Smoked Brisket How to Video | Rec Tec Pellet Grills

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me baby that's right you seen the title you know what I'm doing I'm get ready to show you guys how to make it delicious you know and juicy you know brisket hey listen this is super easy well you know what I'm going to take that back I'm not gonna say it super easy listen we're gonna learn from this right here and this video is really intended for those who like want to go ahead and try to conquer it and do it themselves listen this is a visual guy you guys it just check it out you know what I mean so we can work together I'm gonna show you a little bit about the trimming and then I'm gonna do another just a full trim that's gonna go really really you know like em death right so listen it's got some trimming and then I gotta tell you this listen I'm using a pellet grill to smoke this brisket you know listen that takes out the management part for me Madison in the fire right but listen this is just like I say if you're thinking about getting one this is show you that and listen I'm gonna give you all the temperatures and everything and what to look for whether you're doing it you know in a vertical smoker you're doing it down like some type of stick burner even if you're gonna do it on a weber kettle grill listen it's a lot of information I'm not gonna overtalk it in this beginning again listen it's a lot of information that you know that's why this video is gonna be just like a little lengthy but other than that we're gonna get right into it so here we go let's start our trim now listen the reason I'm doing it you know and showing you like this you know mean because it listen when you trim this could have been a separate video on its own this is really going after all the new people that want to like tackle it's doing the brisket so you guys can have it like a visual guy so you can see right so you see me using a boning knife that's the boning knife I have in mind and I just made a couple of little trims we'll talk about that in just a little while but right now I want to start out by just showing you you know when you have the brisket and if you facing your brisket and your point is to the right which is the bigger part and the left will be your flat you can see that it has like this hard little I just call it like a like a heel it's a real piece of hard meat I mean hard fat right listen it won't render down so I take my boning knife and as you see listen I just make a series of like I'm gonna just say slashes or you know like small cuts or whatever and then if you notice I'm taking my left hand and I'm like pulling it I'm right-handed you guys and as I pull it that hard piece of you know fat right there which will not render now if you pull it you'll be able to see it and using a boning knife like that you just like keep sliding their back and notice how it's just starting to tear right out you know I mean it just it just cuts right out you know real nice now that right there is like super hard and you notice I got a bag over there so I put all my fat in there now you can see listen when I turn it this way you can see you know it's still a little thick now right here what I'm doing is I'm scribing in it right because listen we gonna go ahead and shape it so I just make a line that's the line I'm going I want to cut on and even notice that the meat right there is kind of like brown so then I go ahead and get my other knife and make sure you guys have a sharp knife it'll make your job much much easier and if your your brisket is cold you know it cuts much much easier when it's cold you know I mean like a semi I'm just gonna say cold I don't you want to say frozen but as you can see I just cut that out right and now if you notice listen it's a little silver skin it's kind of like picking up to me you know I mean I'm kind of like rushing through it but I just want to show you guys just how easy it is now just notice how I picked it up from the bottom you know using that boning knife you can start cleaning up some of that silver skin that's just like a technique that makes it super easy then I flip it over and then if you notice right here I made I did another scribe right and then I just followed that line and what we're doing is we're cleaning it up we cutting up some of that uh cutting off a lot of that fat on the side we streamlining it getting rid of any oxidation on the side and we going from there look at that that's nothing but fat you none of that now then when we working with the point excuse me when we working with the flat go ahead and just make yourself I do listen I'm doing a lot of this you know what I mean because when my friends come over everybody's like super critical so I'm squaring it up and making it real nice you know in this little move right here that I'm doing right here on this flat this is more so for like anybody that's using a stick burner you know it's just making a streamline the air flow of you know things like that but today I'm gonna be cooking this on my record X 680 pellet grill this and so this is more a cosmetic type thing as far as the procedures are me using you know the smoke just now you see that arrow right there that right there listen if you can see it that's like brown you're kinda like oxidized don't forget you know I took it out yesterday you know what I mean and I put it in my uh when I took it out yesterday I put it in a refrigerator you came out of the plastic so it kinda like oxidized it just a little bit on the edges so we get rid of that now when I flip it over we gonna work with this I used to call this the bottom but now that I've been doing a little research on you know because