I Survived 1,100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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in this video i get things organized i build a very efficient music disc farm expand my tower of slavery i mean i give my villagers more jobs to feed their families and i finally change this hideous building but first i'm going to need more wood which i'm then going to use to make loads of hoppers the first time ever i have grown trees on every single block let's see how much wood this actually gets me i've spent ages mining at all these logs i do just wonder if there's a faster way by grabbing gunpowder and also some sand which can then be turned into tnt which i'm then going to use to try and speed up the process drop a piece of tnt in there light it up and look at that loads of wood very very fast it drops every single block when you use tnt so i guess my best option is just to try it a few times and in fact i can kind of dig tunnels like that and then do a little bit more maybe if i do another one through here we can also go like that perfect then we can go and collect up this wood collect up this wood and hopefully just speed up the whole process finally made it back down to the bottom i'll probably just mine this all normally but it has been a very successful tree chopping mission we all seem to have had a slight issue where my my scaffolding is broken look at that over a shulker box full we can't even fit it all in our infantry this scaffolding can easily be replaced what was the point of getting all this wood well i wish to turn it into chests which can then create lots of hoppers and if i need more iron there's plenty more where that came from that's pretty much all i need for this next project which is to add auto storage to this wool farm because in my opinion it is very very disorganized so this area that i've chiseled out is pretty much going to be where the auto storage is just going to remove that chest and instead run hoppers through to here i don't know if this is a good thing but there's now a massive trail of hoppers going all the way around here along here i just need 16 comparators only have enough redstone to make 13 comparators which can mean only one thing we're going mining thankfully this giant area i made has loads of places where i can just easily get redstone i forgot i just randomly leave diamonds laying around here but you know what i think of diamonds don't you yes diamonds are for peasants neither right is where it's at look at that there's just randomly more diamonds over there as well got more than enough redstone from all that which means i can make the three more comparators 16 repeaters as well and get back to building the main reason i build these auto storage systems is just because i love the organization that it brings it's just so beautiful to know that every single thing is in its proper place and i'm also very disorganized with my chest so auto storage is kind of the only way they ever get organized so this is pretty close to being finished i just need to add chests all the way along here then these hoppers connect to the chests and i finally need to try and add items to these so that they don't all get mixed up as you can see it's pretty fast they're all filtering through quickly so let's get organizing these hoppers and now each and every one of these hoppers has the wooling that it needs so all the ball is getting perfectly sorted which means it's then all filtering nicely into these chests and i'm also going to add another row of hoppers and chests below just to avoid any backlogs so my place to put glowstone above every single chest and then the corresponding wall above each of the chests as well just like that okay that is perfect let's cover this bit with birch wood stairs see what this wandering trader wants because he will not shut up and they're just all useless but you know what i'm gonna buy the die because it's just easier than getting it another way you know what bert shoplins because i did do a lot of deforestation now i need to stop wasting all my money didn't really know what to put for this final one so i i just chose crying obsidian because this what this chest is here is only for like misculaness items that don't go in any of these in case you know some some dirt falls into a hopper or something so don't expect to see crying obsidian end up in there the stairs down to this place are now complete let's use some birchwood logs as pillars i think it makes the most sense for the floor to also be birch you know what i'm going to try and mix it up a little bit more i'm going to make these into birch wood and then yeah i'm gonna try this for the roof but then i'm gonna strip all of them yeah i think that's that's a pretty nice effect i'm gonna need to do a lot more tree chopping to get this finished though but considering i also built this place i feel like my building's improving and whilst i'm in the area let's grab this honeycomb for the walls there we go very nice indeed i feel like i need to come up with some better way to farm every single kind of wood because it's it's stupid that at this stage i'm i'm still going and mining trees i basically have an infinite supply of everything but wood lovely the roof is done i just need to strip all these logs fill in these walls right here hold that thought i'm gonna change this to birch and now this place is finally finished it took some time but i have to say it looks very very nice there was a slight improvement let's just put birch in these bits here there we go that's even better a few torches on these walls for some light and with that i am now getting loads and loads of wool job well done if you ask me this random clump of trees has been here for so so long i i don't know why i don't just get rid of the wood kind of the end of an era also we've got this this half broken tree i think a ravager did that also break this and it's getting very very dark the villagers are fast asleep but i suppose i should