Smoking Brisket | Funday Friday | recteq

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brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket and brisket brisket with brisket brisket [Music] [Applause] brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket and brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket brisket oh thank you guys so much for tuning in and hanging out with us there is nothing wrong with your television set today it's all about brisket it's brisket 101 here pork ribs or butts i guess that would be a funnier joke to wheel them into thinking that we're doing brisket when we're really not or we're just going to cook brisket would that be cool i dig it i brisk it brisk ah fun but hey i'm jody flatting and barbecue dad your rec tech expert with me as always chef craig muller your director of culinary innovation and the main man's of the ones and twos kicking off this circus chef john over there yeah what's up everybody how you guys doing make sure you put all your comments questions and concerns in the comments section just keep it going if you guys think we're cooking a brisket wrong please express your hatred in the comment section down below we check it each and every day we love reading all of your comments and thank you so much once again uh if you don't have anything to say just put where you're watching from in the comment section down below we'd love to know gorgeous type brisket brisket b-r-i-s-k-e-t well it is all about brisket today i guess you can call it brisket 101 brisket tips and tricks just the just the brisket oh wait i got you yeah i see what you're saying we've got a winner to announce last week we spun the wheel of rec tech and landed on rt590 now i know it may have looked like it landed on an rt700 but unfortunately due to the stock levels of the rt-700 it had to be removed after the fact from the board and it was replaced with a rt 590 space we'll announce that winner at the end of the show now due to that change we had to put the wheel of rec tech in repair yes uh so it is not needed job bad it needed a paint job i think the rotors need to be turned in it as well updated a little bit too the computer system and it needed to be updated in it it was out of balance yeah mm-hmm it sure enough was the hydraulics when you had to adjust it yeah the little flat spot tire yeah for sure and they also think it was broke because it landed on 700 three weeks in a row so they're making it yeah they're making sure that it is legit kind of put some weights in the bottom to make sure we're just i don't know who's the idea of that one brisket but hey guys thank you so much for tuning in make sure you smash that share button three two one smash it uh and share the brisket love and brisket knowledge all over the internet we've got a master chef uh world class master chef a french trained chef and then a dude from harlem here showing you all about brisket basically what you're saying is we've got it covered we've got it covered we've got it covered we've got it covered all right speaking of getting it covered this cutting board right here is covered with this amazing get on in there sir 13.41 pound usda choice brisket star of the show yeah 37 dollars and 20 cents 2.78 cents a pound what i would say this is a value when it comes to brisket for sure we're not cooking uh cow cattle company biscuits today if you want to like have the be all end all brisket check them out at but this is a brisket that you guys are probably going to cook at the house right okay personally i'd like to try to find one a little bit bigger i'm a 16 to 18 pound kind of guy but um you know this is a little bit bigger than what i've seen some folks out there cook and consider a whole pack of brisket yeah so this has your flat and your point attached and i look for a nice thick one okay right so i know john's you know kind of a long and slender kind of guy garthy i'm more of a short and fat kind of guy right so i want i want a brisket it's got two kids a lot of good girth to it right because it's gonna cook a little more evenly a little more efficiently yep yep we'll go ahead and open this bad boy up and don't do one of those where you scar it don't do it okay don't do it okay get that knife away from you lift it up and uh you know just a good question real quick did is this true did hank aaron pass away unfortunately unfortunately we didn't want to fill the show with any uh negativity or or bring the show down i didn't even hear about it yes unfortunately some of the folks are hearing it first uh hank aaron has left us home man former home run 86 87 how old was he 86. man thank you so all the braves fans out there uh we're we're all feeling the same so we're hammering i'm surprised you don't have your braves hat on today that's right john i'll just say shout out to all the braves out there watching i love you guys uh i pray for you each and every night all right so this is our brisk here so we've got our lean meat or your your flat yeah flat is considered a super lean cut and then your point would be kind of over in here so to clean this bad boy up we are going to trim a little bit um on the back side here