plaster and repair interior plastered ceilings with fiberglass mesh netting

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Hello folks, Kirk and jason here, with kirk  giordano plastering, here today to show you a   method of correcting this barrel ceiling there's  about 20 different ways to correct it we're gonna   show you one using mesh and fiberglass mesh  tape is this stuff right here fiberglass mesh   tape it's use for our sheetrock for the joints  such as this we're gonna put 500 pieces of this   up there kiddin we got three foot rolls of this  stuff that we're gonna embed up there now first   of all we have to put plaster up here first and  then we embed this and we use the same plaster   or we'll take some more and smooth it out to embed  this what happens if you just take this fiberglass   mesh tape and just put it on here like I see  people do well a couple things this is got its   own a little stick them but it's not made to that  it's made for sheetrock it's not made to put on   the ceiling or a wall and then cover it's made to  be embedded if you're gonna do it our way because   if we put this on it'll seal half the wall then  we'll plaster it in the whole thing I'll fall   anyway I'm gonna show you a couple little things  before we get started guys but this is for you   younger apprentice plasters who say Kirk I watch  all your videos in all they've been plastering   six months to a year and I'm already as good as a  lot of the journeyman plasters thank you but tell   you something real important when you're doing  interiors you've got to know how to improvise   guys interior plastering is improvising especially  when you come yeah we're going to incorporate this   chimney with this barrel ceiling now when we got  here we had a few issues because nothing lined up   meaning that corner didn't match this corner they  had their grout here that was a quarter inch this   is a whole inch and everything was off anyway  I'm gonna make this real quick and not bore you   guys I know sent me a saying too late but there's  something to to think about you put your corners   on and you look at what you got this corner passes  this because I have to skim it a little and we're   gonna skim this also with the same struck delight  we're using struck the light plaster today so I   got here and I thought God nothing lines up  we improvise this right here would have been   buried and how do you know get a straightedge  get a piece of wood I'm using this because it's   light it's just an exterior weep screen okay you  put this on here now notice when I go on topping   here that matches from that corner to this corner  to this corner and now this we shim this out about   an inch that's it was necessary now these don't  line but these are already existing so we'll   improvise that I'll build it up a little thicker  use a handy-dandy tool make it a little bit is it   going to be perfect no it's not gonna be perfect  but we're gonna do the best we can with what we   have to work with now come in here if I put this  straight edge right here here now notice I've got   I had to bring this out to this and I had to put  these new corners here and this one I really had   to doctor this up and it's out an inch to line  up the fees make a long story short guys you got   to know how to improvise and line everything up  as best you can and by the way if you're gonna   straighten something out horizontally it may not  work vertically so that's just the give and takes   of plastering like right here everything lines up  where I put these interior corners for sheetrock   and my exterior corner is for stucco we just  lined it all up the best we can and it it'll   float right out anyway I'm gonna get started I  wanted to point that out because a lot of people   call us ahead Kirk my chimney is so off can you  fix it well we got half inch down we got an inch   and a quarter here yeah we can fix it guys anyhow  this is what we're gonna do now we're gonna take   some of this mud how that new brother mixed  me up some more mud that's good put this on   here because as I get started right now I can go  through that mud what we have already quick well   scrape that out in a minute all right guys I'll  show you something now we're years in here it's   called struck the light plaster well is this orig  now sixty years ago this is struck the light how   do I know because I can see the sand in it it's  white and it's got sand it's actually her life   what is perlite volcanic glass really and it's  it's sandy man what is this that's a white coat   it's we call it white coat way back then today  we call it a veneer if you use struck to life   you have to have a veneer based finish coat so I  already know what these are what we're gonna do   I'm going to start in the middle of the wall just  to prove a point here guys you gotta know what you   started with know how to match it and know a lot  of these different properties which you got some   time in it's not that big of a deal okay now I'm  gonna skim coat this guy now this is not that big   of a deal to skim coat it this particular plaster  design yeah give me some time now I want at least   a couple hours so I just switch to to this guy  right here you use struck the light you have   the time he needs because again it sets in four or  five hours if you put it on say cinder block brick   cement it'll set almost immediately