So I Drove Hello Neighbor Off A MASSIVE MOUNTAIN! (so much pain...) | Turbo Dismount

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time to make some deliveries with the neighbor he looks super excited about this [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to turbo dismount as you can see we put the neighbor in a situation that he is probably not entirely comfortable with sitting on top of his hello neighbor delivery vehicle for whatever reason he's about to get launched off of a jump that is very poorly designed if the goal of the jump was to actually you know survive now if the goal of this jump designer was to kill whoever was jumping off of this jump then he nailed it so that is precisely what we are going to do we are going to launch the neighbor off of this jump and many more I'm excited let's do it let's dismount shall we here we go that was pretty good launch and let's see what happened do a barrel ring that's not bearable that's a that's a smash your face into the ground roll how you doing neighbor he looks great let's go to a different level skid marks this sounds awesome oh we're racing dude we're drag racing that sounds like something the neighbor would would be above before and what is the perfect vehicle for drag racing a train duh alright neighbor you're the conductor and I can see this only ending well for you all aboard the hello neighbor train let's do it let's see where this actually takes us he's actually doing a lot better than I was expecting but you know I mean it is a train trains aren't specifically designed to go real fast real quickly that makes sense like drag racing okay the dude is turning around you're gonna crash great great job great job the train did better than I was expecting to be honest with you but I think we should try a vehicle that maybe is better designed for drag racing shall we do the wedge like a good race car right let's change up the neighbors posts yes that is the appropriate way to drive a car I promise we're racing against a truck for some reason now that's fine let's see how we do this time oh yeah burden rub that's why I'm talking about just hang on neighbor just hold on for dear life my friend you got this you got this no don't let go oh gosh okay well on the bright side look at that score that's a that's a beautiful beautiful job neighbor I don't know if you've noticed but your arms over there just just like you know how about chicken twists we haven't played this level I love this car though I I kinda I have to just keep using this car for now cuz it seems like the perfect car for you know the neighbors midlife crisis it just got absolutely destroyed oh my all right I said we'd do it again maybe change up the vehicle Maximus the neighbor has somehow acquired a semi-truck let's see if we can change up his positioning that seems safe how about that yeah perfect neighbor you nailed it buddy alright let's let him go see what happens oh my gosh she's gonna get so pancaked just just up front and personal okay that was like the perfect situation that car was the same car that we were driving literally just smashing him holy cow okay I gotta see that again that we got it we got to change the angle there it happened on this side I had no idea that another semi truck was coming that couldn't have been more perfect alright so what happens when two semi trucks smash in front of each other with the person in the middle that that is what happens that was just so perfect and the neighbor seems real happy about it he's super cool with it I like how our semi truck just kept going our our semi truck is definitely the better of the two lathis he even had a little boost from the truck behind him nah you ain't stopping the hello neighbor semi truck twisted chicken was delicious let's move on to a different level freeway it seems safe I thought we were gonna drive on the freeway no no of course not we need to jump over the freeway I think we can actually jump over the freeway if I add in a sweet jump semi big ramp that seems like too much but you know what let's roll with it and let's put a turbo pad right in front of it and let's do it in a semi truck with the neighbor plastered to the front of it this is gonna be great you got this buddy you got this you've so got fire coming out of the exhaust oh my gosh that was glorious the neighbor is a true daredevil he has put Evel Knievel two to shame and also that car pileup right there that is something else I wonder if we could actually clear the freeway if we get the right car I feel like it could happen how about this quad fin fighter apparently if you get this thing going fast enough it will literally fly at least I saw a few comments that said that in the previous video that I made let's try it it sounds real cool here we go what the heck dude even as lasers amazing you're okay bear watch out Luke neighbors coming for you the force is strong with it how about the roundabout let's take it to the roundabout shall we personally roundabouts scare me I don't get them like I I get them but at the same time it's like when I got about coming up I get nervous I get nervous so neighbor you know take your x-wing into the roundabout sure why not actually he's gonna go right down the center he he's just gonna try to launch his way there oh okay yeah yeah that went about the way that I expect us to come mm-hmm I think we need to put the neighbor on a skateboard I feel like he's really he's really hankering to tap into his inner Tony Hawk let's see his different poses oh that's a good one there yeah very comfortable we should also add some jumps and boosts at some point but for now let's just see what happens that's that's half the fun right oh okay see what happened there was he got completely splattered I love it all right we need some more obstacles we can turbo pad and then we could put a jump at the top of this jump oh that seems like an awful awful idea in fact add another turbo bad in fact add another turbo pad to make it even more awful this is perfect let's see how it does on the skateboard this is a great idea and by great idea I mean terrible idea you do it you go oh okay well maybe the skateboard wasn't the best option for that actually looking at the jump over there there's like this huge lip right in front of it I don't know if any vehicles gonna be able to get over that but maybe