NUKE THE BALDI! | Kick The Buddy Gameplay

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications yep there you go come back the other way light him on fire again make sure he's cooking real good he's coming back oh this time he's gonna just eat his head eight eight buddies head it's gone [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to mobile Monday we are back in kick the buddy and I'm very excited to be playing this again because this time around I've got a little bit more money and we're gonna spend it and we're gonna get some new things to destroy our little friend here our little Baldy if you will and actually after I did that video someone sent me a video his name was tena Caen and he made a video on how to actually make buddy look like Baldy now for whatever reason I don't have access to the photobooth function on kik the buddy like I don't know if it's an iOS thing only but I can't do the photobooth thing which allows you to put like custom faces on buddy which is really really cool but I can't do it but you guys probably can so I'm gonna leak his video in the description down below so that you can turn buddy here into baldie like he has a whole tutorial on how to turn his face into Baldy and it is actually hilarious but unfortunately we're gonna have to use our imaginations in this episode because I can't customize buddy but I did give him a green shirt so at least he's got that going for him and he's still bald and also for the record in case you guys are wondering why I did the buddy and Baldy thing one of the first Baldy rip-off games that we ever played and this was probably a couple months ago it featured buddy it was really strange because it was like a platforming game but they were using buddy as Baldy so after I played that game all of you guys were like you should play kick the buddy and I'd never even heard of it to be honest with you so we played kick the buddy but we turned it in to kick the Baldy so here we are kicking the Baldy so now let's buy some toys let's get crazy explosives what can we buy in explosives that we didn't have last time we did honestly I didn't have all that much money last time this time I think we'll be okay to spin some cash let's buy the Holy Hand Grenade let's see how that bad boy goes did I did I buy this last time I don't I don't remember oh no I did that okay that was a good start but that is only the beginning Anouk we have enough for Anouk should we do it we should we should do it just by the nuke drop a nuke on Baldy sure it like lagged my game to an immense degree that was that was a little scary alright so dropping a nuke on buddy Baldy whatever you want to call him was awesome but there's plenty more to go around what is an mg L mk1 is that like a grenade launcher or something let's see oh my yeah yeah that dozer those are explosives oh oh oh he's dead he's done yeah yeah what about a Tomahawk missile let's launch a Tomahawk missile at him why because we can't trace the trajectory of the tomahawk with your fingers and aim at buddy so like I can make it go all over and then just that's pretty cool I like that how about a monkey bomb I like the sound of that he's so cute it's cute little monkey there's nothing suspicious about this monkey that might have dynamite strapped to his back awesome a stinky bomb it's kind of interesting what do you like this is just gonna stink him up oh oh no it's it's gas he's turning green oh yeah oh yeah he's turning green here let's put him right on top of the grenade no it didn't kill him though here let's let's drop another one see if we can oh he's he's dead that that got him yeah banana bomb now I have played worms in my life and if this is anything like the banana bomb in worms it's gonna spread it's gonna turn into a whole bunch of little bombs oh yeah yep there you go and then those blobs blow up into smaller and just keep blowing up it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing needle bomb hmm let's try this needle bomb did this guy he's gonna shoot needles all over the place oh wow okay yeah it does can we drop a whole pone No Oh Baldy oh oh that's gonna hurt yeah you got something in your in your head and actually everywhere just giant needles I'm so sorry I like how they cover the walls too it's beautiful oh but you can only have so many so yeah okay that was the limit that's free cool to make a bomb we have to try a mega bomb press the red button and cut the wire to disarm mega bomb why would I ever want to disarm the mega pop I don't want disarm the mega bomb I want it to blow up I'm the one who put it there I hope you enjoy your time buddy no he's just turned into bones and I am rewarded with money for my good deeds that was awesome but let's try it to disarm there you go I saved you no it is still okay I approve effect oh that was amazing all right enough with the explosives let's go into objects let's see what kind of fun we can