because that  is sucking the moisture right out of it so you   got to know what material sucks the moisture out  and what doesn't and by the way - how does this   struck - like going to it here I was gonna adhere  two different ways or the mechanical bond it's   going to bond with the suction it's also going to  bond with that peak stuff that is plaster weld by   Larson's do you have to use plaster weld by  Larson's not really I kind of like using it   because you can see you can see that with the  color plus it does have a little bit of a lot   more adhering properties than the average bonding  agent out there and guys if you're going to do a   ceiling wear glasses because I'm just showing  you right now but I'm gonna put my glasses on   in a minute whether or not they're sunglasses  reading glasses put some glasses on because   this stuff will go in your eyeballs especially  when you stretch like this now what I'm doing   is stretching and I'm actually going about in  solid eighth of an inch this can go up to a   couple inches I mean you to put coat after coat  after coat they come in 50-pound bags as made by this made by what's that company anyway I forget  the name of the company that makes it they make   the majority of products that we use for interior  plastering you name it veneers they make it all   it'll come to me in a minute but what I want  to do guys is put this on thick enough so where   we come to embed that fiber glass mesh that we  can otherwise I'll have to use another coat and   sometimes you have to use another coat anyway  because this one will set too fast so as we   as we get there we'll show you wow I'm at it you  might as well see what I'm walking on this stage   in here you got to cover the floor first guys  and that's a cardboard on the floor so that the   legs of the staging won't cut through it then  you got to cover the walls then you got to put   your staging up now everybody's different Jay's  a couple inches shorter than I so we've got this   staging set so comedy both of us now I'm looking  down and taking hey I don't want to step between   that and have I before you betcha do I want to do  that today No so anyway Lou I take another bucket   because we're going quick what oh okay I don't  worry about it mix it in a new one I'll get it   out in a minute look I'm doing this video and  they don't want to see me take ten minutes to   clean out a bucket all right guys I saved you that  no the idea is told the whole thing then and here   the or embed the fiberglass mesh now there's  a lot of ways to do this - guys what if I use   90-minute compound mud which I can I could embed  that and then finish today but I'm in no hurry so   I want to relax today because we got a lot of  things we're doing throughout the place so I'm   not gonna use 90 minute or 120 minute sheetrock  compound I'm not going to use any different I   could use like 20 different products guys so  but this I'm going with what they had to stay   original and that's what they want that's what I  actually recommended so we get to the stage where   Jason and I are through mudding this how we put  up the fiberglass mesh and again we just put it   on use our fingers and then we we smooth it out  if this doesn't and set too fast USG early on   saw know who may called it USG makes all this  stuff alright if this doesn't set too fast we   could put our mesh netting directly in it use our  fingers to to hold it and then skim it and what I   want to do is I want to skim it and stick it with  the same mud but we don't always have that luxury   because this is porous because it's really hot  today - we might have to put another coat if we   do we do no big deal we can handle it when we  get to that stage I'll show you okay guys Jay   and I are going to show you how we actually embed  this fiberglass mesh netting we done we've applied   to areas right here this is a two-man job men  if you got a third guy yeah that's all that's   that's good to this stuff I'm gonna let it hang  because I don't want to pull out our own work   as you as you trial this on you can pull out  your own work it doesn't take much to to drop   this stuff all right Jay is gonna hold it in  position so we can get the first one and what   I'll do is just get it started okay now we're  gonna follow our first one try this guy on no   I'm not using a lot of force guys what I'm all  I'm doing is it's kind of like wallpaper you   just you're putting it on you put the glue on you  roll it on just enough to hold it because all we   want to do is embed it and hold it then when we  come to really trial it then I can put a little   bit more pressure now it's just a matter of hold  it in place you get some bubbles like there walk   it out walk it upward one area walk it upward  let's see right here okay now we got this set   pretty nice but some areas are hard to reach cool  there we go okay let me get up here we'll walk it   down then what happens guys is if you're not two  guys holding it the whole thing can just fall if   it does not a big deal just pick it up and start  again but then you have this mud all over you all   right there we go and that's why I put it on a  little heavy guys if I were to put this on super   thin then this wouldn't be enough mud to embed  it I'd have to put another coat over it but it   wouldn't stick so the best thing to do is about  3/16 to 1/4 depending on the day the