Stucco sample of textures or finishes

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Hello folks, kirk and Jason here with Kirk  Giordano plastering, today what I want to show   is an age-old question we've been getting this  since I've been in business, I thought man why   not just show it once and do a video and that way  when folks ask you could show it to them on video   instead of doing samples all the time? what I'm  going to do here guys we're doing a two coat system a   scratch and a brown and they said I want it smooth so I asked well how smooth do you want it? do you   want a scratch in a brown and let it cure and do a  Santa Barbara or BMI marble or smooth finish like   that or do you want a to coat system? he says  I want a to coat system we're going to paint   it and I wanted to smooth as you can get the two  coat so I thought I'd show you folks how smooth   we can get the two coats some do's and don'ts  the first thing we're going to do is I had this board   set up on the ground and Jay said hey Dad do you  really want to bend down I said hell no, not if I   don't have to so he set me up here what I'm gonna  do guys is I'm gonna scratch this out I want to   simulate exactly what we're doing the best way  possible and that way means I have to do oh my   first coat at 3/8 and then my second coat at 3/8  well right now I'm going to do all these squares   I won't bore you with doing them all but what I'll  do is this one's going to be a hard rubber float   finish that's using this after it cures to show  you how smooth we can get it and hopefully, Jayson can   zoom in with that camera and show you a little  a bit better there's gonna be a light float finish   this could be a heavy float finish a little extra  water and this is gonna be a steel trowel finish   I'll take my steel trowel and I'll finish it  what happens if you use a steel trowel with   a scratching Brown the crack is that normal yes  that's why is what they do is they put two coats   they do a scratch coat they allow a scratch coat  to cure then they come with the second coat and   that also is allowed to cure and what will happen  with those two coats naturally during the drying   process which is 48 hours for scratch all about  I would say we usually go a week minimum to two   weeks for three weeks in the winter to allow the  brown coat to cure if we're going to do this color   coat so what I'm gonna do here is get these coats  on finish this one up here clean it up a little   bit put my scratch marks allow that to set for for  a little while then we're gonna come back and do   the follow-up coat I'll show you that when we get  to that point okay guys we got that scratch coat   set up feel like I'm back in apprentice school we  had to do a lot of these samples minute ago I was   kind of nervous about putting these finishes on  cuz I thought this board was gonna flip but that's   a pretty solid order already so now I'm just going  to go ahead and and brown out these squares and   I'll show you what the heck I'm referring to with  these different finishes okay we just spread this   guy yeah are you doing dude let's be working  spend your lunch time in hundred degree weather Then again, Jason and I are showing  you guys how to do this I couldn't   have picked. Yeah, it all depends on how you look at it. It's a hot day,   but I don't mind working in the heat.  I'd rather work in the heat than, say,   40 degrees or the cold. I actually love the  heat, plus it's helping this sample dry out. that's for sure this this little a-frame we set  up won't flip now because it's pretty sturdy all   right guys I'm gonna do it as soon as I'm done  here I'm gonna show you immediately what I'm   referring to as far as these textures should I  wait 48 hours and come back and show you I could   but I think you guys will get the point I hope  you will because again I'm gonna use this video   here to show what you can and what you can't do  and what to expect from me or anybody doesn't   matter who's doing your stucco work if you tell  a fellow hey all I want is to coach well decided   to skip trial finish I'll show you what we can  do as far as you get it smooth now keep in mind   guys I've done houses I've done a few custom  homes 8,000 to 10,000 square foot houses and I've   had people say Kirk I want a hard steel trowel  finish and I tell them all well if you want a   hard steel trowel finish and you only want the two  coats you know that when the scratch in the brown   cure naturally it's gonna hairline the degree  of hairline depends on say the house if it's   a brand new house on three stories new foundation  that house is gonna crack because of settling if   it's a 50-year old house three stories it's gonna  likely crack less anyhow I think I'm getting the   feel for this right here to see just how much time  is necessary I can look at all of these coats and   determine when to do my finish and so stay with  me because as I'm just trimming out the corners   making it look pretty which is not necessary  it's also given me a chance to get a feel I'm   feeling this out and seeing when it's ready for  the rest of my so called smooth finishes okay   guys well we're stage we're in the right now is  some of us ready somes not but I don't need it   completely ready to show what I'm trying to do  okay guys let me show you a few things these are   hard rubber floats hard rubber that means they're  rubber and they're hard this is a plastic float   it's for polishing usually interior these are  swimming pool trials when you're doing swimming   pools you may have noticed I use these quite  a bit I fancy them they're great square trials   sponge floats okay now Dan walked by earlier  it's his dad I can't even make out what that   is how the people on the camera are going to do  it there's a hard rubber float what I'm going to   show you up here hard rubber float finish down  here it's gonna be a heavy float finish that   heavy just means a lot of water up here is the  light float finish a little bit of water so it   comes out a lot smoother the grain is gonna be  very fine that's gonna be a very heavy because   I'm gonna use a lot of water over here it's just  gonna be a steel child finish all right I'm gonna   take the hard rubber float these are hard rubber  guys and now this is for a to