get to sleep this is also probably a good time to check out my sugarcane farm it'll grade it to make it bigger not that long ago so let's see how it's doing look at that it's not crazy speeds but it's as fast as it needs to be now this right here is an eyesore i can only leave it for so long i think it's time i did some more mining and speaking of making things look better i am on a quest for three million subscribers so i know it's a big commitment but if you like my videos please please please subscribe it was quite the project my frame rate is dead from all these items on the ground but the mountain is gone now i just need some snow to cover it up i feel like this place could be even better i think i need to double it in size you know we've got all these guys working hard but we just need more yes the chests are overflowing with with vegetables and i really don't need more vegetables but hey what's the point of playing minecraft if we don't get a ridiculous amount of items that we don't need so for this i'm gonna need quite a lot of glass lots of iron blocks which we have plenty of dirt glowstone and instead of bringing loads of books of water i'm just going to bring ice there are all the things i'll need later on but this will get me started for now another layer has been completed and i'm already beginning the next one and that's the fifth layer complete time for the final layer and the final villager is already heading up and straight into my trap you're not going to be a farmer i'm just going to be a helpless villager that's trapped here forever so now these guys are all in i just need to get some wheat seeds and then we can do this guy's job for him and get planting and now the sixth layer is complete and what an amazing place it really is i feel like i should make it different colours i feel like i might just you know keep making it bigger and bigger as time goes on but don't worry i'm not going to add any more layers in this video what i am going to do is head to my gold farm and repair my tools because they're getting a little bit broken my tools are now all nicely prepared i think it's time i turned this mess into a nice organized room i mean i'm gonna need more comparators repeaters and more hoppers and chests and you've seen me do this next bit already today so i won't bore you with the details the only thing that does worry me about this is when i've got to move all these into the things and break these chests there's going to be items everywhere but for now we're just going to do this all right here we go big mess number one which will be nicely fixed by chests along here like this it's come out quite nicely but i'm going to grab a little bit of leather and i'm going to make myself some item frames then i'm going to put glowstone along here with item frames in front of those and then these will correctly correspond perfect the only problem with this room now is it's a little bit small so i actually want to extend it a little bit you know give me a bit more breathing room and now this room is completely finished oh look at you handing out puppies and everything are we it must be because he's seen the great uh economy support that i'm doing and i'm gonna be very honest i have no idea what i'm gonna do with all these things i i really have no idea although i do know one thing i'm gonna increase these chests down to here then that should avoid any overflow issues now this wall of music discs is it's very nice but we've not got enough okay five is not enough so i'm going to create a music this farm this is going to take quite a bit of time to build but once it's done it will get me over 150 music discs per hour took some time but i now have all the items that i need this one doesn't need to be built over the water but i still think i am going to just to keep it out of the way and kind of with all these other farms right about here should be perfect i'm going to start by placing some chests along here like that with a nice little hopper system that has a slab on top and this is where the creeper's going to be so i've kind of got to make a way so that it can be boxed in like this which i'm just going to keep repeating all the way up to level 90. we've made it to the correct height so now i'm going to build out a giant platform the platform's done so next we're going to build a glass border and then a few extra glass blocks on each corner and instead of using those water buckets i'm instead going to break ice and do something like that there's also going to be loads of water source blocks all the way around the edge so basically it's going to push the creepers down here yeah i've definitely done this slightly wrong because it shouldn't all be completely one just give me a second the water's now all gone time for take two all right this time it looks a lot better next we're gonna come to the middle build up three blocks add a dispenser right there and get rid of this dirt next i'm gonna add six blocks to the side of this dispenser these have glass on the end and glass on the left there we go and then this next bit is gonna be a little bit precise but i've kind of got to build out like zigzags but there's got to be glass i think right about here and it's kind of just yeah connecting up like that it's really starting to come together isn't it so next we're going to fill in all of these gaps along here then i'm going to add a bunch of glass pillars and these are basically going to stop things like spiders from spawning because in this farm we only want creepers in the middle we're going to build up like this and we need to get this guy yeah we're going to place an observer like that with a dispenser on top of it let's go and get rid of all of that and then we're also going to need a bunch of slabs thankfully a bunch of slabs is what we've got and these go out 14 blocks in all directions and now for the bit that's going to take forever i need to connect up the corners and then fill in the whole thing with slabs and finally