I was doing this video this is really the top now right here notice right here you see where I cut in I didn't need to take really no fat off of that and so me trying to get some fat it wasn't thick enough there and I started cutting it to the moon so I stopped you know what I mean now I want to show you this part right here it's real important when you have your positioning correct when you know you couldn't reason being if you turn it the right way you can see the meat and you can see the line or where the fat is this allows you to be able to make your cuts and you won't work on it as long oh and I forgot to tell you guys listening you can be critical in this and you can end up trimming on these for about an hour you know so it's really about what you want to do you know you want to be as efficient as you can you know I mean as quick as possible it's not a race but you know I mean you know hey listen I got to say this listen no two briskets are the same I don't care if I copy what you see me doing right now and I cook it the exact same easy brisket comes out different you know this is like the what I can tell you is listen experience is what's gonna make you good with cooking the gristle this video is intended to just be a you know like a guy right so now I'm just moving it around I'm doing like two basic you know cuts trimming it and streamlining it and again that happened the way I have your position you can see it you know I mean I can see the fact and then I can see you know where the media is I can see the oxidation and I just make the little trims or whatever right then we'll start fine-tuning once we get towards the end look at that oxidizing me you know so now we gonna work up here by the point you can see that steady now what I should have told you is well listen when you're using your hands listen you can touch your brisket you can feel the difference between the fat when it's soft when it's softer you know that I don't render down meaning when you cook it that's going to just like you don't like melt like butter right and when it's hard I mean when I say hard like a heel that's what it is that right there won't render so what I'm doing is I'm just making the trims look that's a lot of fat you know so another thing to make sure you guys don't cut towards your fingers and nothing like that you know I got to get you know do a little bit better job but it's tough when I'm filming you know so now we come back to this area right here look ideas it's almost like cutting us you know it like some are refrigerated butter that right there is what you want to cut out right so look I just cut around it I make you know I pulled on it and then you can see it needs a little bit more in there so then you can start fine tuning it but if you look at remember what the brisket looked like when we first started and looking at it now you could just see a listen we trim it a lot this brisket was 16 no fifteen point eight pounds I took off five point two pounds of fat this is just a binder right you got to have something so that when we put our seasoning on top of the brisket you want it to stick I can tell you it's kind of like a little tacky right now anyway so what i'ma do is we still gonna go ahead and use this alright so this is nothing but just yellow mustard and before I do that I always make this mistake listen we gonna start from the bottom start with the fat side you know huh here we go we gonna start this on right now you want to go ahead and get your mustard but most importantly you want to have clean hand in the hand and you know like actually does the rubbing so I take my right hand and just apply my mustard on there and then I take my left hand you know because I'm right-handed I take my left hand it's just like I want to say massage it but what you're doing is just coating the brisket so that when you apply you know your rug whichever type of rub you use you just want it to be able to stick on there you know real easy you want to get yourself one of these big shakers like this these are nice this was this probably had I don't even remember what was in it I just use something that I had already just peeled off the sticker me my you know my seasoning and just went from there know if you know this you want to get it on the side too right so I just take it and let it fall into my hand and I Pat it onto the meat that way that's like you guys can see it down here you can see it doesn't have any as I let it fall into my hand I just Pat it on like that and you'll be able to see it on there we're just trying to border around you do it again now look now we just flip it over and look I want to bring it up close and personal so you guys can see we go ahead and put some of that mustard on there right then you just want to go ahead and just like spread it throughout and then go ahead and take your you know your shaker and then you just want to add it on top that's gonna look like it's gonna be it like a little excessive but then you want to go ahead and take your hand and just Pat it down just like that then we gonna leave it and let it you know just sit on there as our grill comes up to town okay then look I got my grill it's up to uh it's up to temp we had 250 degrees right I brought this outside now get ready to put it on and then I want you guys to look at the placement and I will place to point you know towards my stack you know this is my exhaust my chimney right I noticed on my grill that it gets a little bit a little hotter on this side so I put it in here just like this and what I'm doing is I'm a close that let me just go ahead and close it now and I'm not going to look at it again for at least an hour and a half so I'm gonna set