Oven VS Crockpot Ribs

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a b now i got it look channel called smoking and grilling with a b we talking about ribs right but look as you read in the title listen we're going to do a verses we're going to do crock pot version ribs and we're going to do them in the oven hey they super simple and for those of you guys out there in these cold climates and you really can't get out there to your grill or your smoker i'm gonna say you can get about 95 percent of that flavor you know in your oven hey or using this crock pot super simple look i want you guys to come on in and take a look we'll start over here looking at these ingredients right listen i'm gonna show you this this right here is my own rub this is in in development right now i should have this out you know maybe a couple more months or whatever but listen use your favorite rub you know what uh even at my restaurant i use salt and pepper and i got like a little little twist that i put on there but whatever rub you guys want to put on there you know you can use this right here i'm going to put mine on one set and another set i'm going to be using killer hogs if you guys haven't used this rub right here this one right here is banging folks you hear that little laugh i did this is it right here now they're gonna be barbecue style right so of course i'm gonna be using my barbecue sauce if you guys don't have these that's okay use your favorite barbecue sauce and if you like to get any of my products look below this video right here and there will be a link along with some pictures so you can purchase that now let's go ahead and address this elephant in the uh in the room now we cooking in the inside right we're gonna say liquid smoke listen just a couple of drops of this go a long ways listen you got to cheat it a little bit to put that flavor in here if you want to have the smokiness right if you don't you can omit this that's fine but i would suggest still have some of this because we're going to add just a couple of little things to it you know just to put in on this little binder and to put a little smokiness on these ribs now let's look at these ribs obviously i got two sets of ribs right this one right here if you can see the difference look at how these made look how they are a little bit they well not a little bit they're a lot more meteor this way and then look at these right here these right here are baby bags i know some of y'all like raising your hands saying i know the answer call me teach baby backs saint louis now let's talk about the trim you see this right here i like to get rid of these i think i'm gonna go ahead and put the saint louis style ribs we're gonna put those in the crock pot right so i'm going to take my knife and we just cut this off i don't want to get into the part of her barbecue and all of that because i would cut these off because this thin meat i like to square them off this way and keep it as thick as possible going down i just wanted to make that a little bit of trim a lot of this the fat right now is going to end up in the crock pot right yeah i'm not going to clean them up there's not no competition just just loose you know when it comes to room temperature it gets a little slippery all that i just get rid of that just grab it work it around with your fingers like you see me right here and then just take it and just go ahead and cut it okay so look now we set up to go ahead and do our seasonings right so i got the baby backs because these are the ones that are going to go in the oven right so look i'm going to take a just a little bit of this liquid smoke right see how small that opening is right there what you want to do is you just want to look not you just need a couple that's it now i'm going to take my hand and just rub this on here you know what i mean just to give it that that flavor don't need to really put nothing on the bottom when i go ahead and coat you know when i apply look i want you to watch it look i put it on there nice and thick right and i just work my way down so look for the best results when you put this on here you want to just stay on here for at least 15-20 minutes you know so the seasoning will have some time to go ahead you know your rub or go ahead have some time to get you know soaking to the meat and then remember this is the one i'm gonna put in the oven you see that right there the ash coverage take these and i'm gonna place these on my baking sheet right here on my rack and if you ever notice when i deal with ribs yeah sometimes when you cook them you'll see they'll have a little bow in them or hearts if you the way you put them down is the way they're gonna stay and i like to like push them like this a little bit so they stay like that now these are the ones that's gonna go in the oven i'm gonna preheat my oven to 275 degrees and then we're gonna set these in there for a couple hours my oven is up to temp right we're doing these just like we do them outside i'm doing them at 275 we're gonna let you stay in the oven for about two hours right so we have to temp put these in i want to hurry so i can keep all my heat inside now i'm gonna set a timer alexa set a timer for two two hours okay so now we're down to the you know these ribs right so look now i'm gonna take some w sauce that's all it is you guys that keep asking me what w sauce mean there it is right there you pronounce it look this is just a binder right just put a little bit on here don't really need that much remember if you guys been watching any of my other videos you know i like to use mustard you know stuff like that now look we're going to be using this killer hogs right here now i want you to look at the coverage again this be important when you're doing ribs especially you know what not