We FINALLY Upgraded our House in Minecraft... | Father Son Minecraft

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new kindly key and merch available now but only for a limited time so get it while you still can we're returning it's father-son minecraft time this is gonna be kind of hard hello everybody i am kindly keen and welcome back to father son minecraft my wife jesse is not feeling very good today so seth is hanging out with me all day so i decided why don't we play some minecraft together i know you guys really like this series and uh i like making it i'm not gonna lie though it is a challenge now that seth is a little bit more mobile than he was in the past uh last episode if you guys missed it but seth climbed up on top of my desk which was quite an experience for both him and me aside from that though i don't really remember anything that we were actually doing in minecraft i think that we found our original home which is this right here and it's very ugly i feel like the time has come to actually make something a little bit better and more practical i mean literally right now it's just a room with a hole in the floor that takes us to our minds now i did discover that i didn't lose all of my diamonds i did lose my diamond tools that i had but i didn't lose all of them so i have three diamonds which is enough to make a pickaxe or a sword i mean i i don't feel like i feel like we should make it into a pickaxe but i'm not gonna do that right now we also have quite a bit of iron in our inventory so that's actually pretty nice ow seth wants the microphone so i'm going to give it to him here you you you do the commentary and i'll just play the game all right he's he's that's he's commentating don't worry how's that taste that can't taste very good right okay all right you tell the people what i'm doing i'm gonna go ahead and chop down some trees i actually have oh my gosh okay no leave please go away you need to go okay all right i actually have no axes so i have to punch trees just like you would at the very beginning of any minecraft series are you done eating the microphone for the record i did actually wash the microphone filter so he he might be actually tasting some i can't imagine it tastes very good but he keeps going back for more so what do i know okay so while seth was enjoying the the lovely flavors of recently washed microphone filters um i collected some sticks and uh i'm going to make some tools and i think that i really i really need an axe right to start chopping down some trees properly so make myself an iron axe i should probably make myself a sword because right now all i have is a stone sword and that's not very good seth just threw charlie off the table you didn't even think about charlie's feelings and i figured since we have this extra iron i should probably make myself some armor right like that would be the smart thing to do all right so i didn't have quite enough to make shoes that's okay iron shoes just weigh you down that's what i've always said all right we're going out into the darkness seth loves it when i die so he might really enjoy this experience oh my gosh there's creepers everywhere get away from my house dude stay away stay away from my house stop oh my goodness i don't like these creepers my dude we just gotta chop down some trees that's really my primary goal right now just just chop some trees get some wood and then if we can get enough wood to build a proper house that would be just fantastic we got this we're good at chopping trees down i don't do i want the birch because the birch is a different color that might mess up the curb appeal of our nice new house we already have two different colored woods well i see a friend or man way out there in the distance let's just play it cool um i guess we can chop down this tree although this tree is very tall i don't know if i'm gonna be able to chop down the whole thing and then i'm gonna have ufo trees which everybody loves everybody loves floating trees right there's a dude with arrows and by dude with arrows i mean skeleton archer okay okay okay watch it no no bad bad bad bad so bad okay get him get him get him get him get him attack take him out yes yeah all right it's fine everything's fine we got him and we're protected we have armor now that i think about it though we have no food right like we're gonna starve oh i'm hurting i am hurting real good okay we need to go back to the house seth this is very dangerous in fact i'm going through the back entrance this is the secret entrance that i just made myself hide hide forever okay close the door this is where we stay until it's morning it is way too scary out there seth loves it i on the other hand do not love it it's scary out there okay i'm gonna put the coal in here now there's not really anything that we can smelt right now at least as far as i know right i mean i could smelt gold like that's gonna do me a whole lot of good should we go down into the mines i guess we can go down into the mines let's make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and go down into the mines yeah i know i know i know it's very scary and maybe we can get some more iron to finish off our lovely suit of armor and maybe we'll find diamonds i doubt it but you never know you never know what we really need right now is a source of food i am in a bad spot as far as my food situation goes also it's very confusing how i've designed the staircase no okay i'm gonna hit him i'm gonna hit him i'm gonna get him out of here yo he blew up okay okay it's fine everything's fine everything is totally great and awesome in this very scary cave good thing we have armor right seth i don't even have torches do i i don't i don't have torches i probably should use that coal that i put in my smelter to make some torches before i start going into unknown cave territory not very smart you know what i'm getting out of here how do i get out of here great question don't really have the answer right now there we go right yeah okay there's our staircase out of this place it's almost daytime kind of the the sun is starting to come up which is great oh my gosh that is very bad very very bad does she go away when the sun comes up oh i don't like this oh gosh why are you