the timer right now for an hour and a half and we just gonna let that cook let it come back up to temp and then we'll check on it again okay look my timer just went off look it's my first hour and a half right there's two things I'm gonna be looking for the first thing is I'm gonna be looking to see you know we gonna check to like the edges and see any if any part of the brisket is like starting to dry out and for that then I'm a spritz now listen when I spritz I'm using about a 50/50 mix between you know it's just a red wine vinegar and you know water just dilute it and then we gonna spray it now used to make the mistake before like spraying my brisket trying to keep you moist on top but don't forget we trying to set a bark right so we don't want all that moisture on there we just wanted to be naturally moist right and other than that you know we just look at the edges and if they need to be those free then we just spritz around the hedges just enough to keep it moist then we gonna closing now I got to tell you this let's not not look at it not one time you're not I mean for one I'm losing a pedigree oh I can see my temperature and my temperature stay and 250 degrees so let's take a look out okay it's been three hours and now we're gonna go ahead and take a look at it oh yeah this is looking real good now imma go ahead and check it here they could use what's nice back here [Music] I'm gonna go ahead right there look like you're starting to you know get a little dry to me so I'm gonna go ahead just whip that back let's just go ahead and give it a little around here right but we have a lot of fat around a point so up here yeah this still moist but I just want to make sure background here and then listen all these things I was looking at right now there's this area right here right I'm gonna go ahead just give it a light dusting and that's it now I'm going to turn this let it come back to tip and we're gonna take a look at it I guess I'm gonna come back and take a look at it right now I'm gonna start doing it on the hour so every hour after the first three hours right so see you guys in one more hour okay look now we got four hours under our belt right so what I'm doing is I'm going ready to open it and then I want to look at it to see I'm looking to see that Park I'm looking for a certain color right I'm looking for that reddish you know it's got like a little bark on the top and then it's kind of like you know a little bit of you know being moist you know from the from where it's starting to contract and push out some of that you know that grease that's in the inside some of that you know that fat goodness right so that's what I'm looking for so let's go ahead open it up and look and then we want to take a look and make sure their edges because that's key you don't want your edges just like burn you know I mean you don't want to dry them out a net like that so let's take a look right now [Music] now you cannot you can see it look they're starting to pool a little bit this way you know inside this little indentation and then right here I can see where I started to sweat you know roll some of this grease off right so let me go and turn this light on I'm gonna look around I'm gonna take my hand you know we just want to check the back make sure it's not drying out that you feel just right here is nice and moist what we left at cap you know I mean it's nice and the split is coming this is not nowhere near where I want it but I can tell you this on his way now once I'm like the color you know I mean and I feel like it has set and then we wrap it we don't check the temperature and then we'll go right now we're looking to get somewhere between 100 and 60 degrees here okay 160 degrees to 170 degrees this is a nice big chunk of meat we got to get just right here to render down so we don't want to try this part out so I'll be ready to close the lid get it back to 250 degrees then we're gonna continue smoking now look a couple hours went by and then I can look at it and once I got my bark to where I like it then I you know I keep checking it while my history you just saw 173 degrees now it's time to take it inside and get it wrapped okay now you see okay we inside now I'm gonna go ahead just pick it up listen this hot so I'm gonna get it down here I just got to pick it out one more time there we go now you can see the bark is set I like it the way it looks let me just go ahead rinse my hands [Music] I'm going to take my butcher paper right put it on here like this now we're gonna pick it up we bring it like this and what we want to do is we want to pull it back towards you because you want it to be tight that way you know what the less space it has the you know the easier it is for it to just cook keep it nice and tight because we want to push through that stall right so come back over again like this pull just want to make sure it stays tight we do it again just like this and then we don't finish with it like that now here I'll just take it and I'll tuck it just like you see now that big giant brisket that's all in here now what I'm getting ready to do is we getting ready to go back on the grill remember you want to after you get wrapped I do there's a whole bunch of different ways to do this but me I like to raise the temperature up to about 275 degrees once this up to 275 degrees it's wrap we put it back along okay we all saw it now we can ready to put it on the grill remember we had 275 degrees we got that one hole right to check the temperature and what we're going to do is we're gonna use that one hole to just go ahead and check and check the tenderness awesome so when it comes time for me to start checking their tenderness especially down