heat we we   finished applying this possibly 20 minutes after I  did that first session and now it's probably gonna   take us about Oh another hour maybe two cuz we  got a stucco around that chimney too so what we   do is we just keep going down and following  it now I'm not trying to make it pretty yet   it's time to make it pretty later there's gonna  get another piece we're gonna get started again about to come towards you Jay all right coming  toward you that's embedded this way all right coming at you in a sec want to make sure this  is embedded tight enough so when I go over here   it doesn't act like an accordion and all start  to fall all right J put straight cuts in this   so that it's hard to see with this white fiber  mesh fiberglass mesh netting as opposed to blue   fiberglass tape the blue you can see follow your  lines really easy this is blending right in so   you folks watching what we're doing and probably  saying well I can't even see that stuff earlier   when I said wear glasses I just chick this into a  my own eye dang it alright okay I can plaster with   one eye let's see here get this out of my own way  we try to overlap a couple inches ourself alright   alright well I see guys do this a lot you use the  back here glove that's okay to get it started but   it won't have enough pressure to hold it on so  use a whole trial guys whole child and if you   notice I have extra mud on that board for when  we're gonna need it this if we get everything   set with just this coat great but if not I got  extra mud we just put a little bit more on it   now I'll tell us something else guys it is a real  good idea to use a big child ceilings radiuses   give me a big 16 or 18 or 20-inch trowel any day  you guys using a 12 inch trial that's a little   tougher much tougher using a rectangle trial  which majority of people use that's okay just   when we when I go to finish this this doesn't  leave lines I'll show you that when we get to   that stage I'll grab a 12 inch trial that I'm  using for my ends and explain that to you okay   we're coming down here beautiful beautiful I got  this Jake oh heck no the piece please beautiful   and again guys to men operation some guy tried  to do this I don't think so don't do like kurt   wear glasses wear glasses I'm taking this end  I'm not sure if the camera can even see it cuz   Jay got it on a tripod alright there's another  piece let's show you one more and then once we   get it all up we'll show you how we finish it off  and know that we are gonna put a finish coat over   this but this is just for today we're just doing  a hold the base coat a skim coat and it's designed   just like the first coat you do the base then  you do the finish coat and the idea with this   mesh netting this fiberglass mesh netting just  gonna hold that in place so it doesn't happen   again now that didn't break off until 80 years so  it shows you how strong the original stuff was by   the way guys in the link after we're done with  this video of course I'll in the link up I'll   show how we do other finishes on ceilings there's  there's skimmin ceilings without any fiberglass   mesh tape and for a fella who had a hot tub and  said what's a strongest come on unstick what's   a strong a system made hatha well you can go  with exterior stucco we can put a 3/8 wire and   that's well I've got videos of that too so just  for the sake of showing you how to do this I'll   put a link and we'll show you how to do even  stronger systems than this I'll show you one   of the strongest systems known to man it's even  stronger than plywood on a ceiling but anyway   that'll that'll be in a link after we after we do  this you guys just scroll down and if you wanted   something really really strong and again like I  said a second ago we just have for most of you   you can just skim coat the ceiling with this and  that's good but folks they said gee I want to go   with something a little stronger I said well to  go two coats of what you started with it's pretty   strong but if you want to go step above that then  we have to go to the fiberglass mesh netting and   this is it and again guys like everything it just  takes a little bit of practice till we have set to   stage it a little bit better sure could we have  said it worse absolutely so idea set it enough   set it well enough to get the job John okay  we're coming here now what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut in this other part right here  which is alright alright well we're gonna cut it   guys and we'll cut it right here since the camera  can't see and we've got to finish up this and then   we'll show you how we trowel it all down to get  to get it ready to accept the finish coat okay   guys we're not gonna show the chimney cuz I have a  lot of chimneys on our videos that show the exact   same thing how to even it out this one here the  homeowner said gene I thought you were gonna do   the finish another day because it looks finished  why because we left to finish as smooth as we can   that way it makes our finished coat even easier  we put a little bit of fat here and there to cover   any mesh because I want our job tomorrow to be a  lot faster than today and by the way earlier I was   talking about USG products well USG product i mean  they make all kinds of plasters they say for the   structu like to use a lime based product what kind  of lime based products also