I Beat ALL of FUNDYS Difficulties AT ONCE!

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[Music] i decided to torture myself by beating all of fundy's difficulties at once wait you don't know anything about fundy's challenges where have you been the last year so basically when you combine all of them together minecraft becomes truly impossible eating kills you most mobs turn into axolotls with anger issues going too low blinds you foxes will spawn that kill you and they only last 10 seconds you can't touch any water skeletons have a machine gun grass poisons you minding any block no matter what type makes them explode the ender dragon is stupidly strong and there's so much more that just make this not a fun experience oh and did i mention that you have to protect a stupidly cute cat called boots all the way to the end and if she dies or she's too far away from you you instantly die so let's stop for a second breathe in without relax nuclear fusion for god's sake even standing still gets you killed if i had to choose my top three most hated features added by fundy i would choose the axolotls and the foxes the exploding blocks and this stupid cat although i have to admit that it is quite cute there's actually one more feature that single-handedly was responsible for ruining a whole run for me keep watching to find out what that feature is so now we have to come up with a master plan and i did come up with one that turned out to be far from perfect you see there are a bunch of rules set by fundy himself but the most important one was you can play on any seed you want as long as the portal is not filled in already i was also allowed to play with a friend and i tried to beat it with my friend yatsu who helped me tremendously by teaching me tricks he used in his own two thousand dollar fundy challenge video but we tried it with a different seat and a different plan and that plan just didn't work out so eventually i had to come up with a new one so the first thing i noticed was that fundy made one custom difficulty that would turn out to be his downfall the baby difficulty it negates fall damage lava turns into obsidian around you normal mobs die in your proximity although this does not apply to foxes and axolotls stone occasionally drops ores and you can one hit kill the ender dragon just by typing no u in the chat but most importantly there is one single feature that allowed me to beat this mode in the first place the ability to just ask for ender pearls yes it's that easy all you have to do is ask for ender pearls in the chat and the plugin will give you some this works with blaze rods as well but unfortunately due to the 2 000 difficulty we also need lapis and ink sacs to craft an eye of ender pretty easy right i mean you can get the lapis from regular stone blocks since they have a chance to drop it due to the baby difficulty right yeah let me just say it wasn't that easy at all just remember all of those plugins were written in different versions of minecraft ranging from 1.15.2 all the way to 1.17.1 and it was bound to happen that one of the older ones malfunctions as i was playing on a server with 1.17.1 installed and that happened to be baby mode it just didn't do anything my triumph card just vanished right before my eyes and i had no backup after some digging though i managed to find a data pack that was coded from scratch to function exactly like fundy's baby mode but in 1.17.1 unfortunately this data pack programmer forgot to include lapis in the stone item pool so this data pack is actually even harder for me than if i would get to use the original baby mode made by fundy but now that i explained the environment we're working in here's my bulletproof plan that helped me beat this unbelievable heart challenge once i spawn in i immediately asked for pearls and loot the starter chest and then get insects right at the start because the axolotls will spawn and kill the squids once it gets nighttime and the foxes will steal the ink sacks to drop to the ground which would make them inaccessible next up would be the challenge of finding lapis luckily i quickly learned from jeremy lum's video that you can just not click on respawn once you get killed by the exploding squids after standing still for too long and since you technically still don't move they will continue to bomb that spot that way you can blow a hole into the ground rather quick of course i already knew where lapis could be found on the ground so i stood in a very specific spot next to the world spawn that would uncover a lava pool and lapis at the same time i mined the lapis and then ate an apple that i got from the starting chest but as you might remember eating makes you explode but here is where our best friend for this challenge comes in ladies and gentlemen may i present to you the save and quit button with this wonderful button we can almost avoid all damage sources like an explosion so we eat our apple log off wait two seconds and then join back into the game the surrounding cave is now gone but all the stone that was destroyed by the explosion turned into valuable materials but i didn't care about diamonds and other trash all i cared about was iron why iron you might ask because with that i can craft a lot of buckets and with that i can collect a lot of lava and with that i can build a nether portal yeah using the baby mode mechanic that turns all lava into obsidian around me i can build a nether portal by placing the lava near me unfortunately fondly decided that it would be funny or something to increase the portal size from the regular 10 obsidian blocks to 40 obsidian blocks but that won't stop me so i just built this huge portal stepped inside and landed in the nether in here all endermen and zombie pigmen are overpowered are always angry at you and you're constantly burned but luckily baby mode disables fire damage so at least we got that going for us in my testing world i already figured out where i had to build my nether portal to land exactly inside of the importer room it was the same seat and technique that yatsu used in his own video and then this happened and let's step in the portal what the happened yeah turns out that there is this one little tiny itsy bitsy small and unnoticeable detail that ruined my whole plan fondly decided