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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications this is like a gym a gymnast you know putting her arms up in the air she's like I'm going oh oh I'm so sorry pigs pigs excuse me I'm just gonna do a front flip over you okay [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Qian and welcome back to mobile Monday have you ever wondered what granny would be like if she was just a nice old lady on rollerskates well Granny Smith will answer that question this is actually a game that I've seen on the App Store many many times because basically every time you search granny this lady shows up right next to her this is the alternate dimension granny this is the granny that doesn't feed people to her pet spider this is nice granny and apparently she's a bit of a daredevil so we're gonna try out Granny Smith today because why not why not be a rollerskating granny this looks hilarious I've never played it before so I'm excited and terrified I don't want to backflip off of a mountain that seems insane on rollerskates no less let's try it out we'll see what's going on here so I guess we're chasing this guy get the apples before the thief does okay granny's guy get them apples we got jumping okay jump jump so that was easy press oh okay okay so when you hold the button you do a flip granny immediately does a flip Oh double flip and when you let go she stops flipping so you obviously want to land on your feet die Oh granny that was impressive now what does the cane actually do she just puts her hands up in the air what is that what why is she doing that I don't I don't know hopefully they'll explain it to me because I do understand it but yeah we're doing flips and all kinds of crazy stuff that was easy Louisville Louisville cleared great job rollerskating granny hey thief the real jerk why is this little boy stealing granny's apples it's not cool dude all right what do I do next just tap the screen and we get to watch a replay of my sweet granny flipping skills look at that look at that flip gorgeous [Applause] unbelievable the acrobatic skills of this old woman are undeniable let's continue so we've completed the tool shed I assume that's the name of the level wait no that's something else oh we can get ourselves powers using our money plus a baseball should we buy baseball sure okay I bought a base I actually I bought five of them okay let's see what happens here play try the cane grep Oh what this is insane granny you're crazy you are one crazy old lady for sure okay and then you got grab the little thing about okay all right so you see the little cane icon and lower her left-hand corner of the screen that's for grabbing these I don't know what they are they're just like lines power lines that seems dangerous you should not be doing that granny and then you then you press it again this is rad holy moly granny you're unbelievable why can't we have this granny in our dimension why do we have the scary bat wielding granny that wants to murder us just want a roller skating rink it's all I asked for all right level complete let's go the next one actually I can buy stuff should we buy this helmet and maybe we'll buy some bananas okay again I have no idea what these things do maybe I should actually test them this one's called rocky road I have a helmet on clearly that's pretty sweet Oh double flip it was a little risky a little risky there oh my oh my gosh that was a very steep hill let's do double flip triple flip I can't believe we pulled it off great job granny you're unbelievable I'm gonna drop this banana I maybe that's for the thief a little thieving kid that's what happens okay I got you so I can actually flip out of those those little like crazy gliding sections my gosh granny you're you're amazing that was so cool this game is so good guy reminds me of that penguin game that one where you have to like land on the hills and slide and stuff like that anyways let's let's keep going let's keep going [ __ ] her she's such a nice old lady she's wonderful we need more of these in our lives nice old lady's not mean scary old ladies the garden welcome all right granny Shawn Moo's boss teach this kid a lesson all these years of experience right here funneled into your your daredevil Evel Knievel skills amazing you think you bad bad granny that had to hurt she just like body slammed the earth and for anybody who's fallen ever on the planet earth it hurts typically the earth wins okay we're getting a little little crazy here whoa I did not think I was gonna make that flip but I absolutely did and I'm glad that that happened we got to see a replay of that body slam against the earth that was not pretty I think it's coming okay nope that's not it it's not it that was a great move though here let's get this stuff out of the way here it is ow she's unfazed she's just moving along I guess that helmet somehow protected her ribs from shattering into dust I don't know she's tough lady been doing this for a long time we were talking about the idea that maybe she was in a roller derby at one point that would be pretty cool oh here we go you think you're so smart little thief boy oh you got nothing on granny you got nothing so like I feel like oh no oh no you little stinker No get back here you use the cane granny I don't know can you make yourself go faster I don't know if she can I don't quite understand how to make yourself go faster I guess you just kind of have to get down a hill or something I don't know but we lost that Apple this little punk stole our apples all right in the hay bale Oh think I was supposed to land there this kid is taking my apples and I don't like it I don't like it one bit dude come back where you going no no did we lose no we just didn't get as many apples that was not a great run that was not a great go there all right that one could have gone better oh you know I should have used the baseball's I bet you you can throw the baseballs at that kid take them down give him a concussion that'll teach him that's kind of messed up actually here let's