it is done the next job is to come down here and place trapdoors everywhere so only creepers can spawn there we go i tell you what it takes ages to make creepy fun doesn't it you gotta do so much uh so much work so i don't know how i'm gonna get out of here probably something like this i can place another trapdoor place a slab right we need to do a clock up here but the sun's going down so i should probably sleep first so we need a block here with redstone on the top and then we're gonna build this out four on each side there we go and i'm gonna jump up here like this i'm going to put a block here and then we also want to put a lever like that and then it's going to be a pretty standard redstone clock so we're just going to add com repeaters all the way around here with some redstone do the same all the way back to the end and then when i flick that it should go around i think i need to just do it into that mode and then yeah it creates a nice little clock although i should add these it's going way too fast to slow it down there we go okay that's that's a much better speed i'm also going to quickly go down here because i need to remember to put the uh the water in there so yeah they should in theory destroy all my torches when it does yeah look at that beautiful and we see it in action this is just instead of cats basically it's gonna push the creepers off and then it's gonna go back round it's not as fast but obviously you know we're only getting music this it'll need to be ridiculously fast also have to do now is build the afk spot and to be honest the best thing for me to do is go back and get some scaffolding now i have 96 scaffolding let's place all of this down i have to say this is way way easier than if i actually was placing it look at that it's so easy this is my little afk platform i'm gonna put a slap above my head so that no phantoms can get to me and i might even just just make a little yeah we'll make a little area here just chill up here perfect i will also go down here and swoop at the last second okay half a heart a little bit close for comfort anyway back to business we can break all of that see you later scaffolding and look at this we're already getting loads and loads don't blow up maybe you're best just to not look at it at all actually instead i'm gonna sleep sleeping is much safer right here we're gonna be building a compartment and using glass as walls and also the roof now let's also build out some blocks along here with a block on the end and i'm gonna place two slabs like this just to protect this golem to make him completely safe i'm gonna box him in so that he he can't escape this golem's life will be a very simple one let's build this golem right here put a pumpkin on there we go you're living there sir now i just need to get the guy in here which we're gonna call the music man even got him a name tag and everything this is going to be a precarious dusk in the end i've realized building this giant bridge is the way to go and now that's a job well done let's remove this bridge i don't know how i did it but somewhere i got a floating piece of stuff it must be glitched if i go like that yeah it kind of reappeared i don't know that was a bit weird and this farm is now complete so let's go and fly up to the afk area up here i'm going to sit here for a bit and see just how many music discs we get a couple of days have passed let's go and see what we've got here are the chests and oh my goodness look at all these music this we have got every single music disc going i'm gonna need a shulker box to transport all of these and it's also got me a little bit of gunpowder which can go into there all of these discs just look amazing can't wait to get him back to my house man tommy and it would be jealous if he could see me now let's add a bunch of chess here first and these can be where the music discs will live and then i'm going to make it so that they're all extremely extremely organized i tell you what organization does not get any better than that and i need a bunch of extra item frames and we're going to fill these with all the music discs there's 13 in total this is going to take a little bit but i'm going to rename all of them in an anvil and that's just so that when i hover over them they actually you can see the name like that one you can't see but that one you can because i've renamed it and there we go every single music disc is now in my collection and that is one project that i can finally put to bed just had a false alarm completely forgot about this shulker box which has a few more of these discs i think it's time to address something okay you know this room it looks terrible it's awful okay and you know what i got away with it for a bit but it's it's time to fix it i've added stone bricks around the edge and i'm digging out this area with the plan to fill it with lava and very conveniently i have a shulker box here which is full of lava buckets although i'm not sure if this will quite be enough yeah i've already run out but dory i could easily get more there we go i tell you what lava floors are just a bit of a pain really and you think after building this many rooms out of lava i'd eventually learn but not me i just keep doing it i think though it just always looks good it's a brilliant light source and part of me wants to we're going to add another strip of lava here perfect and this time i'm definitely don't need to get rid of the slithers of dirt underneath these chests and instead replace it with stone bricks and behind these hoppers can also be stone bricks and the exact same thing behind these top hoppers too and i think i'm gonna make the walls all blackstone so i'm gonna have to go on a bit of a mining spray i've mined up quite a lot of this black stone and i think that should probably be enough i get just enough so that this final stack becomes a full 64 stack so let's mine out some of these walls then turn all this into polish blackstone and then polish blackstone bricks and start