Stucco failures, the main reason why stucco and paint separates or blisters and falls off walls

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hello there folks Kirk and J ayson here with  Kirk Giordano plastering today I want to show   you an issue that these folks who have it and  they were concerned why you guys might have the   same issue I thought I'd explained it because I  know the reason why this happened look at this   house here okay you see the wall here I looked at  the texture and I said well gee whiz somebody put   a color coat finish and it's probably Chablis  or French vanilla over a house that had this   type of a finish right here it's a painted stucco  finish and you pressure wash apply bonding agent   then you put a maintenance free skip trial  finish what is maintenance free skip child   finish mean like a brick the brick gets wet it  darkens and when dryer conditions occur it goes   right back to its original state this has been  on for over 20 years and it's going to stay on   for a hundred more why did this part come on the  homeowner said well gee how come this is staying   on and this is not that's the easy question guys  you get a fellow right now they're mowing lawns   all over here there's a lot of lawns the dirt  goes up in the air it settles where does this   settle it settles on porches window sills roofs  you name it so what they did was they pressure   wash this right here they didn't pressure wash  this well enough and so what's happening is   it's all coming off and and how do you how do  you really get it all off well if you do what   I'm doing right here that's a start but I also  have a pressure washer with me that the pressure   washer is gas one at 35 or 3,000 psi plus I have  a turbo tip on it now what they also had here is   they had a line going this way and they had a  bunch of caulking on it you see that caulking   I've already removed it and what I said is gee  all this caulking guys that's not that's not a   fix caulking is that's okay see they caulk it  right here and they thought well gee that'll   hold it that's not going to hold it nor cosmetic  medically is it going to make it look attractive   so what I did was I my handy-dandy rod I took a  grinder with a diamond blade put it here and just   grinded a line in there why did we grind a line in  there this is a natural expansion joint now so now   we've got a natural expansion joint separating the  two different substrates this is the house this is   the the concrete of steps so the two are moving  this way it allows them to continue to move now   I'm going to go ahead and keep taking this off  here you see how this stuff comes off caulking   was not really the right method that repair  this so what I'm going to do now is I'm going   to take a pressure washer and here's what they  should have done 20 years ago you pressure wash   not only this part you pressure walk here and here  this removes all the dust dirt grime moss and when   you place a bonding agent on that surface that's  clean enough to eat off that's that's you want a   surface if you're going to apply a bonding agent  I tell folks this and they always laugh but you   want that surface clean enough to eat off that  way your bonding agent really adheres that way   your next color coat really adhere so I'm going to  do some prep work here and when I take my pressure   washer and I start pressure washing this I'm going  to pressure wash this way what happens if I press   your wash say this way the pressure wash is so  strong I will take off the finish here I don't   want to take that finish off and lastly I said  this is either Chablis or French vanilla I can   look at a patch right here and I talked to  the homeowner I said who did this and was it   done within 10 years he says yeah how'd you know I  said I can tell because it's a different color our   color even though it's this it is French vanilla  I put it my color chart up to a niche says French   vanilla I've got the French vanilla I said well  gee we'll do it and we'll fill this this will   keep moving and that's okay but it was separated  too and the color I'm going to put here is also   french vanilla will it match this one when it  dries completely no it'll be a or two lighter or   darker but anyway I thought I'd show just some of  the preliminary steps that you have to do it you   got to know about this stuff because application  is 30% knowledge is the other 70% to know what   the heck you're doing before you even get started  so all your folks who send me things and say gee   whiz how come the porch separated but the house  didn't it's separated because they didn't we pre   wash this well enough and didn't consider the  fact that dust settles here and comes down and   just a natural course of things so we're going to  go ahead and mix up some color coat take this off   and I'll show you how we spread it out and match  it in okay guys we're going to spread this down   first I'm going to show you what we use see this  tip right here this is called a turbo tip guys it   gives it a lot of extra force so we got 3000 psi  plus that turbo tip to get this off everything   came off with that tip there in fact if you touch  it it'll make you bleed and it go through your   boot as far as the color J just mix this color up  here's how you can tell if the color is going to   match guys quick tip okay you wet the wall I'm  gonna wet the wall right here then you put it   up to it and that's it's the right color because  they happen to have the same contract but it's 20   years later okay so we're going to take the color  coat and I'm going to spread it using a swimming   pull trow this pull trial it's got a square end  right here it's not a complete radius I've been   using these for 20 years kind of partial to them  this blue stuff that's a bonding agent nothing   adhere without a bonding agent but a bonding  agent is only as good as what it's gone over   if you go over a dusty wall with a bonding agent  it's useless so just for the sake of spreading   this out I'll show you how we do it now earlier I  was showing you guys the the crack that expansion   joint I created yeah I created the expansion joint  but if J points to that expansion joint you'll see   I filled that expansion joint with a caulking now  that particular caulking I used for that expansion   joint is called sicka high flex it drives within  an hour so while it was while it's dried I then   put weld creep over that why would I do go through  such extremes because the weld creep will allow   this color coat to adhere to the caulking because  this is a color code to maintenance-free finish   here so basically I created an expansion joint  this is always going to flex it's going to flex   like that so when it rains and the ground lifts  and these two separate that's going to lift and   move with it so we don't get that nasty crack now  can it wreak