does USG make they   make diamond Imperial Cal codes and about two or  three others Norfolk and your folks from the UK a   lot of people from the UK call me and say Kirk how  come you never use thistle or ke Ren it'll sell   that here at least I haven't found it but even  if they did sell that here I wouldn't know the   difference guys I can barely tell the difference  between Imperial finish lime and the diamond both   are made by us Jian except for the diamond has a  little bit more lime in it and that's more fat so   I can play with it put it on a little thicker and  come back to it and for me that's good especially   when you're doing something like this so I  like to use a big child too if I'm using a   little choppy here all day I'll be still be here  trying to get all these lines out now because the   can't the camera is not going to show how pretty  this is and this is pretty we've got it where it   looks finished again in the homeowner said gee  it looks finished I said yeah it looks finished   but it's not if you get right up here you could  see a few a few imperfections by the way guys   this bucket here they just I buy my materials at  west side because west side is five minutes from   my house and my buddy Eric pulled a fast one on me  yesterday he said they Kirk cuz I went in I said   give me ten new buckets by the way guys if you're  gonna do interior plaster okay what material you   use is about twenty thirty different material buy  new buckets new drill paddles and clean up your   tools because if you mix it in a dirty bucket  it will acellerate the base coat or the   finish they like right here should have five hours  we got about four hours and it's already set and   we use clean buckets when I told Eric give me  10 buckets he says you know I got those buckets   in they told me to give them to you for free and I  thought really why he says well because you do all   the videos and these all those videos buckets are  in your videos so they added the name Westside to   it that's really cool I like that then the rest  of the counter guys were kind of snickering and   laughing and I looked at him and they looked at me  and Eric started laughing I owe you Eric well for   that cuz you got me mad I thought really they put  that on there just for our video no they didn't   put that on there for our video but I thought it  was cool a funny joke done on me and you know I'm   gonna get you back Eric that's my buddy over our  Westside here in the Oakland okay guys we're gonna   show you the completion of this what we've showed  you thus far is how we embed fiberglass mesh tape   or strength on a ceiling well you can do a wall  too you could even do an exterior housing there's   a tip guys by the way this chimney we just did it  by eye mainly because nothing lined up here's a   tip you're gonna need us a square cha trial you're  gonna need pull Chow or something similar to this   any of you novices apprentices or homeowners you  may have a problem traveling down a ceiling when   you use a square child course a lot bigger than  this because of the corners the edges but now if   Marshall or Currie would get on board and start  making these Charles right here and 14 by 5 16   by 5 and 18 by 5 I'll endorse those products  guys call me and I'll do a hundred videos on   why they're the best trial made they don't have  them yet you won't find it the only child you'll   find like this is 20 inches long and where it has  this is straight and this is straight this is not   a complete radius a complete radius is useless  for plastering it's for concrete so you have   one like this where it has the edges just out of  radius even you homeowners can do a ceiling like   that without worrying about too many lines now if  you're a journeyman or a master craftsman such as   us you don't have that problem but these trials  are great I'm asking Marshalltown and Currie to   start making five inches make them flat here and  just the radius anyway guys my name is Kirk Jason   on the camera we thank you folks for watching  it as usual live long and laughter by the way   folks my dad and I are now members of Amazon  affiliates so if you're looking to buy any of   the plastering or construction tools you've seen  in our videos and you want to support us in the   process you can check the links below our video  or you can go to our website and get them there   if you have any other questions that for tools  we don't have linked email us direct and we'll   respond to you then once again folks we thank you  for watching and I really enjoy all your comments   if you guys like this video please click the  like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jay we thank you for watching and from the  entire Giordano family we'll see on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 51,458
Rating: 4.8959537 out of 5
Keywords: Plastering Fiberglass netting for plastering repairs walls, how to add fiberglass mesh for added plastering strength, Plastering without sanding same day results, Plastering with Fiberglass mesh netting, How to add and plaster Fiberglass mesh netting to an interior ceiling, how to repair interior plastered ceilings with fiberglass mesh netting, plaster and repair interior plastered ceilings with fiberglass mesh netting
Id: QG39mjZGN_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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