have with these guys see Roach killer okay so it's just it's basically bug spray I mean yeah that's probably gonna make you feel real sick if I keep spraying this in your face where are you going stop it's not really doing anything to him to be honest maybe it's because he's not a bug how about a disco ball what's the disco ball do this is gonna make him dance just dance until he passes out tonight oh I can throw him into it like so many colors it's so magical oh I just I just hit him with the disco ball sure that's fine not quite as explosive as a mega bomb for instance but still fun how about a 16 ton weight yeah let's do that I hear it just completely pancaked him just pancaked poor old buddy are you okay there little guy you're very very tiny right now I'm just gonna punch you while you are splattered to the floor this is this is messed up he's completely defenseless all right stinky socks sure the most powerful of weapons can I do more than one stinky sock no I can only do one alright let's just put that right on him hey there's that cool dude from that other game you're gonna throw money at us aren't you yeah look at you throwing money all over the place you're so excited about him dying from a stinky sock why is a broken phone almost 12,000 bucks well I had to buy it so let's see me what a broken phone does okay no I don't want your ads there's someone on the phone buddy you've been paying your bills you think that's a debt collector oh okay yeah this this is actually amazing that we are zapping him that's gotta hurt that's yeah he's done there's no going back now how about a heart breaker what is that touch one paddle with another to charge the device touch buddy to electrocute him I don't know where the panel's are though uh-oh I've used both of my fingers I see okay and then we put him oh yeah yeah okay that works was this a neon sign Vic okay I thought that Vic oh we can drop an on sign on him oh that has to hurt well if it starts breaking you're gonna you're gonna experience some glass perhaps being lodged in you is getting darker because the light is going out as I slowly beat buddy to death with the light it's getting dimmer I think I think he's done now this slingshot is fifteen thousand bucks that's a lot and it's just a slingshot but I think I have to try it I have to try it oh okay I like this let's see if we can hit him well we're shooting like propane tanks so do I need to shoot lower I guess I do alright let's see oh there we go okay it's kind of hard to aim but this is pretty cool what are we oh we're launching grenades oh my gosh little overkill the rocks just weren't enough huh let's go to monument is this gonna squish Baldy buddy yeah of course it is this is how we celebrate you buddy we made you a statue you're welcome you should seriously be thanking us I put a lot of hard work into that rock statue it's very hard to do also a lot of you guys explained to me that you can actually change where buddy goes by tilting your phone or your tablet so like right now he's up against the wall because I have my tablet sideways like that and then if I go this way he'll be smashed up against the other side it's pretty funny what if I turn it all the way upside down is my phone gonna visit what no I don't it didn't really know he's not gonna fall to the ceiling is he no it's pretty cool I like that alright so I bought myself the violent violin I have no idea what this does but he's on the stage oh he's playing the violin that's that's amazing I didn't realize you were so talented buddy now what happens oh can i I just beat him to death with it oh okay yeah sure it is a very violent violin but I like how he plays it and then it it destroys him I'm so sorry my friend I'm so sorry and my battery is dying we better speed things up there are so many things in this game but I have a limited amount of time so let's play around with bio weapons cuz I don't think we messed around with that at all the last time we played bacteria let's try this out what Oh Oh No he's been infected oh my gosh no just completely consumed him he is nothing now oh man what else do we have in here virus a let's try out virus a let's see it's a vial so okay what what is it actually doing though do you think we should just drop a whole bunch of them on top of him and then he's gonna get infected with this it doesn't really seem to be doing all that much to him I mean he is turning great yeah I mean it basically just turned him green and then he died not much more to say about that so I just bought the acid container i oh okay we're gonna put him inside of it right can we oh yeah we got open the hatch oh no oh you're gonna get melted he's melting oh gosh no as incredibly messed up laughing gasps we should try that let's make him happy we put on the smiles just make him make him laugh real good oh my gosh he is losing his mind he is absolutely going insane he's so happy but he is slowly