stucco new finish coat and texture over old stucco walls

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Kirk & Jason Giordano Plastering

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kirkpgiordano 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen Kirk here with  Kirk Giordano plaster my son Jason on the camera.   Today what we're going to do is, we're going to show you prep work on a house. We are about to color   coat, now this fella called me, I come I looked at it  last week, and we're gonna do it today so what we   are going to do with this home. By the way, this home was plastered a year ago by another fella, anyway, things didn't work  out sometimes, they don't, were here to apply   the color finish I'll tell you what I was telling  this fellow because we are applying a color coat   maintenance-free integrated finish, it's a mouthful  all that means is instead of painting which is   thin like paper he chose to put on a color coat  so the color coats like a brick, if you wet a brick   it'll darken, which means that bricks colors  last forever, so what we are going to apply is 50   times thicker than any paint and it's porous but  it's also maintenance-free which means it'll last   forever 100 years, you will never have to paint that wall again. Some of the things I was noticing   what I got here just a couple days ago, I looked at  it, and I looked at the front of the house and   then we walked all the way around and I thought  hmmm, I thought well gee, I said these guys did a   really good job. first of all, they used a reinforced fiber mesh cement plaster, you see all these little fibers well maybe the camera won't see  it, but all these little fibers here there's a   whole bunch around everywhere so they used a good  product and it had fiberglass, in it, or they put   it in manually, so what I see here, as long  as I've been doing this guy's a long time what   I saw here is okay, sure I give you a cost to do  a color code maintenance for your finish, however   there are certain things that I must do prior,  I said first of all you've got an underground   stream, he says, "Kirk," how'd you know that? I said well this is the East the sun rises in the East right now, it's beautiful it's honest so you  don't in our area in California you don't get   cracks, this large it's either they're everywhere,  they're horizontal generally you'll get the cracks   going this way one here and one there out an  angle one but to have massive ones that you can   stick a credit card into is telling me there's an underground stream. Why? Okay an underground stream   it keeps the house wet underneath and with the  rain most houses do lift, and then they when drier   conditions occur they settle, and you get this  kind of cracking. That was my first thing I said, I'll know for sure if I look at the other side!  now the only time I see this kind of horizontal   cracking guys is if if it's a house in a really  hot area, like say, you go to Arizona or   someplace that's always hot, you'll see sometimes  guys will when they're doing the plywood they but   the plywood together they put the plywood together  and then when the Sun hits it and it bakes it for   110 degrees for 30 to 40 days straight what happens?  That plywood expands and it pushes the stucco   out and you get these kinds of horizontal cracks, I know this area because I'm 20 miles from this area. In my own home we don't get this kind of heat, so I  just figure underground stream, by the way, guys.   There are so many underground streams where I live thousands, so I'm aware of this stuff. Anyway we've got some hairline cracking  that is substantial, that just means they're big.   See this one here this is a hairline, it's  like the hair on your head, if you use a quality   paint, they flood these cracks.   gee man I'm gonna use a quality paint it better be  thick like glue like say Sherman sherwin-williams   makes a primer and paint you pay a whopping ninety  dollars a gallon guys for that stuff but it floods   these certain paints you buy won't flood it it  just means it cuz it's like water you put it   on in just like water it doesn't do squat so it  helps if you're gonna paint a house to go with   the quality product is okay. Back to what I was going  to explain, so I look at this and I told him well you know what I have to do, as my style is  I would have to put a poly bond of the fiberglass mesh tape on this crack. I put a poly bond on it and what is Poly Bond?  is it's an adhesive cement this material? It's designed for attaching styrofoam so if you put  the poly bond on here you and there are two kinds   of poly bonds, I might as well get this straight right now. There's fine sand and heavy sand, now if I put a poly bond on here, and I put fiberglass mesh tape  on here and then I put another coat of poly bond   on that what does that do it it makes if you're  looking at a wall that's true and plumb I've not   done this is my first time doing it but I  already told the fellow I said they rodded that   stucco work, this is a rod, not a Darby, not a T-square it's a rod, you take a ten-foot rod and you go   over everything and you make everything true and plumb.  Okay that being said there's a reason for that, but   getting back to this crack I'll come back to the  rod in a minute, getting back to this crack there's   a way to fix it the right way, and there's about  20 different ways to do it the wrong way.  You would put caulking in it and expect  that's it's done and what happens if you just put   caulking in there? Well you color coat the house  and the next day you see all the caulking it goes   through or bleeds through or worse yet, it rains  and when it rains, like a brick it gets dark a   color coat maintenance-free integrated finish well  darken - and you'll see this bright and so every   repair, but we're gonna do this crack and when I  get to that stage. I'll show you guys the proper   way to do crack if it's a base coat and you're  going to apply our color coat maintenance-free   cementitious finish too. There's a big difference between acrylics, we're not going to apply an acrylic stucco.   