smooth stucco or steel trowel finishing bricks or block retaining walls

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Kirk & Jason Giordano Plastering

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kirkpgiordano 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
howdy folks kirk and Jason here with kirk giordano  plastering, today I want to show you something new   a new material in fact you know we do youtube  videos we got 850 or so with about 50 million   views a lot of people ask me questions one of the  questions i got asked coincidentally about a week   ago he's a kirk what's new in the plastering  industry from the last 20 or 30 years and i   thought ah well there's quite a few new things but  today in particular we're going to be going over   uh brick cinder block you can call it but this  is brick when you go over say retaining walls   whether or not they're solid concrete whether  or not the texture none of that stuff matters   as long as you use the right material i'll tell  you a material that we're going to use today   and they don't even have this at my material yard  west side building supply is where i've been going   for 40 years i take my truck in there i said boys  load that thing up and they come with a tractor   they load a ton or two of sand they put 30 40 bags  on the truck because you guys if you watch what we   do you can see our truck it's a monster truck  with 11 foot bed and it'll hold a lot of weight   anyway this particular material this is  funny because this is going to be rambling   guys i'm not going to show you immediately  so if you think dang i don't want to hear   just skip way up forward i'm going to uh  explain about this bag we've done about   well we do a lot of work where other people  do the lath and then i get to the jobs and   we're ready to go and they say kirk would you  use our material and i say you know i'm not   familiar with that material we're familiar with  i'm familiar with um say hydraulic cement such as   eisenhower rapid set there's no um portland  cement in that it's hydraulic cement you're   not supposed to mix portland with that i'm  familiar with that i'm familiar with the 690   bmi with fiberglass in it and lime it has a lot of  lime i'm very familiar with that i'm familiar with   lehigh's premium plastic cement i use that often  because i like it this stuff here we've gone to   enough jobs and we've loaded up about 20 bags and  i said guys i can't use it a buddy of mine had a   job i said well i'll tell you what man and he had  some bags i said i'll i'll apply it because i've   been hearing good things about it so i want to  tell you what's what i know about it and i just   i used it a few times and i thought damn  that's some good stuff anyway it's called um   uh what are we calling this stuff green core green  core usa now they say it's green and there's a lot   of reasons why it's green uh meaning it's good for  the environment but anyway this 80 95 that does   not mean the sand grit the sand grits for a lot  of our materials the finishes are 20 30 30 30 and   16 20. that doesn't mean the sand grain what that  means is this 80 pound bag will put out as much as   a 95 pound bag in our trade for the last 50 years  all the bags come 94 pounds so they're kind of   trying to say that for this 80 pound bag will give  you as much as a 95 pound bag and there's a reason   why and it's true okay now this stuff here it sets  just like say an eisen wall a rapid set you can   do back to back coat and you can go over a wood  house say it's got lath on it metal lath and it's   uh two ply paper and it's going over a substrate  of wood you can go over that two coats same day   it's a very fine sand in this it says fine  because the sand is fine what i like about this   it's portland cement with slag you say what the  heck is slag well slag is a terminology of um   iron you you heat the iron up and the excess is  called slag and they use that slag for say roads   dams and what it means is it's  permeable it's kind of like lime except   it's different a little bit different i personally  like it i'll tell you some more stuff now because   i'm starting to ramble but here's something  when we're working inside i want a mud that   is like whipping cream what kind of muds are like  whipping cream guys struck the light you mix that   and you can put it two three inches thick and  it's very very light it's called structure light   now all the rest of the interior plasters like  the veneers or any of the i mean you take veneer   you take imperial those are like butter those are  cool you take tape and mud those are cool that's   like butter you take the hot muds like usg or fast  patch when you mix those and it comes in 20 40 60   90 hour and a half mud you mix that it's like  butter those are okay but that structure light   is beautiful when you apply it this i found is  the same similar it's beautiful to apply because   it's very fluffy and you can go thick i'm going  to give you an example here we just did these   this tile here and yeah this took us three hours  to do jay and i and the towel okay picture this   look how thick this is the guy said guys can you  include these towels i said man you're attacking   on an extra hour and a half two three hours okay  this comes out about three quarters of an inch   we had to put a bonding agent on it this is weld  crete on concrete it's funny people say why do   they call it sacred why they call it weld crete  why do they call it um quick crete the the last   name crete is like