Grilled Country Style Boneless Pork Ribs

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what's good at everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me TV and that's right y'all we grill it hey so listen you guys seen the thumbnail you know what I'm making I'm making a country style pork boneless ribs right listen super easy and then for those of you guys and you know what it might still be too cold you know right now you know depends on what part of the country Union I'm gonna tell you guys and then don't forget to look down in the description box below I'm gonna give the whole description on how to make these in the oven and they're gonna come out just the same - the smoke hey so with that being said I'm not gonna overtalk it and we friend to make it happen okay so look you guys can see right here in the background and I will be using and get my hair right here so you got to see it I'm using my Weber Kettle just showing you that now you guys don't see the whole setup now first thing I'm gonna do is brisket T's open now I'm gonna take them and because it looked if you ever worked with these before you can see how long they are right this is gonna be a trick part right here so listen for handling purposes we just don't cut them in half so I'll just set just like this yeah well like I say we'll just cut them in half i'ma leave this part right here as hole it's kind of like tore right here so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go ahead and cut it down this way and then we'll just leave it like this get back boy Lou Bosco look then here we're just cut it in half so we're gonna do these with all of them right now I want to show you one thing look right here I'm a holding up you've exceeded fat right here listen it's that fatty flavor all of this is gonna render down but it's gonna make for some great tasting you know Rios so now I'm gonna go ahead and touch the meat like this right we'll just get them out here like this I'm gonna take my clean hand and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go ahead and just drizzle a little bit of olive oil get them going get them on my glove also and what we want to do is just massage the meat and make sure it's coated reason being what we want to do is we want to start no sprinkling a little salt on it and I sold you guys like a several video of this and when you're dealing with a big piece of meat this and they very very i'ma just say welcoming of salt so you just want to go ahead and hit it like this don't worry you can't over salt it there's nothing mean for this and a lot of just gonna render down but meanwhile when I start getting my fire ready this right here is gonna be soaking into the meat and pin a truck the penetrating to me now you guys can see you know got him like this so what I want to do is I wanted to relax we don't let your rest with this salt on it now I'm getting ready to go ahead and start on my own on my fire so we'll just leave it like this and now it's trying to get this fire burning okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and remove my grate and I'ma get everything set up you know because we gonna do a three hour cook so I'm going to set it up and look you can see right here I'm gonna be using my slow ins here just has a water trough right here I'll be using that I'm gonna give me a pan to catch the drippings and then we're getting ready to get this fire going now what I'm gonna do is if you look right here in the corner I'm gonna go ahead and put my coals I got just a few in here lick right I'm gonna just put them in this way we only need a few I'm gonna go ahead and get something that's pushed those up and then we're gonna load regular coals on top so let's gonna start burning this way and moving this way this is what we're doing is setting it up and now I'm getting ready to go get my water that's already boiling in this hog I'm gonna put you know fill this up maybe about leave about a quarter of an inch from the top and we getting ready to get you started now look I got them all pushed up this way right so now get ready start with some fresh coal and what we gonna do is we just want to get it you know get it level that we want to get a little smoky flavor right so what I'm gonna do is just right here some pecan wood I just cut some chunks so we're gonna put one here we'll probably put another one here there maybe one here you know I mean so listen when you get here has it burns and it starts flowing back this way this is what you want to get that's the purpose is starting to our coals on one in now let me go ahead and add my hot water here we gonna put our grape back on and then we gonna go ahead adjust it get the right temperature and then imma go ahead and put the meat on alright I got my hot water and then listen without this insert this tray right here just cuts down on the mess so we're gonna have this okay so look I didn't say this this is what you called it directly this is indirect heat we gonna slow-cook it you can see it starting to you know smoke so let me put their grade on and then all is the rendered fat I'll go here it helps you what you clean up okay from here you guys can see it there's smoke here from this side that's what we want then we want as it burns easy you know the charcoals it's all workers way down here and if you notice I stopped putting what I did was I didn't put no bullet past this I'm just so long as only absorb so much flavor and we all know this white smoke right here ain't the best us in the barbecue world call that dirty smoke but we're gonna go ahead and do that so that we can so that we can get you know get the flavor in here and we go from there so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take these and we just finished our putting these on right and what is this call you guys you guys know just an indirect side and then when I put it down you can see these little side little little profile you could just imagine how much flavor is inside here that's one of the reasons why I like pork real you know so much okay you can see they're in range me I try to put as much meat as I can over the catch pan on the bottom you see it smoking on this I is nice and hot okay so it's gonna start working this way we gonna put this lid on now this vintage right here right we know the fire is over here on this side and the meat is over here on the indirect side right so i'ma turn it like this [Music] just so that we can hit it so in theory if draw from the bottom we want it to come up keep the coals hot right keep the oxygen there and then it comes this way and then hot at the top vent now this is what it looks like after 90 minutes right look no peeking at it no nothing I maintain really 260 degrees for the whole 90 minutes and again I didn't look at it or nothing like that and you can