On this job acrylic or synthetic stucco, it the same thing it's stucco with water and sand and other things that   make it an acrylic product but we're not doing  acrylic here so I just thought I'd mention that. In case somebody says well why don't you do in the  acrylic, they don't want in the acrylic colors. Okay so again getting back to what I see here, these guys who did this job were pretty good, they didn't have a great eye for detail like some, I mean many of the windows still have   red tape on it how long does red tape, last guys? If it's echo tape that's that stuff lasts about   three months in the extreme heat, but I don't  know what tape they used we're gonna re-tape   everything and I got Madeleine scraping  all the windows trying to do the best we can   with what we have to work with. Okay going in a few directions here because I'm looking at a lot of things and what I see, I say man these guys did a nice job they rodded it, you don't have to rod a  job, I prefer the darby, it but in order  for me to tell you how my prep work is on this I   mean, I look at it immediately I know how to how  to prep, it properly for whatever finish we're   going to apply. Again guys I won't go into more finishes than the cement issues we have. One is you have La Habra cementation finish, you got Western, BMI, stucco finishes, just to name a few. Okay what these guys did here, is they took this float, now they put the base coat on after they scratch it and   then they put the base coat on. then what they did was they compacted it. See that this was compacted and they left that compacted, but here, they rodded it, so you can rod all. I often do. But if you take it and you scrape the stucco off while it's still moist, that's I means right   after application depending on the heat, it'll get  moist and then or before it dries you scrape it. Why that's to make it true and plumb in every direction.  We used to do that when I was working with   big crews and they were gonna put veneer brick on  the outside of banks and we had to have two guys   and we rodded it so that the veneer brick would  stick flat. You can do it on houses too. What that did was create most of the plasters are looking at, that's easy. I know what that created,I created a wall with different suction so I had my brother Lou, he's around back and I told him is, what I want you to do is apply bonding agent over the entire home. So we're going to put a bonding agent over the entire home, why I'm, NOT worried about  our new cementitious color finishes adhering. I need to get the suction correct so that the wall suction is what will create ghosting if you don't do that properly. Say on average, I would wet this house the day before, wet and saturate it let it absorb in then come the   The next day mist it again and look for my hollow  spots, like what's dry what's still dripping and   get the wall uniform, with water however because  of so much the difference between rodding and   hard rubber floating, it's created this, you see well here's  In another example, you can see all the the variations.   Okay you see all those color variations and that's  just raw cement raw cement should not have color   variations. Never ever, ever so, if I were to put any  color on here when it dried those color variations would be enhanced tenfold they just be enhanced  it doesn't matter which cement, La Habras, color coat or another. I use it would be just like this, but enhanced  only in color, and the homeowner would look at the wall and say, "Kirk that sucks," redo it. so I have to know all of these things before I bid a job, so what we're gonna do what my brother  Lou is doing, is putting a bonding agent on again.   I'll discuss that later but I want this suction  the same as this suction and we still got to do   all the crack we got to do a lot of things here  all that being said I'll walk you around and   what what we have to work with and when we do the color coat. I'll just show you one wall guys like   say this wall here, I'll show you how we do a color  finish when we get to that stage and you can see   right here, this is as far as Lou's got with that  bonding agent. See that you see the blue that's a bonding agent I like that's one coat, then later I'm gonna put another coat over   this right here, maybe two or three, the idea is I  have got to get the wall suction the same.   suction it was not the same. If the suction isn't right, it's not going to be pretty. it's gonna be ghostly it'll be ghosting and bleeding through and the homeowner will say, man, what kind of crap is that, I don't want to see all those variations. Anyway moving on and my baby, madeleine, Is covering all these windows, it's a hot day so and again we still have these massive cracks are here they're everywhere.   it's a lot but it happens, this it's  not a huge deal, we're gonna I'll show you how we do this on just one wall. Okay over here you know finally again could they have taken the tape off or they should have because some tapes leave a nasty residue, we spent an hour cleaning windows already and stuff like that there are only certain things you should and shouldn't do.   you know I'm not going to reinvent the wheel and tell the fellow well gee whiz, we do this and don't do that. What we're here to do is to correct it as best we can, things like this, they got carried away with   caulking we're gonna fix that too, but it's certain  things like that my job is to look at what they   did, and I see a really nice job however some folks  they didn't know the intricacies of a color   coat. They did a great job as far as applications,  a little sloppy at the very tops but a lot of guys are sloppy at the tops because they think  nobody's watching. With me I have my whole family here, so we're