especially always whenever you're doing it you want to season properly so watch right here and then follow me down folks look that right there that's what you're looking for even to dry this on top of there don't worry about it because as we let this sit up for about 15 minutes it all becomes wet and damp and it starts you know soaking down into the meat i'm gonna go ahead and address this we'll talk about that membrane on the bottom it's up to you guys if you guys want to take it off i heard all kind of you know stories about it i got a restaurant i scored and we put it in like that listen when it cooked properly it goes away it shouldn't be chewy at all you know but we're going to go ahead and do these just like that just for the sake of argument you guys do yours the way you want to do them so i'ma let you sit out for about 15 minutes i'm gonna go ahead and fire up my crock pot come on in right now let's go ahead and do that part right now we'll just set it for two and a half hours i'm gonna adjust the time but what i'm doing is just preheating this and getting it nice and hot here's where the magic happens when it comes to the crock pot right so we got some heat in there look this is going to be key pay attention this right here we want to take it and we want to put the meat lined up against the ceramic so i'll take it like this and we'll just stand it up just like that that's what you want now all of the fat and everything that you render off of these ribs that goes down there in the bottom we're gonna take that out after two and a half hours we're gonna get rid of all of that fat then we're gonna go ahead and douse it with some barbecue sauce and again i'm using mine folks and if you guys don't have it and you want to get some don't forget to look down in the description box below and underneath this video you'll see a picture of it so now i'm gonna go ahead and put this on i'm gonna reset my timer for two and a half hours and then i'll see you then [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and cut this butter i don't want to cut my foil so i'll just get it down and just tear it that's good enough now you want to get yourself some brown sugar so check this out let me move this over here this is gonna be the center this is where we're gonna put our ribs and we're gonna put our ribs meat side down look what we're doing is adding a little flavor but we're making it so that we can get them nice and tender that's what the foil does hey the same way you guys watch me make it you know when i make it on when i use my grill outside that's how we do it here don't need a whole lot that's probably more than enough right so we'll take it like this and just cut these down like that you guys see where i'm going with it i know some of y'all saying well i don't do all that you know cook it in the oven that's the reason why they ain't abs you know real so we just stick them in like this check it out it's a method to my madness folks i want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below i know a lot of people do it like this but i want you to follow this especially for those who haven't done it and tell me what you think right afterwards right so these have cooled enough take them like this remember i said meat side down this is baby backs a lot of meat on the top right we take them like this and look at that there folks got these here sitting on top of the butter and the brown sugar right i'm gonna take this right here because we don't want to lose now and i'm just gonna fold this up like this right just so that we don't have none of this soda that runs out of here i'm using root beer you guys see i got coke you could use dr pepper man people use whatever they want to hey when i don't have no soda what i use is apple juice all of that works fine look we just want to get it hot so it can steam tenderize the meat and make it super soft right so that's it especially you from california everybody in california want them to be fall off the bone ribs so that's what we're going to make right now fall off the bone ribs now you guys want to be careful not to poke no holes in here because then you're going to make a mess right so take it fold it a couple of times and bring this over the top all right let me go back out here look i don't put the cart in front of the horse trying to just hurry up why because i want to hurry up and eat some of these that's up to you guys you want to put some more in there you can but for me this is good like that we'll put them here now one of the key things that i did was i raised my oven up to 350 degrees we're gonna go back in for one more hour let me open that up and then we'll go hey and speaking of that these are ready to do the next step also like i said these are ready also right so one thing about a crock pot whenever you open this crock pot up from my experience you add 30 minutes more into your cook so listen when you cook it under here it might need to look like it needs to be stirred or something like that if you want to take it and stir it inside add some more time reason i'm telling you that is listen but i already ran through my timer and we good here right so i'm just going to open this up we let all the heat out the way it's designed is to keep that heat that's all part of the process of cooking it right so if you guys look down there you can see all of the yuckiness that's all of the fat that has rendered down i got a bowl right here the reason i got this bowl is i'm gonna pour this the fat into this and we're gonna discard that and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour some barbecue sauce over the top and put the top back on and then we're gonna go one more hour so let me go ahead and get rid of this okay so if you look down in here you can see that i