suffocating he's going to laugh himself to death he laughed himself to death what are you doing you're gonna throw money at buddy you're gonna destroy buddy with money you but I don't wanna play party masters all right enough with bio weapons let's move into animals because again this was something that we didn't even mess with last time vampire bats okay what Oh oh my gosh vampire bat stampede I don't know if you'd call a bunch of bats flying in the air stampede but that's that's what it looks like he is just he's done he's absolutely destroyed they just keep going holy cow he lost his his legs his arm and his head those are some crazy powerful bats bald eagle majestic let's see just gonna keep graphic I like how he grabs him by the head - that's so perfect oh man oh he's getting scrapped he's getting scraped up are you done can I do more than one at a time you think I can't do more than one ad time just one ad time okay yeah that I mean bald eagles awesome black mamba yeah okay well okay wait what oh we got him yep gonna done it give him that venom he lived he's survived the black mamba bite he got him right on the arm just injecting him full of the deadliest venom known to man and he's dead I like the Black Widow - let's try that well that's creepy can I do oh I can do a whole bunch of them oh that is so creepy they're just latched on to him oh he just ate them why would you do that I mean I guess they're very high in protein but I I cannot recommend eating black widows don't do that we got to try the king of the jungle the lion Simba do this where are you Simba Oh you just ran right past him because he was already dead okay he's back let's see get absolutely eviscerated he's oh well I don't know what sockpuppets tastes like but apparently lions love them delicious Cooper dragon yeah I yeah yeah let's let's do this dragon where is it come from the sky hello Oh things are happening oh he just just a fly by little cooking just fly right by light him on fire yep there you go come back the other way light him on fire again make sure he's cooking real good he's coming back oh this time he's gonna just eat his head eight eight buddy's head it's gone he didn't need that and his body's still on fire that was amazing let's try the mosquito never underestimate the power of a mosquito oh my gosh it's an entire swarm of them are they gonna pick him up and look they're getting all fat cuz they're sucking his blood oh that's gonna be real itchy that's gonna be you got bites all over your face oh you poor guy alright let's go into the power of gods these have to be cool did we do the tornado I feel like we did the tornado last time yeah we did the tornado which is awesome but now we have more money so let's do other stuff how about an earthquake okay yeah yep that I mean it worked it was incredibly effective I wish that like the Box split open something a little bit more dramatic lightening yes lightening please attack how do I do this Oh Oh I charge it up oh oh I like that can I do it over and over again I sure can that was a shocking terrible just so bad let's do the flood let's see how that works oh just fill in his box with good water okay yep he's gonna drown he's gonna drown in there I get apparently these little puppet people need to breathe yep oh oh it's awful buddy did not survive the flood but I did find a retro fireball which sounds amazing the music changed I like that what's happening oh oh that is so cool I love it shooting a bit fireballs all over the place Hadouken it's amazing look at that damage unbelievable alright I feel like we need a good finale here because again my battery is dying let's do the Gorgan that sounds scary oh she's gonna turn him to stone and then and then bite him with snakes there sure okay just turn him to stone and then crush him I gotta say this game gets real creative with the ways that you can just absolutely decimate buddy or Baldy or whatever you want to call him but you guys should definitely try it out and you can also do that Baldy thing let me know if you guys can pull it off cuz I couldn't do it again there will be a link in the description down below so that you can follow the instructions in that video on how to put Baldy in kick the buddy but guys that's gonna do it for this episode I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,244,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kick the buddy, kick the buddy game, kick the buddy ios, kick the buddy android, baldis basics in education and learning, no cursing, no swearing, baldis basics, kick the buddy gameplay, kick the buddy walkthrough, mobile game, ios, android, kindly keyin, family friendly, baldis basics lets play, baldis basics gameplay, baldis basics game, baldis basics mod, baldis basics ending, baldis basics mods, baldi mods
Id: _kBpk2Nqwfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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