My Opponent thought they could BEAT this tower... (Bloons TD Battles 2)

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today we're gonna be using the tack shooter to see if it's still a powerful tower in btd battles too so let's see if we can win we do have the tag zone the fifth tier of the tactic to unlock and we also have unlocked the blade maelstrom so i feel like we should be able to win with the texture that also i have my first mighty chest i will probably open that at the end of the video to see what i get we're using science gwen they're using the regular gwen this is going to be a really interesting matchup now of course science gwen is the hero also it's slightly different it's pretty much the same though i wonder what the differences actually are anyway we're gonna start off with the tank shooter right here i think this is a pretty good placement because as you can see most of the tanks are going to hit the map and it also hits the front of the map and the back of the map so we should be good and of course they are starting off with the dartmouth gun they actually had to get rid of the dinosaur bones because the darts weren't even hitting the balloons but let's upgrade this tank shooter it doesn't really matter if we legalize obviously it's nice if we don't leak lives because it means that of course we get more xp but i don't really mind about leaking lies because it's probably not going to go to around 40 anyway so nearly everybody has been starting off with the darting gun myself included but i wanted to see if the og tag shooter like 10 days ago before the update everybody was using the tag shooter it was one of if not the best starting tower in the entire game so we're gonna carry on equing we do have to equal quite a bit with this strategy it's not quite as expensive as of course going for the super monkey but we still want to afford a decent amount of spikes i'm actually gonna go for gwen right here and of course science gwen does have multiple abilities that are going to help us pop things a lot of course it has the rule of fight and he's actually sending yellow balloons right here which is interesting maybe he's trying to get some balloons past my defense i don't think he will though because this tire shooter even though the tank shooter has been nerfed it is still a pretty decent starting town it looks like they're going for the sniper maybe maybe they are going for the supply drop strategy where you basically get up a ton of snipers on your side spam the supply drop ability and make just an absolute ton of money they'll make so much money if they're going for that strategy they could probably send me three four to five babylons on like round 32 so hopefully they're not going for the supply drop hopefully this is going with the darkling gun defense but yeah we're gonna carry us on the blue balloons we do have to i want to get like a thousand eco by around 13. i'd be pretty happy with that but of course we do have to afford the village because we don't have any camera section without the spike factory and of course despite factory early game it's not a very good early game tower you mainly want it for the spikes on late game and maybe the super mines as well the supermax is pretty cool and i think guys i think does he have to bounce it yet he has the balancing bullet upgrade as you can see the sniper shot bounces from balloon to balloon he is definitely going for the supply drop strategy he's sending it spaced eco so that he can save up a bit of money and this is gonna be a tiny bit of a problem for me as you can see because oh no we're gonna have to boost right here we could even oh my god this is actually so bad oh my god we are literally dying to these white balloons i'm putting a spike factory down let's use gwen's ability i had to boost against that that is so bad okay so we're gonna go for another tank shooter we're gonna go for a blade shooter let's also get rid of this so that our attacks can actually hit through that so we're gonna go for a blade shooter right here so that we have a blade maelstrom ready if we do need it i don't think he's gonna send massive rushes i mean he nearly killed me with the white balloon spaced eco which is absolutely terrible but let's go for the more tax on this when we can afford it and then we need to go for the even more tax but i can't stop equing guys i can't try and save up defense so he's going to try and kill me we only have 41 lives left but the more important thing more important than these lives is trying to get our ecops so that we can afford all of the late game spike zones and stuff like that see he definitely was pretty aggressive right there i probably shouldn't have got this spike factory but now that we have it we have at least 100 lives worth maybe 150 lives worth of spikes right here so even if balloons get past here we should be pretty much good so i'm happy about that and we do have gwen's ability back i do want to get up to 800 eco before i start eco i don't know if that's over equine because i do of course have to afford at the radar scanner village and i need to afford the overdrive which by the way has been enough so it's not going to be nearly as good and oh my god he has just put a stupid monkey down he has just put a super monkey down to defend against yellows on round nine oh what is he doing and he's actually having to boost okay so both oh i just over e code i just carried on sending that is not good