SML Parody: Jeffy's Tesla!

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hey guy i got something to tell you jeffy what is it i like your cut gene how was that for i didn't even get a haircut i know i just wanted to slap you stop it won't i can i use the tv what do you want to watch maybe i want to watch a brand new episode of jimmy g troubling there's no way there's a brand new episode of jimmy neutron that show canceled it 15 years ago it's out guy i want to watch it can you please point it on i could turn the tv on but there's no way jimmy neutral is going to be on jimmy 2 john's going to be on hello everyone i'm mr goodman and i'm doing some charity work today i am giving away a brand new tesla model 3 to the 10th caller that calls the number at the bottom of the screen okay so if you want a brand new tesla call me today diane we need that tesla we need that tesla went down guys go get your phone okay i'll get out get it okay jeffy i got his number up but listen you talk to him because if he here's my voice he'll probably just sell it for my house payment so you're talking all right here we go it's ringing okay hello [Music] what is it what is it dying huh we just want a tesla we want a tesla yeah we want a tesla daddy we want that slime i can't believe we went to tesla and it's the new one the performance one oh my gosh oh my god um he said i was gonna be here in 15 minutes oh i can't believe it oh my god i'm so happy die that might be them there's no way there's no way no way it's them jeffy we gotta go we gotta go come on let's go oh my god oh my god i can't wait to see it oh my god guys look it's a tesla oh my god it's amazing oh my god oh it looks some peepee i can't believe it i seriously couldn't believe you won this oh my god it looks like a spaceship it does it looks like something out of a movie i know but die i need to make a name for it uh what are you gonna name it um pvp shock three no you can't name it pvp stock three i know you name your pets pee pee suck but just it's a car please don't do that fine don't get anything with the pee pee mobile it is your car so as long as it's not pee-pee suck yay hey pee pee mobile what doing well should we go in it yeah of course we should let's go okay wow jeffy this car looks amazing look at this green daddy whoa that's bigger than my ipad it's like a mega ipad i know it's really cool but danny i did something before you got in here can i show you it yeah what is it watch this put in drive what's going on ice cream music there's an ice cream truck no it's the car wait really yeah oh my gosh jeffy everyone's gonna think we're an ice cream truck you haven't watched this [Music] now we're really the ice cream guys i'm the ice cream man jeffy everyone's gonna think we're an ice cream truck i don't care yeah oh this is so cool [Music] all right guy you wanna see real power wait what are you talking about jeffy girl 0060 in 3.1 seconds let's do it what do you mean [Applause] jeffy that was amazing i know it was so awesome i never even went that fast in mario kart oh my god it's awesome daddy i can't believe we won this car yeah me either you know what night what there's something else i want to show you what is it what you're not driving your hands aren't on the wheel put your hands on the wheel it's on autopilot autopilot yep but jeffy there's a car in front of you you're gonna hit it [Music] it's driving itself yeah what the heck this is so awesome i know it's awesome all i gotta do is put on my hand on the wheel every 30 seconds so and we're good oh my gosh look i can make it go faster it's crazy it's pretty cool isn't it yeah you're not even on the wheel oh hot this is crazy jeffy oh my god i've been having such a good time in here i know just check all this out and jeffy it says we're at 13 percent um that's pretty low yeah but it shouldn't be too bad you know how many gasolines are around here oh yeah you're right okay well yeah we should probably start heading towards one because i mean 13 that that's pretty low still yeah we should make it to about five percent there's like a gas station every three miles okay well if you say so let's keep going hey dying you want to see something cool about this auto pilot uh i guess so i'm kind of scared rainbow road i'm getting flashbacks all those times i fell off what is this song this would make me really uncomfortable you're not even touching the wheel [Music] wait why are we going slower jeffy what's going on why we're going so slow um it's going down dying wait jeffy i think we're out of gas oh no daddy jeffy just pull over here pull over okay i'll pull over pull over i don't know we're like in the middle of nowhere oh my god that's like nothing for miles yeah we're like stranded out here oh daddy what are you supposed to do now well when you run out of gas you have to get more gas but i don't know where to get more gas dying did you see the gases around here no then oh my god wait wait why hi come back no one wants to help us i'm dying what are we supposed to do all right we have to figure out how to get we need to find out how to get more gas i know 9. what was that it's coming from there okay oh my god you can't show what doing oh hey jeffy i'm really sad because i lost my job because jackie chu came back and i don't know what to do with my life wait a second is that gas yeah it's gas wait wait we need that wait why our car just ran out of gas oh we're stranded out here cool what