SML Parody: Jeffy's Smiling Critters!

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[Music] oh my God there's way too many freaking commercials on TV I can't take it Marvin just be quiet [Applause] [Music] I smiling Critters what the freak is this like the new Pokémon I don't know but the purple one's really cute let's get him for Jeffy no then he's going to want to collect them all well he did get a D in history oh my God he got a d inste f for the the first time ever yeah and these get degrees let's go hey guys did you know that elephants have balls they're just inside their bodies why the hell did we need to know this Jeffy dude this is not a fact I needed to know oh come on you didn't want to know your daily testical fact Jeffy we got a gift for you come over here and get it oh sweet a gift hold on I'll be right back back guys oh bring out the gift when you get it dude I hope it doesn't have anything to do with ball hey guys I'm here for the special gift here you go Jeffy oh my God wait what is it it's a catnap a he's so cute daddy a I know you like him it's a brand new plush can I hold him yeah it's all yours wow oh he's so cute and he's fluffy thank you Daddy I appreciate it yeah you're welcome Jeffy all right I'm going to show this to Junior and Joseph by guys oh my God he's actually a prison of a cheap gift yeah honey it's not the size that matters really all right guys Feast your eyes on catnap he's kind of terrifying dude dude why does he have no eyes why does he have no mouth it's just a gaping hole in the hell I know it gives me bad vibes guys you're just giving him too much crap he's really cute look at him I would rather go all the way on the other side of the room than be near this thing for any longer yeah dude do you want to go play fortnite yeah let's go play fortnite you have fun with this demon Jeffy bye yeah jeez you guys are so mean to him for no reason all right cat Naf we're going to do everything together come on let's go buddy I did a catnap I poop on the toilet well it didn't make it in the toilet but I did it all right come on let's go let's go hey dadd hey Dad hey D hey DD hey dadd hey dadd Johny stop I'm fine whatever you're no fun come on catnap let's go going to make me regret buying him that all right catnap now we're going to be going to bed you're so awesome I had a great time hanging out with you today all right catnap sleep tight all right let me tuck you in real quick all right good night buddy hey guys you ready to hang out dude dude you look so what with you so funny why are you guys laughing at me why am I in a dress oh my God why am I the dress stupid the I'm the jeez that was a really scary nightmare thank you catnap for being here I love you I'm really tired but I don't want to go back to bed right now I guess we're just going to have to go on with our day come on cnap let's go hey guys I had a really nasty nightmare last night it was really scary oh no I'm sorry baby you had a nasty nightmare yeah it was really scary Danny what was nasty about it well I was surrounded by all my friends yeah and they were making fun of me yeah for wearing a dress what oh oh no I'm sorry honey it's okay I was really scared but catnap here kept me shave so thank you guys for buying him for me uh yeah sure it was her idea well I didn't really get any good sleep last night I'm really tired well why don't you go to bed early tonight to try to make up for it I could probably do that I'm going to hang out with Junior and Joseph for a while I'll see you guys later ow freaking tail Marvin I'm so glad we bought him that plushy yeah I guess it makes him feel more safe during his nightmare mhm all right Jo you got to give your bestest friend in the world $3 dude why the hell are we playing cocoa Monopoly well it's the only Monopoly I have okay well look at it for twoy old well I'm sorry but whose turn is it Anyway I thought it was jeffy's yeah Jeffy take your turn Jeffy Jeffy oh hey hey guys I'm sorry I I can't really focus on the game right now what's up I had really terrible sleep last night I don't even know what's going on anymore well dude we need you to stay focused on the game right now honestly dude if we can't play this cuz of Jeffy I don't care I'd rather not play Monopoly junor well then what would you want to play then dude how about some Mario Kart anything else all right fine you want to play Mario Kart Jeffy no I don't even think I can focus on that all right Joseph let's go play Mario Kart let's go dude whatever katab I'm not feeling good I think we're going to go to sleep all right I'm going to go take a poop and then we're going to go sleep all right I'll be right back oh no no no I don't want to fall asleep on the toilet again I better get to bed all right catnap we're going to go back to bed now we had a really nasty nightmare last night but we'll have a better dream tonight right catnap oh yeah we're going to have a great night oh I'm glad to hear that all right time to go to bed good night catnap oh man where am I it seems like a storage unit place I don't want to be here let me get out of here all right I should easily be able to find my way out of this place oh man it's kind of creepy in here with nobody here oh well okay perfect and is this a dead end oh there's a lock on it crap oh man it's locked I guess I'm going to have to go another way uh what is that thing uh hello are you you friendly oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get away from me get away from me no no no no no no no no my leg no oh no please please don't hurt me no no no no no no please don't hurt me please don't hurt me no I think he's leaving I think he's leaving no no please please no no no no please please no oh man catnap I had another really bad nightmare but you're here with me right yeah I love you catnap and I'm really tired but we need to get on with our day let's go catnap hey guys good morning I hope you guys are having a good morning today oh my God honey what happened to you Jeffy you were supposed to get to sleep but it just looks like you gooned the night away no not last night Daddy not