because it's about to be round 11 and our camera station is absolutely terrible okay so we're gonna put this village down and pray that we get enough money i mean even if he does send cameras the only cameras that can bother us are the camera leds because we do have all of these spikes right here if you went for a really quick camera rush we should be okay and we should be able to afford this there we go okay but now we don't have enough money for the overdrive but of course he knows that if he sends a really big balloon rush i can just sell it i can go for the bleed maelstrom and we will demolish every single balloon he sent so yeah i'm just going to equal with a couple of greens two more ecoboosts and we should be able to afford the overdrive which is going to be able to shred it decently not amazingly but it looks like yeah he's just focusing on his side he's starting to go oh he's going for a rush right now what is he doing uh okay i don't know why he did that because i can just use his male strum ability right there and i should be able to destroy everything it kind of sucks that i had to sell stuff and my micro is absolutely terrible but the maelstrom ability does come back pretty quickly i don't think he's going to go for another rush right it wouldn't make much sense because i can just boost it if he re-rushes me but the problem is he's kind of stopping me from eating okay one more ecoboost one more ecoboost and i'm able to afford the overdrive and we can stop worrying okay there we go so now we're going to start equaling these greens his strategy is kind of strange over there in fact he hasn't put his hero down where is gwen he just hasn't put gwen down until he's just going with the snipers so yeah now he's probably not gonna go for that many rushes against me he's yeah there we go finally it's as if he was listening to me or something he poke went down there you go and he does have the super monkey so late game he should be able to defend pretty well i'm just going to flat out eco right now because i can't afford not to what around 16 right now and my eco is barely above a thousand which is not good i want it to be at least 3 000 by around 25 it doesn't have to be that high and he's actually going for the hydro rocket pods yeah he has so much money over there and the worst thing about his strategy for me is that he can sell a couple of the snipers to send a rush against me and he won't lose that much defense okay he could send a mob but i don't think a mob would do anything because i do have my both abilities back i really love the maelstrom because you can just get the ability back super quickly so that's really really good for us he's sending white balloons to me we should be good against this fight i mean he's just equaling this isn't actually a rush by him and yeah we're defending against that absolutely fine okay good so of course if we want to defend against ddt's we will actually have to go for the mib because the tax on the 50 attack shooter has in fact been nerfed so that it can't pop ddts which is kind of a problem because it means that we have to go for this upgrade which we may not necessarily have gotten also he is setting a lot of balloons right now eco plus the ai but i think the overdrive yeah the overdrive is pretty much shredding that and thankfully our eco is going up a bit better now because i've been setting constant pinks and i haven't really been pressured by too many rushes now of course he can send up four to five ceramics right now he could send four to five mobs so i'm actually gonna stop eating for a tiny bit just in case he does decide to go for a rush because i only have 41 lives and i do have despite fracturing right here which by the way i'm so happy that i just bought this fight battery guys like it is actually putting in the what i mean it barely okay it's only popped 300 balloons but without this maybe i would have died if i had male strums fast enough so the main rush that's going to be difficult for us to defend is going to be the fortified cmg now if i had a spike storm plus the attack zone plus a boost plus glenn's ability we should be able to defend a fortified cmg fortified bfb oh he's going for what is he doing what why why why is he going for that okay that's kind of weird i don't think that's gonna do anything because all i can do i can just upgrade this to spikestomp right i'm pretty sure i have enough money there we go yeah let's just get a spike storm up we should be able to just shred that there we go okay nice i have no idea why he went for that rush right there the only thing that could do damage to us is the fortified cmg and i should actually i should probably stop eating for a little bit just in case he does decide to go for a fortified smg because that's scary guys fortified zmg is absolutely terrifying i also i'm not gonna bother getting this for now because you can't send ddt's so we really do have to save up for the taxon but the unfortunate thing is our eco is only 2 200 which isn't terrible for round 23 but i wanted it at 3 000. the good thing about the tank zone is that it's only 24 000 and yeah you can see he's starting to use more of those sniper abilities but to be fair his snipers are kind of low like he only has three supply drops and we're on round 24 right now which normally i feel like you should have more i mean my eco is pretty low as well but i think we're both not really getting our money as much as we could and he did