see there's that grain it's basically where the meat's kind of been cooked or steamed and that's just a byproduct of the manu uh the main cryovaccine well or you know bandsaw it's chilled so it could be something along those lines but we're going to clean this up a little bit there's some good hard fat here this would be good for you know sausage and stuff like that what i like to do is i want to trim off the outside because since that's already cooked right you're not going to get smoked to penetrate um and again if it doesn't look good i ain't going to eat it so i'm just going to kind of go in here and that's right but guys put your brisket questions in the comment section down below a wealth of knowledge we've probably cooked over 10 000 briskets between the three of us at least so we've got uh the skills to pay the bills that's right you got a good question i see your paul yes this one comes from top fan john starsvick he asked what about the bin test before purchases chef greg um i think it's a fallacy right because if your cryovac is really tight um it's not going to flex as much but again you can see this is a pretty you know limber piece of meat or if it's really cold chef greg look how thin it is right and this meat is not super cold okay but see how thin that is of course it's going to be floppy if that was a thicker piece of meat and it was really cold but to make your life easy i do recommend putting in the freezer for about 30 minutes or so before you uh you cut it up now this hard piece of fat i am going to get rid of yeah putting it into the freezer makes it much easier to cut you can see that's all fat okay this is good stuff to grind if you want to save it up for some sausage and stuff but it's not all going to render out so i want to remove it one of my tips too is i like to cut it with the grain and that way i tend to not scar it when you're cutting against the grain your knife might hit one of those protein and dig in make a divot yep so for me i'm going to grab that that knife and just kind of shave the top and remove off this kind of yucky upright if you guys didn't know we have rec tech academies about six to seven times a year this year unfortunately unfortunately and unfortunately is already sold out you can get the step-by-step instructions to cook competition brisket ribs chicken and pork butt from some of the hands down best cooks in the world uh at rec tech academy check it out uh at rec john you got a good question all right so the questions are chris from these brisket yeah they're starting to roll in now so first of all we had a great uh comment advice if you will from matt onset he said uh when taking the plastic off have the fat side towards you so that if you do accidentally slice it into the meat you're just going to slice it to the fat side i think that's a great tip great that's a great tip and then also so they got them coming in now they want to know chef greg is that fat uh good for hamburger meat if you're going to grind your own hamburger now this stuff on the top this spongy stuff i just tossed right you know it's kind of it's kind of gross um so i'm gonna do is anything kind of like flapping off the side i'm going to get rid of right because it's it's just going to kind of burn up it's going to be gross this is going to be that that fattier meat right there um and jody's going to show you on that little pet cow there yeah the brisket is the sterile muscle right and your biscuit can be found right here on the cow this this your your pectoral muscle uh about 60 of the cow's body weight is supported by both side briskets so doing a lot of work but again you're there's the cow is still able there's still a lot of marbling a lot of fat uh that winds up in that lean meat of that brisket now the like we were saying the point is super super fatty that's where you're going to find a lot of the fat content uh and then the flat is the leaner part of course those are two muscles the point will sit just like this on the flat and you can see i'm exposing the the protein on the point there's so much fat in there um getting rid of the surface fat will help aid in that cooking a little bit more evenly and efficiently now common misconception fat means it's going to be moist not true fat intramuscularly yes will yield a nice moist uh finished result fat on the top oil and water does not mix right it's not magically going to go through the meat and keep it moist so it's not going to melt greg and kind of and kind of baste you know the the going down it's not going to baste it in any way it's not going to happen so for me if i'm not going to eat it i'm going to get rid of it i want to get bark i want to get flavor i want to get seasoning on here shoot you okay and as i am smashing this brisket point i need you guys out there to smash that share button three two one smash it thank you guys so much we're having such a great time out here on the rec tec deck for fun day friday we do this every friday 12 noon easter standard live right here on facebook put your comments questions hatred criticism in the comments section down below chefs john is reading off all those questions that fat is a half an inch