um i can help you still i got more you have more gas yeah it's in that building over there that weird building yep okay can you get us some i'm sure just give me a second oh my god what am i gonna be saying yeah i hope so hey stop drinking it oh yeah this is for you but here you go guys oh my god yes okay all right let's go figure out how to do this i guess all right here i'll come with you guys all right all right so we're gonna put it in now yep all right where's the door it's usually right here wait there's no door yeah where to put the gas um guys i got a question what is it what type of car is this it's a tesla you guys are idiots wait why this car takes electricity dumbass is an electric car electricity what does that mean well gas isn't gonna do anything oh really yeah well why don't we down like gotta go to a supercharger to get electricity but where's the closest one 10 miles okay get enough power to get there i don't know why you guys asking me all the questions jeez i'm leaving wait no wait i need this ah oh what am i doing dying oh no but we need electricity somehow daddy we've been here for hours what are we supposed to do i don't know gas didn't work and there's no electricity around here ah dang i think we're screwed yeah we're at the call for an sos yeah what are we doing daddy i just don't know i have no idea either wait pikachu wait it's a pikachu night he's a miracle wait what's a miracle about him he's just pikachu he's an electric type guy he could shock the car and give us electricity wait really okay i didn't know that all right pikachu do you think he could help us okay so we need you to shock into our charging port and give us enough charge to get to a charger all right hold on here we go all right pikachu use thunderball did it work daddy done 11 11 that's enough to get to a charger all right daddy get on the stick we gotta go okay let's go all right guys time to get out of here wait wait i never said thank you to pink or too donny yeah whatever let's go all right donny we made it to the supercharger jeffy we have to plug this in right now we're six percent oh yeah yeah right let's go all right jeffy you got it yeah all right we're good all right starting to charge all right what do we do now um i think we just went in the car oh okay for how long um i think it says in there all right let's go all right all right donnie whoa look we're already up two percent yeah it's super charging uh 45 minutes oh my god that's a long time what are we gonna do for that time um i don't know um is there fun games on here uh let me look all right um entertainment oh who's here daddy okay we should watch some ytp we should yeah we should all right what the heck okay this was the worst thing that ever happened but it's calling down and we're gonna watch our own videos on here i guess so hey daddy can i show you something really cool uh okay come down here here what what's that don't stop farting dying that's not me jeffy you're doing that stop it yeah whatever daddy but okay now we're almost done okay jeffy well i'm gonna use the bathroom okay okay do you need to use the bathroom no i don't oh you sure about that yeah i'm sure what do you mean how are you doing that it sounds like you need to you honking the horn and making that noise jeffy stop it jeffy go to the bathroom right now that's not me fine daddy oh my gosh time to go in the bathroom how's it going cowboy yo my child i just parked my ford f-450 over there and i noticed you're hogging up this parking space what's the deal well i'm just trying to charge on my car you say you're charging the car what is this 20 20 no it's 20 21. that happened yeah oh my god but what is this an rc car you're riding around with your remote control what are you doing with this thing no it's just an electric car it runs off electricity electricity what happens if you run out of gas you're straining it on the highway what are you gonna do then you don't have guys you just come to a charger plug it in and boom an hour later it's all good i don't believe you kid listen my ford f-150 could be you in a race any day anywhere anytime it got like 500 horsepowers the horse is all pulling it you know what you're just a gas counselor move out of the way i'm going to be a gas guzzler maybe i am i guzzle down that gas one sip what are you gonna do about it what do you want anyway listen just let me go i need to use the back try getting in it won't work what do you mean it ain't working wait kid where's your handle there's your handle wait how are you gonna get in this thing teleport a lot of stupid technology technology technology i'm done with it you know what would i say if it ain't covered in mud i don't want it in this car at covenant mode yeah four baby okay well time to use the bathroom oh my god daddy that was a roller coaster yeah it was in more ways than one oh my god daddy you know what huh this was the best day ever even if we got stranded you know what jeffy i agree a hundred 100 yeah and i'm glad i got this better with my daddy yeah jeffy we got some father-son time yeah well you wanna go again tomorrow [Music] foreign
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 976,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, 2020, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, tesla model 3, tesla, elon musk, 2021
Id: Lbj9jLqj0M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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