Last to Survive my "Cursed" Difficulty Wins $1,000...

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100 players 1 000 last one standing wins all the money and everyone else gets nothing we're going to put a bunch of people through challenges until there's only one person left also according to youtube analytics you aren't subscribed to youtube and not following me on twitch so if you want to have a chance to join in on these events which are free by the way follow me immediately do it now these are my little goons for today these are my little goons you all have a chance to win one thousand dollars today how does that make you guys feel all right all right you go all right that's enough that's enough are we ready for the first event now i'm gonna remove the glass okay and you guys are able to run free you guys are able to run free now you can't mine so you have to pass the little the little grass barricade and you're going to take a little bit of damage but it shouldn't kill you just walk around for a little bit take some poison damage it's all good just just skedaddle from the middle i want you just get out from the middle please please get idle move away [Music] you all probably took some damage right y'all probably took some damage from the grass if you place down a little flower a nice little a nice little dandelion if you place it down you start levitating okay here's what i want you to do to prove your loyalty i want you to place a flower underneath someone else all right you get one chance once you place it it can't be removed anymore keep that in mind you can't break it again good luck with the first round everyone has one flower [Laughter] no why'd you do it again why would you do it again oh okay let's give him another flower let's give him another flower you have another chance let me just teleport you all to me real quick [Laughter] oh they're so high i may or may not have forgot to tell you guys something once you go above y20 uh you are you may or may not elevate all the way into the sky maybe maybe but you know whatever you guys seem to do all right nice little flower field you know it's a little bit it's a little bit yellow um i'll give you guys some three puppies to you know give some diversity in the world why would you do this what is the reason you do this what is the reason um now the thing is obviously as you can see bows don't really aim that well i'm gonna give you guys a bunch of arrows and um let's see how you guys [Music] oh do if you end up killing someone you obviously get some arrows back oh my god oh my god that is not okay that is not okay you guys are so greedy you guys are so greedy why do you want to kill everyone you guys are insane it's almost like there's money on the line how crazy is that huh it's like a laser to oh someone died over there oh my god all right all right that's enough that's enough that's enough oh my god look at look at the reign of players look at the reign of players that are dead but have yet to be banned they're stuck in limbo this is literally limbo down here it is literally limbo here's the plan we still have a quite a few left i want to do one more elimination round and i probably know what i i probably know what i want to do [Music] now there's a few mobs that i messed with um one of them might involve a spider and might involve some bees you have a bee skin oh you're gonna it won't be you're you're definitely gonna have fun with this one you're definitely gonna have a lot of fun with this one i'm just gonna carefully place a spider every now and then and just see what happens another one over here and just yeah maybe maybe one over here maybe one over here oh he's running straight through let's get rid of the bees there's way too many bees i should probably get a different a different mob in here maybe maybe a creeper would be nice wouldn't it just like uh no come here it's i'm we're having fun dab cats it looked like you wanted to say something buddy let's have a little chat do a little chat here i'll give you a little sign there you go [Music] we're gonna have a little boat battle guys oh this is gonna be a lot of fun here's the thing uh let me just quickly create a little uh a little section of um where you guys can build chat should we do a 1v like 1v1 everyone like uh like a free-for-all should we do a 2v2 a 2v2 situation yeah let's make it teams huh let's make it a nice 2v2 situation all right all right all right teams of two now while i continue with the little wall building i just want to say you know how um when you place a block there's a chance you misplace it yeah um top three worst builds get banned obviously you'll get some you get some tools so you know if you misplace a block it's fine you can just you can just you know use your tools i guess just don't be bad at building all right there's one person alone okay so it's two two two two two two ah two three you guys are with three and you know the obvious obvious solution um to get two players on their own as opposed to combining oh she's so happy she's looking at the green and being very excited look how happy she is yeah she loves to be yeah you can do it solo you got this look at how happy and joyful she is jumping which is absolutely joyful and not angry at all yeah i'm gonna give you guys some materials alright it's gonna mostly involve wood and stone so you can make your own stuff and uh i want you guys to build something nice all right i want you guys to build something nice now here's the thing the three teams with the worst build okay the three teams with the worst build get banned but here's the twist if one person or one team is extremely good at building and is much better than everyone else they also get banned let's start off with uh some nice oak logs let's give them let's give them 128. cobble ah okay yeah they should probably get cobble you're right they get one cobble there we go look at chad for one cup we should probably give him some tools as well right all right go ahead and