placing progress on this room is starting to come along quite nicely i just need to finish the roof i don't really know where to just keep it blackstone on course i think yeah we'll just go with blackstone see how it looks and there we have it the new and improved super smelter is now complete the only thing that i would like to do is first get rid of these creepers oh okay it blew up and made a bit of a mess and i wish to take all of these blaze rods and use them in these furnaces as fuel and that's all of them but i could still do with like another 10 stacks which should be very easy to get and then this room is completely finished i probably going to move this crafting table because it's not in the best spot ever put it somewhere like that instead you know what i'm just going to walk away and leave it i never walk away and leave stuff i'm going to put it there i think by the chest it kind of fits in a bit better and i have returned with many more blaze rods as an extra little tweak to this place i'm actually going to remove this redstone torch and put a block there and then put a lever on here so that instead of this minecart always moving it's only going to be moving uh when i need it to so if i switch this off now the minecart will stop and i can set it off again if i need to it's just a little extra thing that i think is worth it next it's time for me to head to the monument because i'd like to spend more time draining the whole thing as always this bit is extremely extremely fast and i wonder if i go something like that now is this is this a way is this like yeah on a five wide thing it might just be enough you know do not even need to split up all the partitions if i kind of yeah go like this all the way along it might be better for me believe it or not this is actually working quite well and any lack of efficiency with the sponge is made up for by the fact that i don't have to place loads and loads more gravel pretty much all being drained nearly but i think my best bet is going to be to get a load more sponge so i'm going to first get some sleep and then go in search of a brand new monument there's a fairly close one right here but it's already giving me minor fatigue so i can't really break any of these things but if i go in here grab myself some iron then use the crafting table and make up myself a bucket i can then give myself infinite air by spamming the bucket in here i can collect all the sponge there we have one piece there we have the second one and the third and final one now all i need to do is track down the sponge room here we go i've still got 40 seconds of minor fatigue so i just have to sit here and wait there we go the effect is gone let's grab all of this sponge i'm going to have a good little search around to see if i can find another room with sponge because sometimes there is two but there we go we found it right in here and before i leave i need to remember not to forget the shulker box the ender chest and the crafting table next i'm gonna go in search of another monument spotted one up here whether i've been to it before i have no idea the fact that this guy's in here would indicate i haven't been here it should be a very quick process to also loot this monument might as well also steal their gold whilst i can sad to say but it seems like this monument did not generate with a sponge room which is something that can happen at some monuments i'm not quite sure how but i've somehow done a full circle and i'm back at my own monument i'm back on the search and now we're at monument number three with more gold to be taken and this one does have a sponge room to be honest this ocean is completely packed with new monuments by the time i'm finished i'll never need to get sponge again now let's get back to draining this is why i like to mine the sponge as i'm going because it becomes very annoying to get rid of it at the end because it's just kind of all floating in the air look at this all nicely drained there is still all of under here to sort out which is going to take probably quite a bit more gravel there's not many guardians here right now so i'm going to take the opportunity and place loads of the gravel now there we go mission accomplished let's get placing the sponge and that is now another part successfully drained this is the perfect time to bring out the torches and start removing the gravel which as always is very very satisfying i've got so so much gravel it's getting a little bit ridiculous so i'm gonna make a double chest right here to call this gravel in there and the shulker box also has tons of gravel in so that's also going to go in here and all this sponge is not needed either that's all done nicely next i'm going to continue getting rid of all this gravel i think five days of that is probably enough for me it is really starting to come together i have way more gravel than i ever realized i had but the worst part is i've only done a third are you kidding me you really do have to be crazy to start a project like this after all that flying around my elytra's starting to get a bit broken so i'm gonna go and mend it one of those things i'm tired of never having enough of is redstone i mean it's something that's very easy to get but i seem to use it so so fast so i'm gonna grab another pickaxe go in search of a brand new cave and then go in search of redstone i ended up having to do some strip mining and already we found some nice redstone and even more to be honest it's not that hard to find really is it and look at this we've found some diamonds now although diamonds are for peasants i feel like some of you will be triggered if i just left them behind so we'll get all of these i left some behind in the last video and i never heard the end of it in the comments we dug out into a lava section here it it seems like it's a bit of a dead end though so uh a bit of a waste of time for me to come out of my dive mining state so we'll just uh place the water go like that carry on strip mining after