How To Apply A Knock Down Stucco Finish Repair Using Rapid Set

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sup guys Bryce Kerr with Southern California painter right now I'm going to show you how to patch slash flow this stuck a wall so the way that we're going to achieve that really is that we need to float this all flat first before matching the texture which is going to be this - finish that you can call it it's basically imitating what the interior you know knock down would be using drywall mud and things like that so I'm going to basically run you through the whole process that's gonna be from mixing the stucco here showing you the consistency that we want I will show you some of the tools that we're going to use and show you how to kind of do the whole process from start to finish from floating and then adding the texture so right now we're just gonna dive into mixing the stucco and just get the process rockin for you guys alright guys so right now we're gonna mix our stucco okay and you don't necessarily want to fill this whole thing up you know you want to stay mixing throughout so that this doesn't dry out and just everything kind of stays consistent deep the product that we're using just for this just because I needed to drive fairly fast so that I could paint it today we're using this rapid set stucco mix you can basically get this at Home Depot I would assume you know Lowe's whatever any any general hardware store so I'm gonna get some water gun will mix this up show you what the consistency looks like and then we'll go from there so remember that more is less in this situation because you can always add more water you do not want it to be soupy at all the goal is definitely to try to not have to add more stuff ohmic into it to dry out the water but that you can always add water into it alright guys so this is about the consistency that we want him you can see it it's pretty soupy it runs but it's not watery you don't really see water it's not a puddle of water and this is kind of basically what we want to achieve here when we go to float the wall we're gonna float this wall this will definitely come in handy we'll scoop some out use this to trowel it onto the wall then you have our sponge float which we need in a separate separate bucket of water we'll use that after floating it to basically float it out even smoother so right now you see you just take your trowel in it just like that dig you're trailing get some mud on it now when you're doing this you really want to go up up the wall you don't want to come down the wall when you come down the wall you're really just going to knock off half the stuff that you put on it doesn't really smooth out float that way so you know one good way you can always put this up against the wall like so and you can basically push this up and out against the wall you see how this now is all basically kind of stuck on there you can move this over some might fall on you float this you come back you can always and you know you know you want to get this on there once this is on there like so and we basically are done with this wall we're gonna come back with the sponge flow and that's going to basically float it out imagine this to be what sandy would be almost for the interior drywall this is going to help us make this flatter and smoother with the rest of the areas that are still remaining we'll show you a little bit more here we'll continue on do some of the wall once we're kind of done and things are dried out we'll go backwards and we'll show you how to do the - texture and how to knock that alright guys right now we're still just gonna finish some of this quality what I'm gonna do is just flow a little area for you guys just for the video sake and then we'll show you how to do the - finish just so I can keep moving and keep everything going before I get dried out here and that way I can kind of finish in paint but you'll get the exact idea of how the whole rest of this wall is gonna go alright guys so we're just about done floating basically this area we have some more here but again I'm in videos sake we're just going to flip this section and we're going to show you now how to float it you know float it with the sponge so we float it splat with the sponge we can then apply our texture so if you notice some of it you know you got a little bits of variations and things in it not too big of a deal one because of the texture - because we're going to now float it smooth with this sponge right here so you always want to keep your sponge wet yeah we'll start over here on this side where it's a little bit drier so keep your sponge wet basically again as I mentioned this is kind of acting almost is what sanding on the interior drywall would be when you go to patch drywall and do things like that this is going to float smooth your edges you know things like that again just keep it wet keep it wet keep it wet basically you know try to kind of flown out some of these little ridges and things like that that you had in there so we'll have to let it dry out of course a little bit here but what we're gonna do is actually apply the texture finish while this is slightly wet but hard enough that it's not going to indent when we go to trowel and knock it down and the reason that we're doing that is this has that suction and adhesion well it's wet and it's drying all right guys so right now we're going to apply the - knockdown finish we have this little basically a broom if you will you're gonna dump this into the mud you know dunk it into the mind once you achieve the consistency of things that you want and basically we're just gonna throw it at the wall essentially is what the goal is so you don't want to go like this or like this you really want to have this thing turn sideways basically like this and just kind of just kind of flick it out it you know so this wall right here and the texture of this wall has has a lot of tiny little pieces few big few big pieces lots of tiny pieces so I don't know if you can you can see - well I know it's wet on wet but I'm sure you can see from what that smooth finish was quite a bit of these clumps so we're pretty much done with what we wanted to do a lots of little pieces just like this lots of little pieces few big pieces the the more you clump up the heavier it is the bigger the piece when you go to knock it down and drag it so we're gonna do right now is basically knockdown I like to go in different directions so that the pattern is kind of different you know people every time somebody does the texture it's always gonna be different each hand that touches the texture has a different way of doing it a different style so you know I'll take it from right to left I'll just come up here just drag it up or maybe you come back and go the opposite direction it's not it's not anything it's something that you can do on your own it's something that you can practice easily either eyes you know one wall that's bad just practice practice you don't like it take it and knock it all off base we obviously all this is a wet you can basically knock all this off again if you want to see and do it again change up the texture the style whatever guys so that's it for us this is Southern California painters signing off this is just the basics of how you can flow to stuck a wall do that - knockdown texture and finish it we did a start to finish we're gonna be bringing you guys a lot more videos coming up on basically everything that has to do with pain into your exterior sanding what type of tapes to use what all the different putties inside our spackle painters putty just the whole nine so we want you guys to be as educated as we are so when you have us come into the home when we're talking to you about the process and things that we're doing you also have a better understanding of what's going on and this can also be used for the contractor who really just wants to know how to do this so that you can add more to your palette of things that you can do so you can inevitably make more money and basically widen your array of services so this is Bryce signing off I got Eric over there on the camera and we'll catch you guys next time Thanks
Channel: Southern California Painter
Views: 130,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stucco, repair, stuccorepair, stucco repair, knockdown, knock down, stucco knockdown, rapid set, rapidset, stucco float, float, patch, stucco patch, texture, southerncaliforniapainter, southern california painter, how to, howto, scp, contractor, home repair, home services, painting, exterior
Id: WxebsGobGS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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