start doing your thing there you go yeah look at him go all right i'm gonna give you guys i'm gonna i'm gonna set a timer on my phone all right i'll give you guys 10 minutes okay 10 whole minutes that's a lot of time 10 minutes has started give them signs they can make sense they can make their own stuff they can make their own beauty now here's the thing i gave them some um i give them some tools remember i give them some tools and remember how when you place blocks there's a chance for you to misplace and a block goes where you don't want it to go yeah you're supposed to be able to break that block then right but i was thinking whoa it wouldn't be that cool if you can just break whatever you place no you gotta do it first try if you don't first try your build you basically lose now you're probably wondering why did i give them tools then right you're probably wondering why did i give them tools you know why because i like to give false hope yeah the tools won't work yeah no you better place it right the first time if you don't place it right shame on you let's see what they got let's see what they got oh they're actually starting quite nicely look at that uh ghost skid is having a little bit struggle are you good dude hey listen oh you can't place wait try again oh you're wasting that's venture funny sacrifice sharon what why do you hate me fundy why am i alone i mean hey if you wanna if you wanna be there you go there you go look at that there you go your request has been fulfilled you now have a little buddy now you better not complain again we accept what is handed to us all right it is time yeah look at that you can see each other's what even the let's start off with this one i think we can all agree this is a pretty solid house all right they got the plants they got the path they got the tree one of the pluses that i would say about this house is that it has to sign and i'm not entirely sure what the sign means but i do like it i do like it i don't know what it means but i do like it i do like it a lot looking at the inside let's see if we can actually go inside no we cannot listen i usually a tree house is involving a a tree um what what i'm seeing at the moment is uh a house that was struck by a hurricane it's all right it has a nice little bench i'll give you that i'll give you that you guys are nicely sitting on the bench okay i'll give you the guys that it's only the top three worst what are you why did what okay um i i just i don't see it i don't see how that's a fish oh no they're sad they're just they're just sad now oh you're making me feel bad all right all right all right i'll give you the benefit of a doubt i have not seen every single fish in the world there could potentially be a very um hexagonal shaped fish out there um it's okay i'm gonna give you three signs and if you cannot explain properly what has happened in those three signs um i was legally justified for the actions i have caused i made this because i was in a state of greed i guess grief please don't ban me that would not be pog i promise i will not call kale you furry boy chat i want to have a poll i'm setting up a poll don't worry i'm doing it type one in chat if be gone type two in chat of nay but type one in chat have be gone fine fine twitch has decided even though i am very grave for chicken my only friend killed by the furry babe next one do you guys know what happened here do you guys see the crime scene let me try and reenact what exactly happened here i made a staircase the ladder of fame oh patoo i'm walking the ladder hope walking walking walking i'm going on my way oh no i'm too close to the sun gravity levitating me up i'm dying now oh well that's our first house that's gone hey hey hey hey no [Laughter] oh no oh my god well so be it this one is gonna be a lot of fun i made it so that uh when you have a pocket of water right i made it so that when you have a pocket of water the water disappears right i made it so the water disappears now here's the thing you see how not every piece of water disappears and only certain amounts yeah i modified the coat a little bit to do something very fun we are gonna do a water drop it's probably not gonna be that hard just know that when you fall down there's obviously a chance that the water below you may or may not disappear all right are we ready these are the people that are left now i'm gonna put some water all the way down at the bottom and uh you guys are gonna fall i just want to say that uh you have no input on this this is pretty much 100 rng um this is a lot of fun i like i like seeing people die for my amusement all right buddy you got five seconds to jump off or i'm removing the block underneath you one oh there you go nice not bad five seconds five four three two oh hey ghost kid five seconds oh what a shame oh let's get going let's get this show started oh you got so lucky there you got so lucky i saw it disappear right underneath his feet i saw it you better not mess this up are you ready shake your head if you're ready no no no don't turn away from me shake up and do not if you're ready five seconds five four not bad three have survived two have failed let's start speeding this up let's get a few people at once jump that's one five four immediate immediate and that's what you get jump zero deaths one death liquid fruit is there one more sneaky boy no that's it right there is a sneak jnc i'm just gonna teleport you over here and you just better survive survive shoot a listen oh man i love corruption i love not properly doing events 12 people are left 12. now this is gonna be scary because the last few events are very competitive i'm gonna put down some um some berry bushes and i want to make a little berry bush maze okay one of the things that is very interesting is that when you have armor on and you accidentally step wrong there's two ways of dying if you get hit by a berry you die if you are the slowest through the maze you die equip the helmet you gotta equip the helmet if you don't