BALDI vs GODZILLA! | Brick Rigs

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today we're getting explosive with LEGOs yeah seriously it's gonna be cool [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome to brick rigs now if you're unfamiliar with brick rigs this is essentially a Lego simulation game as you can see before me I have this this vehicle this is the main menu it's made entirely out of like Lego bricks not officially licensed Lego bricks but very similar to Lego bricks and check this out if I start clicking this guy look at this look at these move it all he's blowing up this is precisely what this game is all about it's about blowing up vehicles and buildings that have been constructed out of tiny little plastic bricks it's super super cool and actually this is a game that I played like two maybe three years ago it's been a long time since I've played this game I'm excited to play it again because it's changed a lot since the last time I played it I mean like that there used to only be one level maybe two levels I think there were city and desert and so we're gonna be messing around with some of those things and you might even find a few familiar faces in some of the vehicles that we play around with today but as you can see here we are in Lego ville I don't know and do keep in mind that I'm still kind of getting my bearings straight here there's a whole bunch of controls that I am unfamiliar with I'll get the hang of it eventually maybe we'll see let's go in here this is where the real magic happens because this is where you load up the creations that other people have made so as you can see I have downloaded a bevy of different types of vehicles there's some crazy look at look at this the Star Wars walking ATM 6 this is from the force awakens right by Sabino plane ok you know what let's let's open this and let's see what happens if we use it ok I am in a massive blocker it's not 8080 it's an ATM 6 this is like what the 8080 became after they were all destroyed on Hoth no I don't know if that's actually true it's gonna fall over oh gosh it's got Rockets 4 feet that seems terrifying ok there there is a bit of control help here first of all I can press backspace to recover if things get really really bad and probably they will I'm gonna try to turn I want to I want to rotate so I guess I gotta use my rockets to rotate no don't fall over don't fall over he's gotta he's fought be dead we're dead hey well we can shoot oh my how do I shoot the big gun on the top though I don't know let's press backspace bring me back okay we're back everything's fine I can actuate with page up and page down whoa whoa that's me that's my little man inside of a giant deadly Walker he looks so happy oh ok it's the middle click on my mouse um that's that's good to know yeah okay that's cool yes I approve of this so I'm just gonna try to get to the road here come on you can do it buddy you can do it always go fall at work we're done we're done well you know what we'll go out with a bang that's all I gotta say it's awesome oh man that is cool I'm sorry ATM 6 you deserved so much better but I don't know how to drive you walk oh I'm in the cockpit now oh my gosh this is even more terrifying look I can I can open up the right can I open it oh no the lid was already open I just closed it see I can hello friend oh we're going down we're going down oh dear oh gosh ok so I've decided that ATM sixes are awesome and I'm way under qualified to pilot them so let's uh let's get something else going how about the devourer of gods what the heck this thing has like an entire story this is by various HFD and it looks insane I'm gonna go ahead and load it up but it might like blow up my game I don't know the vehicle is too big for this spawn area let's or that probably shouldn't have ignored that I don't I don't know what's happening am i inside of the building I think I'm inside the building and along with the devourer of worlds okay you know what let's go somewhere else we can we can fix this okay it spawned it's kind of falling apart I just got ejected out of it why did I get ejected out I didn't even do anything it's okay everything's fine oh my gosh oh dear oh and it shoots - what in the world my computer can't handle this much oh okay this the devourer of worlds is the devourer of itself I think is what it's what is happening and now I am just falling forever it's kind of beautiful in a weird way okay I reset my game because the devourer of worlds like devoured all my frames the game was running very very poorly I can't spawn that thing anymore it's awesome but it's also terrifying and kind of broken I want to introduce you guys to someone who you you may be familiar with his name is Baldy and he is now a giant made out of bricks this is by car crusher and I'm very interested to see what this guy exactly does so let's oh oh okay am I in his butt is that where you is that where you drive Baldy is in his butt I don't know if I like that oh oh we're moving oh my gosh this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen okay oh he slaps he slaps that's amazing I'll be broke his ruler that's what happens when you smash a ruler up against buildings I guess once he loses his ruler he's got nothing going for him oh my gosh this thing is cool I'm gonna drive this guy into a pit let's drive him into the hole here where does this go it just it's just a hole that goes nowhere and also if slow motion in this game which makes everything more epic and beautiful so let's see what happens smash okay he didn't really oh okay I was gonna say he didn't really break apart that time he oh gosh oh yeah that's a Baldy that has seen better days for sure Baldy your face is is down there this is how did your face end up down here this seems very upsetting that's your eye my dude you're gonna need that so now what if we spawn another one of these guys and then we find some some ridiculous ways to destroy him that sounds fun so I just parked Baldy right over here next to this giant building and then let's spawn something to destroy him with how about Godzilla yeah that seems pretty good it's too big okay you know what I'm gonna ignore it for now I'm probably