thick right there right you're not going to get smoke going through that okay so again spend five minutes trimming it you're not gonna get crazy with it no okay spend five minutes trimming it and you'll be surprised how much better your results right right your questions are coming in here they come from uh steve bluthman asks can you separate the flat in the point and do it separately absolutely for sure a lot of competition cooks uh will separate and then actually cook them you know laying on top of each other so yes competition cooks and you can do that for yourself at home but guys if you're cooking it for your family why go through all of that work when you could have just as good if not better of a finished product doing it like we're showing you right here right chef greg i like cooking them together i think they cook a little more uh evenly okay so unless the brisket point is really big now this one here is not i would say it's not bad but it's not super big so i would actually prefer to keep those together and you can see how like just thick and gross this is on this side um so you're just taking all of that thick and gross stuff off of that all of that that hard fat now i'm not gouging the meat right i'm just kind of giving it a shave and a haircut right and getting this fat good and cold a nice sharp knife will make a world of don't forget we were announcing a rt 590 winner at the end of the show um and john you got a good question yeah i got a couple good questions first one comes from jimmy smith he guys he's asked do you guys ever inject your briskets yeah absolutely greg is in agreement with me we always inject for competitions um greg will always always always practice uh for a competition when he's cooking his brisket and inject trim it the way you know we normally do for a competition me easy peasy lemon squeezy i won't even wrap my brisket when it gets 160 170 when it gets that good color normally traditionally when most folks wrap i don't even wrap i let it go 100 of the time 250 degrees until it's probe tender tender i start checking uh with my therma pin after about 200 degrees then i start checking about every 30 minutes to see if that bad boy is probed tender now we've only probably taken off maybe a pound and a half of meat here not not that much fat yeah you can see this is fairly consistent right so if i kind of give it a little smoosh because i like giving my meat a smoosh you know i'm not that much thinner down here as i am on top now some briskets have a huge piece of fat right in here okay and then i might get in there and whittle some of that out because what i want to do is the more even i can make this the easier the more even it's going to cook so if you get in there with a knife you can feel okay and you want that bad boy to pass the nasa uh streamline uh smoke test all right we got a question from top fan zach keane he asked uh best knife for trimming brisket and other cuts of meat the sharpest knife in your kitchen you can see that i just took out about an inch thick piece of right and then you can open it up and if you need to get back in there and trim a little more okay and again this is not gonna hurt anything this is sometimes what you see those guys when they cut that brisket in half they squeeze it yep okay and no matter what you do right now ladies and gentlemen it's not going to change the taste of the meat not at all so now might be a little difficult to see on camera but we are probably the same height right there it's nice okay and i didn't get everything off this is just a backyard trend right okay this is a five minute trim that's it easy peasy baby all right chef greg michael wilson asks is there a difference in cooking methods for sliced brisket versus chopped brisket so chop brisket you tend to not overcook um or cook to a as high internal temp so a chopped brisket you might cook to like 194 195 a little bit under because you're going to tenderize that brisket when you chop it for a slice brisket you have to go to probe tender okay there's not a number for probe tender it can be around 203 degrees but not always typically uh your lower quality pieces of meat will be closer to 203 the higher internal fat content usda prime wagyu you're going to go higher now i did a choice today okay we went to 208 and that's when it was tender so i kept cooking until it was 208 now having said that if you're doing a two pound flat okay lord jesus do not cook that for 20 hours right there's not it's not big enough to withstand that now having said that that two pound flat you're not going to get those brisket slices like you're used to right okay that's great for beef jerky it's great for stews it's great for that shiner brock braised beef right but those that piece of meat isn't big enough to withstand a long cook that's right there might not be enough moisture there you might never get that piece of meat to 203 degrees shoot you so if you keep trying to cook it to temp it's not going to happen absolutely chef john good good question great question from christopher christopher french he asked if your flat is too thin should you just go ahead and trim it for a grind since it will