have the helmet you're banned go oh my god why are you guys what do you mean [Laughter] no no no no no no no i thought you guys were decent listen to me all right listen to me don't be bad three two one go take your time take your time take your time oh my god if you lose your helmet well that's two people gone nine people left let me just verify that three three three nine people chat now i kind of want to make it an even number i have a really good idea skin competition worst skin will be banned i can 99 guarantee that that skin is not only taken from the internet but also one of the most generic skins i've ever seen you made the skin really you actually did so you're telling me if i look up your name right now on right or i will find zero people with the exact same skin you're telling me that you sure all right let's do some research oh a lot of profiles interesting there's a very similar skin that has over 7 000 downloads okay to explain yourself i'll give you i'll give you a sign i'll give you a sign you can you can explain yourself chet i'm gonna leave it to you i'm gonna leave it to you i feel like we should not even continue to skin competition i'm leaving it to you very close it is very close keep in mind if only the youtube people were here huh if only the people watching the video were here right now ooh could it have made a difference oh could it have made a difference huh there it is i'm gonna pause it literally one vote chet has decided if there was one person that didn't vote this could have been on you goodbye you guys currently have the chance to battle it out for 1 000 that's a lot of popsicles that's a lot of do you know how much ben and jerry you can buy with that oh my god do you know what you can get with that do you know how much money i will lose it's gonna be a little bit hectic for this round i am gonna do a team game now i don't know how well this is gonna work i really hope it's gonna go fine remember how um animals teleport away when you hit them i wanna make two boxes all right both containing four players i think we should do it when the animals set up put around once one of the sides is completely clear of animals so either they teleport to the other side or they are killed that team wins are the teams ready three two one let's see them punch him let's see let's see all the the animals being punched now keep in mind it's gonna be a lot easier because they do take a lot of fall damage as you can see and animals also teleport to other sides they have not won yet but it's very close though who wins first there's still some animals on both sides oh my god the foxes are so quick the foxes are so quick oh some tactics some sneaky tactic very smart very smart oh missing quite a few hits cow teleported somewhere over there back here did they clear it both teams played extremely well you guys played well don't worry you guys played very well you did your best you got really far out of it all right you got really far at the event and uh you gave it your best but will you do the honors in band and well i salute my teammates one last time you guys are gonna fight the wither the person that gets the nether star is the winner so when the kill happens make sure you get the netherstar all right you got some bows sword and effect give at everyone resistance so you won't die once you're ready hit this there's no one right okay i'll do it for you go ahead keep in mind you have a lot of resistance so you can really rush him you do a lot of damage you will not die just make sure you get the final hit and make sure you get the metastar that's what it's all about once it goes down you can start slapping him with your sword it's gonna be a lot more damage we got whimsy kool-aid pond and one b who do you support chat let's go let's go almost halfway at this point it's going to go a lot faster you're so close one more arrow shot he's so close to going down one more hit there it is there it is [Music] what happened what happened to one b did one b fall oh won't be fell won't be fair no one b oh my god kool-aid man congratulations wow dude kool-aid my boy you won a thousand dollars buddy you want a thousand dollars just now one thousand dollars is yours how sick is that and won't be i'm sorry to see it happen tell you what tell you what i'll give you a compensation prize all right i'll give you a compensation prize all right let's get uh let's get kool-aid man here all right kool-aid you can you can type now how does it make you feel one thousand dollars richer within two hours of playing congrats dude congrats it's going to cost me a lot it's going to cost me a lot but hey you deserve it you deserve it we had a lot of fun uh do you want to say anything to the people that watch on youtube huh you want to say anything to the people that watch your youtube screen that's not exactly well no i kind of was going for um i kind of was going for like like subscribe yeah subscribe to bundy yeah that's the one that's the one i was looking for let's go kool-aid let's go dude i hope you enjoyed and for those who joined i hope you absolutely had a blast i definitely had a lot of fun this part of the video is voiced over because i've noticed that you still are not subscribed and that bothers me so you better subscribe before the video ends but without further ado take care stay awesome and see ya [Music] boop
Channel: Fundy
Views: 1,370,720
Rating: 4.9218822 out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, Last to Survive my Cursed Difficulty Wins $1000, last to survive minecraft, minecraft cursed difficulty, impossible difficulty, impossible difficulty minecraft, minecraft difficulty, impossible mode, impossible++, fundy impossible, fundy difficulty, fundy nightmare, fundy baby mode, baby mode difficulty, baby mode in minecraft, cursed difficulty minecraft, fundy cursed, fundy challenge, fundylive, cursed fundy
Id: 8Xr4jWhHMgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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