like this guy the Sasquatch is I mean it's a monster truck he got this he's got this gun oh yeah oh yeah oh let's go let's go neighbour Monster Jam bring it on where are you going where what are you doing okay okay that's cool you know what if that's how you want to roll that's how you're gonna roll you got you got just leave it to the game let it let run its course that was nice it was real nice think I could do a backflip in a monster truck I think we need to try let's get the mega big ramp right I mean that thing basically just launches you straight up into the air put a boost in front of it I think something good could happen here and by good I mean absolutely destructive but you know oh gosh yep yeah it hurt he lost a leg and an arm like I said who needs him let's move on to some of the later levels how about hit the fan I are those minds I didn't even know there was minds in this game it's amazing actually okay so where is our course gonna take this is just gonna take a straight down the middle I don't think that's what we want I think that's more what we're looking for let's just see what happens here I assume that those are mines I don't know if they're minds but they've loaded our minds come on oh yeah oh yeah nope yeah mm-hmm explosions of course okay so the monster truck is kind of heavy so it didn't really get all that launched but I think we can make something magical happen here it just is gonna require the right types of jumps let's put in a semi big ring okay and then a couple of turbo pads in front of that let's change up our vehicle I think the sasquatch has overstayed its welcome let's switch to the Lance what is this an ambulance okay the hello neighbor ambulance straight down the middle that's how we're gonna make things happen I like how he's just lounging oh the Gertie in the back is actually it hits moving around dude full back flip what the neighbor is Evel Knievel that we never knew we wanted he did a full back flip with a gurney that's pretty rad but we went too high we went over the fans that's not what I want to happen I want to go into the fans so let's replace this guy with a medium rip that seems appropriate let's continue our ambulance adventures we've got to get to the scene hurry turn on the siren there you go right oh that was that was perfect right into the fan all right so I think I want to end it on this level I love this level this is like such a easy simple but stupid level where you just launch him off of a cliff and they just tumble their way down it's beautiful let's do it in the espionage er that seems like an appropriate car for the neighbor very James Bond of you all right let's do it okay I think I went too fast he's Mike okay okay I can dig this I like it keep it going keep it going keep the tumble oh gosh okay keep sliding come on dude come on keep it going oh man couldn't ask for more I could I couldn't ask for more pain for the neighbor why am i why do I want him to get hurt so badly I don't know he's still sliding he's just gently sliding down the cliffside and there's his his new little nest right there sleep tight sweet old neighbor oh yeah we absolutely decimated the previous high score actually I lied that's four million I thought that was first I thought was four hundred and twenty four thousand no we're only at 1.7 million granny set the record she really set the bar high dingy let's see if we can beat granny's previous record with the neighbor I don't know how we got such a great score with granny but I'm thinking we can really up the ante here if we add a ramp and the big ramp feels like the most appropriate right cuz it just launches you straight up and then you fall down the cliffside it's perfect so we might need a faster car because we can't put a boost in front of this but let's just see what happens let's see if we can get to the top of the jump with the James Bond movie ok it's too much it's actually too much it launched him backwards stupid jump did I do this with the skateboard with granny maybe that's the secret the James Bond car is protecting the neighbor too much maybe the secret is to launch him off the cliff with the skateboard get to the top of that jump though he's gotta get to the top but yeah me not gonna make it to the top of the jump so he's just gonna turn around and fall in front of the cliff granny didn't need the obstacle why is the neighbor need the US as far as vehicles go delivery van old classic we'll sit him right on top we'll end this where everything began on top of a hello neighbor delivery van just not on the top of a cliff who cares let's go that's too fast he's just gonna faceplant directly onto the ground not good not good gah go slower and that actually let's let's change it up let's go a little bit to the left yeah ok ok here we go here we go this is the one I can feel it in my bones and the neighbor can too because most of them have been turned into mush kind of like my brain when I was saying that sentence carry on my friend yes yes ok we're at 2 million so we're halfway there 3 million you think 4 million so close slightly slower so we're changing things up a little bit okay I like that I wish that he had clipped that edge right there he didn't that's fine just keep it going man the delivery vans doing great work - yeah yeah run him over for good measure okay now see you guys have been reunited it's all we did it 5 million I knew you had it in your neighbor I knew you could do it he has done it he has actually done it new record give it to me new high score man this game is super super dumb and I love it let me know who you guys want to see tortured next I mean not tortured elevated to to a new plane of existence that's what we're doing here you're welcome neighbor you're welcome actually but regardless hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 870,686
Rating: 4.8750892 out of 5
Keywords: no cursing, neighbor, baldi skateboarding, kindly keyin hello neighbor, baldi, hello neighbor, kid games, no swearing, turbo dismount, giant ramp, turbo dismount gameplay, skateboarding game, skateboard, kindly keyin baldi, kindly keyin hello neighbor mods, video game, funny game, baldi's basics, skate ramp, turbo dismount game, video games, best crash, kindly keyin
Id: Wl5xYnpvwrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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