all working together, we have we work in harmony. I don't have to tell anybody what to do they all know what to do. so I'll tell you  what some of the materials we'll use guys we're   using we're going to be using fiberglass mesh tape over some of these horizontal cracks. Because   they're pretty substantial you know the difference  between white and yellow fiber mesh tape anybody   know anybody care there's no difference it's just  color the same stuff, of course, we need a lot of   tape for what we're doing, and well show you why I  choose "weld creat bonding agent" all the time, you guys might have   seen and said, "Kirk, how come you always use Larson's Weld Crete" well, Weld Crete has been sold at the plastering material yard since I've been going to that like, 40 years ago, this has the most polymer's. It's okay, it has the most polymers in  here which means it's a really effective bonding agent and so if it's a really good effective  bonding agent, we're not using a for a bonding   agent, we're using it to kill the suction, so that, it does both, so and besides the house set for a year it's   a good idea, I told him to hose it all off get all the  dust and crap and grime off. That is to say, if you're mowing your grass, the dust goes on the wall. so he did the pressure washing, now, we're putting the bonding agent.  Again adhering wasn't why but I purchased this bonding agent, I purchased it because I want the best bonding agent because   it'll seal it. And I need suction correct on these walls  of course, you know your sheathing. what's the most important thing? these two dollar brushes, I love these little dollar brushes, man, they work so well, but that is  the most important thing on the job you got to have some music guys. Play some music and play it  loud and have some fun what's that saying if you love what you do have never work another day in  your life and we kind of like what we do so we're   good we're about to get started and on another  note, if you're a painter or you're applying   any bonding agent get the fattest nap roller you can  find this inch and a half because this will apply a lot, like it'll do a whole section where something  like this this little nasty 1/8 inch nap it's   useless. You put it in once you get it to a two  inch stroke rather than a 15-foot stroke so by the FAT naps guys anyway we're gonna get  started here's a good way to do this,   if you're gonna apply a cementitious finish.  Okay you find the crack now there is a zero in on   that crack you see that's a substantial crack you  gotta hit every crack on a house no. In fact, we don't all, just hit the ones sometimes above and below a door sometimes, if they're substantial,   but as a rule, I don't because that's why we allow  it to cure when you allow something to cure then   as the pH level drops, I'll get more in for a  minute, the pH level drops it cures it goes   From about a 12 pH, and then it drops down to about a 10 pH. eight or a ten, and that's when you know the stucco is cured enough for, say painting or a color coat doesn't matter if it's an acrylic   doesn't matter if it's cement tissues you should  allow that to set anyhow I'm putting this mesh   tape on right now, and that's all you have to do for anybody who thinks how much?  I've done mesh tape this this wide on ceilings  interior and I've only done one house like that   because nobody wants to pay for that kind of stuff. Can you put mesh over the entire house? Sure you can, does anybody say, for example, I don't  know what they paid to have all this done but   if we were thinking about increments often say  they paid I'm gonna go overboard just to prove   before I say they paid forty thousand dollars to  have the scratch the last scratch brown in color   ten, ten, ten, and ten, forty to forty thousand dollars, we generally go forty, twenty funny, because the last   is a lot of work but if you take that example and  you did the last scratch and brown and then after   the brown coat. You will you put mesh-like what we're  doing over the whole house that'd be yeah actually   another ten and if I told somebody, that hey I'm  gonna charge you to mesh it they'd call the cops on me and have me arrested. Most say, are you kidding me, Kirk, they don't do that here where I'm from I've done it once but that was a special circumstance anyhow here's what you do.   I'm using a poly bond because it's cementitious  adhesive, can you use say like la Habra, sure yeah and it's a color coat material now  there's about twenty different color coat   material finish bags from La Habra Western  BMI, to Carson, all these are just the tip of the   iceberg, of those what you can use you, can use  that stuff but see those don't have the bonding   agent so anyway this stuff here I'll show  you a bag in a bit guys because this particular   product you can't buy at Home Depot or Lowe's  or any of those hardware stores, it's only found at the plastering material yards, like say West Side or Cal ply, by the way, we did have to go to Cal ply today   and when I called them I uh so you guys open for  business during this academic and they said yeah,   Kirk, we're open for business, but you have to wear  a mask inside the office or we have to give it to   you outside the office similar to what we had to  do today, so I didn't think I was going to use so   much Weld Crete, I sent Madeleine over there because we're in Contra Costa and it was closer to us than   Westside, I called down there my buddy, Joey says, yeah I send Madeleine, down and what we'll do is we'll meet her at the door because we can't talk  to yourself this was we gotta wear these too but   anyhow back to this, we went through a lot of Weld  Crete bonding agent. I'll tell you a little bit about Cal Poly   I have to let this sit for a minute this will  set for a minute and then what I'll do is I'll   take it and I'll trim it I'll trim it out kind of  like that because the finish we're gonna apply is