SML Parody: Jeffy's Road Trip!

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jeffy did that thing just say pee-pee yeah i didn't die it's really pee-pee wait it just mocked me yeah i did die it's awesome what is this thing who knows mocking you yeah exactly it's really funny when it repeats everything i say exactly no that's just annoying it's like having two jeffy's yeah exactly isn't that awesome no it's a nightmare while dying watch this what no oh i can also do this what are you doing to them what the heck no this thing shouldn't exist how do i turn it off there's gotta be an off button somewhere you can't turn it off dying it lasts forever oh my god [Music] i'm just gonna try to ignore it watch tv all right well wait what's that come on down to nickelodeon universe i'm also obligated to say come on down the dreamworks water park it's not as good as this but trust me this one's better but we're gonna save the best for last and start with this one so let's go dreamworks waterpark spice bob what are you doing here i'm relaxing you're supposed to be at nickelodeon universe squidward youtube while it's relaxing out here guys this is not good all patrick danny i want that thing and i want a two-day vacation time we need to go get your phone get your okay i'll get out get it okay have them have them in the lineup hello is that's the nickelodeon universe no this is patrick wait so it's not nickelodeon universe no this is patrick oh i get it i get it you're patrick from nickelodeon well i'm calling about the prize you think i won no this is patrick oh jeffy he said we didn't win oh well thanks patrick i guess we didn't win yes this is patrick wait yes you mean yes it's like and we won yes yes patrick oh my god oh my god thanks patrick yes this is patrick i'm hanging up yes oh my god jeffy you're not going to believe this shut up we won wait we wondering yeah we won the prize oh my god daddy nice show [Music] yeah whatever that is we won yay oh my god guys i'm gonna go tell junior wait what white sounding junior well if we won a trip we got three people right so i'm gonna bring junior [Music] no i'm bringing rosalina what daddy i don't wanna bring mommy i wanna bring junior well that's that's too bad she's my wife well i don't care that i haven't seen her in like six months okay that doesn't matter we're gonna get a nice trip see even he agrees with me listen dad i want to take junior and that's the final straw final show for what i won the press not anymore daddy i have the codes what i'm going with junior and hmm you know what you're not going on a trip at all i'm taking chef pee pee what jeffy give me that give me that get it nope hey hey guy guy don't worry he can keep you company it's like me all right see you die wait no i'm not stuck with this bird oh jesus get back here junior you took all the boxes for the cereal how much does it know which is which are you blind take a look at them you'll be able to see what are you talking about this looks like cheerios with emoji is that like a new update or something no it's lucky charms guys we need to get in the car right now wait why i don't peed in the van again oh nothing again oh we better get out of there quick yeah let's get out of here okay why do i have to go in the backseat because you suck anyway i'm really sorry about the whole vent thing i didn't mean to well at least he warned us this time last time you pissed in the vet we all passed out i'm sorry about that one too anyway guys to make it up to you guys you guys want to go chick-fil-a i want to go to chick-fil-a but i don't have any money i don't have any money either i'll take care of it because it's an apology gift wait for real yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go get that chicken jeffy [Music] the car's already gone oh my god they freaking went without me wait where the hell are we going yeah this isn't chick-fil-a guys i forgot to tell you but we're going to new jersey wait what what what yeah we're going on a two-day trip we're going to nickelodeon universe and dreamworks waterpark are you serious oh my god i've always wanted to go there yep that's where we're going well are you excited chef pee pee that's freaking awesome except the fact he didn't tell us that well it's all right it's all right okay look i have no money no change of clothes even though i wear this every day what am i gonna do i won this at a sweepstake everything's paid for for real are you serious yeah we're gonna have some fun for free well this is awesome all right we're about um five hours away uh i i kind of expected that wow all right let's get ready chef pee pee still no more chicken we can still stop all right and yeah wait is this the hotel what no chef pee pee it is not your hometown what do you think is this chick-fil-a no i need to pass so i stopped oh well too much information what what do you mean too much of it yeah you're disgusting go pee whatever you oh i really need to pass we're not so fast sonny oh hey everybody what knowing hello welcome to clinton county home hillary clinton's kitty awesome well i need to use the bathroom so can you move well not so fast you gotta pay some tax first wait tax yeah it's gonna be hundred dollars straight up to go to that bathroom what that's unfair why would i do that is it unfair it's state law regulation blah blah blah we gotta make money somehow that's the bad idea see that mean right there he paid a hundred dollars he's happy he's safe sci-fi customer well it's a little too late now woody what do you mean you guys pay tax for that you realize that get back here dude guys we got a problem what is it we're running out of charge so we're gonna have to sit here and charge for 69 miles oh man we better go you're right yeah yeah okay so i'm gonna park in here and we're gonna have to wait like i don't know maybe an hour oh man this is already a very long trip i know but it's okay it's okay okay after