WHAT HAPPENS WHEN VERY DUMB 1000 FOOT GIANTS BATTLE? | Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications all day okay [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator I have something very special for you guys let's jump into sandbox mode I'm gonna show you so you might notice something here in the middle of the screen yeah there the box says outwit yeah that outwit outwit sent me a mod for totally accurate battle simulator called totally mad packs it allows us to do some interesting things in tabs and I am very excited to test this out because I have no idea what exactly is going to happen but this is gonna be good so as you can see we have a few different options here we can change the time scale so we can change the time manipulation type mechanic that's not really a big deal because you can do that in the game all you have to do is hold the mouse click button down and it'll slow down time same with the field of view we can change our field of view on the fly so we're not gonna worry too much about that but we do have this option here for unit size unit health set roblox noob have no idea what that means and gravity now you can also change the speed of the unit and the mass of a unit what does that mean I don't know I don't know the mass of a unit means like how easily they are knocked down I really have no idea what is gonna happen here but I'm excited nevertheless so let's try some weird stuff here we've got a clubber here so I'm going to select him so there you go now he's selected humanoid so now we can manipulate the clubber and we can change him to like a different size so let's change him to to see what he looks like that's a much bigger clubber man okay so let's just let's just do a couple of giant clubbers here versus each other let's see what happens they walk don't they're a little wobbly they're like toddlers learning to walk for the first time they they seem to be having a hard time navigating these new larger more destructive bodies of okay okay who's gonna lid blue red red oh wow you just smacked him right in the face oh man that must have hurt that must hurt real good okay so as you can see ridiculousness is begins here let's make them a little bit bigger let's go to like four whoa what happened your club dude wait a second did his club not grow with him that's the issue in fact if you look at these guys it's so ridiculous here you look at them they're huge but they've got little tiny clubs and I'm pretty sure that he has a very tiny Club but I don't know where it is well there it is there it is you can see it embedded in his chest there you go probably not gonna be a very effective weapon for this very large man he seems to be having doing anything okay he's just laying down now that's fine just just lay down yeah yeah that seems gosh okay something weird is happening here with these guys oh my gosh this is ridiculous let's see what happens he's gonna fall off he's gonna hit those dude duh you went the wrong way he can't control his the enormous body oh and these guys just fell down they just immediately fell down they cannot control their enormous bodies oh this guy what are you doing you're swimming in the river something oh gosh oh this is amazing and stupid I love it I actually love it this is so sad he's just he's through okay where are you going where are you going buddy whoa where'd you go oh we got spit out he's gone he's gone for good wow that was that was something else not the most effective warriors I will say interesting so as we make the Warriors larger and actually all of them are big now that's interesting that one is doing a little dance as we make them larger they become less effective it appears now what happens if I adjust the gravity like what happens if I lower the gravity to say like 50 I don't know what that means let's see what happens maybe they can walk better no no it seems to lower the gravity goes that the stronger it is it's pulling them okay okay yeah Oh huh oh let's try that yeah let's go the other way with the gravity let's make it like zero okay we're gonna go up in gravity okay go go no no no no they're okay they're floating away they're floating away okay goodbye mr. clubber man enjoy outer space oh my gosh helicopter what is happening um okay that's a that's very impressive move that you're doing there sir what about the other guys what do you spray dancing down there okay how did you end up like that what is happening what is happening okay you thought tabs was weird already let's make it weirder let's clear this clear the board let's make these guys even bigger I'm talking like 10 let's go to 10 see what happens I should probably bring the gravity back to normal yeah okay let's see Oh what where are you going what you're just yeah I don't I don't know why this is happening I okay um they're they don't seem okay these these poor Kluber men do not seem okay what more can I say it's this is a situation that we found ourselves in okay let's reset reset clear the board clear everything we got more units to get through okay let's check out the mammoth here I just want to see okay that's a regular-sized mammoth right let's select the mammoth let's delete that mammoth let's change the size of this mammoth let's make him very large how about ten yeah that's a big mammoth um and that's another one okay can they move can they they're just like too heavy to control their own giant bodies this is truly ridiculous say maybe if I adjust the mass maybe that's part of the issue like if I lower the mass of these guys so I'm gonna go ahead and clear these guys if I make their mass less does that make life on them a little bit easier watch their their legs just completely buckle as soon as I drop they can't really move but it does seem like the mass change helped so if I make them enormous do I just have to lower the mass to make them actually like functional I don't really know we're experimenting here okay he still seems to be having a hard time standing up I don't I don't know if it's actually helping at all to be honest with you they seem to just be looking at each other in the eyes gazing on each other and not really actually fighting are they fighting I don't know it's hard to tell that'll don't think they aren't they're trying but