it's gonna be a skip trial which hides a lot of  stuff, but as I was saying when I first started   this what happens is if this is a big hump then  if you apply Sayyaf and finish you can look at it   sometimes in the light and say why is it a little  hump there so the poly bond has got to have the   finest sand possible because if it has coarse sand  then it would create a bit of a bow, and yeah you   felt you could feather it in by going further  but it's like when is enough. Okay we're gonna show you now we have a bonding agent this is this color here southern moss we're   hustling today so we'll show you how to apply the  texture at the end but right now you look at this   wall. You say wow that's a blue oh it is mighty  blue, but it's still what we applied is a bonding agent it is not a sealer so these walls still it's  like 95 today that's a hot day so even though we   are working with walls that are we killed some  of the suction, we didn't kill enough guys because   we've already done a lot of this house and so we  have got to wet it and so what I'm doing is I'm   wetting it I'm hydrating it so that the heat  it's about 100 now like 90 to 100 so the heat   is coming around the sun is right above me in 10  minutes gonna be on this wall. We're going to be   hustling, so I'm gonna take you around we're going  to do something similar to that texture there but   not quite like that that is a scripture and they  knocking down some places in some places they   didn't knock it down, why they screwed up, anyway  what we got here, I want to show you what is a   color coat integrated maintenance-free finish you  can see okay now you see this wall here this wall   is drying still because we just applied this Jason  did the texture I spread Jason did the texture   so this texture what we do we spread the color  I'll show you this toward the end of the video   we spread the color then Jason floated everything  he brought the aggregate out and so now we have   the sand right here. Then we textured that now  if you look at this texture right here they want   to skip trial this is called a Spanish lace skip  trowel. it's pretty nice we did it we're going to show you another texture over here - and by  the way I had people call me they say hey   Kurk, I hired some contractor every time it rains  my house darkens what'd he do wrong he didn't   do nothing wrong he did everything right because  this is drying right now a maintenance-free color   coat integrated finish. it's like this over here, okay you see that brick when it gets wet it darkens and that brick will retain  it's color for a thousand years. I'll hit it with water just to show how it goes dark,  so if you guys ever buy a house and it darkens when wet or the winter comes that means it's maintenance-free. you'll never have to paint the body of that house   it's 50 times thicker than paint and lasts forever  I mean we're talking hundreds of years if you get   tired of just because the sun yellows it a little  bit or bleaches it forgets about it, leave it alone.   because that's how they are in the UK they  actually like that age look it's it enhances   the beauty or appearance of it over there, Jay and  I finished this wall now if you notice the texture   again the texture is we applied floated it  and textured it that's how we do things I don't   know if you can take a picture of that or show  it maybe if I grabbed a ladder, you could you want   to you want to try because the fellow here said  you know if you can give me this, I'm good and   actually what he's showing is a texture that is  it's applied wet and it's child wet   and therefore it's not as pretty as this is.  a pretty texture guys yeah yeah we did it it's not   bragging, it's just what it is now that once there,  you apply it and while it's still wet you trowel   it. You save a lot of material and a lot of time but we're not trying to save time guys we are explaining things as we  go and we're teaching and we're showing how to   do things a better way a different way. Yes, some  might say not better but it's our way and   it's prettier so we're going to get back to doing  that gable wall there because it's gonna be in the sun   in a minute, right now I'll tell you it's about 100  in the sun I was sweating my arse off here, and I   will be again when the sun comes up so we're gonna  leave it alone and when we get to the very front   of the house, we'll show you how what we're talking  about how we're applying it how we're floating it, and how we texture but not now because we're running, all right guys I'll tell you it's toward the end   of the day it's getting late but I'll show you how  we apply this stuff. We're getting good exercise doing this I'm looking at people riding bikes and  walking by here cuz we're right next to a park. Everybody's got a mask on coronavirus anyhow where would you guys start this as a homeowner if you're a   homeowner you say well I'm going to do like Kirk or like anybody where would you start, I know where I'm gonna start, the only place I can it makes the most sense if I start from the top work my way down I'm gonna have a joint there and a joint.  Here no discoloration or ghosting, what I'm gonna do   is I'm gonna start right here I'm gonna come up go through the obstacle of Madeleine come up here no joints and then boom come down.  Thereby the way baby, you want to uh move that   radio. That's the most important tool on the job, the job site radio, and what I do is I've been wetting this, and so I wet this garage door. why? so  that the stucco I drop won't adhere to it and I   have been misting the wall. I've been doing this for about a half-hour misting. Why? because   we're in a hot area, really hot, so  here's what we do now, I'm gonna use my handy   dandy trowel, here if you're watching you say that's  not a trial that's a toy, I'm using this tiny trowel here   ass I got time to play around, it's getting late  there's what that little bitty guy does, all I   need to do this is this Congo trowel and a margin  trowel, that's the only for the very corners all   right. Since my daughter, Madeleine, jumped off of here, I'm gonna get started now I'm going to start from the bottom,   and work my way up. Oh, man, that's some stiff mud, oh well, I'm gonna make it work. You want your mud a lot  thinner than this, you want it like whipping cream.   