Resurfacing concrete sidewalk, Is your concrete sidewalk sinking

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hello guys and girls Kirk and J here with Kirk Giordano plastering today we're working on something else but the folks who own the house said Kirk can you do something with this I said what do what why and she says water they poured this a year ago and he did kind of a weird job she says water pours out of here and it's sinking this I said well you know what you could do she says every rain this fills up with dirt where people slip and slide she don't want the liability in fact she caught a little girl here writing her name in it though she said what can you do I said well I say you just cut it out and report and she said Kirk I can't afford that what would you charge me to put a layer over it I said you really got to know what you're doing to do that kind of stuff but yeah it could be done she says well I saw your video and I thought oh one of my most controversial videos I'll put it in the description but anyhow there's a way to do this but it's for plasters or people who are professionals because the material is not sold at Home Depot or Lowe's it's poly bond that's at the plastering material yard and what I'll show you is after I pressure wash this cuz nothing here is it does I'm gonna apply a thin coat of poly bond to it and that is a cement tshis adhesive now that is used to hang styrofoam on Browncoats it it's strong stuff and after I put one little thin layer then I'm gonna come back and feather and higher there and higher here and here we got an inch I'm gonna do it just because I can but you guys use sack Crete or any of the products that skim concrete at Home Depot or Lowe's because what I'm going to do like the other video I did this to my driveway and I had people saying where do you buy the material where I'm going to show you how but you go get the user friendly materials and remember nothing in here's to dust so we got to get all the dust dirt and grime off and as a rule guys I don't I don't take on jobs like this so if you have it I'll show you how to do it but it's not something that we're prepared to do like I said I'm doing this now because I can and I'm here and they didn't want to tear the concrete out and I can't stop blaming them how long it's gonna last I told him in the last a few years and my last 20 years but I don't know because we're talking of an inch thick and they didn't want to go remove it and report it so I'll show you how we do it and tell you some products that are more user-friendly than the one I'm gonna use because you cannot buy that product at home dope depot or lowes and what I'm doing is I'm scoring this concrete score and it means I'm like if I put this on my boat it'll rip the leather right off so I'm scoring it itching it that way the poly bond will in here will show you that when we get ready to do the skim we're back it's a couple days later we pressure wash to remove all the dust dirt and grime because nothing it here's to it now if you notice this got an inch now what's happening here we discovered that this is an endless haul it goes forever and that's how this whole thing sunk and all the mud and everything that's coming here people are slipping a slide just like well Kirk can you remove this whole slab and report I said I don't do concrete for a living I do stucco and she says well can you skim coat it and I said not really that we don't do that either she says well I saw a video that you did do it and I thought you've been researching skim coating concrete I said I'll do it but you know I'll charge a couple hundred bucks but it's not a permanent situation because I don't know what's going on in here for this to set a solid edge there's a big hole here and I squeezed as much poly bond in there as I could all right so first thing you need to know is well we got to wet this first because we want a mechanical bond with the mechanical bond guys that is where you take a cement tissues finish such as the one we are going to put and we're using that's not very user friendly the product we're using poly bond and poly bond is for attaching styrofoam molds to buildings and some of these styrofoam folds weigh hundreds of pounds and so this cement tshis adhesive is what we're gonna put on here just just to get the first coat on so that the second one will adhere to the first one okay so this is poly bar and again guys I don't advise you to do this go to Home Depot and get say whatever resurfacing product they have if it says resurface get it because poly bond is not sold at Home Depot or Lowe's it's it's a product you have to go to the material yard plastering material yard to get and because I'm using it for a different reason I can't tell you guys hey go get it and do this because it's used for a different purpose it is used for attaching styrofoam hop it can you go with this 1/8 of an inch what happens if I go more than 1/8 of an inch right here crack so I'm a la we're doing other things on this particular job and so what I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a eighth of an inch on here and then we're gonna let that sit for as long as it takes to dry and how hot is it right now it's about 95 perfect weather I love the heat so for me this perfect weather I'd rather be in the heat any day than the cold but also with the heat like what we have it'll dry this up in about Oh an hour because the ground is already hot it's about noon time and so the Sun is odd since Suns about 90 95 and so the ground is hot it's going to suck it up that's why I put so much water why to the water and a lot of you guys and say can we put a bonding agent on no because this is a different situation than a wall there's going to be walked on and again for liability sake I got to say don't use the product I'm using because it's not very user friendly and and you can't find it that other video I get showing my driveway I had I say 25 comments of just oh I'd like to see that now so in this same video I am going to put a link to that other one where I did my driveway because so many people said