try I threw the ball I missed here try again yeah totally slows him down okay good to know we're learning we are definitely learning continue granny came into the mineshaft this is this is insane who built these things who built these insane roller derby tracks this is crazy what is this world oh my gosh job granny there you go nicely done breaking through houses who cares no one lives there I hope poor family they're just sitting there watching TV and then some crazed old woman jumps through their house on rollerskates unbelievable oh wow I could have double flipped there and I probably would have gotten more coins oh well I got only apples and that's what cans let's continue this journey of epic granny proportions railroad that sounds scary okay okay let's get on this thing and what what No oh I was supposed to hold on to that oh he's out okay that did not look pretty I was supposed to hold on to whatever that thing was oh this is getting tough I'm losing coins left and right it's not working out very well so I need to grab on to these things and they fling me my gosh this is insane oh man I lost that Apple that's a real bummer okay all right that's okay at least I understand now sort of this kid no he'll uh he's gonna beat me isn't he he took my last Apple what a punk I should throw a baseball at him for that but I'm not because I'm I'm a nice old lady sometimes unless you steal my apples and I will murder you no oh maybe this is the origin story of granny maybe she was just a nice old rollerskating lady and then one day this kid stole our apples made a real mad and made her feed that kid to a spider and then that giant spider became her pet and then everybody lived happily ever after that's weird okay the loop let's give it a shot why is it called the loop this is gonna be interesting oh okay okay I think I'm starting to see kind of why this would be called a loop and also I missed that Apple that's a real bummer I went right over it that's okay keep it cool granny land it nice oh this is why it's called balloon Oh oh my goodness could you imagine doing these kinds of stunts in real life like taking a full loop on a stinking roller skate also that landing was not graceful not even remotely oh okay okay that was just embarrassing you just landed right on your head granny ha did I get I got one app man I'm getting a lot worse at this game since it's getting harder bear with me we're gonna continue what's this one called gold mine okay we're going into a mine bring it I ain't scared of you mind then we drop down give me that Apple old kids gonna take my ass what how did I fall what happened no I'm not gonna make the job dead dead granny that was sad I was very very sad okay please please give me the Apple okay then we need to adjust our landing okay okay please don't die don't you dare die granny oh she didn't grab on no no you gotta come on no oh no it's over it's over I'm not gonna make it I think that I am never gonna make it okay let's restart that was the first time we had to restart a level it's bad sign things are definitely getting harder things are ramping up it's okay we'll do the loop get the Apple play it cool play it cool granny there you go jump oh just barely made that one alright grab this thing no also upper right-hand corner there's a quick restart I love that in games like this I love quick restarts so good to have okay try this again into the mine shaft and we want to kind of a just heart there we go there we go okay definitely getting a lot harder and it's showing that maybe I'm not as good at video games as I thought I was but everybody already knows that you guys are like yeah we've been watching you play video games for a year you're bad you're bad can yeah I know this is just but we did beat that level finally and we've got all the apples so take that having fun please give me a rating I'll give you a rating later granny you're a nice old lady oh we have branching paths interesting let's go to the pigs little piggies let's say hello to the little piggies I love how granny starts she's like she's like a gym a gymnast you know putting her arms up in the air she's like I'm going oh oh I'm so sorry pigs pigs excuse me I'm just gonna do a front flip over you okay this is not looking good can I not land right in the hay bale can that just never happen again please why what was I supposed to do there by the way you can't jump out of these these crazy like blinds that yet you glide on you can't jump out of them once once you're in there you just kind of have to let gravity take over and clearly gravity hates me I got zero apples on that one that's just embarrassing well let's go back and let's try the forest okay here we go jumping into the forest grab the line and launch up there oh my gosh do it again okay grab that Apple just barely beat him to it but we beat him so that's what counts okay kiddo you get out of my way I got I got flips and cool stuff to do all right get out of here here leave him but a banana just in case hopefully he'll slip on that and he will die no we don't want him to die he's just he's just stealing apples that's a little extreme okay come on come on there you go nicely done perfect landing don't mind if I do okay here we go got another one of these Dipsy doodles right there grab the Apple do we get all the apples we got all the apples next level also a zoo what outer space oh my gosh please I granny needs to go to outer space holy cow train to town I honestly don't think we're gonna get there in this episode but I gotta be real with you guys if you like this game we're going to outer space so you know let me know and we're taking granny to Saturn because why not uh what what what am I doing here I'm just blasting through I should have jumped over it honestly I should have gotten on top then I would have had to blast through all those doors and whatnot you know who opens doors in this world we just destroy them that's how we do business that's how granny does business all right better watch your back you know what I haven't done in a while I haven't done any double