This is like concrete anyway, so I got to start  at the bottom work my way up so no joints, so   what I'll do with this stiff mud here, is start  from the bottom, I'm working my way up alright And by the way, you guys might have noticed,  just thought, wow, that's green. It is Southern Moss Color. Sothern-Moss is a cool color, that goes with everything. So we have to get through this obstacle court. Oh come on now, all right, I know there's a good chance  when you're plastering, go up, then trowel down over the existing stucco. Madeleine, please give me some more stucco, just a little bit.   There you go beautiful, alright now when I go to  the texture I'll show you something different.  Here's a different technique for right, now let's  just get it on here because I'm just going to  get this on after I get it on, then floated.  Why? because I told you earlier that what   that does is it gives it up a really cool  finish it's called a sand finish first. All right, cut that pull it here while I'm under here. I'll get it right where that elbow is.  Remember, I wet this door for a reason. I  wet that door because I don't want to cover it,   and this isn't going to damage it. A little bit  of stucco on it is not a big deal as it washes right off.   For the amount of time, it's gonna take  me to apply this is nothing's here.   This okay and I'll show you how to get  your wrap screens the bottom here with   the float, so I'm getting ready to get  up there with Madeleine and she's going to be hawking it to me, you're gonna hand  it to me, coming up in all right yeah we're out   of slant this this wall it's curving down so if  you're out of slant you better have a plank under   one leg a little bit. all right now you see how this wall here they kinda screwed up this one. This one rodded a  by the previous fellas but that's   why we're here, we're here to correct that kind  of stuff, okay a little bit of stretching a little   bit of elbow grease, nothing we can't handle and  here's because I'm using a trowel that it's not   a complete radius it's not a complete radius just  the ends are arched, then it's straight here so what   I'm doing is I put it on and come back over it.  You put it on you come back over it that fills   it well, thus make certain that there's no hairline  checking, if you just put it on and leave it, to put   it on. Then go back over it a little bit more. Madeline can do this too, and so could Jason as they   have been doing the most of it, they put it on, come  back and where I got the scaffold elbow, by the way, guys how many of you know that  if I don't have to know if I don't have anything on   the ground here, this elbow will support the whole scaffold, it doesn't have to have the front legs on the ground. In fact, the front legs can be in midair the elbow supports it. Because the last guy this is a piece of metal covered this coat will stick to it because it's already  had a chance to dry. So I'm going to leave it right at that and I'm leaving some excess fat right here or I can do one of these numbers, hold on baby, don't try this, guys if you fall, you'll say crap, I saw Kurt do it. Now to the top, you can put it here, or top pull it down. Thank you, baby, and again, this is the same application is for. If we were going to do, say, an acrylic finish, the same exact way.  This is a cementitious finish  meaning, when it gets wet, it darkens, come on sit down, ah so this will darken when wet, but  that's good, It darkens when it's   wet, that means like a brick it is maintenance  free. anytime I could sit down I'm sitting down, you guys do something like this make sure you get somebody to mix for you. because again I that is the red light supposed to be on. What about oh, okay yeah,   we're good cool beans, all right here  we go, so because I'm already here,   anyone hands me that oh, I see it okay no I got  it to hold that for a second, please. all right this is just to keep that garage door clean  because stucco won't adhere to it unless it's   on there for all day if it's on for all-day  yeah well, but we're not gonna do that all day.  stuff in fact it'd take me about 10 minutes to  hit all of this okay beautiful get up now - ah   okay so what I like to do guys is let's put it  on here and drop it a couple times if you drop   it a couple of times that mixes it because this  mud is still okay so we're back to it we're going to   put it here and then turn it well I guess the top  I've been wetting this wall down for about a half   hour, that tells you how hot it is today I wet it  down half hour and I wet it down earlier and it   is still hot and that's with it being somewhat  filled that just goes to show you how hot it is   guys, it is no joke. Fortunately, I love the heat. Here we go, we do the top. I see all these nails   I'm there's a whole bunch of nails what I'm  doing is the blade is so thin I'm going right   under them. I'd say another technique to guys who  are always doing brick walls and if you're doing   a brick wall or say you're doing cinder block,  oh man I get asked this like five times a week   is it Kirk already started now it's sucking up  so fast what do I do you do the same thing, I'm   gonna do, right now okay it's sucking up so fast  mist it again, just mist, mist, mist right   above you baby. okay I got an I'm going to go right  by you baby, yeah okay yeah yeah yeah because   it's a hot hot day. I'll tell you the city you say wow that's a hot area. If it's really hot, you   can tell how hot it is by just this much look  at that big clump oh that's stiff hot mud and   by the way, when I say hot mud, I don't mean  like hot mud like in all the rest of the videos.   