in the flat I guess that might be saying that I guess we don't have two holes in it because we've got to be able to stick like a toothpick in it just to make sure it's like super tender all right so now you know once I open it up hey you just want to make sure I let you guys know this that I did turn my temperature up to 275 degrees now I put my where my point is facing the left to the left and my flat is to the right and that's facing more towards the outlet you know like the chimney I put a hair all right there so you guys can see it and look we're looking for an internal temp of 205 degrees and what you guys didn't see is I put my meat stick you know thermometer in there so that I'm able to check it so once that reached that temperature I took it off and then I let it rest now you saw me taking that paper that uh that tile off the top cuz I let it rest you know and come up to temp cool down to temp on its own you know like slowly it rested for about one hour now after I open it up this is what we looking at right here now I'll show you again let me go ahead and grab the toothpick you can see no resistant just like butter when you put it in there so now it's time to slice now I'm gonna you know slice it like that right but I'm gonna start on his hand right here because listening ends become like the driest part as far as you know when I make them you know I still haven't perfected the technique to keep everything like super moist you can see it's like a little bit more overcooked than I like but I promise you when I tell you those right there makes for some good mmm and now you know we're doing the UH the flat right so this is like the leanest part of the whole brisket so as you can see oh and I gotta tell you this too you guys probably have figured this out by now listen I need to sharpen my knife I keep saying I'm gonna do everybody this video was over when I did it now you could just see I'm gonna show you right now I just you know tears like oh man just right here hey making my mouth water just looking at it you know it just it's not I always say is super simple i'ma just say listen it's easy to follow this this is a great guy for you guys who wanted like tackle you know doing a brisket and I promise you after you make one you're gonna run out and want to make another you know hey listen they are easy but I will tell you this as many briskets out of me I'm still learning offer every cook I take something away to you know to my next cook so listen it's like you know like art and again I hate to say this but I should have sharper in my life but anyway it looks so now we're gonna go ahead and slice some of that some of the good good pieces right here now listen now we're working with the point right these slices right here make for the best sandwiches in on the planet if you like brisket you died for that right here but then they got something that's even better than that and you'll see in just one second I'm gonna show you a tenner they call it - Texas gold I'm gonna show you some of those pieces right there hey you see this right here this right here with that fat in it and listen I'm gonna show you guys you know about doing some burnt ends you know I'm gonna do those later okay listen we're gonna do a lot of briskets throughout this summer but this right here I just want to tell you it's easy if you want more videos like this just let me know and you know what I'm just gonna say enjoy so I want you guys to tell me what you think about this here let me know down in the comment section below listen if you didn't know that all of this you know all of the details into making the great brisket listen the cook can be anywhere from I must say I've even done on Halloween you know from like 10 I'm gonna say even that's it's going slow right from 10 hours to 14 hours listen each brisket you do is different I want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below was this video helpful if you want to see other videos like this listen I'm gonna go ahead and get more in-depth you know and like future videos but listen this was just to show you guys you know the details and what it takes to you know make a delicious of brisket now I want you guys to let me know hey well else would you do with just brisket you already see me use it in the chili this one I'm gonna tell you the possibilities are endless it's just like a pulled pork but I'm gonna say this listen you don't really have no extra this or that either you won't make your brisket for whatever and you got to try to like make sure it goes there back it's more than likely you're gonna just like eat it up I can tell you this them sandwiches are to kill for hey that being said listen so if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey welcome to my channel thank you for watching this video don't forget to Like and subscribe write and tell everybody out here there's a channel out here there's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cook and if you've been follow me for a minute you know how I'm gonna get out of here folks I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 397,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, smoked brisket, smoked meat, rec tec grills, rec tec, pellet grill, pellet grills, rec tec grill, brisket sandwich, texas brisket, bbq, beef brisket, low and slow, smoked beef brisket, how to smoke brisket, smoking meats, brisket, barbecue, beef, bbq brisket, grilling, beef brisket recipe, cooking, food, recipe, brisket recipe, trim a brisket, meat, recipes, how to, pellet smoker, how to cook brisket, dinner, smoker, grill, smoking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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