coach system we can   do an entire wall like this now again if we do  the entire wall like this it kind of looks like a well you can still see the grip guys there is  some grit because you could only float sand so   smooth just like when you trial it you could only  fan trowel down so smooth so the sand if it was   interior plaster yeah you can make that pretty  smooth like I don't like to use the terminology   glass but you can get it interior much  smoother on the exterior you have sand to deal   even if you use a finer sandwich tends to crack  more you out saying now that's about that's   what we call a hard rubber exterior to coat  float system now I'll start up here a light   float finished now I have one of my floats in a  bucket of water right here this one's got water   in it so if I hit this the water is going to  drip down here and that's not what I'm looking   for these are both dry in order to prove a point  I will just use a dry float and basically what I'm   doing is I'm bringing out a little bit of sand  I'm straightening the wall out compressing it   and bringing out a little bit of sand and I can  go this I can bring the sand out twice as much   or half as much but this is what I consider a  light float finish here we're just very light   just keep going over it then we let up and if  I wanted to I get even smoother than that while   allowing time or just coming back with a dry float  time and since I'm working against time meaning   I'm doing all this right now rather than three  separate days that that is a light float finish   done with these green sponge flows okay I will do  this one here is a heavy float finish or you   can go medium or heavy float finish now the ideas  put some water on it guys now the water brings out   the sand or aggregate okay it's bringing out the  so called aggregate aggregates just a fancy word   for sand or rocks Portland cement house sand  concrete that's rock both made with Portland   cement the only difference is the aggregate size  okay now you see that brings out a lot of the grit   if I want to bring even more I just put more water  and just I could leave float lines in it where you   see the lines or I can just go over it a few times  where there are no float lines but you get the idea   okay now that is a heavy float finish and this is  less likely to crack of all of them but will they   all absolutely okay now the last thing I'm going  to show you guys is a hard steel child finish and   I could use a square Chow or the other chop now  this here again you could only steel trowel sand   so much again I stay away from that terminology  glass because this has sand in it this is mighty   smooth right here what happens with the mighty  smooth to coat finish this when it cures or cracks   but we don't have that time and we're not going to  show that I'm just gonna explain it you will get   cracks in it hairline cracks like wait when I say  hairline like the hair on your head it will crack   especially under windows and doors if you just  do a to coach system when I worked Union thirty   years ago we had slickers like this to hand and  we would slick the houses down and that was when   I was working for McDermott and Seeley Danny Smith  plastering a lot of those big companies and the   slickers we do the scratch coat then the brown  and we slick it and I remember saying hey Nixon   in the cracking so that's not our business our  job is to do a two-coat finish okay guys I want   to refresh that video because J at the end told  me dad you screwed that up he's also licensed   contractor so he knows what I know and sometimes I  get sidetracked of what we're doing we were doing   a lot of things that day anyway my old sample  right there was discarded like yesterday the   old newspapers but the point I was trying to make  which I didn't get through so clearly was that the   top two finishes the hard rubber float the fine  float finish and the left one on the bottom which   are heavy float finish those are all breathable  the stucco can breathe and when I was mentioning   crack and what I should have said was to not  scare the crap out of everybody is that they   were hairline possibly possibly the hairline like  the hair on your head but that's okay because 28   days later you paint it and the good quality paint  will either bridge it or flood it what we call so   there's no worries with that what I was really  trying to point out with that video yesterday   was that when we steel trowel a brown coat doesn't  matter what stucco company contractor does it if   you steel trowel a brown coat now what you do is  you seal it because it can't breathe so those are   the ones that usually will hairline almost every  time but if you're gonna paint it's not such   a big deal these folks know it and they said Kirk  we're not it's okay you've done work for us in the   past years ago and we've seen some hair lines  but it's not a big deal it's a to coat system   so that's what I really wanted to point out and by  the way guys the majority of homes that were built   have two coat systems color coats come out in 1926  but they didn't always use those so the majority   of all the color coats in California that I don't  wear was probably in the whole country are two   coat systems and will they hairline sure they will  especially where windows and doors cause heavy   vibration but it's not such a huge concern I think  Jay was right I scared the crap out of too many   folks all you need to do is a good quality paint  after the brown coat has cured 28 days is paint it   and a good paint will flood those anyhow guys my  name is Kirk I'm with Kirk Giordano plastering and   hope that cleared it up we thank you for watching  and as usual we'll see you guys on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 833,540
Rating: 4.7827306 out of 5
Keywords: provide a plaster samples, plaster samples, plastering samples of textures or finishes, stucco sample of textures or finishes, samples of stucco finishes, make exterior stucco samples, stucco texture samples, providing stucco samples, stucco sample or stucco finishes, stucco samples, what are stucco samples, Stucco sample of textures or finishes
Id: XnuimNABoE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2013
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