We got this it does not have accelerators, there  is no finished material with an accelerator in it. There's every base coat every interior you can put it in a cellar a door in it but there's no such thing as this accelerator for finish coats. One more scoop Madeleine, thank you, sweetie.  Okay one more, we're getting the top I  got a lot of fat up here I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul.   I'm not sure what that expression means but  you take some of it off here and you put it on where you need it. I got a lot of fat here, okay well, I can't  reach I generally stand on an empty bucket.   But if I do that on film, and then you guys do it. You fall and crack your head open you'll say I was watching Kirk do it, so don't do that kind of stuff I do. all right a little bit   Here's what I can do, no don't even show  what I'm doing Jay uh-huh I'm just getting   it done guys you guys set your scaffold  to make sure the scaffolds are set properly.   Now I'll finish what I'm doing, I can use the  tip of this because this is a margin trowel. You got web eh, and this child is 20 inches  long is less stroke I get more done kind of   like my brother Lou. you know, I say, man, your putting 200 pounds in a hod sometimes, and you carry that mud up a ladder, I say why don't you put less  Lu, says that means I got to make more trips!  So I guess that I guess that, and then actually.  I could float that in, but if you guys are doing.   iF you say hey how do I did get yourself one of  these long margin trials it's a margin trowel   they got pointer child's margin trowel the  pointers actually have a point and you can   get for those Gables, but I can do that with when  I get ready to Hey look at that a pointer trauma,   so we get it right in there blam get that  right in there flam okay do I need this   again no I'm going to hit this real quick  babe, and then I'm going to get that again okay come on now come on we've been doing this  all day guys love it you know that saying if you   love what you do never work another day in your  life my baby oh we got some good mud how about   that oh yeah this is good mud guys see the  the difference it's soft so I'll have to put as much   muscle in it if I could save that muscle I want  to save it because I don't want to burn out we've   been doing this for a long time today already  the last thing I want to do is burn out okay so we're   coming down coming down and you guys you have to look at it just go over   it, and I'm turning the char this way on edge and  coming back on edge just do that a few times guy   get it on there get rid of all the holidays, you get  rid of all the holidays you're doing good because   see a holiday right there we don't want holidays  one second sweetie because, back and I'm a   wet in front of me because I'm going over here and  this over here I don't get to keep it wet Got to keep   it wet all right. bye AJ yeah okay so one more  sweetie yeah ma okay beautiful look more Betty   and then you could switch sides with me because  I'm gonna get over there like okay so there's   more the same guys they're gonna take me like  five more minutes to finish this wall know what   happens if you wash me for five more minutes I'll  start rambling on about the whole bunch of years   some stuff that don't amount to nothing so if you  already got the point you can click off but anyway   I'm moving on again back and forth back and forth  you got to cover the holidays the holidays what's   that mean and that's actually paint or talk that  means that you've got holes here and there so you   got to cover all the holes otherwise we texture  this and you say hey I still see cement underneath   not a good thing not a good thing one more sweetie  okay so baby if you want to take that hose in and   get your area and what I like to do again is go up  come down and if you're looking if you want to do   this quick and when I think quick I don't mean  sloppy but just quick get yourself a big trial   you know where Amazon run link to Amazon and every  tool we have Jason meticulously founded on Amazon   and posted it and yeah we're members that we get  one percent of all sales ah helps us making these   videos but anyway this particular trial is hard  to find because people tell that's a swimming-pool   trial kind of sort of guys kind of sorta again I  already crossed that bridge with the arc in this Okay, who is hot? I was doing up some work  around the corner, and there's a bit up   there. I hit that vent. I swear I felt like  sticking my head in the oven. I was thinking,   wow, that's like 400 degrees; I just made  a sweat pour right out of me. Personally,   I can do this all day because it's good exercise. All right, I've almost got this, John well,  I'm coming up here, and I'm gonna float this   now. Why do I have to float it? No, maybe  one out of ten people float it on that one,   and there's a reason for it. Some of the textures  I like you floated first they floated just buoys   bring it out there all right very good I do it oh  yeah baby and if you could throw me up the float. all right and so I'm gonna float this now  floating is uh I like floating myself guys   because if it makes it prettier and also if I  missed any area it will catch it as this sponge   float too is designed let's say we're guys  what's a sponge float designed for anybody   know anybody care it's designed to bring the  sand out okay sweetie now you guys don't have   to do this but if I texture over this it's just  just a normal place but if I do this right here.   