more likely burn or just leave it absolutely if you're going to utilize that product later on for something else go ahead and cutting it off to grind it fantastic absolutely um everything here is is pretty good good shape i'm i'm happy with that that thing looks good you said it was about 14 pounds right when we started 13.71 i believe okay so it's about 11 pounds right now yeah i've got you here um it's a good trick we learned at rec tech academy for one of our academy instructors miss lynnae oxley lupe sugar's barbecue got a little it's got a little flavor to it i'm telling you and a little bit goes a long way a little umami right there absolutely i also found too it helped get some good color to the meat you know i mean like now i'm not a huge fan of molasses a lot of folks like to not say right not on any beef you know you want to stay more uh savory and less sweet and again those those uh back to your point earlier sorry chef those recipes for the brisket reaching 195 and then pulling it nine times out of ten that's going to be a chopped brisket recipe ladies and gentlemen if you see a sliced brisket recipe that only takes you to 195 again it is it was meant to be chopped jody we got a question from top fan dennis vasper dennis yo he asks is prime worth the additional money for briskets for me it absolutely positively is dennis i can take this is one of the the few things that i can taste the difference in it's a texture thing it might not be a flavor thing it's definitely a texture absolutely so if we were to to slice this beautiful brisket up and present it to you and then cook a delicious cow american wagyu brisket and slice it up you would physically even be able to see a difference i promise you oh yeah so if you if you've got the means and you know you like the finer things in life it is definitely for you without a doubt now when i season this up you got to be liberal it's a big piece of meat you take a lot of flavor so we got some of that boar's night out white lightning some that bends heifer dust yes and layering the flavor shifter i'm going to season this up and i'm going to let it sit in the fridge for at least four hours now when you're when you put the stuff on there they've got a lot of debate in the comments section about fat side up or fat side down okay all right so so for me um let's think about it this way you you know you've got the chamber of the grill okay let's imagine that this is our grate and you've got the chamber of the grill and there's smoke circulating around on the chamber why in the world would you want to put the meat down to where it could absorb less of that smoke so that is my scientific reasoning now traditionally you always point the fat towards the heat source so again fat pointing down traditionally is a good thing but to me in my head scientifically that's that's why i do it because i feel like it gets way more smoke absorption when you've got meat side up that's great science okay but ultimately whether you cook fat up or fat down it's not going to make too much of a difference now one thing i want to keep in mind the brisket has a nice dome to it right here so this is going to sweat what you don't want to do is have it puddle because again that's going to prevent smoke hitting the meat you might see an inconsistent smoke ring but we did mention that word smoke ring okay smoke ring you can make a smoke ring smoke ring without actually any smoke at all what nitrites no way if you use sea salt on your meat okay try it the next time season your meat with sea salt there's natural nitrites in that salt that's going to react with the myoglobin of the meat and give that pinking back in the day way back in the day and kind of in on our professional chef competitions we would cheat the system by using a little tinted curing mix or curing salts on the base of the meat to enhance that color pigmentation um fakely that's crazy but it's how it is all right so you know all this brisket talk greg you know i wanted to tell my story from last night you know i did smoke a brisket all night last night you looked a little tired this morning yup yup my lungs they're killing me beer there's nothing finer than a shiner get out there and get a shiner box beer and we've got a shiner like kegerator right now we do we do thank you so much to to uh shiner box beer for hooking that up so we're going to start this off at 275 okay you can smoke at 275 you can smoke it 225 you can smoke it 325. with the right tech you're burning wood the entire time i got this bad boy rolling at 275 degrees burning those kingsford hickory pellets because i want to pack this thing full of flavor big time cold flavor almost bacony um you know it's it's you get more smoke out of the hickory than you do you know i feel like any other definitely a more robust flavor we'll let this go about four or four and a half hours okay and that's it before we wrap it up now our three mark we might need to give a little spritz right with some i can't believe it's not butter spray why that's one of our secrets at certain parts it might start to dry out a little bit and we want to keep that uh surface somewhat moist so that it can uh you know