drained all of the fat right we're gonna get a little bit more fat so now i'm using my favorite barbecue sauce look i'm using my savory this is a little bit of on that sweet side this right here is the one now i just take this and i just pour just like this this is real easy and simple can't get this wrong folks then remember you guys use your favorite you know barbecue sauce but i promise you if you give this a try one time this will quickly become your favorite right so we just put it like that i'm gonna go ahead and put the top on now i'm gonna reset my timer i'm gonna put it on high right i'm gonna put it on there for one hour look we're gonna cook some of that inside of that meat we're gonna let that trickle down boil down on the bottom and then we're gonna take it out you know what i'm not gonna spoil it stay with me one hour on high okay so just open this up took these out the oven as you can see you can look at the color i'm gonna tilt them like this look at that that right there is what you want and if you look right here you can just see they nice and soft they ready to be eaten right but we're not done yet so let me discard this let me get this out okay so look you can see the baby backs these is nice we're not done with them yet now look i had coordinated so everything will finish at the right time at the same time right so now you guys get a chance to look look at these because i'm gonna put both of these inside of the uh oven we're gonna set it on broil and we're gonna go from there but we'll take these like this let them drip bring this over here like this spread those out smells incredible that's one of the things if you guys use your favorite uh barbecue sauce listen it'll come out just the way you want it you can imagine look at that right there i got some of my barbecue sauce what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put a little bit here and we're just gonna brush this on here just like this so we'll just keep doing this just like you see now i want you guys to tell me what you think about that there now i just heard my oven it's up to 500 degrees i'm gonna put these in the inside right this is the key i'm gonna tell you five minutes but it depends on your elevation i don't know how that works but everybody 500 and everybody's oven is going to be different me i put my eyes on them and i'll watch them when they look the best i take them out and that right there is going to be your presentation i want you guys to take a look at these right here look at the way that that barbecue set on the top that right there is what you want st louis baby back one done in the oven the other done in the crock pot look at those right there i can't wait to sink my teeth into these hey super simple big on flavor and i gotta go back to that part about being simple i'm gonna go ahead and cut these down now remember these are the saint louis ribs right so we'll just cut them look at that right there i'm only gonna cut a couple oh man so nice hey look this just run through it like butter but i'm gonna show you guys right now look at that right here oh yeah look you can just see nice and soft but i'm gonna save it because look i'm gonna just stick them over here and now let's cut these baby bags look they so soft you know what i mean you got to be careful they just come right apart you see this right here i always talk about having chef's choice right hey cheers y'all i want you guys to come on in you can see look i got them cut st louis on this side we got baby backs on that side you can see the difference in the meat look you can see how the meat is there the thickness of it and then when you look at the baby back look it's a whole lot more meat right now you want to have a sharp knife i should have sharpened my knife because you can see how like it did kind of like tour but listen this is like super moist right this is what you want when you can take your rib and you can just do like this you know what i mean you could just take it and just pull it off like that that's what you want right so i'll just take this to have ribs in the oven or the crock pot this ain't bad folks for you guys that didn't know now you know you guys got to try it you know what i mean you see that look how clean that bone is i don't know what to say you know what i mean for me because i grill all the time i'm going to notice a difference but i'm gonna be honest with you listen for those of you guys it is cold you can't really get outside to use your you know your your gadgets outside this right here is a viable option hey either way crock pot i like the crock-pot version because listen if you're going to work or you got the time you can set them all low in the morning let them cook all day longer they cook the more fall off the bone they are you know what i mean you can go baby back or you can go you know st louis style doesn't make a difference hey super easy big on flavor i could taste everything even taste a little bit of the smoke on the one that i hit it with the smoke you know what i mean uh just it's how you season it but i'm gonna tell you what's really key you gotta let it sit out for about 15-20 minutes and let your rub penetrate that meat hey with that being said listen try this let me know down in the comment section below how you get down now listen if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here it's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and guess what folks i'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 2,174,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, oven ribs, bbq ribs in the oven, crockpot ribs, crockpot bbq ribs, how to make ribs, easy ribs recipe, bbq ribs
Id: Ice3w7bFcbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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