I accidentally made a new Minecraft Speedrun Strategy (1000 Speedruns #8)

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there's a boat over there let's go smile nice um there's two ways to play this i think i just make well i don't i need to get oh my god dude i need to make a pressure play it [Music] i can't put a pressure plate there that's good [Music] okay cool let me break this i need to go north north west oh there's a room portal here hello hello now this this this this thing stopped [Music] there's a cave right here i could just go in this cave i think i'm actually gonna do that uh nine nine [Music] damn okay cool let's do that let's do this [Music] bucket tnt oh boom okay here we go ah oh excuse me ah that's that was that was extremely fast diamonds dude [Music] i would can i'm so stupid whatever no no no no no lily right here oh i'm cheating oh my god [Music] full diamond tools pog okay um i have air nice oh now i don't oh i have a lot oh my bastions there are a lot of them um [Music] that's the real one or the closest one okay and then i have a fortress somewhere or it could be a treasure it's like very possible oh my god just kidding wow imagine entering at like a good pace when you get another like this imagine because i can't hello oh god i owe cranks [Music] [Music] measure cranks crankage done all right uh time for poor decisions with curry we excuse me oh you garbage idiot i hate you so much man [Music] should have played triple [Music] hard punished i forgot how much gold i had i should 100 play triple okay obsidian damn no arrows take those i'll be this [Music] so i seem to be missing pearls [Music] okay just kidding i mean that's not a lot but it's not zero really not getting more pearls that is tragic okay let's do over this let's do a little bit of that [Music] hello [Music] oh my god [Music] no [Music] made one was there pig stuff in there [Music] oh my god weebs go away i'll be beautiful [Music] wait was there actually picked up [Music] no there wasn't that okay cool oh we're fine everything's good everything's good where you at oh i see one no i don't that's the entrance the entrance of the hello [Music] you're blind um i have to get beds anyway right [Music] dude i was [Music] where did you come from [Music] wait wha [Applause] what did i do wrong did i replace it oh my god dude okay whoop i can't believe i did that i haven't done that in so long there we go okay we're back okay let's try this again boom we are at five i already have two so we're at six please oh my god hello dude these rates actually fragged i don't know what that number was 13. let's go okay i i guess i was subconsciously pressing w um [Music] 32 point negative 32.5 either there this has never happened to you before i didn't hit the blind shot it's i hit the max possible distance this is the equivalent of i spying into the stronghold except i did the absolute opposite man except i did the absolute opposite okay here we go dude i don't even i'll just go negative 32.5 for like 2k blocks okay bam i spy come on 54.8 broke one two three four oh my god i suck at this game how'd i go way too far i guess i overshot whatever was that a sheep up there hello this sub this is still sub 30 a ball this should have been faster honestly the blaze split was pretty bad and then the bastion split i just got like rolled by zombie piglens hello i'm getting rolled by sheep now there we go 13 uh how many anchors do i have zero i've i've one anchor so i can four bed one anchor so i'm definitely getting at least a five bed one anchor it's like a lily right here it actually could totally be this chunk okay no it's not [Music] that broke so we have two breaks [Music] i have to throw one more because i threw that on a bad angle it's one of these it's that one bam all right cool two for like eight probably pretty bad triangulation okay i need the library please i'm going farther than normal because library i don't see it all right well there's that that's lovely um do you have any librarians nearby you like to share with the class oh my god [Music] i'm going to completely different direction oh god oh dude do i just like i might just chat i'm chatting i don't care i'm chatting i'm just going [Music] this is the lowest amount of explosives i've entered the end with ever in this challenge i'm not going to do it often but i just i do not care i also don't have a bow so we're gonna stand here for a while hello all right let's see it i got real estate for days here [Music] i don't suck yay yay yay 30 25 sub average let's go okay so we throw one eye here okay stronghold 21.58 and then we go here and it's 21.63 very cool awesome job amazing man amazing very cool oh oh oh come on blacksmith blacksmith blacksmith blacksmith what is this is this the whole village are you what is this what is this dude i mean i have food copium but like [Music] dude boom boat sticks this that thing i don't even know how many more i need probably this that five six 79 yeah okay that's fine get me there it's above me no no it's freaking fake dude oh let's go okay even an enter which kind of sucks but what are you gonna do oh bastion two bastions they're both like on an axis oh god okay hello i have triple chest at the absolute worst [Music] you fell in more lava you bozo thank you [Music] oh my god [Music] oh it's double bad oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no oh no no no it's okay