have the most even consistent bark right and if you guys want to see me put this on the grill go ahead and smash that share button right now tag a buddy down below share this into maybe uh some groups you're a part of if you've got like a you know a yard sale group or you know like a i don't know right blue headband special but let's spread the love all right now we put this on the grill i'm gonna put this towards the right side of the rt700 because i want that fat to get down and out of the grill oh very good you put it all the way to the left all that fat and grease is going to run off that drip pan you don't need it plus i want to cook some more stuff on the other side so you want to spot me on this lid absolutely get on here come on in here sharp but again normally i'm going to let this sit for about 30 you know minutes to an hour at least before i put it on um you can see that seasoning's not all oh yeah and i like to give it a little smush in the fashion i wanted to cook so i want that that flat to you know kind of poke up a little bit just give a little rub right just like your ribs ladies and gentlemen when you put your ribs on the grill you want it to uh sit on the grill like you want it to cook so plump it up squeeze it make it just just just be like a little fat ball that's what i'm talking about on that grill john you gotta get cut yes sir so aaron it comes from aaron west he asks when you let it roll out without wrapping you spray slash missed it with anything the brisket when you let it roll out yeah without wrapping rolling when you let it roll though yeah well i do the uh i do our butter trick you know um you gotta keep it every hour-ish keep it a little moist um but yes i have done it to where you know we don't didn't spray any butter on it made absolutely beautiful bark on the outside uh but now i'm a fan of that uh spray butter it always gives me um a beautiful color john another good question yes now they're asking a lot about the trim job uh chef craig they want to know what knives they should be using to trim their brisket like the sharpest knife that you have it doesn't it doesn't matter if it's a four inch paring knife or a ten inch slicer okay the sharpest knife you have absolutely i like a stiff knife okay whether that's a boning knife or a chef's knife a slicing knife i like the rigidity of a stiff knife but again whatever is the sharpest knife in your your drawer is what you want to use right and you can literally trim a brisket with anything absolutely it just depends on what you want to roll and greg how can they if they've got a little knife in the drawer that you know they open and close the drawer a lot and it gets dull how can they how can they kind of sharpen that up without even having a knife sharpener if you put a knife in a drawer and like you're one of those guys yeah you don't deserve it i don't have nice sharpness i don't have nice things to say about you okay um i like to store my knives vertically on a on a magnet right at the house they're on a magnet um things that slide in and out are okay but again that knife is riding that all the time plus it hits the bottom it's hitting the tip okay don't be that guy break that tip but we like using shaft and glass stones to sharpen our knives i sharpen by hand um i enjoy it but again it's a little bit tedious talk about boxing use the bottom of a coffee cup just flip that old mug over and uh wear that uh that's what greg people love that tip that's it ceramic it's a little bit abrasive you can take that and kind of draw the knife over the top um but if you're in the market for a sharpener we do recommend the wicked edge it's a little bit pricey but it comes with those dmt diamond stones you can't you can't account for quality okay okay it's the best out there but you know we we got one already on it yep ready to go yeah you guys smash that share button if you want to see this delicious brisket that we cooked all morning yep really all night it was all morning stevie put it on at four no five o'clock this morning i wrapped it at 9 30. um and then i turned the grill off at john when were you filming twelve o'clock twelve o'clock eleven o'clock ten minutes ten o'clock ten o'clock ten o'clock ten thirty i turned it off all right boys it's relaxed yeah and you can let these bad boys rest you know for up to three to four hours uh in competition heck uh i've known folks to arrest them as long as six hours because they finish so early so jody can we talk injection real quick we've got a lot of people in the comment section asking can you over inject what do you inject with absolutely like you can definitely overdo it that's why you know i personally recommend if if you're just oh yeah that looks good chef if it's your first time cooking a brisket cook it without injecting it without doing anything crazy that way you can get kind of a baseline for your for how it should taste and then you can kind of dive into the injecting but yes with a lot of those phosphates and stuff you know heck you could uh leave that injection in there for too long uh you know over 24 hours right chef greg is way too long um you know and chef greg can speak more on this