this time I had a nightmare and it was worse than the first one what could it have been well I was in a storage unit place and I was trying to run away to find the exit I kept running and running and running and there was no exit I kept going and then I fell and some guy killed me that's terrifying honey Jeffy that's actually super scary this time yeah it is but I cat not here to keep me safe well that's good yeah I'm so glad that I have him yeah Jeffy yeah you know what Jeffy there's this little favor I was wondering about you know just a trash in the kitchen if you could take that out real fast no Daddy I will never take out the trash you are the laziest sack of potatoes I've ever seen in my entire life having your kid Do Your Dirty work for you you are the worst father of all time and don't get me started with you mommy you suck and I mean that literally considering I saw you stucking off G in his car last night don't think I didn't see it I saw it with l two eyes so you know what I'm not going to be taking out of your trash I'm going to be hanging out with Junior and Joseph goodbye what is he talking about honey he's really sleep deprived don't listen to him oh I guess he is sleep deprived okay that explains it later that same evening all right catnap third time to charm right all right good night buddy all right good night who what's happening why could I barely move no what are you doing here hey je it's hugy Wy I know it's Hy Wy go away what I thought we were best friends we're not friends no no no no we're not friends oh and I have to kill no please no no no no let me go I don't think I could do this anymore cat na I'm having too many scary nightmares I don't know what to do buddy let I think I just I'm just going to have to get up you know and just not be tired where am I I'm in the woods it's B black out here how am I going to get out of here I better get looking oh jeez it's so creepy out here how am I ever going to find a way out oh man I don't want to it out here one bit oh jeez I don't know what to do shabii shabibi is that shipi what happened to you oh my God shipi that's creepy so creepy what happened to you CH be wait k is that you and your buddies did you come here to help me save jeffp [Music] can look now I'm too scared but let's let's go buddy let's go jeffy's been in bed for 2 days we should go check on him no what if he's actually getting good sleep for once I don't want to interrupt that honey for 48 hours of sleep is not normal well you don't sleep at all you need that okay well I hope he's doing all right yeah me too guys good morning oh my God what's happened Jeffy don't tell me you haven't got any sleep not all day I've been having more nightmares CH has been 2 days thought getting sleep well I had this really crazy nightmare about Chef peee dead in the woods catnap was there he was near she peipe with all his little friends Marvin if he keeps having these nightmares we're going to have to take him to the hospital yeah I almost agree he needs a brain scan or something no one should be having this many nightmares well you know what I'm going to go get some food and then go back to bed to bed Jeffy I don't think you need to go to bed anymore it's obviously not working I need to go to bed Jeff you have to try something new no no more bed no more bed for you oh my God I think you're right if he's not good after today we take it some kn Hospital okay honey okay if he comes back like that we're going okay you know what I'm too tired to eat I'm just going to go to bed oh man I'm so tired but it's time to get tortured again good night cat oh wait I love them downstairs I should probably go get oh my God there's a cliff oh no I going to get pushed off something about going to happen something bad's going to happen hey dude wait what yo Jeffy come over here we're doing Leaf boats yeah dud a CH was much dis oh yeah there it goes it's it's it's sank but you should come over here Jeffy uh yeah sure I'm coming right over those looks like fun guys yeah yeah watch this one all right let's see it oh it's going it's going it's going oh my god oh I got stuck we should totally do more guys yeah let's do it let's go of [Laughter] [Music] leaves oh it's morning time wait I actually got some sleep this is crazy but wait I didn't have catnapp wait a second the one night I had a good dream catnap wasn't there and he was in my last nightmare I think it's catnaps fault he's the one giving me nightmares you know what catap I'm going to get you you're going to learn your lesson catnap all right catnap I got this taser right here catnap you're going to cat [Music] die well that's kind of gruesome I probably shouldn't have done that oh well I really hope Jeffy slept well last night all I can say is you better have 911 on speed dial hey guys oh oh sorry he's good he's good he's good oh my god oh he's actually good yeah yeah I'm fine I'm a little tired but overall I'm better thank freak oh Jeffy was worried about you buddy yeah I'm okay now but I know what was giving me those nightmares wait what was it what catnap no not the plushy Jeffy what are you talking about well every night that I had him sleeping next to me on my bed I was having the nightmares but as soon as I left them in the kitchen last night I had a good dream it was just me Junior and Joseph making Leaf boats in a creek oh my gosh Jeffy that's a crazy coincidence but I'm not convinced that plushy caused those nightmares well I was convinced so I burned him oh my God you burned him yeah Jeffy I paid $12 for that plusy I went out I drove to the store how could you do this I'm sorry Jeffy your grounded for 2 weeks well anything's better than having those [Music] nightmares no no no no no you I know
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 568,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, jeffy's smiling critters, sml parody: jeffy's smiling critters, poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime smiling critters, smiling critters
Id: rocdF-hMRQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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