that in his cursed difficulty he would randomize portal generation so whenever you exit the nether you will end up somewhere in a 2 000 block radius great my plans were shattered i was devastated and i instantly lost all my motivation traveling to the stronghold turned out to be absolutely impossible no matter if you're traveling in the nether or the overworld the overworld a swamp with speeding axolotls and machine gun skeletons and you can't even set up beds to respawn because they only work one single time and getting them is extremely hard since they explode when you mine them in a village so i had absolutely no way of reaching the stronghold at all while i was still mad at the fact that my plan didn't work i went brain afk and accidentally discovered that every time i would exit the nether i would land in a different location and would you believe it it didn't take long until i landed 200 blocks away from the stronghold i wanted to originally reach and that sparked a tiny glimmer of hope in me and i started to formulate my final plan that allowed me to beat this challenge for good before i began my final run i loaded up the seat in a single play environment and checked out all three strongholds that were in close proximity of my spawn point for each of them i formulated a precise plan on how i could get through the portal since i can't really mine because of the exploding blocks and i also can't die because i'm so far away from spawn i had to search for a natural cave entrance that would allow me to walk through these two portals two out of the three strongholds were accessible by going into a very specific cave entrance and i made sure to memorize perfectly where i had to go so now without any further ado let's start the run that won this challenge the beginning is still the same i get the insects i get the lapis i built the portal and then it was time to get serious i built this contraption to be able to constantly purl into it before i get attacked by little fundies i now enter and immediately exit the nether and see where i end up at and then compare my coordinates to the ones of the stronghold once i generated a portal close to one of the three strongholds i would try to reach it as fast as possible turns out i actually never came closer than 800 blocks to the two strongholds that were further away so i actually never had to climb into any caves at all instead i had to walk on the ocean floor yeah the closest stronghold in my seed was actually underwater surrounded by hundreds of blocks of just ocean that was problematic because i will die if my cat is too far away from me unfortunately it just so happens to be a feature of minecraft that cats always swim up so my cat will always be swimming at the surface of the ocean contrary to that i myself will be at the bottom of the ocean because all water around me gets removed in addition to that i will constantly be blinded because i'm too low on the y-axis which gives me the blindness effect so i can't check where exactly my cat is that meant that i would have to constantly re-log every five seconds to reposition my cat to make sure she's still near me that along with the axolotls and trident throwing drowns made traveling in the ocean extremely difficult it took ages to find a portal that is close enough to it and it took me three of those successful portal generation attempts to finally reach the stronghold structure unharmed for the first time i got inside and after a lot of combat logging and a lot of axolotl encounters i survived the trip to the end portal now this specific seat had one last problem for me the importer room the importer room is actually closed off by a stone wall great another obstacle i had to overcome but at this point i was used to it so i decided to build a little dirt platform where the accidentals would not be able to reach me and then carefully mined stone blocking the way from up there i just prayed that the explosion wouldn't destroy the dirt i was standing on but it didn't even get to that point in a panic i decided to mine that that block over there to stop axolotls from reaching me and i completely forgot about my cat boots yep she was standing right beside that block and died and thus all of my progress was lost but i hadn't given up yet i got right back to porter generating and it took me an incredibly long time again until i was finally able to reach a stronghold on my second attempt this time i made sure to bring two beds so i can respawn in the stronghold two times this turned out to be a smart idea as i was killed in the exact same room again by an angry axolotl i returned and closed off the whole room with dirt i now had a safe environment i dug into the side of the portal room and made sure to not take too much damage from the explosion and then i entered the final room i couldn't believe it i actually made it so i quickly filtered the end the eyes and i jumped right in as soon as i was in the nether all i had to do was type know you as quickly as possible to not allow the dragon to spawn any skeletons and it died instantly after waiting for his final attack to stop i carefully pearled on top of the island making sure boots was close to me and then i almost fell for fundy's final trap you see in fundy's curse difficulty he made it so the end portal disappears right before your eyes but luckily i remembered that in my testing world i was able to still finish the game by enderpearling into the generated portal so i did just that and officially won the challenge now that i know how to beat it it feels like it isn't that hard anymore but if i could remove one single difficulty from this awful list it would definitely be this damn curse difficulty which one would you remove let me know down in the comments and then click this video right here if you want to see more videos just like this one this has been since then and it's been an absolute pleasure
Channel: SeenSven
Views: 1,190,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundy challenge, minecraft impossible difficulty, minecraft fundy, fundy impossible, fundy minecraft, all of Fundys difficulties, Fundy Challenge beaten, Beating Fundys Challenges
Id: fRnGn80G33g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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