um but uh oh wow if you guys could smell oh my gosh it smells delicious right absolutely jody crystal field klein's is out there she said my birthday is next week and i need an academy ticket chef greg yep chef greg chris we will get you on we can get you on the wait list like everybody else or we can add her to the employee uh list okay we can just put her to work there you go yeah john will be in charge of her look at that right there wow gotta smash that share button look at that brisket now i did not add any beef as you to this wrap would you risk it for that brisket okay there was no bfa as you in the wrap so no injection no beethouse this is just a like a bad easy peasy you know usd wrap job now i did have some beef as you right there not super fatty right there i'm going to add that in there just like that so bad so bad chef greg what were we using today what buddy what palestine the kingston is gonna give you that bold traditional flavor i'm just bacon now since i did trim a little that fat in there okay i can even get in there with my hand god are you able to separate that with your just your hand because you've cooked it to perfection chef greg barbecue using that rt-700 it held a temperature perfectly that pid controller maintained 275 degrees yeah didn't fluctuate didn't deviate there's that flat right there we were able to do other things we were able to do all of our work while the grill did all of its work yeah buddy guys smash that share button give us a like give us love check out rec we've got a newly revamped recipe section it looks amazing it's brand new it's got a lot of new recipes on it we're adding more recipes yes check out the awesome sale at if you purchase an rt b380 or a rt340 right now you get fifty dollars off icer 45 quart cooler or a matador rtg 450 that is a heck of a deal ladies and gentlemen you are saving some moolah uh with that deal yes john you got a good question yes now this comes from michael couture now he's one of our uh rec tech family that live in maine jody he says are there any tips where you could find a whole brisket in maine i've only been able to find flats even at sam's club do we have somewhere you can order absolutely buddy you can check out kows-t-e-a-k-s they've got some amazing american wagyu briskets um you know and there's a lot of other folks out there that you can purchase brisket from as well um but check out online there's a lot of reputable folks you know because of covin i'm making burn ends over here because of kova they aren't able to service folks you know at their location so they're able to ship a lot of stuff uh the butcher shop in pensacola florida is a favorite of ours as well absolutely so we've gone ahead and cubed up that brisket point here and we're gonna make burn so what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our brisket point okay that'll work oh wow so what did you season this uh greg we did a little boar's night out white lightning because it's a brisket right and then uh we took a little bit that ben's heifer does oh yeah so i'm gonna go back over it with that advanced heifer dust available at poor's night out available at atlanta dot com of course night out don't forget rec tec 10 gets you 10 off grab a little bit of your favorite sauce now this is not the sauce that i wanted to get but okay it'll work chef greg how long do you need to let this rest before we uh like start to cut it up i would say at least an hour but we go cut it up right now yeah and this is just going to go back on the pit just like that for like 30 minutes easy peasy don't overthink it ladies and gentlemen those are going to be little scrumptious cubes of deliciousness oh thank you greg in about 30 minutes easy peasy and again that was cut from the point that's the fattier of the meat right you do you or um burnt in from the point and your slices like chef greg is doing right now against the grain uh with the flat now again this was cooked i'll say more hot and fast look at that smoke ring look at that smash that share button guys three two one smash it so when i get when i uh slice my brisket i like to have a pan of beef as you next to me oh yeah cause i kind of just do one of those greg uh i live life like that i always have just a pan of beef out of you just sitting right next to me i've seen it in your truck jerry before you sit in the past sausages all over the place it's a nice aroma it's so worth it that's aroma it's a good oh lord so at what point would this be overcooked what temperature if we're going to do internal would it be over cooked it's a texture thing it's technically overcooked right now it's technically overcooked right now but it's a texture thing okay and especially this is a leaner piece of meat getting it in that au ju is going to help be nice and moist and delicious and i don't mind that a little bit of fat on the bottom right there okay but that's i don't mind eating that right there look at the jiggle juice okay and again if you can slice it and twist it and it doesn't break like that yeah yeah that's good right there all right everybody has waited for it chef greg you've you've sliced up and cooked a delicious brisket shoot