rack absolutely no amount of caulking   is going to stop a 100-ton home and say a 20-ton  porch from moving it doesn't work that way ground   movement it will also move you do the best you  can with what you have available but you have to   have used common sense too and and note that what  we're doing right here is purely cosmetic and it   has no no structural strength but it's going to  look a lot prettier than it did before so what I   do is I'm using the exact same color they use  I'm using the same grit they used you say gee what's the grit well the grit is either fine  which is silica sand 20:30 which is medium or   1620 as just technical talk for stucco 1620 being  the heaviest grit available now if we were to take   you around the house you would see why they went  with this heavy texture this heavy texture was   done everywhere because this house had about what  had a lot of patchwork they had several different   contractors that had an idea of what they were  doing they weren't all that great and if you're   not all that great we'll leave a an eyesore of  a patch left a couple of my time you don't get   pretty good not leaving a patch or two that you  have to correct that builds wisdom when you have   to redo something you think gee whiz I don't  want to do that again and that's how you learn   everybody makes a mistake what you don't want to  keep doing is making them make you mistake once   you do a bad patch you end up having to fix it  well that's the beginning of wisdom but if you   keep doing that then you stay stupid anyway I'm  feathering in this little bit right here and and   now what I'm going to do is I'm going to allow  this say five minutes to dry and five minutes   right now I'm looking at unfeeling the Sun it's  absorbing the moisture right out of here it's   about 75 degrees kind of nice I'm going to get  a brush and brush this in and switch trials get   rid of my Kongo trial and grab a smaller trial  and in one in one minute I'll show you how we   texture this all right guys went and got myself a  handy dandy brush it doesn't have to be a pretty   brush it's like a dollar brush and what you do  is just feather this in and you always wet the   wall first when you're feathering a color into a  color even if it's the same color you with that   wall first that way it blends in better and you  just use your brush and clean it up clean up all   the little stuff here and again what I tell the  folks here is we can pretty that up we can make   it a lot nicer and we can do everything within  our power to stop it from wreak wracking but it   can alright now what I'm going to do is switch  trials I'm a notice this child here it's 20   inches it's kind of big you guys your homeowners  go with these right here 12 by 5 square easier to   handle now I'm going to go to a 16 inch child  why because I like using a 16 I started using   them about 25 years ago when I did swimming  pools and I've been with them ever since okay   so we're going to texture this to match that  finish there now I'm gonna start way over here   cuz I'm gonna work from left to right now I told  her we could match the finish real close but yeah   there's always somebody who can say well gee whiz  that's not a perfect match well unless you do it   that day it's almost incredibly difficult to get  a perfect match but seeing that I was done about   oh I don't know thousand different textures homes  dishes you name it I'm pretty good at this stuff   here so take it down and I'm pulling it and if  you notice what they got they had a fellow do   exactly what I'm doing I once did a job where  the guy says gee nobody could match that finish   and I said that's because the guy's going with  his left hand so I match it I just use switched   hands it's anyway we put a little bit of extra  mud here and generally because I'm a texture I   don't want to spill any going over like that now  when this dries it match that because it always   goes on darker paint is different from these  porous finishes porous finishes go on dark and   when they dry like a brick they lighten up so  I'm just skipping it just the way these fellows   skip theirs and keep in mind they put a heavy skip  sha finish because they were hiding some stuff I   wouldn't do a homeowner any justice for me to show  all this bad patches here and there because I just   wouldn't be nice anyway way to take it down and  when I get one more Hawk full I'll show you how   we complete it and you look at it can I wait it  an extra hour - yeah could i I mean I put this   on pretty much immediately but what I do is if I  wait if I have waited another hour this would all   been dried and light I could have did it but if I  put it on immediately I just put the texture on a   little heavier so we put the texture on a little  bit heavier and I can do it immediate okay right   when I come into this joint here I'm gonna do  something that a little bit different okay the   joints I'm going to take this down here make it  heavy I'm making it heavy okay now we're going   to go straight up here and tie the two in and of  the joint just going to go vertically vertically   and at a different different level that way  between the two of these you can you can see   they're a bit separate and they are going to move  differently because one's a porch and one's a wall   and they are not connected so they're always going  to move guys anyway you see where I'm going with   that and more importantly when you folks call  me and said you with I'll come house is still   on and the porch is not well porch's you have  to take into consideration the fact that moss   dirt and everything is up here and you've got to  really do your prep a little bit better anyhow my   name is Kirk Jason on the camera we thank you for  watching this quick little fix and as usual we'll   see you guys on the next one once again folks we  thank you for watching and I really enjoy all your   comments if you guys like this video please click  the like button down below and also if you enjoy   what we do subscribe to our channel so we can  keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk   and Jason we thank you for watching and from the  entire giordano family we'll see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 138,185
Rating: 4.8783846 out of 5
Keywords: Teaching why stucco finishes fail, Why plaster and stucco finishes fail, why stucco and or paint is peeling, Why plastering and stucco finishes fail, failing stucco coats, how to fix failing plaster finishes, plaster finish coming off, stucco finish texture coming off, Stucco and or plastering failures, Stucco failures, the main reason why stucco and paint separates or blisters and falls off walls, stucco finishes failing how to repair them, why do some stucco finishes fail
Id: nhHtc8xLkUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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