can I use one coat of Lime plaster?

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hi guys kirk and jayson here with kirk Giordano  plastering today what I want to show you guys is   one coat veneer plastering why one coat because if  you notice what we're going over this is stucco so   if we're going over stucco we don't need a base  coat sets such as imperial or diamond or red top   they make a lot of base coats but what are the  base coat for it's restraint we don't need any   grain or for going over a stucco wall what we're  doing is we're just going to smooth this out now   generally if you guys watch any of our videos  you'll see that I always tell folks if you want   strength do a base coat which has silica sand in  it and then do a top coat I'm kind of partial to   diamond finish as a veneer top coat how many  different finishes are there well let's see   there's an Ariel red top unocal Excalibur which  actually Unocal Excalibur and diamond are the best   if you're gonna only do one coat what happens when  you do one coat that us as plasters know about you   as Watchers you'll get an idea how we do this okay  one coat I'm going over a sandy finish generally   when I'm doing a base coat I'm going to sixteenth  of an inch and then my finish will be a 16 total   and eighth and the beauty of the veneer plastering  system versus taping mud is you could paint within   48 hours if you do two coats what I'm gonna do  here one coat you could paint the next day they   wanted I'm doing some work outside actually  guys and they said CG can you bid this for   taping modern I say I could but I don't want to be  here a week plus I'm allergic to all that sand and   stuff I don't like it so I talked him into I said  you know what guys I'll just do a veneer finish   over there's no sanding and I can save time with  it also when you're going over say she rock or   any other substrate the idea is with one coat it  has a tendency to say we spread it one coat has a   tendency if you don't know what you're doing and  even if you do know what you're doing to blister   or peel because one coat doesn't have the Bennett  that of that base coat and the base coat is the   first one the second coat and here's my suit it's  strong when I put this finish over this sealed   surface and what is this pink stuff that's plaster  well it's a body nature where do you get plaster   world you get it at professional material yarn  such as Westside clothes and all those you're not   going to find it at Home Depot but you can find  quikrete which serves the same purpose you all you   need a bonding agent if you're gonna do a veneer  finish and what is a veneer finish it's basically   gypsum with lime the lime is for strength okay  so we're gonna do this wall here this wall here   we're gonna do the whole thing and by the way it's  like kind of like doing a closet a closet takes me   twice as long to do than an entire room without  a ceiling because I have to do the ceilings which   I'll need my handy dandy wing tool for that  let me get started here and show you what I'm   talking about now now granted I'm I'm gonna use an  imperial because we happen to have imperial at the   house diamond actually is a little bit easier to  work with because it has more fat more lime in it   so I can play around with it more say for example  okay I'm gonna cover this wall here now I know   because I'm an experienced plaster that you've  got to go at least at least a eighth of an inch to   a quarter why so much because we're covering two  different finishes and so I'm gonna do that any of   you guys I had a fella can comment on the on what  we do the other day says hey Kirk I'm a taper I've   been doing taping mud for about 20 years I sure  wish I could do veneers like you do so I responded   and said dude if you're a taper that's half the  battle half the battle is knowing how to use your   tools guys the other half is knowing when the  step because once these set or go off they start   to darken and when they start to darken guys this  isn't like taping mud where you could work it take   the mud you can work it veneers when they start  to set because of the lime in it or strength well   that also makes it very hard to bring back to life  when I say bring back to life I'll show you that   in the next after I skim this and what I'm gonna  be doing is I'm gonna grab my after I skim this   right here I'm gonna grab my handy dandy wing tool  the wing tool is to make it a little bit easier   for corners so I'm going on my first bucket right  here and usually if this was sheetrock I could   spread twice as much but then again I'd only be  going a sixteenth of an inch thick right now I'm   going about 1/8 to 1/4 can i go 3 3/8 sure what  happens if I go more than 3/8 and say go go uh   according this wall will implode I'm just kidding  guys nothing happens it has a tendency to hairline   more or a spider check if you go too thick so it's  not the end of the world because if it's 5 effects   you could use this same material to go right back  over it because this material is gypsum in line   there is no sand in it with taping muds there's no  sand with certain products like the base coat they   have a silica sand in that or strength and that's  silica sand it's great but you can't really use   the silica sand to go over say any imperfections  because now you're putting sand on it I'll show   you how we make these corners here and I've be  done with the mud real soon what Jay is gonna   do let's go mix me some more then I'll show you  how we finish it as well as how we bring it back   toast to life and use the the water now say with  tape and mud you apply it and it is what it is   you just leave it alone leave it alone and what  happens it cracks like an egg and then you put   your next coat on this stuff here why don't we  leave it alone it's gonna set when this starts   to turn dark that means we gotta hustle well if it  starts to turn dark and we're not hustling we're   gonna lose the wall and again to lose the wall  it's not a big deal you just put some more mud   over it for the sake of showing you how to bring  it back to life I'll just go ahead and finish   this little bit right here and good a good rule of  thumb guys is try to finish it as well as you can   the first time before it starts to set so what  I'll do is I'll take my child come around okay   that's looking pretty there I'll take it again and  go up so what I'm doing is just