yep oh sure enough better than than any brisket out there right now being cooked well i mean the rec ticket is the heart yes absolutely the pid controller held temperature perfectly partnered with the kingsford uh hickory pellets yes john before you announce anything jody yeah let's go over time and temp one more time the people out here want to know what temperature do we pull it off internal temperature we pull it off what temperature we had the grill out so we went 275 we put it on about five o'clock this morning i wrapped it at 9 30. so for you math wizards out there it's about four hours okay when i wrapped it up i didn't do anything i didn't add anything to the foil wrap i simply just double wrapped it in foil put it back on the grill for about another two and a quarter hours um i checked it about two hours in it was probing 203 but it wasn't tender okay i actually pulled this brisket off at 208 um and again if you don't if it's not probe tender when you take it off it's not going to magically get more tender as it rests right it is not going to cook it's going to continue to carry overcook but it is not going to uh get to where that texture that you want to correct and again towards the end it might flake off burn into this right here but this could also be your chops okay so if you get any you know uh scraps on the board i love taking that for like tacos absolutely and that's the good good right there all right guys so we spun the wheel of ragtag yes last week and it landed on a rt700 uh asterix an rt590 so we're giving away an rt590 now this person did everything we wanted them to do they followed all the directions so they were able to win the prize now when we announce this name anytime you win anything out there everyone make sure you dm us we will not reach out to you now you gotta claim your financial information we will require you to claim your prize okay we will only announce you live on a fun on a live video yeah it used to be only on sunday friday all right so the winner drum roll please of last week's rt 590 a saint mr brian mark congratulations martin with an eye as well brian we're going to need you to direct message us on facebook okay we are not going to reach out to you we will require you to d dm us okay to claim your prize your rt 590. um congratulations that's the son of a gun yeah awesome sure enough and then this week of course uh everyone say a prayer for the wheel of erectile that's right it's getting revamped repaired yeah um next week uh hopefully it will be fixed and repaired that's right um so you guys pray for it um don't forget about the awesome sale going on at right now that's right 50 off if you purchase a rt 340 or a b380 you will get 50 off of an rt34 excuse me an icer cooler or a reg tech matador it's an awesome awesome store while supplies last guys so take advantage of that opportunity now johnny you got a good question before we roll out yes we're going to eat some brisket they want to know did you increase the temperature of the grill when you wrapped it at chef right not but you very much can't if i knew we had time on our hands if you want to speed up the cook uh you most definitely can do that for sure um so i love after it soaks in the juice for now this will stay warm for good 30 minutes obviously not when it's cold outside right okay but i like to add a little bit more a little more seasoning over the top all right john yeah man what is your favorite part of the cow my favorite part of the cow um i'm gonna have to go with the tenderloin jody what's your favorite part of the cow uh but my favorite part of the cow has got to be uh the tri-tip oh okay what about yours chef greg john get on here try some of this brisket um yes every part of that part of the cow i do like a short rib though i like the ribs that's beefy baby oh man but usda choice nothing fancy here um just very well cooked i don't know where this one came from but thank you for it i gave it to you oh god bless all right everybody thank you so much for hanging out with us remember stay tuned check out twitter because we will be live on the air on twitter in just a second when we go off the air here make sure you follow us on twitter and don't forget next week's fun day friday next week's gonna be seafood week we're gonna have an amazing week dude i am excited about it i'm excited as well i'm fired up so make sure you stay tuned set your notifications that way you know when we go live follow me on social media at bbq dad jody he is at chef greg muller he is at chef john pannell please follow us on social media smash that share button because that's how we get paid baby share the brisket love comment down below give us a crazy right comment down below give us some love baby um from everyone here at the rec tech worldwide headquarters in the heart of evans georgia god bless you god bless the united states of america and we will see you at the right time [Music] do do
Channel: recteq
Views: 37,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, smoking a brisket, grillinga brisket, recteq
Id: IPCeX0kk3bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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