backflips well that's a front flip right there nicely done see see that was a door could I opened it naw you blast through it that's how we do all right we did it yeah all the apples yeah this game is great I unlocked scruffy what there's other characters we're gonna try playing a scruffy let's go train mania what is he different you know honestly it's hard to tell if his physics are different than granny's he's definitely got a bone in one hand though that's pretty sweet and he can use it to do all kinds of flippy doodles that's the technical term this guy's great what was his name scruffy I like it every time you jump well rope yeah okay I don't speak dog but I imagine that he's quite happy in the situation that he's in no okay I guess it's time to blast through some doors grab some apples do some flips it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing well done sir oh my gosh I was not expecting that okay that threw me off a little bit that's okay Scruffy's doing a fantastic job grab that line there you go buddy grab that Apple that's what really counts look at his face when he crashes he gets so mad this game is really charming I like it a lot alternate-dimension granny is a great time where have you been all my life we handled that level like a champ so I'm guessing that this volcano is like the last level in this world we got to get there also how do I switch back to granny I want to I want to go back to granny I don't know how to switch back to granny okay I guess we're playing as a dog for now that's fine let's go to the ranch so I wonder how do you actually lose a level I guess like just not finishing it right cuz if the kid gets ahead of you it doesn't really punish you like you just don't get the apples you don't get the points and whatever the apples do long-term I have no idea but otherwise like as long as you get to the finish line you get to progress to the next level which I guess it's kind of nice alright we're doing okay though oh no not into the pigsty yeah gross hey but we did stop that little punk kid from getting on the line so that gave us a little bit of a head start well through the roof yeah up through another roof yep through the greenhouse okay hopefully nobody minds all the damage that I'm doing right now you don't understand though getting these apples is of the utmost priority it's gonna save the world really there's there's aliens invading and the only thing that will stop them from killing us all and turning us into their food is green apples is anybody buying this anybody volcano let's see that food name of the level let's play volcano let's do this what do we have in front of us probably lava I would guess let's find out I guess we're inside of the volcano now that's kind of scary I don't know if a dog should be hanging out inside of volcanoes honestly I don't think old lady should be hanging out inside of volcanoes either let's just be real nobody should be hanging it inside the volcanoes unless like you're a scientist in one of those really cool suits that like protects you from melting that fat that's okay you can you can do that I've only seen it in movies though so I don't know if that's a real thing alright let's just let's just survive the volcano I still haven't seen any lava you're not gonna disappoint me right game I'll wait Oh what um sure really really we're just we're gonna go into the depths of this volcano we are going to the middle of the planet right now what is actually happening hello I just I I think that I just saw the core of the earth and now I have landed on the other side of the planet and now I am upside down in the snow what is happening please someone can can somebody explain this situation to me where am I I I just crashed into an igloo I also just died and I have to start the whole level over I don't I don't even understand I II went through the entire planet that is the deepest volcano ever because it pops out the other side of the world this games getting crazy I gotta say it's getting real crazy let's smash through those boards alright we're not quite at the point of going through the planet yet but we'll get there we'll definitely get there and hopefully we won't fall into a frozen lake with an igloo and all that jazz oh good I died again shoot why is this so hard come on little doggy I got this no don't don't do that okay come on there you go there you go good job nice and gentle take that job good job okay here we go up the lift now I did notice that there was like alternate paths but they scare me so I'm not gonna go down alternate paths I wonder actually if you can go over the Becky maybe I don't know it doesn't really seem like it cuz this is just crazy this is absolutely insane can i grab onto that nope can't grab onto that okay fine fine have it your way please don't die little doggy please please you got this okay all right we made it we made it now don't land in the water trying to jump over these like mounds of snow this is so weird it's all upside down it's very confusing no you landed right in the glue please whoo okay we made the first jump Oh the end the end please we did it we made it we only got two apples but I don't care I just survived like falling through the entire planet if I got only two apples don't you'll manage the world we'll get by so there you have it we've completed the entire first world of Granny Smith an alternate-dimension version of granny where she's a nice old lady or possibly the origin story of how granny became such a monster but guys that's gonna do it for this episode of mobile Monday I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 708,955
Rating: 4.8982935 out of 5
Keywords: granny game, killing granny, granny tolling, granny gameplay, granny smith, granny mobile horror game ending, family friendly, trolling granny, kindly keyin, granny updated game, granny messing around, no cursing, granny apple, no swears, granny mobile, granny sleep, kid games, no swearing, lets play
Id: 0w-zxa4EdI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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