right outside go away you're just gonna look at me huh you you're gonna be that way huh okay okay okay wow yeah this game hates me i think it's safe to say minecraft hates me let's i guess go out a different way and just fill in that space and go in this direction get ourselves some more wood but once we're a little bit safer out here um i want to start expanding our house make it a little bit better my goodness it's just so hideous so let's just take out some trees you know how it is you've played minecraft we're getting a decent amount of wood going and i'm still alive which is probably the best part but i would lay down okay i think we have enough wood i mean we may have to go back out there and get some more but we've got a decent amount for sure now i should probably look for some food as well maybe maybe some cows any any moo moos out here there's a horse that's not gonna do me any good ooh chicken we're gonna get the chicken chicken delicious we got some sheepies oh you know what we should do we should make shears and make a bed oh my goodness i can't believe i didn't think about that until just now cheers how do you make shears i'm such a noob cheers there you go more chicken get the chicken we gotta get the chicken delicious delicious chicken oh he laid some eggs too don't mind if i do now where were those sheep now that i have oh there they are okay we're gonna make a bed and it's gonna be the coziest bed the world has ever seen maybe probably not just a standard minecraft bed all right give me your wool thank you you're now naked i'm sorry sheep and let's get this sheep over here yeah there you go all right is that enough we only need three wool right but do they have to be the same color i guess well we got three of the white wool so we're good we're set i'm just gonna kill some grass along the way because seth thinks it's really funny which is very funny to me as well get all this grass get it get the grass oh i don't like the way that grass looked at me has this grass been bullying you seth i'm gonna take him out there you go all right i protected you you're welcome all right let's make a bed uh which i think is is this and then this oh he's done it he's not as much of a noob as you thought he is but he is still pretty much a noob all right so now we have set our respawn point finally which is kind of embarrassing that i didn't do that until now either way i think that we have enough materials to finally expand our living situation four full stacks of planks i think that's pretty good right so i think i'm gonna start with uh fixing up the floor here oh my goodness it's happening it's happening he's he's released himself from the seat and is now going to make his way onto the desk okay we're all planked up now so here's what i'm gonna do i'm just kind of gonna add like another room here but i'm gonna make it a little bit taller that's probably a good height for a house right i don't know i'm not a house building expert this is for sure i also keep hurting myself by falling very dumb so as you can see um i am building our house and seth is on top of my desk you know everybody has to have their hobbies i build houses seth stands on top of desks now i will say oh gosh oh no oh oh dear um it is starting to become night time which is which is kind of scary seth now has the mouse which is also very scary uh okay that there's yeah that's the key what are you doing buddy i'm gonna die i'm gonna die no please don't die don't oh my gosh oh my gosh i thought it was safe to go outside clearly it was not but it's okay because i literally died right outside of my house so i can get all these supplies back seth what are you what are you doing you you you move the table up i can't play like this i gotta stand up okay uh seth is is a tornado right now he's he's just basically causing destruction everywhere he goes which is kind of hilarious and also makes it very hard to build a house in minecraft who would have known so i just wanted to show you guys what what i built it's actually hideous to be perfectly honest but at least it's a little bit more house now we've got a little bit more s of something going on here i feel like we need windows so let's just give ourselves some some nice little windows put one right there put one right there it's not even symmetrical but that's okay because ultimately it's our house and it is an improvement it's a better house than it used to be seth seems unimpressed but at least he likes climbing on top of my desk but anyways guys that is gonna do it for this episode i hope that you enjoyed it i hope you enjoyed seeing seth he's always a hoot it is a very very unique challenge though uh playing minecraft while he's basically destroying everything that he he he just touches he just pokes it and it just blows up it's quite impressive and of course as a quick reminder you guys can pick up charlie the spider the shirt the pin set it's right over there and of course the kindly key in hat links in the description down below also i have the merch store available on youtube so actually if you go down right below this video there's a button that you can click right there you can see all the stuff that's currently available but remember it's only available for a limited time so get it while you still can charlie will only be here for a limited time but if you guys did enjoy this video be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching and we'll see you guys next time you have anything that you want to say you want you want to tell the people [Music] do you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,045,441
Rating: 4.903357 out of 5
Keywords: scary minecraft video, kindly keyin, family friendly, lets play, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, minecraft horror, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft videos, minecraft funny, minecraft map, minecraft scary, minecraft horror map, cursed minecraft seed, minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, minecraft baby, minecraft with son, bees, bees in minecraft, minecraft bees, fathr son, father son, father and son, father son minecraft
Id: kSeaKnvJquI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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