I'm cleaning the trim, Jay what now but a new   card in the camera and I'll just continue float  because I'm on a time limit this wall is sucking   the moisture it's sucking the moisture right  out of this color finish and what it does that   I won't be able to float it and again this  color created color its southern moss I just   think of that word reminds me of someplace  in Charleston have I ever been in Charleston   no it just sounds like something all right so  we're going to go under these nails these nails   will destroy a float coming here boom boom boom  and about to drop down here now okay coming up Don't do this at home, guys ah okay, all  right, I got a little part right here   cuz my cha doesn't want to go there because  it's got that radius. I wouldn't trade that   radius for anything that radiances. I love it  great for swimming pools, great for interior,   and even better for exteriors. I even  made a video of Sean why this is such a   the spectacular trowel and that's it shows  the radius in great detail all right,   so all I got to do is just to finish this piece,  and I'm gonna go up there and texture I would   prefer some soupier mud better mud but is it  essential not really, but I would like it so that's the beauty of this big trial the big  trial you don't have to do a whole lot of   useless strokes I don't want a little bitty trial  a little bitty one take forever okay and again we   didn't do this base coat base coat was done  about a year ago but it has some issues know   that we can't handle there's a rule if something's  wrong we just fixed it how's the roof I'm using a   really good material I tell you guys what it is  if it's a horrible matter of course I don't use   it but I have had the learning experience of using  crappy materials many years in the past you don't   save a nickel guy so like if you're gonna paint  something you better pay for Sherman Williams   got a whopping 90 bucks a gallon otherwise you're  gonna be repainting it in like 8 10 years Sherman   Williams really should get 15 years out of that  stuff even though it's expensive okay so since   we are done with with the skin now on the texture  it can I let this dry and come back and texture   it absolutely should I allow it to dry and texture  it I depends that depends guys ah that depends on   what finish people want if they said Kirk what I  want is a finish that has a lot of depth and will   allow it to dry and you give it more depth okay  guys let me show you something else too I got a   little bit of my out in here it's a little bit  better now the camera I want to see I normally   will go like this a couple times what I'll do is  I'll put it at an angle to see that's kind of at   an angle from this point to this point that way  you can see the trial the trial is the same side   it's a 14 inch Hawk it's a bigger Hawk they made  if they made a 30 inch I'd be using a 30 inch hawk   it's the biggest child they make if they made one  bigger for this I'd be using it but so I'll put   it at an angle that way I can when I take it off  I can get more mud on it if if I'm taking it off   this way that works too but I'm dropping it on the  hawk you drop turn twist drop turn twist drop turn   twist or you can pull it off the top some guys say  you're not a real plows because you can't pull it   off the top and I think guys there's nothing to  pulling it off the top ok now we got that stuff   it's on right here now what I'm going to do is  I'm giving it a skip trial so what I like to do   it I like to reinforce the corners sometimes I go  straight up that's fine I mean ok for example if   I go straight up that's fine I can do that but  sometimes I reinforce the corners and I'll put   it like so because corners just they're galvanized  in the metal but they're not always super strong   and of course when you are working in the hot Sun  like this or actually on a hot day the Sun not on   us but it's still about if you see me sweating  that means it's hot it's oh I'm sweating as fast   as I put it on the walls absorbing and you can  see already this lightening color that lightening   means the moisture has been sucked out of the  texture in order for this texture to it here you   got to knock it down and it all depends on the  day guys if it was a cold day I can leave it to   the end of the whole wall then knock everything  down right now I want the texture to it here so   if you want the texture to it here what you got  to do is put it on and then trowel over it so   that that texture does indeed get here now this  was called staggering not the kind of staggering   you get when you're drinkin but this kind of  staggering here this just simply means see I   started here here here here that way when I go to  put my next finish on you won't see that line or   the pattern so we stagger the mud when I come here  I'm just gonna pull it down put it on pull it down   put it on pull it down okay now that we got that  I don't need to stagger anymore because I got a   perfect spot it's only a little bit of mud left  on here but since I'm down here I'll use it up   a lot of times guys if I have a little bit I'll  just put I'll use it the hawk to skim the blade   and because I want this piece of metal this is a  Jay trim right here they put a piece of jtriv for   whatever reason I want that Jay trim covered too  because well nobody wants to see a piece of metal   right there well okay moving on guys I'm going to  take a lot of mud out of this bucket rather than   a tiny bit get out of there okay taking a lot of  mud out of it because I don't want to mess around   it's late we got to be getting Oh another worse it  getting it in your eyeball or you're working fast   and you sweat and it goes in your eye like it's  in my eye like come on me that fight Oh Cassius   Clay then Mohammed Ali now it was fighting Sonny  Liston and he had something in his eye that's   what I got right now but i'ma finish this I think  it's just a sweat in my eye or it could be this   because technically I'm wearing glasses guys am  i wearing a mask no if I was mixing would I be   wearing a mask absolutely because when you mix up  cement guess what it's got this thing called lime   there's got another thing called Stella CUH silica  is