah what I want to do for this particularly is obviously there's no middle of this chunk because it is in fact like you can't get the middle of 16 because it's eight a little something I don't know I think I'm right here but these should be the middle two blocks and this is what I want to sit Arminian on this is the idea that I have I want to put the minion here I want water flowing every direction if this check this is even so one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven that's seven one two three four five six seven there we go so this is where I want it and what we want to do is actually just pick up some water buckets here we're gonna go to shop and we're gonna go to where it actually is and we'll buy a good amount of buckets we will see don't want lava we'll just buy some water and we're just gonna have to kind of go around like this now this is the idea that I have basically if we place water all along here the IGS are gonna like flow in wood and they're gonna flow eventually until they reach this middle chunk here now I've realized this is probably gonna take just as long as the previous one I think I've read you got a pretty good tactic for this is kind of going back and forth okay now that should flow the whole way okay that's looking pretty good to be honest right yes it's gonna be fantastic so we're going to grab another bucket and put it there oh no that's not what I wanted I've broken it will it she now gonna have to because I made it an ocean by accident obviously we're gonna have to sit here and like split all these blocks over and then mind them again obviously I don't know what's wrong with me today just what a work okay so this water is now in wood which means we're now gonna have to mine out this I think what I'm gonna do is take another cut right here and I'm gonna be back with you guys once this is done just so we have the general layout so I'll be back with you guys in a second I don't think editing is gonna do this justice with how long this thing has taken me but honestly I think it's taken me somewhere between like an hour and it may be a bit over I think we have created and if I go get out my chunk borders and I do this we've created one of the biggest farms in Skyblock right now especially on this server I think we have created on the biggest obviously there's opportunities to even make this thing bigger if we need to but I don't I don't think we need to do that okay so I'm just trying to figure out now where to put the spoilers and where's going to be the best place because right now we don't have anything set up in terms of actually we do because if they die in this chunk we have the mop hopper below the crophopper so I think if we start off with our like farm maybe just being inside of one chunk and then when we get more spawn as we can like push outwards because I want every single one to be full so we're gonna have to do such a robot and we're gonna have to grab our robot and we're gonna have to spawn him but I have an outfit I don't I don't know an r2d2 we're gonna make a mile to d2 if you guys don't know you are able to change the outfit of your robot so mine cow is r2d2 who is the best okay so what we're gonna have one is we're gonna want this guy he'll detect nearby mobs and attack them for loop or keeping nearby chunks loaded and this one is there not another one farming two tons growth booster crops spawn activate mining mode no it's just mob attack that we want and what we want is target types we want to get rid of every target type that isn't an IG because we don't want them obviously killing everything else we just want to killing iron golems okay iron golem there we go he should now be killing just IGS and what we want to do is this should now go into the hopper below and what we're gonna do now is literally just fill up a spawn okay so he should be killing these I think he is I'm seeing like the hit happen which means hopefully these should be dying there we go so they actually did die so now I'm wondering because if you look at the entrace on this thing he has looting for and damage five but what we can do when we get 10,000 mob coins is we can actually increase that hopefully by using the gamble system there's a way we should actually be able to okay so this one is now full so what we might have to actually do I'm not sure how much we're gonna do this is I'm sure to think how we can do this because this one's full for now if we maybe put one if we put this up here come on look at our IG walking across that there we go lovely if you put one up here at the same height there we go so now we have a stack and 22 of these and what weren't you gonna do is do this on the other side here just so we have it all labeled out for me need it the next time that's a lot of IDs now my minion here we're gonna call him Barry can i there we go we have Barry ultimate Barry Barry now has just killed 161 IGS so what we're gonna do is see if this works so let's go down to the bottom here and this should be our iron chest right oh my okay Barry Barry done this already or this has to be there Cade right all right there's no way Barry's done all this is buried it's making like a row at a time I honestly think this is gonna be one of the best spawn us that we've ever made just purely from money because we've made what nearly just 300 K 400 Kate and we're gonna throw that right back into IGS I think I've just found a way to make IDs better and I manzell expander actually didn't want to come have a look at what we've done today so I guess we'll show him we'll get his opinion we will TPA here a text panda there we go and we'll see what he thinks because obviously he's our island member his opinion matters and we'll buy it some more IG so I can buy maybe eleven no I can i f3 mil I can buy like what two three mil I could buy two two IGS he said cool we have his approval there we go so these now we'll kill it kill some pretty quickly to be honest there's 142 and obviously when we get more it will be more of them it's so fancy look at it and then he'll kill those and then another 140 should stack right so these now 219 IG should be going my man did X Panda I have his approval dude thank you did this this is what matters my guy okay that is so annoying or the pressure play that knows you guys can hear the sound probably but it literally is just like ding ding ding ding or whatever the pressure plates make I don't know but we just sold it and let's go see how much Barry's made so oh we miss Barry has made us already near enough a dub which actually isn't that bad because when we get a lot of I G's going it's gonna make us even more money I wanna see I'm very proud of what we've done today I only see a spawner farm that one works and two has made us an absolute boatload of money so far anyway Barry's gonna be able to keep these afk and keep these going Barry should now kill these there we go he thinks it's cool we have his approval and over time what we're going to do it just pushed these spawn is out so we have loads coming at once and Barry's going to be able to kill them all aren't you Barry so I think we're gonna leave that episode here I think that's gonna be the end of what we want to do we need to put the sell one back and actually I want to quickly I'm so curious to how much it's making and before we go what we should do is that you sell the rest of the Lucas then expand the husband afk which means I obviously come and sell it so it nearly it doubled a half of iron which is cool emeralds obviously still our main moneymaker but once we obviously get a lot more IGS it's probably gonna help us a so we made nearly a male just off that alone let's go sell out diamonds from zombies where'd you get a lot of money from that okay we're actually getting like a lot of money generally now obviously sell all this Cao Lu you know it's only really worth nine K but it's the thought that counts and that's all for two we're a two point eight mil and that's what you made just from our farms just while we've been like sat here honestly I think that's gonna be end of this episode I'm very happy with what we've done guys if you do enjoy minecraft Skyblock make you guys do you like subscribe for you guys aren't you and I will see you guys tomorrow but other factions episode me and Barry are gonna go take a rest now because we've been recording this for a very long time haven't we Barry I will see you guys tomorrow with another episode thank you guys so much for watching and good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 41,327
Rating: 4.8745875 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, our Skyblock island made almost no money.. until i created the LARGEST spawner farm in Skyblock!, factionsraven skyblock, skyblock grinder, largest skyblock grinder, how to make money in skyblock, irongolem spawner, factionsraven money, factionsraven mansion
Id: Kd7skFds6ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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