I just I just don't think they can they're too big this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous we have to build like a super unit that you would never expect so like the halfling I really would like to make the halfling into like the ultimate force like give him tons of health make him enormous and make him functional yeah okay we're onto something now okay so I've got the half link selected never would think that a half link could become the greatest warrior in tabs history so first things first we need to make him bigger a lot bigger but we need to be delicate I guess is the best way I can describe it because as we know the bigger we make them the more pathetic they become like let's let's do some tests here okay so he can still move but only barely he's not he's not moving anywhere fast that's for sure so maybe we should we should I don't know adjust like the mass or something let's mess around with the mass here and see if this helps with the halflings new overwhelming size now I just fell over so the lower the mass is it is it the harder it is for them to move I've no idea what's happening to this poor man he seems to not be okay he seems very sick they're just gonna breakdance each other to death here they go the ultimate Tabs breakdance battle of the century red vs. blue he's gonna get he's gonna get sucked out of that that mill that water mill he's gonna get congratulations blue you are the greatest breakdancer okay let's take the mass the other way maybe that's the issue we were going the wrong way with the mass let's take it up to like three see what happens okay he seems to be handling the weight a little bit better only slightly but better right he's he's not like doing the weird breakdancing thing so let's go like 210 unit mass 10 he still got crippled legs oh they're just hugging they're just hugging it out they're just really really good friends now this is just not very exciting okay enough of that okay so the mass thing I don't quite understand it but I mean I've got to make a halfling that is just enormous I need a halfling in my life that is going to intimidate the likes of even Zeus and as we know Zeus is quite powerful but against a mighty giant halfling can he really stand okay so these numbers mean nothing to me whatsoever but I imagine that they're kind of like exponential so just cuz the number 16 doesn't seem like a lot I imagine if I stop here so we'll stop at 18 and I click this button um we're gonna create something that probably has never existed in the likes of tabs let's see oh yeah yeah that's a very large man that is it okay dad yeah there you go a giant halfling that Wow I can't believe that actually worked okay wait hold up so he seems to be like standing okay actually can they fight oh really fighting they're just they're just falling is it hit what see [ __ ] this is just fun I love this game oh and this mod makes it even better yeah who would have thought then what what is happening what okay okay are you guys done all right are we done just like dancing can we no we're not gonna actually fight okay let's see what happens when you actually pick one of these Giants against like a normal sized unit which I don't I messed that up okay hold on reset clear that I need like a normal-size gap they think that the protector here why are you big why am I making large units that I don't okay what okay so I need to change the size of this guy I need you to go back to your normal size my friend can you do that for me that seems is that normal is that he's so tiny I guess just because I'm so used to to that that looks very small but that is a normal size clubber okay sure this is fun I like this okay so um let's just see how five very small clubbers do against giant halfling they can't really control himself let's see what I feel like the clubbers are just gonna kill him because he's still a halfling for all intents and purposes like just because he's giant doesn't mean that he has like giant health or that he does giant damage cuz as far as I can tell all he's doing is sitting on these these poor little men which seems very uncomfortable that I I would not want to get sat on by a giant I don't know about you guys this is gonna fall off the edge is that how this is all gonna act they're just gonna push him off of the edge like what a way to win great job really using your noggins there blue guys okay so as impressive as our very large lad over here is I feel the need to make him even bigger I just have to so well let's let's draw it's it's now rising at a rate that is alarming do you guys see this do you see how fast this is going up it was not going up that fast before okay this scares me what your oh okay now I'm just confused let's go back to the halfling oh yeah okay you were you ever wondering what happens when you spawn at ABS unit that is actually larger than the entire map that's what happens this this right here you're looking at it I don't know what to say it's very big tabs man um what happens if I uh if I spawn just like a normal unit against him I don't even know what he's gonna do to be honest with you here let's spawn a haybailer on the other side he's just gonna immediately fall off that's exactly what happened he just he kind of sort of fell off the map but not really I don't really know how to explain what just happened are there other levels that would accommodate this very large lad let's see farm - nope nope that is not much bigger okay let's go to tribal let's see about this nope still pretty much the same size is every map this what about sandbox maybe the sandbox is ok the sandbox does appear to be slightly larger maybe I don't know I mean the only thing we can do is is test it out so we got our halfling I think that he'll still be enormous yeah he is he sure is so now he can actually stand on the ground but not really he's having a hard time now let's grab a hay baler and just see what happens I mean I don't I don't really expect that you just fell over what he lost I don't even know where I am anymore it's kind of making me sick interesting interesting ending to what I would describe as complete and utter confusion ok I have to get everything back to normal or at least try - are we good do we have halfling ok halfling is is still