all better it looks like crap now or it's coming off no it's not and how do I know this stuff works because I've been doing this for 40 years I'd love to say 35 but the fact is close to 40 now but again what I do for my house and what I do for clients is different so when we get back home it's late afternoon I'll show you mine in that video a lot of people just look at it and comment without reading the description and I can't find the material you're not gonna find the material guys so I'm trying to tell you now don't look for him but what's this adhesive cement this is a cement tshis adhesive guys that's the tongue pole right there mouth full oh man that my way ah eskimo words with doors okay so since Lou this is my way well I'm in his way then you don't have to do this guys I like to float it kind of gives it a scratch mark kind of like scratching it now this one it is when it dries in an hour even if the claw hammer won't get it up because it is an adhesive and it's used again to hang attach styrofoam to buildings it's as strong as that Heath piece of cement I know of and again I did this 30 years to go to a couple places and they work my own places so the fact that she saw that video I said oh man that videos so controversal everybody says it won't work because this is what we do for a living anyway what I'm doing now is I'm just putting some scratch marks in it I'm allowed this to set we're gonna get back to work on something else then I'm gonna add sand to the poly bond and build it up about an inch over there and feather here feather there so that right there whoa when this real quick thing guys might as well put it out this leaks and there's an underground thing here that's why it's so I put as much stucco in there as I could so is it gonna fix it forever no but anyway she wanted me to do it and she didn't want to pay to take it out so we're doing it we're showing you how to do it at the end of the day now this is dried for a long time so I need to wet it since I don't have a water hose over here I'm just going to hit it with this broom and dip it in water because the next coat is poly bond mix was saying are you supposed to do that no but again I'm just showing you things tricks of the trade that we used to do and I still do and when I get home today well maybe tomorrow I was getting kind of late I'm gonna show everybody something I did like this but I did it a few years back and people I did it once about 25 years ago and we it was a driveway like this and we drive our big truck over it that monster and we drive forklifts over it and yeah it got a little beat up but that's what I started with so when people say hey oh that's not gonna last me arse it does last but this is not something that is sold of his purpose is made for another purpose so do I do this for a living no if somebody called me and said hey I got something I want you to resurface will I volunteer no because I'm a plaster I don't do this kind of stuff but I'm already here and and the issue that they're referring to it's not such a great issue I can do it without them having to splurge on new concrete so now that we finished our other project and it might have been faster for me to grab the water hose okay now what am I now this is Polly Polly Polly Polly bond is an adhesive a cement Isha's adhesive so this can't come off I can take the claw hammer and try to get it off it's not gonna come on this is kind of mixed with sand why because I got it to depth now I gotta get about an inch right here and an inch over there come on now get out of there okay that's about all I need now what I'm gonna do is take this big Congo Crowl trial because it acts like a rod there's a rod right here straight edge oh they're coming to write their name in the wall and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flush out to this right here that way when the rains come it'll dry and it won't hold water and that's what it's been doing it's been holding water because it's so much that's so out of plumb so what we're gonna do is put it back in plumb and we'll this crack maybe it's not designed to go like this guy but again we can do it sticking to the Charles that mean the Charles dirty all right time to squeeze around here get the rest of this out of here now here I got a feather all the way up to that whoa now are you going back in there okay so I'm gonna take some of this right here rob Peter to pay Paul and kind of sticky sticky stuff okay I'm gonna put up a slope on it that's this is fine over here it's just this guy here is not right okay well rather than you it's gonna take me ten minutes to straighten this out let me straighten it out then when I come back I'll show you how we float this in all right guys J mix me up a little bit more but bucket started thought I'd start fresh this actually is a rod I was going to put the lines in it with this rod but because everything is off kilter I'm using this to go around and that's right here go around and basically I'm rotting it to get it as true and level as it can be here is off this is off so take it right here and come down then I'll take it one more time and put that expansion over there you notice guys with with concrete this for you too ladies if you're going to do concrete you got to have expansion joints the lines that go every which way all right now that I'm done with this rod except for making this line right here I want to make the line just for an expansion that's what it had now let's see we're right here okay it had an expansion anyway now I'll take my big Congo trowel and make it a little pretty and they were they were hi Kirk if you could just make it a little bit better that works so I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here but we are trying to get it where it's it's not going to collect dirt dirt and dust and during the winter time fill up with dirt where somebody might slip hurt them hurt themselves okay then we're gonna feather into nothing you're saying this is higher so it tilted so this is too high so I don't want to I don't want to add any more there so anyhow now I have to wait how long 