getting the trowel   lines out and the imperfection the holidays take  it here make it pretty hold down and if it's the   trial lines of showing not a big deal a minute ago  I was spinning that trial because I or my hock you   need us a perfectly straight Hawk and you need a  perfectly straight trowel that's why I sometimes   spin it if the child the hawk falls off that  means there's too much mud on it or it's warped   so I just kind of mess around like that all right  so there's that one side here and again you get   in this prettiest puss all the first time around I  can still see some of the grit from the underneath   coat but we're gonna get rid of that soon enough  now here's something that I'd tell everybody who   works with me if they're not familiar with it  technically I like to work with guys who are   better than myself no real quick thing to some  guys see this right here the Hudson sprayer you   pump it up water comes out this a little bottle  that the pump that up water comes out why do I   bring that up well many years ago back in oh I'd  say late seventies early eighties I was working   Union and well sometimes you have a boss it was  pretty good and other times you have a boss who's   got low self-esteem well we were doing this back  then we called it white coating a lot of different   names other than veneer finish gauging plaster  you name it we called it that as I'm applying this   right now talking to you guys I remember a time  where I was working for a company and of course   I had I was new I was maybe uh Oh a year and me  the supervisor was a bit of a journey they had a   steam issue problems I remember I was plaster  and we're doing big rooms and I was using the   Hudson sprayer and I was going to town I thought  I was doing something no super buyers our boss   at that time come and said boy we think you're  doing that's a plastering boss also I'm doing it   says where's your brush or your felt brush back  then I was in my twenties or even younger than   that I thought why I don't need a brush weed but  we have a fifty dollar brushes for doing gauging   putty who we called it back then or lime and as  the wall started to harden we put this $50 brush   in water and bring it back to life we'd bring the  fat out of it so we can get all the imperfections   out so those are kind of outdated I mean I've  used them 20-30 years ago but don't need them now   this water is actually better I remember this one  jerk screaming in my face you need this particular   tool and I I thought why yes if I'm going faster  with this and I remembered trying to keep my job   and try not to offend the guy when he says Kirk  you think I'm funny and I said ah no why this is   what are you grinning for just working with a  couple guys back then I said well you probably   wouldn't like my answer he says oh I got a sense  of humor what are you grinning for you think I'm a   clown remember saying no dude you need a tic-tac  cuz you're all in my face like an Army sergeant   screaming at me and your breath just working but  anyway spreading right here and thinking about this guy here brings back some memories I'm gonna  show you guys rather than spread out this whole   wall what a wing tool is see these wings you  know you're not gonna fly away with it but it's   good for you got to wet it all these tools you  got a wet first before you try to use them now   this wing tool here got debris on it yeah did  that jump off of there because any debris will   drag kind of like going too far down if you go  down here you hit this sandy crap or dust dirt   grime it'll bring it up the wall nightmare guys so  avoid going to the bottom unless somebody says you   absolutely have to okay waiting till so I take  a wing tool and I just come on down here I keep   that mud right here and come on up that gives us  straight it's a pretty straight corner here I'll   do the same thing I'm not gonna do that ceiling  on camera because oh boy the crap out of you   guys but for the sake of showing you one coat  finishes just gonna give you an idea guys and   when we're done I'll kind of show you the results  but okay now that we use the wing tool and we got   just this corner because that's all that's gonna  show in this so-called closet what I'm doing now   is I'm getting all the filth off of my trap and  because I don't want to wait until this gets dark   another 20-25 minutes this will start to darken  and when it starts to darken you use nothing but   muscle I've got a certain amount of muscle but I  got a lot of work all day and this is just a start   I don't want to burn myself out okay what I'll do  is I'm gonna use this sponge float right now cuz   it's got a lot of water let me take this big old  Congo trial that's a 20 by 5 you guys don't need   it you guys most of you guys just stick with  a square trial I use this because I'm fond of   it and it keeps the lines out and I've been using  if I close to 25 years when I used to do swimming   pools anyway okay you see that Ridge right there  that's from the float or from the wing tool how do   you get that out well here's how I get it out I'll  just take this and boom it's gone get rid of the   excess right here take this and just use a light  hand okay that's gone this is almost ready to float with water and troweling and that'll be  ready I get all the stuff out now that one right   there you see how this trial right here it gets  that wing tool let's check out of there okay but   I got a lot in my corner can I do it without  a way tool you bet but the wing tool makes it   a lot easier I used to not even have that wing  tool and we do all our corners by hand we would   take it this way get it this way and come this  way it really took a long time so the wing tool   is a handy-dandy tool now what I'm gonna do is  we have a lot of work we're doing on this house   so I'm gonna get busy and go elsewhere when this  starts to turn dark which is gonna be oh well I   already see it starting to suck up right here and  this is going over a sealed stucco which has been   painted plus I put plaster will what is plaster  weld in a sealed stucco do it stops the suction   so anyway we're gonna get busy because I could  see where this is going and all of this is a   time frame thing you gotta know your material  you got to have about 15 20 years of hands-on   tool experience which I happen to have will come  back to it and show you some final stuff after a   while it's supposed to go a