see the flavor you can see the color of it and you can see the smokiness okay so check it out you guys can see right here where I'm getting the flare up when we want to do it I'll go ahead and close my vent completely we're gonna preserve some of that we don't choke it out but what I want to do is we just want to flip it let me get all of these flipped over and then after that we don't go ahead and just start to baste them now you can see we got them all turned over right so what I'm gonna do is we just want to get ourselves some barbecue sauce and we just want to start facing and we go they don't cook we gonna flip them three times but right now there's just baste put the lid back on keep it low and slow let's get the temp back down you know get it up to 250 degrees or anywhere close like that for thirty minutes then we're gonna flip them again now you can see these are nicely coated wait till you see what they look like when we flip them over okay so I'm get ready to put the lid back on we don't control that heat this is what we got let's go ahead and close it let's get our tent back 250 or 260 degrees and then we gonna go again for just another 30 minutes [Music] now what we gonna do is you could just see you guys can't just see how I started like to just bake the barbecue sauce on top of the rift right so I'm gonna flip it again we'll flip them on this side now and listen I'm not gonna bore you guys with it because all you can do is just use your imagination you're gonna see the final because after I put the barbecue sauce on these what I'm gonna do is we're gonna go another 30 minutes and then I'm gonna flip on one last time you know for the last 30 that part I want to take you guys with you guys get to message you can see it right now and listen next time you see these they're gonna be done we're gonna get them on the board so we can take take a look at on we don't cut them and go from there okay you guys look here is the final product I don't want to bore you guys we're just like flipping basting flipping basting hey you guys got it hey so listen you can see it listen if you were able to maintain 250 degrees I say I had got as high as 260 degrees for three hours this is what you look like you know I mean again there's ninety minutes we don't touch it we just make sure our temperature stays the same and then this is what you come up with right and I'm gonna show you something right now before I cut one you can just see look I'll just aw man look you just want to go inside it's nice and tender you'll be able to see the color of the smoke the whole shebang so with that being see it pumping the slide is over [Music] okay what I'm gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and get us a good chop right off the back right we'll separate that and then you guys can look at it you can see the color of the meat you see that you see that that peak right there and I let you know that some of the smoke has penetrated it look at the color hey this right here is nice so let's go ahead and cut us some slices man it cuts like butter you guys may remember the whole key is 250 degrees and you want to maintain it now my next video I'm gonna show you guys how to do this how to operate I promise you that's gonna be my next video how to operate a grill and how to achieve these type of cooks but for you guys that have a little you know have a little knowledge on how to keep everything you know nice and get keep your fire true this is what you come up with right here so I'll just turn this over like that so you guys can see and this one right here will cut it just opposite way so I'm gonna go ahead and cut these out of hangul just first light gonna be a little bit you know thick now we'll just start cutting them like this as you can see it's just like butter let me bring it up here close let's let it focus there you go that's your money shot right there so much you guys to tell me what you guys think about this one here you want to talk about like easy only thing is I'm gonna tell you the only thing that would be like challenging to you you're just like managing your fire but if you set your slow and sear up you know the way that I just showed you listening for that long cook and I can tell you this right now look we've been going about three hours and 10 minutes and listen this still got a little ways to go just probably will set up to burn about five maybe five and a half hours you know what I haven't put no timer on it but I just want to say also if you guys look for those you guys that do not have a grill or it's too cold it depends on what time of the year you watching this video you know I mean you want to make this and have this uh this kind of success you know making these boneless ribs all I gotta tell you is look down in the description box below and I'm gonna write it out for you to show you you can do the same thing in the oven - you know like the grill flavor but outside of that listen i'ma show it to you one more time I can barely talk cause I didn't already have some already Hey they go again I got another one right here I got people standing behind here look everybody's waiting on it you know what I mean it isn't I smell smoky it smells incredible so let me go ahead and just hit it you know what I'm gonna go ahead and just take me one of these I don't know eeny meeny miny moe oh this is the one we're gonna do right here [Music] I'm gonna get down like it so like this is a BBQ let me go ahead hit it like this mmm you want to talk about good hey listen all you guys listen I know I'm on the grill no worries my next video I will cover how to properly use a V grill that is show you just what de Vence do how to work it it's gonna all make sense and I promise you have to watch that video for those you guys that don't know either you can teach somebody teach one of your loved ones teach that cat just say he know what he doing and teach them to quit cooking on top of that fire hey I'm gonna show it all to you God so if you're new to my channel let me just say hey welcome to my channel thank you for watching this video don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said I'm outta here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 253,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, pork ribs, country style pork ribs, slow n sear, weber kettle, grilled pork, grilled pork ribs, pork loin country style ribs, smoked ribs, bbq ribs recipe, grilling, bbq ribs, weber kettle grill, bbq pork ribs, barbecue ribs, smoker, low and slow ribs, slow n sear ribs, bbq dragon, how to cook ribs, bbq, ribs, barbecue, food, charcoal, weber charcoal grill, meat, weber, recipes, recipe, grilled ribs, Grilled Country Style Boneless Pork Ribs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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