we're gonna pull the trades copium we're gonna pull the trades we look we don't need string we have aubie we look at how much hobby we have all we need to do all we need to do is pull under pearls this is doable this is fine everything's good [Music] please um hello anyone home any anyone anyone home hello [Music] okay i guess they're all how why well dude why are you all down there the heck man [Music] you don't like me oh you made your way over kind of can i how do i do this this [Music] that works really well that worked way better than i thought it would okay pearls pearls pearls okay oh my god oh my god oh my we actually pulled it we actually pulled it oh my god i need virus is there no fire res that the price i have to pay that's not awful but that's the price i have to pay okay that's fair that's okay that's okay that's okay okay let's see it oh wait this this might be the double bastion oh no no no no it's not gonna be treasure it's not it's gonna be a fortress it's gonna be a fortress i think i actually see fortress i think it is i need to play this very delicately okay very very delicately [Music] i see a fortress okay we're still in business i know how i just talked about playing safe but like what if i just whipped one i just absolutely sent it that lands on the tree oh my god i'm so good at this game okay um hi cool wait is this wait wait wait wait wait wait are they on top of each other no i just am i dumb i might just be stupid i'm really stupid where am i [Music] i go back to first ring here like minus out i don't want a blaze bed decent rates this is definitely sub 30 of all both drop right now bam bam wow they both dropped incredible wow wow incredible honestly fantastic wow oh i don't want to leave on seven come on come on dude where is this blaze thank you [Music] potatoes did come in clutch [Music] if i have 20 i'll be why do i go back to normal wine courts because it's i can be more precise and it'd also just be cool if i hit the blind boom boom boom plus it only takes like 30 seconds uh negative one or 117.2 so like 27 one two three four is it one seventeen point two beautiful oh that's great to see okay that's just dandy at least they didn't take me to two different ones can you relax how do i even go this way it's like three hundred zero basically what's negative three there's three strongholds in the first ring so they're separated by 120 degrees so if the first one's at 117 the second one's gonna be at negative three and then the last one's going to be at negative 123. so i'm just gonna go negative three and blind like this way uh i don't know like right about [Music] first one is like probably like here terrain is way easier all right show me the portal room the correct place the distance estimate but i want to be a giga chad and find an ocean exposed like right here it's not 120 degrees from your blind it would be where you stood at zero zero [Music] i see i see the mistake i apologize jared i see the issue that i made it's okay i'm probably still somewhere wait where did it hello wait did that just go down wait wait [Music] wait wait wait wait wait dude dude i don't know man i'm just too good at the game man i don't know what to say oh my god that's actually so funny oh my god this is not gonna be made yeah wow that's insane [Music] that's actually hilarious there had to be like some there had to be like some logic in what i was saying or else like i would have just completely like omega whiff i don't know why that worked that's like a k4 question [Music] all right are we good here ow ow oh i got caught in it dude no i gotta i have to live this is it okay it's perching diagonally anyway who cares the the eye going down is actually the funniest thing ever the eye going down is actually so funny dude dude what the hell please okay god man actual nine bed what the hell i'm so confused dude who cares some 30. that is like i don't know what happened in that run but it's over and we didn't mess it up good job [Music] good job team and then my first blind was here okay and then 1800 this is like what degree is this from spawn like negative 130 so i probably went about 60 degrees off this angle then or 180 because this would be zero no this would be 60 will put me here i went negative 70 that's that's how it worked dude what the hell [Music] that's crazy because it it was instead of being 120 it was it did that's oh my god that's actually crazy so the reason that this worked is because my angle from spawn was like negative 130 or whatever it was right it was like negative 130. so if i just go a straight direction and i know the blind is far i could put myself like 60 to 70 degrees from the middle if i have bad terrain and since i was like 2k max distance anyway it's gonna put me at like i spy min distance which is what happened so there's like a real strat here that's crazy 3 30.
Channel: Couriway
Views: 152,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, speedrun, couriway, minecraft challenge, world record, random seed, curryway, minecraft pro, minecraft speedrunner, pro speedrunner, minecraft but, minecraft challenges, minecraft hardcore, gaming, funny, funny gaming, minecraft funny, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrun wr, minecraft speedrun world record, 1000 Speedruns, strategy
Id: lg9jOfXTzOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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