quite big but not as big how about that what I don't even know what I did right there okay so I think I broke the halfling I made his size zero so every time I place him the game just ends it's weird obviously this is not the way that it was intended to be played so you know we're kind of going out of bounds here there's there's weird stuff happening I'm not gonna worry too much about it I do want to mess around with the unit speed so I was thinking like who would be a cool dude to make like super fast catapult we could take a catapult okay and let's make a very fast catapult I don't know what this is gonna do to said catapult but it'll be interesting okay we'll make three of them and then on the other side we will get scarecrows cuz they're cool and they shoot purple crows of death let's see what happens start what start it's not laying me start well I really broke things I've really messed it up haven't I okay so I reset the game which I assume will reset the mod I hope cuz kind of mess things up but let's make the catapult again okay so we went to I think speed 15 is what we landed on with the catapult so there we go 15 or so we'll get three of those guys and then on the other side why not just do a bunch of these guys there you go okay start walls are so fast they don't shoot any faster but they certainly move a lot faster holy moly they get to where they're going very quickly that is ridiculous okay okay wait let's let's reset here what I need to do is set these guys like way further back so I'm just gonna make like a line of these guys way back here and we'll see how fast the catapults can get to them check it out blip look at them they got like motorcycle engines this is capped Oh okay that's pretty cool actually I like that a lot but catapults I mean you know they throw rocks so their attack is still slow but I want to see like something like like a farmer let's let's make super fast farmers will make an army of fast farmers okay their unit speed is now 15 so I will place a whole bunch of them on this side well you know actually we should space them apart so let's put like a whole bunch on this side and then we'll put a whole bunch all the way on the other side so we want like 3,600 there we go close enough all right this is gonna be ridiculous here we go ready go oh my gosh they're so fast that they're falling over Hey look like angry ants what is happening oh my gosh they're like ice skating it's ridiculous they oh my gosh they move so fast it's kind of scary the Oh what they're like floating what is happening look at this guy he's riding his his Fork he's riding the pitchfork of death it's like the pitchfork is taking him what is happening I I can't even explain it crazy they're ice skating they're ice-skating farmers very impressive that is ridiculous okay let's do that same battle again but this time let's make things a little bit more interesting why don't we up the gravity and by up the gravity I mean like lower the gravity so as you can see they are starting to float listen what happens start Oh there okay there sorry oh my I don't know why some of them are flying away but some of them are not I'm not sure what is causing this to happen okay there they go goodbye my friends farewell enjoy your time on Mars take say hello to Elan up there for me would you okay alright are they all dead is everybody you're the only one left you're the last man standing don't don't go to the the light do always going he's going to the light he couldn't resist what did red one apparently last man standing right there to the moon he goes he looks a little scared can't imagine why oh my gosh this mod is awesome like I said you guys thought Taz was ridiculous already throw this kind of ridiculousness on top of that it's mega ridiculous this was amazing I guess before we end it let's make Zeus a giant basically because because that's the best thing I could come up with because so here I go I don't know how large I am actually going to make him but I'm going to make two one red one blue sea which giant Zeus is the better of the giant Zeus's is this unit speed really fast too it seems like his unit speed didn't change wait a second okay yeah he's pretty big but we can do better unit size 30 let's see how that looks yeah that ok he's fallen over I think that's pretty good they're kicking each other hey hey the fight hasn't even started yet you guys cool it don't look at me that way you cool it Zeus think you're all cool with your lightning and your giant mists and the beard I got to admit the beard is pretty awesome Oh where are you going this it okay I guess he's going home Oh Zeus 2.0 is is following right oh it's because I didn't change the gravity of course okay the battle didn't even begin and they're already gone I need to adjust the gravity of course you fool their gravities back to normal they're still getting weird let's let's just see what happens here we go they're shooting lightning but it's like little lightning is baby lightning the lightning doesn't get bigger only the Zeus's get bigger apparently the blue Zeus died in a very elegant way I might add great landing full-on scorpion so if you ever wondered what it looks like when two giant Zeus is battle each other now you know so guys that's gonna do it for this episode of totally accurate battle simulator a big big thanks to outwit you can see his YouTube channel right there youtube.com slash outwit go subscribe to support him because he makes these mods completely free and puts a lot of hard work into them and they're a ton of fun to play and watch and you guys should show him some love but that is gonna do it for this episode if you guys enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 338,727
Rating: 4.8920803 out of 5
Keywords: tabs, totally, funny, hilarious, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, tabs gameplay, totally accurate battle simulator game, tabs game, tabs new units, totally accurate battle simulator update, tabs sandbox, totally accurate battle simulator new update, totally accurate battle sim, tabs funny moments, tabs update, kindly keyin, family friendly, no swearing, tabs new, TABS GIANT
Id: ep-LlpHiEFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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