concrete so that's telling  people this is a product you use with concrete   anyway so the weld creed is this blue stuff is  that's that's what's in that five gallon barrel   right there weld crete because they're trying to  get the terminology like concrete meaning the two   go hand in hand one's uh this is concrete with  cement over it and then the bonding agent anyway   getting back to the tile this tile when we put  sikaflex on it stick it on there and then embed it   with mortar this is what we did right here and  this is still green meaning uh we just did this   how thick is this and how good is this material  the material's about an inch thick meaning that's pretty thick kirk you're the best very  thick we had to put these on butter each one   then cover them all up then clean these and  then come back with a rag and butter that up   and now i'm going to take a steel trowel and go  over this five six times and the steel trowel   has got to be wet otherwise this is gonna drag  yeah i'm playing around there only because i can   getting back to this material i want to show you  i'll tell you some other thing about it because   i'm about to spread it so i'm going to spread it  and it's good if i'm going to introduce a material   which our yard doesn't even sell and i had to go  all the way to home depot to pick it up and load   these bags individually like i haven't done that  in about 15 20 years that's how good i think this   product is and no they don't subsidize me or pay  me or anything i'm just i like the material i used   it only four times and i thought dang this stuff  kicks butt anyway that's a slag cement i'll tell   you just a couple little things about it since  i'm going to be using it i've printed these this   morning the iron used to produce steel and the  malted slag converted to cement-like material by   rapidly cooling it with water this rapidly cooling  called quenching creates a glassy granules which   is then ground into a fine powder known  as slag cement slag cement is what this is   this is half slag and half portland so that  makes for an exterior whipping type cream   and again i've used every cement on  the planet guys at least 50 times each   this one is a new one to me but i really like it  because it's fluffy and you can play with it it's   light i'll tell you something else it had i mean  i don't want to read all this stuff to you but   i printed it this morning and i was reading that  jay was driving to work today and i was reading it   i said hey jay check this out it says slag cement  requires literally nearly 90 percent less energy   to produce than portland cement according to  the slag cement association yeah there's a slag   association uh substituting 50 slag cement for  portland cement reduces greenhouse gas emissions   by more than 40 and lowers the embodied energy  of concrete by more than 30 percent do you guys   know what that means me neither i'm an applicator  not a scientist but i'm reading through all this   stuff and i i got an idea what that means it means  it's beneficial and i don't want to bore you guys   anymore with all that stuff because that was quite  a bit let me show you how well this stuff spreads   and yeah we just did all the hard stuff that took  us three hours because jay had to hold the tiles   and i i mutted them then we both had this what  we're trying to do is a hard steel trial finish   can you do a hard steel trial finish with any  cement no you cannot guys if you could i would   know how to do it because i'm an expert in this  stuff uh i'll show you how easy this stuff spreads   now it's just jay and i here today my brother  lou he's on holiday okay guys i'm gonna show   you how how easy this stuff spreads because we can  generally i like to use these green scoops right   here and i'll take it out of the bucket myself if  i were to put a board in sand i'd be way up here   you take your scoop wet it first guys  then our mud is here and my my little uh   my drain right here we've had to pressure wash  all this i forget to tell you guys all these   little details we pressure washed this and  of course within a minute this filled up so   these don't work it took us forever  another hour and a half just to clean up   the swimming pool that was created  so we got to tell the people hey guys   that's your your stuff is broke we didn't  break it we haven't even started yet and we   tried fixing it for about an hour anyway that's  a whole nother story but i'm well aware of this   oh i don't want to put my foot in it ah okay here  we go now look at this stuff it's usual cement you   can't kind of do that with it's uh this is the  equivalent obstructor light so it's very fluffy   okay going over this that's a thick that's a  thick finish right here this is a heavy skip trial   finish it's called a 16 20 skip trial finish that  means it's a heavy aggregate now to go over this It takes a little bit of practice  all right now. So now watch this   unless you're familiar with uh plastering,  you say I don't see any difference. Hey jay,   can you pass me my congo trowel? Please,  I got it. It's right here in the bucket;   I'm using that 16. Gotta have  my 20. okay, I've got my 20. Normally with other cement, all I can use is that  16 because this is not so heavy. It's got that   slag in it, and slag is very lightweight, okay so  what we're doing guys, is we're putting another   coat on here, and he wants a steel trowel finish,  so a steel trout finish with sand and cement   guys I've been doing stucco a lot of  years and I'll