gonna regret it oh it started snowing okay okay okay Godzilla Godzilla but what did I just do die just oh my gosh he shoots fire out of his face I mean that makes sense he is Godzilla these explosions were meant for Baldy not for Godzilla please just just back up Godzilla Godzilla no Godzilla not face first oh my gosh he's on fire Godzilla's tail is on fire that seems bad I just blew up Godzilla's face oops just turn we've done it we've done it okay I'm gonna shoot Baldy I'm gonna shoot him with Godzilla's fire power let's see what happens okay oh gosh Oh Baldy is very very dead that was amazing Godzilla is awesome and shoots fire lasers out of his face he's definitely a lot stronger than Baldy I'm sorry Baldy Godzilla wins sort of I mean he is kind of falling down but at least he did what he wanted to do which was blow up Baldy whoa okay I just turned on an elevator that is now taking baldies ruler to the top of the skyscraper cool I also have rocket Baldy this is by satellite oh goodness rocket Baldy oh he's so fast oh my gosh rocket Baldy just destroyed that building and it was amazing can we do that again I don't even know what happened there look at this guy he's ready to go hey Manny slaps - I'm gonna matias okay well here we go again full iterate hit on the side of that building it was beautiful okay rocket Baldy is awesome but I saw that I also downloaded first price I kind of want to see this well first prize dude this is cool okay this is just cool first prize got got a power upgrade dang oh he also just blew up his right arm but who needs arms they're overrated I also have granny nightmare granny it looks like she has a lightsaber by staph withered foxy what Oh it immediately blew up let's try that again okay hello I am nightmare granny and I have a lightsaber what in the world so okay so she can swing her lightsaber and that's pretty much it that's all she's got going for him oh she's got Rockets on her back I mean that's that's pretty cool actually that is quite impressive now I do remember that there was like a blender in this game look at this you can see on the map the carcass of Godzilla and the remnants of Baldy oh my goodness this is amazing is this the blender I there was a blender in the game and I don't know where it is or even if it still exists in the game but I would love to throw Baldy in the blender let's teleport ourselves over here well blenders okay you know what since we're granny let's let's see what happens to granny when she goes in the blender and I'm gonna slow-mo everything oh my gosh it's gonna be so good Oh granny oh dear Oh her head exploded that was way more violent than I was expecting okay now let's get out of slow-motion cuz she is flying and then she's going back into the other blender she'd up the first blender wasn't good enough for granny she wanted to do a couple of flips into the other blender okay okay yeah that was cool she is very dead alright so I'm back at blender town let's spawn Baldy alright let's drive Baldy into the blender we actually have a few options I don't know if he could get on top of that one right there you see that like the wood chipper that we've got over there now I don't think you'll be able to get up that ramp he does he just doesn't have enough power so we'll just take him to the blender take him to blender town everybody loves blender town come on oh come on Baldy come on my dude get in there he can't even get into the blender wait wait come on just wiggle your way in there just got a wiggle our way in okay you know what we'll use a different vehicle to push you into the blender this is what you've brought me to I'm gonna use the Batmobile to push you into the blender okay here we go oh this thing's cool too alright just gently nudge him just give him a little nudge I think he's going in I think he's going in all right hold on hold on we need to we need to slow things down oh now I missed it wait wait wait wait wait he's bouncing around in there he's definitely bouncing around he's not he's not getting chopped up into a million pieces though well there we that's what I'm talking about that's the kind of ball D disaster I need in my life right now oh my gosh look at those disks his head is made out of discs of it that look like biscuits like little cookie biscuits I knew it all along Baldy's head is actually just a giant mash of cookies who would have thought he is dying over there I don't know why is there a blender over there as well there's no blender over here that I can see but he he got destroyed by this roof for some reason okay that was amazing but before we end this episode I have to play with rocket Baldy one more time because rocket Baldy is a true masterpiece of human ingenuity I also have baldies schoolhouse I don't really know what that means but maybe we'll mess with that in a future episode but for now let's be rocket baldie and just fly off into the sunset you and me rocket Baldy let's do this I don't heat okay that was violent and amazing let's do it again I get I get catapulted out of the rocket Baldy but then he just kind of keeps going oh man that's amazing it's getting real stormy out here though I don't know if I like that but there you have it guys a little taste of brick rigs and kind of the things that you can do in it now this is also a multiplayer game so if you guys are interested let me know if you want to see me play more and if you want to see me play with other people because I'm sure that we could get some crazy shenanigans going on with all the crazy creations that people have made but that is gonna do it for this episode guys I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 574,394
Rating: 4.8538227 out of 5
Keywords: brick rigs baldi, kindly keyin, baldis basics, brick rigs baldis basics, brick rigs multiplayer, brick rigs game, brick rigs gameplay, lego granny, family friendly, brick rigs granny, lego baldis basics, brick rigs multiplayer gameplay, brick rigs, brick rigs survival, kid games, lego toys, brick rigs lego baldi, brick rigs lego, brick rigs challenge, brick rigs scary, lego baldi
Id: E_FIz6Uou2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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