10 minutes and then this will set so while I'm waiting I'll float these two out that means I'm gonna give them this appearance here so they're non-slip and we'll show you the finish ok ladies guys contractors that's all done I worked actually was going to just give it a broom finish like they did here what it sets you just give it a broom fit in Y let slip lines so you don't slide on it but since it's still not exactly hard I'm giving it up the lines with a float I can use a brush I could use a lot of different tools guys but since it's not fully dry I'll just put the lines with this guy here what's real important about this it sounds kind of lame but the expansion the expansion here here here yeah that helps that help secure that helps it so it doesn't crack in the future but these refinishing products if you go to Home Depot or Lowe's say hey you talk to somebody say what do you suggest as far as refinishing concrete say my concrete needs uh-oh inch or two it needs to be resurfaced and that's all they need to know there are many many products that can be applied just like I'm applying it and if I knew the names of them I'd say it but I don't do this for a living I mean I do it on my own stuff and I've done it for many many many years but for other folks I tell no he's either break the concrete out or go to Home Depot and buy those products because again I'm using something that's specifically engineered for another thing and throughout our 800-900 videos I don't like to show something that is not a designated material for exactly what you need we make it a point to show everything that kosher everything that is done by professionals so this has I know a lot of my plastering buddies do this but but it's not something that I encourage anybody to do I'm just showing it because I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone meaning when I get home I'll take a picture and all those people who keep emailing me on that one notorious video I did what's it look like now I'm gonna put it at the end of this video because it was done a couple years ago and before that 25 years anyhow you see where this is going you can resurface concrete guys just don't do it this way because this is not really a user-friendly material this is poly bond then you mix it with sand he really takes a lot of years in go to Home Depot buy some of the quick creeds or that creates and they have resurfacing materials that is ready okay guys just to follow up video it's the weekend and I'm still messing around this is what the concrete of my house looks like I I did it I resurfaced this about a couple years ago just last night I was answering some comments I get a lot of comments all the time so on this one video I had about ten comments saying can you show us an update of what it looks like no we don't generally go back a month later and try to do updates and what what the stuff looks like but it's here and I'm here in Jason's here so I just want to show okay we resurfaced this again that was the second time I resurfaced it once it 25 years did I need to resurface it again no but because I could I did I just want to say there are certain things in this trade and then possibly all your trades that other folks do you could improvise without destroying the integrity of any material guys if you know what you're doing don't do what Kirk does on this one or on the video that's gonna be in the description because I'm answering two questions at once everybody says Kirk that's gonna that's gonna the first rain it's going to come off no it's not guys and it's not gonna come off if it's driven over but if it's driven over with a forklift which it will be because I have material dropped off here so what anyway I'm just it's resurfacing you guys want to resurface your own concrete go to Home Depot go to Lowe's and they're about six different products of all the major contractors they sell there it says concrete resurfacing the one thing you guys got to understand is nothing no concrete resurfacer caulking adhesive will adhere to a dusty surface so in the first video I had my pressure washer here in the video I say pressure watch it 10 to 20 people immediately well you're supposed to wet the ground they see it I mention it but they don't read the description nor do they even watch the video before commenting so guys this just to say no comments necessary just read read the words watch the video and if you're not certain just disregarded but don't leave bogus comments on it so I'm answering two videos with this one video and again if I watch both videos guys it's all explained in there anyway my name is Kirk Jason on the camera we thank you folks for watching and as usual see you on the next one by the way folks my dad and I are now members of Amazon affiliates so if you're looking to buy any of the plastering or construction tools you've seen in our videos and you want to support us in the process you can check the links below our video or you can go to our website and get them there if you have any other questions that for tools we don't have linked email us direct and we'll respond to you then once again folks we thank you for watching and I really enjoy all your comments you guys like this video please click the like button down below and also if you enjoy what we do subscribe to our channel so we can keep making these videos for you my name is Kirk and J we thank you for watching and from the entire Giordano family will see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 64,942
Rating: 4.874177 out of 5
Keywords: Resurfacing concrete, how to repair concrete steps youtube, how to fix cracks in concrete steps, concrete crack filler, self leveling concrete crack filler, quikrete advanced polymer self-leveling sealant, Sakrete-fast setting-leveling resurfacer, quikrete concrete leveler, sinking concrete sidewalk, sidewalk concrete is sinking, Resurfacing Concrete sidewalk, Refinishing concrete sidewalks, Concrete sidewalk Sinking, Polybond - CMP Specialty
Id: uYx6Km0OwEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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