tell you one thing with   stucco I mean exterior cement  plaster stucco render the same thing   with stucco you could only steal trowels  so smoothly because it's got sand in it   it's not like an interior tape and mud  which has no sand so when you're working   with materials that have sand in it you've got  to know what you can do and what you can't do. Now here's what I'll do, guys. I'm  showing you how effective this is, and   it's sold at home depot. All our weekend warriors  watch what we do that's the only place they go   because often people call me to say kirk, I can't  find this with that material, and I'll say, dude,   that's because it's sold at the plastering yards  get on your computer and google plastering yards   near me that's only where place you could find  some of the materials we use however this one   I believe is sold not only at home depot but  at least two okay now notice what I'm doing. He wants a steel trowel finish, and I tell  him too how about a float finish, meaning we   put it on and then we'll float it for you. So  this is well. I prefer a steel chop finish. I'll   say do you know that is we'd have to skim the wall  come back and do two more coats of Santa Barbara,   and I explained it to him. He says, well uh, you  know what, you're pricing it out of my range.   Maybe that's a sand finish you're talking about I  can live with. I thought about this material, and   I said, you know what, man, I'll go ahead we'll  do it, uh well actually jail do it because this   is jay's job we'll do it. We'll use uh the green  core, and of course, he says what's that, and I   thought you guys just heard me explain I thought  never mind man we'll just do it uh so here's what   we're doing, so we're taking the trial. We're  coming down now, notice that's pretty smooth   already now this is without me coming back see  what I'll do is I'll let this set a little bit. Okay, that buck is done. I'm  going to the next bucket. and no doubt um jay's going to have to mix up some more,  and while he's mixing up some more,   I'm gonna take it just to the corner um,   that's all we're gonna do on film, take it right  to that corner, but if you guys are doing a house   and you say you're not that good you're an  apprentice or a homeowner, and your skills lie   elsewhere you just go to home depot and get  this material because talk about user-friendly   it was the most user-friendly so far of all the  materials so to answer that one guy's question   last night I said well I've got a video where I've  got a job we're going to be doing is jay's job   uh we weren't planning on doing a video,  but we'll do we'll video it just to show you   the material you see it's getting hard  this stuff is it gets hard uh it's uh it's on a set time guys so generally what  you do is you mix up only what you could use   and say for us uh we know what we could use  and whether or not we're mixing with a mixer   or in buckets like what we're doing i tell you  we're in san francisco we're up like 30 40 steps   to do this and we're using a milwaukee drill  that's battery operated so you notice how hard   it's getting already this is what i'm talking  about there's no way i could have did that   with jay's help even unless we had a material that   is friendly with us meaning you know we  got skill but you don't want to burn out   muscle and if you guys have a hard time thinking  man i did that my arm is killing me at the   end of the day you try this stuff um it works  well so i'm done jay we're gonna need another   another two buckets when he gets back what i'll  probably do with the last bit of mud is finish   this top and go to the corner i'm gonna  show you how easy it is to finish this or   well we make it look easy because we have a lot  of time in but you guys will too once you try   this material you'll say wow that stuff spreads  easy because it's like whipping cream even when   it's getting hard like this this has a set time  of about same as bit by same as rapid said same   as eyes and wall about 40 minutes so that's  about what you want guys you don't want to be   spending all day waiting for it to set you want  it to you dictate the sec time you dictate it not   the wall anyhow mud jay just mixed me up some  new stuff and because we're on a time limit   this right here is gonna set a little slower  than the rest of this but the time limit i'm   talking about is we are far from home we are far  from home and we didn't anticipate putting that   the tile in right there which added close  to two hours for our day and i want to beat the daylight, I mean, I don't want to have to come  back tomorrow, so I'm going to hustle right here   and just uh finish off this one wall and  show you guys a couple other little things   because nothing's worse than where we are,  uh the street is so narrow it was tough to   get here then we got yelled at by about five  different people because they're building   four buildings on this one narrow street is so  narrow if I took you to it you'd say wow how   did you get that big truck there well it wasn't  easy anyway um I'm gonna show you just a couple   things right now and note yeah this is different  set time than what we just did, but not much   only about uh say 15 minutes difference  okay now what I'm gonna do is get my top It doesn't always work out, guys,   but that's close enough. So you get the  top like so, and you come back here. and get it now You just go over it a couple  times, and it will line up   that cap will line up. It takes a little  bit of practice but it all lines up. You have something stubborn like that  says, no man, I don't want to cooperate.   