this no more stopping for the rest of the trip all right but what if i need to pass peanut butter fine all right okay jeff you plugged it in right yeah it's plugged in so i was thinking we should probably just get something to eat while we're here that sounds good where do you guys want to go hmm chick-fil-a guys i got an idea well what is it we should get mr beast burgers i heard the dream burger's out where the hell are we going to get a beast burger out here oh well there's a burger king over there you guys down for that yeah why not oh sure why not is there a chick-fil-a here no there has been a chick-fil-a in miles oh no chick-fil-a chick-fil-a oh dear lord get me out of here i'm dizzy as hell oh man i can barely stand up straight oh all right now it's time to finally get some revenge for what they done uh they should show them to pay their taxes yeah ah they're not gonna make it too far now junior why do you make me carry your stupid drink because i was too lazy to get it myself can i have it what was yours i don't know figure it out okay wait that was not my 90s oh my gosh are you ready to go yet yeah let's go let's get on the road all right let's go no stopping oh my god jeffy these are those super hot girls right there uh yeah what about them they're giving a car wash okay but you said we're not supposed to stop yeah but this is different they're super hot ah you're paying for it okay i don't care this could be so awesome give me a cake [Music] oh man i'm so excited uh so guys before i get started you can take out some of your clothes because you don't want to get all wet and it's very hot out here so you can do that um we're 15. oh you're 15 oh oh i thought that back uh oh i thought you're 18. uh okay well you guys can get started then oh well you just go over there for the car wash let me go over there yeah there's a car wash over there it just happened wait that's a car wash yeah oh my god i thought you guys give the car wash no what that's so stupid you know what this guy reminds me of phone edp 445 oh no i just wasted like 20 minutes just kidding oh bb that was a waste of time well i'm sorry i thought they were actually gonna get naked to give us a car wash ah whatever but hey jeffy we are not gonna stop at all right we got enough battery we're gonna go all right okay no more stopping we got this yeah no more stopping okay um hey um guys um we have a little bit of a problem uh what the hell is going on the car is dead what yeah we had enough battery i thought we did we charged it up to like 300. oh what do we do oh no i really gotta be there let's go outside and be all right let's go oh oh guys we're just straight in the middle of nowhere yeah we could be hundreds of miles away from the hotel yeah and i'm hungry dude we just aimed like an hour ago yeah but i'm hungry oh i'm dizzy wait what are you what are you doing here yes me woody i was you know just chilling how'd you get here well kind of hitting your tire down there that's really dangerous it was all worth it because i got my revenge wait what revenge well basically when y'all were charging your testicle i unplugged it so now you're all out of juice all because you didn't pay your piss tax wait do you realize how stupid you are right now why would you say that partner because they're stranded out here with us i did not take that into consideration well you're stuck here with us good job you want to help us find a way to get some juice back in here not really hello okay we need to figure out a way to go all right let's go oh god we've been walking for miles yeah i know guys we've been only walking for 10 steps it feels like a lot when you've been driving junior yeah junior ah oh what am i gonna do chef pee pee no i really gotta guys yeah me too i'm just gonna do it right in my pants i never got chick-fil-a guys it's so sucky [Music] oh let's go unpack let's go whoa guys look at these rooms oh actually crazy nice yeah wow this sweepstakes is so peepy okay i'm definitely getting my old bed right there wait what oh i want to sleep with you chef pee pee wait i'm the adult i get my own bed i sleep with jeffy i want to sleep with you i don't want to sleep with jeffy why not junior i'm a really good cuddle bunny can i sleep with you chef pee pee please no nobody said think with me all right well we should get settled in okay no one make a mess in this hotel we'll try not to okay you better not ah this is the life i might do some cooking now for old time's sake okay wait is this a huge mess what the there's pillows everywhere trash everywhere where are you brats oh you guys are idiots you better use mess yeah i know we did oh come on let's just get out of here go to the stupid whatever it is oh yeah we gotta go to the parks and stuff let's go guys oh my god we're here in nickelodeon universe guys oh it looks so awesome we finally made it it's been forever yeah i know but now we can go enjoy the ride okay let's go sign in let's go oh my god i can't wait to go in there yeah but guys how do i get in here uh good question baby i have no idea everything is shut what the heck yeah well how do we get in hey on the dog from uh paw patrol you know uh on nickelodeon it's actually nick jr i hate my life anyway oh this place is shut down basically wait why oh well it's shut down i'm sorry guys we have to leave come on let's go we're two late here peepee oh it's stupid woody we messed us up yeah oh let's go guys this is ridiculous wait wait guys yeah just this place is shut down wait what are you talking about yeah all the nickelodeon characters they got sick of this place so they wanted to go have some fun at the water park so you guys can go there i always go to the water park guys let's go [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,123,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, 2020, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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