when you cut the sand you cut through the sand   they put it in a loop many of them now silica dust  goes in the lungs and it doesn't come out it just   stays there and it just turns the lungs black it  just beats him up guy so when you're mixing we're   mouth when you're applicator like me you don't  need a mask but that brings up another subject   never ever ever takes knuckle and cut it with a  saw you take a skill saw you put a Hilty blade on   it you can cut through stuck or concrete but all  that does if you inhale it that's got silica in it   picture tapioca pudding that's what our lungs  look like and you get that that's silica dust   in there because you're thinking Mara I'm gonna  grind down the stucco I'm gonna cut concrete what   you're going to do is poison yourself guys cuz  that silica dust is no joke gets on your lungs   and then turns it black that's for my buddy Marc  Fowler Marc Fowler is the editor of well used to   be walls and ceilings and now he is the editor  of what is that SMA and soon this year they're   implementing new rules just what we need more  rules but you're gonna have to take tests for   contracting and you gonna have to learn all about  silica done he sent me a video he's got Turk I   know you like Gilligan's Island on cartoons so  I'm gonna send it to do the video and it shows   in the video inhaling a dust you ever watched  those movies where it's a doctor movie and they   show in slow motion what the stuff does when it  goes down your throat well this showed that the   silica dust sticks to your lungs and then it just  turns them black and they really no he says he   says that once wood turned black that's it you  can't clean your lungs me personally I believe   the whole human body regenerates itself that's  just a belief of mine from spines you name it I   think that okay so again working here almost got  it done I think I'm gonna do guys is just finish   this up right here because I only got a little  bit of mud then Matt's gonna bring me a little   bit more mud and I'm gonna finish it now this is  hot so if it's hot and if I leave this here and I   keep going keep going gonna be a different texture  than that so I knock it down guys you don't have   to lock just lift is it I lift what you're doing  is when you come down you lift the bottom up when   you go up you lift the top up that is how you  do oh damn near everything this far as stucco a   little bit more and I'm gonna get down not going  to show you the bottom because you get the point   I do want to cover this Jay trim so I'm going low  and here's what I do now guys just keep on keeping   on and if you guys watch what we do and you say I  think I can do that you probably could any sheet   rockers watching you can do this guy's because  you already got the skill but here's or something   okay if you think how is he making that skip the  wall is pulling it off say for example okay I put   little bit on here now I'm gonna let the wall pull  it off I put this here and come down now the wall   is pulling it off all I'm doing is lightly rubbing  against against what we have so it's not it's not   like some people say hey watch what you do but I  don't understand how you skip it I don't skip it   the wall drags it off so the wall kind of drags it  off guys boom like yeah and again I'm looking at   what I'm doing because I need to knock it all down  that way when it dries it's I didn't want it like   the other how we showed in the video now that's  a nice texture but I don't want to if I was going   to texture my own house I don't want it to look  like Taco Bell Taco Bell what they did is they   just left the texture with a heavier sand and that  was it they didn't knock it down and while we're   on there what is this this is La Habra finish  coat and it's called 20/30 mud what is 20/30   mud that is the middle mud then you have like in  the three bears you have the heavy mud heavy sand   and that's called 1620 or you have the superfine  that's 3030 technical stuff probably would never   need but anyway you guys seen where it's going  we are still in the runner epidemic every time I   look I see everybody around how they Wallace weird  but anyhow guys I'm gonna sit down for a sec and   tell you guys once more if you love what you do  you never have to work another day in your life   we all love what love what we do so we're making  money and getting strong feeling good god I love   it what that country anyway guys we thank you for  watching and as usual with you guys on the next   one by the way folks my dad and I are now members  of Amazon affiliates so if you're looking to buy   any of the plastering or construction tools you've  seen in our videos and you want to support us in   the process you can check the links below our  video or you can go to our website and get them   there if you have any other questions that for  tools we don't have linked email us direct and   we'll respond to you then once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all   your comments if you guys like this video please  click the like button down below and also if you   enjoy what we do subscribe to our channel so we  can keep making these videos for you my name is   Kirk and J we thank you for watching and from the  entire Jordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 199,573
Rating: 4.823926 out of 5
Keywords: Plastering tips to minimize cracking stucco, prevent cracks in stucco, colored plaster for exteriors, stucco color finishes, stucco sand finish, plaster sand finish, color finishes for new homes, stucco resurfacing, stucco refinishing, Stucco color finishing, Plastering a medium sand finish, stucco sand finishes, how to apply a new stucco finish, how to reface stucco, apply stucco over old stucco, stucco new finish coat and texture over old stucco walls, new stucco finish
Id: chU9So3vy9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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