SML Movie: Richard's Mistake!

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[Music] my chicken quesadilla is finished and it smells delicious uh hello junior i am so screwed what's wrong richard well my dad is at his massage appointment and he told me to stay in my room because i was grounded because i ran up a hundred thousand dollars on the credit card buying v bucks for fortnight so i'm in my room and i'm like hmm what would be a good idea i'm gonna go joyriding in my dad's brand new car and i wrecked it junior i ran into a tree he ran into a tree yeah and i need you to come look at the damage and tell me if you think my dad's gonna notice okay all right all right junior i'm not even gonna show you where the dent is i just wanna see if you notice it okay so uh do you see it is it right there damn it that noticeable huh yeah i mean it's really big well the only thing that i got going for me right now is that my dad is old so maybe his eyesight isn't as good as ours yeah yeah we're young so that's why we notice it oh darn it i just remembered my dad got lasik twice why'd he get it twice well the first time he got it he was dating his wife and he thought that she was ugly so he thought his eyes were bad so he went and got lasik so then he still thought that his wife was ugly so he got lasik again and then he just realized that she was just ugly and so he divorced her so she ended up being my mom so oh what does bmw mean oh bmw stands for big mexican women which is what i'm trying to pick up with my bmw here and take them back to my la hacienda you know i like my women how i like my tacos full of sour cream well how'd you hit a tree well let me tell you junior i was driving along picture this driving along clear road and all of a sudden boom tree and i hit it and it ran off the tree ran off yeah and so i think we should follow a police report saying that it was a hit and run because the tree ran off and i didn't even get his insurance information that's a good idea because if it's a tree's fault then your dad won't get mad at you exactly let's call the police hey there somebody call the cops oh big mexican women right nice all right why'd you call me so there's a den on my car and i'm not going to show you where it is i just want to see if you notice it well yeah i can see it it's right there damn it that noticeable huh i mean yeah it's pretty obvious did you get lasik recently no it's just a big old den what happened well this is what happened officer picture this i was driving my dad's car and all of a sudden a tree jumped down the middle of the road and i hit it and then he ran off and i didn't collect his insurance information okay okay wait wait wait hold on i have several questions first off how old are you 12. okay you should not have been driving a car you don't have your driver's license actually i'm 16. huh actually you know now that i think about it you are 16. you do have a driver's license congratulations thank you so what happened so i was driving along a tree jumped out in the middle of the road and i hit it and it ran off well trees don't usually just jump out into the road like that well this one did was it groot from like from guardians of the galaxy no yes actually yes it was him let's go arrest him he did it well he's not actually on this planet as far as i know so i don't think that was him but you know i am a mechanic so i could probably take care of that for you okay that'd be great all right let me go get my overalls on he could probably fix it yeah all right i'm back is that a toilet plunger no this is the suck-o-matic 5000 it has 5000 pounds of suckage this thing could suck anything i'd leave my wife for this thing would talk less well could it get the dent out i can't it get the den out of course it'll get the den out this thing will look good as new just check this out here we go here we go i'm feeling it oh here it is i can feel it it's coming it's coming okay that didn't work so are you saying that i'm screwed no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no a hammer what's that gonna do hold on let me explain what are you doing see now you can tell your dad some guy hit it with a hammer not a tree what are you gonna do now richard i don't know junior because i can't call the cops because he is a cop well if you look at the dent it is a little bit better and now you give you a better excuse you can say that um somebody hit your car with a hammer but i'm not supposed to be over here junior because my dad grounded me and i'm supposed to be in my room hmm what can i do oh i can blame my butler chives what really yeah i'm gonna call him over here you called sir yes chives look what you did to my dad's car bad chives bad i'm gonna rub your nose in it you've been a bad chives but i didn't do this sir well that's what we're gonna tell my dad well but shouldn't you be in your room because you're grounded and shouldn't you be washing dishes or doing whatever butlers do i was until you called sir well chives we're gonna call my dad and tell him that you wrecked his car and this is the story chives you drug me out of my room even though i was grounded and you promised me to take me to mcdonald's and you slam this car into a tree because you're a drunk and in the mcdonald's drive-through some crazy maniac came up with a hammer and started hitting the car well what would i get for telling your father this uh you get to keep your job but wouldn't i lose my job when your father found out what i did to his car no he's just gonna give you a spanking like he always does so come inside we're gonna call my dad all right chives call my dad do i absolutely have to sir do it very well it's ringing nothing can ruin this day hold on rafiki was i doing it no actually not hard enough but my butler chives is calling and he knows that it's massage day so it must be an emergency hold on what do you want chives you know it's massage day well sir it seems due to unforeseen circumstances there may have been a small issue with something spit it out chives you're interrupting my massage something happened to your car what what's your chives the bmw oh no no anything but that not my big mexican woman car what happened chives what happened to it uh um ow my eye yes what happened to my car chives it's not that hard of a question don't you text me donkey mouth anyway chives if you don't tell me what happened to my car i'm gonna stick my fingers in this candle oh well sir i what i'm a stupid smelly drunk i grabbed richard and put him in the bmw and ran into a tree then we went to mcdonald's and a crazy man hit it with the hammer you what that is it chives i can't believe this i'm sticking my hand in this candle please don't sir that hurts so good guys i'm coming to you right now so you can kiss my booboo no ew donkey mouth did he believe it i don't know dang it chives you didn't sound believable ow my eye who's at the door go check and see if it's my dad okay yeah your dad's here what do we do go answer the door and try to stall see if he notices the dent okay uh hello where are they well they're upstairs but we want to look at the car real quick i'll ask you something all right so richard doesn't want me to show you where the den is he wants to see if you can see it with your own eyes so on the count of three i want you to point out the damage one two three right here all of this all of this oh and don't forget down here too what we didn't even notice that yeah well good thing i got lasik twice oh well okay come inside now all right here they are all right chives now is everything that you told me on the phone true now think about it chives because if you lie to me then i'm going to pack you up in a little crate and ship you to madagascar where you're going to be dancing with little lemurs to the song i like to move it move it now tell me chives do you like to move it move it no sir so what happened i i i uh oh no i'm having a heart attack don't you pull that fake heart attack crap with me chives you tried doing that last week so what happened dad everything he told you is true okay and you're gonna stick with that yep now let me tell you i do have a dash cam it's a little camera on the windshield that records everything so does anyone want to change their story uh i think you're telling the truth okay junior all right dad listen this is what happened so i was sitting in my room grounded like you told me i was and chives came in with the bmw key and he threw it at me and said hey you should go joyriding while your dad's getting a massage and i was like but i'm grounded but chives insisted dad so i was driving along and i hit a tree and then i brought it straight back to junior's house to try to fix it so i wouldn't get in trouble for what chives told me to do and that's when that's when this crazy guy came and hit the car with a hammer and you'll see that on your dash cam i thought he'd actually tell the truth that is it charged get ready for your spankings i get the paddle sir actually i think i'm gonna use my lucky tennis racket very good sir but charles you didn't do anything that's okay this is just my life no i'm not gonna sit back and let this happen mr goodman sir richard's lying what are you doing junior i'm telling the truth for you so so chives didn't do anything so charlie should give me spankings richard lied and richard deserves the spankings richard is this true oh yeah dad i can't believe you richard chives get the powder very good sir i'm gonna teach your little hiney a lesson [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 17,038,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, richard, mistake, richards mistake, junior, friends, cody, chef, puppet, show, hilarious, laugh, joke, comedy, skit, entertainment, butler, bmw, crash, bmw i8, wreck, accident, mr goodman, goodman
Id: wt4Z9Isub5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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