mining up this redstone i've already got about four stacks i believe yeah look at that over four stacks but i'm going to keep going until i get about 10. and that should hopefully last me quite a long time even more dimes i don't even know what i'd do with these i've built a diamond beacon all the dimes in the world fall down look at it i just can't stop finding diamonds you know diamonds they're just to me they're just worthless worthless items that i just see and i'm like well i might as well grab it look at that i've already got 24 in the chest 49 there yeah why don't we just put them together i mean yeah nothing else to do to me redstone is way more precious i've also realized that it's probably more effective for me to do a two-high strip mine just because of how slow you crawl when you're doing the dive mining so the blocks per second that you uncover whilst dye mining is probably slower than the blocks per second you do when you do this does that make sense probably not knowing my explanations you know the great thing of having loads of redstone in your inventory taking up all the space you could just turn it into redstone blocks and all of a sudden space is no longer a problem i don't quite know how i've done this but i've somehow dug my way through all the way to where i battled the withers so um i guess that's a signal to go home it certainly makes getting back to the surface easier all this cobblestone can be deposited here which has been quite good because i usually run out of cobblestone quite easily and there's plenty of redstone for this barrel as well you know all this bamboo here is very nice and it's very easy to have it should just go like that but i feel like i can make a much more efficient version i mean look look at all the effort i've got to go to now to pick up all the bamboo shoots i don't even see a reason why i'd ever need all this bamboo but hey we're going to make a better way to get it this means i'm actually going to need some of the redstone and cobblestone that i just got this is very exciting something we're definitely going to need a lot of is pistons and also observers i've nearly used upon my redstone and cobblestone already thankfully i already have millions and millions of hoppers so i don't need to make any of those but a hopper minecart would be nice and powered rails will also be important and it makes the most sense to build it right next to the sugarcane farm although to be honest it's probably going to interfere with the turtle enclosure up there so i'm going to find somewhere else to build it i decide the best way to go is to build a little bit of a staircase downwards and from that i can dig a long corridor so the grass is going to go along here and here we'll have a row of quartz and then a row of pistons finish with a row of observers then these observers are going to have blocks behind them but redstone below them i've explained the video before why i do it like this but this is just the most efficient way to build it and the final thing i need to do is add a minecart underneath here which means a couple of hoppers need to be here first and then we can place down a powered rail on there a redstone torch there and normal rails all the way across i'm gonna build something like this and if i break that block place a chest like that although let's get this right and we want another chest or what's just there we want a chest what am i doing is it's all going wrong with it just like that and we want a chest on the side of there perfect so that's kind of the little um little chest system the floor is of course gonna be quartz and the only thing i'd like to put in front of here is some glass so i'm gonna go and get that let's add in these final pieces of quartz plant the bamboo shoots set off this hopper mine cart place down the final pieces of glass add a few torches around the place and that makes this room completely finished and already a bamboo shooter's grown i'm guessing that bamboo grows a lot faster than sugarcane does although speaking of sugarcane i'm gonna turn all of this into paper and then start creating more firework rockets and chucking them in the shulker box and all of that should keep me going for quite some time and here we are the final day i'm curious to see how well the wolf farm is working let's have a look oh look at this it's brilliant bringing me loads of woolen this is perfect i'm gonna grab all the honeycomb from here turn it into honeycomb blocks and change all this red wall to instead of honeycomb and and see how it looks hopefully it looks better otherwise this building is forever doomed to look terrible look at this efficiency five shears they're just insta mine wool it really doesn't get any better than that i'd have to say it does look like a big improvement but if i really want to improve this place i need to grab these honey bottles create loads of honey blocks and change this roof from being this weird grass roof to instead be one made from honey blocks talk about a sticky situation this is one of the weirdest concepts i've ever seen as you can see for some reason at the chunk border you can you can see the honey like i don't know if that's a bug or something but hey it's a big improvement from what it was before it's possible that using the honey as windows and the glass of the roof might be better but i'm just going to leave it as it is the only thing i do want to add is loads of string to the roof so that the snow isn't a problem and oh my goodness the sun's going down we're on the final day i better hurry up i'm fairly confident i can do this in the next two minutes and there we have it the building is complete for the second time and the sun has already set so that ladies and gentlemen was 1100 days in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,405,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 1100 days
Id: V96KbeIPXYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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