waste a bit of money because actually how much does that cost he said two of those yes we wasted four thousand dollars on two fortify mark so as soon as i get this tank zone up there we go there is the attack zone that is going to be able to shred ddc's although oh no we don't have the mib okay we have to save up for the mib guys we just have to we have to i'm actually gonna sell this we don't need that anymore there we go okay we got the mib up we can pop ddts now we have gwen's ability i'm feeling pretty good now i'm just gonna spam eco until round 28. when we get to round 28 it's a bit of a different story i'm probably gonna have to get up a bunch of spike factories as well but i feel like with spy stones plus the 50 taxon plus the mib plus gwen we should be able to defend at least one four to five b d and because he hasn't been farming that well he won't be able to send multiple and if he does send two i'm pretty sure we should be able to kill him with ddt's because even though he does have the dartling and the super supermonkey he doesn't have that much money if he does commit to sending me two four to five baboons he won't have enough defense and money to defend against a re-rush if i send him ddt's it is not worth it to get the village that gives you slightly more eco because we're already on round 25 also if you guys are enjoying the video make sure to drop a like and of course subscribe i would really appreciate it because i post content like this nearly every single day and it looks like yeah i mean actually whoa oh my god what is he doing why why oh no oh guys i'm an idiot i just realized something absolutely terrible guys oh no are we gonna die to this we have to be really careful i did not get white hot spikes on my spike factory because i'm an idiot all right we could have literally died to that brush i mean we did defend but now we only have one boost left but it's okay if he does re-rush us we do have another spike storm up this is so scary this game is intense oh my god we only have 41 lives if one ceramic balloon slips past we're dead okay so we're going to stop eating as soon as round 28 hits we actually have a okay defense although i feel like a fortified babylon would probably kill us but again he just wasted ten thousand dollars on another rush that didn't really do much to me so i feel like we are going to go for a rush against them four to five babylon or fortified ddt's because his defense right now is not so good he just has a couple of snipers which yes he can sell but he's been sending so many rushes at me like that's so much wasted money because i've just been able to defend okay we're stopping equity i want to go up to 3500 there we go nice number okay this is good we have our tank zone we're not gonna really get any other tact shooters i don't think we need to so now let's just go for a couple more spikes arms and just pray that we're gonna be able to spend we have one round to build up money i feel like we should be able to go for a couple more of these and of course we are going to go for the bigger radius and your gun drops and not only that guys not only that we are going to get a second village over here oh my i just had a voice crab but we're going to go for a second village over here please let's put it in range there we go and we get bigger radius jungle drums primary training to buff the tank shooter and primary mentoring this should give despite factories a tiny bit more attack speed as well so yeah let's go okay we actually have a decent amount of spike storms we have fiber spike stones right now is he gonna go for the rush i feel like he is right because he's been trying to kill me early this entire game i mean he nearly did this game nearly ended to stupid white-spaced eco how stupid is that okay so we do have a bfb right here we'll be able to try that look at the range on the tax on this that is absolutely insane if he goes through a ddt rush against me by the way i'm pretty sure we should be good against ddt's because we do have science gwen and we have all of these spikes arms look at that that okay that darling gun looks so bad i'm sorry okay it doesn't look bad it looks hilarious i've never seen that upgrade in btd battlestar i've never seen someone using that so i feel like he's gonna go for the rush in the next round because as you guys know the more balloons get faster and they get stronger the more the rounds go okay so are we gonna set up babalu i guess we're gonna send a babble into him right i mean we kind of have to yeah we're gonna go for the four to five balloon against our opponent and i hope that we can defend a re-rush because they're definitely going to send a re-rush in fact let's just go for a regular one right i feel like yeah dude he is struggling he's struggling to the regular oh my he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he just died to afford to fight more of around 31 we did not even have to rush him well this is one of the shortest maps in the entire game so i'm going to skip that but it looks like he skipped and this is actually kind of a good map for the tattoo to write it is quite a difficult map but it's fairly long i feel like we can make this work they still haven't sent any eco so i'm wondering do they have the farm are they going to be using banana farms that would be insane i have never faced someone that has gone with banana farms but for now we're just going to focus on our side we're going to carry on