Make it cooperate okay, so now this is going  to sit for 15 minutes. I'm going to take   the trial and come down on it like that, and  that'll pretty much finish it because again,   we're uh, we don't care about traffic. However, we  are far from home. We care about not finishing and   coming back the next day because of that nonsense  right there okay, let me show you just one last   thing, guys. You can envision the results because  we've already got the results done all right   now. This is a new mud, so this got to be  taken about a half-hour. This is almost set,   so we're going to just feather  this into the existing. feather into the existing Nothing to it if you know how to  do it. Hey, that rhymes, okay. one more my hat's off to green core  because i like this material   of course i got to tell my material yard  dude you guys better start selling this stuff   otherwise i'll have to find a mature yard that  does because last thing i want to do is load my   own material i prefer to go to material yards  and have them loaded up and we get our sand   i guess i didn't say which is you know you try to  cover all the bases of a material then people ask   me well what about this what about that so this we  can add sand to it guys this has got its own sand   in it so all you do is you mix you mix  bags there is no adding sand to this   uh it's it's pretty user friendly i mean if  you're at say home depot and you're looking for   a good material that's about as good as you're  gonna get if you want something that's uh at   home depot also and you're in a hurry and you  want thicker sand you can get rapid set stucco   rapid set i've done enough videos with rapid set  and explained it uh if you guys have questions too   by the way if you have questions if you're on our  site all you gotta do is everything man how do   you mix that stuff you put how to mix rapid scent  how to mix um green core how to apply green core   how to mix it won't be done yet  because not on our channel because   this is our first time actually uh using it  for somebody else we've done it a few times but   we haven't videoed anything yet with this  particular product anyway there it is guys and   that's over extremely heavy skip trial finish  that brickwork over here it doesn't matter   if it's a chimney whether or not it's a brick  wall if you got loose bricks they're all coming   out just go over it you don't have to tuck each  individual brick put this over it or put rapid set   or any of the other products but i specifically  like this stuff because it is airy and fluffy   and even a strong arm like mine gets tired  every once in a while so this is lighter   all right guys we'll show you the conclusion  just because we can and we still have a half   hour daylight left anyway this is a two coat base  coats finish and most people say you cannot do   a steel trowel base coat finish can't be done  but jason loves doing them i don't particularly   care i tell people hey look we'll do a base coat  we'll come back and do two other santa barbara or   finish coats with 30 30 sand that's like silica  or fine talcum powder anyway with uh with a two   coat system with this particular material you're  able to achieve this of course my arm feels like   rubber right now and that takes a lot to make my  arm feel like that because i'm so used to this   jay's only gripe was he says oh i put the  tile too low i said man i can't notice that   kind of stuff just by eyeballing these i  think it's absolute perfection and here's   uh the seat we got rid of the so-called bird  baths this had a huge it would collect about a   gallon of water we just got that out anyway guys  it just shows what you can do with two coats but   you better have a lot of material knowledge  in with the material knowledge is so much   longer to learn than the actual plastering anyway  this is jason's favorite he loves doing these   hard steel trial finishes my name is kirk  jason on the camera and he spread half of this   we thank you guys for watching and as  usual we'll see you guys on the next one   hi folks jason here and i'm here to tell you  something you probably already know that like   most content creators on youtube my dad and i  are members of the amazon affiliates program   what does that mean that means that we can show  and link you to some of the most commonly used   tools in the plastering trade on amazon  like our hawks and trowels scoops floats   and some of the other things our battery  operated tools for breakout and cutting etc   now if you buy those tools from those links we  earn a small percentage of that that allows us   to keep making these videos and keep putting  out quality content for you folks to enjoy   once again folks we thank you for watching  and i really enjoy all your comments   if you guys like this video please click the  like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is kirk   and jay we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 20,006
Rating: 4.9635892 out of 5
Keywords: stucco over block walls, stucco over brick retianing walls, stucco over block retaining walls, install stucco over cmu block walls, stucco concrete block retaining walls, plastering block walls, resurface a block wall with stucco, greencore plaster, smooth stucco or steel trowel finishing bricks or block retaining walls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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