sixteenth of an inch  thick I'm some areas a quarter and again what   happens if you go really thick nothing the wall  will not explode or implode it's just it takes   more skill takes more time in so what I'm gonna  do now is rather than take a felt brush which   I don't have nor do I have a the big brush as I  used to use when I was in the trade a long time   ago see how dark this wall is getting that means  it's getting dark that wall said here's where the   fun part comes in now there are couples veneers  that are really good for bringing back the fat   what is the fat that means the exhale so we pump  up our bottle and we spray it with water yeah you   could use a Hudson sprayer you can use a whole  bunch of different sprayers guys I've seen guys   well we have backpacks and pump the handles and  spray it and what I want to do is I want to add   some water because I have a lot of lines in this  I have spider check and you name it I have it go   and I open this window here and right now outside  it's about 95 degrees in here it's about a hundred   I'm sweating it's hot okay now that we got that  done I'm gonna use my load as a cleaning tool all   right now I'm gonna try this and can some Popoff  absolutely it doesn't matter how much time you got   in it can still happen especially when you go this  stick okay guys now what I'm doing is I'm trying   it and what happens if I try to trial this dry  it won't work in fact I'm a little too dry right   now I'll show you what I want okay a little bit  of fat on there that's what I want so if I see   imperfections I put it on the imperfection and  see how wet I got this that's not even enough let   me get my line out right here for the wing tool  and what I'm doing basically is I'm compressing   it compacting it use a lot of elbow grease right  yes i trial it long enough this wall will shine   we don't need that okay so since this wall is set  already a little bit of fat I use this fat I look   at I go man where do I need that fat right there I  could use some then I bring it around and Charlet   down all right guys I want to show you a little  bit more because we're at that end stage it's   pretty thick and we're going over a stucco finish  so it tends to dry out hairline crack or blister   or bubble I didn't get any blistering or bubbling  because we know what we're doing anyway we did get   a couple hair lines and we just put a little bit  over let me show you the dreaded corners hey get   off of there guy all right I'm gonna show you the  corners everybody a lot of folks call sandy how   do you get your corners right I'll show you okay  this bud here yeah it's an imperial but pretend   like it's a tape in mud - way to do corners guys  you could do it like I do and often I'll just use   I'll just use my handy dandy wing tool and what  I'll do with the wing tool is we'll first of all   I'll put a little mud up a little bag this way  that way and on the top okay if you got a little   mud every which way you take the wing tool yeah  and just make it pretty I'm gonna come back to   this because I'm gonna show you one more thing or  you can take your square trowel which I mean you   can have a big one a small one either one they  both work you can take this and put it and get   your corners you can fill them up just a little  bit better often I'll use a swimming pool trowel   which won't go in the corners too well of course  this trial I used does not have a full radius and   square at the top okay say if you do it this way  or the other way now what you can do is you could   let that set and you can just take a brush you  don't need a fancy brunch guys gonna be a $2.00   brush the thin ones are better just like I did the  corners here you take water and you saturate these   corners and it blends all the holidays in now you  take this and just blend these in a little bit the   smaller the brush the better it'll come out if  you got lines here just use a side similar to   this window here okay I made these corners I made  the corners right here so they do have a corner to   opposite of of this you know it's a outer corner  to make it better we don't really use them I'll   take my brush here and as it sets I'll hit it with  the side you just the sides and we'll true it out   and make it a little prettier again right over  here we take the same brush and we just go this   way that way and it gives it a tighter corner and  if you want all that pretty you want to just get   it one more time and how many times is we hit  this well Jason hit it about four times because   some areas needed it if it needs it you just do it  you put it you keep putting it on until you got it   just the way you want it but this brush is the key  to good good corners like say for example one last   example then we're going to call it quits this  is all dry but look at over here this is really   dry it's a discoloration wet dry you're not going  through that what's the benefit of this stuff you   could paint the next day so if you put you find  a holiday I left a holiday intentionally to fill   it on let's see where I got it now well let's  just go right here so you have a holiday with   it just like tape it mud put it on and you could  skin it real tight doesn't have sand in it so you   can put any holidays real tight and that that's  a pretty tight finish there just like caulking   if you come home and the next day that caulking  is shrunken no big deal you just add some more   coffee in the next day I got a couple more little  things I'm doing here but that's basically it I've   decided to put a different ending because I had  a holiday here which was a big hunk of stucco   so I pop that out and went over it and just  telling you folks that's how we do it anyway   my name is Kirk Jason on the camera we thank you  for watching and as usual we'll see you guys on   the next one once again folks we thank you for  watching and I really enjoy all your comments   if you guys like this video please click the  like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jason we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 61,047
Rating: 4.9101605 out of 5
Keywords: can I apply one coat of lime plaster instead of two, how to apply one coat veneer plaster, Teaching one coat veneer plaster, how to one coat veneer Lime plastering, can I use one coat of Lime plaster? yes
Id: eYazlJ6B8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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