sending the eco we're going with blue balloons right now and they still have not sent a single balloon at me not one balloon like they're here they just use the ability on open so they're clicking buttons but they are not sending me any eco so they're really not going to have that much money to defend yet they just use another gravel ability i don't have no idea what they're doing this is so confusing but we're just going to focus on our side we've got the blade shoe trap we don't really need it because they're not sending anything but just in case they decide to go for like a sneaky massive purple rush we will be able to get up the blade maelstrom and absolutely annihilate everything so that's going to be really good for us let's start equaling with the green balloons right here and i guess we can just put a village down right just to make sure they know that we have the village so if they try and rush with any camera boots dude they just went straight for the hydro rocket pods over there i mean that is a really good upgrade and that's going to be able to demolish any rush that i send them but why would they not eco get that up that's so weird dude they have 250 eco right now they're not gonna be making any money because remember we get this number every six seconds we are gonna have to eco considerably more than this to be able to afford tons of spike storms but so far i would say it's going well we've got some cam balloons on this round but of course we are absolutely fine he's gonna be able to defend the next couple of rounds fairly easily but after that he's gonna start really struggling because he only has one hydra rocket pods is he saving up for a super monkey maybe he's gonna go for a supermarket i have no idea so we're using gwen's ability actually that was kind of a bad time to use it but of course we do have the maelstrom ability if we do need to use it so i'm gonna use that right now please defend there we go that was way closer than i would like though i'm actually gonna go for a spike factory overhead oh my god why are they getting so far oh my i literally had to use a spike stomp right there because the regens were actually getting so far okay i think it is time to just get a spike factory back here just to make sure that we can defend let's get spike balls there that will clean up all the ceramics and the mob costumes so let's get that let's get the faster and even faster production is he going for okay he's going for a rush against me what is he oh he's going to go for a cmg isn't he he is going to go for a zmg but we should be absolutely fine against this right he must have saved up all his money to send this one balloon but i feel like with two spike storms plus the tank zone we should be able to defend okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna sell this sell this sell this one more ecoboost we should be able to get the tax zone there we go so we have a spike stone we can use we have a bunch of stuff uh so i guess let's boost i don't know if that was the best time to boost but let's hope with the tank zone that we can defend against this oh also we're gonna go for the primary training as well on this please let's say we can defend i think it's gonna be close like this cmg is getting pretty far oh my god we're absolutely shredding oh are we going to be able to defend this it's close it's close we just shredded his rush we absolutely shredded it look at that oh my god i can't believe that we defended that i was so scared i thought we wouldn't be able to defend it but we destroyed it okay so what i'm gonna do is because now we have the tax zone i'm just gonna get the mib right there and now we have two villages buffing this tax zone in fact i could just go for the primary measure oh my god my eco is terrible but look at this okay he's starting to get more defense up he's like oh no he defended my all-out rush with the attack zone easily and now he's getting more dartlings up to try and defend against the ai this is hilarious okay this is kind of scary because there are so many balloons right now but we should be absolutely fine right we've got the tank zone absolutely shredded yes the boost yes the boost inside against these mobs is he gonna die oh my god he's nearly dying to the ai that's insane how is he nearly dying dude he hasn't leaked any lies but it's close oh there we go he lost we just won with the attacker oh my god that was amazing well this is my first mighty chest in this game let's unlock it let's see what we get this thing looks amazing by the way i really love the art okay so we get monkey money we got 1700 okay that is a lot that is actually a lot 1 500 experience 3000 whoa 3 000 experience okay this is not bad at all we just got like 7 500 experience for our towers or something and we get wait we get experience for like nearly every hero as well that is really good i really love this and how long is this for okay two hours we get an extra one times boost that's not bad at all but yeah hope you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 465,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, bloons td battles, bloons td battles 2, battles 2, lategame, late game, bananza, hacker vs hacker, hacker, hack, mod, btd, btd battles 2, trippypepper, superjombombo, aliensrock, tewtiy, boltrix, ssundee, super mines, 5th tier, glitch
Id: wQw2-xFT6pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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